
First risk in insurance. Insurance of the first and second risk. The convenience of this type of property insurance stored in stock

Insurance in the first risk is one of the species legally executed and enshrined by the treaties of the parties to the parties to protect property and other interests of enterprises, firms and private (physical) persons in the event of insurance claims (events marked in the contract, as a result of which the insured has suffered damage). Adjust insurance relations FZ of the Russian Federation 4015-1 (changes and additions are made and operate from 01. 09. 2014).

To protect property (and other insurance objects), receiving guaranteed money In the case of loss or damage, the insured (owner of property and other objects) appeals to the insurer (insurance company) and concludes an insurance contract. This is one way to provide economic security, Create a reserve in case of damages and provide possible financial losses.

Insurance contract

In the insurance transaction concluded under the Agreement, two parties are involved: the insurer (one of the insurance companies) and the insured (legal, or individualthat signed an insurance contract). The contract participants pursue a single goal: obtaining benefits from insurance relations:

  • Insurer - Profit (from contributions and payments to the policyholder)
  • The policyholder is coverage of possible (insuranceive) losses in the form of insurance remuneration from the insurer.

The insurance scheme may be trilateral - when the beneficiary can be a third party. For example, the implementation of insurance of their employees by the employer (from an accident). Here the employer insures himself from paying a family of an employee (if an accident occurs), and the employee acts as a beneficiary.

Insurance on the first risk system - features

The use of this scheme is possible in cases where it is difficult to determine the full insurance value of the property (objects), or the intended expenses are insured, for example:

  • On disassembly and layer of destroyed buildings and structures
  • Incurred by extinguishing fires
  • When moving, when protected objects
  • To restore the documentation (accounting, technical and other)
  • Securities, cash
  • Incurred costs as a result of theft or robbery
  • Personal property (things), motor vehicles of employees and clients of the organization (enterprise)
  • And other like, expenses and costs.

Insurance at first risk - insurance provision, providing only to the payment that is defined in the contract (insurance amount) and without taking into account the relationships between the established amount of insurance and the insurance value (only within the established insurance sum).

Therefore, according to the contract:

  • first risk - loss and costs not exceeding insurance amount (and marked in the contract) - to be reimbursed by the insurer fully
  • the second risk - costs and losses established by the contract established by the contract (are not subject to insurance and coating).

By entering into insurance contracts, it is necessary to take into account the features of the insurance object and other mandatory parameters.

According to P.R. There is no need to evaluate the value of the total and preserved property (provided that the contract is concluded correctly and the amount does not exceed the real value of the property). It is enough to calculate the actual damage. Therefore, this system is used, as a rule, where the assessment of the entire property is associated with significant difficulties, its composition changes (household insurance.

Calculation of insurance compensation on property types of insurance

The insurer on their own, before the conclusion of the transaction, determines the techniques applied to them for calculating the amounts of compensation. The relevant provisions in the insurance rules are governed. The basis is accepted legislative acts (by mandatory species) and the rules adopted in this field of activity. With the principles and payments of insurance compensation, the policyholder agrees, putting a signature in the contract. Calculation of insurance compensation for the species that refer to the industry general insurancedepends largely on the size of the responsibility and the actual value of the object.

First risk insurance

In other words, the amount of payments for the period of action is limited by the amount of the coating. In the case of a non-aggregate coating, the insurance amount is one within each payment, that is, every payment is limited, and the number does not play them. Of course, the aggregate coating of damage will cost cheaper. As a rule, the contract is concluded for a certain period. In some cases, it is especially negotiated that the contract is valid until the first insurance case (I can be wrong, but it seems I have seen such a condition in the Casco Renaissance) about the limits of compensation: proportional damage to the damage This system of damage compensation is the most common.

Insurance in matters and answers

A very popular type of insurance in lately Insurance is first risk. This species Insurance provision is responsibility for losses, the total amount of which is within the limits of the limit in advance. That is, this system provides for the payment of insurance Sumy in the exact amount of damage caused, but not exceeding the insurance system. Damage that arises from the occurrence of an insured event can be classified into two groups: losses that are included in the sum insured and loss, this submission exceeding.

Insurance in Stupino

The loss arising from the insured event is to be divided into two parts: losses that do not exceed the sum insured and loss over the insurance amount.

Losses related to the first part (first risks) are completely compensated; Hence the name of this system. To determine the insurance compensation, with the first risk, there is no need to evaluate the cost of the total and preserved property (provided that the contract is concluded correctly and the insurance amount does not exceed the real value of the property).

Insurance payment first risk

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If during the term of crediting, the collateral property died or partially suffered, and the borrower cannot pay off the debt, the bank carries direct financial losses. Insurance allows you to get compensation payments For the deceased or damaged property on debt account. In addition, the insurance procedure provides for an independent verification protection property, the solvency of the borrower and the status quo of the company.

Insurance: examples of solving problems

It is determined whether the event occurred by the Insurance case is whether it is in exceptions from insurance cases: yes, since the Insurance Case under the OSAGO Agreement is an offensive civil responsibility Car owner as a result of harm to property, life or health of other persons when using the vehicle belonging to it. Here, we note that the law on CPEA does not consider civil liability to be an insured event arising from the causation of moral damage or the occurrence of the obligation to reimburse the missed benefits. Therefore, the commissioning of the contract and the treatment of Ivanov under the Treaty of OSAgo is not an insurance case. 3.

New Insurance Program - Rosgosstrakh Apartment

The head of the Kursk-Mass, the head of the Branch of RGS-Center LLC held on this occasion of the Kursk Mass, was told on the Press Conference. With insurance to live calm Statistics, it indicates that in 2005, 1183 fires were registered in the Kursk region, the material damage from which was more than 17 million rubles.

Subject:"Insurance systems."

The value, conditions and method of insurance compensation of the loss in property insurance Depend on the insurer's liability insurance system.

The insurance liability system necessitates the relationship between the insurance sum of the insured property and the actual loss, i.e. The degree of compensation for damage.

The following insurance systems obtained the greatest distribution:

1. Insurance on the system of valid value of property. Under this insurance system, the amount of insurance compensation is defined as the actual value of the property on the day of the contract. Insurance reimbursement is equal to the magnitude of the damage. Here is insured full interest.

Example:The cost of an insurance object 5 million rubles. As a result of the fire, property died, i.e. The loss of the insured amounted to 5 million rubles. The amount of insurance compensation will be 5 million rubles.

2. Insurance on a proportional responsibility system. This system means incomplete or partial insurance of the value of the object. When insuring on the system of proportional responsibility, the participation of the insured in the compensation of damage is manifested, i.e. The policyholder takes part of the risk on himself. The more compensation for damage at the risk of the insured, the less the degree of insurance compensation. In other words, partial interest is insured here. The degree of completeness of insurance compensation is the greater, the less the difference between the insurance sum and the assessment of the insurance object.

The amount of insurance compensation is calculated by the formula:

where sv - insurance compensation; Y - the actual amount of damage; CC - Insurance amount under the contract; CO - value assessment of the insured facility.

Example: Property worth 540 thousand rubles. Insured by the system of proportional responsibility. The insured amount is 280 thousand rubles. Due to the damage to the subject of damage to the policyholder amounted to 470 thousand rubles. Calculate the size of insurance compensation?

Decision: 280 * 470/540 \u003d 246.7 thousand rubles.

3. Insurance on the first risk system. With this system, the insurance amount is lower than the valid value of the property, and it is envisaged to pay insurance compensation in the amount of damage, but within the sum insured. All damage within the sum insured (first risk) is compensated completely, and the damage over the amount of the amount (the second risk) is not refundable.

Example:The object worth 120 thousand rubles. The first risk is insured. The insured amount is 50 thousand rubles. Damage to the insured as a result of damage to the facility - 74 thousand rubles. Determine the amount of insurance compensation. Decision: 50 thousand rubles

Example: Combine worth 890 thousand rubles. The first risk system is insured in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. Determine the amount of insurance compensation if the insured damage due to damage to the combine amounted to 380 thousand rubles. Decision:380 thousand rubles

4. Replacement cost insurance means that the insurance compensation for the object is equal to the price of the new property of the corresponding species. Welfare of property is not taken into account. Replacement cost insurance meets the principle of full insurance protection. In the Russian Federation does not apply.

5. Insurance on the system of fractional part. With this insurance system, two insurance amounts are established: an insured amount and a showing cost. For a squeezed value, the insured usually gets a risk coating expressed by a natural fraction or in percent. The responsibility of the insurer is limited by the size of the fractional part, so the insurance amount will be less than a showful value. Insurance reimbursement equals damage, but may not be above the insurance amount.

In the case when the case value is equal to the actual value of the object, the insurance for the fractional part system corresponds to the first risk insurance.

If the showing cost is less than the valid value, the insurance indemnity is calculated by the formula:

where sv - insurance compensation; Y - the actual amount of damage; N - showing cost; CO - value assessment of the insured facility.

Example:The cost of the insured property is shown in the amount of 4 million rubles, the actual value of 6 million rubles. As a result, the corners of the damage amounted to 5 million rubles. Determine insurance compensation. Decision:4 * 5/6 \u003d 3.3 million rubles

6. Insurance on the limit responsibility system indicates the presence of a certain limit of the amount of insurance compensation (most often 70-80% of damage). With this system of ensuring the value of the reimbursement of damage is defined as the difference between the predetermined limit and the achieved income level. If, as a result of the insured event, the level of income of the policyholder will be less set limitThe difference between the limit and actually received income is subject to compensation. Insurance on the limit responsibility system is commonly used in the insuring of major risks, income insurance and harvesting in agricultural.

Example: The average cost of carrot harvest in comparable prices was 320 thousand rubles. C! ha. Actual yield of 290 thousand rubles. Damage is reimbursed in the amount of 70%. Determine the amount of insurance compensation?

Decision: Damage \u003d 320-290 \u003d 30 thousand rubles; Fear. Reimbursement \u003d 30 * 0.7 \u003d 21 thousand rubles from 1g.

Example:Vintage barley is insured in the limit responsibility system based on the average for 5 years of yield 23 c with 1 hectare on the terms of the payment of insurance compensation in the amount of 70% of the damage obtained. Actual yield was 19t with 1 hectare. Calculate the damage of the insured and the amount of insurance compensation, if the sowing area is 200 hectares, and the procurement price of barley is 250 rubles. for 1 c.

Decision: Damage \u003d (23-19) * 200 * 250 \u003d 200000; Reimbursement \u003d 200000 * 0.7 \u003d 140 thousand rubles.

Example:The harvest of carrots is insured by the system of marginal responsibility based on the cost of the harvest of 20 thousand rubles. with 1 hectare. In fact, with 1 hectare gathered carrots by 15 thousand rubles. Square sowing 50 hectares. Damage is reimbursed in the amount of 75%. Calculate the amount of insurance compensation if the insurance indemnity is paid in the amount of 80% of the damage obtained.

Decision: Damage \u003d (20-15) * 50 \u003d 250 thousand rubles; Reimbursement \u003d 250 * 0.75 \u003d 187.5 thousand rubles.

The concept of the first risk insurance system

The first risk insurance system is developed for cases when the probability of maximum damage is reduced. It is convenient in situations when there is no possibility of determining the permanent period of the insurance policy of the insured subjects for the entire period.

Note 1.

In this regard, the first risk insurance is optimally for the property, which is located in several premises of the company, and the price of the remainder of which is constantly varied.

Initial insurance conditions on the first and second risk, basic definitions

The basic concepts with the first risk and the conditions for its insurance premises are reduced to the following items:

  1. The first risk in insurance is likely the values \u200b\u200bof harm (material), which must reimburse the insurer. A key requirement for this risk (what makes it possible to call it first) - its value that cannot exceed the amount of insurance, negotiated by the contract.
  2. The second risk is all the damage in the oversaic amount.
  3. Insurance amount can be installed at the level of property value or be lower.
  4. That before the subject to which the coverage is common, then we can spend about the insurance of goods at first risk, as well as insurance finished products, materials, raw materials or stocks.
  5. Insurance on the first risk is classical insurance, only with the reservation that when making an insuring case, its holder will affect the amount that does not exceed the insurance. Even if the losses on the fact are more.

The convenience of this type of property insurance stored in stock

Traditional problem of inventory insurance: there is no possibility at the stage of concluding insurance contract Predict what amount in the premises will be placed product (materials, raw materials). The insured in this case can:

  • based on the maximum, overpay for the insurance policy;
  • establish the amount of minimum meaning, having fallen payments;
  • insurance property on the payout system at first risk (providing for more likely maximum damage).

The second reason to give in this case the preference of the insurance policy from the first risk is potential losses. In the event of a fire risk, the departure of the equipment, the bay, the severity of incidents to destroy the absolute volume of stocks in the warehouse should be huge, more often than 5-15% of items, but are preserved (reduced probability of total damage).

Advantages of this type of insurance

Compared to the traditional technique, the first risk insurance system is more profitable:

  • First, the entrepreneur independently establishes the magnitude of a possible loss: the binding to the property value takes place, but it is not the main one. When covering property in a warehouse, this is important, since its balance is not sustainable.
  • Secondly, this is an easy way to assess the losses that are possible. The entrepreneur has no need to make a monthly inventory, confirming the existence of residues in a particular amount, to provide information on the results of the year in the insurance company.
  • Third, insurer this program It is interesting to the fact that after paying the maximum amount, it can close the transaction. The contract is considered to be completed, completes its work.

The magnitude of the potential compensation that the owner of raw materials or materials in the warehouse will receive, calculates the buyer of the policy independently. It is convenient, since it is better for an entrepreneur producing, for example, a stationery, no one can know what losses he will be able to bear if his warehouse will fade to the ground.

The system of property insurance at first risk has repeatedly justified its own effectiveness.

In this case, a part of the property that does not represent a special interest for criminals will be excluded from insurance coverage. Insurance compensation is distributed only to the "first", most attractive part of the property, or the first risk.

The amount of insurance is established below the common property value, based on the estimate of the damage to the maximum. Insurance at the first risk is used in two versions:

  • at the first risk of relative type;
  • at the first risk of absolute type.

When insurance at the first relative risk in insurance Policy It is indicated by the cumulative value of the entire insured property base, as well as the amount of insurance, which is equal to the maximum damage. At the occurrence of the insurance event, the amount of insurance determines the face of damages, provided that the cumulative real property value in this moment did not exceed the amount specified in the Policy. Otherwise, proportional insurance rules are used. Let us explain this on the example:

  • the price of the property base in the workshop \u003d 500;
  • the cost, which is declared in the Policy. - 500;
  • insurance amount \u003d 200;
  • damage \u003d 20.

Two options are possible:

  1. the total property value at the time of the insurance event may not exceed 500. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 20;
  2. cumulative value of the property base more sum, which is declared in the insurance policy, suppose it equals 600. In this situation, the principle of proportionality is valid: 500: 600 \u003d 80%. Damage compensation will be: 80% of 20, that is, 16.

When insuring at the first absolute risk, the guarantee covers the damage to the amount consistent and established by the parties, regardless of the aggregate real value Insured property. This type of insurance coverage costs somewhat more expensive than the first.

Note 2.

The application of this scheme is possible in cases where it is difficult to determine the absolute insurance property of objects, or the intended values \u200b\u200bof expenses are insured.

Classification of property insurance
Types of insurance Varieties of insurance Form of insurance System of insurance relationship
Property insurance
  1. Insurance of property of citizens.
  2. Property insurance legal entities.
  3. Fire insurance.
  4. Marine risk insurance.
Mandatory and voluntary Insurance; wrapping; Double insurance; reinsurance; self-insurance.
  1. Insurance of civil liability owners of motor vehicles;
  2. Air transport segs;
  3. Water transport segration;
  4. Railway transport;
  5. SGO organizations operating dangerous objects;
  6. SGO for causing harm due to disadvantages of goods, works, services;
  7. SGO for causing harm to third parties;
  8. SGO for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  9. Insurance of professional responsibility.
and financial risks
  1. Insurance losses on selling goods selling, performance of work, provision of services.
  2. Urgered insurance deposit deposits And money in bank accounts.
  3. Insurance of non-return of loans and interest for them by the borrower.
  4. Insurance of investments in other enterprises, their projects and securities.
  5. Insurance of business innovation.
  6. Insurance of losses from stopping production by independent circumstances.
  7. Insurance risk reduction sales.

General Property Insurance Principles

Essence of property insurance

Property insurance is a system of relations of the insured and the insurer to provide the last insurance service, when the protection of property interest is related to the possession, use or order of property. The economic purpose of property insurance is to reimburse the damage resulting from the insured event.

According to Civil Code The following property interests may be insured under the Treaty of Property Insurance:
  • the risk of loss (death), shortage or damage to certain property (Article 930);
  • risk of responsibility for obligations arising from causing harm to life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - risk of civil liability
    (Art. 931, 932);
  • the risk of entrepreneurial losses due to violation of their obligations to the counterparties of the entrepreneur or changes in the conditions of this activity on the circumstances independent of the entrepreneur, including the non-receipt of the expected income - entrepreneurial risk (Article 929).

Specific insured cases are negotiated in the insurance contract. The nature of the insurance risk is established by the Insured and Insurer Agreement.

Property insurance (comprehensively or separately) may be reimbursed:
  • the full cost of the damaged or lost as a result of the insurance case or the costs of restoring damaged property;
  • revenues (or part of them), which are not received by the insured due to damage or loss of property as a result of the insured event.

Insurance compensation is a partial compensation for a loss. Insurance compensation cannot exceed the amount of damage to the insured property of the insured or a third party, if the insurance contract is not provided for the payment of insurance indemnity in a certain amount.

The basis for the obligations of the Insurer's obligations to pay insurance compensation is the presence of certain economic and legal consequences of damage, death or disappearance of the property of the insured, that is, the presence of a loss.

Insurance amount - defined insurance contract or established by law money amountwhich is insured material values. Within the sum insured, the insurer is obliged to pay the payment upon the occurrence of the insured event. Extreme Size The sum insured is established by law: it cannot exceed the actual (insurance) value of property at the time of the contract. Insurance amount should not exceed the insurance value of the insurance object.

When insuring property, the insurance amount is determined and stipulated by the insurance contract.

If a insurance amount complies with insurance costThe property is considered to be insured completely and losses are reimbursed in full. If the insurance amount is less than insurance cost, then the insurance compensation is paid within the sum insured.

Insurance cost of real estate, manufacturing, technological and office equipment is defined as:
  • replacement cost, i.e. the amount required for the acquisition or manufacture of a new object of a similar type and quality;
  • actual (residual) cost, i.e. reducing cost less the cost of wear;
  • market value, i.e. selling object price.

The insurance value of goods, raw materials, materials, finished products is determined based on the amount necessary for their acquisition.

If a insurance amount above insurance cost, The insurer must immediately immediately reduce the insurance amount before the amount of insurance value with the corresponding proportional reduction in the insurance premium. By virtue of the law, the insurance contract is invalid in the part of the insurance amount, which exceeds the actual value of property at the time of the conclusion of the contract. At the same time paid unnecessary part of the insurance premium is not subject to return.

If it turns out that the overestimation of the sum insured is a consequence of deception by the insured, then the insurer has the right to demand recognition of the contract by invalid and compensation for damages caused to him in excess of the amount of the insurance premium they received.

Insurance compensation - The amount of payment from insurance Fund To cover damage in property insurance and in the insurance of civil liability of the insured for material damage to third parties. Insurance compensation may be equal to the insurance amount or less, based on the specific circumstances of the insured event and the conditions of the insurance contract.

The reason for the payment of insurance compensation is the conclusion of Adjaster on the fact and circumstances of the insured event.

Ajaster - A physical or legal person representing the interests of the insurance company in solving issues on the settlement of the stated claims of the Insured in connection with the insured event. Ajaster seeks to achieve an agreement with the insured about the amount of insurance indemnity to be paid, based on the obligations of the insurer made by the insurance contract concluded by it.

Adjaster duties to establish (in connection with the insured case):
  • has the place of the insured case;
  • involvement of the policyholder to the occurrence of the insured event;
  • the nature and size of damage;
  • causes and conditions for the occurrence of the insured event;
  • the presence or absence of circumstances caused by the claims or objections to the parties.

There are four ways to reimburse damage: money compensation, repair, replacement, restoration.

The Treaty Text usually provides the insurer the right to choose one or another form of compensation. Most often uses a cash form. "Natural" forms of damage compensation is beneficial to use in such types of insurance as the insure glass, cars, real estate.

To obtain insurance compensation, the client must declare his claim for an insurance occasion in set time and on the prescribed form. The insured event should be documented. For this, documents are needed from the competent authorities (the conclusion of Mrselfershadzor, Technudsor, the relevant emergency service, an expert opinion, the decision to initiate a criminal case, a decision or verdict of the court, etc.). The documents confirm the presence of an insured event, the causes of its occurrence and the guilty person. The obligation to provide documents is assigned to the insured.

When resolving damage, the insured must make sure that:
  • the claim refers to the time of insurance coverage;
  • the applicant's claim is a valid insurer;
  • the event is insured under the contract;
  • the insurer accepted all reasonable measures to reduce damage and in the insurance case there is no presentee;
  • made everything additional conditions contracts;
  • none of the exceptions of the insurance coverage, established by the Treaty, is not applicable to this Insurance case;
  • the cost attributed to the loss is plausible.

The basis for determining the amount of insurance compensation is the actual value of the insured property at the date of the occurrence of the insured event. The insurance amount for each insured object is compared with its valid cost, the principle of proportion is used in inconsistency.

Losses are reimbursed:
  • with the complete death or loss of all the insured property - in the amount equal to the actual value of the lost property on the day of the insured event, less the cost of the preserved balances suitable for use, but not higher than the insurance amount;
  • in case of damage to the insured property - in the amount of the cost of recovery (repair) in prices acting on the day of the occurrence of the insured event, within the sum insured.

The complete death of the property takes place if rehabilitation costs exceed the actual cost of the insurance object immediately before the onset of the insured event.

The costs of restoration and repair do not include the costs associated with the change, improvement, modernization or reconstruction of the insured facility, auxiliary or preventive repair, as well as other expenses not related to the insured event.

Double insurance - This is a variant of repeated insurance in several insurers of the same interest from the same risks when the overall insurance amount exceeds the insurance cost of the object. The total amount of insurance compensation cannot exceed the size of the loss incurred by the insured, regardless of the number of purchased policies. The concepts of repeated and dual insurance differ. Repeated, or additional, insurance takes place if the same interest is insured against the same hazard during the same period in several insurance companies and, at the same time, the general insurance amount on all contracts does not exceed the insurance cost of the object. Repeated insurance is not prohibited by law.

If the fact of double insurance has opened before the occurrence of an insured event, the total insurance amount under contracts should be aligned and not exceed the insurance value. At the same time, the integrator may require that the insurance amount of the contract, which was later concluded, was reduced with an appropriate decrease in the insurance premium. The above part of the insurance premium is not refundable.

If the fact of double insurance has opened after the occurrence of the insured event, insurance is insignificant in that part of the overall insurance amount, which exceeds the insurance value. Insurers are obliged to pay insurance indemnity to the insured, total amount which should not exceed the amount of damage. The amount of insurance compensation payable to each of the insurers is reduced in proportion to the decrease in the initial sum insured under the contract.

In the insurance rules, it is indicated that the insurer is obliged to inform the insurer of all insurance contracts concluded against the insured property with other insurance companies. In the insurance statement, the insured is responsible for this question.

This provision can be introduced into the text of the insurance contract. Additionally, it is indicated that when the fact of double insurance is detected insurance Company Released from the obligation to pay insurance compensation under this contract.

In the Russian Federation, in the presence of double insurance, insurers are responsible within the insurance cost of insured interest and each of them responds in proportion to the insurance sum under the insurance contract concluded.

Insurance responsibility systems

The value, conditions and method of insurance compensation loss in property insurance depend on the insurance liability system.

Insurance system responsibility Determines the relationship between the insurance sum of the insured property and the actual loss, i.e. the degree of compensation for the damage.

Apply the following insurance liability systems:

  1. valid value system;
  2. system of proportional responsibility;
  3. first risk system;
  4. fractional part system;
  5. replacement system;
  6. the system of marginal responsibility.

1. Ply insurance at the actual value of property The amount of insurance compensation is defined as the actual value of property on the day of the contract.

Insurance reimbursement is equal to the magnitude of the damage. Here is insured full interest.

Example. The cost of the insurance object is 5 million rubles. As a result of the fire, property died, i.e., the loss of the insured was 5 million rubles. The amount of insurance compensation also amounted to 5 million rubles.

2. Insurance on the system of proportional responsibility Indicates incomplete insurance of the value of the object.

The magnitude of insurance compensation on this system is determined by the formula

  • Sv - the magnitude of insurance compensation, rub.;
  • CC - Insurance amount under the contract, rub.;
  • CO - value assessment of the insurance object, rub.

Example. The cost of the insurance object is 10 million rubles, the Insurance amount is 5 million rubles. The loss of the insured as a result of the facility damage - 4 million rubles. The magnitude of the insurance indemnity will be: 5 * 4/10 \u003d 2 million rubles.

When insuring the system of proportional responsibility, the insured is manifested in damages, i.e. the policyholder takes part of the risk of himself. The more compensation for damage at the risk of the insured, the less the degree of insurance compensation. In other words, partial interest is insured here.

3. First risk insurance It provides for the payment of insurance indemnity in the amount of damage, but within the sum insured. According to this system, all damage within the sum insured (first risk) is compensated completely.

Damage in excess of the insurance amount (second risk) is not refundable.

Example. The car is insured against the first risk system in the amount of 50 million rubles. The damage caused by the car as a result of the accident amounted to 30 million rubles. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 30 million rubles.

Example. The property is insured on the first risk system in the amount of 40 million rubles. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount
40 million rubles.

4. Ply fractional Insurance Two insurance amounts are installed:

  • insurance amount;
  • showing cost.

For a squeezed value, the insured usually gets a risk coating expressed by a natural fraction or in percent. The responsibility of the insurer is limited to the size of the fractional part, so the insurance amount will be less than the showful value. Insurance reimbursement equals damage, but may not be above the insurance amount.

In the case when the case value is equal to the actual value of the object, the insurance for the fractional part system corresponds to the first risk insurance.

If the showing cost is less than valid cost, insurance indemnity is calculated by the formula

  • Sv - insurance compensation, rub.;
  • P - showing cost, rub.;
  • Y - the actual amount of damage, rub.;
  • CO - value assessment of the insurance object, rub.

Example. The cost of the insured property is shown in the amount of 4 million rubles, the actual value - 6 million rubles. As a result, the corners of the damage amounted to 5 million rubles. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 3.3 million rubles.

5. Replacement cost insurance means that the insurance compensation for the object is equal to the price of the new property of the corresponding species. Welfare of property is not taken into account.

Replacement cost insurance meets the principle of completeness of insurance protection.

6. Insurance on the limit liability system Indicates the presence of a certain amount of the amount of insurance compensation. With this system of ensuring the value of the reimbursement of damage is defined as the difference between the predetermined limit and the achieved income level. Insurance on the limit responsibility system is commonly used in major risk insurance, as well as in income insuring. If, as a result of the insured event, the income level of the insured will be less than the established limit, then the difference between the limit and actually received income is subject to reimbursement.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from "On state regulation Insurance in the field of agro-industrial production "of November 27, 1998 No. 1399 found that:
  • crop agreements for farm crops are concluded for a period of at least 5 years;
  • insurance costs are determined annually based on the sowing areas, the yields that have established for the previous 5 years, and the projected market prices of crops for the relevant year, and the insurance amount is in the amount of 70% of the insured value;
  • the fares for insurance premiums for insurance of crops are established for 5 years, taking into account the existing oscillations of the yield of crops by year, depending on weather and other natural conditions;
  • amounts of excess of insurance premiums over the sum of insurance compensation on the requested state support Insurance of crops (taking into account the costs of insurance business) remain completely at the disposal of insurers and are used only for the payment of insurance compensation to agricultural producers in subsequent years, if the payment of the current year is not enough.

When harvesting damages is considered that loss of it in the amount of 30% (i.e., excess of 70%) are not associated with an insured event, but are a violation by the insured technology of production.

Example. The average cost of carrot harvest in comparable prices was 320 thousand rubles. with 1 hectare. Actual yield - 290 thousand rubles. Damage is reimbursed in the amount of 70%. Calculate the damage from the harvest: 320 - 290 \u003d 30 thousand rubles. Hence the amount of insurance indemnity is 21 thousand rubles. with 1 hectare.

In the insurance contract, various reservations and conditions that are called clause (Lat. Clausula - conclusion). One of them is.

Insurance of property of citizens

Insurance conditions are combined in one field risks of fire, theft, natural disasters, accidents, water penetration from other premises, intentional unlawful actions of third parties and others leading to death or partial loss of property. For such insurance contracts, standard exclusions from insurance coverage are valid for all types of property insurance.

Insurance rates are calculated for each risk separately, then the overall tariff rate is displayed in relation to the conditions "from all risks", operating during the term of the contract.

Highlight three groups of insurance objectswhich are divided by the property of citizens: buildings; Apartments belonging to citizens on the right private property; household property. Insured by the owners of houses, apartments and auxiliary buildings, responsible tenants, tenants and tenants residential premises.

The insurance cost of the structure is determined on the basis of its replacement value in current prices Given the value of wear. Cost privatized apartment calculated at full reducing cost, calculated on the basis of its common Square and established in this region of average cost square meter Square.

Home property in insurance is subject to home furnishings, consideration and consumption, intended for use in a personal economy in order to meet household and cultural needs, as well as elements of decoration and equipment of apartments.

There are two options for this type of insurance:

  • according to a special agreement Insurance is accepted: valuable and expensive property; Collections, paintings, antiques; Spare parts, parts and accessories for vehicles;
  • according to the general agreementIn which all types of domestic property are insured, except that it is issued by a special contract, as well as elements of finishing and equipment of housing.

Insurance amounts are established on the basis of the actual value of the property at the time of the conclusion of the contract as a result of the agreement between the parties.

Features of the insurance contract:
  • the contract necessarily indicates the address or territory on which the object is considered insured;
  • the residential insurance contracts are concluded for one year, homemade property may be insured for a period of one month to three years;
  • the insurance amount in the course of the insurance contract may be adjusted at the request of the insured taking into account the level of inflation (an increase in the sum insured or the definition of the sum insured in the dollar assessment, subject to the payment of compensation in the ruble equivalent);
  • insureders are offered a system of discounts and benefits that can be combined into three main groups: discounts for break-even insurance, benefits for continuous insurance, discounts of certain categories of customers (pensioners, disabled, etc.) (Appendix 1).

Insurance of property of legal entities

Property insurance of legal entities shared by types of business entities: industrial and agricultural enterprises. Insurance is subject to:
  • buildings, structures, objects of unfinished capital construction, vehicles, machinery, equipment, inventory, commodity values \u200b\u200band other property belonging to enterprises and organizations (the main insurance contract);
  • property adopted by the Commission, storage, for processing, repair, transportation, etc. (additional insurance contract);
  • agricultural animals, furny beasts, rabbits, poultry and family bees;
  • crop crops (except natural hayfields).

The main contract applies to property belonging to the insured (except animal and crops). According to an additional agreement, property adopted by the insured from other organizations and the population and the statement on insurance is subject to insurance.

An additional insurance contract can only be concluded in the presence of the main contract, therefore is called additional. The term of its action does not exceed the term of the main one.

Business wood, firewood on the forest-shops and during alloy, marine and fishing vessels during the route, documents, drawings, cash and securities are not subject to insurance.

The property insurance contract belonging to the enterprise can be concluded by its full value or by a certain share (percent) of this cost, but not less than 50% balance value Property.

The structure of building insurance is at cost not lower than the balance of debt on issued loans for their erection.

Use the following estimates of the value of the property:
  • balance value, but not higher than the replacement value on the day of his death (for assessing fixed assets);
  • the actual cost of secondary market, holiday prices and prices own production (for evaluating current funds);
  • according to the actual costs of material and labor resources By the time of the insured event (to evaluate incomplete construction); At the cost specified in the documents on the reception of property (to evaluate the property adopted from other organizations and the population to the commission, storage, for processing, repair, transportation, etc.).

Property insurance is carried out in case of death or damage as a result of a fire, a lightning strike, explosion, flooding, earthquake, soil drawdowns, storms, hurricane, shower, harassment, collapse, landslide, the actions of the subsoil waters, villages and accidents, including transport facilities, Heating, plumbing and sewage systems, as well as unlawful actions of third parties.

In the insurance of property of enterprises rates differentiated by industry affiliation of insurers. Reduced rates From 0.10 to 0.15%, it is applied if the company insures all its property, but if only part of the property is insured (selective insurance), then payments rates are significantly increased. Insurance of property from stealing with burglary (robbery) and vehicles from the hijacking is made at a special rate. Self high rates Payments are provided for insurance of machines, equipment and other property for the time of experimental or research.

For enterprises that insured property at full cost for 3-5 years or more years and did not receive insurance compensation, insurance premiums Reduce by applying in the amount corresponding to the duration of the break-even period. Discounts spread to property that meets the requirements fire safetyoutlined in regulatory and regulatory documents.

When insurance insurance for up to 9 months, payments are calculated for each month in the amount of 10% of the annual rate, and during insurance for 10-11 months - in the amount of the annual bet.

Insurance compensation is paid for all the deceased or damaged property, including for the property received to the insured during the contract period, regardless of the location of the property during death or damage. With death or damage to the insured property during the transport, insurance compensation is paid in the case when the shipment or contract of transportation is not the responsibility of the carrier for the death or damage to the cargo.

Insurance compensation is paid for property adopted from other organizations and the population, in the case of death and damage it only in places (stores, warehouses, workshops, etc.), indicated in the insurance statement, as well as during the transport of this property, The exception of those cases when the carrier is responsible.

The insured reimburse the costs associated with the rescue of property, to prevent and reduce damage in the event of a natural disaster or accident (relocation of property in a safe place, pumping water, etc.), as well as to bring the insured property by order after a natural disaster (cleaning, Sort, dryer, etc.).

Agricultural enterprise may insure:
  • buildings, facilities, transmission devices, power, workers and other machines, vehicles, equipment, fishing vessels, fishing guns, inventory, products, raw materials, materials, perennial plantings;
  • farm animals, poultry, rabbits, fur animals and family bees;
  • crop crops (except for hazards of hayflows).

Insurance cases of the main and current agricultural funds are: death or damage resulting in floods, storms, hurricane, shower, harassment, collapse, landslide, the actions of the rod waters, the village, the impact of lightning, earthquake, drawdown, fire, explosion and accidents, and perennials Sandings - in case of their death as a result of the disasters listed above, as well as droughts, frost, diseases and pests of plants. As well as a sudden threat to property, as a result, it is necessary to disassemble it and move to a new place. For fishing, transport and other ships and fishing instruments, in operation, there are deaths or their damage as a result of storms, hurricane, storm, fog, flood, fire, lightning, explosion, explosion, ice damage, and loss Low or landing ships due to natural disasters.

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