
For deposits. Reliable banks with high interest on deposits. Interest rates on deposits

It is formed on the basis of the total amount of incoming funds. If you are looking for financial institution with high rates, thanks to the ranking, you can choose the right one. Based on the information provided, you will be able to choose the best offers for profitability and interest rates.

Features of the formation of the rating of Russian banks on deposits

Russia on deposits is formed according to the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The analysis also takes place on other indicators:

  • Positions in the ranking compiled by independent agencies.
  • The opinion of customers who have already made transactions in this bank.
  • Positions in the ranking compiled by ordinary people.

For the Central Bank of Russia, the main indicator is the size equity institutions. The more funds, the less likely it will be declared insolvent.

Rating of banks in Russia by deposits of individuals in 2020

In 2020, the top best Russian banks in terms of deposits have not changed much. The higher the place in the list, the more confidence in this financial institution. Usually, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes an official list that inspires the most confidence among people by:

  • interest rates,
  • creditworthiness.

The top best banks may vary depending on different indicators. Therefore, we regularly update information, offering customers only profitable offers.

The rating of banks as of today is formed according to the reporting provided by financial institutions. All companies included in the list are presented in our summary rating. Additionally, reliability can be assessed not only by bank deposits, but also by other indicators.

If we consider ranking by interest rates, the list may be different. When choosing, pay attention to the rating by full cost deposits. It includes surcharges, bonuses and other gifts for depositors.

All banks are interested in attracting as much as possible to their accounts. Money contributors. To this end, there is a wide range of deposits. High interest is not always accompanied by the convenience of account management. Before choosing a banking program, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider further possibilities for using the deposit.

In this article:

Choosing the right investment

With all the differences, deposits can be conditionally divided into three groups, depending on the possibilities of managing accounts: income-generating (without the possibility of replenishing and withdrawing money), replenished and with the possibility of using funds.

Choose the most high percent easy, but what if you urgently need money? Here come to the rescue savings programs with the right of partial/full withdrawal of money. Having cashed out some part of the funds, the client does not close the deposit, and in some cases does not even lose interest.

In the presence of free funds, income can be increased by increasing the amount of the deposit, thanks to the right to replenish it. A standard "profitable" banking product, as a rule, does not include such an opportunity. Its functions are to capitalize interest from month to month until the end of the contract term without the ability to manage and use the funds ahead of schedule. Standard deposits have the highest yield, depending on the amount of the deposit and the investment period.

The conditions for making deposits in various banks are relatively equal:

  • You need to select a specific offer.
  • Deposit an amount not lower than the indicated minimum.
  • Present an identity document.

Below are the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks, depending on their capabilities.

Income deposits

  • Bank of Moscow "Correct Answer"

Interest rates up to 11% in rubles.

Deposit - from 100 thousand rubles.

  • BinBank

Annual interest up to 10.75% in rubles, 3% in US dollars, up to 2.45% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "My Benefit"

Interest rates up to 10.5% in rubles, 2.2% in US dollars, up to 1.15% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Alfa Bank

Interest rates up to 10.29% in rubles, 2.59% in US dollars, up to 1.12% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • UniCredit Bank

Interest rates up to 9.5% in rubles, 3.5% in US dollars, up to 1.5% in euros. Opening - from 100 thousand rubles, 1500 $ and 1500 €.

  • VTB 24 Profitable

Interest rates up to 9.2% in rubles, 1.95% in US dollars, up to 0.8% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

Deposit calculator

Deposit amount

Interest rate (%)

Deposit term (month)

monthly interest

Reinvested withdrawn

  • Gazprombank "Perspective"

Interest rates up to 9% in rubles, 1.5% in US dollars, up to 1% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

Replenished deposits

  • Bank Trust "Accumulative"

Annual rate up to 10.65% in rubles, 2.45 in US dollars, up to 1.7% in euros. Opening - from 30 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • PromSvyaz Bank "Maximum Opportunities"

Interest rates up to 10% in rubles. Contribution - from 300 thousand rubles.

  • Gazprombank Accumulative

Annual rate up to 8.8% in rubles, 1.4 in US dollars, up to 0.9% in euros. Opening - from 15,000 rubles, $ 500 and 500 €.

  • VTB 24 Accumulative

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 1.85% in US dollars, up to 0.7% in euros. Opening - from 200 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Raiffeisen Bank Personal Choice

Interest rates up to 8% in rubles, 0.5% in US dollars, up to 0.01% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 3000 $ and 3000 €.

  • Sberbank "Replenish"

Interest rates up to 7.1% in rubles, 1.85 in US dollars, up to 0.91% in euros. Opening - from 1000 rubles, 100 $ and 100 €.

Deposits with early withdrawal

  • Bank Trust "All Inclusive" with the possibility of replenishment

Interest rates up to 10.4% in rubles, 2.35 in US dollars, up to 1.4% in euros. Opening - from 30,000 rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • Gazprombank. Product "Dynamic" has an additional possibility of replenishment of deposits.

Interest rates up to 8.7% in rubles, 0.95% in US dollars, up to 0.55% in euros. Opening - from 15 thousand rubles, 500 $ and 500 €.

  • Rosbank "Optimal"

Interest rates up to 7.6% in rubles, 1.1% in US dollars, up to 0.2% in euros. Opening - from 50 thousand rubles, 2000 $ and 2000 €.

  • UniCredit Bank. Deposit "Universal" allows you to top up your account.

Interest rates up to 7.5% in rubles, 0.25% in US dollars, up to 0.25% in euros. Opening - from 10 thousand rubles, 300 $ and 300 €.

  • Sberbank "Manage"

Interest rates up to 6.59% in rubles, 1.64 in US dollars, up to 0.35% in euros. Opening - from 30,000 rubles, $ 1,000 and € 1,000.

Only a few banks offer high-interest deposits in Moscow. Some make such an offer so that new customers appear, others - to maintain their positive reputation. Most huge contribution- . But this can only happen if a few conditions are met:

  • the account is opened immediately for the entire amount;
  • nothing can be done with the funds until the expiration of the contract;
  • the client belongs to the privileged category.

High interest rates are possible within . Get the maximum profit and when opening a foreign currency account.

Conditions for opening a high-interest deposit in Moscow

Citizens can open with a high percentage both at the place of registration and residence. To do this, you only need a passport. There are those who cooperate with young people from 14 years old. Suggestions for individuals differ:

  • minimum amounts.

Most high stakes on deposits in Moscow offer institutions that have high rates of their own assets, a good loan portfolio, which means they are stable.

On our website you will find deposits in banks with a high interest rate in 2020. For convenience, we offer a comparative table with up-to-date information and for calculating possible profits. The data is updated regularly, so our users receive up-to-date information. If necessary, you can choose the most convenient currency for calculations.

A deposit or the so-called "deposit" is the money that the client places in the bank to protect and increase his capital.

The higher interest rate bank deposit - the more potential income. In Moscow, the best interest rates on ruble and foreign currency deposits are often offered during periods of seasonal offers or other special bank promotions.

Bank deposits for individuals in Moscow differ in terms, currency and rate, there are also additional terms(the possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal without loss of interest, monthly payment of interest to the card and others).

Both small and larger reliable banks in Moscow in 2020 offer several additional features on term deposits and deposits with maximum and low interest rates for individuals:

  • partial withdrawal and replenishment funds on a deposit account gives the client the opportunity to use the money without breaking the contract with the bank;
  • capitalization- this is the monthly accrual of interest on the deposit account. That is, future interest is charged not only on the amount of the initial deposit, but also on the added interest;
  • automatic prolongation- automatic extension of the contract if the depositor does not withdraw the deposit at the end of the term.

To arrange the most best contribution in rubles or foreign currency favorable rate in a bank in Moscow, consider these three points.

Depending on the currency used, time deposits are divided into ruble, foreign currency (deposits in euros, dollars, British pounds and other currencies), multi-currency (deposit funds are divided into parts and invested in several currencies). In 2020, for individuals, the most profitable deposits in Moscow banks in terms of interest rate are currently offered in Russian rubles.

Investment in foreign currency- one of the popular methods of preserving and increasing your capital in the city of Moscow, even in times of crisis. Although the stakes currency deposits decreased significantly due to the instability of the exchange rate, you can get income with growth exchange rate to the ruble So you can get best income from a deposit in 2020.

Most Russian banks offer foreign currency deposits in dollars and euros; deposits in other currencies are rare. You can compare currency quotes on our website in the Exchange rates section. However, there are few offers of deposits at a good interest in these currencies, since the demand for them is low.

What kind of contribution to choose for a pensioner, student or middle-aged person? The form "Choice of deposit" will help you to choose an offer with the best rate and conditions. With its help, you can search for offers on deposits with a high percentage of profitability from reliable banks, or focus on the most profitable offers.

In 2020, today, among deposits in banks in Moscow, the most profitable high interest rate in rubles is at the deposit Deposit At the Top (with HOA) Gazprombank in Gazprombank (JSC) - 8.10% per annum. The minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles with interest paid at the end of the deposit term. According to our data, this is the best bank deposit from Moscow maximum bet in rubles.

When a person has free cash, a fair question arises: where to invest it in order to receive income? The easiest and safest way to receive income from the point of view of state protection of risks is deposits. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ratings of banks that have the highest deposit rates, depending on the conditions of deposit programs.

Please note that when compiling the lists, banks included in the TOP-50 credit institutions of the country were used to exclude offers from companies that may be in an unstable financial situation.

Standard deposits

Standard deposits are fixed-term deposits that do not have additional features - replenishment or partial withdrawal. As a rule, the rates on such deposits are the highest. top ten with the best deals looks like that:

Deposits with additional features

Even the highest percentage of deposits in banks with additional options is usually lower than that of standard programs, but this does not reduce the interest of consumers in them. Such deposit products are preferable to depositors due to the expanded access to money and the preservation of accrued interest.

Replenished deposits

TOP-10 banks issuing the most profitable deposits with the possibility of increasing the initial amount looks like this:

  1. RosEvro Bank - 8.5%. banking product bears the corresponding name "Replenish". It is possible to open an account for a period of 91 to 1095 days in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Monthly interest can be capitalized or used at your discretion. Replenish the deposit by at least 5 thousand rubles. available until the last 30 days of the validity of the contract.
  2. Tinkoff - 8.5%. The bank has two rates - 8.5% with the possibility of replenishing the deposit only in the first 30 days and 8% - with the availability of increasing the balance throughout the entire term of the contract. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. The size additional contributions not limited.
  3. TransCapital Bank - 8.5%. Another bank with a high interest rate on deposits is TKB. The deposit product "Super-long-term" is designed for 6000 days with the possibility of replenishing the account at any convenient time. Minimum limit for opening - 10 thousand rubles. Interest is paid every 400 days.
  4. Oriental Express Bank - 8.3%. Thanks to the Savings Book deposit, a bank client can receive a high income for 6-24 months. The contract is drawn up if there is at least 30 thousand rubles on the account. The amount of payments to increase the deposit must be more than 5 thousand rubles.
  5. The All Inclusive program assumes a minimum down payment of 30 thousand rubles. with the further possibility of replenishing the account for any amount. The deposit is opened for a period of 3 to 12 months.
  6. Globex - 8.25%. The "Optimal" product guarantees the multiplication of funds in the specified amount when they are placed for 367 days. The initial contribution must be more than 30 thousand rubles, and each additional payment must be more than 5 thousand rubles. Capitalization of interest is possible at the request of the client.
  7. AK Bars - 8.25%. A deposit account is opened for a period of 91 to 720 days. The minimum deposit amount is 1 million rubles. It is possible to replenish the account, but not more than four times the initial balance.
  8. BinBank - 8.2%. The contract is executed for 91 days with automatic prolongation on the same terms. Initial payment from 10 thousand rubles. There is capitalization of interest, as well as the possibility of replenishing the deposit for any amount.
  9. Moscow Regional Bank – 8%. A product with a similar rate is available at MosoblBank. The minimum initial investment is 300 thousand rubles. You can count on the stated rate when signing a contract for 367 days. Bank charges capitalized or transferred to the client's account. Replenishment of the account is possible in the first 183 days.
  10. Moscow Credit Bank – 7,75%. Registration with the offered rate is possible only through the online application. The initial amount of the deposit must be at least 1 thousand rubles. The tariff provides for monthly interest capitalization. Replenishment possible up to maximum limit- 10 million rubles.

Deposits with partial withdrawals

The highest rates on deposits in banks with the ability to withdraw part of the deposit amount (excluding accrued interest) are offered by several banks. Let's list them:

  1. Tinkoff - 8.5%. Universal deposit with replenishment and withdrawal of part of the money. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. possible after 60 days from the date of opening the account. Term from 3 months and more at the request of the client.
  2. Novikobank - 8.5%. Novikobank offers a program with fixed terms of 184 or 368 days. The initial deposit amount is from 30 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal is possible if the minimum balance is more than 1.4 million rubles. Interest is paid every 184 days.
  3. National Bank Trust - 8.25%. According to the All Inclusive tariff, you can not only replenish your account, but also partially withdraw money, subject to maintaining the minimum balance (similar to the initial minimum) - 30 thousand rubles. The terms are fixed - 91, 181 and 367 days.
  4. AK Bars - 8.25%. The bank has quite strict requirements regarding minimum size contribution - 1 million rubles. The term of the contract can be from 3 to 24 months. The savings account can be replenished, as well as part of the money can be withdrawn from it, keeping the initial minimum of 1 million rubles.
  5. Globex - 8.15%. The product "Universal Online" is available only through an application on the Internet. Money can be invested for 6, 12 and 24 months. Initial payment - 10 thousand rubles. It is allowed to withdraw money from the account, subject to saving minimum amount, individually indicated in the deposit agreement.
  6. Oriental Express Bank - 8.02%. The "Practical" product allows you to withdraw money without losing interest. Sum down payment- from 100 thousand rubles. Terms of registration - 181 and 731 days. After a partial withdrawal, the account must have a minimum balance of 100 thousand rubles.
  7. Absolut Bank - 8%. Absolut Bank offers special program for people of retirement age. The account is opened for at least 10 thousand rubles. lasting from 91 to 730 days. A one-time partial withdrawal of the amount for the entire period is possible, provided that the minimum deposit amount is maintained.
  8. Ugra - 7.89%. The banking program "Maximum" allows you to invest from 1.5 million rubles. for a period of 2 to 12 months. It is possible to replenish the deposit account, as well as to withdraw part of the money, saving the minimum balance. In addition to this program, Ugra Bank also offers Managed Interest, where the minimum initial deposit is 100 thousand rubles, and the duration of the funds placement is 720 days. Replenishment is possible during the first year, and withdrawals - starting from 91 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The first year the rate is 10%, the second - 5.5% per annum. Interest can be withdrawn at the end of each period.
  9. Promsvyazbank - 7.5%. The minimum deposit amount is 150 thousand rubles, which can be invested for 367 or 731 days. The deposit can be replenished or withdrawn from it, keeping the established initial limit. An automatic extension of the contract is possible.
  10. Credit Moscow Bank - 7.25%. The "Settlement" tariff is issued in the online banking system. The deposit is opened for at least 1000 rubles. You can replenish in the amount of no more than 20 thousand rubles. At partial withdrawal funds in the account must remain the initial amount.

Opening a deposit

When the most difficult process is behind - the contributor determined where more profitable contribution at interest, you can proceed directly to its opening. Most banks, along with registration at the branch, practice submitting online applications.

Often, for opening a deposit account online, a client can even receive a premium to the declared rate.

Of the documents you need only a passport. If the deposit is opened in favor of a third party, then it is necessary to provide his documents (certified copies) proving his identity. There are no requirements for the client as such, banks open deposits even in the name of minors.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state