
Sberbank investment at interest. How to put money for interest in Sberbank. Currency deposit in dollars in Sberbank

The secret of the bank's success is quite simple - it is reliability, stability and loyalty towards customers.


In addition to excellent reputation, the bank has the following advantages:

  • a wide selection of deposit programs, allowing you to choose the most acceptable and favorable conditions;
  • insurance of almost every contribution;
  • right to open a deposit in rubles or foreign currency;
  • loyalty and high rates for pensioners who, making a deposit, immediately receive the highest percentage;
  • the ability to calculate on the online calculator any amount for each of the proposed programs;
  • fast deposit registration in any branch of the bank, as well as an online registration, without leaving home;
  • when applying, you need to provide only a passport or any document replacing it;
  • each deposit program provides for the likelihood of early termination of the contract, allowing money at any time.

The interest rates are quite diverse and can vary from 0.01 to 10%. As interest rates accumulate also grow.

Deposits are an excellent available investment option, which gives the opportunity to "work" money, increase yourself without additional effort.

Deposit programs for individuals

Almost every year, Sberbank comes up with new interesting projects for individuals, but some of them have gained wide popularity and have been acting enough long time.

These deposits include:

  • "Keep";
  • "Replenish";
  • "Manage";
  • "Multiculous".

Please note: the highest income can be obtained from a large cash investment for a long time.

Also offered deposits "Social", "Happy year", "Give Life", "International", "Savings Account", "to demand". All of them have different requirements and are suitable for those or another.

Given the constant changes, it is better to know directly in the bank about the opportunity to use one of these investment options.


Interestrial indicators depend on the size of personal funds and the term of deposit.

Main conditions:

  • partially removed / replenished the account is prohibited;
  • permissible to use accrued interest, which are paid monthly;
  • capitalization option is possible;
  • at the end of the deposit period, the contract is automatically prolonged (extended) for the same period;

This option is great for pensioners who can get the highest annual rates from 5.15 to 8.75%.

It is useful to know: Capitalization is a monthly summation of accrued interest to the total amount of the contribution to increase income for the remaining time. For customers choosing capitalization, the Bank offers higher accruals.

"Pop up"

It is clear from the name that this program provides for the deposit account replenishment.

The percentage of money accrual also depends on the amount and date of investment.

Additional conditions:

  • the term is designed from three months to three years;
  • rate - from 5.10 to 8%;
  • the initial amount is 1000 rubles or 100 dollars / euro;
  • it is impossible to replenish, which is superior to the initial amount of 10 times;
  • remove money from the account is prohibited;
  • the contract provides for automatic prolongation;
  • there are conditions for early termination.

Please note: the contribution "Pop up" can be issued as a contribution to a child who will receive partial access to money from 14 years, and full of 18 years.


This is a program that gives great opportunities to manage your own account.

Customers can not only replenish the amount, but also partially shoot it.

Important data:

  • the investment period is calculated from three months to three years, with the contract provided for by automatic prolongation;
  • percentage - from 4.55 to 7.25%;
  • the possibility of registration of capitalization or monthly discontinuation of interest;
  • it is forbidden to make replenishment exceeding the initial amount of 10 times;
  • the amount for removal has certain limitations that should not disrupt the minimum amount of money of the unsigned residue;
  • there are conditions for early termination.


It gives the right to arrange a deposit in rubles, dollars and euros at the same time.

The starting amount can be only 5 units of each of the currencies.

Additional conditions:

  • quarterly accrual and payout percent or capitalization;
  • the percentage is from 0.01 to 5.50%;
  • deposit period - from year to two, with the automatic extension of the contract;
  • the right to replenish an account from 1000 rubles, 100 euros / dollars;
  • it is prohibited by partial removal of the main contribution;
  • there are conditions for early termination.

Specialist's remark: Persons interested in international currency deposits may also consider the "international" option.

It does not give great opportunities to manage money, but there is an opportunity to issue a deposit not only to the usual currency, as well as on pounds sterling, francs, yen.

Online registration

Deposits, decorated online, are widely popular.

This contributes to:

  • lack of queues;
  • time saving;
  • round-the-clock access to the deposit information;
  • to carry out operations, you do not need to make money in the bank.

But the main advantage is an increased interest rate. Without leaving home, you can place "save online", "replenish online", "Manage online".

Conditions for pensioners

Respecting older generation, the Bank gave special preferential conditions to pensioners.

If the pensioner wants to arrange a deposit "Keep", "replenish", "manage", then it will immediately receive the maximum interest rate regardless of the deposit amount.

There are also special pension programs, such as "pension plus", allowing to make a contribution from 1 ruble under 3.5% per annum, with all the possibilities for free fund management. The required document for registration is a pension certificate.

Savings certificate

This is another of the reliable ways to arrange a deposit, which is confirmed by the issuance of the security.

The main advantage of the certificate is its placement on the bearer, and not on some particular person.

The minimum amount is from 10,000 rubles, the bet is fixed, high. Pick up your money together with percents can only after the negotiable period.

Be careful: you need to protect the savings (deposit) certificate from thieves, which can freely cash bank account.

The disadvantages include the absence of an opportunity to extend the validity of the certificate, as well as the lack of insurance.

Sberbank of Russia provides customers with great opportunities!

See the video in which it is explained in detail how to discover the contribution to Sberbank via the Internet:

The deposits of Sberbank of Russia for individuals today remain attractive, although they have not the most profitable interest rates in 2020. Compare updated conditions for opening deposits in rubles and currency, online and in the department.

Updated deposit rates of Sberbank Russia today

Sberbank in 2020 updated interest rates on deposits of individuals. Today, deposits are not so profitable as in many other banks. But individuals when choosing a bank for investing, Sberbank often prefer, as the most reliable. In addition, the deposits of Sberbank for individuals are insured by the state. So, if the bank loses the license, which is unlikely, you will be returned to the amount of not more than 1.4 million rubles, taking into account interest. Read more about Investment Insurance Read

The line of deposits of individuals in Sberbank is simple and understandable:

  1. - "Save" and "Special Keep",
  2. - "replenish" and "special replenishment",
  3. with the replenishment and partial removal of money without losing interest - "Manage" and "Special Control".

Sberbank's deposits for individuals today can be opened in rubles of the Russian Federation and currency (US dollars). It is possible to design deposits in the department and online via the Internet.

For customers of the retirement age - on the deposits "save" and "replenish" the maximum interest rate is established for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. See the conditions and interest rates of Sberbank's deposits

Deposits in Sberbank today: interest and conditions

Compare interest rates and conditions for the opening of deposits of individuals in Sberbank today - in 2020.

Contribution of Sberbank "Save": interest and conditions

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings conservation and receipt of guaranteed stable income. Without the possibility of replenishment and partial removal without loss of profitability. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: No;

Conditions for accrual interest

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In rubles of the Russian Federation

In US dollars

Sberbank temporarily does not open new contributions to the euro, and offers to take advantage of a savings account in the euro at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Contribution of Sberbank "Pop up": interest and conditions

Replenished contribution for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone funds in a reliable bank. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 000 rubles / 100 dollars.
  • Partial removal without percent loss: no.
  • Increase interest rates: automatically when the next summion gradation is reached.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Percentages are accrued monthly.
  • The following interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.

Interest rates

Without capitalization

Taking into account capitalization

In rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

Sberbank Contribution "Manage": interest and conditions

Contribution for reliable storage of your savings with the possibility without losing interest to shoot part of the funds before the expiration of the deposit period. Replenished. Opens in the office, online and ATM.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 30 000 rubles / 1000 dollars.
  • Replenishment: Yes. Cash - from 1 000 rubles / 100 dollars. Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: yes. Prior to the minimum amount of the abnormal residue without loss of accrued interest.
  • Increased interest rates: with an increase in the deposit amount until the next amount of gradation and at the conclusion of an additional agreement on increasing the amount of the abnormal residue.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are charged monthly to the entire amount of the contribution (the interest rate depends on the amount of the abnormal residue).
  • Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.
  • Accrued interest are added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

in rubles of the Russian Federation

in US dollars

Sberbank's contribution "Give Life": Conditions and rates

Deposit to help children with oncological, hematological and other severe diseases. Sberbank every 3 months lists the "Give Life" charity foundation in the amount of 0.3% per annum from the deposit amount. Opens in the department.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Minimum amount: 10 000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: No;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: no.

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest are accrued every 3 months;
  • In case of early divorce deposit, interest is recalculated without accounting for capitalization of interest.

Interest rates

4.58% per annum with capitalization (4.5% per annum without capitalization)

Contribution "Pension-Plus Sberbank of Russia"

This is a special deposit for retirement revenue. It is intended for individuals who receive a pension from the PF of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments implementing pension provision.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: not limited;
  • Accrual interest: every 3 months. The ranked interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods;
  • Early termination: When demanding a deposit, the rate set on the date of discovery (prolongation) of the contribution does not change.

Interest rate

3.67% per annum with capitalization (3.50% per annum without capitalization).

The contribution of Sberbank "Social": conditions and rates

This is a special deposit, which is credited to social payments to orphans and war veterans.


  • Term: 3 years;
  • Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
  • Replenishment: not limited;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: to the level of the amount of the unsigned residue;

Conditions for accrual interest

  • Interest is charged quarterly.
  • Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount.
  • Calculated interest can be removed.

Interest rate

What contribution to Sberbank is the most profitable and profitable in 2020: read how to choose today and discover a deposit with an increased interest rate.

Sberbank, perhaps, first of all attracts depositors with its stability. It is no secret that the registration of deposits of individuals in Sberbank is one of the most reliable ways to invest money today. Sber is the largest bank of Russia in terms of deposits of individuals and ranks first in the ratings on assets, the availability of equity and many others.

You can open the contribution of Sberbank not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, but even in small towns, since there are a lot of offices.

Of course, many banks in Russia offer contributors higher percentages. But in the renewed line of Sberbank today you can find savings programs with high interest rates. So consider what contribution is the most profitable in Sberbank in 2020.

Which contribution of Sberbank is the most profitable today

As in many banks, in Sberbank today there are savings programs for ordinary individuals and premium customers. Of course, the latter is a bit more profitable, but due to a large initial contribution and a number of other requirements to issue premium contributions may not be far from. We will return to them below, but while we consider the most profitable products from the base line, which any person can issue.

1. The most favorable deposits from the basic ruler

Even recently in order to issue any of the basic deposits in Sberbank under the highest percentages, I needed a computer or telephone with a connected Internet or at least an ATM. It was important because when opening a deposit in the Sberbank-online Internet bank, an ATM or self-service device, the interest rate was higher. But today this rule does not work!

Now the yield of basic deposits does not depend on the design method, but varies only from the amount and term.

Accordingly, rates in online deposits and those are open in the bank's separation are the same.

Sberbank's contribution with a high interest rate

This savings program will be useful for reliable saving your money and getting guaranteed income.

(+) Plus: High yield.

(-) Minus: There is no possibility of replenishing the account and partially spending money without losing interest.


  • Term: 1 month. - 3 years;
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial removal: not allowed, with the exception of the ranked interest.
  • Accrual interest: monthly. Accrued interest can be removed, as well as transfer to the card account.
  • Called percentages are added to the amount by increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate

from 1000.

from 100000.

from 400000.

In dollars

from 100.

from 3000.

from 10,000

from 200000.

Does not fit? See the interest of deposits in the VTB Bank -

Deposit Calculator

Sberbank's contribution

The replenished deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly postpone their funds using a convenient and reliable Internet bank.

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: There is no possibility of partial spending money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • The minimum contribution: cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, non-cashless - is not limited;
  • Partial removal: not allowed;
  • Capitalization: Provided.

Interest rate

In dollars

from 100.

from 3000.

from 10,000

from 200000.

See also: 50 of the most profitable deposits for today -

Sberbank's contribution

This is a savings program for free money management with the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest.

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account and partial consumption of money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low yield.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Amount: from 30000 rubles. / 1 000 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided. Cash - from 1000 rubles. / 100 US dollars; Non-cash - not limited;
  • Partial Removal: It is allowed to the level of the minimum value of the unsigned residue without loss of accrued interest.

Interest rate

from 30000.

from 100000.


from 200000.

Not enough? See the conditions for storing money in Rosselkhozbank -

Contribution of Sberbank "Give Life"

This deposit for individuals is a charity. Part of the funds are sent to help children with oncological, hematological and other severe diseases. Sberbank every 3 months lists the "Give Life" charity foundation in the amount of 0.3% per annum from the deposit amount.


  • Term: 1 year
  • Currency: rubles
  • Amount: from 10 000 rubles
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial Removal: not provided
  • Capitalization: Provided.

Interest rate

4.50% per annum (4.58% per annum with capitalization).

The most profitable contribution of Sberbank in 2020: what to issue

Let's try to find out which of the basic deposits of the savage today is the most profitable. The easiest way is to compare interest. But since the deposit rates change depending on the duration of the investment of money, we will compare the yield on specific terms.

Suppose you need to invest 500 thousand rubles to 1 year. What contribution to prefer? For clarity, the site made a comparative table, where they indicated the best offer for a specific date of investment of money.

Income after 1 year and the amount of 500,000 rubles.

gift a life

22 946

As you can see, under the period of 1 year, the charitable deposit "Give Life" can be considered the most advantageous today.

But when money is investing on other time, the maximum income gives a deposit "".

And if you intend to postpone the money, then pay attention to the deposit "replenish." If you need to be able to pick up a part of the money from the bank at any time, it means that you will be the best deposit for you.

And finally, the most important thing. If you want to invest more than 700,000 rubles, then the most preferred will be the discovery of a contribution with an increased rate for premium customers.

In 2018, Sberbank lowered rates on deposits for individuals. The leadership of this largest Russian bank explains that such measures are dictated by the general trend of reducing interest rates in the country. What are the terms of deposits now offer Sberbank and how profitable to place deposits in the bank at the current time?

All Sberbank deposit products can be divided into certain categories:

  1. Deposits with the possibility of replenishment.
  2. Deposits without the possibility of replenishment.
  3. Contributions, interest on which are charged and paid every month.
  4. Deposits with partial output of funds without loss of interest.
  5. Deposits without early withdrawal of money.

As for the currency, now the Bank is accepted only ruble and dollar deposits. For those who wish to make a contribution to Euro Sberbank can offer only a savings account with an accrual of 0.01% per year.

Important: All types of deposits decorated in national or foreign currency provide for the possibility of capitalization of interest.

"Save"and "save online"

Reference to the baseline of the contributions of Sberbank for individuals. They are characterized by higher percentages relative to other products. This type of investment is chosen by those who have the ability to invest large amounts without having to remove funds from the account before the completion of the term of the contract. Deposit "Save" and its online analogue does not provide the ability to replenish the score and partially output funds without loss of profitability. Only the possibility of capitalization percentage is provided.

Interest ratesfor the deposit "Save" to date (% per annum):

Interest ratesfor the deposit "Save online" today (% per annum):

Interest Investment Rateshave "Save" (in

Interest Investment Ratesat "Save Online "(independing on the amount and term of the contract):

Tip: Check out the list of fines offering.

"Pour" and "replenish online"

These contributions allow to keep savings in both domestic and foreign currency (US dollars). The minimum value of the deposit permits to put at the expense of at least 1 thousand rubles or $ 100 in cash. And to replenish on non-cash calculation, the limits are not established. Interest rate growth depends on the deposit amount. Deposit "Save" and its online analogue is given the opportunity to replenish the account, but do not partially output funds. It is possible only the possibility of capitalization of interest.

Interest ratesfor the deposit "Pop up" today (% per annum):

Interest ratesfor the deposit "Replenify online" today (% per annum):

Interest rates on the contribution "Popolnyay "(depending on the amount and term of the contract):

Interest Investment Ratesu "Popolnyay. Online "(in savisibility from the amount and term of the contract):

Let's sum up

Sberbank of Russia offers many deposit options - to any choice and for all groups of the population. By visiting the Bank's Office or reading the information on the official website, the appropriate deposit conditions for themselves may find workers, servicemen, pensioners and other categories of citizens.

To pick up the optimal deposit conditions in Sberbank, first of all it is necessary to determine the goal: short-term placement of money or ensuring its own or relatives) financial security in the future. It is important to also know whether it is possible to replenish the score from the terms of the contribution or remove funds from it.

18.07.2019 0

Sberbank offers its customers interesting deposit programs for 2019. For each product there are clearly described conditions. If you wish to know which programs will help to increase our own savings, and what the most profitable interest on deposits are currently relevant - we advise you to get acquainted with this article.

How to invest money?

In terms of inflation, the issue of saving and multiplying bank deposits is particularly acute. After all, the process of depreciation of money negatively affects the amount of savings. In such conditions you need to know what to invest your money:

  • Buy securities - certificates, bills, bonds, shares;
  • Buy precious metals - banking gold, silver or platinum;
  • Acquire apartments - preferably new and good areas.

If you own any amount, we recommend putting it on a deposit. Such deposits are considered as safe as possible and practically do not have risks. The owners of deposits at any time can receive invested money back, and if the rules of the contract are followed, will remain with the profit, since the percentage is accrued to the attached amount. In the case of bankruptcy of the bank or at another freelance situation, the Client receives compensation for state insurance (up to 1.4 million rubles).

For most Russians, the conditions on which deposits are opening in Sberbank are optimal. The main reason for mass trust in the bank is its reliability. And also - the choice of programs beneficial for investors.

Favorable programs "Sberbank":

  • Contribution "Save"

If more than 1 thousand rubles or 100 dollars have accumulated, then you can increase them through the system "Keep":

  • The minimum term of the deposit is 3 months, the maximum - 3 years;
  • For the period of the contract, it is impossible to replenish the score or shoot from there the main amount. The only way is to use only accrued interest;
  • The rate under the contract is from 3.8 to 5.5% per annum, which makes it possible not to just reliably save funds, but to increase their quantity.

The minimum interest rate corresponds to the minimum possible deposit amount. But if you have a pensioner certificate, the bank will offer the maximum rate even with the smallest investments. Decisive in this case will be the period of action of the deposit.

  • Contribution "replenish"

If you want to accumulate money on the program "Pop up", then prepare for the first contribution the minimum amount of 1000 rubles or 100 dollars (euro). Such a deposit opens for 3 - 36 months. During this period, you can:

  • Replenish the initially embedded amount;
  • To shoot only interest and then six months from the date of registration of the contract;
  • Mortize the means, starting with 1000 - 100,000 rubles.

The interest rate is from 3.6 - 5.15%. The percentage of such a program depends entirely on what amount was initially entered into account, and for what period the contract was concluded. The greatest accumulative percentage is provided for deposits in the amount of 2 million rubles. Terms of such contributions should be at least 6 to 12 months.

Contribution "Manage"

The optimal option for those who want to accumulate and in parallel to use the embedded amount (periodically take money from the account). But, the amount of means for removal over the period of the contract will be limited.

  • Calculate at the initial contribution no less than 30 thousand rubles or 1 thousand dollars;
  • The interest rate will be within 3.4 - 4.85%;
  • The deadlines of the accumulation are 6 - 12 months.

Only the offer "replenish" provides for the opportunity to use nested money and not lose the accrued interest. Also additionally, you can replenish an open account for a certain amount.

The amount of replenishment also has limitations. The amount of payment should not exceed 300 thousand rubles. If the amount of funds is exceeded, only half of possible interest is charged to the difference, and the main amount is stored at full rate. This condition does not apply only to the category of pensioners.

Deposits with elevated rates

Conditions are valid for investors who use the services of Premier or First:

  • Special package "Save". Spends percentage of accumulation to 6.85% for the embedded amount of 1 million rubles. The contribution is executed for up to 3 years, and does not provide for the possibility of removing money from the account. Replenishing the residue is also impossible;
  • Special package "replenish". By betting to 6.3%, it is possible to put no more than 1 million rubles. You can replenish such an account, but it is impossible to cash out the accumulated amount. The validity of the deposit is up to 3 years;
  • Special package "Manage". It is designed to contribution to 1 million in rubles and offers to save funds under 6.2%. Such a proposal provides for additional account replenishment and cash withdrawals without percent loss.

Also, Sberbank also offers such special programs as:

  • Social contribution. Designed for orphans. The guardian appointed by the law will be able to discover such a deposit in the name of the child under the rate of 4.75% per annum. Terms of action of the contract - up to 36 months. The minimum amount is from 1 ruble. Such a contribution can be periodically replenished or cash off;
  • Deposit "Give Life". All this and potential depositors of Sberbank offers to help children who have been discovered oncological diseases, problems in the field of hematology or other serious developmental deviations. Everyone can discover a deposit account, translate from 10 thousand rubles to it and periodically replenish the balance. Once a quarter from the accumulated funds will translate 0.3% to the account of the charitable foundation;
  • Benefits for pensioners. For such a category of depositors, a pension plus product is offered. The contribution is connected to the already decorated retirement card. The deposit income is 3.5% per annum and is charged on the minimum residue that is on the map. By such a program you can:
  1. Replenish or cash the map;
  2. Quarterly gain interest;
  3. Use the maximum interest rate subject to the deposit for the longest time. In this case, it does not matter what amount will be translated into a deposit account

Programs issued in the Sberbank online system

Such options are available only to those who have a social, salary or credit score in Sberbank. To open the deposit, you must register in the system and activate the "Personal Account". If you submit an application through the Sberbank online system, then the deposit will be opened under the highest interest: 5.75 - "Keep"; 5.3 - "replenish"; 5.0% - "Manage".

The conditions for starting contributions and the terms of accumulation of funds do not change. Pensioners automatically receive benefits when in the "Personal Account" select the corresponding user category. No additional information when filling out the online application will not need.

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