
Rating of microloans. Top urgent loans on the map online. Konga - the best borrowing offer for regular customers

Last year in the territory Russian Federation There were microfinance activities of about two thousand organizations. Their specialization - microloans of money for interest, which the client receives cash (with delivery or with a personal visit to the company's office) or online on bank card/ Account or electronic wallets.

More suggestions - harder choices

The presence of such a significant number of companies on the market, sometimes makes a choice difficult. It is difficult to figure out which of the organizations all - taki better. Before you give preference to this or that MFIs should be thoroughly analyzing our rating loan. Before making an application, compare information about lending conditions from several organizations. This will make the right decision. Objective data will also help those who intend to invest in a microfinance company.

What did we rely on?

We bring to your attention online loans ratingin MFIs of Russia. The basis was taken, the percentage of approval of applications, volume loan portfolio and the number of regions of the company's presence. By reviewing the review, we took into account the statistical data, in demand credit organizations And they chose those that received the largest number of positive responses from both users and financial analysts.

The rating MFU by reliability It does not always imply graduation from the best to the worst. we personally checked The work of the most popular companies and selected those which are satisfied with. We took into account those companies regarding which customer feedback is maximally positive.

On the portal, the site is presented well known, the most experienced and proven services for providing loans to the population.

Note that when making any microcredit, you need carefully explore the conditions cooperation.

We present you top MFO 2019 - this is financial institutionswho have proven themselves with positiveas estimated national rating agenciesAnd according to customers. The table presents the names of companies and basic information about them.

These microfinance organizations have a high reliability rating, which means - the company fulfills its financial responsibilities. Estimates of the level of service in MFIs and feedback from borrowers also confirm the quality of service.

MFU Ranking reliability Rating on reviews Amount, rub. Basic Bet / Day
Turbozima A ++. 5 3 000 – 15 000 2,17%
Honestly A ++. 5 3 000 – 30 000 2,1%
Fast-jogging A ++. 4,8 2 000 – 15 000 2%
Mania Men. A +. 5 1 500 – 70 000 1,85%
Monize A +. 5 2 000 – 15 000 1,64%
Credit 24. BUT 5 2 000 – 30 000 1,9%
Cheerman BUT 4,9 1 000 – 30 000 2,17%
Lime-loans BUT 4,9 1 500 – 20 400 1,74%
Corrodengi. BUT 4,8 1 000 – 30 000 2%

The indicators of listed organizations are to some extent, the guarantee of fast and convenient design, receipt and refund of the microloan. Next, you can read mini-reviews and get acquainted with more detailed information About each company.


This is a service where you can issue a microcredit in online mode With instant money transfer immediately after signing the contract. The amount limit varies in the range of 2,000 - 15,000 rubles. For a period of one week to one month. The initial interest rate is 2.17%. New customers who receive microloans in this MFI for the first time, a special share of "interest-free loan" is available at 0% for up to 3 days. Transfer of funds is possible on Yandex-wallet or bank card.


On the site you will find information about promotions and special offers. In particular, permanent and new borrowers can get microloans at a rate of 0%. For those who appeal to the organization for the first time, it is possible to take no more than 10 000 r. In subsequent appeals, the amount limit will grow - the maximum is 30,000 rubles. The loan commission is 2.1% / day.

Rate Limit in the amount (rub.)
Bronze. 12 000
Silver 15 000
GOLD. 20 000
Platinum 30 000

At the Platinum tariff, permanent borrowers can receive up to several loans at the same time at a reduced interest rate - 1% / day. The maximum loan period is 30 days. Enrollment of funds is possible on the card or bank account.


This company is from Top MFI 2019, which makes up microloans online and in offices. For the first time, in any case, you will need to come to a meeting with the manager for registration of documentation and getting a cash loan. From the second appeal, you can order a quick-footer and receive translations instantly by one call. The limit of the amount provides for two tariffs:

  1. Up to 15,000 for 16 days.
  2. Up to 25,000 for 30 days.

Daily rate for microcredit services - 2% / day. Service also suggests profitable offer - Discounts, bonuses, stocks, various loyalty programs for regular customers.

Mania Men.

If we talk about the largest MFIs top 10, then this service is one of the few provides microcredits in the amount of up to 70,000 rubles. The maximum credit period is 18 weeks. The company issues microloans in accordance with tariffs, which are determined by the number of appeals and successfully closed loans:

  1. Start - 1,500 - 10 000 r. 5-30 days under 1.85%.
  2. Take off 10 000 - 17 500 p. 5-30 days 1.8%.
  3. Looking - 17,600 - 30 000 to 5 -30 days under 1.75%.
  4. Turbo - 30,000 - 60 000 r. For 10-14 weeks at 0.76%.
  5. SuperTurbo - 30 000 - 70,000 for 16-18 weeks at 0.76%.

Turbo and SuperTurbo tariffs are available to permanent borrowers who have already proven themselves - do not have overdue and other unfulfilled obligations. You can get money you can instantly on the card or choose a different way to transfer - to a bank account or cash through popular payment systems.


This company is also included in the top 10 MFs of Russia 2019 and is an international organization that has been operating since 2009 in the territory of 8 countries. Here, the limit on the first microcredit is from 2,000 to 15 000 r. New borrowers receive online loans without percent (rate - 0%).

With subsequent appeals, the rate is 1.64%, but consider that the credit period is 30 days. With a re-registration of the loan agreement, the limit increases to 30 000 r. If you plan to conclude a contract for 30 days, the conditions will be suitable for you. In case you want to take money less than a month, it is better to look for a company with the relevant conditions.

Credit 24.

Service issues online loans around the clock in the amount of from 2,000 to 30,000 for a period of one week to 30 days. The Commission is 1.9%. Depending on the number of closed loans, you can get a specific limit:

  1. When the first design is up to 9000 rubles.
  2. With the second microxy - up to 12000 p.
  3. For the third and further - up to 30000 p.

Transfer of funds is carried out instantly online after you enter into an agreement. Available methods obtaining - enrollment on a bank card.


This is one of the top MFIs with a fully automated service that analyzes the information about the borrower, given more than 18,000 parameters - and gives an answer within a few minutes. Here is a high percentage of approval of applications and simple requirements for potential customers. The possible amount of loan varies from 1,000 to 30 000 p. Launch period - from 7 to 30 days. The initial rate is 2.17% / day. In addition, here you can go through a special program to improve the credit history of those who have been spoiled or not yet formed.


The company operates in the international market and provides consumer microloans not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Online loans are issued in accordance with the tariff mesh, which is formed on the basis of the number of appeals and successfully closed microcredits:

The service works around the clock and the transfer of money is possible at any time. Available ways - on the map, account, e-wallets of Yandex and Kiwi, cash through contact.


Another top microfinance company is SROCHNODENGI.RU service. It is possible to issue a microcredit here online without leaving home, or in the office of the organization. Restriction over the amount of microloan - from 1,000 to 30 000 r. Lending period - from 3 to 16 days. Interest rate \u003d 2%. You can arrange a special map of the company - urgent - for instant receipt of funds at any time. So, you will take loans online when contacting.

How to arrange microloons

The procedure for registration in all microfinance organizations is approximately the same and consists of several stages:

  1. Fill out and submit an online application or register with the system on the company's official website.
  2. Get a response from MFIs - it may be an employee call, a letter to an email address or SMS to your number.
  3. With a positive response, you will tell you about conditions, and you will need to read the contract. If a proposal arranges you, you will need to sign it. Most companies can be done online using a unique SMS code. However, there are organizations where documents can be issued only at a meeting with the manager.

Regardless of how the contract is issued - online or in the office - you will immediately receive money right after that. It can be instantaneous translation by the system convenient for you or the transfer of cash at the MFI Cash.

For registration you will only need a passport and perhaps one additional document. Some services require registration of a registered bank card.

Return microloam

The repayment of the microcredit is also of various popular ways, such as:

  • terminals;
  • postal transfers;
  • online banking;
  • electronic wallets;
  • translation systems;
  • communication salons and shops;
  • translation from a bank card or account;
  • payment in cash in the office.

Terms I. additional conditions Return is indicated in the contract, as well as in an additional application - payment schedule. Penalty sanctions are most often used in delay. Many companies are possible prolongation and early repayment.

You have familiarized yourself with the basic information of the top 10 MFI of Russia and now you can choose the organization with convenient conditions for you. Details and answers to questions you can get on the official website of the organization you are interested in and in reviews on our website.

The best offers of microloam

In the Russian Federation, more than 4,000 MFIs are registered today (by the way, about the same number of organizations of the National Bank withdrew the license for the last 5 years). Such numbers are impressive, and the specialists of the site "without failure" to draw up a rating, had to be selected more than 95% of their number. The criteria that influenced the choice in favor of a particular organization are:

  • Age
  • Reliability
  • Founders
  • Interest rate
  • Failures
  • Loan amount
  • Lack of hidden commissions
  • Sanctions to debtors
  • Consumer reviews
  • The ability to delay payments

L Introducing positions in the 2017 rating from our experts occupied MFIs issuing microloans on the most favorable conditions And leading transparent policies. The organizations selected by our specialists are located in the list already according to user preferences and may change.

Why is it important to choose a reliable organization?

Financially illiterate people may erroneously assume that the choice of MFIs can be carried out regardless of its rating and the main condition for the microloan is the low interest rate. Few people think about possible consequences Application registration in unfavorable or worse than the unofficial organization:

  1. Credit history can be spoiled. First of all, the company can simply go broke, and accounts - be arrested. There may be difficulties with repayment of debt and as a result - its increase and reflection in Ko. Same financial operations can be held with a delay (including deliberately), which is also reflected in the bureau of the stories.
  2. The deliberate understatement of the last payment - with the last payment, the client speaks the amount that is slightly (sometimes 1-10 rubles) lower than it actually is. The borrower is confident that the debt is paid, and a frantic percentage and fines begin to coolant. Six months, year, the amount of debt can reach 4 and even 5-digit numbers.
  3. Debt restructuring. The approach to this point at the MFIs, which are in the ranking of the best and organizations with less criteria differ significantly. The first customers are important, and the second is profit. Therefore, with truly important reasons, large companies Going to the meeting borrowers individually, which cannot afford IFC with a small capital.

    lovebunny77 24.05.2019
    Metrocredit (27)

    Money was needed urgently, and there was no place to take. I decided to seek help to quick loans. Revised a large number of proposals, the company "Metrocredit" found the most suitable option. They approve of a loan for minutes, I was approved in 10 minutes. I asked 10,000 - for the first time they gave everything and under 0%. Thank you very much.

    rebatos999. 16.05.2019
    Metrocredit (27)

    Satisfied with the "metro loan." I will not say that I am a fan of rapid loans, but it is better than intercepting friends. Better I will pay the percentage, but legally executed than I will check the fortress of friendship in this way. Another point is all online. I used to go to the point shopping centers, And here I sit at home and get money to the card. If you have problems and you need to do everything quickly - this office is what you need.

    bIG62. 15.05.2019
    Money (89)

    I work in local agricultural enterprises. A few years ago, the salary was issued without delays. Now two or three were detained. So I had to look for where to replenish your budget before the holidays. The chopstick was "money". I also heard from friends that you can buy money from this organization without any pieces and quickly, but used for the first time. She sent a request for a loan of 15 tyrov, somewhere around 2 received approval, and another day received money through an ATM. After the holidays, they gave the salary and returned a loan to do not pay huge interest.

Small loans firmly occupied their niche, sweating on financial market Normal bank loans. Companies that are issued (so-called MFIs) work mainly through the Internet and use simplified design.

The one who comes up under their incredible requirements can order instant loan on the map online And remove the money almost immediately. Translations through payment systems (QIWI, Yandex.money) also occur as quickly, and the receipt of cash (in the MFIs office or through Contact) takes a couple of hours.

The availability of microloans determines their popularity, and high demand creates a lot of proposals. Now there are many microfinance companies in the country, but they have different conditions. However, interest rates are high in all, microloans cannot be beneficial. Then, by what criteria are compiled this rating? What made it possible to put this or other MFIs on 1, 2, last place? Why many famous and popular companies have not entered the top at all? About this after, and now - the list of proposals.

Top instant online loans on a card without failures

From 2,000 to 30 000 rubles
From 7 to 30 days
From 0.76 to 1.5% per day
Money is listed instantly!

You can get a second loan, even if the first is not yet paid
Approve almost 100% of applications!
On the card or account, on QIWI or Yandex money, through Contact and Golden Crown

From 2 500 to 20 000 rubles
16 days
1.5% per day
Decision after 10 minutes
Money is listed instantly
On a map or account, on qiwi or yandex money

From 3,500 to 30 000 rubles
From 6 to 25 days
1 to 1.5% per day
The decision is made within 12 seconds
Approve almost 100% of applications!
On the map, Yandex Money, through Contact

Short-term loans:
From 2,000 to 20 000 rubles
From 16 to 30 days
Long-term loans:
From 20,000 to 70 000 rubles
From 6 to 24 weeks
From 0.6% to 1.5% per day
First loan at 0% (up to 20,000 rubles to 30 days)
Discount up to 50% with repeated loans
On the card, on Qiwi

From 2,000 to 30 000 rubles
From 16 days to 8 weeks
From 0.3 to 2.17% per day
Consideration takes 1 minute, money is listed instantly
25% discount on I loan
Even with bad credit history
On the map or account, on qiwi

From 1 000 to 15 000 rubles
From 5 to 30 days
From 0% to 1.9% per day
Requirements: age from 19 years
On a bank card, wallet QIWI or Yandex Money, through the CONTACT system

From 1 000 to 30 000 rubles (up to 10,000 at the I loan)
First loan - 5 days free
From 1.4% per day
Decision in 5 minutes
Approve 99.9% of applications!
Even with a bad credit history
On the map, on Yandex Money, via Contact

From 3,500 to 30 000 rubles
Interest-free repayment with a loan for 5 days
From 1.4% per day
High percentage of approval!
On the card or account cash via contact

From 1 000 to 30 000 rubles
From 1 to 30 days
From 1.4% per day
Discounts act!
The decision is made within 12 seconds.
Approve almost 100% of applications!
On the map, account, via contact

From 3,000 to 30 000 rubles
From 1 to 30 days (up to 10 at the I loan)
First loan at 0%!
Repeated loans for 7 days at 0%!
The usual rate is 1.5% per day
High percentage of approval!
Money is translated instantly

From 1 000 to 15 000 rubles
From 5 to 30 days
From 1% per day (prierty first loan), from 0.5% (when repeated)
High% approval!
Even with a bad credit history

Fast decoration
On the card, Yandex Money

From 2,000 to 15,000 rubles (up to 9,000 at the I loan)
From 7 to 30 days
2.15% per day

Even with a bad credit history
There is a program of correction of credit history
To map

From 1 000 to 30 000 rubles
From 1 to 10 days
First loan at 0%!
Repeated loans for 7 days at 0%!
Even with loans and loans in other companies
On the card or account, on Qiwi or Yandex money, through contact and leader

From 3,000 to 25 000 rubles
From 3 to 30 days
From 1.06% per day
Decision - 30 minutes, money is listed instantly
Requirements: age from 18 to 65 years
On a bank card

From 3,000 to 15 000 rubles
From 7 to 30 days
1.5% per day
The probability of approval is 85%!
Even with a bad credit history
There is a program of correction of credit history
On the card, Yandex Money

From 3,000 to 30 000 rubles (up to 15,000 at the I loan)
From 5 to 30 days (up to 25 days at the I loan)
From 0.49 to 1.5% per day
Instant, money is transferred for 15 minutes
The age of the borrower - from 18 years
On the card through contact

From 1,500 to 80,000 rubles (up to 10,000 at the I loan)
From 5 days to 18 weeks (up to 15 days at the I loan)
First loan at 0%!
The usual rate is 1.5% per day
Reply after 1 minute, instant money transfer
Extending credit period, debt restructuring
On the map or account, on Yandex Money, through Contact, Unistream

From 500 to 29 500 rubles
From 6 to 21 days
Up to 2.1% per day
Approve almost all applications!
The age of the borrower - from 18 years
Loans are issued even to unemployed and students
Even with a bad credit history
On the map, on QIWI or Yandex money, through the golden crown

From 5 to 30 days
First loan at 0%!
From 1.5 to 2% per day
Fast approval
On the map, qiwi, through contact

From 3,000 to 30 000 rubles (up to 7,000 at the I loan)

First loan at 0%!
From 1.5 to 2.17% per day
Money arrive after 15 minutes
To map

From 100 to 30 000 rubles
From 7 to 30 days
First loan at 0%!
The usual rate from 1.7 to 2.1% per day
Instant solution, money is listed immediately
With any credit history, there is a program of correction ki
On the card or account, on QIWI or Yandex money, through Contact and Golden Crown

From 1,500 to 30 000 rubles (up to 10,000 at the I loan)
From 5 to 30 days (up to 10 at the I loan)
Discount up to 50% (from 1.5 to 0.6% per day) at the interest rate
Online decision on request for 5 minutes
Instant money transfer immediately after approval
On the card or account

From 3,000 to 15 000 rubles
From 1 to 30 days
From 0 to 1.4% per day
First loan at 0% (first 5 days)
On the usual Benkov card, on a special fast

From 2,000 to 30 000 rubles (up to 9,000 at the I loan)
From 7 to 30 days (up to 21 days at the I loan)
From 0.5 to 1.7% per day

Ability to improve credit history
On the map, on Qiwi or Yandex money, through contact

From 10,000 to 60,000 rubles (up to 30,000 at the I loan)
From 4 to 24 weeks
From 0.6% per day (depends on the amount and term)
Instant instant translation money
To map

From 800 to 30 000 rubles
From 7 to 30 days
1% per day
Consideration of the application - 15 minutes, money is translated instantly
Issuance of a loan with any credit history!
Requirements: age from 21 to 70 years
On a bank card

From 2,000 to 30 000 rubles (up to 15,000 at the I loan)
From 5 to 30 days
First loan at 0%!
The usual rate from 1.5 to 2% per day
Approve most applications!
On the card or account, on qiwi, through contact

So, more than 20 companies entered the rating. Most of them work in the field of instant microcredit rather long ago, but there are also relatively young MFIs. All of them are reliable, have an excellent reputation and enjoy the confidence of their customers. But this is not the main thing. The companies presented here entered the top due to high percent Positive solutions at user requests. This is exactly what has become the main criterion in drawing up the rating, but not only. So all the above microfinance organizations listed above:

Approve almost up to 100% of applications (especially those that are on the top positions of the list);
presented to potential borrowers the minimum possible requirements;
Use a simplified work scheme (everything is done online).

Thus, to get a loan to the card can almost anyone. Concerning interest rates, then they are generally standard for MFIs. It should be understood that the commission of such companies cannot be low and credit card online On the site of some bank in any case it is more profitable. Microloans are a completely different service, and whether it should use it, everyone decides himself. But, if there is no other way out, and the money is urgently needed, it is better to apply to reliable MFIs that has proven itself well.

Who gives round-the-clock loans to the card without refusing online

When money is needed urgently, it is important for a person how quickly his application will be considered, and after what time he will receive the requested amount. All MFOs presented here are characterized by efficiency and handle user requests in a few minutes. But, if a person contact some company at night, he may have to wait. Here is a list of companies from the top, which work completely around the clock:

Zaimo, "Honest Word", Money Man, SMS Finance, Platiza, One Click Money and Lime.

Mili provides the first loan in Euroset salons. There, the client receives a map for which, in subsequent appeals, money will be listed for him instantly, at any time of the day.

The company "Svatoporeni" The first loan gives out in its office. There you can make a map, and subsequently receive money on it almost immediately, on a call, around the clock.

Loans on the card without failures with a bad credit history

In the preparation of the rating, first of all, it was taken into account as the percentage of applications approves the company or another. All the MFOs presented here are quite loyal, but they, as a rule, check the credit history of their possible borrowers. Therefore, people who once allowed delay in loans, to get a loan may not everywhere. Below are companies from Top, who are willing to work with them. These MFIs or do not check credit history at all, or do not pay attention to them:

Mili, Zaimo, Money Man, Mig Credit, Platiza, One Click Money.
Platiza not only issues loans to customers with a bad credit history, but also allows it to improve it.
Lime also offers its borrowers an effective program to correct credit history.

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