
BPS Sberbank from the card to the card. Transfers from BPS Sberbank. Instantly or without commission? Conditions and Commission on Urgent Monetary Transfer Hummingbird

Transfer from the card to the card is a convenient service that allows you to translate funds to a close person without leaving home. You can make such an operation, or by contacting the bank that has released your card.

Most often, the translation can be made in the Internet Bank of the mobile application, in some financial and credit institutions this list is complemented by still infokioski, ATMs and translation services on the corporate website.

However, it is worth remembering that the Commission may be charged for such a service. The size of the bank's remuneration may depend on several factors:

  • in which bank is framed by a card for which the translation is performed
  • who belongs to you or another physical
  • where is the translation, for example, in an Internet bank or infokiosk
We conducted the monitoring of Belarusian banks to find out what of their services to transfer funds from the card to the card, and how much does it cost? For your convenience, information for each bank is presented in a separate table.
Method of translation between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Service on the Bank's website
without commission
Without a fee - from another bank card on the Alpha Bank card
Mobile Bank without commission no opportunity
ATM / infokiosk no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank

between maps of different persons:
0.9% - Translation using the Internet Bank service
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - Translation of "Chuva to Card"
1.5% (min 0,49 BYN) - on the Visa, MasterCard card, other bank white / between other banks
Without a fee - from a map of another bank on a map of BELVEB Bank
Service on the Bank's website
without commission - between the maps of one person
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - between maps of different persons

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Service on the Bank's website
without commission 1% (min 1 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks
Without a fee - from a map of another bank on a card of VTB Bank

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission - between the maps of one person
1% + 0.14 BYN - between maps of different persons
1.5% + 0.14 BYN - Salary "Basic", "Bonus"
0.5% + 0.14 BYN - Salary "Premium"
1.5% + 1 BYN - on the VISA card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks / from the map of another bank on a bank card Dabrazyt
Service on the Bank's website no opportunity
ATM no opportunity
2% - from a bank card Dabracyt on a map of another bank (except devices and services of Belgazprombank)
free - salary "elite"
Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website
no opportunity
Translation in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from the bank card decision on a map of another bank (except for V-Banking cards)

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission - between the maps of one person
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - between maps of different persons
1.5% (min 0,99 BYN) - on a map of another bank
ATM / infokiosk /
Service on the Bank's website
1.5% (min 0.99 BYN) - on the map of another bank / from the map of another bank on the map of Belagroprombank
1.5% (min 1,49 BYN) - between maps of other banks
Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Infokiosk /
Service on the Bank's website
without commission - between the maps of one person
1.5% - between maps of different persons
2.5% - on the map of another bank / between maps of other banks
2% - from the map of another bank on the map of Belarusbank
Translation in devices and services of other banks 2.5% - from the map of BelarusBank on a map of another bank

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
without commission
Without a fee - from another bank card on the map of Belgazprombank
Service on the Bank's website no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
without commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - only Belagroprombank, BelarusBank
ATM / infokiosk /
Service on the Bank's website
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - on a map of another bank / between maps of other banks
Without a fee - from a map of another bank on the map of Belinvestbank

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank without commission no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website
no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank without commission - between the maps of one person
2 BYN for the operation - between maps of different persons
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank
ATM / INFOCIOC / service on the bank's website no opportunity
Translation in devices and services of other banks 2% (min 2 BYN) - from the BPS-Sberbank card on another bank card (for cards,
serviced in BPC - on the back of the card number 2992525)

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks

Service on the Bank's website
without commission 1.5% (min 0.5 BYN) - on the VISA / MasterCard map of another bank / between other banks
without a commission - from the map of another bank on the BSB Bank card
ATM no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
without commission no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank without commission - by the number of the contract / telephone no opportunity
Mobile Bank without commission - by the number of the contract / telephone
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - by map number
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks
ATM no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website 1.5% (min 2 BYN) on the Visa, MasterCard cards

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
Service on the Bank's website
without commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks
Without a fee - from another bank card on MTBank card
ATM / infokiosk no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission no opportunity
ATM / infokiosk /
Service on the Bank's website
no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
without commission 1.2% + 1.5 BYN - on a map of another bank / between maps of other banks
Service on the Bank's website no opportunity
Translation in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from the map of Priorbank to another bank card

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website
no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
without commission no opportunity
Service on the Bank's website no opportunity 1.5% (min 1 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks
without commission - from the map of another bank on the status bank card
ATM / infokiosk no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank without commission 1.5% (min 2 BYN) - on the Visa card, MasterCard of another bank / between maps of other banks / from the map of another bank on the Technobank card
Service on the Bank's website
no opportunity

Method of translation between maps decorated in one bank between maps of different banks
Internet bank without commission - between the maps of one person
No possibility - between maps of different persons
no opportunity
Mobile Bank / ATM /
Service on the site
no opportunity

Thus, all listed financial and credit institutions allow us to translate funds within one bank. Note that make a transfer to the card FrançaBank You can only within the framework of your cards.

Most banks have such translations are free. Commission for transferring funds to another person's card, decorated in the same bank as your card will take:

  • Bank Belveb.
  • Bank Dabracyt
  • Belagroprombank
  • BelarusBank
  • BPS SberbanK
Translate funds to another bank card allow 15 financial and credit institutions, recently this list replenished BSB Bank.

In addition, before in the Alpha Bank's Internet bank, the transfer to another bank card could be made only through the service of the Russian Alpha Bank, and now the Belarusian bank will have its own service.

If your bank is not included in the number of financial and credit institutions that allow you to transfer money to another bank card, then you can use the services of other banks, some of them allow you to perform operations, even if the sender's map is decorated in another bank.

Note, some banks may charge a commission for transfers from their cards through third-party services!

For explanation, let's see an example:

You need to make a transfer to the Alpha Bank card from the card, let's say, BELVEB Bank. If you use the Alfa-Bank P2P translation service to the translation of the P2P translations, then the commission for such an operation neither Alfa Bank, nor BELVEB will take you. But if you will transfer money to the Alpha Bank card from the Card of Priorbank, then the latter will take a commission of 0.5% of the amount for "Translation in devices and services of other banks."

Please note that on the map There are bonuses to 5% for each transaction. Aliexpress.com bonuses

So, the Commission for the transfer of funds through third-party services today is charged:
  • Bank Dabracyt - 2% of the amount (exception: devices and services Belgazprombank)
  • Bank decision - 0.5% of the amount (exception: V-Banking cards)
  • BelarusBank - 2.5% of the amount
  • BPS Sberbank - 2% of the amount at least 2 rubles (used for cards served in BPC - on the back of the card number 2992525)
  • Pri'orbank - 0.5% of the amount
We added this information to the tables of the respective banks.

In addition to translation by the map number, you can list money through the system of the ERIP, the Commission for such a translation is not charged. However, in this case, you will need to know the number of the contract or the recipient's account, and the enrollment may take longer. Immediately, we note that the cards cannot be replenished through the jip:

  • Bank VTB
  • Belagroprombank.
  • BelarusBank
Another way to translate funds - "Arbitrary Payment". In this case, the Commission will definitely be, both from the sending bank and the recipient bank. This translation takes up to several days. Plus you need to know all the recipient data:
  • account number
  • UNP Bank Recipient
  • BIC recipient bank
In addition to all of the above, it should be remembered that in many banks the limits on translations are installed - the minimum and maximum amounts. The information is presented as of July 30, 2019, and does not take into account possible changes in the future.

Alfa Bank Belagroprombank BelarusBank Belveb Belgazprombank. Belinvestbank BNB Bank BPS Sberbank BSB Bank BTA Bank VTB (Belarus) Bank idea Moscow-Minsk MTBank Paritetbank Priorbank Decision RRB Bank Technobank

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to the map account of another person AlfaBank carries out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the other person's card account, Belagroprombank with the sender lists the commission in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.2BYN for the transaction. Commission size is single and operates for all methods of translation: Internet banking, M-banking, infokiosk.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to another person's card, Belarusbank with the sender writes off the commission in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount. Commission size is single and operates for all transfers: Internet banking, M-banking, an ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to the card account of another person Bank Belveb is carrying out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

Transfer of funds from a card account of one person to the card account of another Belgazprombank carries out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for all methods of translation: Internet banking, M-banking, ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from a card account of one person to another person's card account through Internet banking and M-banking Belinvestbank carries out without commissions and fees. In the case of translating through an ATM or infokiosk, a commission of 1.5% of the transfer amount is charged, but not less than 2BYN for the transaction.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another BNB-Bank is carrying out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, the BPS Sberbank with the sender writes off the commission in the amount of 2.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.5BYN and not more than 15BYN for the transaction. Commission size is single and operates for all methods of translation: Internet banking, M-banking, infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to the card account of another BSB Bank is carrying out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another FIR BTA Bank is carrying out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.1

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to another person's card account, the VTB Bank with the sender writes off the commission in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.15BYN. Commission size is single and operates for all transfers: Internet banking, M-banking, an ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to the card account of another person The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bank is carrying out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from a card account of one person to another person's card account, the Bank Moscow-Minsk with the sender writes off the commission in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount + 0.14BYN. The Commission's size is unified and operates to translate through Internet banking and M-banking. Transferring money through an ATM / infokiosk is not possible.

Transferring funds from the card account of one person to the MTBank's card account account only over the Internet banking or online service Perevod.mtbank.by. Commissions for this transaction are not charged.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person parity bank carries out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to another person's card account, the VTB Bank with the sender writes off the commission in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.5BYN. Commission size is single and operates for all transfers: Internet banking, M-banking, an ATM / infokiosk.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to another person's card account via the Internet banking or M-banking Bank the decision is carried out without commissions and fees. In the case of translation of funds through an ATM / infokiosios, a commission in the amount of 0.5% of the transfer amount is charged, but not more than 1BYN.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to another PRB-Bank card account only over the Internet banking. The Commission for this service is not charged.

Transfer of funds from the account-account of one person to the card account of another Technobank is carried out without commissions and fees. This condition is valid for translation through Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from a card to a card through an ATM or infokiosk is not possible.

You can not always transfer money from your card on a map of another bank, and the Commission is sometimes charged even for transfers within a single bank. The site found out how much you need to pay to take advantage of the service.

By the way, you can use the TUT.BY service for translating from the card to the card - it is located.

Transfers between cards can be divided into three types: Transfers in the bank-issuer between the two of their cards, transfer to the Emittence bank between two other people's cards and transfer to another bank card. In the latter case, the Commission is written off almost always.

Bank Where you can produce
Alfa Bank
Bank Belveb.
Bank Moscow-Minsk Internet banking, mobile application
Bank decision Internet banking, mobile application
BelarusBank Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM
Belgazprombank. Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM
Belinvestbank Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM
Belarusian People's Bank Internet banking, mobile application
BPS Sberbank

Internet banking, mobile application
BSB Bank Internet banking, mobile application
BTA Bank
Bank VTB (Belarus) Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
Bank idea Internet banking, mobile application
Paritetbank Internet banking, infokiosk
Priorbank Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
RRB Bank Internet banking
Technobank Internet banking, mobile application
FrançaBank Internet banking
Chateter Bank Internet banking, mobile application
Type of translation and commission size Where you can produce

Alfa Bank

Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Translation from Alfa-Bank card to another bank card - 1 BYN. Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM

Bank Belveb.

Translation between the two BELBEB cards is free. Translation between two different users of Belveb cards - Commission 0.9% of the amount. Transfer to another bank card - 1% of the amount, at least 1.50 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application

Bank Moscow-Minsk

Translations only between banks of the bank Moscow-Minsk. Cards of one client - the size of the commission is similar to the size of the cash removal commission (if the card is based on for free, the translation is also free). When translating between different customers - a similar commission, but not less than 1% of the translation plus a fixed amount of 0.14 BYN Internet banking, mobile application

Bank decision

Translations between bank cards solution without commission. The transfer of another bank card is possible through the ERIP system - the Commission is possible in the recipient bank. Internet banking, mobile application


Only between Belagoprombank cards. Cards of one client - no commission, between two different users - 1.5% of the amount, min. 0.20 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application, infokiosk


Between the two of their cards - free. Between two different users of cards - 1.5% of the transfer amount. Transfer to a map of another bank - through the devices 2.5% of the transfer amount, there is no commission through the ERIP. Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM


Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Translation of other bank cards: SERVIS translations - Commission per transfer of 1.5% of the amount, min.0,49 BYN, individual payment through the personal account of the Internet bank (mobile application) - Commission 0.5% of the amount, Max. 30 BYN. Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM


Transfers between bank cards - no commission. Blackbank maps, Belagroprombank - Commission 1.5% of the amount, at least 0.49 rubles. You can transfer money to the cards of other banks through arbitrary payment on the "Payments" tab. For translation, all details of the account card are indicated, no commission. Internet banking, mobile app, infokiosk, ATM

Belarusian People's Bank

There is no commission between the bank's cards through Internet banking. On a map of another bank - 1% of the amount, min. 1 BYN, Max. 5 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application

BPS Sberbank

Between the two cards - without commission.
Between two different users of cards - up to 24.99 Fixed Commission 0.50 BYN, from 25 BYN to 749 BYN - 2% of the amount, from 750 BYN - Commission 15 BYN.
On the cards of another bank through Internet banking - the service "Translude me" with a commission of 1.8% of the amount, min. 2 BYN (Conditions - Both MasterCard or Maestro Cards), or arbitrary transfer by details - Commission 1 BYN.

Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between the bank's cards. On a map of another bank, you can translate through the application or the Internet bank using the "Free Plate" function - the Commission is also not. Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between the bank cards, when transferring through an ATM, the minimum transfer amount of 10 BYN. Transferring money to another bank card - commission 0.8% of the amount (minimum 50 kopecks). Internet banking, mobile app, ATM

Bank VTB (Belarus)

Between the cards of VTB Bank - 0.15 BYN, on a foreign bank card - 1% of the amount of the operation, at least 1 BYN. Translations are possible only between Visa cards. Internet banking, mobile app, ATM

Bank idea

There is no commission between the bank cards, the commission is 1.3% of the amount, at least 2 BYN. On the cards of other banks there is an opportunity to transfer money to an arbitrary payment - in this case there is no commission. Internet banking, mobile application
There is no commission between the bank cards of the Commission, the transfer of MasterCard and Visa cards is 1.5% of the amount, min. 0,49 BYN.

Online service perevod.mtbank.by


There is no commission between the bank's cards. On the cards of other banks - through Internet banking and the service "One-time payment", the Commission will be 1% of the amount, min. 0.50 BYN. Internet banking, infokiosk


Between Cards Priorbank - for free (exception: translation from the map boomerang, Commission 3.5% of the amount + 1 BYN). On the cards of other banks - 1.2% of the amount + 1.5 BYN (from the boomerang card - 3.5% + 1 BYN). Internet banking, mobile app, ATM
Translation only between RRB-Bank cards, no commission. Internet banking


There is no commission between the bank's cards. On the cards of other banks - with the help of a "arbitrary payment" for account details (that is, not by card number), Commission - 1 BYN. Internet banking, mobile application


Translation is possible only between FrançaBank cards, no commission. Internet banking

Chateter Bank

There is no cards between the cards of the bank. On the cards of other banks it is impossible to transfer money. Internet banking, mobile application

We also offer to take advantage of the convenient translation service from the map to the map between Maestro and MasterSard banking cards issued by any Bank of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

Sberbank - Hummingbird Translations

Summer translations in Ukraine, as well as between Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will soon be discontinued, since Sberbank of Russia sells a subsidiary Bank of Sberbank Russia JSC (Ukraine).

In October 2016, a number of Russian payment systems (Hummingbirds including) have fallen under the extended sanctions of Ukraine, in response to this on March 22, 2017, the State Duma in the third reading took changes to the Federal Law "On the National Payment System", prohibiting cross-border money transfers From Russia to Ukraine with the help of foreign payment systems. Putin's law signed.

Of all the types of money transfers of Russia, the urgent translations of Cashbirds "Kolibri" Sberbank of Russia are considered among the youngest. This type of translation appeared in early 2013, when Sberbank had rebranding the population of the Money Transfer System "Blitz", which received a new life as urgent translations of Cashbirds. The conditions for the design of this urgent translation are significantly improved.

Logo "Hummingbird"

So, the hummingbirds, these are urgent cash transfers in cash from Sberbank of Russia, which are carried out between the branches of Sberbank in Russia and between Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiaries abroad, as well as within one of the subsidiaries. Translations are carried out without opening an account (both the sender and the recipient).

The urgent translation system of "Hummingbird" Sberbank of Russia consists of several varieties of remittances, namely:

  • Translations for Russia are urgent money transfers in cash between the branches of Sberbank through the territory of Russia.

  • Transfers abroad - international urgent money transfers between Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiaries abroad.

  • Transfers in Ukraine are urgent translations of cash between the departments of Sberbank Russia JSC in Ukraine.
It should be noted that on the Peninsula Crimea (Simferopol, Sevastopol, etc.), who joined Russia in 2014, so far there are no branches of Sberbank of Russia, and therefore this type of translation in this part of Russia is not available.

Banks involved in the implementation of gumbar transfers

The branch network of participants in the "Hummingbird" transfers system consists of 4 banks:

  • OJSC Sberbank of Russia (Russian Federation) - with a branch network, providing the reception and issuing transfers in more than 10,000 branches of the bank. Sberbank transfers in Russia and transfers abroad. List of branches of Sberbank of Russia, carrying out money transfers "Hummingbirds" can be viewed

  • DB JSC Sberbank (Republic of Kazakhstan) - 33 service units that transfers with Russia (Almaty, Astana, Aktau, Aktobe, Taldykorgan, Atyrau, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Uralsk, Kostanay, Ust-Kamenogorsk). List of branches of dB JSC Sberbank, carrying out international urgent money transfers "Hummingbirds" can be viewed

  • JSC "Sberbank of Russia" (Ukraine) - with 160 branches of the bank, which are present in all regions of Ukraine (Kiev region, Ar Crimea, Dnipropetrovsk region, Donetsk region, etc.). The bank transfers both Russia and the territory of Ukraine (within its branch network). List of branches of Sberbank of Russia JSC, carrying out these translations, can be clarified

  • JSC "BPS-Sberbank" (Republic of Belarus) - with divisions in 46 cities of the Republic (Minsk, Mogilev, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, etc.), which transfers with Russia. List of structural units BPS Sberbank can be viewed

None of the sites listed above banks, I did not find information that in the humming system can be translated between the subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia directly. That is, for example, transfers from Kazakhstan to Ukraine or from Ukraine directly to Belarus are not produced and this is a big minus system.

Conditions and Commission on Urgent Monetary Transfer Hummingbird

The main conditions and commissions on the conversion of Hummingbirds, which operate in Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiaries in 2013 can be divided into the following areas:

  • Transfers in Russia

  • Translations abroad

  • Translations in Ukraine
Transfers "Hummingbirds" are carried out only between individuals, only in cash (without opening current accounts to clients), and cannot be associated with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.
  1. Conditions and tariffs for the translation of hummingbirds in Russia

    Transfers in Russia, these are urgent translations of Cash Sberbank of Russia, which are carried out between the Bank's structural divisions and are carried out:

  2. Conditions and tariffs for the translations of Hummingbird abroad
    Conditions / ParticipantsOJSC Sberbank of Russia - from RussiaDB Sberbank JSC - from KazakhstanJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - from UkraineOJSC "BPS SBERBANK" - from Belarus
    1. Currency Translation Currencyrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and euros
    2. Maximum transfer amount during the day
    • for residents not more than 5,000 US dollars (in equivalent);
    • for non-residents 10.000 (ten thousand) US dollars
    5000 US dollars (at the rate of the Bank of Russia for the Day of Exercise)10,000 US dollars.
    3. Bank for translation - when sending translation of hummingbirds1% of the amount, but not less than 150 rubles. ($ 5 / euro, depending on the translation currency), Max 3000 rubles, $ 100 / Euro.1% of the amount, MIN 150 Russian rubles; 1% of the amount, min 5 US dollars / 5 euros1% of the amount, MIN 150 Russian rubles; 1% of the amount, min 5 US dollars / 5 euros
    4. Commission of the Bank for the translation - when receiving the translation of the hummingbird1% of the amount1% of the amount1% of the amount1% of the amount
    5. Money Translation Termsnot more than 1 hour from the date of registration by the senderno more than 1 hourno more than 1 hourno more than 1 hour
    6. Additional service (recipient notification)informing the recipient at the request of the sender by phone about the fact of receiving translation in its favor - 10 rubles.50 tengeNotNot
    7. Cancel translation (until the recipient's translation is demanded)150 rub.750 tenge30 UAH.150 rub.
  3. Conditions and tariffs for the translation of hummingbirds in Ukraine

How to send a member of Hummingbird?

To carry out translation through the Sberbank branch, the sender will be needed:

  1. Visit the Sberbank Department, which transfers "Hummingbirds".

  2. Present a document certifying the personality.

  3. Tell a bank employee necessary data:

    • Surname, first name and patronymic of the recipient of money transfer;

    • the control question and the answer for the recipient (if desired);

    • the number of your mobile phone and / or recipient phone (not necessarily) - then the sender will be informed free of charge via SMS on receiving translation, and the recipient of sending or canceling translation.

  4. Carefully check the statement filled with the statement of Sberbank for translation and sign it.

  5. Make a bank transfer amount to the bank and the amount of the Commission.

  6. Get the receipt in which the control number is specified.

  7. Self inform the recipient control number of translation.
The list of branches of banks that urgent transfers can be viewed by turning on the sites of the participants from the section of the material "Banks carrying out urgent translations of Kolibri.

How to get a member of Hummingbird?

To obtain a translation of the hummingbird, the recipient needs to be implemented as follows:

  • Visit any branch of Sberbank or a subsidiary, which issues such translations.

  • Put passport or other document certifying personality.

  • Call the control number and response to the test question (if specified) and the last name of the sender.

  • Get translation.

  • With international translations - pay more and part of the commission for receiving translation.

How to check the translation status

Check the manual translation status through the Sberbank website is not possible, since there is no such service.
Instead, Sberbank offers the sender, and only when he desires, specify the number of his mobile phone number and / or phone recipient's phone number, i.e. This bank service is not mandatory.
In this case:
  • the sender will be informed free through SMS on receiving translation,
  • recipient - SMS message about sending or canceling translation.

How to fix errors made when placing translation

The payment of translation is not performed if the sender of the translation when the "translation statement" indicated the incorrect recipient data, i.e. When the recipient's name and / or the recipient's passport details do not coincide with the data entered into the system to specify the sender.
In this case, the sender has the right to amend the recipient's data of the transfer in terms of changing the last name, and / or the name, and / or the recipient's patrimony, upon presentation of the bank:

  • receipt / receiving cash order 0402008 with a control number of translation issued (s) when placing translations.

In the absence of a receipt / receipt cash order 0402008 with a control number of translation, the sender can make amendments if:

  • correctly indicates the control number of the translation,

  • and the data certifying the identity of the sender of the translation will coincide with its data (client data) specified in the details of the transfer when it is sent.

According to "Conditions ..." Sberbank does not refer to the errors in writing the following divergence:

  • miscellaneous writing in the details of the transfer and details of a document certifying the identity of the recipient, the letters "E" or "E" and letters "and" or "

  • the same writing of the letters of Latin and Cyrillic. For example, "P" (lat.) And "P" (Cyr.).

  • the absence or availability in the props of the name is a gap or hyphen.

Cancellation of bank transfer

The sender has the right to cancel the recipient unclaimed by the recipient and return its money. True, the commission for issuing translation is not refunded, in addition, the sender will further pay a service for canceling translation.

Cancellation of unclaimed translation is carried out in the structural division of Sberbank of Russia / Respondent, adopted, upon presentation:

  • identification document

  • receipt with the control number of translation.

Canceling the unclaimed translation and return funds to the sender, in the absence (loss) of the receipt / receipt cash order 0402008 in the following order:

  1. The written statement is issued in an arbitrary form addressed to the head of the department of OJSC Sberbank of Russia / structural division of the respondent who adopted translation.

  2. The bank is inspected by the primary documents on the adopted translation, after which the authorization of the head of the respondent's structural unit / structural unit / branch of the Sberbank of Russia is obtained for the payment of money.

  3. Payment is made by the sender.

Sicklight seitters must be remembered that in the case of the loss of receipt / receipt cash order 0402008, which contains the control number of the transformation, the issuance of their duplicates and copies is not performed. And in order not to fall into a difficult position, it is advisable not to lose and not to throw out the receipt for the sent translation until the moment you cannot receive information that the recipient's translation is obtained.

We check the quality of service in Belarusian banks. Today we will test transfers to the card BPS Sberbank. Let's find out how to transfer money instantly, but as without commission.

First, call the bank's contact center.

- Good day. My name is Alina. How can I help you?

- Hello. I need to transfer money to your bank card. How can i do this?

- Do you want to translate from the map of any other bank, right?

- I have 2 translations. One translation from another bank card on your card, and the second is from my BPS Sberbank card to another BPS-Sberbank card.

- In this case, if you use the Internet bank of our bank, you can transfer cash remotely in your account. If you have a salary package, or for personal purposes, the "Classic" or "status" service package was issued, or you have a COMPASS card, that is, several cash transfer options without any commissions. Maybe you know what your card is framed?

A few minutes later we found out that I have the most ordinary card, and therefore for the translation of another client of the bank with me will still take a commission - 1.8% of the amount.

This is an ordinary debit card, not in the package of services is framed, so the Commission will be charged - this is 2BYN, if on the map of our bank,- explained the specialist.

- Is this if through the Internet bank?

Yes, this is if through Internet banking. There is a map number and the duration of the recipient's card.

- Can I use the phone number?

Yes, you can also by phone number if the client of our bank ...

- And if from the map of another bank?

-If with the card of another bank to translate funds, then you can also remotely, without leaving the house, through the system of the ERIP. There is an either number of the contract or the counting number in the formatIBAN. It will be without any commissions.

Clear. And how fast?

- As soon as the money is credited to our bank, cash is immediately credited. As a rule, no later than the next working day.

- That is, not instantly?

- No, not instant translation.

- And instantly can not be translated into your bank card?

- If you use the infokiosk. In this case, the recipient's card number is indicated, it is possible from the map of another bank, as well as cash. It will be without commission instantaneous card replenishment.

The first translation - from another bank card on the BPS Sberbank card

According to the council of a specialist, we used the system of the Ether.

Translation without commission, we needed to specify only the account number that can be found in the Internet bank.

Despite the fact that the contact center specialist said that the translation is not instant, the money on the card was received very quickly. I think we are very lucky.

It should be noted that the contact center specialist spoke in a fairly detailed translation.

However, for translation from the card of another bank, I was offered only one "not instant" option - the system of the ERIP. But it is not.

In fact, the BPS Sberbank has its own translation system "Translate for me"Money must come instantly, but for such a translation will take 1.8% commission, and for translations you can only use MasterCard and Maestro maps.

The second experiment - the translation between BPS Sberbank cards

For the second translation, the specialist advised to take advantage of translations in the Internet Bank system with the Commission.

In chapter "Catalog" Choose "Translated by private person".

You can transfer money both by the map number and by phone number. I took advantage of the second option. The system automatically found the recipient, so I can only check the name and card number.

It remains only to confirm the translation of SMS. The money on the balance of the recipient was at the same moment!

Personal opinion of the correspondent

The consultation turned out to be incomplete, the girl suggested to transfer the system of the Jerip and translations in the Internet bank, but did not speak about the translation system "Translude me"!

Despite the fact that the translating through the system is not instant, money can come only the next day, they turned out to be very quickly on our balance.

If you take advantage of the "Translude me" service, the translation will be instantaneous, however with the commission and only between MasterCard and Maestro maps.

As for intrabank transfers - they are also instant, it is a pity that you need to pay the commission. :(

Test outcome - 22.5 points out of 50 possible

Criteria for evaluation in the competition BPS Sberbank
By phone Contact center contact response time waiting time 1 point - 3.5 minutes
2 score - 3 minutes
3 points - 2 minutes
4 score - 1 minute
5 points - less than 30 seconds
Max 15. 5
Fullness of information
obtained from the contact center
. Will the transfer options offered between the cards - 5 points (if more than one) 5
. They told about each version in detail and named Commission - 5 points 2,5
. Offer only offline Translation options (infokiosk or bank branch) - minus 2 points 0
Online transfers within the same bank Translation rate from this bank card
. 3 points - during the day
Max 40. 10
Cost of translation from the map of this bank . 0 points - any commission
. 10 points - free
Online transfers from the map of another bank Translation rate from another bank card . 0 points - the next day and longer
. 3 points - during the day
. 10 points - for half an hour
Translation cost from another bank card . 0 points - more than 1%
. 5 points - less or equal to 1% of the transfer amount
. 10 points - free
Is it possible to have online translations between maps of different banks for all payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, Belkart) - minus 10 points (for the absence of one of the systems) -20
Maximum number of balls Max 55. 22,5

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state