
The most profitable banks for deposits. Profitable deposits in reliable banks at high interest rates. Deposits of Sberbank "Manage": interest and conditions

For recent years characterized by various shocks in the sphere Russian economy, which include a change in currency quotes, a sharp decline in the cost of oil, a rapid rise in inflation, as well as the bankruptcy of banking institutions. All this gives reason for the citizens of Russia to think about their future. Of course, everyone somehow tries to save their money.

by the most in a simple way to save their savings is to keep them in bank deposit accounts.

The current situation with deposits.

Those who have been participating in the financial Russian market, investing their funds in deposits, they say that it is unprofitable to place money in short-term deposit accounts. At present, there is a tendency to reduce the interest on deposits by almost all Russian banks. Therefore, funds should be invested only in long-term deposits, unless, of course, the deposit is a way to save money from inflation.

Many experts say that Russian banks have no motivation to raise their interest rates on deposits. This was primarily affected by a large amount of liquidity of banks. This situation will continue in 2017. Already at the end of 2016, a decrease in the lending activity of Russian citizens was noticeable due to high interest rates on loans. Thus, banks cannot convert their liquid assets into loans, which means that there is no need to attract deposit funds.

Sberbank already in 2016 announced a decrease in the deposit percentage by 1 percent for ruble deposits and by 0.5 percent for foreign currency deposits.

Rate cut deposits typical for other Russian banks. The list of Russian banks with the highest interest rates will be presented below.

Interest rates in Russian banks.

Let's look at which Russian banks can provide the most high interest by deposits in 2017:

The name of the deposit is "Champion". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 10.2%.

"Russian standard".
The name of the deposit is "Maximum". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 10.0%.

The name of the deposit is "Personal". The term is from 90 days. Interest rate - 9.7%.

RIA Bank.
The name of the deposit is "Regular income". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 19.6%.

The name of the deposit is "Maximum". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 9.4%.

Home Credit.
The name of the contribution - " Profitable year". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 8.75%.

The name of the deposit is "Universal". The term is 1100 days. Interest rate - 8.5%.

"Bank of Moscow".
The name of the deposit is "Maximum". The term is from 90 days. Interest rate - 8.75 - 9.0%.

"VTB 24".
The name of the deposit is "Favorable". Term - from 6 months. Interest rate - 8.0%.

The name of the deposit is "Favorable". Term - from 6 months. Interest rate - 6.9%.

The name of the deposit is "Save Online". Term - 1 year. Interest rate - 6.85%.

Taxation of deposits.

Each investor should not forget that from the income received it is necessary to without fail pay tax. Taxation is provided for ruble deposits if the interest rate on deposits was higher by 5% of the refinancing rate. Foreign currency deposits with an interest rate of more than 9% per year are also taxed.

The tax rate for residents of Russia is 35%, and for residents of other states - 30%.

Choice bank deposit It would seem a simple question, but everything is not as simple as it might seem, and in this seemingly simple configuration there are often many "undercurrents", which are sometimes beyond the power of a simple layman to figure out. All normal people who earn money not only want to save the extra ones, but also somehow make money on them, right? Agree, we want to not only save our hard-earned money in some financial institution at the level of inflationary processes, but we also expect to increase them, for which we often go where ?, right - to the bank!

We will understand the intricacies of bank deposits in 2017 that banks offer to individuals and pensioners, the conditions and rates for deposits today, we will help determine the most profitable and find the safest of them, optimal for placement programs - with monthly and quarterly interest payments, capitalization, accrual at the end of the deposit term, early withdrawal, etc., all that is necessary and important for an individual depositor to know, from among ordinary Russian inhabitants who are not very versed in banking nuances.

Bank deposits 2017 - selection of favorable conditions and rates

Immediately it is worth noting the number of financial institutions in Russia, how many of them, where you can place your funds for saving and increasing. So - in our country there are about six hundred and fifty fairly stable banks (the figure is gradually decreasing), which work with individuals to attract them and place bank deposits.

Among them there are undisputed leaders who enjoy unconditional trust, mainly these are the largest banking organizations with state capital, but there are many such banks, especially sectoral or regional ones, which also do not lack finances, for many years of working in the market in close contact with their customers, they have proven themselves from the most positive side and enjoy their well-deserved trust.

Choose a higher percentage or a safe bank?

Given the difficult financial situation in the country, many banks are trying by any means to lure a client to them, they offer the most unusual preferential deposit programs, which, of course, is very beneficial for us as an end consumer, so to speak, but even in this situation it is necessary to be extremely vigilant, not to get into a mess because of the desire to earn an "extra percentage of income."

Contributions in 2017 from individuals and pensioners for banks is one of the most important sources of replenishment of their funds, therefore, the terms of deposits at rates are offered with the most favorable and possible level of placement, taking into account the expectations of inflationary processes in the country and its economic condition, as well as in general financial stability and course forecasts national currency ruble. site

Banks will always, even in the best times for themselves, strive to attract a new client, his money, to be placed on their deposit programs, because this gives him an undoubted advantage in the future, in the event of a deterioration in the financial situation.

According to statistics, about half of the clients return to the bank (or stay in it for a long time) with which they have already worked, placed deposits with them and were satisfied with the level of service and the conditions for its placement. That is why every client is so important for any bank, especially a new one.

Deposits of individuals in 2017 - the choice of the bank

Who to trust - the nuances, advantages and disadvantages of banks (large and small)...

What else should be said, to reveal some secret - all banks, without exception, by any means seek to attract deposits from individuals, including pensioners, but this is understandable, but is it right that we trust only large banks - this is a big question.

It is worth saying something about - they ( big banks), often speculate with their fame and rating, offer obviously worse conditions, as if for their celebrity and belonging to the state, and we, as seekers of more favorable conditions for investing our money, do not notice worthy banks, which are smaller than them in terms of capitalization and popularity of large , but no less stable, their placement conditions are an order of magnitude superior to those offered in well-known banks.

That is why such a stable concept has developed among the people - since the bank is small and not well-known in the country, it is not very high in the rating, which means it must pay a higher percentage on deposits, most often this happens, it is beneficial for us, it remains only to choose of which is the safest.

At the same time, a few words should be said in defense of small banks. Very often, small banks are much more mobile than large and well-known ones, they are more sensitive to changing market conditions, respond very quickly to changing business requirements, and treat their customers much more attentively. site

A small bank values ​​its customers to a large extent and in every possible way protects preferential terms, to a greater extent than famous banks, and the conditions for placing deposits in them are always the most favored, with the highest rates in the banking sector, which you can easily see for yourself.

Also, such banks are often more resistant to crisis and force majeure situations, they tend not to have problem loans and loans in their "portfolio", therefore, it is easier to survive difficult times than big bank. But no one says that all small or medium-sized banks should be trusted, no, of course, among them there are quite unstable and problematic ones.

Therefore, to understand such an issue as the selection of a reliable bank for placing a bank deposit in 2017, in its rates and conditions, is not an easy question and requires careful research, it may be worth resorting to the services of specialists in this matter, of course, if your amount is quite significant, in otherwise, try to figure it out yourself, since there is plenty of information in open sources on this topic and it will not be difficult to find it quickly.

What else should bank depositors keep in mind, and not necessarily in 2017, but also in the future - be especially careful and attentive to those banking organizations or any other financial institution credit unions), which offer too attractive interest on deposits, 2-3 positions higher than those of the most high stakes throughout the banking sector.

Let's give an example - the maximum conditions for placing deposits with large banks are approximately at the level of 10 - 11%, with medium and small banks it is slightly higher than 12-13%, and with some bank they are 15%, which means something is dirty here, you need to carefully find out why such conditions are offered, what prompted this bank to offer such a high percentage.

On the other hand, it often happens like this - some small or medium-sized bank has an anniversary date, i.e. is approaching, for example, his 15-year-old, and by this date the bank offers such profitable terms deposit placement at the level of 15%. But usually such promotions are short-term, and in this case it is a justified move on the part of the bank, but a pleasant one for the client.

Let us remind those who are in the know and those who do not know - bank deposits in our country are insured for the amount of one million four hundred thousand rubles. therefore, for those who have this figure does not exceed the guaranteed (insured from all sorts of troubles) contribution, you should not worry about anything. In any case, you will return your money, so you can choose any bank with the highest percentage of deposits, the main thing is that it be a member of the ASB (Deposit Insurance Agency of Russia). site

But do not forget to certify that the bank is a member of this organization, pays fees and can confirm its participation in this depositor protection program. There is also one unpleasant moment, in the event that a bank goes bankrupt, even if it was a member of the ASB. The fact is that the process of returning your deposited funds may take some time, and no one will return the interest earned during the period when your funds were lying there (in a bankrupt bank).

But this happens very rarely, especially in Lately, when a lot of not reliable Russian banks simply simply disappeared, but remained on the Russian financial market, more or less reliable and stable banking institutions, which now doubly value their reputation and their customers.

Interest capitalization (" compound interest") - how is it, what kind of contribution, is it profitable?

For those of you who want to make the most of their bank deposits - interest capitalization, or as this program is also called "compound interest" - this is the best way get the maximum benefit. Such a contribution is calculated as follows - the accrued interest is added to the main contribution and already on total amount the interest of the subsequent period (for example, a month) is calculated. site

Thus, with the help of a bank deposit with capitalization of interest on interest, you will get an excellent opportunity to earn the most profitably, get the maximum income from your deposit. By the way, people call such a program - "percentage on percentage", but among professionals, i.e. among financiers - "compound interest".

Bank deposits today 2017 for individuals and pensioners

In the table below, we have selected for you the interest rates of known banks in Russia, you can familiarize yourself and compare them, choose the one that suits you best, or do not stop searching, but continue to be interested in rates in other banking institutions, especially since they are constantly changing not only interest rates, but also conditions for placing deposits in connection with changing events, both within the country and in the world, for example, in commodity markets or stock exchanges...

In conclusion, let us remind you what a profitable, reliable and profitable deposit in a bank is, first of all, the optimal ratio of the security of the bank itself, the level of services it provides to customers, the value interest rates on the deposit and the flexibility of conditions for placing a bank deposit. site

A separate issue of the safety and reliability of the bank, in addition to its wide popularity and partial or complete ownership of the state, is also to whom it belongs, if for example it is an industry bank, then the level of trust in it increases, it is unlikely that it will experience any financial difficulties, or regional bank, which can also be trusted, as well as network financial banking institutions, the same can be written in quite reliable and safe enough to place deposits.

What else distinguishes modern bank, his concern for his customers is the presence of an Internet banking system, as well as online calculator mortgage lending and deposits. Internet banking is all the more convenient and profitable because many banks are now increasing the interest on deposits if you open it through the terminal.

We hope you learned a lot about deposits in 2017, received approximate information about the rates, interest and conditions for placing bank deposits, figured out the reliability of banks, their advantages and disadvantages.

Find out more

Information about banks and banking products, new lending programs or placement of deposits of individuals and legal entities, pensioners and so on, is constantly updated, so follow it in the media, news and the Internet, do not forget about what you read above, maybe you learned something useful and it will come in handy in your search banking information about contributions not only in 2017, but also in the future.


Deadlines and


Payouts Replenishment Withdrawal Termination



1 year

10, 2 %

at the end of the term

not a bank


impossible on bank terms

"Russian standard"


1 year

10, 0 %

at the end of the term

not a bank



charged at the rate

"Poste restante"



from 3 months

9, 7 %


yes - without



charged at the rate

"Poste restante"

"RIA Bank"

"Fixed income"

1 year

9, 6 %

monthly on bank terms

on terms


on bank terms

Bank "Binbank"


1 year

9, 4 %

at the end of the term Yes impossible

With early withdrawal

interest paid

Bank "Home Credit"

"Profit Year"

1 year

8, 75 %

at the end of the term

not a bank



With early withdrawal

interest paid

at a rate of 0.01%

Bank "Yurga"


1100 days

8, 5 %


not a bank


impossible No

"Bank of Moscow"


from 3 months

8, 75 - 9, 0 %


not a bank



Preferential conditions

early termination

since 181 days

Bank "VTB 24"


from 6 months

8, 0 %


not a bank


on preferential





from 6 months

6, 9 %

monthly Yes

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are used to living "on credit". However, lately financial literacy The population is growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Currency deposits in Moscow are gaining more and more popularity. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against the depreciation of capital, and through the interest paid, they allow you to earn income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a deposit in foreign currency in Moscow, then do not rush to carry your money to the first bank that promises a big income due to the highest rates on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of the deposit, it is necessary to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (for each deposit, a minimum amount limit is set) for a certain period (there are options for termless deposits, which you can close at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in the established currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw the money, the bank takes it out of its turnover and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered in the aggregate of such conditions as the amount, term and interest that can be received precisely for the fact that the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on the deposit for a certain period. Therefore, the more comfortable the conditions of your multicurrency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for a bank, the higher the interest on foreign currency deposits you can get.

Accordingly, high interest rates currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it establishes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is unlimited, then the bank still sets the period during which it must be warned about the closure so that it can painlessly get the required amount from circulation;
  • during the term of the agreement, it is impossible to withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the lowest possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial opportunities before opening a deposit.

In which bank of Moscow is it better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all the necessary information on the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all banks in Moscow work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option for a deposit of individuals in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly and effortlessly as possible, use the special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. According to your individual requirements, which you enter in the appropriate form, the system will select and display a complete list of suitable deposit options in 2019.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option, you will receive the following information:

  • term of the deposit;
  • interest rate (per year);
  • final income (for a specified period: usually a year).

You can quickly make the right and informed choice, and then immediately send an online application for a deposit in foreign currency, and proceed to registration.

To open a deposit, you need to carefully study the deposit rates and other conditions. To reduce the search time, you can use the help of our site. Here are collected offers for investments with high interest rates on deposits in. But this is not the only parameter for successful cash investments.

To use capital today profitably, it is not enough to find a deposit at high interest rates. It is desirable that other parameters multiply income: you need to make a deposit that can be replenished. Deposits in Moscow banks with capitalization will allow more efficient use an initial fee. An important point - is it possible to withdraw money from the account ahead of schedule? And if so, is the accrued interest retained? Or will they burn?

How convenient is the search for deposits in Moscow on the site?

Here you can find deposits not only in rubles, but also in other currencies popular for investment - euros and dollars.

On our portal you can compare the conditions of different credit institutions cities - interest on deposits in Moscow banks, terms, the possibility of replenishment and capitalization of interest. In addition, you can learn about the deposits of other major cities in Russia. To find a suitable option you need:

  • set up search filters;
  • choose from the proposed options suitable;
  • send an application or call the bank for more information.

Many individuals prefer to draw up. Thanks to such programs, they manage to quickly increase their start-up capital. Currently, Russian banks also offer other deposit programs, for which the most comfortable conditions are set. To compare in other financial institutions, people should carefully study the rating of active deposits in 2017.

How to choose a reliable and stable bank for opening a deposit?

Individuals who have free funds on hand strive to make them “work” and bring, albeit a small, but stable income. The ideal option for investment today are deposit programs, a wide range of which is represented by various Russian banks. Studying the rating of the most profitable deposits, many people pay attention to programs with the highest profitability, for example, on.

When choosing a deposit program, individuals should focus on the following criteria:

  • how many branches does it have financial institution;
  • how many ATMs of the selected bank are installed in locality and in the whole country;
  • what is the amount of personal assets of the financial institution;
  • a line of deposit products introduced in 2017 for individuals;
  • range of additional banking services offered to the public;
  • ruler loan products available to individuals and business entities;
  • participation of a financial institution in state program deposit insurance;
  • what positions does the bank occupy in the domestic financial market etc.

Advice: when choosing a financial institution to place Money in his deposit accounts Russian citizens all possible risks must be taken into account. This will help the reviews of former clients of the bank, as well as its position in the ranking of the most reliable and profitable deposits.

Rating of banks on deposits of individuals

The table shows the most popular deposits for individuals in 2017, which are characterized by maximum profitability and comfortable conditions for placing funds:

Name of financial institutions Annual interest rates Term of placement of funds in Russian rubles Minimum investment amount (in rubles) Name of the deposit program
Trust Bank up to 9.40% 91-546 days from 30 000 Own people (in 2017, others were offered to individuals)
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development up to 10.50% 180-367 days from 10 000 savings certificate
Moscow credit bank up to 9.50% 95-370 days from 1 000 All inclusive
Renaissance Credit up to 11.50% 367 days from 50 000 Stable
SMP bank up to 9.05% 1095 days from 3 000 Dynamics
Moscow Industrial Bank up to 9.25% 365 days from 30 000 Classical
Russian standard up to 9.00% 91-720 days from 30 000 Maximum income
Rosbank up to 9.00% 3 months - 3 years from 15 000 150 years of reliability
Opening up to 8.75% 33-1100 days from 5 000 Maximum
Bank "Saint-Petersburg up to 8.50% 91-367 days from 5 000 Rentier online
Rosselkhozbank up to 8.55% 31-1460 days from 3 000 Classic online
Binbank up to 8.40% 91-730 days from 10 000 Monthly income
Gazprombank up to 8.00% 91 days - 3 years from 15 000 Perspective
Alfa Bank up to 8.10% 92 days - 3 years from 10 000 Victory +
VTB 24 up to 7.85% 91-1830 days from 10 000 Profitable online
Raiffeisenbank up to 7.50% 91-181 days from 50 000 welcome
Bank Russian Capital up to 7.50% 91-181 days from 50 000 Russian capital plus
Sberbank of Russia up to 6.85% 1 month-3 years from 1 000 Save online

Rating of banks in Moscow on deposits of individuals

Residents of the capital, as well as citizens of other regions, actively participate in the deposit programs of Russian banks. For individuals today there are a huge number of offers in which they can try themselves as investors. In order to choose the most reliable financial institution that can be safely entrusted with hard-earned savings, one should study the rating of banks by capital size compiled by the Central Bank.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state