
Banks. Banking system. Presentation "banking system in the Russian Federation" presentation for the lesson Reasons for the spread of consumer credit

Lesson topic:

"Banks and banking system"

Compiled by: teacher of economics

town of Verkhnaya Salda

Lesson plan

  • Introduction
  • Banking system
  • Financial institutions
  • Conclusion


Finance - a set of economic relations in the process of using money

Origin of banks

Banks are a very ancient economic invention. The first banks arose in the Ancient East in the 7th-6th centuries. BC. Then the baton was picked up by Ancient Greece. Here, the most revered temples began to accept money for safekeeping during wars, since the warring countries considered it unacceptable to plunder the sanctuaries.

Word "bank" comes from italian "banco" and means "table", "bench"

In England, the capitalist banking system arose in the 16th century, with bankers coming from either goldsmiths or merchants.

But as soon as bags with treasures appeared in the vaults of ancient banks, the eyes of local entrepreneurs - merchants and artisans turned in their direction. They had a perfectly reasonable question: is it possible for a while to use other people's savings to expand the scale of their operations? Naturally, for a fee!

Thus, the interests of the two most important participants in the economy intersected - the owner of savings and the merchant, who needs capital to expand his activities. This is what banks owe their birth to.

Economic interests that led to the emergence of banks

Savings owner

It has:

  • saving

Needs to:

  • savings income


Refrain from consuming your savings and allow them to be used for a fee


It has:

Profitable Use Project Needs to:

money capital


In 1809, in the city of Slobodsky, Vyatka province, merchant K.A. Anfilatov established the “First City Public Anfilatov Bank” quite modern in its principles

In 1863, with the support of the Minister of Finance Mikhail Reitern and on the initiative of the Governor of the State Bank of Russia, Yevgeny Lamansky,

Petersburg Mutual Credit Society

Mikhail Reitern

Today, the range of banking services is extremely diverse, but almost all of them can be classified into one of four main categories:

  • Collection of savings of citizens for the organization of a profitable investment of these savings in commercial activities.
  • Presentation of citizens' savings for temporary paid use to commercial organizations.
  • Assistance to commercial organizations and citizens in organizing payments for goods and services.
  • Creation of new forms of money to speed up and facilitate payments for goods and services.

A BANK is a financial intermediary operating on:

  • accepting deposits;
  • presentation of loans;
  • organization of settlements;
  • buying and selling securities

Loan price structure



bank costs for

doing business

Interest income

to the owner of the savings

Lending principles:

  • urgency;
  • payment;
  • returnability;
  • warranty

Deposits - all types of funds transferred by their owners for temporary storage to the bank with the right to use this money for lending

Demand deposits

these are deposits from which

depositor can

withdraw money from any

Term deposits

these are deposits from which the owner

undertakes not to take money

before the end of a certain

Banking system

Banking system -

set of banks and other credit institutions and organizations operating in the country


Commercial banks

Other financial and credit


Banking system

Main functions

Central Bank:

  • Implementation of the monetary policy of the state
  • Lending to commercial banks
  • Ensuring the stable operation of the banking and financial systems
  • Maintaining the stability of the national currency
  • Storage of stocks of cash and gold

Banking system

Types of commercial banks:

  • Industry banks(serve certain sectors of the economy)
  • Intersectoral(serves all sectors of the economy)
  • Regional banks(serve certain regions of the country)

Types of commercial banks










Banking system

Operations of a commercial bank:

Passive– operations to mobilize financial resources: accepting deposits (deposits); obtaining loans from other banks and the central bank; issue of own securities

Active– operations for the placement of funds: the provision of loans of various terms and sizes

The structure of modern national banks

Issuing banks


citizens and


citizens and companies


Financial institutions

Financial and credit institutions accumulate free cash and provide it to those who need additional capital or financial assistance

Pension fund - a fund created by private and state companies, enterprises for the payment of pensions and benefits to persons making pension contributions to this fund

Investment companies - a financial and credit institution that collects funds from private investors through the sale of their own securities

Financial institutions

Insurance companies are organizations that provide insurance services and are intended to compensate for damages, losses due to accidents.

Stock exchanges specialize in buying and selling securities.

Interstate financial and credit institutions:

(World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.). They are engaged in financing and lending to different countries, promote world trade, assist in the stabilization of the financial system


Finance plays a huge role in the structure of market relations and the mechanism of their state regulation. Any country must maintain and strictly control its banking system and monetary circulation in order to prevent the development of barter, on the one hand, and the growth of inflation, on the other.


Task 1. Marina Georgievna invested 12,500 rubles in SBERBANK. at 11% per annum. The bank gave the same amount on credit to the Iceberg Organization at 17% per annum. What profit will SBERBANK receive?

Task 2. How much money will Svetikova S.A. after 3 years, if she invested 120,000 rubles in the bank. at 11% per annum?


Solution of problem number 1:

1) 17-11= 6% bank profit in %

2) 12500 * 6: 100 \u003d 750 (P) bank profit in rubles

Solution of problem number 2(120000*11:100)*3+120000=159600(P) in 3 years

Bank. Banking system."

Lesson Objectives:

· consider the types of banks and their main functions in the modern economy, the role of the Central Bank in the regulation of the monetary system;

Find out the essence of the credit issue.

Lesson objectives:

Features of a two-tier banking system;

· the main functions of the Central and commercial banks, and their role in the economy;

· classification of commercial banks, types of banking operations and types of deposits;

basic principles of lending;

· purpose of creation and types of bank reserves;

· give an idea of ​​the credit issue and bank multiplier.


Ability to work with additional literature, search for the necessary information on the Internet;

the ability to solve problems;

· Skills in choosing a more profitable bank for cooperation.

Basic concepts of the lesson: bank, banking system, Central Bank, assets, liabilities of the bank, credit, issue, deposits, pledge, margin.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: projector, interactive board, presentation for the lesson "Banking system"



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Slides captions:

The origin of banks The word “bank” comes from the Italian “banco” and means “table”, “bench”. The forerunners of banks were medieval money changers - representatives of monetary and commercial capital; they accepted money from merchants and specialized in exchanging money from different cities and countries. Over time, the money changers began to use these deposits, as well as their own money, to make loans and receive interest, which meant the transformation of money changers into bankers. In England, the capitalist banking system arose in the 16th century, with bankers coming from either goldsmiths or merchants.

But as soon as bags with treasures appeared in the vaults of ancient banks, the eyes of local entrepreneurs, merchants and artisans turned in their direction. They had a perfectly reasonable question: is it possible for a while to use other people's savings to expand the scale of their operations? Naturally, for a fee! Thus, the interests of the two most important participants in the economy intersected - the owner of savings and the merchant, who needs capital to expand his activities. This is what banks owe their birth to.

A bank is a financial institution whose main function is to receive financial resources from those people from whom they are temporarily released, and present them to those who need them now.

Central Bank Non-bank credit institutions Central Bank Banks

The banking system of Russia Vneshtorgbank Sberbank Commercial banks of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - the Bank of Russia The first stage of the reform of the banking system refers to 1988-1990. (preparatory). The main result of stage I is the creation of a two-tier banking system. Stage II of the banking system reform begins in 1991.

Central bank (central bank) - the main bank of the country, which has the exclusive right to issue the national currency and controls the activities of other banks 7 Bank of Russia, Moscow

The functions of the Central Bank is the issue of the national currency, the regulation of the amount of money in the country; maintaining the stability of the national currency; general supervision over the activities of the country's financial institutions and the implementation of financial legislation; lending to commercial banks; issue and redemption of government securities; management of government accounts, execution of foreign financial transactions.

Commercial bank (commercial bank) - a firm that is engaged in attracting the savings of households and other firms on deposits and issuing loans.

COMMERCIAL BANK OPERATIONS passive aimed at raising money active aimed at making money work bank loans; purchase of securities; reserves. equity; deposits.

The term “credit” comes from the Latin “creditum” - a loan, a debt A loan has a monetary nature The bank, as an intermediary, accumulates temporarily free funds, forming loan capital, and provides it for temporary disposal to those persons who feel the need to attract additional financial resources on certain conditions . Credit - a form of movement of loan capital The essence of credit

urgency repayment rate security of the loan intended use Principles of lending

By collateral: Unsecured (blank) Collateral Guaranteed Insured By terms of crediting: Demand Short-term (up to 1 year) Medium-term (from 1 year to 3 years) Long-term (over 3 years) By repayment methods: Installment (parts, shares) Lump sum (on a specific date) Loan classification

By types of loan accounts (ordinary) Special Contractors Overdrafts By major groups of borrowers Individuals Legal entities Industry focus Legal form Classification of loans

Penalty - penalty - fine Pledge of Movable property Immovable property Property rights Bank guarantee Guarantee Legal entities Individuals Forms of loan collateral

The loan price (loan interest rate) is determined by the ratio of demand for credit resources and supply; of course, taking into account the monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Lending is carried out on a contractual basis, the obligations of the lender and the borrower have real legal force Transition from lending to an object - a state-owned enterprise to lending to a subject of credit relations - the borrower Principles of a modern lending system in Russia

demonopolization of the unified loan fund, credit resources are formed by each bank independently The Bank of Russia can have an indirect impact on the amount of resources by establishing economic standards instead of lending limits Principles of the modern lending system in Russia

Problem solving. Task number 1. The borrower takes a bank loan in the amount of 10 thousand rubles at 100% per annum for a period of 2 years. How much he will pay the bank after this period as payment for the loan. Task number 2. Calculate interest on a loan issued for 2 years and seven months at 12% per annum. Use the normal practice of banks.

Homework: Textbook I.V. Lipsitz, chapter 6. 1-3 tasks.

    slide 1

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics" Faculty of Humanities Department of Economic Theory and Business Banking system of the Russian Federation and its improvement. Student group No. 2652 Nazarova Marina Vladimirovna Checked by: Manko Victoria Vyacheslavovna St. Petersburg 2012

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    Goals and objectives of the study……………………….….3What is the banking system of Russia?........................... .............…….....………….….4The Central Bank of Russia, its goals and objectives.………………………………………… …….…….5Commercial banks.………………………………….6Largest banks in Russia………………………………………..8 Trends specific to the Bank of Russia…………..9 Factors influencing the development of the banking system………………………………………………….10

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    Goals and objectives of the study

    The purpose of this work is to find out what the banking system of the Russian Federation is and the prospects for its development. The set goal required the solution of the following tasks: The structure of the banking system of the Russian Federation What tasks does the banking system of the Russian Federation perform. Prospects for the development of the banking system in Russia. 3

    slide 4

    What is the Russian banking system?

    BANKING SYSTEM OF RUSSIA - a set of national banks and other credit institutions operating within the framework of a single financial and credit mechanism. Includes two levels: the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) and credit institutions. 4

    slide 5

    The Central Bank of Russia, its goals and objectives.

    The main objectives of the Bank of Russia are: to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble, including its purchasing power and exchange rate against foreign currencies; development and strengthening of the banking system of the Russian Federation; ensuring stability and development of the national payment system. The main tasks of the Bank of Russia are: regulation of money circulation; implementation of a unified monetary policy; protecting the interests of depositors, banks; supervision of the activities of commercial banks and other credit institutions; implementation of operations on foreign economic activity. five

    slide 6

    commercial banks.

    A commercial bank is a non-state credit institution that carries out universal banking operations for legal entities and individuals (settlement, payment operations, attraction of deposits, provision of loans, as well as operations in the securities market and intermediary operations). 6

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    Services provided by commercial banks.

    lending to legal entities and individuals; deposit operations; currency transactions (only authorized banks); operations with precious metals; access to the stock market and Forex; maintenance of settlement accounts of economic entities; exchange of damaged money (torn, burned, washed banknotes) tokens for unspoiled ones; mortgage; car loans; etc. 7

    Slide 8

    The largest banks in Russia

  • Slide 9

    Trends typical for the Bank of Russia.

    Small and medium banks predominate. According to the form of ownership, banks are divided into share, joint-stock and mixed. The main part of the banks is still concentrated in the Central region. The number of branches and representative offices is increasing, both in Russia and abroad. The Russian Federation is characterized by universal banks; a network of specialized banks, such as mortgage banks, is practically not developed. The main goal of the banking system is lending to the economy in the face of three economic agents - the population, entrepreneurs and the state. In this regard, the domestic banking system is far behind the Western one. Almost only the Savings Bank is engaged in lending to the population. Lending to enterprises occupies a relatively small place in the operations of commercial banks. In the structure of passive operations, the main share is occupied by ruble deposits of the population and legal entities. nine

    Slide 10

    Factors affecting the development of the banking system

    The degree of maturity of commodity-money relations; social and economic order, its intended purpose and social orientation; legislative bases and acts; a general idea of ​​the nature and role of the bank in the economy. 10

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    Banks in Russia are included in a two-tier system, the upper level of which is represented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the lower level is represented by commercial banks. Gradually improving, the banking system of the Russian Federation is increasingly beginning to become a developed system, and not only externally, but also in the essence of the operations carried out. The network of branches and representative offices is expanding both within the country and abroad, and the network of non-bank credit institutions is growing. eleven

    Bank - a financial enterprise that concentrates temporarily free funds (deposits), provides them for temporary use in the form of loans (loans, loans), mediates in mutual payments and settlements between enterprises, institutions or individuals, regulates money circulation in the country, including issue (issue) of new money

    Banking system

    Banking system - a set of different interconnected banks and other credit institutions operating within a singlefinancial and creditmechanism. It is a key link in the credit system. In a two-tier banking system, the Bank of Russia (CB) is on the first level, and credit institutions, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks, are on the second level.

    Types of banking systems

    World practice knows two types of financial systems that have developed in developed countries. The main feature that constitutes that (other) type of financial system is the role of commercial banks in supporting the activities and financing of industrial corporations.

    Types of banking systems

    The first type is a bank-oriented financial system, common in continental Europe and Japan. It is distinguished by:

    relatively low level of development of financial markets, primarily risk capital markets;

    savings are transformed mainly into the form of short-term and long-term loans through a network of commercial banks and other savings institutions;

    a significant share of all financial contracts is in the hands of the banks themselves, and their credit policy is directly aimed at financing industrial corporations;

    commercial banks, as a rule, do not have strict restrictions in the choice of investments (bank portfolio) and control over the activities of corporations.

    Types of banking systems

    The second type of financial system is market-oriented, dominating in the USA and Great Britain. It is characterized by:

    high level of capital market development; the population invests most of their savings in production directly or through a system of non-banking financial intermediaries; banks meet the needs of corporations mainly in short-term credit;

    commercial banks are severely limited in the formation of a portfolio of investments and the ability to control corporations. The state never interferes in the activities of banks. It only controls the state of the money supply, that is, it conducts monetary policy.


    Studying the features of the development of the Russian banking system, one can single out natural and forced ways of its transformation into a better and more manageable structure.

    Features of the development of the banking system of Russia

    Forced transformation - a consequence of the influence of external factors: state bodies that control and regulate banking activities. These are the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the State Duma as a legislative body, tax authorities, etc. This transformation is aimed at improving the manageability of the banking sector as a whole, creating a favorable environment for conducting operations in the financial market, protecting against foreign competitors, and improving the quality of national liquidity planning.

    Features of the development of the banking system of Russia

    natural transformation – the urgent need for the banks themselves to put their internal organization in order: determine the direction of development, target customer segments, work out the quality of the financial product offer, optimize business processes, improve the manageability of the organization and, as a result, through the implementation of the program

    change - increase the profitability of your business.

    Features of the development of the banking system of Russia

    Meanwhile, the problem of a Russian bank often lies in its internal processes - the inability to effectively organize the work of its divisions, quickly respond to changing market conditions, constantly monitor demand fluctuations and offer new products in demand. Often, banks function even without an adopted strategy that determines the main directions for the development of a credit institution and ways to achieve its goals.

    This behavior is understandable. In the process of formation of the Russian banking system, the organization of the bank as a business structure was carried out very quickly. The opportunity to participate in privatization auctions and tenders, the desire to attract the largest customers left the banks too little time for a balanced, systematic approach to the business of a credit institution. As a result, until today, banks have hardly come up with anything new except for settlement and cash services. Often, it is enough for a bank to serve the accounts and interests of the industrial giant that founded it.

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    Slides captions:

    Banking system in Russia St. Petersburg State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Star College" Kochedykova Lyudmila Valerievna

    Banking system The banking system of the Russian Federation is a set of interrelated elements that includes the Central Bank, credit institutions consisting of commercial banks and other credit and settlement institutions, sometimes combined within holdings, as well as banking infrastructure and banking legislation.

    Legal regulation The main laws governing banking activities in the Russian Federation are: The Constitution of the Russian Federation The Civil Code Federal Law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1900 “On Banks and Banking Activity” Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated July 10, 2002 “On Federal Law No. 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003 “On insurance of deposits of individuals in Banks of the Russian Federation” § 4.1 Chapter IX of Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated October 26, 2002 On insolvency (bankruptcy ) Federal Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System” Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 “On Consumer Credit (Loan)”

    The largest banks in Russia According to the newspaper Kommersant, the largest banks in Russia are: No. Bank Assets, thousand rubles. 1 Sberbank of Russia 23,760,783,448 2 VTB Bank 11,691,191,873 3 Gazprombank 5,753,224,844 4 Rosselkhozbank 3,210,632,960 5 Alfa-Bank 2,630,568,142 6 Credit Bank of Moscow 1,790,642,801 191,333,176 8 Unicredit Bank 1,158,740,066 9 Promsvyazbank 1,024,635,413 10 Raiffeisenbank 907,575,466

    Banking system of the Russian Federation, its levels The Russian banking system has a two-level structure. The first level is represented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The second level includes banks and non-bank credit organizations, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation The Central Bank (CB) of the Russian Federation, also often referred to as the Bank of Russia, has been a financial mega-regulator since 2013, performing the functions of supervision over financial groups, as well as an institution that has a monopoly on: issuing cash; managing the system for making settlements and payments; ensuring the stability of the financial market of the country and the national currency, etc. The Bank of Russia, which occupies the highest level of the financial and credit system, has the exclusive right to issue and revoke licenses for banking activities.

    Commercial banks Commercial banks are all, without exception, organizations of the country's banking system that provide banking services to individuals and legal entities. These services include: lending - the provision of loans to private clients (mortgage, car loans, consumer non-purpose loans) and enterprises related to the real sector of the economy; operations with precious metals; currency operations; settlement and cash services for clients; maintaining bank accounts; issue of bank cards - plastic and virtual; collection; attracting deposits and paying interest in accordance with relevant agreements; making money transfers; implementation of bank guarantees.

    Commercial banks The following forms of ownership are also provided for banks: joint-stock; cooperative; joint In addition, in the modern banking system, banks are classified: into large, medium and small - according to the scale of activity and the volume of equity capital; into specialized and universal - by the nature of the operations carried out; to international, all-Russian, interregional and regional - in the service sector; on banks with foreign capital and without foreign capital; into multi-branch and non-branch.

    Thanks for attention!

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mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state