
Who needs to make repairs in the apartment. Announcement about the repair of apartments - a sample for posting. Special offer for renovation business owners

Excellent master! Completed a major overhaul of the apartment with the brigade with the correction of all walls, the replacement of electrics, plumbing, floor screed. The quality of the repair is excellent, all joints are well done. High-quality electrician for modern technology. We chose among several teams and decided to work with...

Valery. Perfect hit. Valery organized! With a proactive attitude and good taste. He loves his job and brings every question to the ideal. Everything is done with taste - without ridiculous unnecessary thresholds, corners, etc. With a good, decent team. 5+++! The repair went smoothly and smoothly. Everything was spelled out in the contract, payment upon completion of the work. Valery can be safely entrusted with a major overhaul! #repair #reliability #overhaul #goodrepair #moscow

Grade 5+

Marina, m. Proletarskaya

Order services: Electrician. Repair of apartments.

Osavchuk Vasily Grigorievich and his team carried out a major overhaul of our apartment. I am very pleased with them and will gladly recommend them to my friends and acquaintances. The guys are serious about their work and every time after the work they cleaned up after themselves, which cannot but rejoice. Always advised...

and gave professional advice on how best to act in a given situation. We tried not to make noise in order not to disturb the neighbors, for which they are a big plus. In general, they did an excellent job with their task, and if necessary, I will be ready to show my apartment as an example of their wonderful work .. I am pleased with your work and, if necessary, I will contact you again.

Grade 5

For the first time in my life, a renovation went smoothly. The apartment was overhauled on a turnkey basis with the complete dismantling of the floor, some walls, the complete dismantling of bathrooms, wall and ceiling coverings. The agreed deadlines have been met. Wishes in the process of work were carried out. Quality...

completely satisfied with the work. There were no additional payments for the agreed amount of work. Tactful in communication master. Recommend.

Grade 5

Sergei, m. Street 1905, Krasnopresnenskaya

Order services: Apartment renovation.

I want to note the high level of professionalism and competence of Yuri. Yuriy did a major overhaul of my apartment. As a result, all work was done at 5+, from dismantling to finishing. Any comments from my side were eliminated instantly, and the wishes were taken into account completely. Even...

nothing to complain about! During the renovation, cleanliness was maintained, there was no excess debris. The material was used sparingly. Moreover, the calculation for ordering materials was made very accurately. (I took care of the purchase of materials myself). All work was carried out without any delay or delay on his part. Separately, I want to note the accuracy. Yuri during the work and the flexibility shown in assessing the cost of repairs. The repair was carried out even 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I will definitely recommend him to my friends and family!

Grade 5+

This article was written by me for private craftsmen, small teams and owners of repair companies who experience a shortage of orders for apartment renovation or their unstable flow (sometimes dense, sometimes empty).

I have been working in the construction field for quite a long time with different directions, in particular, with the direction of repair and decoration of apartments / cottages, and, analyzing the requests I receive, I see that the state of affairs for each applicant is the same, despite the fact that clients are from different regions and , often, really masters of their craft, caring for a quality result for their customers.

Each of them is experiencing real difficulties in attracting customers - below are the main formulations of this need:

  • how to attract customers for the decoration and renovation of apartments,
  • how and where to look for clients for apartment renovation,
  • how and where to find clients for apartment renovation,
  • how and where to get clients for apartment renovation.

Word of mouth is unstable, Avito stopped working, paid advertising (Yandex direct, the site and its promotion) are expensive, but the money is gone, and there were no calls and no.

In this article, I will share with you effective online methods to attract customers to your repair business.

Remember! If some method did not bring you results, analyze why. 95% that you use this tool ineptly. You need to test different approaches, analyze the result, test further. As soon as the result has gone, think about how to strengthen it.

Video presentation:

Special offer for renovation business owners

10 offline ways to attract customers for apartment renovations

Before writing this material, I studied what others write on this topic. And I was surprised that there are simply no worthy full-fledged materials. From article to article the same thing is rewritten ...

Therefore, at the very beginning, I will give in the form of a short list of offline methods (hackneyed, mentioned on the Internet) to attract customers to the repair business. The effectiveness of this or that method is different and depends on the advertising message (offer), design, location, etc.

I can’t give any specifics on these methods, because. I specialize exclusively in attracting customers from the Internet. If some method interests you, look for details on its implementation on the Internet.

The methods are as follows:

  • promotions and flyers;
  • advertising in entrances, elevators, on fences;
  • cooperation with designers, architects;
  • partnerships with companies in related fields (which have your target audience);
  • advertising in regional print media (newspapers, magazines);
  • word of mouth (this is “for dessert”, appears when a reputation and satisfied customers are gained).

And now let's move on to the most interesting and effective - online ways to attract private orders for the repair and decoration of apartments.

How to write an advertisement for apartment renovation

Right now, go to Avito or any other bulletin board and scan the ads in the apartment renovation section, I saw this quiet horror:

What do you think? Impressive?

What do you think:

  • Do ads with prices of 100-800 rubles look effective and realistic?
  • Is it good to optimize ads for queries that users type (I, in particular, typed “apartment renovation”)?
  • Do the images of some ads catchy?

Of course, all this is subjective, but for the most part it works poorly.

I will give you a few basic things that you need to know when compiling (writing) ads for bulletin boards or for printed flyers:

  • Forget about common words, promises, "guarantees". Almost all ads are full of this. It’s not just that they don’t believe in it, they don’t pay attention to it. Focus solely on what really matters to your customers. Remember what customers ask you in communication. What are they paying attention to? What are they afraid of, etc. And focus on that in your ads.
  • Write briefly, clearly, to the point. Forget about "water" and empty titles and texts. This does not work. No one will read "sheets" of text, especially if they are not formatted (not broken into paragraphs). Turn your ad into a set of clear talking points.
  • The headline should hook and make you click.. The headline should engage in subsequent reading of the ad. You have to "hit" a potential client. To do this, you must know your audience and feel their pains and needs.
  • Catchy announcement photo. Think about how you stand out and what will help to select your ad and click on it?
  • Compose lots of ads and test them. Form at least 10 different ads with different headlines and photo announcements. Turn them on one by one and measure the result in the form of views and the quality of hits. Record the result in a spreadsheet (Excel or Google Docs).
  • The text of the ad must be written in the language of benefits. Forget about "quality building materials" and similar clichés. Turn it into "building materials with a written 25 year warranty" and so on.
  • Do not make mistakes in the text. Mistakes scare away and drastically reduce the conversion rate. You form a negative opinion about yourself immediately.
  • 1 service = 1 ad. If you are engaged in “renovation of bathrooms”, you should have separate ads for “repair of combined bathrooms”, “repair of a separate bathroom”, “combination of a bathroom”, “repair of a toilet 1.5 sq.m.”. And in each individual case, you must adapt the description for a specific service. If it is possible to indicate prices for a ready-made solution, do it.
  • Indicate your real name + add a personal photo. You want people to believe in you and pay money in the future. So don't hide. Remove the distance between you and the client. Show that you are a real person.
  • Do not replace the description of the service with a link to a site with this description. Do not be lazy to write an ad for the bulletin board. You will lose the lion's share of the audience by posting links to third-party resources instead of posting a description here and now.
  • Use keywords in ads. Organically enter phrases related to your ad in the title and text.
  • Respond promptly to inquiries. Whether it's private messages in your account or calls with SMS. Stay connected and don't get cold.

Where to place an ad about apartment renovation (bulletin boards)

Method 2. Avito.ru

In fact, a free way with the ability to buy a variety of advanced packages with advertising features (highlighting in the search results, lifting, etc.).

Register, in the "Services" section, post your ad. Make it as selling as possible in the sense that:

  • show the benefits of your offer;
  • deal with the most common objections;
  • answer key questions;
  • show the high value of your offer;
  • provide examples of your work.

Method 3. Exchanges of orders for apartment renovation (aggregators of repair services)

For you, I have made a selection of such platforms-exchanges. Register, fill out your profile with high quality, find opportunities to increase the return of your account on a specific site. Earn a good rating and go!

24+ exchanges of orders for the repair and decoration of apartments (aggregators):

Method 4. Social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

Focus on photo publications (examples of work from real objects) with a description of what you do, how you do it, why you do it. All these nuances will show your potential customers your professionalism and attention to detail, this is very important.

To unroll use:

Each of the methods is working and brings customers. Just take and implement!

Method 5. Global and local business directories

Global catalogs are usually either a separate section of a larger portal or a standalone portal.

They can be both general-thematic (that is, divided into various thematic categories, including “apartment renovation”), as well as specialized, where only construction sites are located.

Usually all directories have a link to the region.

However, also pay close attention to local, regional directories.

For example, in Moscow districts have their own forums and directories. Stay in them.

Or, for example, you are from the city of "Lyubertsy" in the Moscow region, there are resources with catalogs there. Placement on them will give the maximum effect.

Below are a few TOP free resources for posting both general and purely construction.

5 general thematic catalogs of companies:

You can collect other directories by driving a query into Yandex “ catalog of companies add website” and the like.

5 building catalogs of companies:

You can collect other building catalogs by driving a query into Yandex “ directory of construction companies add website”, “building company catalogs”, “building site directories" etc.

Method 6. Regional thematic forums

Create an account on the forum, fill it out and help potential customers with questions, answer their questions. Do not engage in aggressive advertising, it will only push you away or you can simply be banned for violating the rules of the site.

This method is not fast, but on the “long arm”. Make it a habit to monitor new topics every day or every other day and respond.

Method 7. “Mom” forums

This method is not entirely honest and lies in the fact that you find forums where the topics of “scammers” or, in general, unscrupulous repair teams are discussed.

You register under the guise of a “local” forum member, fill in a dozen posts in different branches for naturalness, and then share your invented, but as realistic as possible story of unsuccessful cooperation with a private team that took the money, did nothing and disappeared.

As a result, I had to apply to the company, relying on the style of work I liked, etc. etc. Surprisingly, everything was done clearly, the workers were clean, they cleaned up after themselves, polite ... They gave a guarantee ... The main thing is NOT to write the name of the company =)

Method 8. Virtual tours, panoramas

The method works great in this niche! Ideally, make the same BEFORE and AFTER panoramas, as well as virtual tours for the site (displayed on mobile phones as well) and on Facebook.

With their help, you can show the beauty of the repair, what potential customers love.

Yes, it has to be done for every project and it's an extra cost (although I prefer to call it an investment), but it will work out for you in the end.

Method 9. Youtube channel with thematic videos

We notice that since last year, people have become much more active in applying after watching Youtube videos. At the same time, in relation to this, it is felt that the line of distrust is completely or almost completely destroyed.

So, become a blogger! Record useful videos, answer questions from current customers (they are the same for most, if not all), promote your videos!

The faster you start, the more targeted views you have, the more “exhaust”.

Method 10. 2-Step Selling

Despite the fact that this has been talked about for several years, 99% do not implement it, hiding behind distrust (actually, laziness) in this “action”.

What is two-step selling? This is when, at the first stage of dating, you offer a potential client something of value for free in exchange for his contact information (usually an email / phone number).

Free, in order to be actively downloaded, must have a very high value for a potential client. She should “hit” right into his main pain.

As an example, I will cite the “hackneyed” topics - “ How to save up to 30% on apartment renovation!" or " How to distinguish an unscrupulous contractor and save more than one hundred thousand on repairs!

But signing up is half the battle! Further, your task is to build trust between you and a potential client, to remind you of yourself until a decision is made. Calling a measurer to the site and developing a repair estimate can serve as a conversion action.

Method 11. Yandex Direct for apartment renovation

This is probably the most famous method that almost everyone has tried, but at the same time, it brought disappointment to 97% of those who tried it.

However, seeing how failed people set up Direct, I see nothing surprising in this.

Important! Recipe for failure: Add 10 words, concoct 1 ad for them, set a bid per click and put money in the account ...

Yandex Direct, when used correctly, gives very cool results, both in Moscow and in the regions.

Important! In Moscow, the minimum cost of an application for apartment renovation is 250 rubles.

However, in order to achieve this result, it is necessary to work closely both on advertising and on the site itself. You need to understand that the conversion to the application and its cost directly depends on your offer and portfolio.

Yandex Direct has a number of tools:

  • (in search results on Yandex);
  • (on information sites);
  • (return of visitors who fall under the conditions you need);
  • (show ads to a database of potential customers, collected, for example, using two-step sales);
  • (show ads to the audience according to certain rules in the desired geo-location).

8 steps for setting up Yandex Direct:

  1. Analysis of competitors;
  2. Studying your potential customers;
  3. Collection and development of basic key phrases, from which we will subsequently collect a wide range of queries (in other words, parse);
  4. Parsing, cleaning, ungrouping requests;
  5. Writing sales advertisements;
  6. Setting up web analytics and;
  7. Uploading advertising campaigns (AC) to your Yandex Direct account + setting;
  8. Conducting advertising campaigns after the launch with the refinement and optimization of advertising campaigns.

Method 12. Google AdWords

This channel is not yet widely used in RuNet due to its greater complexity, but in some cases it is more profitable and cost-effective than Yandex Direct.

Google Adwords has a huge range of ad serving tools for a variety of conditions.

To describe them, you will need a separate huge article or a mini-book of more than 1 dozen pages.

But, since I want to give you a benefit within the framework of this article, I have made for you a selection of articles on third-party resources, which I recommend for study:

And finally, a few tips on what interests of the audience you can advertise:

  • competitors;
  • residential complexes in the area;
  • developer;
  • etc.

Method 13. SEO promotion of an apartment renovation website

Perhaps the most profitable way to attract potential customers. Keep in mind that by promoting your own website, you are investing in your tool.

You can promote the site both on your own and with the help of specialists (the main thing here is to find someone responsible and caring for your result and not fall into the hands of a streaming agency that “cuts” money from gullible customers without giving results and without carrying out any work aimed at your achievement).

The main thing to remember is that such a specialist will not work for the price of a streaming agency! There are exceptions, of course, but they are exceptions!

So, what work should be carried out on the site to become a niche leader:

  • analyze competitors in Yandex search results (we use the service);
  • assemble the semantic core(a list of search queries for which people are looking for a solution to their problem and which you are solving);
  • clean up and ungroup collected queries, so that as a result, groups of requests are obtained, for each of which a separate page of the site will be created (I recommend and for working with the semantic core);
  • make a competent website structure based on the resulting groups of requests;
  • draw up a TOR for the text based on the analysis of the current Yandex search results;
  • write text according to the compiled technical specifications (we use the exchange of texts and);
  • place everything on the site;
  • perform SEO optimization of pages(SEO tags title, description. keywords, h1, internal linking);
  • speed up page indexing in Yandex and Google;
  • install analytics systems: Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics on the site, set goals;
  • tune robots.txt;
  • configure webmaster panels: Yandex.Webmaster and Google.Webmaster;
  • register a site in authoritative directories of firms/websites;
  • carefully select sites for placement of paid eternal links in exchanges and (we use tools and to select links);
  • regularly add thematic and interesting articles to the site thereby expanding the reach of your target audience;
  • regularly analyze site positions by search queries (we use services and);
  • install CallTracking and work with your client base in CRM (we recommend a simple system all in one and more advanced)
  • do website analytics on a regular basis using Yandex Metrics/Google Analytics.

Method 14. Selling website for apartment renovation

I recommend that you have a website without fail and constantly work on its improvement, content and promotion. A website is your asset that, with the right attitude, grows and grows your business, attracting the customers you need on autopilot!

The topic is very capacious and will take a separate huge article or even a mini-book for several dozen pages.

So here are a few ideas:

  • site engine (CMS): often, with a free enough head;
  • indicate Your specialization and georeference in a prominent place on the site;
  • avoid banal unsupported phrases, they say “high-quality, inexpensive, free of charge ...” and excessive officialdom in the texts;
  • paint the sequence repairs for different typical situations (new building, cosmetic, on premises) and prices. Keep in mind that not everyone can have the money for turnkey repairs - mortgages, parallel rental housing, etc. are aggravating factors.
  • portfolio of works with convenient filtering(by style, by premises, by scope of work, etc.), provide a description for each submitted project, indicating the details and complexities of the project;
  • each text must contain nuances and describe them(for example, why do you need 5 bags and not 1 to level the walls);
  • show in detail how the process of interaction with you is going on, make beautiful and juicy visualizations, for example, show a beautiful catalog, finish options, what the measurer brings with him and other marketing materials;
  • understandable reasonable prices(difference between economy and premium in terms of a set of works, with or without material), i.e. a person should not have questions and everything should be transparent;
  • different sites for different audience levels(you can’t combine economy and premium on one site, different things are important for each audience and they need to be emphasized on different things);
  • invest in content, which will involve in getting to know you and building your personal brand (or the brand of your company), at least 10-15 tr. per month or create it yourself (it's even better, because it will be expert);
  • be patient, because most of those who visited your site are looking at the future, as a vivid example, a person has a toilet bowl, he is looking for a specialist for the future, when the flow is too strong. Your task is to hook this audience and be remembered by them so that they turn to you if necessary;

Method 15. Landing Page

A landing page is a one-page site, the task of which is to give a clear answer to a user's request, close all his objections, build trust and organically lead to either the main conversion (for example, calling a measurer) or an intermediate one (for example, getting free in exchange for contact information). ).

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