
How to make money on real estate: rent and resale. Is it possible to make money on real estate from scratch without start-up capital and how to do it? Daily and hourly rent

If you have set yourself the task of earning at least 150,000 per month as soon as possible, but have no idea where to start, then this article will help you understand the work of a realtor. We will analyze one of the ways to make money on someone else's property with monthly incomes over 150,000 rubles. This method is used by both experienced realtors and newcomers to real estate.

  • Selling someone else's property
  • Successful realtors

There are two ways to make money on someone else's real estate:

  • Selling someone else's property
  • Rental

In this article, let's take a closer look at the first point - sale.

Selling someone else's property

Many have heard about successful and not very successful realtors, they are also called real estate agents. Maybe you had a chance to cooperate with them when buying or selling your property. In order to start making money and become a successful realtor, it is not necessary to get a job in a real estate agency.

Watch a video in which our expert, Anton Murygin, talks about this method at one of the seminars:

An excerpt from the seminar "How to start making money on summer cottages and land plots from 100,000 rubles a month, even with small amounts and no money at all." Speaker - Anton Murygin. Sign up for the next seminar.

There are two sides to the real estate market - these are property owners and buyers who want to find an apartment (or other real estate) and they are looking for the property they need in every possible way. But a strange thing arises. Sellers don't know how to sell correctly - buyers don't know how to choose the right one.

To make it easier for you to understand how it works, I propose to disassemble this scheme:

Be prepared for empty calls and impressions. Do not be alarmed! There are special technologies that allow you to weed out windbags and find a buyer.

There are people who already earn an average of 200,000 rubles using this method.

Successful realtors

A person gets additional living space in several ways. Very often an apartment is simply inherited, but not everyone is so lucky. Many people who want to make money on living space simply buy it. In this case, the main thing is not to make a mistake and choose a good apartment, regardless of how much it costs.

How to choose the right accommodation

Housing is purchased either for subsequent renting, or for a profitable resale. In order to choose the right apartment, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Determine exactly the option of earning money on the living space. For example, monolithic houses are best suited for resale, as their prices rise rapidly, and panel houses are suitable for renting.
  2. It is best to choose an apartment near a metro station or bus stop.
  3. The highest rents are for apartments located in the center. Her condition is also taken into account.
  4. The most expensive rent is daily.
  5. If the object for sale has a developed infrastructure, the cost for sale or lease can be overestimated.
  6. Schools and kindergartens are foreseen near the house.
  7. An elevator must be in working order in a multi-storey building.

It is also worth noting that if you decide to buy a house and rent it out, you need to take care of all the necessary furniture for future tenants, since nowadays people are less likely to rent an apartment with their own furniture, especially if it is a daily rent ...

Another important factor is the availability of the Internet, cable TV, etc.

How to make money on real estate

It was possible to make good money on the resale of apartments until the time of the crisis in Russia. At that time there was a huge demand for housing, especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow. However, at the moment people do not buy apartments due to lack of funds, so there is a certain decline in the real estate market. For the majority, it is possible to purchase housing only through credit programs. Of course, if you inherited an apartment, it is possible to sell it. However, it is unprofitable to engage exclusively in resale.

So, if you have housing and want to sell it as expensive as possible, you need to spend extra money, namely:

  1. Make quality repairs.
  2. Pay tax, which is 13% of the transaction amount.
  3. A notary also works on a commercial basis, so you will have to spend money on his services. Note that it will take about 2-3 months to complete all the necessary documents.

As you can see, this is not the fastest way to make money, but when you sell, you get a large amount that can be profitably invested.

How to choose a good realtor

A realtor is a person who acts as an intermediary between a seller and a buyer. If you choose it correctly, you can save a lot of money, as well as sell or buy a home profitably. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the choice of a realtor very carefully.

Note that it is his responsibility to find suitable options for all parties. In addition, he checks everything himself. Of course, he takes a percentage of the deal for his services. The amount is credited personally to the realtor or agency. Today, there are a lot of realtors, as well as agencies. Of course, there may be scammers among them. That is why you need to contact trusted people, for example, those who have ever helped your friends or acquaintances.

“It's ugly to be famous. This is not what raises upward. ” The rich are often treated with disdain in our country: they are envied, they are despised for easy money, their way of life is bewildering, they are looked at like outlandish animals in a zoo. But many people forget that being rich is, first of all, a difficult profession that does not allow you to sit back or feel sorry for yourself and others.

Millions, with a lot of luck and diligence, you can earn on anything. But one of the surest ways to get rich is to sneak into the real estate world and put it at your feet. However, this world is quite obstinate, so only a few manage to conquer it. Although these units are enough.

Donald Trump is the ace in the deck of real estate geniuses. Nobody can match him in popularity. It is not known what he has more: millions or scandals around his name. His face is an architectural image of today's New York. His technique of using his own name in project names has made it into the best marketing anthologies. His net worth is $ 2.9 billion.

And it all began with the fact that the parents sent the unbearable son to the Military Academy, so that he would gain a good sense of reason. Within these walls, young Trump for the first time and realized all the delights of competition and realized that in order to achieve your goals, you can not disdain nothing.

Later, after graduating from the Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, he joined his father's company, the Trump Organization, where he first decided that real estate was his passion. Donald has always linked his future with New York, confident that this city will become his gold mine. However, Trump's early attempts to build New York were unsuccessful.

His first success came when he was 28 years old. Trump built a business center on a piece of land on the collapsed Central Railroad in western Manhattan and won the right to renovate an unprofitable Commodore Hotel. Having implemented these two projects, Donald Trump has declared himself as a promising construction tycoon. Trump's final ascension to Olympus real estate came with the construction of the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in 1979. Then there was the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, which has become in Atlantic City the same symbol as the Trump Tower in New York; and Trump Parc, which consisted of 24,000 rental properties and apartments, and Trump Shuttle Airline, and the Indiana River Casino, and the New Jersey Generals football team of the US Football League; and Trump Castle; and fashionable private houses.

Like many real estate tycoons, Donald Trump was often on the verge of ruin, but he managed to get out of all the trouble each time.

Asia is also not stingy with its billionaires. Many local wealthy are fighting for the right to possess the imaginary crown. So a popular person in Japan is Iwasaki Fukuso- the king of real estate and tourism. He inherited and developed an empire that includes golf courses, hotels, nature reserves, and more. According to rough estimates, the fortune that Fukuso has amassed over almost 80 years is estimated at $ 5.7 billion. His family, in addition to all kinds of real estate, also owns their own island Yakushima, on which they can rest truly royal.

Or another Asian real estate genius - 69 Akira Mori, who, having earned $ 5.5 billion, became the richest man in Asia according to Forbes in 2006. Like Iwasaki Fukuso, Mori also inherited money. Having engaged in operations in the real estate market, Akira Mori, thanks to his ability to calculate and take risks, has achieved real wealth. A successful investment helped him survive the real estate crashes in 1991 and 2001.

The Raikhman brothers- famous Canadian billionaire developers. Raised according to the strict canons of Orthodox Judaism, they did not abandon their traditions and demeanor even after they became rich. Rumor has it that it was because of his faith that Albert Raikhman refused to build the Moscow City, since he was asked to contribute money to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the same time, which the devout Jew took as an insult.

In Morocco, their first real estate transaction was carried out by the Reichmans for an American company. After moving to Toronto, it was real estate that became the main business of the Raikhmanov.

In the 70s of the XX century in the center of Toronto, the Raichman brothers carried out a project for the construction of one of the tallest office buildings of that time - "First Canadian Place". After the plot for construction was selected, the brothers waited out the time when the market conditions changed (land prices dropped), and purchased this plot. During the construction, they used new technologies.

In 1977, the Reichman brothers made the "deal of the century" - they bought 8 skyscrapers in Manhattan for 320 million dollars. At that time, a deep crisis reigned in the American real estate market. After leaving it, the enterprising brothers were able to bring the value of the purchased buildings to 3.2 billion dollars!

The Raikhman brothers were the first in the history of housing construction to think that it is possible to conclude lease agreements with future tenants for buildings that are still unfinished. They raised a loan for leases and future payments. With the help of this loan, they built not only this building, but also another one. In addition, the Raikhmans were the first to use the ideology of a “smart building” equipped with modern control systems.

In the 90s, a large-scale crisis befell the European real estate market. The Raykhmanov Olympia & York company was unable to sell leased space in the Canary Wharf office complex in London. This project was one of the most significant not only for the Reichmans, but for the entire world of real estate. The company was dealt a devastating blow from which it was unable to recover. Olympia & York went bankrupt.

Despite all the financial losses, the Raikhmans did not lose heart. They returned to real estate and continue to implement their projects to this day.

Tamir Shapir (Timur Sapir)- our former compatriot, who managed to turn from an ordinary citizen of the USSR into an American billionaire.

Rumor has it that his Mexican house has as many as seventeen floors, his plane was bought from the late Syrian President Hafiz Assad, his yacht is the second largest after the personal vessel of the English Queen Elizabeth. The media like to joke that Donald Trump himself feels like a poor man compared to Tamir Shapir.

Tamir Shapir admits that he earned his first money at the OVIR - on the questionnaires of Jews leaving the USSR to start a new life in Israel. In 1973, he himself moved to the Promised Land. However, finding another Arab-Israeli war there, he continued on his way until he finally stopped in America. There Tamir was a chauffeur, cleaner, loader and just on the sidelines.

To his wealth (about $ 2 billion), Shapir went the following way: he invested the first thousand he earned in a taxi. The first taxi turned into tens of thousands and a shop on Broadway. He invested his first millions in real estate in Manhattan, which brought him billions.

Fortune smiled at Tamir Shapir: in those years, the real estate market was dizzy downward. In 1995-1996, Manhattan skyscrapers dropped in value at a tremendous rate. This was what the enterprising future billionaire took advantage of. By the end of 1997, prices not only returned, but rose fabulously.

Tamir Shapir claims that he bought half of New York: “And I wish I had more money. There were 6 more houses on the market, in which it was necessary then to invest about 15 million, and today they cost at least 600-700 million. Minimum! Today what I bought then is estimated at around 1.6 billion. "

The first thing that can come to mind of an ordinary person who does not want to risk playing Russian Roulette is to make money on real estate. Investing in real estate is good. But how to make it so that you can also make money? We have several ways that are sure to help you make good profits. Therefore, today we will talk about how to make money on real estate without investment.

Business idea: making money on real estate

In order to correctly invest your financial resources and increase them several times, you should heed our recommendations.

  1. So the first thing to do is buy the property and overexpose it for a while and then sell it. But only when the price rises.
  2. Another option with buying and selling real estate. You buy an apartment, house, cottage, etc. in disrepair, make good repairs there and then sell this property, but only at a price that must necessarily exceed your costs for repairs and for its purchase.
  3. Another similar option. You can also buy real estate in disrepair, and when everything is done you can rent it out.
  4. Another tricky option. You are buying a property. You overexpose it a little, and then sell it as real estate along with a further perspective for business. In this case, you can cheat by saying during the sale of the apartment that a shopping complex will be built in the immediate vicinity of this property.

In this article we will tell you more about the second option for making money on real estate. You ask, where can you find such an apartment in disrepair, and so that the price for it is not overstated? The answer is simple. Here you only need to search and search, and long and hard.

How to make money on real estate: Which apartment is better by the number of rooms

In this post, we will fully answer the question how to make money on real estate... Therefore, today we will talk in great detail about every detail of such a case. First of all, it is worth talking about the availability of rooms in some apartment.

So, a two-room apartment is ideal for your purposes. Usually, such apartments do not differ much in price from one-room apartments, but their area is almost twice as large. If we take a three-room one, then against the background of a two-room one, it loses in that the repair area will be larger, which means that the cost of materials and funds for it will be higher.

If we talk about the state of real estate, it is best that the apartment has something like this, so that it will immediately be seen that the apartment is in a deplorable state. For example, an apartment that was in the house of drunks or an apartment in which there was a fire will have a favorable cost. You can reduce the price due to:

  • broken windows
  • destroyed dignity unit,
  • destroyed or in unattractive interior partitions.

Above, we have described the main factors due to which the price can be reduced. Therefore, it is precisely such real estate that you should buy for further sale. And all because the average person (layman) will be most easily persuaded to a large price reduction.

Things to avoid when buying an apartment

Business idea: making money on real estate: What else can be done to improve the apartment

If you feel the potential of a designer in yourself, then you can try to make the apartment unique. For example, make a studio one of the rooms and kitchen (just do not forget to document all this, otherwise you will not sell the apartment), you can also add design and decor elements in the kitchen by decorating the “apron” area with fine tile mosaics or artificial stone, such elements “ revitalize the design and make it unique. All these alterations and design experiments will be expensive, but then you will sell the apartment to such people who are willing to pay for design ideas.

Business idea: making money on real estate: What not to do

To make an apartment "as for yourself" is certainly not worth it. Such repairs will be much more expensive. Moreover, you will not be able to make money on this at all. If you are not going to live in this apartment, then it is enough to make a simple renovation that will refresh the apartment and give it a modern look. Usually, people who choose a renovated apartment take it in order not to make it themselves, which means that the appearance of the property and other aspects are important to them.

A person buying an apartment will not find out what kind of firm the tiles in the bathroom are, and also will not know what kind of putty you used (expensive or its cheaper analogue).

Therefore, you should not save on repairs! You can, for example, put a not expensive, but durable mixer. In this case, you don't need to buy the cheapest mixer that barely breathes. Be sure to buy all devices in the store. Indeed, in this case, you can get a guarantee for all products. Very often in hardware stores, last year's good branded materials are sold at discounts. If everything is calculated correctly, then materials bought for half the price or at a discount may look like euros in an apartment, and not like economy class.

Now we should talk about the flooring. Go shopping, maybe some stores have large pieces of discounted quality linoleum. In principle, for the same money, you can buy not expensive linoleum, but its quality will be much lower.

You should not save on the work itself either. It all depends on the choice of a good master. A bad master will not make repairs very well from expensive materials, but a master of his craft will make excellent repairs even from inexpensive materials. So this should be approached very responsibly!

How else to make money on real estate

Modern: making money on real estate is a unique opportunity to get a good income. However, you can only make a profit if you approach business responsibly.

Now we need to supplement the above with some more recommendations.

  1. You can buy an apartment on credit. Since you are going to sell it pretty quickly, the overpayment will not be big. Naturally, look for a bank with minimal initial payments, meaning: insurance, commission, etc., and also choose the bank where the interest on the loan is minimal.
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then do at least some of the repairs in the apartment yourself. In this case, you can save your money on the services of a professional master.
  3. Sell ​​the apartment not directly, but through an intermediary, for example, a colleague or relative, so part of the royalties will go to you.

Here's all the most basic things you need to know about such a business as investing in real estate.

  • 1 1. Management of an apartment building
  • 2 2. Sub-renting someone else's house - income is twice the rent
  • 3 3. Hostel for the 2018 World Cup - income of 10 thousand dollars per day
  • 4 4. Antikafe - an atmospheric place for the soul
  • 5 5. Free land for use and for sale
  • 6 6. Business real estate - proper leasing of an office center
  • 7 7. How to find money for a project in real estate and not only
  • 8 8. Investments in townhouses
  • 9 9. Modular houses - affordable and always in demand
  • 10 10. An apartment in Berlin is a very reliable investment and monthly income
  • 11 11. Subleasing an apartment - income without investment for active people
  • 12 12. Rental business - a hostel for workers
  • 13 13. Homestaging - we sell housing quickly and expensively
  • 14 14. How to properly knock down the price of real estate
  • 15 15. We turn an apartment into an office and increase profits
  • 16 16. Buying bankrupt real estate for 5% of the cost
  • 17 17. Business real estate - earnings in shopping centers, offices, warehouses
  • 18 18. Capsule hotel - the cheapest accommodation for visitors
  • 19 19. Buying and selling real estate - earning early investment
  • 20 20. Repair and alteration of summer houses - one million rubles over the summer
  • 21 21. Earnings without investment - sublease of commercial real estate

As a business real estate is one of the most reliable areas, apartments, shopping and office centers are almost always in demand. But in the minds of the majority, earnings on real estate are associated with large capitals, due to the absence of which people do not even try to do such a business.

At the same time, many ways to get income from your own or someone else's real estate involve modest, if not even zero initial investment, you just need to know what to do and how to do it.

1. Management of an apartment building

Many people invest their earned money in real estate, including tenement houses, whose apartments are rented out, but not everyone considers the rental business to be the main one. That is why the profession of a manager of one or several tenement houses is quite in demand.

You will post advertisements for the delivery of vacant apartments, show them to potential tenants, collect money and maintain the operational condition of the house - repair of electrics, plumbing, etc. If you have the appropriate skills, you can do it yourself, or call an invited master.

Start-up capital- 0 rub. All that is required is the willingness to work. You can start working immediately.

Income from 30 to 100 thousand, but is determined by agreement with the owner and the size of the house. Usually something in the region of 30% is taken for management. Considering that 100-300 thousand are obtained from the house, the amount is very decent.

If you are seriously interested in earning money from real estate, look about secrets of investing in apartment buildings. Learn about the implementation of various projects and key strategies for generating passive income on real estate.

2. Sub-renting someone else's house - income is twice the rent

Often, the owner of a large house with 5 or more rooms is looking for one tenant. And by becoming such a tenant, you will earn good money by renting out individual rooms. As a result, you will not only beat off the rent, but also get a considerable income. And if the house is located near a train station or a market, rooms can be rented out by the day, increasing your income 2-3 times.

You just need to pick up a house in such an area, carry out repairs and competently conclude a lease agreement that allows you to move in third parties and does not allow the owner to pick up the rental business you have established in a couple of months.

Start-up capital- payment for a month in advance plus a deposit, 50-100 thousand.

Implementation period- it will take from two weeks to a month to choose a promising sublease house. Another 2-3 months for repairs.

Income from a five-room house will be in the range of 30-50 thousand for long-term rent and 100-150 thousand for daily rent. But options for houses from 12 rooms are usually considered.

3. Hostel for the 2018 World Cup - income of 10 thousand dollars per day

The World Cup will allow many to earn money, and first of all - to property owners. After all, hundreds of thousands of foreign fans will come to the country, and they need to be accommodated somewhere. And for poor fans, the best option is a hostel.

It can be any profitable or private house with several apartments. You just need to divide it into the maximum possible number of living areas, take double beds, plus make cosmetic repairs with a football finish. And then the maximum load for the duration of the championship is guaranteed to you.

Start-up capital- 100-200 thousand for repairs, if you already own a suitable premises.

Implementation period- redevelopment of a finished house for a hostel will take one to two weeks, but if you purchased a building requiring repair, it may take 1.5-2 months.

Income will be 10-20 thousand dollars on the days of the championship, in the future it will bring 150-200 thousand on a regular lease.

4. Antikafe - an atmospheric place for the soul

Regular cafes and restaurants make money by selling food and drinks at a high mark-up, but often people really only need a place to meet. And such a place is anti-cafe, where people pay not for food, but for the time spent. Food can be sold for a fee, be free (in a limited range), in some anti-cafes it is allowed to bring it with you.

The main thing in organizing a popular anti-cafe is its convenient location (the sights and cultural sites of the city nearby are a big plus) and a friendly atmosphere. Then visitors are provided for you.

Start-up capital- 200-250 thousand for rent, interior decoration and furniture, but you can do it without investing your own funds.

Implementation period- the search for the premises will take one to two weeks, the repair will take about a month.

Income- due to its specificity, anti-cafe does not bring superprofits, but with high popularity, you can count on 100-150 thousand rubles a month.

5. Free land for use and for sale

In our country, there is a huge amount of land that has owners, but is not used. There are many reasons - someone does not know how to get income from it, someone is lazy, some perceive work on the ground as dirty and not prestigious.

And at the same time, there are people who are ready to use this land properly. Your task is to find both. You will offer the owner to buy land at a price lower than the market price (he will almost certainly agree, because now this land does not bring him anything), and after delimitation, you will sell a part of the land to the buyer at its real price. Keep the other part for yourself.

Start-up capital- 5-10 thousand for land surveying.

Implementation period- search for a suitable site, negotiations with the seller and the buyer can take two to three months or more. Therefore, this strategy should be carried out in the background - wait, look for a suitable option.

Income... As a result of the transaction, you will receive a piece of land that you can use yourself or sell, the price can be in the millions.

6. Business real estate - proper leasing of an office center

Office space is in demand, because someone starts their own business, someone is looking for more spacious premises, someone has come to open a branch in the city, etc. And while the rental business is simple in general, leasing commercial real estate has its own tricks to increase your income.

The main one is the division of areas. Allocate 20 percent for elite, expensively finished offices, from which there will be the highest fees. 50% will be occupied by medium-sized offices, high-quality, but without luxury. The rest is small for aspiring entrepreneurs. For them, it is worth providing a set of inexpensive furniture. Elite premises are best rented out empty - successful companies have their own corporate identity.

Start-up capital- Buying or building an office center from scratch will cost 20 million or more.

Implementation period- the choice and purchase of an office center will take 3-6 months, construction - a year or more.

Income depending on the size and general business activity in the city, it can vary widely - 1-10 million.

7. How to find money for a project in real estate and not only

As an investment, real estate is always attractive, and if you have a promising project, start looking for money for it. Tell all your relatives and friends, visit Internet sites dedicated to private investments, look for business angels investing in risky start-up projects. Finally, try crowdfunding yourself.

And to increase the chances of success - work on a project, let's be more specific. Not an oral story, but a beautiful presentation with numbers and graphs. The required minimum is the amount of investment, operating costs, profit and project payback.

Start-up capital you may have any, or may not have at all, if you plan to do a project with 100% of the investor's money.

Implementation period, the search time for money will depend on both the volume of your efforts and the prospects and attractiveness.

Income depends on your idea. The main thing is that it must be accurately calculated before you start looking for an investor.

8. Investments in townhouses

Townhouses are two-three-storey houses for several families with separate entrances for each, at the same price they are much more spacious than apartments in dense urban development, but they cost less than a full-fledged personal cottage, and therefore find their buyer. The construction of a townhouse is cheaper and takes less time than an apartment building, and therefore is attractive to the average hand of investors.

And in order to guarantee the sale or lease of apartments, try to choose for construction areas closer to the city limits with ready-made infrastructure, living space is always more valuable here.

Start-up capital- from 3 million, but it can be realized without money.

Construction time- about a year. You can find a ready-made house, then you don't have to wait so long.

Income in case of sale, there will be 20-25% of the costs, while renting out 100-200 thousand per month.

9. Modular houses - affordable and always in demand

These are private, one- or low-rise buildings, assembled from ready-made structures directly at the factory. Since all building blocks and typical schemes are standard, there is no need to waste time on design, selection of material, etc., and the house itself is assembled as soon as possible in any weather, and then delivered to the site.

And it will not be a temporary hut, but a full-fledged house, insulated, with all the amenities, where you can live all year round. Being significantly cheaper than both a city apartment and an individual project house, it will easily find buyers.

Start-up capital- from a million rubles.

Project implementation period- 1-2 months.

Income depends on the size of the house and ranges from 150 thousand rubles to a million.

10. An apartment in Berlin is a very reliable investment and monthly income

As an investment, real estate has always been considered one of the most reliable, however, there is also a gradation here, somewhere the price per square meter falls, and somewhere it grows steadily.

And one of those places with stable growth is Berlin. The population of the capital, and therefore the demand for apartments, is growing steadily. At the same time, 85% of housing is rented, which means that the apartment will become not only a reliable investment, but also a source of stable monthly income. And the German state guarantees the inviolability of your property.

Start-up capital- You can get a loan with an initial payment of 50 thousand euros.

Implementation period- you can pick up and buy an apartment within a month.

Income from rent - 9-12 thousand euros per year.

11. Apartment sublease - income without investment for active people

Most owners of rented apartments perceive them as a source of passive income, renting out for a long time and receiving rent once a month. But from the same apartment you can get two or three times more if you rent it out by the day. The greatest demand for daily rent is in the areas of railway and bus stations, near large markets and other places where there are many visitors.

By renting such an apartment for a year and renting it out for two or three days to business travelers and other visitors, you will get a good rental business and secure yourself an impressive income with minimal investment.

Start-up capital- 40-60 thousand as a rent and a deposit to the owner.

Implementation period- it is worth spending two to three weeks looking for a suitable apartment and checking the demand for daily rent.

Income- depending on the season 60-100 thousand rubles per month.

12. Rental business - dormitory for workers

Most often, apartments are rented to families and singles, but a much higher income can be obtained by housing a brigade of shift workers. They are looking for the cheapest accommodation, while their demands for comfort are more modest, the main thing is a place where they can sleep.

To organize such a hostel, you need to rent an apartment, preferably a multi-room one, put 4-6 bunk beds in each room and charge 6-8 thousand per bed. Those. 50 thousand or more from each room.

Start-up capital- about 200 thousand for rental housing and the purchase of bunk beds.

Implementation period- if the apartment does not initially require repair, it can be refurbished in a week.

Income- 40-60 thousand from each room.

13. Homestaging - we sell housing quickly and expensively

The task of every seller is to sell their apartment faster and more expensively, but not everyone knows how. Homestaging is a series of techniques and ways to make your home attractive to buyers. Here are the basic rules:

  • Before showing, clean up to keep the apartment clean and comfortable.
  • Make it as impersonal as possible - take personal photographs, drawings, remove memorabilia, because the buyer is looking for an apartment for himself.
  • Eliminate all imperfections, such as leaking taps, broken switches, furniture and other interior items with defects.

Attachments in the completion of the apartment and cosmetic repairs will amount to 50-100 thousand.

Implementation period- from two weeks to a month.

Income- after homestaging, apartments are sold at 10-20% more expensive, so the profit from an apartment for 3 million will be 300-600 thousand.

14. How to properly knock down the price of real estate

Buying real estate is always expensive, but if you bargain correctly, there is a chance to lower the price. Here are a few factors that you can play on during negotiations:

  • Time of sale and starting price of the apartment. If the apartment has been sold for six months and the price tag has already changed, you have a good chance of convincing the seller to drop the price even more.
  • Apartment malfunctions - non-working taps, peeled wallpaper, scratched windowsill, etc. Notify the owner of all defects.
  • Cheaper offers - say that you have already seen an apartment of the same area, but cheaper.

Start-up capital- initial payment for an apartment or house from 300 thousand.

Term- negotiating a price cut can take from a week to a month.

Benefit- with good skills, you can reduce the price by 10-15 percent. If the house is worth $ 15 million, it could well be purchased for $ 10.

15. We turn an apartment into an office and increase profits

Business real estate can be rented out much more expensive than an ordinary apartment, and if yours is located on the ground floor, with at least one window on the facade of the building, in the center, near a traffic intersection or in any other place with a large flow of people - its alteration into an office can significantly increase your income ... Other apartments can also be turned into offices, but renting them will bring less money.

Repairs should be of high quality, but neutral, in order to suit the largest number of companies. Furniture is not needed, as a rule, companies have their own.

Start-up capital- a suitable apartment and 200-300 thousand for finishing.

Implementation period- repairs may take up to a month.

Income- additional 50-100 thousand per month.

16. Buying bankrupt real estate for 5% of the cost

When an unprofitable enterprise goes bankrupt, its property, including real estate, is put up for auction. And at these auctions, it is almost always sold at a discount that can reach 95%. A lot of people are already making money here, but there is a place for you too

You just need to find a good property at a bargain price on one of the exchanges, register and apply. If she wins, sign the contract and start calculating future profits when you sell the property at market value.

Start-up capital- even taking into account the discount, it is desirable to have from 500 thousand.

Implementation period- from two months to search for an object and conduct an auction.

Income- from a million or more for each object bought out at a discount and resold at market price.

17. Business real estate - earnings in shopping centers, offices, warehouses

In a way, commercial real estate is even more in demand, because it is a successful entrepreneurial activity that drives up the demand for apartments. And after any crisis or stagnation with the revival of the business sphere, it is commercial real estate that goes up first, and only then, when the employees of the firms earn money, they buy apartments.

Among commercial real estate, the most profitable are, perhaps, shopping centers with a large number of pavilions for small tenants. Office centers and warehouses almost always find their clients.

Start-up capital- from 5 million for a shopping or office center, for a warehouse from a million.

Implementation period- construction will take from 6 months to a year or more.

Income from a shopping center located in a good location can be a million or more rubles a month.

Commercial real estate can bring in very good incomes with the right approach to organizing a business. If you want more information about these ways of earning, see income generation. on the right investment in real estate.

18. Capsule hotel - the cheapest accommodation for visitors

As the name implies, the capsule hotel is a set of capsules - closed sleeping places for one person. They are compact, if necessary, they can be placed in two levels, and as an investment, such real estate requires a little money to start with, but if successful, it can be easily scaled.

The level of comfort here is inferior to a full-fledged room, however, unlike hostels, it gives the guest his own enclosed space and the hotel will be in demand among poor visitors who need to spend the night. It is better to place capsule hotels near railway stations.

Start-up capital- from a million for a small number of capsules, if successful, their number can be rapidly increased.

Implementation period- the equipment of the capsule hotel will take from 3 months to six months.

Income- from 150 thousand per month from each capsule. From 6-8 capsules in one hotel.

19. Buying and selling real estate - earning early investment

The construction of an apartment building or a residential complex takes 2-3 years, and you can enter at any stage, even before the foundation pit is dug. And as an early investment, real estate will further rise in price at least twice.

The main thing here is to choose a reliable developer who will not go bankrupt and will not evaporate with the investors' money, but will bring the construction to the end and hand you the keys to the apartment. So before investing, you should spend a little time studying the construction market.

Start-up capital- from 1.5 million of own money, and 100 thousand, if a bank loan is planned.

Implementation period- 2-3 years of construction.

Income- a finished apartment will cost twice as much, i.e. your profit will be from $ 1.5 million

20. Repair and alteration of summer houses - a million rubles over the summer

The buyer evaluates any real estate first of all externally, and if it looks unpresentable, he will not buy or will require a significant price reduction. But if you carry out high-quality repairs, you can safely ask for 500 thousand, or even a million more, for the house. And your task is to find such nondescript houses, repair (by yourself or hire specialists), and then sell at a higher price.

Another option is to take a summer house and insulate it to a full-fledged year-round housing, which will significantly increase its price.

Start-up capital- from 1.5 million for the purchase and repair.

Implementation period- 2-3 months of finishing work.

Income- 0.5-1 million and more.

21. Earnings without investment - sublease of commercial real estate

As in any sublease, the main thing here is to rent a property cheaper and then rent it out more expensive. There may be several possibilities for this. For example, you foresee that business real estate in a certain area will increase in value (the developer will soon lease the residential complex, and new tenants will need shops, etc.), and rent the premises in advance for a long time.

Or you rent a large retail space, which you then rent out to many small tenants. You can take a poorly equipped room, raising prices after renovation, etc.

Start-up capital- from a million for rent, another million will be required if you do repairs. Can be done without investing personal funds.

Implementation period- from a month for ready-made premises, and up to three months in case of renovation.

Income- from 500 thousand and more.

As a business or investment, real estate offers a ton of other ways to make money, but it requires the knowledge or money that you get using one or more of the above methods. Please note that all of these strategies actually work and are profitable. If you do not have money, all these models can be implemented with borrowed funds, mortgages, etc., because their profitability overlaps mortgage payments.

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