
How to distribute the family budget for a month. How spouses manage the family budget so as not to divorce and keep the family How to properly divide the family budget

The most difficult and provocative topic is the distribution of money in the family. The question of distribution always arises when a person has at his disposal any resources and there are persons interested in obtaining these resources.

Resources can be material (money, property) and temporary (from the word "time"). Everyone probably noticed that every person will always have an environment that, in one way or another, begins to encroach on these resources: money and time.

In order to meet the interests of each stakeholder (husband, wife, children and others), you need to adhere to some rules for the allocation of resources.

Let's deal with money. I will share with you three distribution options that I have developed based on observation and my own experience. It can also be called the applied use of knowledge obtained from the course of political science at the university: "in a communist way", "in a socialist way", "in a market way."

Option I. In a communist way: from each according to his ability - to each according to his needs

"From each according to his ability - to each according to his needs" - this is the principle of the communist society, known since the time of Karl Marx. Let's see how this principle of distribution of income and expenses is used in the family budget, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The first variety

Let's say that one of the spouses works (brings income) in the family, as a rule it is the husband. He works, earns, the spouse spends everything.

Remember the film "Intergirl" by Pyotr Todorovsky based on the story of the same name by Vladimir Kunin? One of the most popular films during perestroika and the leader of the Soviet distribution in 1989. A well-to-do foreign man had a good income and standard of living until a legal spouse appeared. The wife, once abroad, began to lead a life according to the principle "to each according to his needs." What did this lead to?

  • First, to the dissatisfaction of the foreign spouse and the deterioration of relations.
  • Secondly - to significant expenses: when calculating, it turned out that the "crazy" income by Soviet standards was not so great.
  • Thirdly, marital happiness was threatened, in part, due to the wife's inappropriate financial behavior.

Second variety

In the family, both spouses work, earn as much as they can (from each according to his ability). Each of the spouses periodically has their own personal needs: someone wants to upgrade their car, buy a new laptop or TV on credit, and meet with friends every week.

The other spouse (that is, the spouse) at this time has to feed the family and spend all his earned money on current expenses (each according to his needs).

This happens all the time in the event of a divorce: a spouse leaves her husband with one suitcase: no spoons, ladles, mixers and other jointly acquired property. Meanwhile, the spouse manages to buy himself a new car and other expensive equipment, for which he paid off the loan, and which, of course, remains in his house.

Option II. Socialistically: from each according to his ability - to each according to his work

"From each according to his ability - to each according to his work" - the so-called "principle of socialism." How it is used in modern families: husband and wife work, earn money, money falls into one "pot" and is spent on common family goals or personal needs within the earned funds. At the same time, it does not matter at all who and what contribution to the family budget - "from each according to his ability." And the abilities can be different.

For example, a spouse is a business woman and a state-funded husband. The meager income of one of the spouses is covered by the income of the other. Moreover, the created assets become common joint property with all the ensuing consequences ...

The shortcomings of the "communist" and "socialist" family budget distribution system are obvious:

  1. Income: dissatisfaction of one of the spouses with the fact that the other earns little or does not earn at all. In this case, the less responsible half usually says: "As much as I can, I bring as much." Why bother, strive to increase your income, if you are sure that your spouse will cope on her own? After all, "from each according to his ability"! In this case, the holes in the family budget have to be fixed by the one of the spouses who is more responsible. The one who “carries everything on himself” has a feeling of resentment and a legitimate question: “Why only me? Why did you create a family? "
  2. Expenses: One of the spouses believes that the other half is wasting the family budget. There is no consensus on how to manage money. Money goes through your fingers, but there are no results in the form of capital and assets. Because "to each according to his needs", and everyone's needs are different and not coordinated with each other!
  3. Joint budget: one of the spouses is dissatisfied with the fact that the other half gives only a small part of the income to the family budget (from each according to his ability), and spends most of the income on his personal needs (to each according to his needs). In some families, they are content with little: little employment, little workload, little responsibility and, as a result, a small salary (for each according to work) at the level of the living wage.

The topic of money is considered taboo in many families. Although quarrels on this basis have overtaken jealousy scenes in percentage terms and occupy a leading place in the category of “family quarrels”. And this means only one thing - the spouses did not initially agree on how the family budget would be run.

Question on the topic: Has anyone agreed before starting a life together, how and from what income will the family budget be formed? How will it be distributed? Will it be shared or personal? Who will manage the money and keep the home bookkeeping?

I think there will not be so many such people who have agreed even before marriage, that is, “on the shore”. Sigmund Freud said correctly: "Money and sex are very similar." And Dr. Freud understood these matters!

People are embarrassed to discuss money issues, they try to bypass them, they are afraid to seem like little money, they hope that everything will work out by itself. But by itself nothing happens if you don't make an effort. Therefore, quarrels on this basis occupy a leading place.

If there are people among you who, before starting a life together, agreed on the formation and distribution of the family budget - write me your story, send a message to the address: [email protected] or a personal message on VKontakte. Those whose stories prove to be realistic and instructive will receive a special gift.

For those who have not yet thought about how the family budget will be maintained in your family, as well as for those who want to systematize, put the family budget in order, get rid of chaos and family quarrels, I will tell you about it. This method of distribution is called "according to the market: from each by agreement, to each in accordance with the budget."

Option III. Market-like: from each by agreement - to each in accordance with the budget

This method refers to the separate management of the family budget: that is, the spouses have (or may have) their own personal budget (income-expenses, assets-liabilities), and part of the income, in proportion to a certain share, they send to the general family budget. How it looks, I will tell you with an example and show in the diagram.

Example. In a family of 4 people (husband, wife, two children), both spouses work, each manages his own personal budget and allocates part of the income to general family needs (to the general family budget).

They have 7 items allocated for general family expenses: "Products", "Rent", "Pharmacy", "Expenses for an older child", "Expenses for a younger child", "Entertainment, rest, gifts", "Other".

The spouse's personal budget consists of the following expenditure items: 7 listed above plus “Reserve capital. Asset creation ”,“ Clothes, footwear ”,“ Personal care ”,“ Gasoline ”,“ Growth, development, training ”.

Spouse's personal budget: 7 general expense items listed above plus “Capital reserve. Asset creation ”,“ Clothes, footwear ”,“ Gasoline ”,“ Hobby ”,“ Entertainment, rest ”.

At the family council, they chose a financial director (spouse) and agreed that the income part of the total family budget would be formed in this way: 60% for general expenses are allocated by the spouse, 40% - by the spouse. General expenses, according to 7 general items of expenditure, they carry out independently, that is, they do not add the allocated amounts to a common boiler, but they themselves buy everything, collect checks, the family financial director lists expenses by item of cost. The results are summed up at the end of the month.

In the same way, they agreed to create assets: 60/40. That is, they will allocate money for the acquisition of joint assets in accordance with their share. If an apartment is purchased, then in the "Assets" table the spouse will write down the market value of the apartment in accordance with his share of 60%, and the spouse in accordance with his - 40%. The movement of their funds can be depicted in the form of a diagram (see figure).

Assets can be created individually or in any other proportion. The most important thing in the distribution of money is to be able to negotiate.

I told you about 3 ways, choose the best one for yourself. Take it as a basis, apply it, be able to negotiate, live in harmony!

Read, apply, share your successes!

Making more money is great. Making a lot more money is even better. It's great to develop your professional skills, it is interesting to develop your business, climb the career ladder, etc.

However, in this article, I would like to talk about those problems and there are extremely serious problems that bring money, downturns in income, etc. For a couple of decades that I had the opportunity to observe myself, other people, the development of other people's businesses and their owners, I only now began to master the simple and seemingly obvious rules of handling money.

It is no less important to correctly distribute the family budget than the methods of increasing income.

A decline in income destroys personality, destroys families, often leads to "wars" in one form or another, up to almost real massacres, betrayals, hostile lies, etc.

If you are very young, then most likely this article will not help you. You have too little experience and too much optimism. (Which is ok)

However, I am not addressing such youths and young girls. If you have lived at least a little, then perhaps you understand how badly major life failures affect the human psyche and his relations with other people.

I include a significant drop in income among such failures in life. By it, we mean a decrease in income by at least 20% or more.

Here are some examples.

Example 1.

A man is fired from his job for various reasons. Sometimes it is just an abbreviation. Sometimes a man thinks that he is so irreplaceable and does not want to “cave in” to the demands of clients or managers and he is fired. At the moment I'm not even talking about drunkenness, not going to work, etc. rough things.

After a decrease in income, the climate in the family deteriorates significantly, and the family often falls apart. The woman leaves and that's it. Not even necessarily to another.

I have already seen dozens of such examples. And it's stupid to blame a woman here. The human psyche, and especially the female psyche, requires stability. The man was unable to provide this stability and must reap the benefits. In addition, after a drop in income, he himself often behaves inappropriately, that is, he sits on the couch, instead of accepting the new reality and starting to act. At least start learning how to properly distribute the family budget that remains.

Even if the family does not break up, then it is going through an extremely difficult and difficult time. After all, you often have to ask others for help. (And this is extremely unpleasant) Sometimes you have to sell some things that you are used to. (For example, a car)

Often you have to give up the usual services, for example, paid medicine, and stand in line at the clinic.

And if a drop in income within 20% can even unite the family, then a more serious drop in income (or other major setbacks) often destroys the family.

And not only the family, but also the psyche of the man himself. First of all, his self-confidence, and after him the desire to move something. And when that goes away, so does the increase in income in the long run. In order to prevent this from happening, I recommend studying the course "How to earn 3 times more than now."

So, a large decrease in income ALWAYS leads to big problems in the family, and often to a life-long decrease in a man's confidence in his abilities.

Example 2.

Two friends founded a company selling something there, which in our example is not so important. And what is interesting, they began to complement each other well in their work and began to earn very good money.

At some point, the firm's income, due to the too risky expansion policy, seriously decreased. It was necessary to cut more than half of the employees, it took a move to a much more modest premises, it took some time to "fight off" creditors and employees who justly demand their money.

This led to constant disputes between friends, conflicts, finding out who is to blame and what to do, and soon the company fell apart. Each of the friends founded their own company. However, to reach the previous level of income, despite the fact that external circumstances affecting the decline in income ended, neither one nor the other succeeded. This is understandable. Two complementary people were gone and confidence decreased. The childhood friendship also ended, although they greet each other when they meet and even ask: "How are you?"

At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that even at the peak of the decline in income, they were still higher than when these two friends worked for hire. That is, the main thing is not so much in income as in its decline..

In this example, it still ended up relatively well. It often happens that a company goes bankrupt (and, accordingly, one of the founders does not get anything), clients are taken away, litigated for years, etc.

Example 3.

Male entrepreneur who builds industrial buildings. In principle, a man earns well. However, the problem is that the main money comes to him after the completion of the construction of the building, and this, taking into account the specifics of his work, about once a year or a little more often. The rest of the time money comes in, but very little.

With a relatively high income, he himself and especially his family are constantly living in tension. The fact is that a man has taught his family to have a relatively high income, when the main money comes and the family is "chic". However, there are always periods of six months when there is no money for the most necessary things. That is, there is nothing to buy new clothes to replace the torn ones, there is nothing to repair the car, to buy a new cell phone to replace the broken one, etc. It is especially important here to learn how to properly distribute the family budget!

So, we see that a significant decrease in income (and other major setbacks) lead to the destruction of the human psyche, the destruction of families, the destruction of long-term friendship and cooperation.

For a person, the health of his psyche, his family, happiness, his friends and acquaintances, etc., it is much better, albeit a slightly smaller, but stable income, than bursts of income in millions with a drop to almost zero. In addition, it is extremely important to avoid a significant and prolonged drop in income.... And it is important to learn how to correctly distribute the budget that is.

Now I'm not even sure that the main thing is to increase income. Perhaps maintaining the stability of income is no less important task than increasing it..

Do not misunderstand me. I am not in favor of maintaining a stable income of $ 100-300 per month. Of course, with such an income, you need to put all your efforts into increasing it.

How to achieve greater income stability?

The first, easiest to understand and hardest to implement, is simply to reduce your running costs.

I think that there is nothing particularly incomprehensible here. If, for example, the family's income is 100 thousand rubles / month, and they live on 70 thousand rubles / month, then the decrease in income to 70 thousand rubles. per month the family will hardly feel it. Of course, with a decrease in income, there will be no money that was previously deposited in real estate, stocks or something else useful. However, the most important thing for the well-being of a person and a family is that current expenses will not change, or if they change, then only slightly.

This method is applicable to both an individual, a family and a business. After all, in business it happens that money is just a rod. This, however, is far from being a reason to waste it. After all, for example, if you pay your employees a lot, and during a decrease in income, you pay 2 times less, then they will blow your company to pieces, even if the lower salary is higher than the market one. (They will stop working, they will steal openly, they will almost openly drain clients, go to other employers, even if for a lower salary, they will complain to the labor inspectorate, etc.)

However, if you can reduce them during your windfall profits (or firms), then by doing so you may save yourself from so much hassle that you cannot even imagine.

The second way is to create reserves.

Reserves allow you to relatively painlessly survive a short-term decline in income, which are the most frequent.

The wisdom of a person and the correct distribution of the family budget consists not only and sometimes not so much in predicting when there will be a sharp decrease in income or unexpected large expenses (a car broke down, you need to move, a jacket is torn, medicine, etc.), but understanding that sooner or later some of these events will surely happen.

Let me remind you that the higher the income, the more uneven it is and the more important it is to comply with these rules. It is relatively easy to borrow the equivalent of $ 100-200 from colleagues or relatives. It is much more difficult if your income is high. Try to intercept a similar amount from relatives or friends, for example, $ 5,000. Even if someone wants to lend it to you, then not many already have it.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to create minimal reserves - and create them not only in money, but in things.

Of course, in theory, it is best for the reserve to be in the money. In practice, money is always needed somewhere and it is much more difficult to keep it in your hands. I suggest you create a reserve in things, which is much easier. What exactly can be reserved in things? Depending on your income and lifestyle, these can be different things. Here are some examples.

- You can develop the habit of not using up gas in your car to zero, but refueling in advance. It is clear that if there are small interruptions in income, then you will not need to spend money on gas when there is no money. I will not comment further.

- You can pay utility bills in advance for several months in advance,

- You can buy food and household goods at home with a small supply. (It is understood that the products are subject to the expiration date.)

- You can buy the necessary medicines with a small supply and not allow them to run out completely.

- You can make it so that on a cellular connection, the Internet, etc. payments have always been money.

- You can accustom yourself not to zero bank cards to zero when you withdraw cash, but to leave at least a few thousand rubles on them. (Many now have 2-3 cards, and this is already a decent amount)

- Clothes can be repaired in advance.

I think that the principle is clear from these examples. Examples are targeted at the middle income level. It is clear that they need to be adjusted to a smaller or larger side, depending on the lifestyle.

Reservation in things is a powerful technology that allows you to move from theory to action..

The theory, I hope, is clear to you. In short, we assume that sooner or later some unpredictable loss of income or unpredictable expenses will occur in your life. What kind of event it will be, we do not know, but it will certainly happen sooner or later. These situations themselves can be extremely destructive to life, relationships, business, right up to collapse.

A reasonable way out of this situation would be the accumulation of some money, so that if something happens, they could be used.

However, in the transition from theory to action, it turns out that saving money is an extremely difficult task for 80-90% of the population. Reserves are formed and immediately spent on something unrelated to reserves.

It is much easier to make reserves in things. Things are anything that is not as liquid as money. If, for example, you bought gasoline when there is still 30 percent in the tank, then even if you wanted to go to a bar and have a beer, you won’t get the gasoline back from the tank and you won’t sell it.

If you have a reserve of money in your wallet, then you can easily buy beer, justifying it with something, no matter what.

Of course, reservation in things also requires a certain discipline and is not available to everyone. However, if 10 percent of the population has the ability not to spend all the money, then it is much easier to master the reservation in things. It is available to about 30% of the population.

I repeat that reservations in things can be tailored to suit any lifestyle and income.

This can be for high income:

- early redemption of an apartment on a mortgage, purchase of other liquid real estate in which you do not live, purchase of an office for business, etc.,

- purchase of shares,

- buying currency (especially rare), gold.

Now I'm not talking about the benefits of these purchases, but about the fact that these goods are not as liquid as money and it is much easier not to spend them on something, but to keep them in the form of a reserve.

Accordingly, in a crisis (not in general, of course, but your personal, God forbid), you can sell real estate, stocks or gold.

For a relatively low income, this could be:

- food stocks like cereals, canned food,

- stocks of cigarettes,

- stocks of household supplies and some kind of clothing,

- payment of apartment rent, loans, utilities, etc.

The principle is relatively universal.

I will repeat myself. Learning to reserve in things is several times easier than in money.

I am giving you the technology, that is, the method of practical implementation of an extremely useful theory. I didn’t come up with it, of course, but that doesn’t stop it being less valuable.

So, let's summarize how to properly and wisely distribute your family budget.

- The higher the income, the less stable it is by definition and, accordingly, special measures must be taken in order to avoid its sharp fall, even a short-term one.

Do not think that you are made differently. And even if so, then there are people close to you, for whom stability is extremely important.

- Income stabilization is a solvable task (up to certain limits, of course). We examined two tricks of the reserve and cost reduction in this article. We will consider the following techniques in the next article.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

In order not to drink, smoke, earn money and bring everything to the family - many girls grew up with this attitude from their parents and began to arrange their personal lives according to the same principle. However, in life, everything is completely different.

The ability to agree on a monetary issue is one of the 3 whales on which happiness in the family rests. Many women know how important it is not only sexual and psychological compatibility, but also the same approach to money.

We asked women which type of family budget - shared, separate or mixed - helps them feel comfortable and why. We have collected the most common opinions in our article.

Total budget, husband earns

In this type of budget, it is not the right to dispose of money that can be divided equally, sometimes it is exclusively the husband who knows it, but it happens that the man gives all the reins of distribution to his wife.


  • the man takes on most of all financial issues, and the woman feels more comfortable. protected.
  • no need to work full day or on inappropriate conditions, solely to feed the family.
  • a woman can devote herself not only to her family, but also to her studies, development own business, etc.


  • often a man as a breadwinner requires full report spent.
  • the husband gives out only certain amounts, no indent from which is provided.
  • often because of this there is "double-entry bookkeeping" and family trust is lost.
  • if the couple eventually decides to separate, the wife, who has devoted her whole life to her husband, oh seems without a livelihood.

Shared budget, when both earn the same, are managed jointly


  • transparency all income and expenses;
  • collegiality in decision making - important purchases are made together;
  • feeling increases community in family.


  • when one of the partners starts earning less, it can cause complaints, even if unspoken - after all, the standard of living is falling and the second;
  • lack of personal space in a relationship - the partner knows about everything.
  • many reasons for manipulation th to each other (in the style of "because of your service station, I did not go to the dentist");
  • promotes "double-entry bookkeeping" to carve out unaccounted for money. Yes, yes, here you can write down all the anecdotal situations about the husband's stash from his wife, etc.
  • the inability to make surprises for each other - this reduces the spontaneity in the relationship and makes you bored.

Separate budget


  • absolute freedom and accountability to others - if you want a tenth pair of expensive shoes - please, no one will speak negatively, you are your own mistress.
  • not necessary contain a partner;
  • common expenses are always and in everything shared in half;
  • you can plan your expenses according to your earnings.


  • it is difficult to plan strategic joint purchases (house, car, etc.) and cohabitation;
  • at less sense of responsibility for the relationship;
  • in the absence of trust, many stresses;
  • not suitable for women on maternity leave who cannot support themselves, as they take care of the baby.

Mixed budget

For many women, this is perhaps the best option that combines the advantages of the previous types of family budget. In it, part of the money is invested in general spending in the same way, and part is left to everyone.

If the expenses of the husband and wife are very different, then it is better to invest a percentage. For example, 50% for food, clothing, housing, school for children, etc., 20% for unforeseen expenses and health, 10% for vacations and travel, and the rest for personal expenses. So the contribution from 2 thousand UAH and from 50 thousand UAH will be equivalent.


  • a woman's feeling of security remains;
  • everyone's contribution is equally important;
  • freedom of personal control of money remains;
  • the space for manipulating each other decreases: if you want to buy something that your partner does not approve of - not a question, but from your own part and after the general part of the income is filled.


  • it takes time to work out the rules just for your family.
  • also difficult for women on maternity leave.

Another important disadvantage in all types of family budgets, women consider that men often ignore the importance of the daily responsibilities of a wife and mother as a contribution to the family.

An excellent way to remedy the situation is to conduct an "audit" and count in money, how much would a nanny and a do-worker cost the family if the woman worked and did not take care of the house. After all, not spent expenses are also income in the family budget.

Many people say that money is like water - it quickly flows to nowhere. If you cannot remember what you spent an impressive amount on, it’s not clear where the salary goes and why it ends in just two weeks, you cannot save up for the desired thing or vacation, it’s time to start carefully calculating your income and expenses. Family budgeting is the first step towards fulfilling your material desires.

Home bookkeeping: the first stage - income

Each family builds its material well-being according to its own scenario: someone seeks to earn more, someone insists on the observance of the principles of reasonable spending by all family members. The main thing is not to go to extremes, but to find your right path. This issue becomes especially relevant in the family with the appearance of children, when family expenses increase significantly. There are several methods on how to plan a family budget, what principles to adhere to.

The first step in any of these methods is to determine the items of family income and expenses. Income should take into account:

  • wages;
  • social payments;
  • income from bank deposits, from renting an apartment;
  • part-time job;
  • cash gifts.

It is clear that the first 3 positions are constant, the amounts of these incomes are known, and it is from them that the basis of the income part of the family budget will be formed. Side job and cash gifts may or may not be, so you should not count on them, but use them as bonuses for pleasant spending.

Second stage - expenses

The second stage is the calculation of expenses in various directions. Few will be able to immediately say how much and for what they are, so it is important to keep track of your expenses at least for a month or two, even in trifles. Then it will become clear how much the family is spending and on what. How to keep records? Personal finance experts recommend that you record all your daily expenses: food, travel, entertainment.

Costs, like revenues, can be divided into several broad categories:

  • obligatory payments;
  • expenses for food, travel;
  • spending on wardrobe renewal;
  • spending on entertainment, recreation;
  • unforeseen expenses for treatment, repairs, etc.

Mandatory payments include:

  • communal;
  • payment for mobile communications, Internet;
  • insurance;
  • payment for circles, sections, additional activities for children.

Food spending should also be categorized:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sweets, juices, pastries, etc.

In the first months of maintaining a family budget, experts recommend drawing up a table and advising you to write down all the costs of food, down to the smallest detail. Sometimes, from such trifles as buying 200 grams of sweets, cookies, a cup of coffee, significant sums are accumulated in a week or a month. All family members need to learn how to remember and write down their expenses, so that later you can correctly plan the family budget.

Stage three: comparing income and expenses

Today we have to figure out how to spend money correctly. This topic is of interest to citizens of all countries. And all the time. After all, money is a means of subsistence. And they should provide the citizens as much as possible. Not everyone knows how to properly dispose of them. And even more so how to postpone. When you have your own family and children, the issues related to finances are seriously aggravated. To prevent this from happening, you just need to be able to spend money. How can I learn this? What will help you save money and manage your family budget? The best tips and tricks will be presented below. All of the above is not a panacea, but it will help not to waste money. In some cases, it will turn out to spend less and save more, while not prejudice to yourself in purchases.

Family budget is an eternal dispute

Maintaining a family budget is a real art that not everyone can master. But to master it, at least to try to do it, is recommended for every person. When done correctly, problems are not terrible. They simply will not exist. Except when the salary is delayed. And then the scale of the problems will be minimal.

A very good way to save money and create savings. Many, as already mentioned, are recommended to open a deposit in a bank and transfer money there. This will help not to touch the funds and save them. In any case, it must be in difficult access. Only in emergency situations is it allowed to spend this accumulation.

Plan and facts

What is the right way to spend money in a family? For those who have already mastered the previously listed methods, you can slightly expand the table of income and expenses. And add such components as "plan" and "in fact" to it.

In the first column, it is necessary to prescribe in advance what expenses are planned and for what amount. In the second, information about real costs is entered. Quite an interesting way of scheduling "free money". It is recommended that the column "in fact" be reduced monthly. In the same way as the "plan" section. Of course, taking into account the fact that a decrease in these indicators does not harm the life and well-being of the family.

"No" loans

How to spend less money? Some people think that loans are a good way to save money. In fact, most citizens who have learned to live within their means, as well as to save well, say the opposite.

Taking loans when planning a budget is not recommended. But you do not need to exclude them from the pivot table if available. Lack of credit is a positive outlook. If a person does not have debts, then the previously paid amount can be set aside for a rainy day.

Personal needs

What is the right way to spend money? Some people don't understand this. If we are talking about one person, then there are no particular problems with budget planning. But as soon as a family appears, certain difficulties arise, as already mentioned.

The point is that everyone has personal needs. What each person wants for himself personally. While learning to plan and manage home bookkeeping, you need to overshadow your desires.

By the way, all "free" money at the end of the month is recommended to be distributed among family members for personal needs. Or enter separate columns in the expense and income table for this purpose. Allocate a firm sum of money to everyone for their desires.


This is the correct way to manage your family budget. The example table below is far from the most advanced method. Rather, it is suitable for beginners. Through it, you can easily learn how to distribute finances so as not to fall into a financial hole.

An approximate table of expenses and income looks like this.

Article Plan Fact Difference
Income50 000 50 000 0
Products10 000 11 500 -1 500
Communal payments5 000 4 500 500
Household chemicals1 000 0 1 000
Personal needs5 000 8 000 -3 000
Travel10 000 7 000 3 000
Outcome31 000 31 000 0
Postponed5 000 5 000 0

This, as already mentioned, is far from the most common option for accounting for expenses. But it helps at first. In general, planning a home budget is a crucial moment. And it is recommended to entrust this lesson to those who do it best. A little patience and strength - and you can easily learn how to distribute funds, as well as save well.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state