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What is love and love, the difference between these feelings is. Many are interested in how to differentiate these concepts that between them is general, and what they differ. How to distinguish love from love, it will be interesting to everyone, because almost every person faces such feelings. The first concept is more capacious. Love is a deep feeling, a person's acceptance with his advantages and disadvantages. It is not inherent in everyone. Some people are falsely believed that they love, but after a while they understand the absurdity of their judgment, forgetting a person.

What is the difference between love from love? The second sense is a kind of euphoria at which the constant desire of the presence of the object is felt. The differences between the two concepts are enough, but some of them are controversial, because they love everything in their own way.

The difference between love and love also lies in relation to man. In the first case there is no dependence, jealousy, rejection, turbulent emotions. A person feels comfort, calm. In the second case, the euphoria appears first, then it replaces irritability in the absence of an object.

The difference between concepts

The difference between love and love lies in the energy sector, which is filled by a person, and in a kind of aftertaste. In the second case, when a stormy feeling occurs, there is a tide of strength, the emotions are beaten through the edge. The object is often idiotized. When a sense of love arises, then there is no need for a constant presence of a person. It can be easily released, wishing happiness. With this inside it does not happen a stormy reaction. The concept of love is so extensive that it is quite difficult to describe it.

Men and women experience this feeling in different ways. Representatives of strong floor are more restrained in the manifestation of emotions, so we should not expect such a reaction, as in the case of girls, it is not worth it. Women often do not know measures and often fall into dependence on the feeling, which is also not positive.

How to understand, love or love? This will help to figure out modern psychology. Popular author Viktor Dobroslavovich, indicates that the difference between love and love, there is a huge. At the same time, it describes possible errors that wait a couple at the very beginning of relationships.

When you fall in love, it seems that the whole world is transformed. Paints become so bright that everything around is seen in the sunlight. One of the global psychotherapists compared this feeling with a kind of drug addiction. In the presence of the desired object, a large number of hormones of joy and pleasure are produced. If a dramatically remove a person or cut the contact, then the most real breaking begins.

Love converts into love, but only subject to the work of the mind. Often, at the initial stage of relations, people spoil everything themselves, succumbing to the so-called breaking. Jealousy begins, one of the other accuses attention in a lack of attention. While popular trash authors believe that it is enough to change your behavior to swim in love all my life.

Fundamental differences

How to cope with love and turn it into love? It is enough to adhere to the Frauling principle that I outlined Vadim Zeland in one of its popular books. It is necessary to replace the intentions. It is necessary to strive not to take, but give. Only in this case can you learn love. This feeling, in contrast to love, does not provide permanent requirements. Loving man It does not expect constant attention, but appreciates the partner's space. If he wants a good relationship and care, then it gives it all first of all himself.

Many people in love with many people falling into direct dependence on the object. Moreover, who falls into the trap depends on the power of the person. These are the laws of nature. You can see how strong men willingly spin weak women, as if puppets. At the same time, spiritually stable representatives of weak gender do not fall into dependence and emotionally balanced. These people are often attracted by people who want to fill some soulful emptiness. Therefore, they say that they are attracted precisely.

When you love, there are no such contradictions. There is no need for balance. Both personality seems to complement each other. One girl was in love and did not understand how she became the hostage of this feeling. The end of such stories is mostly sad. People falling into dependence often become only temporary hobbies.

Love and love are distinguished and the fact that the second feeling can continue infinitely, no provenation arises. In the first case, the euphoria is often replaced by disappointment and emptiness. Wise people always control their feelings. Arrival of positive energy during love they transform into a deeper feeling. At the same time, people enlightened do not seek flaws in their partner, but only advantages.

Life at the same time is not overshadowed with empty experiences and pain, but, on the contrary, becomes filled with joy, a pleasant feeling of the proximity of the shower. What else difference? Loving man tolerant. He knows how to forgive, take and give joy. If only love is present, then negative sensations are often dominated. Deep feeling always gives freedom to both people. There is endless trust.

In order for a slight feeling to turn into a deeper, it is necessary to give maximum freedom to object. Do not force him to report, do not arrange scenes, but also not to behave tight. It is important to remain. Do not try to seem better than it really is.

Additional Information

Many will understand that love has passed, if it was not that person. In fact, a deep feeling is possible only with a partner who came into life not for the lesson, but sent by fate. It is absurd to reject such a thing absurd, because all people live in terms of options, although they are vertices.

You can only get what is laid in the subconscious. It is impossible to be with those who do not fit spiritually. Differences between love and love is abound. How can I determine that one sense turns into another? In this case, the feeling changes. Inside there is harmony. There are no bright outbreaks, especially negative. There is a sense of limitless trust. When light feelings turn into deeper, the person begins to sense the stability of his position and enjoy life even without the presence of the object of love.

It does not provide for mandatory sexual contact. There are many cases of manifestation of Platonic love, which lasts all his life. The main thing is the presence of mental equilibrium, which comes closer to people. It seems that partners are in one wave. They often complement the phrases of each other and understand without words.

In order not to destroy the feeling of the root and translate into a deeper, you should consider equality, to forget about egoism and treat a person not only as an object is sexually attractive, but also as a friend and even a brother or sister. Love is different from love also by the fact that it is capable of healing not only the body, but also a man's soul, changing the identity and transforming it for the better.

How often we do not know how to distinguish these two concepts - love and love. Every time I have scored more often, we consider the sign of that big and only love forever, and every time we are mistaken. How to distinguish love and love?

Love and love - what is the difference between them?

Cynicians say that love and love are the same sense based on sexual attraction. That is, at first, the couple communicates exclusively because of sex, and then addictive, people are comfortable nearby, so they get married and live side by side for many years. And love here does not play any role, because it does not exist.

Romance on such statements only shrugs, how can you deny the obvious? Both of these feelings are completely real, and naturally between love and love there is a difference. If it did not exist, then people could not find the reasons to create families, everyone would end in a couple of months, as soon as the pink glasses and love would evaporate.

What is the difference between love from love?

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that love feeling is more developed and mature than love, and therefore, with years, love will become only better, the time is not scary to her.

We often hear that love arises suddenly, at first glance and words. But do not deceive us feelings, isn't it hiding for a beautiful and bright feeling something else? How to distinguish love from love or ordinary sympathy?

Answers to these questions should be sought within themselves, fully relying on their own intuition. We will try to determine the basic similarities and differences between these similar, but still with different feelings.


Sympathy is an emotional approving reaction to another person. It is expressed in a friendly and friendly attitude, admiration for man and desire to interact with him. Sympathy can cause such factors:

  • similarity of characters and worldview;
  • external appeal;
  • the presence of rapping factors (age, neighborhood, place of work, etc.);
  • response feelings (often sympathy arises in response to a similar feeling of another person).


This is a sparkling feeling that has a number of features:

  • it appears suddenly and also quickly fades;
  • accompanied by bright emotions and literally "circling his head";
  • all attention focuses on one person, often a woman looks through "pink glasses";
  • it is often based only on sexual deposition;
  • it is often accompanied by insecurity, discontent with his own appearance, status, etc., there is a desire to drastically change to attract attention;
  • the object of love is not even a person himself, but a kind of image;
  • the leading feeling during this period is Euphoria, it seems that without another person it is impossible to live a day.


The real love between a man and a woman is the highest form of manifestation of feelings. But it should be noted that not everyone is capable of achieving true love. Love has a number of distinctive features, which in the aggregate do not allow it to be confused by any other feeling:

  • physical imperfections of his beloved person are perceived as his an integral part of and even a certain "highlight";
  • the soulful qualities of the partner are also very high;
  • the existing disadvantages are made as a given, without the desire to immediately eliminate them;
  • high feeling can "ripen" years, because it is based on mental intimacy, which arises after a long acquaintance;
  • separation is very hard, because I do not want to part with your loved one for a long time, but no distance can destroy the real feeling;
  • love opens up all the wonderful qualities of people, pushing them to self-improvement and the fight against internal disadvantages;
  • the feeling does not pass suddenly, it connects people invisible thread for many years and helps to overcome all adversity and sadness;
  • people are able to make concessions and find a compromise;
  • love always goes hand in hand with respect and mutual understanding, it is disinterested, it is impossible to love for any benefit.

Similarities and differences

Summarizing the foregoing, we note that there are both feelings different from each other. These features bring them closer:

  • The presence of sympathy. We did not give in vain special attention This feeling, because the love, and in love with it is based on it.
  • Passion. The first strong feeling often arises in the rustling of passion, but without passion, although less pronounced, is impossible.
  • Proximity. Independent and physical proximity is the basis of these feelings. On a person who is far from our worldview, we are unlikely to pay their attention.
  • The desire to change. For the sake of a beloved person is ready to change and become better.

Differences are much larger:

  • Power of affection. Love is characterized by a less strong sense of attachment, while the loved is ready to bind the object of adoration hardly in a literal sense.
  • Duration. Love does not appear and does not disappear suddenly. It is emerging gradually, slowly gaining strength and becoming stronger. Lyubility is a kind of chemistry, a sudden feeling that quickly goes out when people "will be satisfied with each other.
  • Perception of flaws. Love a person by taking all its shortcomings and dignity, weakness and strengths. If a person in love is idealized, the shortcomings are ignored and not noticed at all.
  • Work on relationships. The first bright feeling does not require any effort, it is based on instinct. Love is exactly what the creative work of two people implies: the ability to empathize and maintain, trust and respect, to make concessions and organize joint life and leisure.
  • Work on yourself. We have already said that two feelings combine willingness to change. The difference is only that the loved wishes to achieve external improvements, creating a beautiful image, and the loving tries to work on his human qualities.
  • Serious intentions. Passive passions usually do not build far-reaching plans, enjoying only a real moment. Loving people discuss the collaborative future, think about the nearest and distant future.
  • Readiness to share. Love implies generosity (but not wastefulness) and the ability to distinguish true values \u200b\u200bfrom temporary benefits. Lelfies are often associated with waste, which after does not cause anything but regret.
  • Partnership. Testing a strong feeling means to feel on equal partner. Loving feel necessary and significant, they have one "we" for two. Lovely wishes to control each action of the adoration object.

At first sight

Love at first sight is rather myth than reality. Immediately can only fall in love. But sometimes it happens that passion and bright sympathy will grow into something more stable and even.

Only time will allow you to answer the question of how to distinguish real love from the mimolent hobby. Do not hurry to make hasty conclusions, and then the present and sincere feeling will definitely knock on your heart.


Love and love - two similar in the inner sensations of the feelings that man himself confuses, act under enemy flags and protect competing interests.

The argument about love and love marches through the century. An eternal theme that concerns and hurts for a living old and young, man and a woman, only children before the period of puberty do not argue about it. Every person has something to say to this expense. The subject, surviving the first experience of love, already considers himself a psychologist. Therefore, each article, a book and even a separate classification, trying to open the nature of love and love, cause burning interest from the reading public. So, proceed.

When we are talking about love, we assume:

Instinct, spontaneity. A man captured by strong emotions hypnotizes himself with subjective experiences, he bathes in them, enjoys them.
Egocentrism. Human occupy only personal needs. There's no case to the partner. Another person is the key that opens the door of the gate of Paradise.
In perception, the installation "I want" is dominated. When a person was captivated in love, he stays in hostages and hopes for their imminent embodiment. The only thing that he recovers is to take possession of the object of lust.

Love creates a natural opposition of love and includes the following qualities:

Rationality (with some shares of madness). Despite the rationality and the lordship of the sense of love, without passion it would be dry and fresh. With the normal course of events from buds of love, a love flower appears, this is the "crazy element" mentioned above. In love, the mind takes control of the dark element, which has already weakened. No one burns forever.
Altruism. When emotions fall out, priorities change. A loving person first of all cares about the partner, puts his needs and interests above his desires.
Love is not given over, it is being studied by hard everyday labor. Spontaneously, a person gets only a "harvest" of a big and clean feeling - love. The fleeting passion will turn into a serious attachment if two people have a maximum effort.

Love and love are masked by one under another, using the fact that they look like sisters. There is a question how to recognize them? About this next.

What is the difference between love from love? Visible signs

The natural characteristics of love and love given above are abstract and insufficient for a clear understanding of the feelings reigning in a person. They need clarification.

So, love is characterized by:

Exaltation. A person is experiencing every minute a state of akin to mystical ecstasy. Perception is broken as a conductor under the current, a person cut, impulse and anxious at the same time.
Romanticization of the object of desires, i.e. The latter has no shortcomings, some advantages.
Illuminated requirements and expectations in relation to partner and life.
Fantastic emotional degrees at the initial stage and rapid in the process. Love lives three years. This is also evidenced by scientists, and writers.
Love sins one-sidedness. One person loves, and the other is not.
Love greatly distorts the perception of man. He cannot soberly think and healthy to assess the situation.

Love is antipode of love. Its manifestations are not difficult to recognize.

Withstands the check time and difficulties. It has no place for mystical revelations and exaltation, but love feeds the life of a person, and not affects him as a drug.
Love is a mutual feeling.
Gradually gains strength and very slowly dies.
Does not distort the perception of man. Does not take him mind.

From the characteristics above and formed a personal response of each person to the question, and what is the difference between love from love? It remains to consider only the trails, the paths that love and love come to people.

First Triad "Friendship-Love Love"

These three phenomena of the human world are adjacent next to, flowing one thing. And the woman, according to one of the scenarios, is transformed into love, and then, revealing, goes into love. The main thing is that the views of both parties to the development of relations coincide, and did not happen like this: one person wants love, and the other is only friendship.

Love protrudes the rebirth of friendship in love, as it contains a passion in its composition. Without at least temporary insanity. But practice shows: human relations are a fragile substance, it can freeze in any element of the Triad "Friendship-Love Love" forever or suddenly stop existing.

The second triad "Love-Love Passion"

From the previous comparison of the characteristics of love and love, it is clear that in the normal course of events, love arises on the basis of passion and love. When people are completed with a period of erotic intoxication with each other, they have time to look at the partner to an unlucky eye and understand whether there is something in common between them not only in the sexual, but also human sense, and also to realize, and what it was: love , Love, passion? The answer to the question determines the strategy and the direction of relations, their perspective.

Fundamental Difference between Love and Love

Love is different from love by the fact that one manifests itself in trifles and withstand in behavior, and the other is overly frank.

IN everyday life It is difficult to recognize the obvious signs of happiness from the spouses who lived 25 years. The satisfaction of such pairs is powered from an internal source, which is invisible for an extraneous eye.

And if you look at the in love at least Yunz, at least an elder, then the "clinical picture" is a little gloom as on the palm. Why is such a difference between love and love? Because the mind is hidden, but the madness is obvious.

January 11, 2014, 22:47

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