
Report on the implementation of the Strategy of the World Bank Group in the Russian Federation. Control over the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy Report on the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy

The basic principle of our strategy is a high level of integration of corporate and retail business. Firmly consolidating its place on the market as a universal bank, we continue to develop dynamically.

Dmitry Orlov
Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Bank's "Revival" strategy is based on the development of the key areas related to the needs of the corporate and retail sectors of the Russian economy, and ensuring long-term growth in the value of the business in the interests of their shareholders.

The main priority of the bank is to provide comprehensive services to legal entities and individuals, improving the quality of service in order to strengthen the competitiveness and development of the brand. The Bank organically combines investment in expanding business with cost optimization policies to improve efficiency and ensure high yield operations.

Corporate business is a key direction for the development of the Bank "Revival". In the corporate business, the Bank focuses on the development of long-term cooperation with clients while maintaining the optimal balance of risks. An increase in the client base is carried out by attracting small and medium-sized businesses, individual work with large clients, focusing on the bank's clients, the network of branches of which coincides with the regional presence of the Bank's branches.

The key success factor is a comprehensive approach to servicing each corporate client and its employees, improving the quality of service, characterized by approaches in working with various client segments. The bank builds relationships with the client, based on its needs and offering not a separate service, but the necessary set of products for each client.

The retail segment is the second key direction of business development, both in the coming years and in the distant future.

The main product directions of the retail segment are:

  • Deposits;
  • Consumer and mortgage lending;
  • Operations with bank cards, including lending based on them;
  • Payment and cashier service for individuals, including with the help of remote banking services.

It should be noted that the Bank considers population deposits as the most important source of funding for credit operations and as a factor that stabilizes the Bank's activities, even during significant changes in market conditions.

The main technological tasks requiring solutions for the implementation of the Bank's strategy include:

  • Optimization of internal business processes to ensure the financial stability of the Bank by increasing the effectiveness of its business model, high quality standards for performing operations and conservative risk policies;
  • The formation of modern service infrastructure, providing high-quality banking services on its basis and ensuring a high level of information security for customers;
  • Improving customer service quality based on the use of advanced information and telecommunication technologies;
  • Improving the quality and efficiency of interaction with state authorities, as well as other organizations;
  • Raising personnel qualifications in information and telecommunication technologies;
  • Countering the use of information and telecommunication technologies, threatening the activities of the Bank.

Taking into account the geographical diversification of its business, the Bank adheres to regional development strategies based on the expansion of the presence in those regions where branches of the bank are already located. Increasing sales infrastructure based on offices and self-service devices combined with the Internet and mobile bank is planned to be carried out in order to long-term and balanced growth of all business areas and in accordance with the needs of the market in each specific region.

The Marketing Strategy of the Bank "Revival" is inextricably linked with the business objectives of the Bank and is aimed at the increase in the competitiveness of products and increasing loyalty and customer satisfaction by:

  • Development of sales channels (including the branch network);
  • Creating and supporting products, more fully meet customer requests than competitors' products;
  • Providing high customer service standards;
  • Development of the bank brand.

The Bank's strategy provides for the continuous development of the corporate governance system in accordance with the best global practice and interests of shareholders. The Bank is committed to improving the efficiency of the Board of Directors, including through the application of self-assessment procedures and optimizing the processes of interaction with executive management. The participation of the Board of Directors in the Bank's current activities is expanded by improving the control procedures for the execution of its decisions by the Bank's operational management.

Our strategy in action

Balanced credit and resource policy Reliable Risk Management Corporate clients
Service at each stage of business development
Retail clients
Customer service at every stage of the life cycle
Increase operational efficiency
Progress for 2013
  • An increase in the share of working assets by 1.5 pp. up to 79.9%
  • Improving the ratio of loans and deposits by 8.4 percentage points. up to 104.7%
  • Improving the efficiency of responding to market conditions when managing interest rates
  • Tightening requirements for credit risk concentrations in a corporate loan portfolio
  • Creating an Operational Risk Management Department
  • Creating a deposit department
  • The increase in the number of customers in comparison with the previous year in all significant segments
  • Completion of the introduction of a modern remote banking system (Internet client)
  • Successful cooperation with SME Bank
  • Implementation of the program Microbusiness in 19 branches
  • Right retail loan portfolio above market
  • Synergy directions of retail business and business based bank cards, Development of DB
  • Conducting the second and launch of the third securitization of the mortgage portfolio
  • Run as part of a project to optimize the operating model of a number of significant innovations: Fraud analysis, automatic payment, centralization of opening accounts, etc.
  • Creating an operating center
  • Hard control over operating expenses
Goals for 2014
  • Rights / currency ratio in balance no more than 80/20
  • The share of liquid assets - 17-18%
  • Credits / deposit ratio - 100% ± 10 pp.
  • Further decrease in the concentration of the loan portfolio
  • Risk assessment system in accordance with Basel II and III
  • Credit quality control
  • Increase the share of lending to small and medium businesses
  • Formation of a diversified client base. Growing the level of cross-sales and volume of commission income.
  • Factoring development. Optimization and development of the collection service
  • Implementation of the microbusiness program in all branches provided by the project (28)
  • Active development of remote sales channels
  • Introduction of a single targeting product supply system for customers on all sales channels
  • Cross sales growth
  • The beginning of the introduction of the Bank's main changes in the centralization
  • Defining a new office format
  • Changing the planning system
  • Devaluation ruble
  • Liquidity deficit in the market
  • Closed capital markets
  • Slow economy (deterioration of macroeconomic indicators)
  • Slow economy (deterioration of macroeconomic indicators)
  • The deterioration of the creditworthiness of the small and medium-sized business segment companies
  • Growth of competition in the market for non-interest income
  • Slow economy (deterioration of economic indicators)
  • Delay in the implementation of projects due to the slow introduction of new technologies
  • Reducing the income of the population and solvent demand
  • Risks of deceleration of implementation, damage to quality of service
  • Devaluation of the ruble and the growth of IT expenditures
  • Competitive Wednesday and Low Business Activity
  • Net percentage margin
  • Rising assets
  • Loans / Deposit Relations
  • Reserves / Problem Debt 90+
  • Risk cost
  • Sufficiency of own funds for Basel III (H 1.0)
  • Corporate loan portfolio growth rate
  • Share of the MSA portfolio
  • The share of the microbusiness portfolio
  • Rose Retail Credit Portfolio
  • Growth of the mortgage portfolio
  • Cross-Sales Coefficient - Number of Customer Products
  • Income cost
  • Operating expenses growth rates
  • Share of non-interest income
Key operating performance for 2013 4,50%
Net percentage margin
Reserves / Problem Debt 90+
Rising corporate loan portfolio
Rose Retail Credit Portfolio
Revenue costs before reserves

Practical steps to implement strategy

Practical steps on the implementation of the Strategy of the Bank "Revival" are divided into the main activities of the Bank (Corporate and Retailers) and are aimed at implementing a balanced credit and resource policy, reliable risk management and the increase in the effectiveness of operations.

With regard to the development of corporate business, the Bank intends:

  • Increase the efficiency of interaction with the client base through working with the maximum number of enterprises in the regions of the Bank's presence regions,
  • Develop sales in the middle and small business segment,
  • To diversify the client base to reduce risks associated with the departure of large customers, primarily due to work on attracting small and medium-sized enterprises,
  • Strengthen customer retention work
  • Develop cross-selling
  • Develop new products based on customer needs,
  • Attract new customers
  • Increase the number of salary projects in order to expand the client base of bank card holders,
  • Develop the acquiring network.

In the retail segment of the business, the Bank sets itself a strategic task to preserve positions in the Top-15 Russian banks in terms of the population attracted funds. The share of the population in the balance sheet "Revival" will be maintained at a level of at least 40%.

The bank's share in the deposit market is planned to be increased to 1%. At the same time, the level of profitability of deposits will be built on the basis of the market and proposals of the main competitors banks, as well as the internal needs of the Bank in resources.

Bank "Revival" plans to constantly improve the consumer properties of deposits and related services, focusing on changing demand from consumers and other market conditions.

The formation of the Bank's retail loan portfolio is planned to be carried out by issuing loans to already existing customers with a confirmed credit or payment history, as well as individuals working in enterprises - bank customers for salary projects.

At the same time, the Bank "Revival" will continue to develop bank card service infrastructure as a basis for attracting customers for salary projects with subsequent active cross-selling of the entire line of products and services for private clients.

The strategic goal of the Bank "Revival" is the development of information and telecommunication technologies to increase competitiveness, reducing the cost and complexity of banking technological processes, improving the efficiency of the Bank's management system.

To achieve these goals, the Bank plans:

  • Develop services provided through multichannel remote banking services (MDBBA) to manage accounts and customer assets;
  • Constantly optimize and increase the mobility of information infrastructure through the centralization and virtualization of computing resources, the integration of information systems and the unification of banking technological processes;
  • Develop a system for monitoring banking technological processes;
  • Develop decision-making systems through reporting centralization, risk assessment and management systems.

As part of the development of a regional development strategy, the Bank plans to strengthen its position in the following regions:

  • Moscow region. This region includes the Bank's divisions located in Moscow, the Moscow region and the areas of the Tula, Yaroslavl, Kaluga and Ryazan.
  • South Region. This region includes the Bank's divisions located in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory.
  • Northwest region. This region includes bank divisions located in St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad.

Strategic priorities

The strategic priorities of the Bank "Revival" are associated with the development of the main activities:

  • Development of the corporate business segment
  • Development of retail business segment
  • Increasing the volume of non-interest income
  • Development of business technology
  • Development of the branch network of the bank
  • Improving the internal control system
  • Development of risk management system.

Roman Pashkov, Head of Legal Management OJSC International Bank of Finance and Investments

It is no secret that in every Russian commercial bank should be a development strategy. Its format, of course, is different, there are banks where it takes 2-3 pages and it suits them, which is clearly abnormal. However, control over the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy is a much more rare phenomenon in banks, since it, in principle, does not pay due attention, since there are no direct requirements from the Bank of Russia on this issue.

Control over the implementation of the development strategy in many Russian banks is not carried out, at least in the sense of compiling relevant documents and regulatory procedures.
It can be noted that such control refers to the issues of strategic planning of the Bank's activities. It is such control that allows you to answer the question: Does the Bank's mission be carried out in the context of its activities as a credit organization in terms of achieving targets? Control figures of the Development Strategy Report allow us to submit a picture as a whole on a bank.

Implementation Plan Development Strategy
It is advisable in a bank every year to accept the Board of Directors to implement the development strategy for the current year with financial indicators. This plan contains the strategic goals of the Bank's development for the current year. All divisions of the bank work on its execution.
You can even talk about the feasibility, but about the need to take such a plan, as it significantly reduces the strategic risk of the bank from the point of view of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. At the same time, many banks do not even have such regulatory documents as the "method of assessing strategic risk" or "Strategic Risk Policy" or they are considered as purely formal.
The strategic goals of the bank, the achievement of which should provide a plan, are:
development of the internal methodological base on planning and monitoring the activities of the Bank;
The introduction of a planning and control system of the Bank on a qualitatively new technological level.
To this end, the plan should provide for the solution of the following main tasks:
Develop and approve a number of internal documents on strategic planning and monitoring the implementation of the implementation of the strategy prepared taking into account modern approaches recognized in the business community. When developing these documents, as the main methodology used to monitor the implementation of the Strategy, it is planned to use the methodology of the system of balanced indicators - SSP (Balanced Scorecard);
To actualize internal documents on the issues of current planning and control in conjunction with the provisions:
1) documents reflecting the above approaches to the development of a strategic planning and control system;
2) documents defining a new wage system and stimulating bank employees;
Automation on a single software platform for planning and control procedures, including the implementation of the monitoring of strategy defined by internal documents of the Bank, will be provided as part of the work on the transfer to the new technological level of procedures in the field of assets and liabilities.
In terms of improving the Bank's organizational structure, the plan should include mechanisms to solve the following tasks:
Creation of collegial working bodies with the participation of representatives of subsidiaries, as well as non-negotiated organizations for rapprochement of methodological approaches to solving a number of tasks in the field of management on the areas where applicable. In particular, to the number of issues requiring the development of agreed approaches, it seems appropriate to attribute:
1) issues of funding of the activities of subsidiaries, including those related to attracting borrowed funds in capital markets;
2) issues of the development of the methodological base, including the assessment of credit, structural risks of the Bank and aggregated risk assessment;
3) personnel management issues;
In connection with the planned expansion of the geography of the presence of the Bank follows:
1) to create its new offices in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad;
2) if necessary, to create new divisions within the framework of the Bank's internal organizational structure in accordance with the decisions of the management bodies;
3) to ensure the conditions for the functioning of the established structural units;
definitions of functionality, powers and responsibility for new elements of the organizational structure. Implement the associated improvement of the Bank's internal documents.
In addition, the need to improve the organizational structure or functional of the components of its elements may be due to changes in the regulatory activities of the Bank legislative and other legal acts, namely:
making decisions on the creation of new subsidiaries;
Reorganization of individual structural divisions of the Bank in order to develop a system for managing its activities.
In order to solve the tasks of improving the personnel management system, the plan should be focused on the use of modern approaches and best global practice in personnel management, continuation of work aimed at improving the flexibility of the specified system, which means it is possible to quickly and efficient adaptation due to changes:
legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of the Bank;
labor market conjunctures;
socio-political situation and other factors.
The solution of issues related to the search, selection and hiring staff should be carried out primarily at the expense of external hire of highly qualified specialists, based on the labor market opportuncture. Along with this, the use of an approach to the formation of a state due to the internal selection of personnel, taking into account the formed personnel reserve. To this end, the development of a system of adaptation of new employees is envisaged, as well as the further implementation of the Career Management Program.
To increase the level of motivation of employees, the plan should provide for the introduction of a new system of remuneration and motivation of workers. As part of activities aimed at improving the training system and professional development, the plan must ensure the solution of the following tasks:
expansion of the list of educational activities aimed at developing certain personal qualities and management skills;
Continuing the implementation of training programs focused on the development of leadership and managerial qualities of managers, the acquisition of the necessary professional knowledge and skills.
In order to introduce better practice in personnel management, the plan must ensure the following goals:
Expanding the interaction in the framework of interstate associations on the professional development of personnel and exchange of experience, including as part of the development of an agreement on cooperation between banks - members of the Interbank Association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Memorandum on Cooperation between State Financial Institutions of Development and Support for Exports of BRICS Members;
study and use of the experience of Russian and foreign institutions of development by organizing experiences in exchange of experience;
Transferring the personnel management system to a single software platform.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe development of information and technological support of the Bank's activities for the planned period, the plan must provide:
Development of IT services required by the Bank's business processes, in terms of their composition and level defined by functionality, availability, power, security, continuity of the provision of IT services;
Improving the bank's IT management system;
Effective financial and human resources management required to provide IT services and the operation of the IT management management system.
It should be noted that such a plan is not identical to the financial plan, as well as the Bank's budget for the current year. The development plan for the development strategy contains both qualitative benchmarks of the Bank, not excluding the quantitative indicators of the balance. The development plan of development strategies relates to mandatory issues of corporate governance and is an indicative planning document in the bank.
The implementation plan of the Strategy for the current year is very closely intertwined with budgeting issues in the bank. In principle, it is possible to express the idea that such a plan includes many budgeting issues in the context of strategic goals. At the same time, the plan does not fully reflect all the issues of the Bank's budget in the context of the activities of the divisions.
It is impossible not to affect the fact that indicative planning, i.e., planning for goal-setting on key indicators (indicators) leads to a clear understanding of the Bank's management of those goals that need to be achieved in the short term. Such planning allows you to choose the right and optimal methods to achieve the goals. It is also necessary to consider the dependence or influence of indicators of changes in the external environment (legislation, the actions of competitors, the emergence of new technologies, the client base, etc.) and the internal environment of the bank (personnel, organization of management, applied banking technologies, resources, etc.).
Assessment of indicators of changes in the external environment may look like this:
The bank is purposefully increasing the client base, while remaining at the same time serving small enterprises of the real sector of the economy;
considers a favorable competitive environment in terms of the applicability of the legislation norms;
Systematic purchases equipment to improve the reliability of the Bank as a credit institution;
Notes a high difficulty of funding for resource development in the market.
Evaluation of the indicators of changes in the internal environment of the bank may look like this:
The bank evaluates the established team as a team of professionals capable of solving all the tasks;
Improves the procedure of corporate governance, considering the optimal undergoing management system.
Total rating:
External environment indicators are currently unfavorable for the bank in terms of resource funding, but the accumulated resources of the Bank allow you to overcome these unfavorable moments for its development;
Indicators of the internal and external environment of the bank are conditions or variables of the dynamic part of the development strategy in the context of the dependence of the actions of the bank from indicators as a variational model of business development. In principle, not even all major Top-100 banks laid such indicators in their development strategies, since these indicators are very often evaluated by virtue of both a qualitative character and the unexpected appearance of new parties in the public life of the country. It should be noted that the effect of indicators is one of the issues for self-assessment of corporate governance in commercial banks.

Plan for the implementation of the Bank's strategy on __
1. On the strategic goal of the Bank's activities
The Bank's Development Strategy involves strengthening and expanding the Position of the Bank in the Financial Market in the following areas:
Strengthening and expanding the position of the bank in the finance market should develop in areas according to the strategy of its development.
It is necessary to develop a client base. For this you need:
1) organize operational, high-quality, high-tech settlement and cash maintenance of customers that meet the modern requirements of business development;
2) to create a mechanism that will attract and effectively place cash and resources, which is able to provide equilibrium between indicators such as reliability, liquidity and yield of assets;
3) Create a mechanism that will contribute to the rapid search and financing of the most profitable manufacturing, trade and investment transactions and projects. At the same time, urgency, repayment and payability must be ensured;
4) Implement effective support for the risk assessment and management system, a comprehensive management system that complies with the requirements of the current legislation and regulatory standards relating to the Bank's activities. This particular is prevented by the risk of unforeseen losses and his reputation does not suffer;
Implementation of internal control procedures.
Also, to expand the position of the bank, it is necessary to carry out the internal control procedure. In order to achieve a more efficient functioning of the internal control system, it is necessary to perform periodic inspections of compliance with the Bank's employees of regulatory acts, current legislation, standards related to professional activities, the proper level of reliability, which meets the nature of the operations carried out in the bank, and minimize the risks of its activities.
When conducting continuous monitoring, you can quickly detect and correct the shortcomings of the internal control system. In the Bank's Development Strategy and the prospects for its development, a clear distribution of the powers and responsibilities of each structural unit responsible for carrying out operations are envisaged. In cases where the functions of the divisions will cross or carry out a transaction, a high risk will be carried out, additional control should be carried out, take a collegial decision and conduct a legal assessment of the banks conducted by the Bank and transactions;
Implementation of internal control rules in order to counter the legalization of income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism.
The expansion of the client base by attracting new customers, the activities of which at the initial stage of interaction with the bank are not sufficiently studied, increases the risk of using the Bank's mechanism for the goals of legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means.
When expanding the client base and the proposed product range, the Bank uses a special program to study, identify the client, as well as monitoring the operations performed. The introduction of an automated banking system involving the customer identification function, monitoring payments from the position of identifying suspicious operations or operations subject to mandatory control, eliminates the possibility of legalizing the income obtained by criminal means through the bank's settlement tools.
Compliance with adopted internal control procedures is carried out by the staff of the relevant structural divisions of the Bank at all levels of risk management in the preliminary, current and subsequent procedure on the line of administrative and financial control.
2. About labor incentives
Ensuring the compliance of the Bank's employees appointed to leadership and other positions to which the current legislative and regulatory acts (including the Bank of Russia acts) make special requirements for education, qualifications, experience and other aspects of their biographies, these established requirements. Strict adherence to all employees of the Bank, regardless of their positions and the operating functions of the Corporate Governance Code, containing the main provisions relating to the Bank's business culture.
In the near future, the purpose of banking policies will be improved personnel management, followed by its maintenance at the present level in order to solve the strategy of bank development.
The main direction of personnel policy consists of the following key points:
constructing on a long-term basis of relations with the team, directions of funds and efforts to improve the personality of absolutely every employee, followed by its consolidation in the team;
establishment of a wage system that will adequately take into account the results and labor costs of the team;
Installations in relation to the effective financial policy team, which will include social benefits and systems for intangible incentives for the work activity process;
the process of adaptation in the team of new employees, as well as the effective and timely implementation of staff selection;
improving the team;
improve and maintain the qualifications of employees and managers;
development within the Bank of Communication;
formation with subsequent maintenance of banking corporate culture;
optimization of the socio-psychological situation;
Creation of personnel benefits and guarantees, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Professionalism in the work of banking staff, based on the observance of the norms of business ethics and the principles of corporate culture, is perhaps the most important condition for the development of the bank.
3. On the competence of the banking board of directors
Banking Board of Directors, as a rule, produced general management of activities. The exceptions have issues related to the executive bodies of the Bank and the competence of the general meeting of participants.
The exclusive competence of the banking board of directors in accordance with the Charter includes:
creation of internal efficient bank controls with its subsequent functioning;
Regular consideration at meetings of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Internal Control Organization and Measures to Increase its effectiveness, as well as their discussion with competent executive bodies;
Consideration of documentation for the implementation of an internal control system, which is prepared in advance by executive banking bodies, internal control service or employee responsible for countering the laundering of income received by illegally, and financing terrorism, other structural banking units, an audit organization that carries out audit;
adoption of measures to promote the actively implementing by the executive banking bodies of comments and regulations of the internal control service, supervisory authorities, an audit organization carrying out audit;
conducting a timely inspection for the compliance of internal control of the conditions and scope of banking activities under their change;
Consideration with the subsequent approval of the Regulations on the Banking Service of Internal Control, the Plans for the implementation of inspections of the internal control and reports and proposals for their implementation;
consideration of reports of the controller of banking activities in the securities market as a professional participant;
coordination of the appointment to the post of candidate of the bank head of the Internal Control Service;
making proposals for candidates, whose appointment requires coordination with the Bank of Russia;
recommendations in solving issues related to the reorganization of the Bank, conclusions to the transactions, the distribution of profits, participation in the associations of commercial organizations and other priority areas of its activities;
Recommendations on the size of compensation for remuneration to the banking auditor or members of the Audit Commission;
Consideration of other issues that are not related to the exclusive competence of the general banking meeting of participants, as well as banking executive bodies.
4. About bank development strategy
The basis for achieving the strategic goals set in front of the bank is institutional development. It should provide infrastructure that meets the needs of the Bank's customer support and support.
The Bank solves the tasks of creating risk management systems, management systems for managerial reporting, automated document management, personnel management and upgrades of accounting systems. As one of the main projects of the bank is the optimization of its organizational structure. Special attention is paid to the system of control and risk management, without the strengthening of which the creation of a large and sustainable financial institution is impossible.
Banking activities are based on the following principles:
The first and basic is the work within the available resources. This ensures due to the compliance of the nature of the assets of the bank with the peculiarities of the resources mobilized by them, ensuring advantageous compliance between the resources attracted and their own means, as well as control over bank liquidity;
The second important principle is the economic consistency in which banking is based, it implies economic banking responsibility for the results of its activities. This independence is expressed in the free disposal of their own banking means or attracted resources, as well as the freedom of choosing partners and customers. However, it should be noted that the freedom of action implies a clear compliance with the requirements of the current legislation. The consequence of economic independence is economic responsibility. The Bank imposes on the risk as a result of its operations, responding to all its property and means for its obligations;
Building mutual understanding with partners and clients on a mutually beneficial basis, while combining the client's interests with their own funds, is the third principle;
The fourth principle of banking activity is that it is regulated.
The scope of banking is focused on all segments of the financial and banking market in full compliance with the license. It provides:
reduction of possible risks at the expense of banking services provided and the diversification of operations carried out;
improving and improving the quality level of the banking service;
The elimination of a possible deterioration of the situation for investors.
The main bank goals are considered:
Providing from the Bank of Qualitative and Complex Financial Services to its customers;
creating reliable guaranteed maintenance conditions for customer operations;
the introduction of new competitive banking technologies;
development of a stable client base, followed by its expansion by attracting customer service;
the introduction of new products, as well as an increase in the spectrum of banking services;
subsequent expansion of the authorized bank fund;
Strengthening the financial situation, as well as the achievement of the profitability of the operations with a possible risk, but not higher than the permissible.
Thanks to the banking development in these areas, the effectiveness of its functioning will increase, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity will increase, the mechanisms of response to changes in the situation in the economy will develop, and most importantly - a stable financial situation is ensured.
The above promising activities involve the achievement of the main goal - ensuring further growth of own funds, including the Bank's profits. In addition, successful work according to these areas is the source of own development and progress of the bank.

Development Strategy Implementation Report
Once every six months, the Board of Directors approves a report on the implementation of the Development Strategy Plan. Consideration of the report in a shorter time frame, for example, once a quarter. Such a report contains a description of the main operations of the Bank in areas of activity and the control numbers of its financial planning. The report allows the Board of Directors to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current state of affairs in the bank and, accordingly, the issues that should be paid to the virtue of insufficient efforts by the executive bodies of its management.
The report can be built in two main models:
1) Thematic approach - blocks of questions in the main directions of the Bank's activities. In this case, the report contains the main managerial indicators of the Bank's work and its structural divisions;
2) The problematic approach is a grouping on problematic issues of the Bank's activities that require permission and response from its board of directors in the strategic perspective.
If applied a thematic approach, then it is advisable to include such areas as lending, customer base, currency control, operations with precious metals, interbank lending, bill operations. Information for each direction should be given to members of the Board of Directors generalized information in terms of indicators, without deepening in unnecessary details. The report should not wear a formal character, but should allow the picture of the current state of affairs in the bank, being a document of management reporting. It can be said that it is the most important document of the Bank's management reporting or management accounting information.
Management accounting information is financial and operating data on the activities and processes carried out in the Bank, the functioning of its structural divisions produced by it products and services, bank clients. To date, there is no unambiguous definition of management accounting. No regulatory legislation on managerial accounting is missing. Sometimes, for simplicity, managerial accounting is limited only to the tasks of collecting, aggregation (grouping) of information and management reporting, i.e., the formation of an information environment for managers and managers receiving management decisions.
Management reports in the bank aims to additional disclosure of operational issues that require constant control by the Bank's management. In most part of Russian banks, it is the nature of situational monitoring, and not reporting on a permanent basis. At the same time, it should be noted that a number of such reporting parameters are mandatory, including documents of the internal control service, a responsible employee of the UND / FT.
It is important that the Board of Directors always had a submission to the short term on the implementation of the Strategic Bank's Development Goals. The question of such information is determining to fulfill them functions for controlling the activities of the management bodies. The Board of Directors should always have an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation in the bank as a whole in the form of perspective and on certain development issues. Thus, the Board of Directors should always imagine what is happening in the organization, with the aim of making strategic decisions on business management issues.
The indication of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2008 No. 2005 "On the assessment of the economic situation of banks" refers to a strategic risk of controlling the Bank's Development Strategy by the Board of Directors. The Bank of Russia considers such control in this case as mandatory. The nature of the assessment of this indication itself indicates the determination of the regulator to increase the responsibility of banks in monitoring the implementation of its own development strategies and excludes to some extent a formal approach to business.
Along with the management and accounting report, the Bank report on the implementation of the Development Strategy should contain an analysis of the achievement of a number of summarizing indicators, comprehensively covering its course. Such a mechanism is created on the basis of the strategic management of the system of balanced indicators used in the modern practice of the strategic management of the system of balanced indicators (SSP), which includes the following elements:
Strategic bank card and strategic maps of independent structural divisions. A strategic map visualizes a strategy for the purposes and main activities, combined with the cause of causal relations;
a system of balanced financial and non-financial key performance indicators (KPE) characterizing the strategic objectives of the Bank;
portfolio of strategic initiatives necessary to implement the strategy;
The Strategic Budget of the Bank, which is an integral part of its budget and including the costs of implementing programs and project projects aimed at achieving strategic goals.
The integral indicator of the implementation of the development strategy is the competitiveness of the bank. It is evaluated by constructing a dynamic model of competitiveness reflecting the dynamics of the integral indicator during the analyzed period.
The assessment of the competitiveness of a commercial bank includes building a model of its activities and an assessment model of its competitiveness. The developed dynamic simulatory model for estimating the level of competitiveness of the KB allows to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the basic financial and economic indicators in future periods that characterize the efficiency of the Bank's financial activities, to analyze the level of its competitiveness, changing its main components, and also contributes to the efficiency of bank management.
The dynamic model consists of a set of interconnected elements that are included in the model as variables. The main component of the dynamic imitation model of the KB is profit.
The following indicators are defined to assess the competitiveness of the KB:
The level of competitiveness of the service;
credit risk level;
Bank risk index.
The developed model allows you to determine the level of competitiveness of the Bank in general; For a more accurate estimate, it is necessary to introduce additional parameters characterizing the competitiveness of the bank. The results obtained will allow its leadership to more accurately develop a development strategy, taking into account its competitiveness.
Based on the calculation of the level of competitiveness and identification of factors, the Bank's management can determine its competitive advantages and determine the future development perspective.
Further studies of assessing the level of competitiveness should be directed, on the one hand, on the development of a competitiveness assessment mechanism, which will allow on the basis of available assessment stages and relevant analysis methods to develop management decisions to increase the competitiveness of the Bank, and on the other - on the development of an information and analytical assessment system. The competitiveness of the bank will reduce the loss of information between different levels of management and will contribute to the adoption of reasonable, operational management decisions.


Report (once every six months) on the implementation of the Plan for the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy for __ years
As of ___ _____ 20___, the bank's assets amounted to ___ thousand rubles. Clean loan debt reached ___ thousand rubles. Profit based on the results for the 1st half of 20__ amounted to __ thousand rubles. Customer funds at 01 __ 20__ reached ___ thousand rubles.

Authorized capital
In the 1st half of the year 20___, the authorized capital of the bank did not increase and amounted to ______ rubles.

Interbank lending
Permanent counterparties on interbank lending are ___ banks, among which are leading Russian banks. The MBC turnover on average monthly was on the first half of the first half of the year 20____ ____ billion rubles. It was located at the maximum in ____ 20___ of the year ___ million rubles, attracting in ___ 20___ of the year at the maximum ____ million rubles. Banknote operations are actively developing.

Currency control
The average monthly in the first half of 20___ on service in the bank was ____ passports of transactions, transfers abroad in dollars - on average monthly ___ million dollars, at a maximum of ____ 20___ year in the amount of ____ thousand US dollars. Transfers to euros are insignificant, the maximum ____ euro in February 20____.

Bill operations
On average, monthly in the 1st half of the year 20___, the Bank released ____ own bills in the amount of ____ million rubles per month. Operations with third-party promissory bills were on average monthly ____ million rubles. The main issuers of accountable bills _____.

Customer base
Remains on customer accounts tend to increase. The debit turns on customer accounts on average monthly accounted for in the 1st half of the year 20___ of the year over ____ billion rubles. Customer base is stable. Monthly on average opened by ___ accounts.

On average, it was leaving monthly in the 1st half of the year 20___ to ___ clients. Loan debt accounted for ___ million rubles. Credit enterprises of the Moscow region.

Future - Strategic Audit
More broadly is the question of whether the Bank's mission as a credit organization is implemented in principle. For such an assessment, it is necessary to conduct a strategic audit as an assessment of the entire bank, taking into account the external environment. Strategic audit refers to the same difficult assessment as the effectiveness of the Bank's business processes.
Standard internal control services are not able to hold such an assessment due to the absence of the necessary qualifications and management experience. Internal control services as part of the internal control of banks usually assess banking operations only in terms of their compliance with regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia.
Probably, it is advisable for conducting a strategic audit to form a temporary workgroup on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors. The time interval of such an audit is one year; The report on the results of strategic audit by the Board of Directors is approved. Such a report would allow a comprehensive assessment of the strategic vision of the Bank's place as part of the Russian banking system.
The report form as an alleged questionnaire is also subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Bank. It would probably be correct to develop a separate provision on the strategic audit in the bank and it is unlikely to reasonably include a strategic audit in checking the Bank's internal control service. Members of the Working Group should have the necessary access to all internal bank documentation for reliable conclusions about its activities. The time of work of such a working group would be advisable to determine in the range of 15-30 calendar days.
It should be noted that in the regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the concept of strategic audit is absent, barely referring to the procedures for the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy. And in the near future, the Bank of Russia does not intend to pay close attention to this issue. Recommendations in the form of a questionnaire are also absent from the regulator, recommendations concern the issues of only the development of the Bank's Development Strategy and its content. While the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is aimed at the development of business planning as part of permanent financial planning.

Thus, we reviewed the basic procedures for monitoring the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy and led practical forms of this procedure. We hope that in the future in banks will pay more attention to this issue, albeit with some fraction of formality. Unfortunately, we emphasize once again, the Bank of Russia refers to these problems as an insignificant.
NOTE No. 2005 in part of the assessment of strategic risk requires that the Bank makes such control. However, this applies only to strategic risks, and no more. On a permanent basis, the regulator does not require banks to carry out such monitoring, applying more "heavy" criteria for assessing banks by its supervisory block.

"Accounting and Banks", 2013, N 9

It is no secret that in every Russian commercial bank should be a development strategy. The format of it, of course, is different, there are banks where it takes 2 - 3 pages and it suits them, which is clearly abnormal. However, control over the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy is a much more rare phenomenon in banks, since it is in principle not paying due attention, since there are no direct requirements from the Bank of Russia on this issue.

Control over the implementation of the development strategy in many Russian banks is not carried out, at least in the sense of compiling relevant documents and regulatory procedures.

It can be noted that such control refers to the issues of strategic planning of the Bank's activities. It is such control that allows you to answer the question: Does the Bank's mission be carried out in the context of its activities as a credit organization in terms of achieving targets? Control figures of the Development Strategy Report allow us to submit a picture as a whole on a bank.

Implementation Plan Development Strategy

It is advisable in a bank every year to accept the Board of Directors to implement the development strategy for the current year with financial indicators. This plan contains the strategic goals of the Bank's development for the current year. All divisions of the bank work on its execution.

You can even talk about feasibility, but about the need to take such a plan, since it significantly reduces the strategic risk of the bank from the point of view of the Bank of Russia. At the same time, many banks do not even have such regulatory documents as a "method of assessing strategic risk" or "policy in the field of strategic risk", or they are considered as purely formal.

The strategic goals of the bank, the achievement of which should provide a plan, are:

  • development of the internal methodological base on planning and monitoring the activities of the Bank;
  • the introduction of a planning and control system of the Bank on a qualitatively new technological level.

To this end, the plan should provide for the solution of the following main tasks:

  • develop and approve a number of internal documents on strategic planning and monitoring the implementation of the implementation of the strategy prepared taking into account modern approaches recognized in the business community. When developing these documents, as the main methodology used to monitor the implementation of the Strategy, it is planned to use the methodology of the system of balanced indicators - SSP (Balanced Scorecard);
  • to actualize internal documents on the issues of current planning and control in conjunction with the provisions:
  1. documents reflecting the above approaches to the development of a strategic planning and control system;
  2. documents defining a new wage system and stimulating bank employees;
  • automation on a single software platform for planning and control procedures, including the implementation of the monitoring of strategy defined by internal documents of the Bank, will be provided as part of the work on the transfer to the new technological level of procedures in the field of assets and liabilities.

In terms of improving the Bank's organizational structure, the plan should include mechanisms to solve the following tasks:

  • creation of collegial working bodies with the participation of representatives of subsidiaries, as well as non-negotiated organizations for rapprochement of methodological approaches to solving a number of tasks in the field of management on the areas where applicable. In particular, to the number of issues requiring the development of agreed approaches, it seems appropriate to attribute:
  1. issues of funding activities of subsidiaries, including those related to attracting borrowed funds in capital markets;
  2. development issues of the methodological base, including according to the assessment of credit, structural risks of the Bank and aggregated risk assessment;
  3. personnel management issues;
  • in connection with the planned expansion of the geography of the presence of the Bank follows:
  1. create his new offices in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad;
  2. if necessary, to create new divisions within the framework of the Bank's internal organizational structure in accordance with the decisions of the management bodies;
  3. ensure the conditions for the functioning of the established structural units;
  • definitions of functionality, powers and responsibility for new elements of the organizational structure. Implement the associated improvement of the Bank's internal documents.

In addition, the need to improve the organizational structure or functional of the components of its elements may be due to changes in the regulatory activities of the Bank legislative and other legal acts, namely:

  • making decisions on the creation of new subsidiaries;
  • reorganization of individual structural divisions of the Bank in order to develop a system for managing its activities.

In order to solve the tasks of improving the personnel management system, the plan should be focused on the use of modern approaches and best global practice in personnel management, continuation of work aimed at improving the flexibility of the specified system, which means it is possible to quickly and efficient adaptation due to changes:

  • legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of the Bank;
  • labor market conjunctures;
  • socio-political situation and other factors.

The solution of issues related to the search, selection and hiring staff should be carried out primarily at the expense of external hire of highly qualified specialists, based on the labor market opportuncture. Along with this, the use of an approach to the formation of a state due to the internal selection of personnel, taking into account the formed personnel reserve. To this end, the development of the adaptation system of new employees is envisaged, as well as the further implementation of the Career Management Program.

To increase the level of motivation of employees, the plan should provide for the introduction of a new system of remuneration and motivation of workers. As part of activities aimed at improving the training system and professional development, the plan must ensure the solution of the following tasks:

  • expansion of the list of educational activities aimed at developing certain personal qualities and management skills;
  • continuing the implementation of training programs focused on the development of leadership and managerial qualities of managers, the acquisition of the necessary professional knowledge and skills.

In order to introduce better practice in personnel management, the plan must ensure the following goals:

  • expanding the interaction in the framework of interstate associations on the professional development of personnel and exchange of experience, including as part of the development of an agreement on cooperation between banks - members of the Interbank Association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Memorandum on Cooperation between State Financial Institutions of Development and Support for Exports of BRICS Members;
  • study and use of the experience of Russian and foreign institutions of development by organizing events for the exchange of experience;
  • transferring Personnel Management Systems to a single software platform.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe development of information and technological support of the Bank's activities for the planned period, the plan must provide:

  • development of IT services required by the Bank's business processes, in terms of their composition and level defined by functionality, availability, power, security, continuity of the provision of IT services;
  • improving the bank's IT management system;
  • effective financial and human resources management required to provide IT services and the operation of the IT management management system.

It should be noted that such a plan is not identical to the financial plan, as well as the Bank's budget for the current year. The development plan for the development strategy contains both qualitative benchmarks of the Bank, not excluding the quantitative indicators of the balance. The development plan of development strategies relates to mandatory issues of corporate governance and is an indicative planning document in the bank.

The implementation plan of the Strategy for the current year is very closely intertwined with budgeting issues in the bank. In principle, you can express the idea that such a plan includes many budgeting issues in the context of strategic goals. At the same time, the plan does not fully reflect all the issues of the Bank's budget in the context of the activities of the divisions.

It is impossible not to affect the fact that indicative planning, i.e. Planning goal sets on key indicators (indicators) leads to a clear understanding of the Bank's management of those goals that need to be achieved in the short term. Such planning allows you to choose the right and optimal methods to achieve the goals. It is also necessary to consider the dependence or influence of indicators of changes in the external environment (legislation, the actions of competitors, the emergence of new technologies, customer base, etc.) and the internal environment of the bank (staff, organization of management, used banking technologies, resources, etc.).

Assessment of indicators of changes in the external environment may look like this:

  • the bank is purposefully increasing the client base, while remaining at the same time serving small enterprises of the real sector of the economy;
  • considers a favorable competitive environment in terms of the applicability of the legislation norms;
  • systematic purchases equipment to improve the reliability of the Bank as a credit institution;
  • notes a high difficulty of funding for resource development in the market.

Evaluation of the indicators of changes in the internal environment of the bank may look like this:

  • the bank evaluates the established team as a team of professionals capable of solving all the tasks;
  • improves the procedure of corporate governance, considering the optimal undergoing management system.

Total rating:

  • external environment indicators are currently unfavorable for the bank in terms of resource funding, but the accumulated resources of the Bank allow you to overcome these unfavorable moments for its development;
  • indicators of the internal and external environment of the bank are conditions or variables of the dynamic part of the development strategy in the context of the dependence of the actions of the bank from indicators as a variation model of business development. In principle, not all major banks top-100 laid such indicators in their development strategies, since these indicators are very often evaluated by virtue of both a qualitative nature and an unexpected appearance of new parties in the public life of the country. It should be noted that the effect of indicators is one of the issues for self-assessment of corporate governance in commercial banks.

Example 1.. Plan for the implementation of the Bank's Strategy for ____ Year

1. On the strategic goal of the Bank's activities

The Bank's Development Strategy involves strengthening and expanding the Position of the Bank in the Financial Market in the following areas:

  • strengthening and expanding the position of the bank in the finance market should develop in areas according to the strategy of its development.

It is necessary to develop a client base. For this you need:

  1. organize operational, high-quality, high-tech settlement and cash maintenance of customers, meeting the modern requirements of business development;
  2. create a mechanism that will attract and effectively place cash and resources, which is able to ensure the balance between indicators such as reliability, liquidity and yield of assets;
  3. create a mechanism that will contribute to the rapid search and financing of the most profitable manufacturing, trade and investment transactions and projects. At the same time, urgency, repayment and payability must be ensured;
  4. effective support for the risk assessment and management system, a comprehensive management system, which complies with the requirements of current legislation and regulatory standards relating to the Bank's activities. This particular is prevented by the risk of unforeseen losses and his reputation does not suffer;
  • implementation of internal control procedures.

Also, to expand the position of the bank, it is necessary to carry out the internal control procedure. In order to achieve a more efficient functioning of the internal control system, it is necessary to perform periodic inspections of compliance with the Bank's employees of regulatory acts, current legislation, standards related to professional activities, the proper level of reliability, which meets the nature of the operations carried out in the bank, and minimize the risks of its activities.

When conducting continuous monitoring, you can quickly detect and correct the shortcomings of the internal control system. In the Bank's Development Strategy and the prospects for its development, a clear distribution of the powers and responsibilities of each structural unit responsible for carrying out operations are envisaged. In cases where the functions of the divisions will cross or carry out a transaction, a high risk will be carried out, additional control should be carried out, take a collegial decision and conduct a legal assessment of the banks conducted by the Bank and transactions;

  • implementation of internal control rules in order to counter the legalization of income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism.

The expansion of the client base by attracting new customers, the activities of which at the initial stage of interaction with the bank are not sufficiently studied, increases the risk of using the Bank's mechanism for the goals of legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means.

When expanding the client base and the proposed product range, the Bank uses a special program to study, identify the client, as well as monitoring the operations performed. The introduction of an automated banking system involving the customer identification function, monitoring payments from the position of identifying suspicious operations or operations subject to mandatory control, eliminates the possibility of legalizing the income obtained by criminal means through the bank's settlement tools.

Compliance with adopted internal control procedures is carried out by the staff of the relevant structural divisions of the Bank at all levels of risk management in the preliminary, current and subsequent procedure on the line of administrative and financial control.

2. About labor incentives

Ensuring the compliance of the Bank's employees appointed to leadership and other positions to which the current legislative and regulatory acts (including the Bank of Russia acts) make special requirements for education, qualifications, experience and other aspects of their biographies, these established requirements. Strict adherence to all employees of the Bank, regardless of their positions and the operating functions of the Corporate Governance Code, containing the main provisions relating to the Bank's business culture.

In the near future, the purpose of banking policies will be improved personnel management, followed by its maintenance at the present level in order to solve the strategy of bank development.

The main direction of personnel policy consists of the following key points:

  • constructing on a long-term basis of relations with the team, directions of funds and efforts to improve the personality of absolutely every employee, followed by its consolidation in the team;
  • establishment of a wage system that will adequately take into account the results and labor costs of the team;
  • installations in relation to the effective financial policy team, which will include social benefits and systems for intangible incentives for the work activity process;
  • the process of adaptation in the team of new employees, as well as the effective and timely implementation of staff selection;
  • improving the team;
  • improve and maintain the qualifications of employees and managers;
  • development within the Bank of Communication;
  • formation with subsequent maintenance of banking corporate culture;
  • optimization of the socio-psychological situation;
  • creation of personnel benefits and guarantees, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Professionalism in the work of banking staff, based on the observance of the norms of business ethics and the principles of corporate culture, is perhaps the most important condition for the development of the bank.

3. On the competence of the banking board of directors

Banking Board of Directors, as a rule, produced general management of activities. The exceptions have issues related to the executive bodies of the Bank and the competence of the general meeting of participants.

The exclusive competence of the banking board of directors in accordance with the Charter includes:

  • creation of internal efficient bank controls with its subsequent functioning;
  • regular consideration at meetings of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Internal Control Organization and Measures to Increase its effectiveness, as well as their discussion with competent executive bodies;
  • consideration of documentation for the implementation of an internal control system, which is prepared in advance by the executive banking bodies, internal control service or an employee responsible for countering the laundering of income received by illegally, and financing terrorism, other structural banking units, an audit organization that carries out audit;
  • adoption of measures to promote the actively implementing by the executive banking bodies of comments and regulations of the internal control service, supervisory authorities, an audit organization carrying out audit;
  • conducting a timely inspection for the compliance of internal control of the conditions and scope of banking activities under their change;
  • consideration with the subsequent approval of the Regulations on the Banking Service of Internal Control, the Plans for the implementation of inspections of the internal control and reports and proposals for their implementation;
  • consideration of reports of the controller of banking activities in the securities market as a professional participant;
  • coordination of the appointment to the post of candidate of the bank head of the Internal Control Service;
  • making proposals for candidates, whose appointment requires coordination with the Bank of Russia;
  • recommendations in solving issues related to the reorganization of the Bank, conclusions to the transactions, the distribution of profits, participation in the associations of commercial organizations and other priority areas of its activities;
  • recommendations on the size of compensation paid, remuneration to the banking auditor or members of the Audit Commission;
  • consideration of other issues that are not related to the exclusive competence of the general banking meeting of participants, as well as banking executive bodies.

4. About bank development strategy

The basis for achieving the strategic goals set in front of the bank is institutional development. It should provide infrastructure that meets the needs of the Bank's customer support and support.

The Bank solves the tasks of creating risk management systems, management systems for managerial reporting, automated document management, personnel management and upgrades of accounting systems. As one of the main projects of the bank is the optimization of its organizational structure. Special attention is paid to the system of control and risk management, without the strengthening of which the creation of a large and sustainable financial institution is impossible.

Banking activities are based on the following principles:

  • the first and basic is the work within the available resources. This ensures due to the compliance of the nature of the assets of the bank with the peculiarities of the resources mobilized by them, ensuring advantageous compliance between the resources attracted and their own means, as well as control over bank liquidity;
  • the second important principle is the economic consistency in which banking is based, it implies economic banking responsibility for the results of its activities. This independence is expressed in the free disposal of their own banking agents or attracted resources, as well as in the freedom of choosing partners and customers. However, it should be noted that the freedom of action implies a clear compliance with the requirements of the current legislation. The consequence of economic independence is economic responsibility. The Bank imposes on the risk as a result of its operations, responding to all its property and means for its obligations;
  • building mutual understanding with partners and clients on a mutually beneficial basis, while combining the client's interests with their own funds, is the third principle;
  • the fourth principle of banking activity is that it is regulated.

The scope of banking is focused on all segments of the financial and banking market in full compliance with the license. It provides:

  • reduction of possible risks at the expense of banking services provided and the diversification of operations carried out;
  • improving and improving the quality level of the banking service;
  • the elimination of a possible deterioration of the situation for investors.
  • providing from the Bank of Qualitative and Complex Financial Services to its customers;
  • creating reliable guaranteed maintenance conditions for customer operations;
  • the introduction of new competitive banking technologies;
  • development of a stable client base, followed by its expansion by attracting customer service;
  • the introduction of new products, as well as an increase in the spectrum of banking services;
  • subsequent expansion of the authorized bank fund;
  • strengthening the financial situation, as well as the achievement of the profitability of the operations with a possible risk, but not higher than the permissible.

Thanks to the banking development in these areas, the effectiveness of its functioning will increase, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity will increase, the mechanisms of response to changes in the situation in the economy will develop, and most importantly - a stable financial situation is ensured.

The above promising activities involve the achievement of the main goal - ensuring further growth of own funds, including the Bank's profits. In addition, successful work according to these areas is the source of own development and progress of the bank.

Development Strategy Implementation Report

Once every six months, the Board of Directors approves a report on the implementation of the Development Strategy Plan. Consideration of the report in a shorter time frame, for example, once a quarter. Such a report contains a description of the main operations of the Bank in areas of activity and the control numbers of its financial planning. The report allows the Board of Directors to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current state of affairs in the bank and, accordingly, the issues that should be paid to the virtue of insufficient efforts by the executive bodies of its management.

The report can be built in two main models:

  1. thematic approach - blocks of questions in the main directions of the Bank's activities. In this case, the report contains the main managerial indicators of the Bank's work and its structural divisions;
  2. the problematic approach is a grouping on problematic issues of the Bank's activities that require permission and response from its board of directors in the strategic perspective.

If applied a thematic approach, then it is advisable to include such areas as lending, customer base, currency control, operations with precious metals, interbank lending, bill operations. Information for each direction should be given to members of the Board of Directors generalized information in terms of indicators, without deepening in unnecessary details. The report should not wear a formal character, but should allow the picture of the current state of affairs in the bank, being a document of management reporting. It can be said that it is the most important document of the Bank's management reporting or management accounting information.

Management accounting information is financial and operating data on the activities and processes carried out in the Bank, the functioning of its structural divisions produced by it products and services, bank clients. To date, there is no unambiguous definition of management accounting. No regulatory legislation on managerial accounting is missing. Sometimes, for simplicity, managerial accounting is limited only to the tasks of collecting, aggregation (grouping) of information and the formation of management reporting, i.e. The formation of an information environment for managers and managers accepting management decisions.

Management reports in the bank aims to additional disclosure of operational issues that require constant control by the Bank's management. In most part of Russian banks, it is the nature of situational monitoring, and not reporting on a permanent basis. At the same time, it should be noted that a number of parameters of such reporting are mandatory, including documents of the internal control service, a responsible employee of the UND / FT.

It is important that the Board of Directors always had a submission to the short term on the implementation of the Strategic Bank's Development Goals. The question of such information is determining to fulfill them functions for controlling the activities of the management bodies. The Board of Directors should always have an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation in the bank as a whole in the form of perspective and on certain development issues. Thus, the Board of Directors should always imagine what is happening in the organization, with the aim of making strategic decisions on business management issues.

The indication of the Bank of Russia dated April 30, 2008 No. 2005 "On the assessment of the economic situation of banks" refers to a strategic risk of monitoring the Bank's Development Strategy by the Board of Directors. The Bank of Russia considers such control in this case as mandatory. The nature of the assessment of this indication itself indicates the determination of the regulator to increase the responsibility of banks in monitoring the implementation of its own development strategies and excludes to some extent a formal approach to business.

Along with the Bank's management and accounting reporting, a report on the implementation of the Development Strategy should contain an analysis of the achievement of a number of summarizing indicators, comprehensively highlighting its course. Such a mechanism is created on the basis of the strategic management of the system of balanced indicators used in the modern practice of the strategic management of the system of balanced indicators (SSP), which includes the following elements:

  • strategic bank card and strategic maps of independent structural divisions. A strategic map visualizes a strategy for the purposes and main activities, combined with the cause of causal relations;
  • a system of balanced financial and non-financial key performance indicators (KPE) characterizing the strategic objectives of the Bank;
  • portfolio of strategic initiatives necessary to implement the strategy;
  • the Strategic Budget of the Bank, which is an integral part of its budget and including the costs of implementing programs and project projects aimed at achieving strategic goals.

The integral indicator of the implementation of the development strategy is the competitiveness of the bank. It is estimated by constructing a dynamic model of competitiveness reflecting the dynamics of the integral indicator during the analyzed period.

The assessment of the competitiveness of a commercial bank includes building a model of its activities and an assessment model of its competitiveness. The developed dynamic simulatory model for estimating the level of competitiveness of the KB allows to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the basic financial and economic indicators in future periods that characterize the efficiency of the Bank's financial activities, to analyze the level of its competitiveness, changing its main components, and also contributes to the efficiency of bank management.

The dynamic model consists of a set of interconnected elements that are included in the model as variables. The main component of the dynamic imitation model of the KB is profit.

The following indicators are defined to assess the competitiveness of the KB:

  • the level of competitiveness of the service;
  • credit risk level;
  • bank risk index.

The developed model allows you to determine the level of competitiveness of the Bank in general; For a more accurate estimate, it is necessary to introduce additional parameters characterizing the competitiveness of the bank. The results obtained will allow its leadership to more accurately develop a development strategy, taking into account its competitiveness.

Based on the calculation of the level of competitiveness and identification of factors, the Bank's management can determine its competitive advantages and determine the future development perspective.

Further studies of assessing the level of competitiveness should be directed, on the one hand, on the development of a competitiveness assessment mechanism, which will allow on the basis of available assessment stages and relevant analysis methods to develop management decisions to increase the competitiveness of the Bank, and on the other - on the development of an information and analytical assessment system. The competitiveness of the bank will reduce the loss of information between different levels of management and will contribute to the adoption of reasonable, operational management decisions.

Example 2.. Report (every six months) on the implementation of the plan for the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy for__ ____

As of November ________ 20__, the Bank's assets amounted to ________ thousand rubles. Clean loan debt reached ________ thousand rubles. Profit based on the results of the first half of the year 20__ amounted to ________ thousand rubles. Customer funds for 1 __ 20__ reached ________ thousand rubles.

Authorized capital

In the first half of the year 20__, the authorized capital of the bank did not increase and amounted to ________ rubles.

Interbank lending

Permanent counterparties on interbank lending are _______ banks, among whom are leading Russian banks. MBC turnover on average monthly was on the first half of the first half of the year 20__ ________ billion rubles. It was located at the maximum in ____ 20__ years ________ million rubles, attracting in ___ 20__ at the maximum of ________ million rubles. Banknote operations are actively developing.

Currency control

The average monthly in the first half of the year 20__ in the bank was ________ passports of transactions, transfers abroad in dollars - on average monthly ________ million dollars, at a maximum of ________ 20__ years in the amount of ________ thousand US dollars. Transfers in euros are insignificant, the maximum of ________ euro in February 20__ years.

Bill operations

On average, monthly in the first half of the year 20__, the Bank issued ________ of its own bills in the amount of ________ million rubles per month. Operations with third-party bills constituted on average monthly ________ million rubles. The main issuers of accountable bills ________.

Customer base

Remains on customer accounts tend to increase. Debit revolutions on customer accounts on average monthly accounted for in the first half of the year 20__ years over ________ billion rubles. Customer base is stable. Monthly on average opened on ________ accounts.


On average, it was leaving monthly in the first half of 20__ to ________ customers. Loan debt accounted for ________ million rubles. Credit enterprises of the Moscow region.

Future - Strategic Audit

More broadly is the question of whether the Bank's mission as a credit organization is implemented in principle. For such an assessment, it is necessary to conduct a strategic audit as an assessment of the entire bank, taking into account the external environment. Strategic audit refers to the same difficult assessment as the effectiveness of the Bank's business processes.

Standard internal control services are not able to hold such an assessment due to the absence of the necessary qualifications and management experience. Internal control services as part of the internal control of banks usually assess banking operations only in terms of their compliance with regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia.

Probably, it is advisable for conducting a strategic audit to form a temporary workgroup on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors. The time interval of such an audit is one year; The report on the results of strategic audit by the Board of Directors is approved. Such a report would allow a comprehensive assessment of the strategic vision of the Bank's place as part of the Russian banking system.

The report form as an alleged questionnaire is also subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Bank. It would probably be correct to develop a separate strategic audit provision in the bank, and it would hardly be reasonably included a strategic audit in checking the Bank's internal control service. Members of the Working Group should have the necessary access to all internal bank documentation for reliable conclusions about its activities. The time of work of such a working group would be advisable to determine in the range of 15 - 30 calendar days.

It should be noted that in regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia, the concept of strategic audit is absent, barely referring to the procedures for the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy. And in the near future, the Bank of Russia does not intend to pay close attention to this issue. Recommendations in the form of a questionnaire are also absent from the regulator, recommendations concern the issues of only the development of the Bank's Development Strategy and its content. As long as the Bank of Russia is aimed at the development of business planning as part of permanent financial planning.

* * *

Thus, we reviewed the basic procedures for monitoring the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy and led practical forms of this procedure. We hope that in the future in banks will pay more attention to this issue, albeit with some fraction of formality. Unfortunately, we emphasize once again, the Bank of Russia refers to these problems as an insignificant.

NOTE N 2005-y in terms of strategic risk assessment requires the Bank to carry out such control. However, this applies only to strategic risks, and no more. On an ongoing basis, the regulator does not require such monitoring from banks, applying more "heavy" criteria for assessing banks by its supervisory block.


legal department

OJSC "International Bank

finance and investment "

World Bank Strategy in the Russian Federation. Progress

Report on the implementation of the Strategy of the World Bank Group in the Russian Federation

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i. Over the past 12 months, the Russian economy has strengthened the impressive results of its recovery after the financial crisis of August 1998. At the same time, Russia has progressed in creating conditions for political stabilization that promotes the implementation of longer-term structural reforms. This report on the implementation of the joint strategy of the Bank and IFC in the Russian Federation developed in December 1999 reflects these processes, thanks to which the Bank has the opportunity to carefully and gradually change its activities in the direction of improving the flexibility of the assistance program. The new activity strategy in the Russian Federation will be presented to the Council of Executive Directors of the World Bank by the end of 2001 it is assumed that by this time the longer experience of the implementation of reforms will already be accumulated, on the basis of which the decision will be made on the further development of the Program for the Bank Group.

iI. Positive development of events in Russia for recent times - especially an increase in economic and political stability - as well as the adoption of a country of its own program of economic reforms, combined with a significant improvement in the performance of projects implemented with the support of the Bank Group, create a basis for enhancing the Bank's Group's operating activities in Russia Compared to the post-crisis period after August 1998, despite the fact that in Russia there are still many complex problems, it (let, slowly and with some essential exceptions, as, for example, in the financial sector), has achieved impressive progress in most regions which, according to the bank, are crucial to achieving sustainable growth. In general, the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation is a good basis for the implementation of structural reforms, which in the future will ensure the resumption of sustainable growth and reduction in poverty.

iII. The main direction of the current Strategy of the Bank Group described in the framework of CAS-99 remains in force, despite the serious change in operating conditions. The Bank's Group's activities program will continue to implement systemic and institutional reforms and the adoption of relevant measures at the regional and local levels in order to develop a general dialogue on economic policy issues and facilitating the formation of strong foundations of economic policies at the federal, regional and local levels. Within this framework, the focus will continue to be focused on strengthening institutions and increasing the statements of the public sector, further restructuring enterprises, improving the investment climate and strengthening the social protection system. If a significant part of assistance from the ICRD will be aimed at improving the general economic conditions and state institutions, the IFC will complement this work, providing direct assistance to the real sector. Such synergies is especially important in terms of promoting the formation of a more favorable investment climate.

iV. This report describes the change in the criteria for expanding the scale of financial support of Russia by the World Bank. Since the most important reforms previously coordinated in the framework of the CAL-3 canceled loan are now included in the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation, the relevant conditions relating to the implementation of the SAL-3 loan are now formulated as the conditions related to the implementation of the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation, which expands the database to evaluate Progress. Similarly, the Program of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation itself is the central element of the Bank's work of the Bank to facilitate the further implementation of structural reforms. The Bank will monitor its implementation and, possibly, will provide in support of this program a loan on the structural restructuring of the economy, which will depend on the financial needs and implementation of reforms.

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  • Subsidiaries and dependent companies
  • Participation in associations
  • Separate financial indicators in the context of jurisdictions

Strategy implementation

The development strategy of the Sberbank Group until 2018 was approved by the Supervisory Board on November 11, 2013. In 2014, the Bank developed and implemented the strategy implementation mechanism and began to fulfill key strategic programs. The system transformations provided for by the strategy do not lose their relevance and in measurement conditions, and some qualitative changes require even faster implementation.

According to the results of 2014, for each of the strategic directions of development, the Bank has achieved significant progress. The most significant successes of Sberbank showed in the field of innovative banking, improving operational efficiency and cross-sales.

With a client for life:

"We will build very deep trusting relationships with our customers, we use the useful, sometimes imperceptible and integral part of their lives. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of our customers. "

Sberbank conducts systematic work to continuously improve the quality of the services provided to customers and expand the product line.

The results of the annual survey showed that Sberbank's perception of Sberbank significantly increased by a number of indicators:

In 2014, the Bank improved the work model with all segments of corporate clients. One of the results was an increase in the number of products on the client in all massive segments of corporate business:

Sberbank pays great attention to promoting cross-sales in the retail segment. In 2014, the number of products on one active retail client rose to 2.0.

Sberbank created one of the largest and affordable loyalty banking programs in Russia. According to the results of 2014, the number of customers connected to the program reached 14.2 million people. Affiliate network has more than 1000 leading companies.

Team and culture:

"We strive to ensure that our employees and corporate culture of Sberbank have become among the main sources of our competitive advantage"

  • In 2014, Sberbank ranked 3rd among the best employers in Russia for students and graduates in the Universum Global rating.
  • The level of staff yields in Sberbank in 2014 decreased by a quarter, and the involvement induration increased from 61% to 69%.
  • In 2014, the Corporate University of Sberbank began working. This educational institution has no analogues in Russia among corporate universities. In 2014, 26,100 people were trained on programs and projects of the corporate university.
  • Within the framework of communication, strategies and values \u200b\u200bat all levels of the organization, strategic conferences were held in all territorial and subsidiaries. Each leader at his level took part in promoting renewed missions and values \u200b\u200bof the group. This provides a uniform understanding of Sberbank's development paths and the coordinated work of the entire team.

Technological breakthrough:

"We completed the technological modernization of the bank and learn how to integrate all the most modern technologies and innovations in our business.

In the Development Strategy 2014-2018, two key technology development vector were identified: the completion of the modernization launched in 2008 and creating conditions for the implementation of the most innovative solutions. In 2014, the Sberbank Group has achieved significant progress in all directions:

  • Denizbank is recognized as the most innovative bank of the world according to Bank Administration Institute (BAI) for the quality and innovation of internal processes.
  • Sberbank Online was recognized as the best "mobile bank" and the Internet Bank of Russia and Central and Eastern Europe (according to Global Finance and Synnovate).
  • The number of active users of the SMS service "Mobile Bank" increased by 40%, Sberbank online by 109%.
  • 1.65 million customers use Sberbank business online. More than 1 million documents are processed daily.
  • A 95% completed the process of combining automated banking systems (ABS) of territorial banks of Sberbank and the transition to a single IT platform.
  • Work began on the development of the concept of the optimal product offer for the client under projects on the development of Big Data technologies.

Financial performance:

"We will increase financial returns to our business thanks to more efficient expense management and risk ratio and profitability.

  • Sberbank has achieved high results and continues to work on an increase in operational efficiency - income growth significantly exceeded the increase in costs, as a result, the ratio of expenses for operational income decreased to 43.4% (-2.7 percentage points. To the 2013 result).
  • The methodology for using capital profitability indicator is introduced taking into account risks ( Risk Adjusted Return On Capital (Raroc) - Capital Profitability Taking into account RiskRaroc.). The use of Raroc ensures the flexibility of the price supply for the client for individual products, based on the risk level ratio and total yields in all areas of the Bank's business with this client.
  • Instruments and infrastructure for calculating the liquidity ratio of Basel III in subsidiaries are introduced.

Mature organization:

"We will form organizational and managerial skills, create processes that appropriate the scale of the Sberbank group and our level of ambitions"

  • Significant progress has been made in terms of implementation of effective risk management systems in subsidiaries.
  • At the end of 2014, the career portal "Sberbank Talents" entered the top 8 best Internet sites in the world in the "Hidden Treasures" nomination (Buried Treasures). This portal was successfully integrated with the internal SAP Recruiting system and with three leading Internet players on the search for work (www.hh.ru, www.superjob.ru, www.job.ru).
  • As part of an increase in the level of corporate governance and compliance with the best global practitioners in 2014, the implementation of the Plan on the implementation of the provisions of the new version of the Corporate Governance Code of the Bank of Russia was established, the Corporate Secretary Service was established, a decision was made to reduce the number of supervisory board from 17 to 14 people in accordance with standards Best world corporate governance practice.
  • Management Information System (Management Information System) has been further developed, which represents information about key business indicators of the bank. As part of the Improvement of the MIS system in 2014, it was possible to achieve information in the section on the main indicators with detail up to a separate client or business unit. The MIS system is used as a basis for business planning and building motivational schemes at all levels of bank management.

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