
How to fill the Sberbank questionnaire on the mortgage sample. How to properly apply for a mortgage: sample and all nuances of filling the questionnaire. Why do I need a questionnaire for mortgage lending

Not every citizen of our country is able to acquire one's own housing. That is why many people turn to the bank to receive a loan for housing. For this, first of all it is necessary to fill out a special bank document - a questionnaire for a mortgage. This requirement of any bank, whether Sberbank or any other financial institution.

Profile form for receipt housing loan You can get in any branch of Sberbank of Russia. Particularly experienced PC and Internet users can download it directly on the official website of the bank. The mortgage profile is a special banking document in which the client indicates all of its data, and also answers questions that affect the decision on the loan.

Basic requirements for completing a mortgage questionnaire:

  1. You only need to specify truthful information. Be prepared for the fact that the Bank's Commission will check every word that you specify in the questionnaire and require documentary confirmation of this or another fact.
  2. Check the correctness of all data several times. Address accommodation, Passport details, FULL NAME and other personal data should be specified without errors.
  3. The questionnaire needs to be filled as accurately as possible. Semi-empty questionnaires, as a rule, even refuse to consider.
  4. In the "Required Credit amount" item, it is advisable to specify several great amountSince banks lovers reduce this item.

Fill out the questionnaire is not so difficult, if you come to the point with all seriousness and responsibility. Especially since the fill sample can be found freely available on the Internet.

As a rule, the questionnaire consists of several parts. The main sections of the questionnaire in Sberbank:

  • the main data of the housing area, which is purchased on credit;
  • data on all participants in the transaction;
  • data O. financial condition customers;
  • other loans.

Each section may contain its small subsection.

How to fill out the questionnaire on the mortgage in Sberbank

Consider how to correctly fill in the questionnaire to the mortgage, and what data it will be necessary to enter in a particular section. The sample questionnaire can be found on the Internet, but it is better to study in advance and think over each item on your own.

Section: Mortgage Loan Data

This section should indicate all the data relating to the housing area. Main aspects:

  1. As a goal of the loan should be indicated - "Acquisition of housing".
  2. The type of loan is "housing".
  3. Loan term - indicates the optimal loan period for you, which is provided for by the selected mortgage program.
  4. The debt payment method is in the form of annuity or differentiated payments.

Special attention to the last question. Ask the Bank's employee to calculate the amount of payments in the same case as well total overpayment. Only so you can determine which methods of repayment of the loan will be most favorable specifically in your case.

Section: Information about all participants in the transaction

As a rule, this section indicates the personal data of the borrower itself, as well as its loan guarantors. Do not forget about the pledgers if another person becomes the owner of the housing area.

So, for each person, you must specify the following information:

  • full name;
  • passport data;
  • place of registration and actual place of residence;
  • marital status of each participant in the transaction;
  • place of work.

It is very important to specify the correct contact details of each transaction participant. We are talking about a rather big amount, so the Bank's staff will most likely call everyone to clarify all the information.

Also additionally in this section requires specifying such data as:

  • availability or absence of own movable or real estate;
  • the presence of additional income.

Fill this section Maximum detail. This will confirm that you are really serious about getting mortgage loan.

Section: Financial State

This section of the questionnaire is intended for instructions. detailed information All income and expenses of the borrower, guarantors, as well as all other participants in the transaction. Basically, the following data should be filled:

  • The size of the official earnings that you can confirm documented.
  • Additional source of income. Here you can specify the profit you get from the delivery of an apartment or room, wageswhich is not officially received at the other place of work and others.
  • Generalized amount of expenses. Here you can specify the amounts that you spend on utilities, food, entertainment. It is not necessary to paint in detail, but it's not worth the real amount. Bank employees understand perfectly as an ordinary person spends about a month for standard needs.

Section: Other Loans

During the consideration of the application for a mortgage, your credit history will be checked. That is why it is better to immediately honestly indicate all the current loans:

  • banks in which they are decorated;
  • sum of debt;
  • validity.

If you have recently closed your credit, then take a certificate in the bank about the lack of debt and the full repayment of the loan. It will be required if the information on the closure of the loan at the credit history bureau will not be updated immediately.

Correctly fill out a questionnaire on a mortgage in Sberbank - it is half of the success. That is why adhere to a few simple tips:

  1. Check the correctness of all personal data several times.
  2. Be sure to specify the marital status. In banks are more trusted by married couple.
  3. While filling out information about the work, you must specify the stationary telephone of the enterprise where you work. It can be a telephone director, accountant, personnel officer. In other words, a person will have to confirm that you really work at this enterprise.
  4. Try to fill out the questionnaire as detailed as possible. A qualitatively completed questionnaire indicates that a person is really interested in receiving a loan.

There will be no time to fill the questionnaire to the mortgage in Sberbank. You can do it yourself at home or in the bank branch using an employee.

Application for a loan - one of the first documents in the listrequired when making a mortgage loan. The data-issued data are fundamental in the assessment of the potential borrower. Stripping from them, the lender takes a preliminary decision on the possibility of lending. That is why the consumer should be responsibly referring to the issue of proper and proper filling in the questionnaire application for a loan.

How to fill out and apply for a mortgage: Structure and main sections of the document

Each lender independently develops and approves its form of a questionnaire application for a loan. However, most bank institutions have many moments in it coincide. In general, the structure of the document is one, and is conditionally divided into the following sections:

  1. Information about consumer - Personal (Full name, date and place of birth, tax number) and passport details (series / number, by whom and when issued), the address of the actual accommodation / registration, contact information (mobile phone / home / worker, address email), the level of education. It also contains blocks to make information regarding the family position / composition of family / close relatives.
  2. Financial block - information about labor employment (Employer data / activity / work type / position, etc.) and financial position (income / consumption / availability of assets). Information on valid obligations (Credits / Alimony / Executive Documents / insurance payments etc.).
  3. Information about the requested loan product (target / view / sum / size personal funds). Real estate parameters are also indicated - mortgage / collateral. The intention of the design of the product on targeted programs (young family / statesussidation / military mortgage / maternity capital, etc.) or on special conditions (the object is accredited / built at the expense of the bank / settlements using individual cell Bank, etc.).
  4. Information block - confirmation of the accuracy of the data made and familiarizing the consumer with the main conditions / tariffs / additional loan costs. Consent to data processing.

Application for the Sberbank mortgage. Sample fill

The application application form is available for download on the website of the banking institution.

Add information to the questionnaire is possible in printed / handwritten form. All fixes are assigned by the client's signature.

Bank VTB: Application for a mortgage

The profile consists of 9 or subject to fill sections:

  • loan information;
  • source of information about the mortgage product;
  • personal data of the consumer;
  • the level of education of the applicant;
  • employment data;
  • information about the presence of assets;
  • non-formation of other obligations / credit history;
  • additional data.

It is necessarily subject to design and 2 applications to the applicant's questionnaire.

Read 6 min. Views 74. Published 08/22/2018

Almost every adult Russian faced in his life with the need to make a loan. The most difficult and time-consuming in the design - a loan issued for the purchase of housing. Mortgage not only is distinguished by increased demands on the consideration and approval of the candidacy, but also severity in terms of collecting and designing documents.

Sberbank according to the terms of the mortgage loan requires the preparation of the primary questionnaire. This document is quite bulky, saturated with many questions. The future borrower needs to know that the correct questionnaire on the Sberbank mortgage increases the chances of receiving approval on the loan from the bank.

In case of difficulties in filling out the questionnaire, it is worth contacting the bank employees

Why do I need a questionnaire for mortgage lending

In order for Sberbank to quickly reviewed the submitted application and made a verdict on a loan, the client needs to pass the documentation package, the list of which includes this application application. In this document, the future borrower seizes a desire to take a loan and provides a lender detailed information about himself.

When connected to obtaining a settler's loan, it will need to fill the same questionnaire. Both statements can be printed, after completing in electronic format And attach to the rest of the documents.

Regulation Rules Application Application

The mortgage application statement is a corporate form. It is intended for independent fill. That is why you should know how to fill out an application form for a housing loan from Sberbank, taking into account all existing nuances. This document consists of five full pages that fill the client and an additional sheet intended for the marks of the Sberbank.

In the statement cap, the future borrower / co-machine indicate the existing status, and then carefully and carefully fill the remaining graphs. Sberbank questionnaire form at the mortgage includes the following items:

  1. Man's status in the procedure for registration of a loan (borrower, coincide, guarantor or pledger).
  2. All personal data: Own and passports. If there was a change in the surname, you should specify the previous one, and in the presence of a passport - to mark a certain count.
  3. Phones. And you need to enter all available (home, cellular, working).
  4. The address of actual accommodation with the registration (permanent or temporary).
  5. Information about the existing relatives (spouse / spouse, children). At this point, metrics and those persons are recorded in related bonds, but do not live together.
  6. Work. All information about the organization is indicated, where the future borrower works (the full name of the company, its address, contacts), the type of employment: full / incomplete and labor experience in this service place.
  7. Yield. This item will tell the client's income level. The salary of both spouses is indicated. It is also necessary to confirm the information provided. It is necessary to separately register the level of regular expenses (contributions, rent, other existing payments). By the way, the costs of utility and other types of household payments are not taken into account.
  8. Available in the possession of a family pair of other property. If this property is specified by the year of acquisition of housing, cost and area. For motor vehicles, you must specify the registration information of the machine.
  9. A separate point is specified by the presence of salary or pension card from Sberbank. It is worthwing to know that the owners of this plastic are relying benefits when the loan is designing, as well as the chance of receiving approval.
  10. The remaining data of the future borrower (insurance policies, and already closed loans).
  11. Detament date.
  12. Characteristics of the loan (loan amount, type of mortgage lending, expected maturity time, the cost of purchased residential property). Here the client's wishes are also clarified initial contribution According to the loan, and according to which principle it is desirable to draw up a payment schedule.

The future borrower also indicate its consent to the processing of all data (and personal including). This item enters into force at the time of signing the document and maintains strength for 5 years. But in the Rights of the borrower, withdraw the consent of personal information processing when providing a bank of a written statement.

The accuracy and completeness of all submitted information in the questionnaire significantly increases the chances of approval by the Bank of the credit application.

Required documents on the design of the mortgage

All information filed and indicated in the application application to the mortgage is obliged to be accurate and reliable. Sberbank carefully checks all the information and, in the case of identifying the slightest inaccuracy, gives failure. Be sure to fill out all statements of the statement, the Sber does not accept the semi-empty papers. Also, the future borrower will be useful to learn some recommendations that can increase the chance of credit approval:

  • it is better to specify in the amount of the loan increased from the required amount (usually the bank then reduces this border);
  • it is impossible to fill out those graphs that are designed to fill out other persons (guarantors / co-coaches);
  • when changing the surname, it is necessary to inform the previous one (it is necessary that the bank checks the existing credit history);
  • do not conceal the available marital status, it is necessary to specify information about the spouse, since the married couple can become coaches, and close relatives in this role increases the chances of approving the loan;
  • in the claims of the statement, it is impossible to write "no" or to put a fiber, it is better to leave such items empty.

Where you can get a questionnaire

Before filling out the document, you can familiarize yourself with how a statement should look like. A sample of filling the questionnaire in Sberbank to the mortgage can be asked for consideration from the bank employee or to look at the Internet. And the application form itself can and download, pre-fill on the computer and print.

Profile form for a mortgage

Getting a blank in the bank office

If there are obscure moments to fill this important document, it is better to take a form of an application form in the jar. At the same time, pre-clarify all the obscure moments. And the document is allowed to fill and other person (and a bank employee). It is important that all the information provided information is accurate and neatly decorated.

Download sample from the Internet

The bank is allowed to issue a questionnaire in electronic form. To do this, you can use the following options:

  1. Copy the prepared application form for a PC, arrange it and print.
  2. Fill out an electronic form (for example, on the Domklik website, with which you can easily choose the option of mortgage housing). It is impossible to download and print such an application, the questionnaire is filled and immediately sent for its intended purpose.
  3. On the official portal Sberbank-online. For this you need to have plastic cardreleased by Sberbank and registration on the site.

Application form for a housing loan Sberbank: Filling Sample

In principle, there is nothing complicated that the right handwriting is correct and accurately fill out all the available claims. But, if the future borrower has obscure moments, it is worth contacting the already existing sample of the questionnaire. It looks like this:

Sample filled questionnaire


For decoration primary document To obtain a mortgage loan, it is necessary to approach extremely responsible. The extensity of the questionnaire can cause some difficulties in its design, so it is better to keep a sample application at hand. By the way, it can be printed in advance and, focusing on it, begin to fill the document.

The first stage upon receipt of the mortgage begins with filling out the corresponding questionnaire. This form contains a multitude of sections with which it is worth familiar with the independent design. This article will provide an example of filling the mortgage statement, as well as disassembled all issues related to this procedure.

Features of the mortgage design in Sberbank

To credit organisation Issued a mortgage, the borrower is required to provide a list of documents into which an application for an appropriate loan is also included. In this questionnaire, the client seizes a desire to issue a loan and presents itself a certain information procedure for issuing mortgage lending is carried out exclusively in the banking department. For this you need:
  1. collect required package documents;
  2. specify the selected mortgage program;
  3. get a positive answer;
  4. sign a compiled contract.
One of the most important moments In the design of the mortgage loan in Sberbank is to fill the questionnaire. If everything is done correctly, the probability of obtaining a positive response will be much higher.

Sberbank gives you the opportunity to download a re-application form for a mortgage electronic method, followed by its filling. Also, this form can fill out from the words of the future borrower, the bank manager. If a statement is required to make changes, a person whose data is edited, it is obliged to confirm them. Also, the Bank prohibits to leave an unanswered any questions from the statement. The potential borrower has the right to not download the questionnaire, but fill in the appropriate statement right in the Sberbank branch.

Available mortgage programs Sberbank

Select the lending program should be based on a number of conditions, including the type of housing acquired. To date, Sberbank offers the following options.
  1. Buying housing with a company partner of the bank. And it can be like ready optionSo the project in the extraiming building.
  2. , plot of land outside the city or private house.

For each of the listed options in Sberbank, the same mortgage application form is envisaged.

In addition to all of what was said, Sberbank also offers a number of projects with state support designed for. The framework of these programs ensures the possibility of repayment of the amount for the state account. Also above programs allow you to use to pay primary contribution.

How to fill out an application for a mortgage?

The mortgage profile from Sberbank is a corporate form for independent fill. It includes five pages, with various issues for the borrower, as well as separate fields that need to be filled with the credit manager of Sberbank.

Blanc application for a loan coacher is identical for a blank for a title co-coacher.

The structure of the document includes the following items:
  • an indication of its role - the pledger, the coaper, the guarantor, the borrower;
  • specifying passport and individual data. In the event of a change in the surname, you must enter the previous one. If there is an abroad passport - you need to put a tick in the assigned point;
  • note all available phones (mobile, home and working);
  • actual address: registration, accommodation, temporary registration;
  • information about relatives - parents, spouse, children. Here the metric data fit (FULL NAME) of persons consisting in related links with the employee;
  • place of work. The section should provide information about the company in which the borrower employs (its name), about the type of employment (full / incomplete) and labor experience;
  • to talk about family income: What salary turns out in the amount along with the spouse (s) and confirm all the sources of income. In addition, it is necessary to indicate an approximate amount of costs in the form: insurance premiums, payments for obligations, rent. Payment communal services and other little things account for accounting;
  • the property is available at the disposal of the family. Specify address, area and year of acquisition, if it is housing: cost, year of construction, registration data for a car;
  • if the borrower has a pension or salary card Sberbank, you need to enter her number;
  • specify additional data ( credit historyRooms insurance Polisa.);
  • date of filling the form;
  • credit Characteristics: What the amount is taken into what currency is the type of mortgage, the repayment time, the price of the acquired property, wishes about the size of the first contribution, which principle will be paid to the credit (for this it is necessary to open the bill on the card).

Download a questionnaire for mapping in Sberbank

The Sberbank Questionnaire for the Mortgage (Download Blank) is here:
(Dropping: 6164)
View online File:

Sample Filling Blanca Questionnaire

Here you can download the file of the correct sample of filling the questionnaire to the mortgage:
(Dropping: 2534)
View online File:
After the questionnaire is filled, it should be signed and put a personal note in the borrower block. It will evaluate that the rules and conditions for interaction with the bank regarding mortgage lending were studied and adopted.

The main features of the provision of mortgage in Sberbank

Laying property can be a guarantee of a positive solution for issuing credit funds. In addition, this will reduce the interest rate. But this condition is not obligatory. But, which falls under the mortgage loan - the service is mandatory. And the validity period of the insurance policy should be equal to the period full repayment Debt.

Interest rates on mortgage lending in Sberbank

After bank employee I will study the questionnaire and checks the compliance of the stated data will be appointed interest rate. Her extreme Size It consists of 6% to 12%, depending on the chosen type of lending. To count on a decrease in these parameters, such conditions must be observed:
  1. Get a salary or pension to a Sberbank card.
  2. Have a loan history, contribution, deposit.
  3. Have a valid bill in Sberbank.
  4. Suggest a primary contribution as much as possible. This will submit a decrease in interest rate.
On a note:
  • if not, the interest rate will increase by one percent;
  • if the purchased housing was not registered properly - the interest rate will increase by another percent. However, it will be filmed after registration;
  • when it is impossible to confirm the documented all its income, the rate will be increased by 0.5%;
  • the initial payment from 15% of the loan size. And for salary clients, this criterion can be reduced;
  • the maturity date of the mortgage provides for a period of up to 30 years.
The following limits are distributed on mortgage loans:
  • the minimum permissible size is at least 300,000 rubles;
  • maximum mortgage size - does not exceed 85% of full value housing. This criterion is determined by profile experts or is prescribed in the contract.
At the end of filling out the questionnaire to receive a mortgage loan in Sberbank, a contract should be signed. Then to fill in the documents for housing, register and insure it and re-come with the collected package of documents to the banking department. At the end of the procedure, a credit account will be opened and money will be listed there.

It is no secret to anyone that to receive a loan in any bank will need not only to collect, but also independently draw up a lot of documents. And the most important of them will be a lending agreement, which will not only provide a loan, but will determine all its conditions. But in order for the borrower and the bank to prepare a lending agreement, they will need to be repelled. And for this, a wishing to issue a loan should be a special questionnaire, in which he will make all the necessary information.

The main problem when filling out data, the questionnaire is that each bank has its own, absolutely individual form, and a single standard as such does not exist. In this article, we will tell you in detail how the statement looks like - a questionnaire to receive a loan in Sberbank.

Application - a questionnaire for a loan in Sberbank consists of several Green A4 sheets, broken into cells. Each cell contains different information that is required or prescribed independently or choose among available answers. First, consider the first part of the form responsible for information about the client.

  1. The role in the alleged transaction. In this field you will need:
    1. Specify who you are speaking: a borrower, a coacher, guarantor or mortgagor;
    2. Specify completely surname, name and patronymic. It is only necessary if you are not the main borrower;
  2. Personal Information. Contains complete information about the borrower. In this part you will need:
    1. Specify full surname, name and patronymic;
    2. Register data about your place of birth;
    3. Specify your date of birth;
    4. Rewrite the Inn if you have it;
    5. Talk your gender;
  3. Passport details At this point, you will simply need to enter data from the passport:
    1. Specify the series and number;
    2. Specify the date of issue and the code of the unit that has arranged the document;
    3. Fully rewrite the name of the department;
    4. Put a tick in the field "The presence of a valid passport" if you have;
  4. Data on the change in the name. This item is filled only if you changed the name. It will take you:
    1. Mark the date of change;
    2. Specify a new and old name;
    3. Mark the reason for changing the name;
  5. Contact Information. In this field you must:
    1. Mark your phone number indicating the operator's code;
    2. Prescribe an email address;
  6. Education. At this point you need to simply note your level of education;
  7. The address of the permanent registration. Fill out this field according to the registration record from your passport;
  8. Address of the actual residence. This item is also required to fill, even if it coincides with your place of registration:
    1. Specify how long you live in settlement and in one place of residence;
    2. Specify, in which accommodation you live;
    3. If your place of registration and accommodation does not coincide, then specify the address of the residence;
  9. Address temporary registration. Filled in the same way as the address of the permanent registration, but only if you have issued a temporary registration;
  10. Family status. Just tick your marital status, as well as the presence of children and a marriage contract;
  11. Relatives. At this point you need:
    1. Mark who you have a citizen (the spouse also needs to be specified);
    2. Write a full name of a citizen;
    3. Mark the date of his birth;
  12. Information about the main work. This item consists of a variety of subparagraphs, each of which needs to be filled separately and only if it is necessary:
    1. Type of work and employment contract, as well as information for the unemployed;
    2. Full name of the employer;
    3. Inn an employer;
    4. Position you are;
    5. Position category (for specialized professions and professions with powers);
    6. The number of employees in the organization (the approximate number is indicated);
    7. The number of employers you have worked within the last three years;
    8. Total working time for the last 5 years of activity;
    9. Type of work performed;
    10. Information on income and expenses;
  13. Information about available real estate. In this field you will need:
    1. Mark the type of real estate;
    2. Specify the region in which it is located;
    3. Mark the year of acquisition and market value in dollars;
  14. Information about the existing movable valuable property. At this point we are talking about vehicles:
    1. Specify the type of vehicle;
    2. Specify the registration number;
    3. Register fully brand of vehicle;
    4. Register the year of its release and mark the market value of the vehicle at the moment;
  15. Additional information for citizens already having cards and accounts in Sberbank. For more more favorable conditions Specify which cards you have and what transfers you get to them;
  16. Terms of contract and their confirmation. Read the data processing conditions and confirm your agreement with them;
  17. Information blocks for coaches. They are noted general terms and Conditions and additional information;
  18. Final block. In it, the borrower is obliged:
    1. Specify the date of application submission;
    2. Specify once again full name;
    3. Put a signature.

On this, the first part of the statement is the questionnaires to receive a loan in Sberbank, which is responsible for the client data, is completed, and the block that is responsible for the loan offer begins.

After the first part of the application is a questionnaire to receive a loan in Sberbank, responsible for information about the borrower, will be filled, you will need to fill the part that is responsible for the loan itself. She, like the first, consists of several sheets of A4 format, divided into information blocks. Consider them all in order:

  1. Data on the amount. You need to specify:
    1. The requested amount;
    2. The currency in which the loan must be issued;
    3. The total number of months to which the loan will be required;
  2. Data O. credit Product. You will need to choose which purpose you need a loan (specify no more than one item);
  3. Mark necessary parameters For your chosen lending type:
    1. For consumer credit its type and type of benefits;
    2. For car loans, this is the data on the very vehicle or operation, as well as data on the vehicle seller;
    3. For housing loan, this will be information on the operation with housing, full description in the applicant's benefits and special conditions, as well as the cost and type of housing acquired;
  4. Method of issue money. At this point, the applicant is required to indicate how he wants to get the money:
    1. To a new account that will be opened specifically for this purpose;
    2. To a certain account in Sberbank;
    3. On the Customer's Card "Sberbank".
  5. The final part in which the client puts its signature with decoding.

After you put a signature, a statement application for a loan in Sberbank can be attributed to the nearest branch. There will be considered it if it's all right with your request, and then on the basis of agreement and the questionnaire will be drawn up a lending agreement for which you can get a loan.

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