
Information about the remainder and cash flow. Belagroprombank Personal Cabinet How to Check Balance on Card Belagroprombank

How to check the balance on the Belarusian card? Control the funds on the card account can be dependent on their location, but only if you know, how to do it right. BelousBank's payment cards are used not only by the workable personnel, but also the personality of old age, which receive a retirement benefit or other payments.

To find out the status of the card account on the plastic card of BelarusBank you can use in many ways.:

  1. Through an ATM.
  2. Through a call to the open banking line.
  3. Using different types of e-banking.

The doors of Belarusian branches are always open, but in the measure of its excessive employment, the individuality simply do not have time to attend a bank institution. It is more convenient to use remote servicewhich is not limited to the territory of Belarus. The number of plastic card holders is growing rapidly, therefore, the need for their safe maintenance through the Internet.

To use better proven methods for checking the balance on the card, as a considerable fee for providing such information is charged on third-party resources.

Small risks exist when using the Belarusianbank Internet banking, which opens the interface only with a personal card account. From the client required Registration in the system, after which it receives a unique code to enter banking service. You can use your password to enter your login.

How to find out the Balance Balance of BelarusBank via the Internet?

Convenient to find out the status of the account remote method Through the site of Belarusbank. At a minimum of time costs you can alone Check the bank card account online. By typing the necessary data in the proposed forms of the site, you can see the residue on any payment card BelarusBank, whose validity is not expired.

As it may be possible to order a card via the Internet, it is possible to check the presence of finances on it. The bank's website opens through the phone, but the mobile version has limited functions, so it is desirable to enter the browser with a PC.

Online services allow not only to see the bill, but also get a deployed statement on it or select other options. All the money that comes or go from the account card opens in front of the user in electronic form, and if necessary, can be printed.

Opens in the system information not only for the current monthBut you can choose the desired period for which the client wants to receive information on the BelarusBank card.

With Internet banking

Competently manage cash flows, the personal account in which can be opened using a password.

Get a secret code for input possible:

  • In the banking department.
  • Online.

Internet banking menu opens from logging into the system, to get into which you can using a disposable code.

But it is more convenient to assign a password and then the online card will always be available regardless of how its user is.

As soon as passed Successful registration in banking, the client can see how much money is available on a card account from Belarusbank.

Select the section "Account Account" / "Account" section, then "Card Accounts". Information that appears in the window that opens will contain the account number, the balance account

Useful video:

Through a mobile application

If you need to get a history of payments on a card account, then some of the available ways are not suitable for this. Internet banking or mobile application will come to the rescue. To help you check the map, it is not enough to have access to traffic, and it will also be necessary to pay the subscription.

Together with the Belarusian bank, it is necessary to connect both the option that is automatically accompanied by the activation of some payment cards.

Mobprice is loaded from the phone, after downloading a special file. Learn your balance on the card allows you to at any time.

All you need to the user is:

  • Communicate.
  • Get a unique code password code.

Control through the application Perhaps all your cards that are registered and open in Belarusbank. In the mobile program menu there are several sectionsallowing you to check for money and use them for purchase or payment.

Install the application user can on a modern telephone with OS:

  1. Windows Phone.
  2. Android.
  3. Apple.

Online Belarsbank Application rational establishIf you have to often use mobile banking, and at hand there is no ATM or other means for servicing payment cards.

In addition to extended functions, the program has a clear and comfortable shell, which find the necessary services Maybe the inexperienced plastic card holder of BelarusBank.

How to check the balance card for SMS?

Learn the amount on the card is possible and via SMS. You need to dial next message text: Ostatok xxx (after a space you want to specify a password, consisting of three characters). Send message will be required by 611.

There is no fee for using such a service, but for SMS you need to pay the tariffs of your operator. The response to the remainder on the BelarusBank card is also presented as notice indicating the amount and time.

Do not confuse SMS-banking with SMS balance check, as it several different services Belarusbank. All sms banking newsletters are free and are carried out according to the standard scheme. If you often need to receive information on the card, then use SMS commands for this (for each message need to pay a fixed fee).

How to find out the balance on the card on the phone?

Find out the balance on the card account conveniently and on the phone, drawing one of the service numbers:

  • 8 017 299 25 23.

Service Contact Center round the clockAnd you can learn the balance by voice prompts.

The system response is instantaneous, so get the necessary information about the amount on the BelarusBank card is possible in a matter of minutes.

other methods

Checking the status of the map of BelarusBank can both other ways that are not as popular as the rest but no less effective.

Not always browse the balance on the card is offered for free, so need to carefully choose a suitable way.

August 31, 2018 3250

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In the age of IT technologies, one of the main priorities of banks is the security of payments. Of course, banks ensure the security of personal information of their customers and cunning encryption, and special protected protocols, and security standards.

However, despite all the protection measures, each of us must follow your accounts!

Today we will talk about the fastest and most convenient ways to check the balance, blocking cards, control and protection of payments on the example of remote banking systems from Belagroprombank..

How to find out how much money is on the card?

One of the most popular banking card operations is the balance of the balance. Old proven way to find out the balance on the account - ATM. But with the development of remote banking services, you will no longer have to look around the city this "iron box"!

Check the Balance Balance Balance can be several simple ways.

First, you can use Internet banking.

To view the balance, sufficiently press the button "Update the residue" Under your avatar of your card on the main page.

Secondly, if you have installed a mobile application of Belagroprombank, you can find out the balance on the start page of the mobile Internet banking.

Third way - USSD request. Simple set of numbers "* 250 * 0 #"- This is viewing the balance of the card. To find out the balance, you just need to specify the four recent plastic numbers.

It is important to remember - the service will be available only for the mobile phone number that you indicated in the application form to issue a bank payment card

If you want to send a request from another number, you will need to connect USSD-banking, then use a little different request: "* 250 * 1 #". On how to connect the service, read on.

How to block a card?

There are unpleasant situations when urgently need to block the card. For example, if she is lost or was forgotten in an ATM.

In such situations, many of us are accustomed to calling banks. Of course, on a call to the banking processing center, you will surely help block the card, but in practice you do not need to spend time and money on the call.

In my opinion, the fastest and most convenient way is remote banking services. Simple words - Internet - and mobile Internet banking.

If you decide to use Internet banking, then on the main system of the system you need to go to the section "Cards" - "Card Management".

Now you should select the desired card and click the button. "Block a card".

It remains to choose the cause of the lock. It can be:

  • lost \\ Plastic Casting
  • or just voluntary blocking

In case of loss or embezzlement, after blocking, the card is placed in the so-called "hard stop list", after which you can release a new plastic by contacting the bank, or serve right in the system, which will accelerate the receipt of a new card again!

If you have chosen a voluntary lock, then the card will be in the "soft stop list", in which case you can see all the information about the card in the Internet banking system. Subsequently, if the card is found, you can remotely remove the voluntary blocking.

It will only be left to confirm the blocking operation by a session key, which will come by SMS.

If you do not have access to a computer, and at hand only the phone, then for blocking you can use mobile Internet banking Belagroprombank - this is probably the fastest way.

On the starting page, click on the card that we want to put in the "stop list" and in the section "Operations" Select item "Block the card". Believe me, it will not take the moments of your time.

In this case, to confirm the blocking, you do not even need a session key, you just need to click "Yes" In the dialog box that appears.

If the card was found, then remove the blocking is as easy. Just click " Unlock card In the same section.

The last way at first glance may seem unusual, but in fact it is one of the fastest ways to block plastic so that the attackers could not use your savings - USSD request.

The main advantage of such a blocking is not even needed the Internet. In order for you to block a card in the future using a USSD request, you first connect USSD banking.

UsSd-banking can customers of mobile operators Velcom and MTS

If the service is not yet connected to your card, then this can be done in several ways:

The first way. Contact the Department of Belagroprombank.

By the way, in the office you will not be charged for connecting to the USSD banking service!

The second way.In infokiosk

If you decide to use the infokioskom - you will not have any difficulties. Insert a card into the device, click "Payments - Bank services - Registration USSD-banking - Registration USSD-banking", then enter all the necessary data, such as email address and phone number.

Will remain to dial on a mobile USSD request "* 250 * 6 #" and enter the activation code that will be printed on the card check.

Third way.Internet banking

Register USSD banking in Internet banking can also be in the payment section.

Choose "Bank services - Registration USSD-banking".

All the necessary data was already in the system, so I did not have to re-enter the phone number, my address and email!

For connection from the card, only 0.03 BYN was written off.

Now, as in the case of connecting to the infociosk, you need to send a USSD request "* 250 * 6 #" and enter the activation code.

When using Internet banking an activation code, you will find in the payment check, you can see it immediately after payment, or in the section "Archive of operations".

Suppose the USSD-banking service is active, now a small instruction, how to quickly block the card with it.

For blocking, type USSD request "* 250 * 5 * 1 #" And we introduce the latest plastic numbers.

To remove the lock, you can also use the USSD request, which will change only the last digit: "* 250 * 5 * 2 #".

How to control your finances?

As we have already told the services in the System, we already told, so today we will tell you how to control operations on your bank card issued by Belagroprombank.

Excellent way to keep track of any spending on your card - use the service "Extract on cards". With it, you can track both expenditure operations and parishes.

An extract can be found in both Internet banking and mobile Internet banking.

To see the movement in the Internet banking, you need to either click on the card on the main page of the system, or go to the section "Cards" - "Get an extract on cards."

You can view an extract for the last week, month, or for any necessary period.

You just need to choose the score and the card you want to see the movement.

As soon as the extract is formed, it can be printed or saved on the computer.

In the mobile Internet banking to view the card operations, we click on the avatar card, which interests us, and go to the section "Extract". At the very top window, you can configure the period of interest to us.

In my opinion, in the mobile Internet banking, it is much more convenient to receive an extract than in Internet banking, and as a bonus - it can be sent through the messenger or by mail.

However, as a rule, in normal discharge, you will not find operations day per day. They are displayed within 1-2 days, and it depends on how quickly the trading organization will confirm the operation.

Therefore, in real time you can track operations on mini-state!

In Internet banking, mini-extract can be found in the same section, where and the usual: "Cards" - "mini-extract."

In the mobile Internet banking, it is located in the section "Operations".

In mini-extract, the operations that are still blocked are displayed immediately, but, unlike the usual, such an extract is paid, the Commission is 0.20 BYN.

Another equally effective method to control your income and expenses are SMS - informing. Its connection is "case 5 minutes."

The service can be connected in a mobile application and online banking. In Internet banking to connect, you must go to the section "Cards" - "Service Management".

How to check the balance card on the phone? The balance test procedure on the map is quite simple. But banks still try to make this procedure even more comfortable and simple for the client.

So, one way to check the balance of the card is to use the mobile banking system (SMS-banking). Many credit organizations (banks) provide this service. The meaning of her such is that the number of the card account number is "tied", and with SMS queries, some list of operations with the card can be performed.

Each Bank provides its list of services, familiarize yourself with it and connect this service in any branch of the bank, or on the Bank's website. Below are brief instructions.

To check the balance of the card on the phone, simply type the USSD command * 212 * XXXX # and click the "Call" button (where xxxx is the four latest digits of your card number).

2nd way to check the balance card balance:

Send an SMS message containing the last four digits of your card number 1212.

Priorbank does not charge the charge of the Balance of the Card. You only pay for mobile operator services (USSD request or SMS message)

The SMS banking service from Belagroprombank allows you to quickly receive information on a personal bank payment card by sending SMS messages from a mobile phone to a short number 1250. Including this feature you can easily check the balance of the card.

  • The SMS set - messages must be implemented in the established format using Latin letters.
  • A set of payment amount (phone number or personal account number) is carried out only with numbers without separators.
  • The separator between individual elements of SMS messages (for example, between the type of operation and password or between the password and the amount of payment) is one space.

To check the balance of the card, you must dial: ostatok.where - password received by the user when registering the SMS-banking service.

OJSC "Belagroprombank" does not charge for the use of the service, you only pay for the SMS-message sent by you on the tariffs of your mobile operator.

Thanks to the USSD-banking service, card holders receive information about the balance card by sending from a mobile phone of USSD requests.

To check the balance of the card, you must form the following USD request:

* 146 * 1 * XXXX #, where xxxx - 4th latest digits of the card number, the balance of which must be checked.

Payment for the use of the service is not charged.

Check the balance card you can:

  • in any separation of Delta Bank;
  • through the use of Delta Services Online (Internet Bank);
  • in any ATM or Infociosk Delta Bank, or other banks according to the Tariffs of the Bank;
  • by calling customer support services (around the clock) +37517 299 25 25.

SMS-banking from Belarusbank allows you to watch the balance of cash on the account around the clock.

To use SMS banking, you need to register in the infokiosk using a payment card and a mobile phone connected to the Velcom network, MTS or Life :). You can register SMS banking using both personal and corporate telephone.

At the end of registration, the client receives a SMS-message to a mobile phone with a password to access SMS banking, and a infociosk check containing this password.

OJSC ASB Belarusbank provides SMS-banking for free.

The cost of the SMS messages sent under the service is charged with Velcom mobile operators, MTS and LIFE :) in accordance with the tariffs established by them.

You can check the balance of the card, thanks to the SMS-banking service, which is available for Belkart payment system card holders, Visa International and MasterCard Worldwide - mobile phone holders.

To use the SMS-banking service, it is necessary to register it in one of the following ways:

  • in any "infokiosk BPS-Sberbank OJSC or an ATM with advanced payment opportunities;
  • with the help of the Internet banking system "Personal Bank";
  • in any division of the bank.

After registering the SMS banking service to perform the operation, the card holder sends an SMS message to a specific format to number 1222. All messages have a standard format (not need to enter):

The SMS message must be typed with the Latin. In response, comes a statement with the result of the operation.

To check the balance of the card, you need to perform the Ostatok operation (obtaining information about the cash balance on the current (calculated) account using a bank payment card).

Example of performing operation:

  • Operatsia Ostatok, Summa 2000000 BYR, AUTHKOD 123456. Operatsia Zaverershena.
  • Operatsia Ostatok, Summa 389,86 USD, Authkod 123456. Operatsia Zaverershena.
  • Operatsia Ostatok, Summa 273.11 EUR, Authkod 123456. Operatsia Zaverershena.

The USSD-Balance service is provided by the holders of all VISA cards issued by CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus), and allows you to request a mobile phone to subscriber VELCOM and MTS to request an affordable cash balance on cards.

Using the USSD-Balance service does not require mandatory registration of the SMS-banking service.

To carry out an operation, you must send a USSD request to the following format:

  • from a mobile phone provided to the bank, together with other client data (initially in the application application), in the absence of a registered service "SMS-banking": * 130 * 1 * 1 * XXXX # Call, where XXXX - the last four digits of the Card number ;
  • from the mobile phone specified during registration of the SMS-banking service: * 130 * 1 * 2 * XXXX # Call, where XXXX is the last four digits of the card.

Answer example: Kartochka 4 * 1234. DostUpno: 155000 BYR

Tariffing USSD requests is made in accordance with the tariff plans of mobile operators.

To check the balance of the card and send SMS to the number 1235 with text 1.

Instant balance on maps is available to all payment card holders CJSC BSB Bank without prior conclusion of the contract. This uses a mobile phone number specified for contact in the application for registration of the Card. From another phone number, this service is not available.

The service is provided by the Bank for free. You pay only the cost of sending SMS to a short number on the tariffs of your operator - MTC, Velcom or Life :). The service is available in roaming.

To check the balance of the card, it is enough to send an SMS message to the installed format to a single short number 2472 of the Belarusian mobile operators VELCOM, MTC, LIFE obtain information on the balance on the card response SMS message.

Number 2472 is very easy to remember - it corresponds to the BGPB symbols on the standard keyboard of the mobile phone.

Message format: 1 (only five digits, without spaces and other characters)

The service is provided by default for all plastic maps of Belgazprombank and does not require a separate special customer registration, subject to availability of a recorded number of his mobile phone in information systems.

Please note that the bank uses the mobile phone number specified when registering with the Internet Bank service. If you are not registered with the Belgazprombank Internet Bank, the mobile phone number that you specified in the application application will be used when making a bank card will be used.

"Internet banking" Belagroprombank is a system of remote banking services, with which you can carry out various banking operations. Users of this system may have persons who are holders of bank cards issued by OJSC "Belagprombank" or who have been concluded with the BelarusPromBank of the current (settlement) account, the bank deposit agreement (deposit) or a loan agreement.

The entrance to the personal account can also be made using MSI (interbank identification system).

On the MSI authentication page, you must enter a login (mobile phone number or email address) and password.

At the initial entrance, MSI should register. On the registration page, you should specify your own surname, name, personal passport number, as well as set a login (mobile phone number or email address) and password.

After hitting the Internet banking office of Belagroprombank, the desktop of the user is displayed in it. You can display the display of the information current for you: cash balance on the map, existing deposits, loans, currency courses, news.

Using a personal account around the clock, you can make many different operations:

  • pay for services using the Yerip system;
  • pay mobile services;
  • make various operations using a bank card (replenishment, translation from the card to the card);
  • open an Internet deposit (Internet deposit) or to replenish it;
  • arrange and repay the loan;
  • order a bank card;
  • send an online application on credit;
  • pay utility services;
  • make a charitable fee;
  • other different operations.

Each banking operation should be confirmed by a session key. There are two options for obtaining such keys:

  1. Obtaining SMS nobility every time you log in to the Internet banking system.
  2. Making a specific session key according to the specified number from a special card. This card with session keys is issued in the BELAGROPROMBANK branch when connecting Internet banking.

After making each payment transaction, a confirmation page with the image of the red stamp "executed" will appear.

If necessary, you can get an electronic check on e-mail or view and print it in the "Archive of Operations" tab

If you regularly pay for repetitive payments (utilities, mobile communications), to simplify the operation algorithm, you can click on the "payment by one button" button and immediately disappeared or signed (saved) payments.

Install Internet Banking Belagroprombank

To become a user of the Internet banking system, it is necessary on this issue with a passport to contact any branch of Belagroprombank.

Another more convenient option is online installation of Internet banking. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Go to the main page of the system.
  • Press the "Registration" button and the registration option for bank card holders.
  • Enter your passport number or card number and codeword, which is chosen when the card is released. The system then check the correctness of the mobile phone number that is available in the bank. If everything is in order - send SMS with code to this number.
  • Next, you need to come up with a login and password and confirm the operation code from the SMS message. Registration completed!
  • If you are not a bank card holder, then in paragraph 2 you need to choose an option for registration through MSI.

Connection and use of the Internet banking service is free.

After completing all the settings, you can enter an entrance (log in) in the Internet banking of Belagroprombank.

A detailed description of the functionality of this system is contained in special instructions.

How to place an online loan using Internet banking is shown in the following video:

How to open an online deposit (deposit) can be found in this video lesson:

One of the first to learn about the various promotions, draws and special offers are also possible using the alerts of this system:

Mobile banking (mobile application) Belagroprombank

For users of mobile devices, you can install mobile banking (mobile application) according to links: Google Play and App Store.

With the capabilities of the mobile application of Belagroprombank and how to install it tells in the following video:

For more information on functioning, security, interlocking access to the Internet banking system, Belagroprombank must be accessed by phone: +375 17 218 58 88, by email [Email Protected]belapb.by either to an online consultant (Monday-Friday mode from 10.00 to 17.00).

OJSC Belagroprombank is one of the leading banks in Belarus. The functionality of the institution allows customers and cardholders to use remote services to check the card balance at any time convenient for them.

Consider more - how to find out the balance on the account of the card without leaving the house?

How to find out the balance card via the Internet?

You can watch the balance of Belagroprombank maps using Internet banking services, mobile banking, and TV banking.

To start using these services, a service and registration in the system are required.

Entrance to the Personal Cabinet Internet Bank is located at: www.ibank.belapb.by


How to check the balance through the phone?

Get information about the current balance on the account of the Belagroprombank card through the phone, you can simply call the hotline number 136 .


Checking the balance of the card is also possible by sending SMS to the number 1250 .

Message text: Ostatok. <пароль>

* This password receives the user at the time of the service activation.

The service itself is completely free, payment for SMS is charged depending on the tariff plan. Thus, when connecting the SMS-informing service after each operation, the cardholder receives a text message to the phone number with the telephone number.

USSD teams

USSD team can come to the rescue * 250 * 1 * xxxx # And the call button, where XXXX is the last four numbers in the bank card number.

* Requires this service.

Terminals and ATMs

You can use self-service terminals and ATMs. To do this, insert the card into the device, enter the PIN code and follow the instructions and tips from the screen.

Detailed information about maps and use them specify on the official website:

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state