
Statistical analysis of labor resources and employment of the population in the Russian Federation. Unemployment: from the victories of young Soviet Russia to the sign of the time of modern Russia

We collect unemployment statistics from 2011. We analyze it, compare the months and years, show in a visual table and graphic form, reflecting the dynamics. Official data of the Federal State Statistics Service are used. As a rule, official sources show the system of unemployment of three- or four-month prescription. This is due to temporary labor costs for collecting and processing data with the preparation of final reports. We try to keep track of the availability of quarterly and annual reports and to promptly process them.

We are building statistics in the second half of this year, when Rosstat publishes official data, so for 2017 there are no monthly indicators. The most recent report of Rosstat with unemployment data - at the end of 2016. According to the unemployment report at the end of last year amounted to 5.4% (or 4.1 million people).

At the end of 2016:

4.1 million people or 5.4%

72.6 million people or 94.6%

76.7 million people or 52% of the total population of the country

The lowest unemployment is currently in Moscow - about 1.5%, the highest in Ingushetia is more than 20%. See the unemployment rate by regions to obtain detailed statistics for each region. Data is presented since 2000.

Unemployment in Russia over the past years has trends to reducing. At the beginning of 2011, it accounted for 7.8%, at present - about 5.4%. Since the beginning of the fall of 2014, and before the beginning of 2015, unemployment was observed due to personnel cuts. In early 2014, unemployment was held at the same level that in recent months of 2013. In the first half of 2014 there was a smooth decline in unemployment and a noticeable increase in the level from mid-summer until the end of 2014. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the unemployment rate at the end of 2014 was 5.3%, at the end of 2015 - 5.8% (or 4.4 million people), at the end of 2016 - 5.4% (or 4.1 million people).

Counting unemployment level

Often people mistakenly judge the level of unemployment based on the total population of the country, which is more than 140 MNL. human. This is not true. When calculating unemployment, only the number of economically active population is taken into account, which is approximately half of the total population of the country.

At the end of 2016:

Economically inactive population:
70.8 million people or 48%

Economically active population:
76.7 million people or 52%

The total population of the country:
147.5 million people or 100%

The indicators of official statistics have an error, that is, they differ from the real indicators of unemployment. Pay attention to some points that Rosstat notes in the notes and footnotes of their final reports.

  1. Statistics are based on the analysis of the selection part of the population, and not all citizens of the country. The official source reports to summarize "Selective survey of the population on employment issues".
  2. The statistics on the Crimea are not taken into account. Quote from the official source: "In order to ensure statistical comparability of data, excluding information on the Republic of Crimea and G.Sevastopol".
  3. Unemployment is reduced without the employment of previously unemployed citizens, and due to the decrease in the number of economically active population. In other words: more old men and young, and the population of working age becomes less.
  4. There are many unemployed citizens in the country, whose employment has no official information or they are inaccurate. Thus, they are not taken into account in the reports of Rosstat and can distort the real state of unemployment in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the country as a whole.

Table of unemployment level

Unemployment in the 2000s:

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
10,6 9,0 7,9 8,2 7,8 7,1 7,1 6,0 6,2 8,3

Unemployment in 2010

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
7,3 6,5 5,5 5,5 5,2 5,6 5,4

Schedule of unemployment

We will show in graphical form the dynamics of unemployment in the previous year. Links to detailed information for each year you will find on the page below.

Dynamics of unemployment level from 2000 to 2016

Unemployment by year

Compare the unemployment schedule for 2011-2016.

— 2011 — 2012 — 2013 — 2014 — 2015 — 2016

Detailed unemployment statistics in Russia for months and quarters for previous years in graphical and tabular form can be found on the pages:

  • Unemployment in 2016 - 5.8% 5.4%
  • Unemployment in 2015 - 5.5% 5.8%
  • Unemployment in 2014 - 5.6% 5.3%
  • Unemployment in 2013 - 6.0% 5.6%
  • Unemployment in 2012 - 6.3% 5.1%
  • Unemployment in 2011 - 7.8% 6.1%

Official data

Official statistics are presented in the FSGS reports of Russia (Rosstat), which publishes data on its website www.gks.ru.
Employment and Unemployment January-November 2016 - Official Related Data published by Rosstat. The report includes 7 tables with statistics for 2015 and 2016:

  • dynamics of the number of economically active population;
  • the dynamics of the employment level of the population aged 15-72 years;
  • dynamics of the number of substituted jobs in organizations;
  • the number of substituted jobs in organizations by type of economic activity;
  • the dynamics of the number of unemployed for the duration of job search;
  • the dynamics of the number of universal labor activities of citizens held in government agencies of the employment service;
  • dynamics of employers' needs in employees declared in government agencies of the employment service.
Employment and unemployment January 2017 - Official unemployment data published by Rosstat. The report includes 14 tables with statistics for 2016 and for January 2017.

Download indicators

We have chosen the data fragments from the official reports of Rosstat for unemployment and issued their documents for download. You can download them from our site, saving time for their search on Sate www.gks.ru.
Unemployment by regions 2000-2014: Excel (63 KB) PDF (751 KB)
Unemployment in 2015: Word (23 KB) PDF (350 KB)
Unemployment in 2014:

According to the plan of the Ministry of Labor, each employee of regional employment centers should have a certain number of vacancies stated by employers to the centers. The leader in this indicator should be the Jewish Autonomous Region, from each of whose specialists are waiting for 400 vacancies. In the second and third places, the Krasnodar Territory and the Volgograd region should be - with 310 and 300 free jobs on each of employees of employment services. Moscow is expected to be only eighth in this list.

The smallest number of vacancies per one employee of the regional employment service is expected from Chechnya - 20. A little better situation is projected on Chukotka (regular appearance of 35 vacancies for unemployed), in Ingushetia (30 job offers) and Kalmykia (60) are expected.

A significant difference in targets for different regions, in particular, is explained by the difference in their socio-economic situation, the number of citizens who are addressed to the employment centers, and the number of registered unemployed, follows from the explanation of the Ministry of Labor in response to RBC request. Also, in determining the indicators, the regular number of employment services in different regions and actual indicators of the regions in previous years clarified the ministry.

The employment situation in Chechnya and Ingushetia has deteriorated sharply during 2015, it is seen from the report of the Ministry of Labor on the execution of the state program of employment. In Ingushetia in 2015, employment centers managed to employ only 4.5% of the total number of people who applied for help, while another year earlier work through the centers more than a third (33.9%) of citizens, and in 2015, the share of successfully employed was planned to bring 40%. In Chechnya, the proportion of employed for 2015 decreased from 35 to 19.7%, although it was planned to bring it up to 53%.

In most regions, from which federal authorities are waiting for leadership, employment centers and are now well working: in the Lipetsk region, the share of employed in 2015 exceeded 84%, in Chuvashia - 82%, in the Saratov region - 79.3%.

Unemployed do not want to register

According to Rosstat estimates, on August 1, 2016, 4.1 million people were unemployed in Russia, or 5.3% of the total economically active population. But registered as the unemployed was much less - only 900 thousand people. This is the usual record of registered unemployment in Russia - official status in recent years decide to receive only 23% of those who remained without work follows from the Ministry of Minthouse for 2015. The reason for this is dissatisfaction with the magnitude of the unemployment benefit, is noted in the report. The size of this manual did not change since 2009, now it varies from 850 to 4900 rubles. per month; For the year (from 2014 to 2015), its share in the subsistence minimum decreased from 56 to 47%, although it was planned to bring it up to 100%.

But in a number of regions, even official unemployment is several times higher than the all-Russian indicator of real unemployment (5.3%), follows from the report of the Ministry of Labor for 2015. The worst situation in Chechnya, where the official status of the unemployed had 14.9% of able-bodied citizens, and Ingushetia - 14.4%. Real unemployment in these regions in 2015 was estimated at 16.7% (in Chechnya) and 30.8% (in Ingushetia). In the top three, the most unemployed regions turned out to be Tuva - 20.8% of real unemployed (with the official level of unemployment in the republic - only 4.5%).

Regional Employment Centers are responsible regional authorities: since 2007, the authority in the field of employment promotion of the population was transferred to the regional level, and since 2012, the regions independently determine the staff number of their centers, recalled the Ministry of Labor in explanation for RBC. As a result, in a number of regions, the number of employment services has significantly decreased, documents that regulate employment centers, depending on the situation in the labor market in a particular region, are absent, follows from the comment of the Ministry.

The results of the execution of the ministry specified by the Ministry will communicate to the attention of the governors "with the aim of making management decisions." Strengthening the responsibility of the governors themselves for the execution of these indicators is now being discussed, follows from the commentary of the Ministry of Labor.

After the article is published, it has made correction. In the original version it was said that the average share of successful employment across the country should be 59% of the total number of citizens who applied for the help of citizens. The correct digit is 63%. The editors apologize.

Statistical analysis of the dynamics of the number and structure of labor resources in the Russian Federation

The system of indicators of statistics of labor resources includes absolute and relative indicators. Let us analyze the main statistical indicators of the labor market in the Russian Federation, using these official statistics of Rosstat (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 - the main absolute indicators characterizing the labor resources of the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2015, thousand people

The average annual number of labor resources is reduced during the period under study, which can be judged by the design data of the table. The basic absolute increase indicates a decrease in the value of the indicator by 847 thousand people in five years. The greatest decline occurred in 2011 compared with the previous one, as the chain increase shows. In general, in 2013, the number of labor resources equal to 92775.80 thousand people decreased compared with the baseline 2010 by 0.9% and 0.08% less than in the previous period.

We analyze relative indicators characterizing labor resources that play an important role in the study in Table 2.2.

The disability coefficient of the population is the ratio of the number of working-age population to the total population.

Table 2.2 - Relative indicators characterizing the labor resources of the Russian Federation in 2011 - 2015.

Disability coefficient of population,% 602,46 599,21 595,19 585,89 574,16
The level of economically active population,% 62,36 62,30 62,58 62,62 62,48
Employment coefficient,% 485,95 489,51 495,31 499,1 502,46
Reliability coefficient of labor resources,% 241,02 246,67 250,06 257,82 265,63
Pension load coefficient,% 392,84 410,55 415,56 428,05 438,02
Coefficient of general load,% 633,86 657,22 665,62 685,87 703,65

The calculated value of this indicator is small compared to 1000, so we can conclude that in the Russian Federation the proportion of the able-bodied population is slightly higher than half of the total number. For the study period, the value of the coefficient decreased by 28.3% (in 2011 it was 602.46%, and in 2015 - 574.16%).

The level of economic activity of the population is the proportion of economic active population in the total population of the relevant age group. The level of EAN for five years increased by 0.12%. In 2011, it was 62.36%, and in 2015 - 62.48%. In the medium, its value for the analyzed period is 62.47%.

Employment coefficient shows the proportion of occupied in the total number of residents of the country. During the period under study, there was a tendency to increase. In 2011, its importance was 485.95%, and in 2015 - 502.46%, which indicates that in five years the increase was 16.51%.

The coefficient of replacement of labor resources is the number of children and adolescents up to 16 years per 1000 people. able-bodied age. In 2011, it was equal to 241.02%, and in 2015 - 265.63%. For five years, the value of the coefficient increased by 24.61%.

The retirement load coefficient is the number of persons of the retirement age per 1000 people of working age. In 2011, the value of the indicator was 392.84%, and five years later - 438.02%. For the study period, the increase was 45.18%.

The total load coefficient is the number of people of disabled age in the calculation of 1000 people of working age. The value of the total load coefficient is growing annually. For five years, the increase was 69.79.

Relative indicators indicate that, despite the fact that the level of EAN is growing, the proportion of working age people decreases. And due to the fact that labor resources are replenished due to adolescents and pensioners, the overall load coefficient increases.

Statistics of employment and unemployment of the population in the Russian Federation

The number of unemployed on average for the year 2014-2015. It has grown noticeably from 42876.41 thousand people to 44228.33 thousand people, which was connected with a disadvantaged environment in the country and the growth of inflation. However, the number of people employed on average for the year for 2014-2015. Approximately 100 thousand people (Figure 2.1).

The employment stimulation measures taken have emerged, as data show. Every year since 2010, the number of employed increases.

Figure 2.1 - Dynamics of the number of employed in the Russian Federation for 2010-2015.

For the period under study, their number increased to 71391.5 thousand people, which makes up an increase of 2.9% compared to 2010. Only in the last year there was a small decline in 153.9 thousand people, which did not significantly affect the situation as a whole .

Unemployment is not just a socio-economic phenomenon involving the lack of work in humans, it is also a social catastrophe that has a powerful and destructive influence on people. Therefore, its analysis plays a significant role in our study.

The number of labor (economically active population) aged 15-72 years (busy + unemployed) in March 2016. amounted to 76.1 million people, or 52% of the total population of the country (Figure 2.2).

In the number of labor, 71.6 million people were classified as employed by economic activities and 4.6 million people - as the unemployed with the use of ILO criteria (that is, there were no work or profitable classes, they were looking for work and were ready to start her in The surveyed week).

Figure 2.2 - the dynamics of the number of employed and unemployed for 2015- (March) 2016, million people

The unemployment rate (the ratio of the number of unemployed to the number of labor) in March 2016 was 6.0% (without exceptions of the seasonal factor). Employment level of the population (the ratio of the population of the population to the total population of the surveyed age) in March 2016. amounted to 64.9% (Figure 2.3).

Figure 2.3 - unemployment rate on the ILO methodology (in% of the labor force)

The number of employed population in March 2016. increased compared to February 58 thousand years, or 0.1%, compared with March 2015. decreased by 70 thousand servants, or 0.1% (Appendix II).

The number of unemployed in March 2016. Compared with February, increased by 137 thousand servants, or 3.1%, compared with March 2015. - by 64 thousand servants, or 1.4%.

The total number of unemployed, classified in accordance with the CL criteria, 4.3 times exceeded the number of unemployed registered in government agencies of the employment service. At the end of March 2016. In government agencies, the employment service consisted of 1062 thousand years of employment as an unemployed, which is 0.7% less compared with February and 6.0% more compared with March 2015.

Among the unemployed (according to ILO methodology), the proportion of women in March 2016. amounted to 45.4%, urban residents - 65.5%, youth to 25 years old - 21.6%, persons who do not have experience experience - 23.2%.

Unemployment of the urban and rural population is characterized by excess of unemployment among rural residents (8.8%) compared with unemployment rate among urban residents (5.1%). In March 2016. This exceeded was 1.7 times.

In March 2016. Among the unemployed, the proportion of persons who left the former work in connection with the release or reduction of the number of employees, the liquidation of the organization or their own business, amounted to 18.9%, and in connection with the dismissal at his own request - 25.8% (in March 2015 - respectively , 21.9% and 24.9%).

So, in general, considering the entire study period, 2010 was declared the year of the struggle against unemployment, in subsequent years its level decreased significantly (Figure 2.4).

Figure 2.4 - Dynamics of the relationship of the unemployed to the number of vacancies in the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2015.

The dynamics of the relationship of the unemployed to the number of vacancies in the Russian Federation for 2010-2015. Displayed in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - Dynamics of the attitude of the unemployed to the number of vacancies in the Russian Federation for 2010-2015.

The ratio of the number of unemployed to the number of vacancies, thousand people 9,49 8,52 6,54 4,50 3,50 3,22
Absolute basic increase, thousand people - -0,98 -2,96 -4,99 -6,00 -7,32
Absolute chain increase, thousand people - -0,98 -1,98 -2,03 -1,01 -0,99
Basic growth rate,% 100,00 89,72 68,84 47,44 36,83 35,93
Chain growth rates,% - 89,72 76,73 68,90 77,65 72,60
Basic growth rate,% - -10,28 -31,16 -52,56 -63,17 -65,22
Chain growth rates,% - -10,28 -23,27 -31,10 -22,35 -23,16

The ratio of the number of unemployed to the number of vacancies is decreased annually. This can be explained as a decrease in the number of unemployed population (in five years the value of the indicator decreased by 2146.3 thousand people) and an increase in the number of vacancies (for 2010-2015. The increase was 521.39 people or 78.77%). In general, in six years, the ratio of the number of unemployed to the number of vacancies decreased by 63.17%.

Analysis of absolute indicators allows us to draw the following conclusion: since the number of labor resources increases annually, as well as the number of employed population, the situation in the country should improve. If the trend is preserved, then in the near future, such problems as unemployment and crisis will not be of paramount importance.

Table 2.4 - Structure of employment of the population by type of economic activity in the Russian Federation (in%)

Type of activity \\ year
Rural and forestry 10,1 9,9 8,9 8,5 8,3 7,7 7,7 7,3 7,0
Mining 1,8 1,7 1,9 1,9 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,2
Processing production 18,2 18,0 17,4 16,5 15,3 15,2 15,0 15,0 14,8
Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 2,9 3,1 2,9 3,0 3,2 3,3 3,2 3,3 3,2
Building 6,7 6,5 7,0 7,6 7,1 7,2 7,2 7,4 7,6
Wholesale and retail, household services to the population 17,1 17,3 17,5 17,2 17,3 17,5 18,0 18,2 18,4
Transport and communication 9,2 9,1 9,4 9,3 9,4 9,3 9,4 9,4 9,5
Financial activities, Real estate operations, Rent 7,4 7,6 8,1 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,7 8,7 9,0
Public Administration and Military Security 7,2 7,1 6,9 7,6 8,0 8,1 7,7 7,5 7,4
Education 9,2 9,0 9,1 9,1 9,4 9,4 9,2 9,2 9,2
Health 6,9 7,2 7,4 7,4 7,9 7,9 7,9 8,0 7,9
Other types of economic activity 3,3 3,5 3,5 3,7 3,9 3,9 4,0 3,9 4,1

Considering the employment structure of the Russian Federation by type of economic activity, it can be concluded that from 2007 to 2015. The share of employed in rural and forestry (-30.7%) was significantly reduced, which is extremely unfavorable for the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, as well as in manufacturing industries (-18.7%). Employment of the population in other types of economic activity has changed slightly.

According to the submitted structure of employment of the Russian Federation, the most attractive for the population are areas: wholesale and retail trade, the provision of household services to the population, manufacturing, transport and communications.

Today, unemployment in Russia is a common phenomenon. Anyone is clear what is her essence and who are so unemployed. Already from the very name it is clear that these are persons who are not working, while those who want to work, actively seeking work and ready to start it.

The status of the unemployed defines the FZ "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation". It serves as a basic legislative act regulating issues related to employment and unemployment. From time to time, the labor legislation is made changes, but the main thing is that this status is assigned only to special institutions of employment services after registration and provided that applied to certain criteria:

  • reached 16 years;
  • not older than 72 years of age;
  • is not a disabled person who is not able to engage in labor;
  • it is not officially listed anywhere at work (even if there is no such);
  • it did not refuse twice from the vacancy provided or from retraining, did not appear on re-registration or received income, being registered in the employment service.

Even at the dawn of Soviet power, the labor exchange of the young republic was engaged in the registration of the unemployed. They called several sources of unemployment in the period 1927-29:

  • Unqualified workers. This reason was considered the main thing primarily because there was a restriction on the registration of persons, previously not worked, but in the cities there was too much "the seed rustic element".
  • Teenagers. They were weakly involved in production.
  • Builders. The 1929 season opened late.

The young government was extremely proud that in "Historically, short time" completely eliminated unemployment, noting that such a world history has not yet known. By 1930, the fully employment of the working-age population was provided. This indicates the figures of official statistics of the time.

Sources: Collections of CSS USSR

This is also demonstrated by official publications of those years containing international comparisons.

Unemployed in new Russia

Administrative and economic reforms, restructuring, collapse of the Union and institutional transformations, which literally shocked the country in the early 1990s, returned to life a phenomenon that the Soviet Union, unemployment, did not know for the next 1930s. New Russia fully felt the problem of ationing capitalism. Employment services earned in complete power.

As of January 1, 1992, 61876 people had already had the status of the unemployed. In the first six months, their number increased by 3.2 times, in a year - by 9.3 times, and for one and a half - 1.6.

Source: Rosstat

The increase in the number of unemployed intensively continued until 1998, until he reached his peak. At the end of 1998, a registered record level of unemployment was 13.3%.

The basis for obtaining these data on the unemployed are working force surveys, whose goal is to collect information about the number and composition of employees and unemployed, level of participation in labor, the level of unemployment, as well as their dynamics of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

Brief description of the examination

In Russia, they began to be held since 1992. The surveys were carried out once a year (as it was in 1992-94, 1997 and 1998 on the last week of October, in 1996 - March), twice (as in 1995 - in March and October, too, for the last week), quarterly (1999 - August 2009 ), and since September 2009 it is held monthly on the second week of the month.

The selective method is used, and subsequently the results of it applies to the entire population of the surveyed age.

The survey covered private households of all Russian regions, and in them there are 15-72 years. When determining the age borders taken into account:

  • 15 years - the principles and recommendations of the UN;
  • 72 years - the fact of the presence of persons of this age group in the composition of the labor force.

As a rule, up to 70,000 people are interviewed, in each subject of the federation, the share of selection may differ from the average in Russia (this is 0.06% of the population of 17-72 years). The basis for the sample is the materials of the All-Russian Cups of the population about those who constantly live in the territory of a particular city, district, settlement.

The survey will not lie on those who live in collective residential premises:

  • boarding schools;
  • home for the elderly;
  • hostels;
  • monasteries, etc.

Each individual single observation unit is assigned by the individual weight at the level of the subject of the Federation. Distribution lies in comparison of the number of citizens' surveyed with the total population of the surveyed age. At the same time, both categories are stratified by sex, five-year-old age groups and the type of settlement.

The persons participating in the survey are interviewed by the form of form No. 1 "Questionnaire of the Selective Working Survey". It has information about:

  • respondents;
  • the presence of their paid work or income classes;
  • signs characterizing the main work;
  • second work;
  • searching for work;
  • past activities of persons not employed in the surveyed week;
  • persons who are not part of the workforce;
  • public participation in other forms of employment

On the Rosstat website, or, at the guarantor, you can download the questionnaire.

The information contained in the questionnaire allows you to classify each respondent as an occupied, unemployed or person who is not part of the labor force. If the respondent has a double status, priority is given:

  • employment before unemployment;
  • unemployment before the lack of labor.

The unemployed in accordance with the definitions of the ILO - persons aged 15-72 years, which during the period under review satisfied simultaneously to the following criteria: did not have work (income); We were looking for work for four weeks preceding the observable week, using any methods; Were ready to start work during the surveyed week.
The unemployed also belongs to those who have not been working in the period under review, but agreed on the period of starting work (within 2 weeks after the week examined) and did not continue its search; We had no work, they were ready to start, but did not look for work, as they expected an answer from the administration or an employer to the appeal earlier. At the same time, the period waiting for the answer should not exceed one month.

Unemployment today

According to labor surveys, in Russia at the end of the year - 4243 thousand people who are not employed in the economy, but actively seeking work.

The average age of the unemployed ranges from 35-36 years.

At the same time, in the total number of their number, the largest share falls on the youth: 20-24 and 25-29 years (19.1 and 16.6%, respectively) - and the smallest - for the older generation of 60-72 years (3.1%) .

As the survey showed, more than half the unemployed recent years is faces with secondary education, professional and common.

Persons with secondary vocational education in 2016 accounted for 40.4%, with an average common - 29.8%.

During the survey of the respondent, they call the main ways to search for the work that they are used. More than half of them appeal to familiar, relatives and friends. By the end of 2016, their proportion increased from 57.5 to 68%. The popularity of the media and the Internet has increased in this matter. In 2011 they accounted for 23.9%, today almost every second unemployed uses the capabilities provided by the global network and seal. It should be noted that the search is carried out in several directions at the same time.

Source: Rosstat

Gender aspect of unemployment

Men and women are engaged in active search for work in Russia. At the end of 2016, from 4243 people unemployed 2268 - Men, and 1975 - Women.

Source: Rosstat

Moreover, the ratio remains almost unchanged over the past six years. The fraction of the male half ranges between 53.5-54.5%, and the feminine persists within 45.5-46.5%.

Similarly, the relationship among different age groups remains. And only one of them is 55-59 years old - comes out of the general range. Among the unemployed 55-59 years of women 34.1%, and men - 66.3.

The average age of the unemployed changes little - from 35 to 36 years. The survey showed that the unemployed man is a little older than women, he is 36. Although in 2011 they were practically peers.

If we talk about the formation of men and women looking for work, then more often are in the search for those who have secondary education: it's 41.5% of men and 39.1% of women, and with a total - 30.2% of men and 29.4 % of women.

As these ratios change, the schedule will show.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of unemployed in a certain age group (15-72 years) to the number of labor force (economically active population) of the relevant age group, calculated as a percentage.

Accounting for the unemployed in Russia was organized by two different departments: Rosstat - in the form of labor force survey (population on employment issues) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment - by registering citizens in the employment service. According to Rosstat, the unemployed citizens in Russia in 2016 were 4243 thousand people, it was 4.7 times more than the employment institutions have been registered. And the Minister of Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation M. Topilin about unemployment says the following:

Sources: Rosstat, Federal Labor Service and Employment

The difference in the methods for determining the number of unemployed affects the unemployment rate.

Unemployment in the world. International comparisons

Among other major economic indicators of Russia and individual foreign countries, Rosstat publishes information about the level of unemployment.

The problem of employment of the population in the Russian Federation

Goncharova Ekaterina Sergeevna 1, Kolesnik Valentina Sergeevna 2
1 FGBOU VO "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trinilina", student
2 FSBEU in the "Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilina", Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor VAK

The article investigates the causes, scope and problems of reducing employment in the Russian labor market. An analysis of the dynamics of the number of economically active population of Russia was carried out, youth unemployment raised, the socio-economic activities of the state in employment are considered.


Goncharova Ekaterina Sergeevna 1, Kolesnik Valentina SERGEEVNA 2
1 Kuban State Agrarian University Of I.t. Trubilin, Student.
2 Kuban State Agrarian University Of I.T. Trubilin, Candidate Of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Vak

The Article Explores The Causes, Extent and Challenges of ReduCing The Level of Employment on the Russian Labour Market. The Analysis of The Dynamics of The Economicly Active Population of Russia Affected by Youth Unmployment, Discusses The Socio-Economic Activities of the State in Employment.

Employment is an essential factor affecting the well-being of the population. It affects the emergence of such a socio-economic factor as unemployment, which affects millions of people all over the world. In most countries, a low level of wages and unemployment leads to the fact that the life of people falls to the level of poverty, and the main goal for them is to find a way out of economic deadlock.

For the modern labor market, Russia is characterized by a rather high percentage of unemployment and at the same time there is a lack of qualified personnel. This situation in the labor market has a significant impact level of remuneration.

The reasons for the decline in employment can be such factors as dynamic changes in the economy, which are associated with crisis phenomena, as well as a decrease in economic growth. Reducing the level of economic activity has an impact on the reduction in employment in the industries, which include agriculture, construction, industry and many others.

In Russia, there is a variation of the number of employment and unemployed. Significant unemployment growth was observed in 2009 (8.5%), which is due to the influence of the financial and economic crisis, which led to the decline in production and a decrease in GDP in Russia. Thanks to the anti-crisis measures of the government, the unemployment rate decreased and in 2012 amounted to 5.5%. Over the next four years, the unemployment rate has not significantly changed from 5.5% to 5.6%.

The dynamics of the level of employment and unemployment in Russia is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - the number of employed population and the unemployment rate in Russia

Table 1 - the number of economically active population and employment of the population of Russia

Comparing the dynamics of 2016 indicators, it should be noted that the decrease in the level of employment to 66.0% and reduce unemployment to 5.3%. And in 2015, there is an increase in the unemployment rate of 0, 4 percentage points (5.6%) and employment by 0.2 percentage points (69.1%).

Evaluating the level of employment and unemployment of federal districts in 2016, it can be concluded that the Central Federal District is characterized by the lowest level of unemployment (3.3%), in second place is the North-West Federal District (4.2%) and on the third Volga Federal District (4.6%), the highest - in the North Caucasus Federal District (11.0%). Compared with the previous year, this indicator has a negative dynamics.

Research of unemployment in Russia shows the predominance of the level of unemployment of the rural population over urban. The labor market in rural areas is quite difficult, and also has its own characteristics. According to Rosstat 2016, the level of unemployed rural population amounted to 8.1%, which is 1.8 times the level of unemployed in the city.

There is a release of employees from the sectors of the economy. Only in December 2016. Among the unemployed, the proportion of persons who left the former place of work due to the exchange or reduction of the number of employees, the liquidation of the organization or private case, amounted to 17.0%, and in connection with the care of work on their own request - 25.4% (in December 2015 ., respectively, 20.6% and 25.5%). According to Rosstat in 2016. 3 strikes were recorded, in which 58 people participated. Losses of working time amounted to 98 people-days.

For modern Russia, youth unemployment is characteristic. Thus, the level of youth unemployment under 25 in 2016 amounted to 24.5%, including from 15 to 19 years old - 4.7%, 20-24 years old - 19.8%. Regardless of reducing these indicators, compared with the previous year, the problem remains relevant and the main of the reasons is the lack of experience in young people. At the initial stages of his career, graduates are arranged to work, which requires significantly lower qualifications with minimal earnings, which also repels young people. The experience and practice of many years show that in the profession, for which there is no reason for the presence of a certain qualifications and preparation, more demand is made.

Employment issues should be the focus of attention of the state, as they affect not only the economic, but also the social spheres of the life of society. Consequently, the purpose of the state's socio-economic policy is to increase the level of employment and focus on warning measures to combat unemployment.

The Federal Target Program "Sustainable Development of Rural For 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020" has been developed and implemented and implemented, which is aimed at improving the level of comfort of the groaning conditions in rural areas, by improving housing conditions for the population, the prestige of labor in rural areas and The formation of a positive attitude towards a rural lifestyle, improving the demographic situation, development in the countryside of local self-government and civil law institutions.

Socio-economic security is important for the population of our country, therefore, the state needs to provide it at the legislative level.

The state guarantees the minimum unemployment benefit, which for 2016 amounted to 850 rubles, and the maximum 4900 rubles, which is significantly less than the subsistence minimum, subsidizing unemployment, which is aimed at employment of persons with disabilities, internships of workers and graduates, vocational training, as well as replacing free jobs , payment of scholars issued in the process of vocational training, etc.
Bibliographic list

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  2. The official portal of the Federal State Statistics Service. Official Internet portal of legal information: http://www.gks.ru;
  3. Official portal of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Official Internet portal of legal information. URL: http://www.rostrud.ru.
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  6. Federal Target Program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories for 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020".
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