
Minimum wage (minimum wage). Limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums Maximum allowance for temporary disability

Unemployment benefits have the right to receive only citizens who are officially unemployed, which received such status in accordance with Law No. 1032-1 of 19.04.1991 "On Employment".

In 2019, the unemployed status can only:

  • able-bodied citizens;
  • reached the 16th anniversary;
  • non-pensioners and students of full-time compartment;
  • not engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  • not holding the position of founders of enterprises and firms;
  • condemned to correctional work or to imprisonment.

The amount of benefits depends on the average earnings unemployed over the past 3 months at the last place of work. Middle earnings are determined on the basis of the data presented in the Help from the last job. Law No. 1032-1 has the maximum and minimum unemployment benefit. It is 4900 and 850 rubles, respectively. It can be adjusted to the district coefficient that establishes the authorities of the regions depending on the standard of living and the minimum wage in the region.

In Moscow, the highest unemployment allowance, as the Moscow government makes surcharges. The minimum and maximum size of the benefit of the authority of the region "is extracted" by another 850 rubles. In addition, the unemployed compensate for transportation costs in the amount of 1190 rubles. Thus, the minimum and maximum amount of unemployment benefits in Moscow is 2,890 and 6,940 rubles, respectively.

The minimum unemployment benefit is obtained by the following citizens:

  • for the first time seekers;
  • worked at the last job less than 26 weeks;
  • those who want to find work after a long break (more than 1 year);
  • dismissed from the last place of work "under the article";
  • leaving a place of study, where they were directed from the employment center for selflessly and without valid reasons.

The applicant receives the status of the unemployed on the 11th day from the moment of filing all documents. In the first 10 days, employees of the Employment Center offer him all available vacancies suitable for his qualifications.

If the applicant has a "unpopular" specialty, he will be offered training or retraining. If in 10 days he will not find a suitable job or place of study, then on the 11th day he will receive the status of the unemployed and will receive a unemployment benefit from this day.

Unemployment benefit in 2018 in the Moscow region

The amount of unemployment benefits in the Moscow region is about the same as in Moscow. The standard of living in the Moscow region is the same high as in Moscow. Therefore, the maximum and minimum unemployment allowance here is the same as in Moscow.

The Moscow government pays for its unemployed at 850 rubles to the maximum and minimum allowance. The authorities of the Moscow region do not make such additional payments. Therefore, the unemployed suburbs receive 4,900 and 850 rubles, respectively. Unemployment allowance depends on the average earnings unemployed over the past 3 months. In the first 3 months in the status of the unemployed, the applicant will receive 75% of its average earnings, in the next 4 months - 60%, and then - 45%.

The manual is accrued and paid only 12 months for 1.5 years. If the unemployed could not find work for the year not in its fault, then the allowance will be paid for another 1 year. Its size will be equal to the minimum allowance for the region. To maintain the status of the unemployed and continue to receive a manual, it is necessary every 2 weeks to re-register in the center of employment at the place of residence. Otherwise, the payment of benefits can be suspended.

Where to contact

In order to start receiving unemployment benefits, you need to do the following:

  • visit the employment center at the place of its permanent registration;
  • prepare the necessary documents. Their full list will give a specialist of the employment center;
  • fill out the appropriate statement;
  • start receiving benefits.

Such actions are called the formulation of the unemployed citizen to take into account the employment center. Make it can those citizens who have already reached the age of 16, and which do not have the place of permanent work, and are also not engaged in entrepreneurial or other income, activities.

It is worth understanding that the main goal of the employment center is not paying benefits to unemployed citizens. The main goal is the employment of unemployed in the shortest possible time. Payment of benefits is a measure of additional support for unemployed citizens by the state.

You should contact the employment center at the place of permanent registration. That is, this means that if the unemployed has a permanent resilience in the Republic of Tyva, but lives in the Moscow region, having temporary registration that he must go to Tyw and look for work there.

If the unemployed has already lived for many years in another region, has temporary registration and worked here (this can confirm the documents from the place of work), can it be registered at the place of temporary registration? Unambiguous answer: no! You can get on account only at the place of permanent registration.

Like many other government agencies, the employment center has its own official website. However, to register with the help of the World Wide Web will not work, since only the original documents are needed. On this site you can always see the vacancy at the employment center. Also on this portal you can find out the exact address of the Employment Center, which is "enshrined" at the address of the applicant.

What dates

You can get up for the employment center at any time. But there are several nuances that need to be considered:

  • if the applicant was dismissed to reduce the state, then it should be registered for 2 weeks after dismissal. In this case, he will pay wages for the third month;
  • if the applicant does not do this or find a job in the nearest time after dismissal, then he will not receive a manual for the third "unemployed" month.

There are no other nuances. In no matter how much the unemployed came and would neither bring documents for registration, it will be recognized as unemployed and will receive a manual. And the benefit size depends on whether it worked before or not.

Conditions necessary to obtain

Not everyone can count on receiving unemployment benefits in Moscow.

The right to register and obtain benefits have the following citizens:

  • citizens who were fired from the previous place to reduce staff. They need to come to the employment center and submit documents within 2 weeks after dismissal;
  • persons who have never worked in life, but they have education;
  • citizens who do not work and have no education;
  • pregnant unemployed women;
  • people with disabilities.

That is, citizens aged from 16 years before the retirement age, which have no income, including entrepreneurial activities may be recognized as unemployed.

Manual accrual procedure

In order to receive the manual, it is necessary to register in the employment center at the place of its permanent registration. But this does not mean that a citizen will start receiving a manual from the very first day as soon as he turned with documents. During the first 10 days from the moment of handling:

  • it will be offered all the vacancies in the employment center. Including temporary, which meet its education and experience;
  • if there are no vacancies, it will be invited to participate in public works;
  • if he does not have education, or it is "not popular" at the moment, it will be invited to either go to learn anew or - to go through appropriate retraining.

If these measures do not bring a positive result, and the applicant will not find an appropriate job, then on the 11th day after the appeal it is registered. It is from this day that he will receive the official status of the unemployed and will receive a benefit.

At the same time, you should not forget that a citizen will not be registered, and as a result, will not receive an unemployment benefit in Moscow, if:

  1. Two times in a row will refuse to work offered to him. At the same time, the vacancy will be configured:
    • his education;
    • his qualifications;
    • his experience of work;
    • his state of health;
    • paid no lower than the subsistence minimum;
    • located in the area of \u200b\u200baccessibility from the place of registration of the applicant. This is a rather controversial criterion, as Moscow is very large, and you can only get from one end to another in a few hours. Therefore, this criterion for Moscow is quite "vague."
  2. Two times in a row will refuse the proposed place of training or place of work, if he has no formation and never worked;
  3. Not appear in the specified employment center within 10 days after submission of documents for the selection of vacancies or traces of study and retraining.
  4. It will not appear in the employment center in the stipulated period of time for registration.
  5. Intentionally submitting unreliable information and documents.

In the presence of such circumstances, it will be decided to refuse to register this citizen. But after 1 month after making a decision, he may again visit the Employment Center, submit documents and register. And, therefore, start receiving a manual if no longer disrupts the above norms.

Procedure payments benefits

There is a certain procedure for payment of unemployment benefits:

  • it is calculated as a percentage of average earnings, but can not be higher than the maximum installed - 4,900 rubles to citizens who previously worked. This value has not changed for several years and in 2018 will remain at the same level;
  • the manual is paid monthly;
  • those citizens who have not previously worked will receive the minimum benefit size - 850 rubles.

This value was also not indexed for several years.

At the same time, the unemployed should:

  • celebrated every 2 weeks in the employment center;
  • consider vacancies offered by the employment center. The unemployed is not obliged to go for an interview for those vacancies that are not suitable for them or by education or in terms of qualifying. For example, by education, the unemployed is an engineer of low-current systems, and it is sent for an interview for the vacancy of a cold workshop chef;
  • if the unemployed has a "unpopular" profession or education, he must consider the options for retraining to "popular" specialty;
  • to know that the amount of benefits will not always be the same. In the first 3 months from the date of registration - 75% of the average monthly earnings (or monetary satisfaction, if he previously consisted of military service) unemployed. Middle earnings are calculated based on wages over the past 3 months from the last month of work. It does not matter how much time has passed since the applicant quit. If the company has already ceased to exist, then you need to submit an extract from the register about this fact;
  • in the next 4 months, the amount of benefits will be 60% of the above calculated value;
  • next - just 45% of the same value.

Unemployment legislation

The chief legislative act, which regulates the statement of citizens to account, pay the benefits for unemployment and other important points regarding the assignment of the status of the unemployed citizen - this is the law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032 - 1 "On employment in the Russian Federation".

The latest changes to this law were made by federal law of 28.12.2016 No. 495-FZ. But these changes did not touch the fundamental provisions of the law.

For 2 years, deputies have been offered to increase the amount of benefits by regions to the subsistence minimum in this region. But so far such proposals are under discussion and did not give any results. The size of unemployment benefits is still at a mark of 4900 rubles (maximum limit) and 850 rubles (minimum limit).

Maximum temporary disability manual

From 01/01/2010 not set The maximum dimensions of manuals for temporary disability and pregnancy and childbirth.
Instead introduced the procedure for calculating average daytime earnings.

(Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2010 No. 02-03-17 / 05-13765 on changes made from 01/01/2011 into federal law of 29.12.2006 N 255-FZ).

Year Maximum average daytime earnings from which manuals are calculated

Limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums

Subject to indexing maximum base size for each individualThe indexing coefficient of the baseBase for accrual insurance premiums taking into account its indexation
2019 - - Installed FSS
865 000
2018 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.- - Installed FSS
815 000
2017 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.- - Installed FSS
755 000
2016 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.- - Installed FSS
718 000
2015 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.- - Installed FSS
670 000
2014 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.415,000 rubles. 1,098 624 000 rub.
2013 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.415,000 rubles. 1,11 568 000 rub.
2012 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums.415,000 rubles. 1,1048 512 000 rub.
2011 It is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the limit value established for the corresponding calendar year to accrual insurance premiums. 415,000 rubles. 1,1164 463 000 rub.
2010 Division of the limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums

(415000 rub. X Indexing coefficient) / 365

415 000 rub. - -


When determining the average earnings for calculating temporary disability benefits and, in connection with the motherhood, only those payments are included to which insurance premiums are accrued.
Because with the amount of earnings exceeding the above dimensions, insurance premiums in the FSss of the Russian Federation
do not pay, then in the calculation of earnings to calculate the benefits they do not turn on.

Maximum size
middle day earnings
to calculate the manual

Minimum size
middle day earnings
to calculate the manual


(755000 + 815000 rub.) / 730 \u003d 2 150,68
(755000 + 815000 rub.) / 730 x 80% \u003d 1 720,54
(755000 + 815000 rub.) / 730 x 60% \u003d 1 290,41 rub.

Mrots x 24/730 \u003d (11280x24) / 730 \u003d 370,85 rub.

of 28.12.2017
N 250-FZ) FZ dated 07.03.2018 No. 41-FZ
2018 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(718000 rub. + 755000 rub.) / 730 \u003d 2 017,81 rub. With insurance experience from 5 to 8 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(718000 rub. + 755000 rub.) / 730 x 80% \u003d 1 614,25 rub. In case of insurance experience under 5 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(718000 rub. + 755000 rub.) / 730 x 60% \u003d 1 210,69 rub.
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrot x 24/730 \u003d (9489x24) / 730 \u003d 311,97 rub.
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (as amended by FZ
from 03.07.2016
2017 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(670000 rub. + 718000 rub.) / 730 \u003d 1 901,37 rub. With insurance experience from 5 to 8 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(670000 rub. + 718000 rub.) / 730 x 80% \u003d 1 521,10 rub. In case of insurance experience under 5 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(670000 rub. + 718000 rub.) / 730 x 60% \u003d 1 140,82 rub.
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrot x 24/730 \u003d (7800x24) / 730 \u003d 256,44 rub.
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (as amended by FZ
from 03.07.2016
N 250-FZ) FZ dated 02.06.2016 No. 164-FZ
2016 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(624,000 rubles. + 670000 rub.) / 730 \u003d 1 772,60 rub. With insurance experience from 5 to 8 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(624,000 rubles. + 670000 rubles.) / 730 x 80% \u003d 1 418,08 rub. In case of insurance experience under 5 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(624,000 rubles. + 670000 rubles.) / 730 x 60% \u003d 1 063,56 rub.
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730 \u003d (7500x24) / 730 \u003d 246,58 rub.
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (as amended by FZ
from 03.07.2016
N 250-FZ) FZ dated 02.06.2016 No. 164-FZ
2015 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(568000 rub. + 624000 rub.) / 730 \u003d 1 632,88 rub. With insurance experience from 5 to 8 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(568000 rub. + 624000 rub.) / 730 x 80% \u003d 1 306,30 rub. In case of insurance experience under 5 years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(568000 rub. + 624000 rub.) / 730 x 60% \u003d 979,73 rub.
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730 \u003d (5965x24) / 730 \u003d 169,11 rub.

of November 25, 2013
2014 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(512,000 rubles. + 568000 rub.) / 730 with insurance experience from 5 to 8 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(512,000 rubles. + 568000 rub.) / 730 x 80% with insurance experience up to 5 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(512000 rub. + 568000 rub.) / 730 x 60%
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (editors of the Federal Law
of November 25, 2013
N 317-FZ) FZ dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ
2013 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(463000 rubles. + 512,000 rubles.) / 730 with insurance experience from 5 to 8 years old Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(463000 rubles. + 512,000 rubles) / 730 x 80% with insurance experience up to 5 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(463000 rub. + 512000 rub.) / 730 x 60%
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (editors of the Federal Law
dated December 29, 2012
N 276-ФЗ) FZ dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ
2012 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rub. + 463000 rub.) / 730 with insurance experience from 5 to 8 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rubles. + 463000 rub.) / 730 x 80% with insurance experience up to 5 years Maximum average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rub. + 463000 rub.) / 730 x 60%
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (editors of the Federal Law
dated December 8, 2010
2011 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rubles. + 415000 rubles.) / 730 with insurance experience from 5 to 8 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rubles. + 415000 rubles.) / 730 x 80% with insurance experience up to 5 years Maximum amount of average day earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rub. + 415000 rub.) / 730
middle earnings for calculating the benefit is taken equal
Marko per month average day earnings is determined:
Mrots x 24/730
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (editors of the Federal Law
dated December 8, 2010
N 343-FZ) FZ dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ
2010 with insurance experience 8 or more years, the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
415000 rub. / 365 days with insurance experience from 5 to 8 years Maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415,000 rubles / 365 days) x 80% with insurance experience up to 5 years the maximum amount of average daytime earnings for calculating the benefit is:
(415000 rubles / 365 days) x 60%
FZ dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (editors of the Federal Law
of July 24, 2009
N 213-FZ) FZ dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ

until 2010.

Maximum benefit size


from 01/01/200918 720 rub.art. 8 FZ dated November 25, 2008 N 216-FZ
from 01/01/200817 250 rubles.art. 12 FZ dated 07.21.2007 183-ФЗ
from 01/01/200716 125 rub.art. 13 ФЗ dated 19.12.2006 N 234-ФЗ
from 01/01/2006.15 000 rub.art. 3 FZ dated December 22, 2005 180-FZ
from 01/01/200512 480 rub.art. 8 FZ dated 29.12.2004 N 202-ФЗ
from 01/01/2002.11 700 rub.art. 15 ФЗ dated 11.02.2002 17-ФЗ


Statistics state that 63% of Russian citizens are unemployed or receive a "black" salary, and only 16% of their number are recognized as an officially unemployed. 54% of people registered in the employment authorities are women aged 31 to 50 years old. The government in order to reduce the stress in the labor market decided to provide unemployment benefit to unemployed in 2018, the maximum size of which will be 4900 rubles.

What is an unemployment allowance

Citizens who are not able to get a job and registered in the employment center can qualify for financial assistance. Unemployment benefit in 2018 will not be indexed. It decreases after a certain period of time. The size of the unemployment subsidies is influenced by the size of the regional rate and work experience of a specialist.

Representatives of some departments believe that individuals discredit this type of social payments as a phenomenon, because Trying to get it the highest possible time. Officials insist on the introduction of a full-fledged refurbishment system based on employment centers, which would reduce the cost of retraining specialists.

The status of the unemployed and the conditions for its receipt

Easy-to-wear recognize able-bodied citizens who do not have permanent earnings or work. Previously, they must register in the employment service for finding a suitable vacancy and demonstrate the readiness to begin suitable work. Employment centers employees sometimes reject invalid requests for material assistance, because confuse the concept of disability and legal capacity. If a person is able to fulfill his official duties, then it can, regardless of the state of his health.

Regulatory legal regulation

Under Article 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991, "On Employment" to receive unemployment benefits in 2018, all citizens may be officially recognized as unemployed. The individual can qualify for work that will approach him in terms of qualifications, working conditions, health status, transport accessibility. For example, if a citizen received 15,000 rubles at the previous work, the worker of labor exchange should select vacancies with a salary not lower than 9,500 p.

The unemployed residents who have lost the right to receive a subsidy may apply for material assistance. It is possible to get it when returred in the direction of the employment service authorities or after 36 months from the date of registration of the status of unemployed. According to the law, it is impossible to take advantage of retraining benefits. These include compensation for public transportation costs, costs of medicines (provided in the presence of certificate from the hospital).

Who has the right to receive

To register for the labor exchange and register as an unemployed can any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 16 without constant or temporary income. Girls on maternity leave can not use this right, because They refer to temporarily disabled population. Get the status of the unemployed woman can after reaching a child of 1.5 years. Material assistance in unemployment is not paid to the following categories of residents:

  • under under 16 years;
  • studying for full-time;
  • pensioners;
  • individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled, ranked in disabled groups;
  • individuals who have decided to appeal at the time of temporary registration;
  • convicted by the court decision for correctional work;
  • persons who granted false information on the recognition of their unemployed.

Payments on the Labor Exchange

The manual is charged at the expense of a citizen every month from the moment he received the status of unemployed. Persons who have lost its work due to the liquidation of the company, termination of the activities of the IP or due to the reduction of employees, cannot use this privilege. According to Article No. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (TK RF), the average salary remains for such citizens for a period of job search, equal to 2 months, and then they will be able to receive subsidies, like other unemployed.

Every 14 days a specialist will receive requests for re-registration. Responding when they received it is quick, because If an individual does not confirm its status regularly, the provision of material assistance is terminated. To resume payments to an easy-to-wear employee, you will have to fill out the statement and collect the entire package of documents.

For what period is paid

Material assistance in unemployment begins to accrue from the first day of recognition of a specialist unemployed. The procedure for payment of unemployment benefits in 2018 will not undergo any major changes. With early retirement, the unemployed is deprived of subsidies. A specialist will not be able to become a member of the State Program to Combat Unemployment, if it works on Poltavka or has a temporary part-time job.

The subsidy is paid for 2 years. After 7-12 months, a semi-annual break occurs. If a specialist did not find work after this time, he should contact his curator from the employment center. After official appeal, payments will be resumed by 7-8 months, and then a semi-annual break will come again. After that, the subsidy will be transferred to an individual of 4-5 months.

How much pay

When calculating the magnitude of unemployment benefits, three-month earnings in the last place of work take into account three-month earnings. Total before dismissal, an individual must work for at least 26 weeks. If a citizen has worked part-time, then first the employees of the Center produce recalculation of working hours. With a final sum, less than 1040 hours, the specialist is prescribed the minimum benefit amount equal to 850 p. The exceptions are children-orphans. To them, the first 6 months pay allowance equal to the level of medium regional salary.

Minimum and maximum size

The magnitude of payments is determined by the post and labor experience of the employee. The maximum amount of unemployment benefits is 4900 p., Which is 2 times lower than the subsistence minimum. 3 years, the government considers the petitions to increase the magnitude of this subsidy, but additional funds from the state budget for the implementation of this goal have not yet been allocated. The minimum subsidization is 850 p. It is installed:

  • for the first time seeking work to graduates of universities and students;
  • wishing to work out after a long break;
  • persons who worked less than 26 weeks per year;
  • specialists who were dismissed to solve the trade union for violation of labor discipline.

An orphan child has the right to receive an increased unemployment benefit in 2018. It is equal to the size of the average monthly salary installed in the region of residence of a citizen. The corresponding changes were made to the Federal Law No. 89 and begin to operate from 01.05.2018. Financial support will be provided by Syraota continuously 6 months. If during this time a specialist will not find a job, then the amount of benefits is automatically reduced to 850 p. In disabilities, the magnitude of unemployment payments is calculated, as well as ordinary specialists.

Size of payout

The amount of unemployment benefits in 2018 directly depends on the size of a citizen's salary at the previous job. At the federal level, its magnitude cannot exceed 4900 p, but in some areas of the country there are regional coefficients. In these regions, unemployment benefits will be greater than established by law. Subsidy in 2018 will continue to accrue as a percentage of wages, if the following conditions were followed:

  1. a citizen worked at least 26 weeks for an employment contract;
  2. from the moment of the dismissal has passed less than 1 year;
  3. the reason for the loss of work is not the unlawful actions of a citizen (assigning property, violation of labor discipline, etc.).

Middle earnings are calculated on the basis of information for 3 months provided by a citizen. The resulting amount is multiplied by the district coefficient. For example, in Buryatia, it is 1.3. If the subsidy is 900 p, then with multiplication it will increase to 1170 p. It happens that the amount of material assistance on the calculations of employees of the employment center turned out to be 10,000 rubles. An unemployed specialist to get paid such a magnitude will not be able, because By law, the maximum subsidy size is 4900 p.

The procedure for determining the average daily earnings

Features of the calculation of the manual are painted in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2003. When determining the average daily earnings, the main salary is also taken into account, and other types of payments from the employer. The remuneration on the results of one calendar year is calculated not taking into account the full amount, but in the amount of 1/12 for each month of work. When calculating the average salary size take information in 90 days preceding dismissal. When paying benefits, except for salaries take into account:

  • allowance for long service and other labor achievements;
  • additional income obtained due to overtime;
  • premiums and fees;
  • salary in kind.

Subsidies to previously worked persons in the first year

One of the mandatory conditions for increasing the size of the subsidy is the presence of a continuous work experience at a specialist for 12 months before dismissal. The payment of unemployment benefits in 2018 will not undergo changes under this item. The first 3 months specialist will receive 75% of the amount of average monthly income, and the next 4 months - 60%. After this time interval, a semi-annual break in payments is often coming, and then for 5 months, a specialist is charged 45% of its salary.

Dotations for the second year

With the second 12-month period, the citizen receives a minimum subsidy multiplied by the district coefficient. For example, in Moscow, this indicator is 1.7, and the size of the monthly material assistance will be 2890 p. At the end of the second year, the citizen is deprived of the subsidy provided. The general period of providing material assistance cannot exceed 24 months when considering 36 calendar months.

Conditions for Moscow

The magnitude of payments is determined by the average earnings of a citizen for 3 months. In Moscow, unemployment benefit in 2018 will be increased, because the regional coefficient here is the highest among all cities of Russia. A similar indicator in the calculation of payments is used by the authorities of St. Petersburg. Moscow unemployed will be able to take advantage of transport benefits. They will additionally pay 1,190 p. The maximum amount of social benefits will be 6940 p, and the minimum - 2890 p.

After applying to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the population, a citizen will receive the status of the unemployed for 11 days from the date of submission of all documents. The first 10 days along with the employees of the employment center, he studies a list of topical vacancies. With an unpopular specialty, the physical person will be proposed to retrain. If in 10 days the search for the place of study or work is not crowned with success, then the citizen is assigned the status of the unemployed and begin to charge the benefit.

When payments are stopped

After official employment, the citizen ceases to receive unemployment benefits. When registering the fact of the death of an individual, the payment of material assistance is terminated. If a citizen has not come to the Employment Center for more than 1 month, the state will cease to list money. The employment center may refuse to provide unemployment benefits if:

  • citizen is serving criminal punishment;
  • the individual was sentenced to correctional work;
  • upon passage by a citizen of official vocational training or obtaining additional education with the payment of regular cash benefits;
  • when granting a physical face of false information about himself;
  • failure to a citizen from the help of state bodies in finding work.

In which cases, payments are temporarily suspended with status preservation

When leaving a citizen from the place of residence in connection with the retraining or advanced training in vocational education institutions, money will not be on his bill. During the call and passing the mandatory military service to individuals, the benefits do not provide, because The maintenance of servicemen is paid by the state. The restriction applies to maternity leave. For up to 3 months, payments are suspended if:

  • citizen abandoned 2 suitable work options during their stay on the labor market;
  • the individual abandoned recruitment or from participation in public works;
  • the unemployed was dismissed from the last place of work for violation of labor discipline and other actions indicated by 35 by Article Tk of the Russian Federation;
  • a citizen was deducted from the place of retraining;
  • the physical face compelledly left training towards the employment center.

How to issue

The first step of any person who decided to receive the official status of unemployed will be an appeal to the employment center at the place of registration. The authorized employee of the department will give the unemployed form for registration of the application and the list of documents that must be submitted to obtain material assistance. After receiving all the references, an individual can re-apply to the employee of the employment center.

An employee will fix the fact of filing documents, and then suggest a citizen several job options. Accent when searching for vacancies The worker of labor exchange should do on education, qualifications and work experience of a person. For example, if the engineer is offered to get a job as a cook, he has the right to refuse such a sentence. Often, workers are directed to retraining, and then seek them suitable vacancies. If all of the activities listed did not help with finding work, then the specialist is assigned the status of the unemployed.

Where to contact

Employment centers are in every region of Russia. A citizen who wants to officially become unemployed must come there. A specialist working with an unemployed population will issue a list of documents that will need to be collected in order to receive a manual. You can become a member of the state program only at the place of permanent registration. If a specialist is registered in Khabarovsk, and is located on temporary registration in Moscow, then he must return to his hometown and look for work there.

What documents are needed

Registration of unemployed status takes 11 days. Receive the unemployment benefit in 2018 can an individual who is recognized as unemployed. Unemployed can spend money for utility payments or its own feed. The decision to register a person as unemployed and about paying monetary compensation is made on the basis of the following documents:

  • passports;
  • filled statement;
  • employment record or document that replaces it;
  • diploma on education and other documents confirming the qualifications of a potential employee;
  • certificate of average earnings for 3 months from the last job;
  • SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account);
  • INN (individual taxpayer number);
  • bank account number to enroll money.


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Unemployment benefit in 2018: order and amount of payment

Economist. Experience in finance for more than 15 years. Date: September 7, 2018. Reading time 5 minutes.

From January 2019 it is planned to increase unemployment benefits. The payment range will be from 1500 to 8,000 rubles for ordinary citizens. Persons of pre-age will receive up to 11,280 rubles. The exact amount of payments depends on the average monthly earnings over the past 3 months of work. You can make payments in the employment center at the place of permanent registration. Paid up to 24 months.

According to Art. 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 "On Employment of the Population" of April 19, 1991, the right to receive benefits have all citizens officially recognized as unemployed. Periodically the amounts of payments are indexed, but changes occur extremely rarely.

Since March 2018, Mintruda began work on the draft law, which should simplify the procedure for obtaining unemployment benefits, as well as increase the amount of payments that have not changed since 2009. In early September, finally, a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which implies a significant increase in The amount of payment. So, the minimum amount is supposed to increase to 1500 rubles., Maximum - up to 8000 rubles.

In addition, a new project pays special attention to an increase in unemployment benefits for persons pre-age, i.e., those who have 2 years left before appointing pension. It is assumed that the amount of payments to this unemployed will increase to 11,280 rubles.

What innovations are expected next year, watch in the video:

In what amount of benefit is paid in 2018

The size of the subsidy is directly affected by the magnitude of earnings in the last place of work. At the federal level, only the guaranteed minimum amount of payments was recorded, which is 850 rubles. Installed by law and maximum size - 4900 rubles, but it also acts at the federal level. The subjects of the Federation are entitled to apply regional coefficients to it, therefore, in some regions, the subsidy may be higher than established by law.

Note : For example, Moscow authorities pay extra 850 rubles to the unemployed. By the amount of federal benefits and compensate for the cost of travel in the amount of 1,190 rubles.

Who can count on receiving payments

By law, it is necessary to obtain the status of the unemployed. To do this, you need to register on the work of the labor exchange. Make it can any citizen who has reached 16 years old, which has no permanent, or temporary income. However, this status cannot receive the following categories of citizens:

  • children under 16;
  • women on maternity leave until the child reaching a day and a half;
  • full-time students of learning;
  • pensioners;
  • IP and founders of firms and organizations;
  • disabled people with disabilities;
  • persons adding benefits at the time of temporary registration.

The manual will be paid monthly from the moment of receipt of the status of the unemployed for 24 months from the total 36. Payments go with interruptions, which are designed to stimulate a person to find a new job, therefore the total period of possession of the unemployed status is 36 months, of which payments are charged only by the total 24 months.

Attention : The status of the unemployed is assigned to a citizen on the 11th day after receiving documents to the employment center at the place of residence. Previous 10 days He offers available vacancies.

What affects the amount of payments

The size and procedure for making a payment regulates the decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 62 of August 12, 2003.

The size of the subsidy depends on the salary that the person received the last 3 months before the loss of work. To confirm, you need to provide a certificate of average earnings, worked before this at least 26 weeks. On its basis, the calculation will be made, and the unemployed will receive payments in the following sizes (as a percentage of average earnings):

  • the first three months after registration - 75%;
  • the next 4 months - 60%;
  • after 7 months from the date of registration and up to 1 year - 45%.

If during the year the unemployed failed to find a job (not by its fault), then he can receive another 1 year. But in this case it will be minimal.

Attention : If a person worked an incomplete day, and worked with a total less than 1040 hours per year, he only charges the minimum amount.

  • first arranged for official work;
  • having at the last work experience less than 26 weeks;
  • not worked before receiving the status of unemployed for more than 1 year;
  • dismissed from the last place of work for illegal actions;
  • sophisticated and without valid reasons who left the place of study, where they were directed from the center of employment.

For regular payments, it is not enough to simply get the status of the unemployed. It is also necessary:

  • undergo re-registration in the employment center every 2 weeks;
  • try to get a job in areas of employment issued by the employment center;
  • do not give up the proposed retraining.

Important : If the unemployed ignores attempts to help him in employment, payments can be suspended or removed by decision of the employees of the employment center.

With the resulting amount of the benefit, the NDFL is not held, but the amount of alimony can be kept. Also, with this type of income, it is impossible to get a tax deduction.

Order order

To obtain a subsidy, it is necessary:

  • register at the territorial center of employment at the place of permanent registration;
  • submit the requested package of documents to receive payments;
  • fill out an application;
  • proceed for a map in a banking organization recommended by the employment center.

Contact the Center for Employment

The organization authorized to appoint unemployment benefits is the employment center. They operate in each region. It is necessary to contact the center at the place of its permanent registration. If a person is in another region, he will not be able to register as unemployed and receive benefits. It is necessary to return to the place of main registration and submit documents there.

According to the current legislative standards, a woman in connection with the motherhood has established payments from the state, they depend on the size of its salary in the calculated period, but at the same time are limited to the maximum volume, which is determined annually.

Calculation order

A woman in the period of finding it in a state of pregnancy, as well as immediately after its completion, is given a sick leave, duration of 140 days.

This time segment is called maternity leave.

Then she has the right to arrange direct care for newbornsBefore that moment he will be a year and a half. This type of release from work can be taken not only by the mother, but also to any other family members if it will directly care for the child. These two periods are called and are subject to, according to the current legislation.

They are paid according to the following algorithm:

  • The calculation base serve two years before the start of the current, in which the hospital is issued.
  • Middle day earnings are calculated, then multiplied by the number of days of the paid period.
  • Vacation associated with pregnancy and subsequent births is paid in full, regardless of the presence of a woman's insurance period.
  • Care vacation is paid in the amount of 40%, also regardless of the experience and one who takes it.

Both of these payments are limited minimal and maximum limitswhich varies almost annually, depending on the value and.

Upper limit to childbirth

In 2019, the following maximum possible amount of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth is legalized. 301 095.89 rubles.

This amount is used for a hospital length of 140 days. If this period was expanded due to complications or multiple pregnancies, then the amount will be increased proportionally added days.

This size is obtained when calculating the database for the manual. FSS establishes for each year the maximum amount for the enumeration of contributions.

Payments in 2019 will be be determined from the baseestablished in 2017-2018.

They will be equal:

  • 2017 - 755,000;
  • 2018 - 815,000 rubles.

This limitation cannot be exceeded, even if in one of the years a woman did not have accruals and the brand is taken by a minimum end.

Then the average day payment is calculated from this amount, with which the payments on the hospital will be calculated. According to this settlement, the limit middle day earnings It may not exceed 2150.68 rubles.

Children up to 1.5 years

When determining the size of the monthly child care benefits Also take the above amounts, only the calculation is made with some differences:

In this way, maximum benefit sizepaid when care for children is equal: 2150.68 * 30,4 * 0.4 \u003d 26 152.33 rubles.

It will pay monthly, regardless of how many days in the current month, and will not change with the onset of the new calendar year.

In a month, when a child is fulfilled one and a half years, the payment is calculated in proportion to the number of days preceding the birthday.

Regional features

Many regions establish various allowances, including pregnant women.

In areas with severe conditions, for example, in the extreme north, these are different, which are established at the federal level. In other regions, such as in Moscow, it may be payments established by local authorities.

In any case, whatever surcharges. They can not apply to maximum decree values.

That is, in practice, it means that if the region has the northern coefficient, the maximum amount of pregnancy payments and child care will not be increased, while they will be applied to the minimum amounts.

The same can be said about the allowances in the capital, they will all go a separate payment and funded from the budget of the region, while payments for pregnancy and child care are from the budget of the Socration.

In this way, maximum possible suggestions equal:

  • for pregnancy and childbirth for standard 140 days - 301 095.89 rubles.
  • monthly care for child care under the age of one and a half years - 26 152.33 rubles.

This means, no matter how high the salary of a woman, or a person who will carry out the newborn care, they will not receive more than the maximum amount.

For benefits made by pregnant women and parents who care for small children, see the following video:

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