
What documents do you need to apply for a loan? What documents are needed for a loan. Standard package of documents required for obtaining a loan

The bank sets strict requirements for borrowers, because the probability of fulfillment of obligations by the client directly depends on this: if control is weak, there will be many non-payers. Therefore, first of all, the bank requires documents proving the identity of the client, as well as income statements. Everything else depends on the chosen lending program.

Issuing a loan is always associated with certain risks for the lender - this is especially true in Russian realities. It is not enough for a bank to simply issue a loan: you need to be sure that the borrower will turn out to be a trustworthy person who is able to repay the loan to the last penny. Therefore, the requirements for documents on the part of the bank are sometimes strict.

Reference: in Russia only micro financial institutions(MFIs) do not require many different papers. However, it is this policy that leads to a large number of so-called. "non-returns", i.e. default on the part of the debtor. Therefore, MFIs compensate for losses and damages from debtors with an extremely high interest rate. In fact, all other clients "pay" MFIs for unscrupulous payers.

The list of required papers varies depending on which program the borrower wants to apply for a loan. Therefore, we will analyze what documents are needed to obtain a loan from Sberbank under various lending programs.

General package of documents

This list includes papers required for any loan- and it does not matter, in Sberbank or any other banking organization. To obtain sum of money, the borrower must provide at least:

  • Russian internal passport- original and copy. After sighting, the original passport is returned to the owner. Thus, getting a loan in the Russian Federation, being a foreigner, is quite problematic. Please note: Sberbank requires that the passport contain temporary or permanent registration within the Russian Federation. Some banks require only permanent registration, and even in the region where the bank is present. Therefore, before applying, always check with bank employee whether registration is required in any particular region;
  • Copy work book. IN without fail it must contain marks on the total length of service for the last 5 years and the length of service at the last workplace. As a rule, banks require 1 year and 3 months, respectively, but some organizations have more stringent requirements for seniority. A copy must be certified by the head and chief accountant of the enterprise;
  • Certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL. It can be obtained in the same place where a copy of the labor certificate is certified - in the accounting department of your employer. This document serves as the main indicator of your official ("white") income. The values ​​indicated in the document will become the starting point for calculating your solvency;
  • An initial application form filled out on the letterhead of Sberbank. Sberbank requires that the questionnaire lists not only the desired lending programs and average monthly income, but also TIN and SNILS. The bank needs a TIN number to find out as much information about the applicant as possible: the frequency and amount of tax deductions, property registered for the applicant, etc. In turn, SNILS is needed by the bank to verify contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia. Together, SNILS, TIN and 2-NDFL certificate are able to provide the bank with comprehensive information on the client's solvency;
  • In addition, the bank may accept 2-personal income tax instead of a certificate. other documents that can confirm the level of income: a lease agreement where the applicant acts as the owner of the property; pensioner's ID; an employment contract with a long term; bank account statement with transaction history; tax declaration in form 3-NDFL; bank statement of income. As a rule, all these documents become in demand if, for one reason or another, the applicant cannot provide a 2-NDFL certificate (for example, because he works remotely without formalized labor relations);
  • If the borrower is a young male under 27, the bank may require him to military ID. Everything is simple here: if a soldier has young man is absent, he may be drafted into the army, due to which the issue of repaying the debt may additionally stretch for several years.

Reference: if the borrower is a so-called "payroll client", the bank most often does not require the provision of securities in terms of income. The reason is that the bank already has all the data on the financial security of the client.

So, we have analyzed what minimum documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank to an individual. Now let's look at other nuances when obtaining a loan.

Documents for refinancing in Sberbank consumer credit

Refinancing means on-lending in Sberbank of loans from other banks. For example, a loan was received from VTB, and refinancing will take place at Sberbank. Then, in addition to the minimum set of documents, you will need:

  • Documents on existing loans: loan agreements, payment schedules, certificates of the balance of the debt. The borrower must either have all these papers with him since the time of obtaining the loan (for example, a loan agreement), or, in the absence of it, receive it from the creditor bank;
  • Documents confirming the absence of collateral (encumbrances): a certificate from the USRN, etc. More relevant for refinancing auto loans and mortgages.

Please note: if the borrower wants to simply refinance old loans without receiving additional amounts"from above", Sberbank will not require proof of income. In this case, the bank management believes that the very fact of obtaining a loan from previous banks, as well as the active actions of the borrower - i.e. search for refinancing programs - already indicates the integrity and solvency of the applicant.

Documents for business lending

IN this case The bank approaches the selection of applicants very carefully. The reason is that legal entity, compared with individuals, it is much easier to file bankruptcy - therefore, the bank may lose both loan money and interest income.

To the minimum package of documents you will need to attach:

  • Certificate from the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) on tax registration;
  • Certificate of state registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • For specific companies - construction, pharmaceutical companies, etc. - the credit is given only at granting spec. documents: license, certificate of admission to special work;
  • Documents certifying the company's turnover sufficient to obtain a loan. Papers can be obtained from the chief accountant of the enterprise, they must be certified by the Federal Tax Service of Russia;
  • Tax return for the last tax period;
  • In some cases, you may need papers confirming the right to use commercial premises: lease agreement, sale and purchase agreement, etc.

Documents for obtaining a credit card

Contrary to popular belief, Sberbank does not impose additional or special requirements on those who wish to apply for a credit card. The documentation specified in the "General List" paragraph is an exhaustive list of papers required for issuing a credit card.

Reference: Sberbank may set more stringent conditions for those who want to get a platinum credit card. In particular, the bank will require more papers confirming income, up to documents on the possession of liquid and valuable property (real estate, car, etc.). Be prepared for this if you want to get a platinum credit card.

Documents for a car loan

We have already figured out what documents are needed to get a cash loan from Sberbank, but what to do with a car loan - a more complex and expensive type of lending? Sberbank, in addition to the minimum package of securities, will also require:

  • Driver's license - the bank needs to exclude the fact of misuse Money;
  • Additional document other than passport. Most often, additional a document is needed if for some reason the borrower does not have a driver's license. A passport, a document related to professional activity, etc. will do.

What papers are needed for a loan "according to two documents"?

The name of the lending program, unfortunately, has little to do with the real state of affairs. The bank, of course, requires far more than two documents when applying for a consumer loan. This is especially true for mortgage loans received under the accelerated program.

The interest rate for such a program is traditionally high. But, more importantly, not everyone can get such a loan. Access to the program is limited to preferential categories population (pensioners, participants salary project, workers in public sector) and valuable assets. Therefore, a loan “according to two documents” almost always means registration of a pledge obligation for a vehicle, less often for real estate.

Therefore, you will need:

  • Internal passport of the Russian Federation and the second paper to choose from: driver's license, international passport, service certificate, etc.;
  • Income statements. It is important that the bank does not have to provide a 2-NDFL certificate: to obtain an express loan, you can provide a certificate in the form of a bank. It is easier to issue it and it can list unofficial income, one way or another hidden from the tax authorities;
  • Pensioners need to provide a pension certificate;
  • When imposing an encumbrance on property, documentation of the right to own the property will be required. For example, if a pledge is issued for a previously purchased car, a bank employee needs to provide a sales contract;
  • Certificate from Rosreestr about the absence of encumbrance from other banks;
  • A valid OSAGO or CASCO policy for a pledged vehicle.

What papers are needed for a consumer loan in the amount of 300-500 thousand rubles?

Taking into account significant loan amounts, and even non-target ones, the bank will require a whole range of securities from the borrower in addition to the main list. In this case, an individual offer is formed for each client, but a list of general recommendations can nevertheless be displayed.

Firstly, most likely you will have to register any property as collateral. For information on what documents will be needed for this, see the paragraph above.

Secondly, in addition to a certificate in the form 2-NDFL, Sberbank may require a certificate of income in the form of a bank, which lists all unofficial income, as well as other documents confirming the solvency of the applicant. At the slightest discrepancy between the declared income and the real state of affairs, the bank will immediately refuse you.

Thirdly, without the involvement of co-borrowers and / or guarantors, the bank will probably not issue a loan. In this case, only an increase in responsible persons is really able to somehow guarantee the bank the fulfillment of obligations by the borrower.

So think thrice if it's worth taking consumer credit for such a large amount. If you need a large amount of money, a credit card with a large credit limit may be right for you.


Sberbank needs documentation from the client in order to protect itself from risks. The main list of required papers includes a passport, a copy of the work book and income statements. All other documents are, in fact, complementary, depending on the chosen lending program.

In any case, we recommend that the borrower personally come to the branch of Sberbank before submitting the application to get advice there. A bank employee will study your individual characteristics in terms of lending, and will be able to tell you exactly what documents you personally need to apply for a loan at Sberbank.

Package collection required documents is the first step in obtaining any loan. Depending on the chosen bank and their list may vary: some of them are required without fail, others - only when applying for a certain one. At the same time, the borrower's chances of obtaining a particular loan increase significantly if there are some certificates and references in the credit case. What documents you need to provide to obtain a loan, which of them are mandatory and which are not, and how the packages of documents differ in different banks are described below.

Standard set of documents

Regardless of the selected loan product, the manager will provide the borrower with a list of what documents are needed to obtain a loan. The client undertakes to provide the original passport and photocopies of all its pages, which can be certified by the borrower himself, as well as the signature of the bank manager accepting the documents, and the stamp of the credit institution. Additionally, filling out an application for a loan and a questionnaire is required. Some banks offer customers an application form that combines both forms.

List of standard documents for applying for a loan

Most banks give their customers lists of what documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan and which documents are required to obtain a mortgage. As a rule, you will need:

  1. A copy of the work book certified by the personnel department or any other document that confirms the employment of the client - a certificate from the employer, a contract, an extract from the work book. Such documents must indicate the place of work, position and length of service. Each page of the document must be certified. Seafarers are required to provide a passport, contracts for the last few years and their official translation into Russian.
  2. Income statement. It can be issued in the standard form 2-NDFL or in the form issued by the bank. It is certified by the seal of the employing organization and signed. It should contain information on the amount of income of the borrower for the last six months at least. If, in addition to wages, a bank client has a third-party source of income (from renting out real estate, pensions, etc.), then documents confirming it are provided - such papers can significantly increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
  3. Documents that confirm the fact of the presence of a deferment from military service - a military ID, registration certificate and others. Required only if the borrower is under 27 years of age.

Many financial institutions, in addition to the documents listed above, may require additional ones. What documents are needed to obtain a loan additionally - described below.

Additional documents required by the bank

The documents listed below can be prepared not only at the request of a credit institution, but also on the personal initiative of the borrower. Most of these papers can not only confirm the social status of the borrower, but also positively affect the assessment of its solvency. Such documents can be provided to the bank when applying for both a consumer loan and any other loans and loans secured by property - real estate or vehicle. What documents are needed to obtain a loan additionally?

  • Vehicle registration certificate or driver's license.
  • Insurance certificate of the pension fund.
  • Passport - if available.
  • Everything insurance policies- CASCO, OSAGO, OMS and others.
  • Original certificate confirming that the borrower is the owner of the property, or a copy thereof.
  • Bank statements, any documents confirming the existence of these accounts or securities.
  • Photocopies of papers about the education received: certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates.
  • Account statements, copies of previously executed loan agreements, certificates from credit institutions confirming the absence of debts.
  • Copies and originals of birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce.

A credit institution when applying for a consumer loan aimed at purchasing goods - for example, household appliances- may require the borrower to provide an invoice from the store; when applying for a loan for education - an agreement concluded with educational institution, and a copy of his license certifying his right to conduct such activities.

Applying for a loan at Sberbank

To receive money on credit, a potential borrower can apply to one of the most popular banks - Sberbank. What documents are needed to get a loan in it?

If the borrower has never used the services of this credit institution before, then the requirements for it are much stricter than for other clients, and the verification of the received documentation will be carried out many times more carefully.

Required documents

The loan officer must receive the following papers from the borrower:

  • An identity document is a passport.
  • Employment book, contract with the employer or any document confirming the presence of a permanent place of work.
  • The certificate and extract from the USRR are provided by individual entrepreneurs.
  • Help 2-NDFL, tax returns with the stamps of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Documents confirming an additional source of income - for example, from the rental of real estate or third-party part-time work. Notifying the bank about this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
  • Men under the age of 27 must provide a military ID in order to prevent delays in loan payments due to military conscription.
  • Persons acting as guarantors should not have any debts to credit institutions. In addition, they are required to provide a similar package of documents to the bank manager.

The borrower may own initiative present to the bank papers confirming his right to own real estate or any other property. Similar references confirm the solvency of the client and increase his chances of obtaining a loan.

Getting a loan from Rosselkhozbank

A standard set of papers required for obtaining a loan is available in each bank; Rosselkhozbank is no exception. What documents are needed to obtain a loan in this financial institution?

The loan agreement is drawn up after the submission of the following documents:

  1. Each person involved in the design of a loan product fills out a questionnaire. The application form can either be taken at the institution or found on the official website of Rosselkhozbank.
  2. Identity document. In most cases, a passport is required.
  3. An employment contract or book is a paper confirming the employment of the borrower. Such documents are certified no later than one month before the date of application.
  4. Certificate 2-NDFL or a similar form issued by the bank and confirming the amount of the borrower's income. If the loan is issued for a pensioner, then it is necessary to present an extract on the accrual of a pension.
  5. Military ID.

Listed above are the documents required to obtain a loan. Providing a full package to Rosselkhozbank will help you get a loan and increase your chances of getting it.

Getting a loan from Sovcombank

One of the most successful banks today is Sovcombank. What documents are needed to get a loan in it?

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. The second document confirming the identity of the borrower. It can be any paper - a driver's license, a military ID, a medical policy.
  3. Tax certificate in the form of 2-NDFL or a special document issued by the bank.
  4. Employment contract or work book.

What documents are needed to get a loan for a pensioner?

A pensioner who receives his pension at Sberbank, for example, when applying for a loan, must provide only a passport, since all the necessary package of documents is already stored in a credit institution. If the pension is accrued by one bank, and the loan is issued in another, then it is necessary to take from pension fund certificate of the amount of the pension.

Registration loan agreement the bank requires the provision of a certain package of securities. What documents are needed to obtain a loan, and in which specific banks - is described above.

Urgently need money? Thinking about the possibility of taking a loan, but do not know if you can qualify for the loan you need? Then all actual information collected in this article especially for you. The bank's requirements for the client, documents, application methods and possible reasons for refusal, we will pay Special attention, as well as reveal the secrets of increasing the chances of a positive decision on your application.

Requirements for the borrower

Depending on the chosen financial institution, the requirements that any contacting client must meet are generally almost identical:

  • the borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in most cases also have a residence permit in the region where the bank is located;
  • the age of the borrower can start from 18 years old (some banks set limits from 21 years old for some loan products), and the end of lending should fall on the age of up to 65 years (in rare cases, banks lend to people under 75 years old);
  • a prerequisite is a clean credit history and a small credit load: all this is carefully checked by bank managers through credit bureaus;
  • only those who have been officially employed in the last place for at least 6 months (very rarely from 3 months) can receive a loan or can provide real statements of a stable receipt of money from other sources of income;
  • to get a serious loan, the amount of income is very important: if it is enough only for living wage relying on credit is useless.

Of course, this is far from full list, but - the basis for most banks.

What documents are needed to get a loan?

In addition to the formal requirements for the client, there is a certain set of documents that the bank requires from the client:

  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming employment (employment, contract);
  • in the case of an individual entrepreneur applying, there is a need to provide an extract from the USRR;
  • it is mandatory to request a certificate from the place of work in the form 2-NDFL or a declaration confirmed by the tax office;
  • if there is unofficial income - it is necessary to provide bank statements or electronic money system;
  • for men, an additional rule has been established: those wishing to apply for a loan under 27 years of age must have a military ID with the appropriate marks to avoid late payments.

Depending on the purpose of the loan, as well as the size of the loan requested, guarantors or mortgaged property(if a mortgage is meant as a way of lending), in each case a certain package of documents is also drawn up.

How to apply for a loan?

In order to apply for a loan, first of all, you need to determine for yourself a suitable bank and a loan product that fully meets your capabilities and needs. If the bank is chosen, for example, Sberbank, then on the official website you can find information on how to apply for a loan for both business purposes and consumer lending.

Possible options

Among the available methods, there are only two:

  • Fill out an online application for a consumer loan that you like according to the terms, having previously calculated it for loan calculator located directly on the page of the proposed loan product. Anyone can use such an application, however, special preference is given to existing bank customers who have a personal account;
  • Personal appeal to a convenient branch of the bank. This method of application simplifies the procedure for choosing the right loan product, since an authorized loan manager will select an agreement on the spot that fully matches your financial capabilities.

Causes of failures

Of course, the bank may have a lot of reasons to refuse to issue a loan, and it has the right not to explain exactly what reason you have. But in general, there are 10 main reasons for refusal that everyone should know:

  1. the income you receive is insufficient to process the loan you requested;
  2. non-compliance of the client or his documents with the requirements of the bank;
  3. Lack of official place of employment;
  4. the client must have a permanent registration;
  5. the presence in the personal file of the client of a criminal record, and even more so for financial fraud;
  6. special attention is paid to the place of work, and people involved in dangerous professions (firefighters, rescuers, police) are most often refused;
  7. previously tarnished credit history or too much credit burden;
  8. the borrower does not have contact information in the form of a landline phone;
  9. providing knowingly false information about income;
  10. the bank has exhausted its own limit on issuing a loan in the reporting period.

How does the bank screen loan applications?

After submitting an application and documents for verification to the bank, each client undergoes a thorough check:

  • for compliance with the conditions put forward both to the client himself and to the documents;
  • assessment of the client by key factors using a scoring system;
  • examination credit history through specialized sources;
  • verification of the place of work and employer;
  • a full check of the future borrower in all possible bases for a criminal record, debts and other black spots in the dossier;
  • a bank risk check based on your income and employment combined with your credit history.

How to increase your chances of getting approved?

To increase your own chances of approval of any requested loan, the client should take care of such nuances as:

  • your credit history;
  • correct completion of all documents;
  • commensurate own income and determining an adequate loan amount;
  • the presence of deposit savings or savings.

What loan can you count on?

Let's talk realistically, the higher and more stable the permanent income, the higher the amount that the bank will be able to issue to a conscientious borrower. For the bank, the solvency of the client plays a key role, because his main income is interest, and more of it can be earned on larger loans issued for long periods.

Therefore, if you are the owner of a salary of 25 thousand, and you are counting on a loan for 5 years in the amount of 2 million, then you should not even hope for such a loan. But for the implementation of current plans to carry out repairs worth no more than 100 thousand, it is quite possible, especially if the payments are divided into 12-18 months.

What do you need to get a loan with delinquency?

I would like to pay attention to the credit history of the borrower. If at some point it was stained, we are all not without sin, this is not a reason to panic. Of course, it is impossible to remove this stain from the credit base, but you can always contact the bank with a guarantor or collateral, which will become a guarantor of the return of the loan you received.

Another quite affordable way get a loan - use the services of a bank that does not pay attention to the disadvantages of your credit history. But even here there are serious drawbacks: even though you will receive a loan, in addition to it, you will be rewarded with huge, and in some cases, unbearable interest rates up to 50% per annum.

What do you need to borrow a phone?

In order to apply for such a small loan, as for the purchase mobile phone, you need to meet the requirements of the bank, which we described above, and choose for yourself the most comfortable way to repay the debt. In most cases, with an average income of 25 thousand, it will be enough to issue a loan for 6 months and pay the phone in payments of 3-5 thousand rubles.

And also, do not forget that the hardware store may also be offered to issue an installment plan, and most likely, you will not even be checked for possible gaps in your credit history, all that is needed is to meet the minimum set of criteria for selecting potential customers.

When applying for a consumer loan, banks in the list of mandatory requirements include the provision of a certain package of documents. The list may vary. What certificates are needed for a loan, each financial institution determines individually.

The list of documents required for a loan is minimal, basic and extended. It depends on several factors:

  • lending program;
  • credit amount;
  • whether the applicant is a current client of the bank.

First of all, a financial institution will be interested in documents reflecting personal information, professional activity, sources and amount of income. What documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank or another financial institution can be clarified on our website by going to a specific loan offer, at a branch or by calling the hotline.

During the verification of a potential borrower, the security service has the right to require the provision of additional papers if the standard package of documents is not enough.

The standard package includes documents that in most cases are mandatory for obtaining a loan in all banks.

application form

Application form - a document containing detailed information about the client: personal data, education, marital status, labor activity And financial condition. Some banks have added a section on expenses, including utility bills, food, and monthly payments on existing debt obligations.

Contact information is also provided here. Usually this is the number of the borrower, his employer, and next of kin. The work phone must be fixed - this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan. The more contacts the client provides, the more trustworthy he will look in the eyes of the security service.

An application for a loan is attached to the personal data. It contains information about the loan product, the purpose of the loan, the desired amount and term. The document may contain a clause on consent to participate in the insurance program and on connecting additional paid services. At early repayment, a number of banks allow customers to return credit insurance. Before signing the application, these items must be carefully checked.

An application form can be filled out on the bank's website, download a written form there or ask for it at a branch. The document grants the financial institution the right to access the client's personal data. Based on it, a preliminary check is carried out.

The passport

Passport - the main document proving the identity of the applicant. It is mandatory when applying for a loan in all banks. The passport number, as well as information about previously issued documents, is used by security officers to check borrowers against databases. They are also needed when making a request to the Credit Bureau.

Passport data confirms the information specified by the client in the questionnaire: age, marital status, presence of children. Registration is checked separately. As a rule, banks in the list of mandatory requirements for the client include the presence of registration in the region of presence of the branch. This makes it easier for the collection service to work if the borrower stops making monthly payments. The conditions for granting a loan at Sberbank allow for temporary registration. In this case, a certificate from the passport office confirming the presence of a residence permit will be added to the documents for a loan at Sberbank for an individual.

When accepting an application for a loan, the specialist checks the authenticity of the passport. In some cases, credit organizations offer to issue a loan on one document, without providing additional information. Such loans are issued under high percent as the risk of non-return increases.

Additional identification documents

The mandatory package for obtaining a loan may include one or more additional documents proving your identity. They are needed to compile a complete picture of the client. In addition, the bank protects itself from fraudulent activities: it is more difficult to forge two documents. Identity documents include:

  1. Certificate of assignment of TIN. It is used to check whether the applicant has a debt to tax service. TIN is tied to the bank accounts of customers. This is necessary for the formation of reports in the Federal Tax Service.
  2. Driver's license. The document contains data that helps to identify the client: photo, full name, date and place of birth, series, number. You need to check the date of issue and expiration date. Only a valid document is suitable for obtaining a loan.
  3. Medical policy. The CHI form can be used as proof of identity. Self-issued voluntary policy health insurance will be an indirect confirmation of high incomes. VHI provided by the employer will testify to the reliability of the company.
  4. SNILS. Unique an identification number every citizen has, unlike a driver's license or a foreign passport. Therefore, most often SNILS is added to the package of documents. In addition, it is needed to request a credit history.
  5. Sailor's passport. It is an identity card on a par with the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some banks have special credit programs for sailors, this document will be mandatory for participation in them.
  6. international passport. The document contains a photo and basic personal data of the applicant. The presence of marks on trips abroad will serve as proof of the financial solvency of the client.
  7. Refugee ID. Getting a loan for a person with refugee status is more difficult. In addition to the certificate, additional documents will be required: migration card, temporary residence permit, etc. The bank will carefully check the solvency of such a client. Perhaps they will set limits on the term and amount of the loan.
  8. Military ID. The provision of this document is required from men under 27 years of age. In the absence of it, it can be replaced by a written deferment from military service. This will serve as a guarantee that the borrower will not be drafted into the ranks of the military at any time and fulfill his obligations. debentures in full.

For banks, credit products are highly profitable. But at the same time, lending to individuals carries certain risks. To insure themselves against non-returns, financial institutions thoroughly study the financial situation of the client, because profit depends on this. The package may include the following papers:

  1. Employment document. Most often, borrowers provide a copy of the work book, certified by the employer. It most fully reflects the labor activity. If the work book is located in another region, you can replace it with a certificate from the place of work indicating the position and length of service. Additionally, a copy of the employment contract can be attached to the loan application.
  2. income statement. It is usually provided in the form 2-NDFL and contains data for the last 6 months. If the salary is unofficial, you can use the form of the bank, which is issued at the branch. This information is for internal use. Credit organizations do not transfer data to the tax service.
  3. Pension payments. Banks often launch loan programs for pensioners, as pensions are the most stable source of income. You can confirm receipt of it using an extract from social card or the account to which payments are credited.
  4. Information about the scholarship. It is more difficult for students to get a loan, as they usually have a small scholarship as their source of income. You can confirm receipt of it with a certificate from educational institution or an extract from bank account. Additionally, parental support may be required.
  5. Information about the amount of EDV. Additional income includes a monthly cash payment, which is assigned instead of statutory benefits. Issues certificates of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is desirable to attach an account statement to it.

The more evidence financial stability will provide the customer, the lower will be interest rate And more amount loan. Banks take into account income from renting a house or a car. For confirmation, you will need registration certificates of ownership and a lease agreement. It is not required to prove financial solvency if the borrower has a deposit in the bank. A passport is all that is needed to get a loan from Sberbank to a salary card holder.

Documents for obtaining a credit card

The package of documents for issuing a credit card depends on the amount credit limit. Small loans can only be issued with a passport. If the amount is higher, the bank will accept the following documents as proof of financial solvency:

  • certificate of ownership of the vehicle not older than five years;
  • air tickets confirming travel abroad within the last six months;
  • extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Large limit amount credit card involves a full package of papers, including a second identity document, income and employment certificates. You can clarify what documents are needed to obtain a loan in a particular organization on the website or when visiting the office.

Documents for a car loan

What documents are needed for a car loan depends on the amount down payment. The larger it is, the less paperwork you need for registration. Information about the purchased car is added to the standard package:

  • contract of sale;
  • a copy of the TCP;
  • payment document for making the first installment;
  • invoice for payment of the remaining cost;
  • OSAGO and CASCO policies or an invoice if they are included in the loan;
  • spouse's consent to bail.

Driving license is not binding document with a car loan. The owner of the vehicle may not have this document, transferring the right to drive to a third party. In this case, it must be included in the insurance policy.

Mortgage loan means issuance large sum. Therefore, the borrower must prepare the maximum package of standard documents. In addition to them, you will need:

  • certificate of ownership of the acquired property;
  • independent valuation;
  • preliminary contract of sale;
  • an extract from the Registration Chamber on the absence of encumbrances;
  • cadastral passport;
  • insurance policy for the apartment;
  • a full package of documents from co-borrowers, if any;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • spouse's consent.

When it comes to participating in shared construction To apply for a mortgage, you will need:

  • building permit;
  • object data;
  • information about the builder;
  • share agreement.

If construction company accredited by the bank, you do not need to provide additional information about it.

When buying a house and a cottage, the documents must be accompanied by a certificate of ownership of the land and a cadastral passport.

Documents for a secured loan

A loan issued on the security of existing property, in addition to the general package for a loan, involves the provision of documents for the property. For real estate it is:

  • certificate of ownership;
  • documents on the basis of which the right of ownership arose;
  • cadastral passport;
  • extract from the register;
  • certificate of family composition from the passport office.

If the vehicle is the collateral, credit organisation will ask:

  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

In both cases, you will need the opinion of appraisers of the value of the property and the consent of the spouse to issue a pledge.

Documents for guarantors and individual entrepreneurs

It is more difficult for individual entrepreneurs to take out a loan, since their own business can go bankrupt, and the client will lose a source of income. If the bank has such programs, it will require:

  • 3-NDFL or other reporting provided in tax authorities for the last period;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • account statements;
  • contracts with customers and suppliers.

Documents for a loan for notaries and lawyers include a lawyer's certificate and a license to conduct notary activities.

In some cases, financial institutions want to receive additional guarantees for the repayment of the loan, so they offer to issue a guarantee. The package of documents for the co-borrower in this case will be the same as for the main applicant.

Thus, the package of documents for a loan depends not only on the chosen bank, but also on the type of product, place of work, availability additional sources income and other details. How more information and evidence of financial solvency will be provided by the applicant, the higher the probability of obtaining a loan.

Q&A documents

What documents are required for lending? Having decided to apply for a loan at a bank, visit a lending consultant of the bank of your choice, receive a list of documents required for obtaining a loan and sample applications and questionnaires.

In every commercial bank there are provisions (instructions) on the procedure for issuing loans to individuals. In these provisions (instructions), banks prescribe all the conditions for obtaining a loan and a list of documents for lending that a potential client must provide in order to consider a loan application. As a rule, each type of loan has its own documents. And, as a rule, each bank has its own requirements for obtaining a loan and a package of documents. List of documents for a loan provided in different banks, may differ significantly.

Here is an approximate list of documents required for obtaining a loan by an individual:

  1. Application for a loan (according to the model of the bank).

  2. Questionnaire of the borrower (according to the model of the bank).

  3. Original and copy of the national passport.

  4. Certificate of salary from the place of work (according to the model of the bank). Period for which certificate is required wages, in each bank is set independently and, as a rule, varies from 3 months to 2 years (depending on the type of loan).

  5. A copy of the work book, certified at the place of work or a certificate from the last place of work on the length of service at this enterprise.

  6. A copy of the military card to determine the possibility of conscription for military service(for young people and as a second document)

  7. The original and a copy of the driver's license (as a second identity document) - not all banks require.

  8. Pension certificate (for lending to pensioners)

  9. Specialist training agreement (for educational loan)

  10. Documents confirming the ownership of property, if it acts as collateral for a loan (lists of documents are in separate articles on pledges).

I repeat once again that the above list of documents required for obtaining a loan may decrease or increase depending on the type of loan and the requirements of a particular bank, but the documents under paragraphs 1-3 are always drawn up and submitted. A loan without documents is not issued. In a number of banks, such as Rosbank and Russian Standard, there are types of loans with a minimum of documents or loans with the presentation of two documents (passport and military ID, passport and driver's license, passport and pension certificate ...), and the questionnaire and application are filled out when applying for a loan . Loans without additional documents, as a rule, are issued when buying goods and applying for a loan through bank points in stores.
In addition, if a loan requires a guarantee of individuals, then a guarantor questionnaire is filled out for each guarantor, and documents of paragraphs 3-5 are also provided for the loan.

If the bank accepts the total income of the family for calculating the loan amount, then the list of documents for the loan under paragraphs 2-5 is submitted by all adult (working) family members.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state