
Dom Click Sberbank personal account: how to enter and register, mortgage with DomClick, contacts. DomClick from Sberbank: an overview of the real estate service Dom click partner personal account

Some regional real estate trade unions recommended their members to refrain from posting ads on the DomClick portal

In January of this year, Sberbank launched a new Internet service, DomClick, for conducting real estate transactions for the bank's clients and partners. In less than three months of work, the resource has already gained some popularity. Throughout Russia, more than 5% of the bank's clients received a mortgage by independently submitting an application on the DomClick portal, and in Moscow this figure is more than 12%, Sberbank said at the request of RBC Real Estate.

“Over 40% of Russian real estate companies have already integrated their systems with ours and regularly update offers on DomClick. A wider representation of real estate agencies on the portal is hampered, among other things, by technical problems, the lack of automated systems for some companies,” Nikolay Vasev, Director of Partner Relations and Mortgage Lending at Sberbank, told the editors of RBC-Nedvizhimost.

Chairman of the Board of Sberbank G. Gref during a meeting with President of the Russian Federation V. Putin in the Kremlin on February 22, 2017: “We launched a new product that our subsidiary makes - this is the Ipoteka-online service, through the special DomClick website, where the client can apply and complete all documents for obtaining a loan and selecting an apartment without physically contacting the bank, and come to the bank only once, because so far, unfortunately, the regulatory framework does not allow signing documents via remote access” (quote from the transcript kremlin.ru) (Photo: Alexey Druzhinin / Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation / TASS)

However, brokers were ambivalent about the work of Sberbank in the real estate services market, seeing it as a competitor. “Many [realtors and owners of real estate agencies] saw this product as a threat to their own business,” the website of the Russian Guild of Realtors (RGR) says.

In mid-March, RGR President Tatyana Demenok held talks at Sberbank, where the parties agreed to sign a document on mutually beneficial cooperation. “The conversation showed that Sberbank is fully interested in partnership with the professional community. For our part, we want transparency in relations. Therefore, in the near future we will prepare a draft cooperation agreement, which will definitely specify the conditions for placing objects on the DomClick portal. So that it doesn’t turn out that the realtor, placing his objects on the site of Sberbank, loses both clients and earnings, ”Tatiana Demenok summed up the meeting.

How DomClick works

The DomClick service consists of five sections - in addition to applying for a mortgage with Sberbank, using the resource, you can apply for registration of a real estate transaction with Rosreestr, order an appraisal of an apartment or house, as well as legal expertise. The last two options for transaction support are currently available only for Moscow and the Moscow region.

The fifth function, which is not typical for a bank and which causes the most heated discussion in the professional real estate environment, is the “real estate showcase”. In fact, this is a new aggregator of offers (both primary and secondary markets) from other specialized sites, developers and databases of real estate agencies

stumbling block

At the end of March, the website of the Ural Chamber of Real Estate (UPN) published an official appeal to members of the Chamber with a recommendation to refrain from posting objects for sale on the DomClick portal. “UPN does not yet see any reason to recommend this resource to its members,” the message said. It also noted that the Real Estate Center from Sberbank (under the DomClick brand) positions itself as a real estate agency, but at the same time "offers services that do not fully meet the needs of customers in certain market segments, but allow some of them to be qualified as real estate" .

Some of the realtors and RGR functionaries interviewed by RBC-Nedvizhimost fear that Sberbank structures in the future, as the DomClick portal develops, will want to take a share in the real estate market, which, taking into account the bank's capacities, can create big problems for traditional players.

In Sberbank itself, they believe that such fears of realtors are in vain. On the contrary, they promise to help their partners to establish communications with the buyer. “For clients who want to resort to our help, the functionality of selecting a real estate agency and a realtor is available. For companies, this service is provided free of charge, unlike some other real estate portals. Offers published on the Domclick.ru portal will be available to all Sberbank borrowers. And we are going to recommend them first of all, as they are from trusted accredited partners with a good reputation,” says Nikolai Vasev. According to him, after some time, Sberbank plans to provide privileges for transactions with objects published in the “real estate showcase”.

Vice-President of the RGR, head of the Best-Nedvizhimost company, Grigory Poltorak, in turn, is convinced that the principle of free ad placement is rather a drawback, since there are always more “swindlers of various kinds, black realtors, embellished or completely unrealistic information” on such resources. ". “For dishonest sellers, the main thing is to get a call from a potential buyer in order to process it later. Of course, it is possible to fight for the quality of the resource, but this is quite an expensive pleasure, the costs of fighting may exceed the benefits from increasing the conversion of approved loans into transactions,” says Grigory Poltorak.

The purpose of the new service of Sberbank, according to him, is to increase the bank's market share in the mortgage segment and increase the conversion of approved mortgage loans into issued and serviced ones. “The appearance of a database of real estate offers on its website will certainly attract potential customers from the very beginning. However, with the current concept of this resource, real transactions conducted with its help, in my opinion, will be few. What we have now is another bulletin board, inferior in quality to similar services already available on the market,” says Grigory Poltorak. He adds that site visitors, having rummaged through unverified ads, will quickly realize their mistake - and as a result, Sberbank's authority may be damaged.

Another vice-president of the RGR, the president of the Advex corporation (St. Petersburg) Alexander Romanenko, was more loyal to the real estate project of Sberbank. “The bank is interested in expanding the base of objects for mortgage clients, and realtors are interested in transactions. We work with sellers of secondary real estate who are interested in selling their properties as quickly as possible. If they agree that their objects will be bought using a mortgage, then these lots should be presented in the Sberbank database. Buyers who want to buy apartments with the help of his loans will look for options in this database, ”the St. Petersburg realtor explains his position. At the same time, he clarifies that mutually beneficial cooperation is possible only if Sberbank does not take on the functions of realtors in the future.

Recently, Sberbank has implemented a number of innovations in the Russian real estate market. At the end of 2016, the bank completed the first transaction in Russia to acquire a new building through a standard POS terminal using an electronic bank card (Photo: Sergey Konkov / TASS)

Controversy about cleanliness

One of the arguments that traditional participants in the home buying and selling market bring in their favor is the ability to check the history and legal purity of lots in the secondary market. Although Sberbank also says that they have no experience in this area. “The bank has a colossal background of legal expertise in real estate transactions. Each mortgage transaction, including on the secondary market, undergoes legal due diligence. And we have more than 500,000 such transactions a year,” Nikolai Vasev retorts in absentia.

Now on the DomClick website, the declared cost of a legal examination of a property is 19.5 thousand rubles, the period is five days. “This raises questions for me. Although it all depends on the professionalism of the performers. As for realtors, we have been checking the legal cleanliness of apartments since the 1990s and are vitally interested in this,” says Alexander Romanenko.

The verification of legal purity declared by Sberbank, according to Grigory Poltorak, will be the same formal and non-liability action as any other such verification. “In principle, it is impossible to guarantee the absence of possible legal problems with the existing system of registration of rights to real estate in Russia. You can only reduce the risk of their occurrence. But to do this while sitting at the computer is unlikely to succeed. In my opinion, a conscientious and competent realtor with the support of a specialized lawyer has more chances than employees of the Sberbank portal, ”he notes. Although, from the point of view of a potential client, as Anna Shishkina, commercial director of Miel-Novostroyki, suggests, the audit of Sberbank gives a feeling of certain guarantees in the upcoming transaction.

Experts also emphasize that, using the DomClick service, the client limits himself in choosing mortgage products. “When clients contact our mortgage brokers, we, based on the interests of a particular client and the complexity of his task, make a choice among the mortgage programs of more than 50 banks. And for DomClick, products are only from Sberbank, ”notes Alexander Romanenko.

However, a lot depends on how Sberbank's new real estate services develop. The key players in searching for real estate on the Internet - CIAN, Avito, Yandex.Realty, etc. - took time to occupy their niches in the market. At the same time, Anna Shishkina admits that if DomClick is developed and promoted by professionals (both in the field of collecting information and in real estate sales), then the resource has a chance to become effective.

“If Domclick manages to attract sufficient client traffic to its site and becomes popular, then, of course, realtors will forget about all their claims and begin to actively share the available databases with the aggregator in order to expand access to clients,” she is sure. And Grigory Poltorak adds that the negative attitude towards DomClick may subside if Sberbank officially clarifies its positions by signing relevant memorandums and agreements with real estate associations.

Recently, mortgages have been actively growing in popularity in the field of home buying. Someone has enough secondary housing with everything ready, and someone wants to live in a new, recently built house. In this case, comes to the rescue. The real estate market is currently very competitive for a place in the sun. No wonder, because this is a very profitable business. One of the leaders in this niche is the DomClick system from. The service is very convenient. In one place, a huge database of apartments has been collected with the ability to select according to the criteria in your city. Let's look at how the DomClick service works, how to register in your personal account and then use the system. In this article, we will take a closer look at all these points.

What is Domclick from Sberbank?

In 2016, Sberbank introduced to the public a new service that allows you to choose an apartment that suits you and immediately apply for a mortgage loan on favorable terms.

DomClick is an online service of Sberbank, which unites the seller and the buyer in the real estate market, all actions are simplified and thought out as much as possible. Let's not forget to clarify that the service at this address existed before, it was called "Parline". Clients were given access to their personal account only after an approved loan. Time passed, the portal changed its address and moved to another resource. At the same time, all previously registered users can easily access the service with the old login and password.

Who can use the DomClick personal account?

The system is available for both individuals and legal entities:

  • Sberbank employees
  • Partners (developers, realtors)
  • Individuals (clients wishing to apply for a mortgage)

Requirements for a DomClick mortgage borrower

The following minimum requirements are imposed on a potential mortgage borrower: age not younger than 21 years, loan term - not more than 54 years, work experience - at least 1 year for the last 5 years, and at least six months of work at the current place (confirmed by entries in the work book ). If the client is married, then the loan obligations apply to both spouses, but only the first person who registered on the portal will have access to the account.

Functions and possibilities of a personal account

The personal account on the DomClick.ru website is a convenient and well-thought-out system that allows you to use the following services:

  • Get acquainted with the list of real estate in the selected city, among the huge number of objects that have been accredited on the portal
  • Preparing a mortgage application. To do this, you will need to fill out an application on the DomClick website.
  • Consult with the seller of the property, as well as get answers to your questions from the insurance agent
  • Ask a question to a Sberbank real estate specialist
  • Mortgage calculation on the mortgage calculator online
  • Exchange of necessary documents with a personal manager in electronic form (electronic document management)
  • Order an examination of documents from a lawyer and check the accuracy and correctness of the information provided
  • Get an estimate of the desired living space by selecting the organization providing this service from the list. Thus, insuring yourself against overpayments per square meter.
  • Sending documents to the registering state authorities for registration of a transaction for the purchase and sale of housing

Despite the convenience of the DomClick service and the execution of most transactions for the purchase of future housing online, once you still have to visit a Sberbank branch to sign a loan agreement for a mortgage.

The basic capabilities of the DomClick system are complemented by a useful set of functions that are also necessary when choosing a future home.

Mortgage calculator in your personal account DomClick

In the personal account of the DomClick system from Sberbank, it is possible to calculate a mortgage loan. Preliminary calculation is carried out on the basis of the information and wishes specified by you.

In the mortgage calculator you can choose:

  • The accommodation you need
  • Housing cost
  • Mortgage term
  • Down payment amount
  • Other Criteria Affecting the Final Cost of a Mortgage Loan

We set the necessary parameters and criteria and get a preliminary calculation of the mortgage.

DomClick application for Android smartphone or iPhone

For convenience, when, for example, there is no computer at hand, you can use the DomClick application on your mobile. The application is available for owners of Apple and Android devices. You can download and install the application from the links below:

Feedback and online chat of Sberbank

You can get advice from a DomClick portal specialist using the online chat or by calling the hotline.

After logging into your personal account, go to the "Help" tab and ask the consultant a question that interests you.

Advantages and disadvantages of the DomClick system

The DomClick system has a fairly extensive list of advantages: the absence of paperwork with documents for housing and mortgages, convenient remote control over the progress of the mortgage procedure. Each stage is clearly recorded in the personal account and the user receives a notification about updating the mortgage stage.

Of the shortcomings, only one minor drawback can be distinguished, which is that it will be inconvenient for older people to use the service and it will be easier for them to contact.

So, the undoubted advantages of the DomClick system are the simplicity and speed of obtaining a mortgage. Cons - connection to the Internet.

Registration and login to your personal account on DomClick.ru

Attention! Remember that you can register and enter your personal account only on the official website of the system at: domclick.ru

Instructions for registering in the DomClick system:

We go to the DomClick.ru website, click on the link "Login to your personal account"

Then click the button on the right "Register"

  1. In the list of sections, select "Get a mortgage" (page domclick / ipoteka).
  2. Next, we indicate the desired lending conditions - the required amount, the amount of the first installment, the payment period, etc.
  3. Then we enter personal information - full name, contact details, date of birth, etc.
  4. Sberbank will send you an SMS (from the service number - 900) with a password that is required to enter your account.

How to open a personal account DomClick

  1. Click on the window in the top bar of the site page.
  2. Enter your phone number and password.

Entering your personal account using your mobile phone number is a guarantee that intruders will not be able to enter your personal account. If you lose or forget your password, click on the "Forgot your password" link and follow the system instructions.

How to apply for a mortgage in Sberbank's personal account

After successfully completing the registration, it's time to start filling out a mortgage application form. To do this, do the following:

  1. Select the mortgage tab (domclick/ipoteka).
  2. Enter the basic information in the questionnaire - the desired property, information about your income, etc.

After filling, it remains to wait for the verdict of the lender. You can find out about all the changes by going to your personal account.

After you receive approval, the next step is to select housing:

  • To do this, use the real estate database from the DomClick catalog.

  • Having chosen the desired apartment, attach the necessary documents to the application and expect the documents to be reviewed within the next few days.

Advice! There are accredited partners of Sberbank on the DomClick portal. They are marked with an "Online Approval" icon on the property card. By choosing such an apartment, it will be possible to avoid numerous checks of living space and save a lot of time and nerves. Besides a mortgage on such an apartment will cost you less !

  • Further, logically, the service for the assessment of residential premises follows. Open the "Services" tab on the main page of the site and click on it.

At the end of the process, you will need to choose the branch of Sberbank closest to you and come there to sign a mortgage lending agreement.

Here is such a fairly simple procedure for obtaining a mortgage. Quickly, conveniently, legally clean and additionally, you can reduce the interest on a mortgage by choosing a property from an accredited partner of the DomClick portal.

The mortgage calculator of Sberbank of Russia, or the 2020 online mortgage calculator, allows you to calculate the mortgage (mortgage loan) online, calculate the amount of the mortgage in 2020, without outside help from Sberbank employees. Mortgage calculator "Sberbank Mortgage 2020" is a tool with which you can independently calculate the mortgage online, find out the amount of the monthly payment and the overpayment for the entire period of mortgage lending, as well as compare and analyze the results of the calculation. The data obtained will allow you to determine in advance for yourself the maximum mortgage amount, the term of mortgage lending and the optimal mortgage rate, in accordance with your capabilities. Before deciding to buy real estate with a mortgage, we recommend using the new Sberbank online mortgage calculator.

Mortgage or Loan secured by real estate

Buying your own home is one of the most important goals in people's lives, especially for young families who make long-term plans for life. Not all young families are able to buy an apartment or house at the initial stage of family life. Mortgages are a great way to solve housing problems, both for young families and for all individuals who want to improve their living conditions. A mortgage loan is a fairly long-term form of lending, so you need to make an informed decision when choosing a bank mortgage program in order to buy an apartment on a mortgage, a house or a land plot on favorable and completely transparent mortgage terms. Sberbank offers a wide range of mortgage lending for individuals, as well as mortgage refinancing.

Sberbank mortgage 2020, mortgage rates and conditions


Mortgage programs in 2020

  • Mortgages for families with children
  • Mortgages for young families
  • Second home mortgage
  • Mortgage for an apartment in a new building
  • Mortgage for a country house
  • Mortgage under "maternity capital"
  • Mortgage for building a house
  • Mortgage on land
  • Mortgages for military personnel
  • Non-Targeted Mortgage Loan
  • Mortgage on two documents
  • Purchasing a car or garage
  • Housing renovation program in Moscow
  • "Far Eastern Mortgage"
Interest rates on Sberbank Mortgage in 2020
Mortgage programs:Mortgage rates:
Buying ready-made housing in the secondary marketfrom 8.5%
Mortgage for new buildings (buying an apartment in a new building)from 6.5%
Construction of a residential building (individual construction)from 9.7%
Buying a country house (dacha, garden house)from 9.2%
Cash secured by real estate (credit for any purpose)from 11.3%
Refinancing another bank's mortgagefrom 9.0%
Military mortgage (for military personnel)from 8.8%
State-supported mortgages for families with childrenfrom 5.0%
Purchasing a car or garagefrom 9.7%
Construction of a house under the action "Your house on a turnkey basis"from 10.9%
Mortgage plus maternity capitalfrom 6.5%
Housing renovation program in Moscowfrom 8.8%
"Far Eastern Mortgage" (special conditions)from 2.0%

* Mortgage without a down payment in 2020 is not available at Sberbank, the minimum down payment is 15 percent. Under the program “Mortgage using maternity capital”, you can make an initial contribution with maternity capital.

To buy an apartment, many have to turn to mortgage lending. Mortgage for secondary housing in Sberbank is issued under the program of the same name in 2019. Separate conditions and interest rates apply to the Young Family project.

Mortgage conditions in Sberbank for ready-made housing

The essence of the mortgage project is expressed in the provision by the bank of a loan for the purchase of real estate, which is issued as collateral. So the borrower gets the opportunity to take out a large loan, sufficient to purchase an apartment, without having other forms of security. If you doubt whether there is a benefit in buying a home with a mortgage on the secondary real estate market, watch a video with expert advice to make the right choice:

Who does the bank lend to?

Mandatory for any mortgage is the need to have a certain amount of own funds to pay the down payment. In 2019, in Sberbank, it is equal to 15% of the cost of secondary housing ().

Other mortgage principles are expressed as follows:

  • The minimum size for the request: 0.3 million rubles.
  • Maximum: 85% of the housing price.
  • Loan repayment period: up to 30 years.
  • Commission for granting a loan: 0%.
Collateral: the object of the mortgage. It is permissible to pledge any existing real estate comparable in value to it. If the issuance of a loan is necessary before taking ownership, other security must be provided for this period, for example, a guarantee from an individual. Co-borrowers: involved if necessary. By default, the wife (husband) of the client is indicated in the contract as a co-borrower, unless the spouses have a marriage contract prescribing a different approach to property acquired in marriage. Insurance: housing is subject to protection from a standard set of risks that can lead to its damage or destruction. If desired, it is possible to conclude an insurance contract for the life and work capacity of the applicant. SK Sberbank Insurance offers a "Protected Borrower" policy. With it, in the event of an insured event, the client will not experience delays in payments. The insurance company will pay off the mortgage debt itself.

Amount Calculator

You can make approximate calculations yourself using our online calculator:

Using the Sberbank calculator for a secondary housing mortgage, you can calculate the main criteria: monthly payment, overpayment amount, repayment schedule. To do this, in the columns of the calculator you need to write:

  • program;
  • sum;
  • availability of own funds (first installment);
  • period;
  • preferential category (salary client).

Before contacting the bank, you should first calculate the mortgage on the calculator in order to assess your chances and opportunities.

Step 1.

Step 2.

When using children's money to pay for the initial deposit, a young family needs to certify their presence with documents: a certificate, an account statement indicating the balance.

Stages of a mortgage transaction in the secondary market

The Sberbank DomClick service for mortgages on secondary housing allows you to go through all the registration procedures online. DomClick is part of the Sberbank group of companies, so cooperation through it is safe and profitable.

Search for an option on DomClick

The procedure for interaction on a mortgage through it takes place in 2019 according to the following principles:

  1. Possibility to apply for a second home mortgage online.
  2. Choose your favorite accommodation from those offered on the service. Call the indicated numbers and see the object.
  3. Send the selected housing for approval to Sberbank.
  4. Documents for the apartment will be collected by the agent together with Sberbank.
  5. It is possible to change accommodation to another.

Install mobile DomClick on your smartphone and you can search for an apartment at any time:

1 of 4

When receiving a mortgage through DomClick, the user does not need to visit the Sberbank office several times and collect documents for housing. In addition, mortgage interest rates will be reduced.

Applying to the bank

Registration of a mortgage on standard terms implies the following interaction procedure:

  1. for a mortgage is submitted at the branch at the place of residence, work or location of the purchased housing. Transfer of the first package of documents.
  2. Waiting for approval 2-5 days

    Along with the application, the bank needs to see:

    • passport;
    • a work book or other evidence of labor activity;
    • certificate of income (it is permissible to use not only the official personal income tax-2, but also the form of Sberbank).

    If the applicant is not ready to confirm income and pays 50% of the price of secondary housing in 2019, he will need an identity card of a citizen and a second choice: driving license, military ID, SNILS, foreign passport, military ID, etc.

    If it is not possible to make monthly payments in the amount originally set.

    After a positive response, you will need to collect:

    • an agreement on the acquisition of secondary housing (with a deferred payment, preliminary);
    • certificate of ownership;
    • extract from the USRN;
    • a document explaining the emergence of ownership of the seller, the consent of his wife (a) for the sale;
    • appraiser's report.

    It is also necessary to certify the availability of an amount sufficient to make the initial mortgage payment: an account statement, a receipt for the advance payment to the seller, a housing certificate, a certificate for receiving a state subsidy, etc.

    If the client sells another property to purchase a new one, an expert report certifying its ownership and papers confirming its ownership are required.


    Mortgages in Sberbank for secondary housing in 2019 are offered at reduced interest rates. You can calculate the preliminary criteria on the online calculator. An additional discount is offered when applying through DomClick. In this case, the seller transfers the documents to the representative of Sberbank without the participation of the client. For a young family, Sberbank offers a discount on the rate, and other conditions are standard.

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