
How to get into a tax job. Is it worth going to work in the tax office: pros, cons and features. Is it worth it to get into the tax office

The tax office is considered a prestigious place of work. So it is in fact. The civil service is good not only for additional privileges, but also for high pensions in the future. The attractiveness of the tax is also due to the stability and reliability of this place of work. A career calculated for years ahead, regular salary payments and excellent bonuses - all together gives the employee confidence in the future. "It's impossible to get there!" you say. In fact, opportunities are always open, especially if you do not immediately apply for a leadership position, but are ready to start from the bottom.

Tax interview: what you need to know

The first and main thing you need to know about is the fact that there is a competition for any, even the most modest position in the tax office. An official procedure that is accepted in state structures. Therefore, simply sending a resume to the personnel department and waiting for a response will not work.

In what order to act? First you need to apply for an open vacancy for which a competition has already been announced. The package includes the following official papers:

  • Applicant's application;
  • Questionnaire with a photo 4 * 6 according to the approved official form;
  • Passport, or rather a copy of it;
  • Documents evidencing professional skills (diploma, labor, certificates);
  • Medical certificates of examination by a psychiatrist, narcologist, neurologist.
  • Autobiography.

An important detail: the documents in copies are certified at the place of work in the personnel department with the seal of the organization or by a notary.

There is plenty of time to collect the entire package. From the moment a vacancy opens, papers can be handed over to the personnel department of the Federal Tax Service within 21 days.

Analysis of candidates' documents is the first stage of selection. They are considered for compliance with the requirements of the vacancy. Then the best are notified about participation in the second stage. This happens at least 15 days before a personal interview with the job seeker. These are the requirements of the Civil Service Law.

Anyone can formally submit their documents. But remember that if your education or work experience does not match, then it will be impossible to withstand a correspondence competition with those who have civil service academies, special law schools and positions in bureaucratic structures behind their backs.

What do they ask in the tax interview

Before questions with the commission, which will include a potential leader and a group of experts, you still need to pass a test in your specialty. The traditional questionnaire consists of 25 on legislation with a focus on the topic of taxes. You need to know the regimes, norms, terms of payments, standards for processing declarations of both individuals and legal entities.

The number of errors on the test should not exceed 7 points. Candidates who admit more are automatically rejected by the commission. You also need to remember that you are going through a competition. If there is a candidate who made not 7, but 6 or 5 misses, then he will have priority.

If you didn’t make a mistake on the test, which is often conducted on a computer, and the result is given immediately, then you go to the next stage - a personal interview.

What will they ask? From professional nuances to ordinary conversations about life, family, personal priorities. Interest in former jobs and the reasons for leaving them cannot be avoided. This is a classic of the genre, usually such questions are asked both in the public service and in commerce.

The Commission may also return to legislation. Drive the applicant on the features of taxes and fees. But here not only general questions, but also particular, complex cases will be used. So it is necessary to prepare according to the theory seriously.

How to pass an interview at the tax office

There can be no universal solution. There are many inspections, each district has its own division. This means that at least at the stage of the final personal interview, everything will not be the same as in another place. The bosses are different, the questions they ask are also different from each other.

But, in general, there are several cornerstones of successful employment in the tax office that are best observed.

Our advice is general. Employment situations are always individual. But you will avoid the most common mistakes with these recommendations.

Tax inspector- an employee of the tax inspectorate, whose duties include conducting desk and field tax audits, analyzing the results, applying financial sanctions to violators. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics and economics (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The duties of the tax inspector include conducting desk and field tax audits, analyzing the results, and applying financial sanctions to violators. The tax inspector also sends requests for the payment of taxes and fees to organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens, draws up free statistical tax reporting: analyzes the level and dynamics of taxes and fees, debts and arrears on them.

Pros and cons of the profession


The profession of a tax inspector is considered prestigious. As a rule, responsible, highly professional and experienced specialists work in tax authorities. The filling of the country's budget, entrepreneurial activity, the investment climate and the stability of the Russian economy depend on their attention, perseverance, and intolerance to violations.


The disadvantages of the profession include the need to constantly master a large amount of information - especially during periods of tax reporting. It is necessary to monitor changes in tax legislation, the progress of the development of tax reform. Work in the departments for field inspections is associated with traveling, business trips. And, as British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: "To collect taxes and be pleasant at the same time is as impossible as to love and be wise."


Salary as of 17.02.2020

Russia 11000—35000 ₽

Moscow 15000—150000 ₽

The salary consists of a salary depending on the inspection, department and position, monthly bonus, allowance and payments provided for civil servants. It varies depending on the region in which the tax inspector works.

Career steps and prospects

The career of a tax inspector develops depending on the assignment of a class rank. The higher the class rank (from I to III rank), the more solid the position of a specialist. A.P. Pochinok, former Minister of Taxes and Duties, began his career as an intern at the Institute of Economics.


Federal tax inspectorates, state structures collecting taxes from legal entities and individuals (tax services, inspections).

Important qualities

Mindfulness, diligence, analytical skills, perseverance, honesty, the ability to defend one's point of view, stress resistance, exactingness, the ability to make quick decisions, a high level of concentration, stability and selectivity of attention (the ability to focus on one important activity for a long time), the ability to generalize material, well-developed long-term and operative memory, propensity to work with documentation.

Special knowledge: basics of tax legislation, all types and forms of accounting and reporting, reporting methods, principles of arbitration.

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We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list of economic and financial universities in Moscow.

To master a profession, you need a higher or secondary specialized professional education, which can be obtained at the economic, financial faculties of institutes, in accounting and credit technical schools with a degree in Taxes and Taxation. Until 2000, the All-Russian State Tax Academy was the only university that graduates tax inspectors. In 2000, due to the lack of specialists in several universities, a new specialty appeared at once - “Taxes and Taxation”. Students trained in this specialty receive the qualification of an economist-specialist in taxation.

Famous taxmen and tax evaders

Alexander Petrovich Pochinok (1958) - Russian statesman, Minister of Taxes and Duties (1999-2000), Minister of Labor and Social Development (2000-2004), economist. Author of a number of books, dozens of scientific papers and articles, including: Taxes and taxation in the Russian Federation. Textbook. M., 1999. (co-authored); Fundamentals of the tax system. Textbook for universities. M., 2000 (co-authored); About laws and revenues. "Russian Tax Courier, 2000, No. 1.

None of the first set of US tax inspectors died a natural death - the rest of the citizens really did not want to pay taxes. Now in the USA taxes are paid regularly, and publicans live to a ripe old age.

In 1925-1927. none of the "Italian gang" of Chicago gangster Al Capone was convicted of their 915 murders. However, Al Capone himself went to jail for tax evasion.

Among those under investigation in tax cases are such "sharks of capitalism" as multimillionaire Silvio Berlusconi, a television magnate and former prime minister, and Tezare Romiti, the current president of the FIAT automobile concern. Recently, on the recommendation of the Financial Guard, it was decided not to award the Italian order to the world-famous film actress Sophia Loren precisely because she had complications with justice due to tax evasion.

German football players, after playing another match, are removed to Belgium, California or another tax haven, which gives them the right not to pay income tax in Germany. So do Boris Becker, Steffi Graf and racing driver Michael Schumacher. Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, former lead designer of the French fashion house Chanel and the Italian firm Fendi, who also had his own fashion line, was forced to pay $ 3.1 million for tax evasion in 1982-1984.

The profession of tax collector originated in ancient times. The European system of taxation came from Ancient Rome. In Russia, the tax system began to take shape at the end of the 9th century from the moment of the unification of the Russian lands. The most important taxman was the prince.

November 21 - "Day of the employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation." It was on this day, November 21, 1991, that the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was formed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. In 1998, it was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

The world's first income tax rate was 10%. We can judge this from the Pentateuch of Moses, which says: "... and every tithe on the earth from the seed of the earth and from the fruit of the tree belongs to the Lord."

The proverb "Moscow does not believe in tears" has a direct tax nature. During the rise of the Moscow principality, a large tribute was levied from other cities. Cities sent petitioners to Moscow with complaints of injustice. The king sometimes severely punished complainers to intimidate others. This is where the expression "Moscow does not believe in tears" came from.

Licinius, the Roman governor of ancient Gaul, divided the year into 14 months in order to collect taxes more frequently.

Siegburg is located in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. One of the attractions of this city is the Museum of the History of Taxes. There are similar museums in Israel (Jerusalem), England (London), the Museum of the History of Taxes and Tax Relations (Uzbekistan, Tashkent), the Museum of the Tax Service (Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek), the Museum of the State Tax Administration of Sevastopol (Ukraine), the Museum of History tax service (Ukraine, Chernihiv). Museum visitors not only get acquainted with the history of taxes, come to understand their social and historical significance, but also see the most interesting facts of human resourcefulness, and sometimes stupidity, since not a single financial system in the world is free from curiosities from ancient times to this day.

On November 21, 1941, by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in order to mobilize additional funds to assist mothers with many children, a tax was introduced on bachelors, singles and small families. This tax had no analogues in history and, in addition to the USSR, was established only in Mongolia. It lasted until the early 90s.

Of all sovereign states, the lowest income tax rates in Bahrain, Brunei, Kuwait and Qatar, where, regardless of income, this rate is zero. The tax is not levied on the population of Sark Island in the Channel Islands and on residents of Tristan da Cunha.

The country with the highest tax rates is Norway, where in January 1974 the Labor Party and the Socialist Alliance abolished the 80% cap. At that time, Lignings Boca listed more than 2,000 citizens paying more than 100% of their taxable income. The shipping magnate Hilmar Rexten (1897-1980) was taxed at 491%.

exotic taxes

In ancient Egypt, a cat was considered a sacred animal, and those who took care of cats paid less taxes to the treasury.

The worst tax in history was levied for 21 years by Ranjit Singh, the conqueror of Peshawar (Pakistan). It consisted of hundreds of severed human heads a year.

In Austria, skiers are required to pay a special “gypsum tax” every time they go down the mountain, the funds of which are transferred to Austrian clinics. According to conservative estimates, in the Austrian Alps, about 150,000 skiers are injured every year, and about one billion shillings a year is spent on treatment.

A strange tax was invented in the 18th century in Württemberg - on sparrows. When too many of them were bred, the owner of each house was required to destroy a dozen of these birds, for which he received 6 kreuzers. The negligent paid 12 kreuzers to the treasury, but it was easier for him to buy the required number of dead sparrows from an underground merchant who got them from the city dump.

Taxes under Peter 1: taxes from baths - a tax of 3 rubles was taken from boyar baths, from noblemen - 1 ruble, from peasants - 15 kopecks. From 1704, new taxes were introduced: from weddings, from Russian dresses, from funeral taxes, from schismatics, from cab drivers, from inns, from mills, from renting houses, shoe, hat, etc. In Bashkiria, "profitrs" also levied taxes for the eyes (for brown - 2 altyns or 6 kopecks, for gray ones - 8 money or 4 kopecks).

An additional source of replenishment of the city budget was found in Venice. Since 1999, visiting tourists have had to pay a fee of 1,000 Italian lire for every visit to a public toilet. The Venetian pays twice as much for the entrance to the restroom. Considering that 10 million visitors visit Venice annually, the additional source of income proved to be significant.

In the summer of 1996, authorities in the port city of Tianjin introduced a "sin tax" that costs 1,000 yuan ($120) for cohabitation without a marriage license.

Larisa. Yes, it's okay to work in the tax office. I have several friends who work there.

People have been holding onto such places for years and decades. The salary is average in the city, often bonuses and 13 s / n are issued. You can additionally help other people fill out documents, plus go to other places (like when there are elections, often people from state institutions are called to help there). Corporate events are noisy.

Svetlana. I a state and municipal manager by education, the only place in the city where you can try to get a job is the tax office. I was really disappointed after reading the reviews online.
That they have 7200 salaries in Moscow, and daily processing. And no bonus is paid. Short horror.

Irina. Looks like what position. I won’t say exactly what positions my friends have, but the salary in our city is not bad, they didn’t complain. Considering that in our city the average salary is 23/30 thousand. Maybe 7200 is just a net salary. And then there are bonuses and other types of payment, for example for seniority there and all that. But the first 2-3 months may not be.

Elena. I myself I work in the civil service. Zp consists of a salary and a bonus + length of service The salary is still quite good, I can say. The salary itself cannot be less than the subsistence minimum, so do not listen to nonsense about the lack of bonuses.

Anna. I’m looking closely at the vacancies in our city in the tax office, so there’s not a single free one, probably not everything is so bad there. Plus a competition for a job. Many people are for stability and stable salary. Therefore, they hold on to such places to the last.

Diana. A friend works, her salary is 3200 rubles, I think. He receives 17 thousand monthly, plus there are quarterly bonuses, an annual 50 thousand. Moreover, he works in the most non-priority department, since he will finish the tower only this year. The second year only works, she really likes it, she plans to stay there permanently. Home from work every day at 5, on Friday at 4. For a year and a half, count on the fingers how many times I stayed longer, except for the first time, while delving into everything.

Anastasia. And my sister got a job there, she had an interview. The salary did not suit her 12,000 rubles. As a result, she got a job in the pension fund of Russia. He says that there is more salary than in the tax office.

Olga. I have been working for 7 years, I like it, but I am in the control department. Salary for the year on average is not inferior to commerce, but it all depends on the position, on the department and on the inspection.

Video review


Many government officials in prestigious positions began their careers in this inspectorate. In almost every city, the tax authority is experiencing a shortage of young personnel. There are a lot of negative reviews of former employees on the Internet. Announcements of constantly open vacancies give rise to the opinion that workers do not stay long. Sometimes the recruitment is carried out all year round. Is it all so sad? Let's try to find out.

Features of work

The main task of the tax service is economic control of enterprises. The state inspector sends documents on the payment of fees to organizations, draws up tax returns, and also advises visitors.

Employees are required for various positions, but most of the vacancies are published from the audit department. For admission to the service, it is necessary to have a higher economic or legal education. The choice of the best candidate takes place according to the results of the competition, but in conditions of a shortage of personnel, this procedure is sometimes turned a blind eye.

After three months of probation, the newcomer is credited to the reserve. Positions in any state organization are divided into categories, ranging from junior specialist to the head. After one year, you will be able to pass the qualifying exam for class rank.

There are two types of tax audits. An on-site audit is carried out on the territory of the entrepreneur, and an in-house audit is carried out without his personal presence, guided by the provided declarations, accounting reports and other documents.

New employees are engaged in ordinary office work at a computer that does not require special knowledge. Service in these departments is the first step to further climbing the career ladder.

Benefits of working in the tax office

  • Stability. Salary is always paid on schedule, delays are rare. Calm, monotonous work awaits every day. The classrooms are equipped with air conditioning and heating systems. Buildings are located in central areas. Management treats responsible subordinates with respect.
  • Social guarantees. Employees of the tax service will not lose their importance and will be protected by the state. The organizations comply with labor standards, including paid sick leave and regular 14 days of vacation. The official salary allows you to qualify for a mortgage. There are various cash bonuses for years of service. All public holidays are days off, including the long New Year holidays.
  • Opportunity to get a job without experience. Tax will be a great start in the position for recent graduates. In employment, diplomas of economists and lawyers are valued. In modern realities, it is not so easy to hire a young employee everywhere. Senior students have the opportunity to practice.
  • Further employment. Qualified inspectors will not be left without work. Experience gained in the tax service is valued by private companies. If you decide to continue working for the state, then there will be no difficulties with this either.
  • Personal development. Analytics is an integral part of the civil service. You must be aware of changes in tax laws. Knowledge of law and economics is one of the most sought-after qualities that will help not only at work, but also in personal life. Every day you have to study a large amount of useful information.


  • Irregular working hours. Often it lasts about 10 hours. At the end of the year, due to the preparation of final reports, inspectors are especially busy. Everything is aggravated against the backdrop of an acute shortage of employees. This leads to many layoffs.
  • Low salary. In the first months, you can not count on a decent salary. The main income will be formed due to the accrual of quarterly bonuses and bonuses. Compared to private companies, the salaries of tax workers are significantly lower. Therefore, if money plays a decisive role for you, then this organization should not be considered.
  • Exposure to stress. There will be communication with various people who are not always positive. Employees sometimes face negativity from entrepreneurs, which affects the health of the nervous system.
  • mental fatigue. Performing the same work, after a while, you will encounter a feeling of moral saturation. It will seem that there is nowhere to grow further. All beginners have gone through this. The work of the inspector requires perseverance and attentiveness, so this effect can negatively affect performance.
  • Employment process. It takes about three days to collect documents, and one month of waiting for the competition itself. At the same time, no one guarantees a successful result, since many candidates apply for a good vacancy.
  • Emergence of a conflict of interest. This is a situation in which the personal interest of the inspector may be contrary to the performance of legal duties. To prevent this, employees are required to provide the necessary documentation annually.
  • Restrictions. The tax service, like other public services, is associated with many prohibitions for employees.

Is it worth it to get into the tax office?

Of course, conditions in different regions can vary significantly. It all depends on the individual leader and team. If you dream of civil service from an early age, then the listed shortcomings should not stop. Also, do not take reviews from the Internet.

If you are a specialist without qualifications or received a diploma yesterday, then feel free to go to the personnel department. The first month will not require much from you. Only on the basis of your own experience, you can form an accurate opinion about the employer.

Many people today dream of the highest quality workplace. Many dream that the work will become a permanent partner, will bear any fruit in the field of getting good big money. Particular attention is paid to authority, popularity, because today official employment in a good specialty, with high wages, indicates that the person himself is very successful.

Especially at the moment there is an opinion in the field of employment in the tax office. Most specialists who have a desire to start work there say that it is simply not realistic to do this. Indeed, first of all, it is necessary to understand that the tax inspectorate is, first of all, a very serious institution, on which a lot depends. It is difficult to get a job here, but it's all about banal literacy and the availability of an appropriate diploma. Yes, maybe some connections also play a special role, but all of them are not important if the specialist himself is ready to work at the highest level. Many understand that working in such an institution is not quite easy.

How can I get a job in the tax office?

  • First of all, you need to have a diploma from a higher educational institution, where “jurisprudence” is considered as the main discipline (the specialty is not important here: it can be the faculty of law or the faculty of criminology). It is not uncommon for students to be employed in the tax authorities as junior assistants while studying in their last years at institutes and universities. This is very important in this case, as there is experience, the opportunity to prove oneself from the good side. A responsible, executive employee will always be relevant in the organization, if this is indeed the case. Immediately after graduation, there is a high probability that you will immediately receive a position with an increase (and this is a stable employment, a stable salary);
  • If, before graduating from the university, it was not possible to work in any position in the tax office and gain a foothold in your future workplace, you need to start looking. Advertisements in newspapers, the media in general, the Internet, acquaintances, relatives, an educational institution - all these are excellent sources for finding a job. Example: the official website of the Federal Tax Service constantly posts the necessary vacancies. Naturally, at the time of consideration of vacancies, it is necessary to clearly understand the importance of your candidacy (whether you, as a specialist, can justify the trust). In any case, in order to enter the civil service in such an area, it is necessary to pass a specialized competition, where only a few of several dozen people are taken to a place;
  • In order to apply for participation in the competition, it is necessary to prepare the following documents in advance:
  1. Copy of passport (certified);
  2. Copy of diploma (certified);
  3. Certificate from the local police department (indicates the absence of a criminal record);
  4. Certificate from the tax office (indicates that there are no problems with the tax office);
  5. Medical certificate;
  6. Photos 3 by 4 (so that they can be further used in a personal file);
  7. Statement;
  8. Questionnaire.
  • Further, the last main part, on which literally everything will depend on the whole. This is a competition. At the moment, the competition is held in 2 stages: consideration of submitted documents from specialists (takes about a month); an interview in the form of a knowledge test using tests for knowledge of legislative acts. If at the moment you, as a specialist, have extensive experience in this field, this does not save you from passing the competition;
  • Further, the employer independently contacts those who have what results.

Starting work in the tax office is worth a lot. We'll have to try very hard, because at the moment a state institution of this kind is solving serious issues.

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