
Effective ways of waterproofing foundations of various types. The main types of foundation waterproofing What waterproofing to do for the foundation

When laying the foundation, mistakes are unacceptable, since it is unlikely that they will be eliminated after construction is completed. Foundation waterproofing restoration is a laborious process. It is necessary not only to correctly calculate the strength and geometry of the base part of a building or structure, but also to protect building structures from the negative influence of moisture, which is almost constantly present in the soil. Therefore, the foundation must be reliably protected, otherwise there is a danger of destruction of the whole house. There are two options for such protection: a drainage system that drains water, and waterproofing. These two methods can and should even be combined.

The most popular and inexpensive measures to protect the structure from moisture are waterproofing materials.

There are two types of protection of building structures from water:

  • anti-filtration,
  • anticorrosive.

The first is used to prevent water from entering an underground or buried structure. Such a system is common in civil engineering.

The second type is used to protect the material of underground building structures from groundwater. This system is mainly used in the construction of industrial and transport infrastructure facilities (embedded metal structures, pillar supports, bridges, etc.). It can also be used as waterproofing for concrete foundations in the construction of cottages.

Types of waterproofing foundations

Depending on the type of material and application method, several types of foundation waterproofing are distinguished:

  • additives in concrete that increase its water resistance (plasticizers);
  • coating waterproofing (bitumen, polymer, mineral);
  • plaster (mineral);
  • pasting (rolled bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials);
  • freely laid and mechanically fixed (rolled polymer and bitumen-polymer materials).

The choice of type depends on the nuances of the device of underground structures and the conditions of their operation.
Consider the main types of waterproofing materials.

One of the weak points of concrete is porosity, which remains even with the most thorough mixing of the mortar. The fewer pores in the concrete structure, the stronger it is and the less likely it is that water will pass through. Therefore, water-repellent additives are used for protection. They create a protective barrier that prevents water from entering the body of the concrete structure. Such additives (plasticizers), which are used at the stage of preparing a solution in a concrete mixer, reduce the ratio of water and cement. When setting, concrete has much fewer pores, which makes the structure stronger and prevents water from penetrating through it.

However, plasticizers are not a panacea for exposure to moisture. Over time, shrinkage cracks can form in building structures, through which water will pass through. In addition, there are technological seams in concrete bases, microcracks may appear through which moisture enters the reinforcement, causing corrosion. These factors lead to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the entire foundation.

In most cases, it is unnecessary to use concrete additives in low-rise cottage construction, since additional waterproofing is still needed, which leads to higher construction costs.

The advantages of this method are simplicity and economy.
An absolute minus is the need for additional waterproofing of building structures.

This type includes waterproofing with hot bitumen, and materials of penetrating (penetrating) action.

After applying a penetrating waterproofing to the surface (it is better if it is wet during processing), a chemical reaction occurs and insoluble crystals form in the pores of the concrete, which prevent water from penetrating into the material.

  • With a limited budget.
  • For anti-corrosion treatment of concrete pillars and piles.
  • When repairing building structures, when for some reason waterproofing was not done outside, therefore, it is necessary to create a waterproofing layer on the inside. True, this method will be effective only for monolithic foundations, and then only relatively.

The main advantage of this method is economy.
Minus - low efficiency, especially on prefabricated foundations.

Mastic waterproofing (also belongs to this type) - a wide range of materials, bitumen and polymer compositions.

Bitumen is an inexpensive way to protect building structures from water. But for the underground part of the base, it should not be used. Waterproofing with liquid bitumen is possible only in open areas. It will not be possible to update the protective layer remaining underground.

The main disadvantage of bitumen is that over time it dries out and becomes brittle. After a few years of operation, such a protective layer will crack. Therefore, it is used for anti-corrosion treatment of concrete - columnar foundations and piles.

Another minus of bitumen is a complex technological process. You need special equipment for heating, solvents (to obtain the desired consistency of the mixture), devices for mixing and applying. The low price of bitumen does not compensate for the high cost of work.

It can be used on strip and strip-prefabricated foundations, but the efficiency will be low.

Bituminous coating waterproofing is a variety of waterproof compositions: bituminous mastics, emulsions, bitumen-polymer mixtures.

Lubricants are inexpensive. Working with them also does not require special equipment. But when applying such compounds, it is necessary to comply with strict requirements for the humidity of the structure and the ambient temperature (work should be carried out only in summer).
The main disadvantages can also include:

  • the difficulty of controlling the thickness of the coating,
  • low strength,
  • low resistance of the protective layer to the dynamics of the structure,
  • the need to reinforce the junction of structures,
  • strict observance of interlayer intervals.

Mastic materials are suitable for situations where it is not possible or practical to use roll systems. For example, when it comes to columnar foundations in low-rise and industrial construction or individual structural elements (pile heads, utility lines entering the building, etc.).

Advantages of mastic waterproofing: good adhesion (sticking) to different types of bases, low price; cons - the complexity of application, fire hazard (when working with liquid bitumen and mastics that need to be heated).

The optimal solution is ready-made on the basis of high-quality petroleum bitumen and organic solvents. The composition also includes mineral filler and plasticizers.

Its main advantages are the low price and the absence of seams, since the mastic or emulsion forms a continuous layer. This increases the reliability of the waterproofing system.

Plaster (mineral) waterproofing

It is rarely used in residential construction, usually on the inside of the pool bowl. Using this technology to protect the underground parts of the building from water is impractical - it is expensive and laborious. In addition, cracks can form in the plaster waterproofing layer (due to deformations of the base or during the shrinkage of the mortar itself). The technology is well suited for restoring a waterproofing system from within a monolithic foundation. For prefabricated bases, this method of protection against water is ineffective.

This type includes flexible mineral-based waterproofing. The combination of cement and polymers makes the waterproof layer not rigid, but elastic.

This method can be used for prefabricated foundations from the inside. But you need to take into account the high price of the material and the complexity of applying to the surface.

Adhesive waterproofing for concrete is a special waterproof membrane. These protective materials are available in rolls. They are either self-adhesive or applied to the surface by fusing with a gas burner. Pasting waterproofing of concrete is presented in the ICOPAL line with rolled materials and.

  • IKOPAL N is a rolled bitumen-polymer material based on polyester. Roll size - 1x10 m. Covered with fusible polymer film from the top and bottom sides.
  • IKOPAL ULTRA N is a rolled bitumen-polymer material based on polyester. The size of a roll is 1x10 m. From the top and bottom sides, the material is covered with a fusible polymer film.

These materials are manufactured using the "protective profile" technology. The profiled surface of the lower part helps to speed up installation and increase the service life of the waterproofing layer.

The main disadvantage of this type of protection of building structures is the relatively high price and seams, which can lead to a violation of the tightness of the moisture-proof layer. However, the second is only partly true, since much here depends on the observance of technology during the work.

Unlike pasting materials, it does not require directing to the surface.
The ICOPAL line includes systems and - SBS-modified premium-class bitumen-polymer materials designed specifically for underground structures. This is their main difference from built-up waterproofing systems, which can be used as waterproofing not only for foundations, but also for roofing. Unlike other bituminous roll materials, which need to be laid in at least two layers, ULTRANAP and TERANAP provide water protection when laid in just one layer. To increase reliability, IKOPAL is welded over all seams. This reduces the amount of material used and installation time.

Loosely laid and mechanically fixed waterproofing does not need to be welded over the entire surface, it is enough to weld only the seams. This reduces the risk of damaging the tape during installation.

The material has a non-woven polyester backing made of high strength polyester, which is covered with fine-grained dressing on the top side and a polymer film on the back.

TERANAP rolls have a convenient size. With a width of 2 m and a length of 20 m, the canvas allows you to halve the number of seams, which significantly increases the strength of the entire waterproofing system of the foundation. Due to these qualities, TERANAP is mainly used in situations where it is necessary to perform waterproofing of large building structures in a short time.

Among the rolled materials of the ICOPAL line, the system is also presented. This product is excellent for all types of movement joints. NEODIL is a baseless bitumen-polymer material with the addition of SBS modifiers. The width of the roll is from 33 to 66 cm, the length of the web is 10 m.

Features of waterproofing of different types of foundations

For different underground structures, different technologies for protection against moisture are used. Waterproofing of underground building structures depends on the type of foundation. In low-rise housing construction, the following foundations are mainly used:

  • tape monolithic,
  • tape block,
  • columnar,
  • pile,
  • slab.

This type of foundation is mainly used in low-rise construction.
Strip foundations have become especially popular in Russia in recent years, when the suburban housing market began to develop in the country. Light panel houses, prefabricated buildings made of modular structures, small baths, sheds made of boards - all this does not require laying a powerful and deep foundation, designed for heavy loads.

Most often, rolled bituminous materials are used for their waterproofing. They cover the bottom of the trench, into which a concrete solution is then poured or blocks are laid.

The complexity of waterproofing strip foundations is caused by the peculiarities of their design. Only rolled materials are suitable for laying floors inside the strip foundation, since it is impossible to achieve the desired effect with the help of coatings. If you use mastic on a vertical surface, and roll systems on a horizontal one, problems are likely with the connection of waterproofing layers of different types. Therefore, it is better to use one type of waterproofing materials (rolled) on both surfaces.

Any rolled material for waterproofing foundations will be the optimal protection of tape structures from moisture. They are suitable for horizontal and vertical surfaces. In the first case, free laying can be used, in the second - mechanical fastening. In both cases, it is possible to deposit the material on the surface by fusing.

In fact, the block foundation is also tape. Its feature is a prefabricated structure. Prefabricated strip foundation is a very common type of underground building structures. But it requires the most thorough waterproofing.

When laying such a foundation, it is necessary to carefully study the condition and characteristics of the soil, the level of groundwater, the depth of soil freezing, etc.

The disadvantages of block foundations include a large number of joints between elements through which water can seep into the basement. Therefore, for such structures, enhanced protection against moisture is required, plaster or coating waterproofing is clearly not enough here. The optimal solution in this case are ICOPAL roll waterproofing systems.

Column foundations are usually laid in cases where a basement is not provided and the building requires a shallow foundation.

The columns in such a structure can be made of brick or concrete, depending on the structure of which structure it is planned to erect. Ready-made reinforced concrete or concrete blocks are often used. Concrete or wooden beams (crowns) are laid on top of them. Such a system for arranging the underground part of the facility is more economical and less labor intensive. But the columnar foundation needs reliable protection from moisture.

The most economical in this situation will be the coating method. Usually waterproofing is performed with liquid bitumen, although this option is the most short-lived. Therefore, when preparing the material for the foundation of such a design, it is better to immediately use IKOPAL waterproofing mastic or IKOPAL water-based mastic.

With a certain external and fundamental similarity, pile foundations differ from columnar foundations. They are stuffed, driven, brown-packed, screw. The most common and easy to use are screw piles.

Waterproofing such a foundation is a rather complicated process. The main problem is the impossibility of processing the underground part of the piles with protective materials. Mastic or other bituminous coating technology is not suitable here.

If the waterproofing is applied in advance, it will be erased when the elements are driven into the ground. Therefore, to protect the underground part of concrete piles, penetrating waterproofing is necessary, metal piles - anti-corrosion treatment.

It is impossible to waterproof the upper part of the pile foundation with roll materials; for this, it is better to use coating systems.

The main element of this type of foundation is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, which is mounted around the perimeter of the building. Typically, slab foundations are used in the construction of residential buildings on soft soils or with a large mass of the house.

For slab foundations, it is most expedient to use rolled waterproofing materials IKOPAL N, IKOPAL ULTRA N and ULTRANAP.

As already noted, the use of rolled materials is somewhat more expensive than coating technology. However, they make the protection of the underground part of the building much more reliable and it will last a long time.

The usual treatment of the foundation with bitumen provides reliable protection against moisture for 5, maximum 7 years, bitumen-polymer compounds last longer. The service life of rolled materials is several times longer. For example, the forecast for the ULTRANAP system is at least 60 years.

ICOPAL manufactures a wide range of water protection systems for building structures of various types. Materials for waterproofing foundations are in many ways innovative, versatile, reliable, efficient and will last a very long time.

Waterproofing for the foundation is possible only taking into account several factors, such as: type of soil, groundwater level, climatic conditions, type of foundation. You can do without waterproofing in hot regions with a minimum of precipitation and low humidity, as well as with deep passage of groundwater. In other cases, waterproofing is necessary for any structure. Read more about what is foundation waterproofing, types of waterproofing, methods of application in our article.

External waterproofing of the basement Source ideas.mthoodwellness.com

How does moisture affect the foundation

Water leads to a violation of the integrity of the foundation in at least two ways.

First of all, this is the washing out of concrete, the appearance of roughness and potholes on its surface.

No less dangerous is the icing of water that has entered the pores of concrete. When water freezes, it tends to expand in volume rather than contract. Penetrating into the foundation structure, in a frozen state, it destroys it inside, forming cracks and crevices. Therefore, during construction, the waterproofing of the foundation should be carried out during the construction process.

Destruction of the foundation due to lack of waterproofing Source homeklondike.site

Why waterproofing

In the basement of a building without good waterproofing, flooding and smudges on the floor, mold on the walls will certainly appear. In such a house it is unacceptable to save food or household items. It is important to choose high quality materials for waterproofing, follow the technology of building a foundation in order to protect the house from the damaging effects of moisture.

Waterproofing performs important tasks:

  • strengthens the foundation and extends the service life;
  • prevents warping of the walls of the house and the formation of cracks;
  • prevents walls from leaking and the presence of water in basements, mold formation; protects from natural destroyers

Types of moisture insulation

It is divided into the following types:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • blind area device.

In some cases, all means of protection are used at once.

Horizontal waterproofing

It is used to prevent the transfer of moisture from one level to another. Designed for all types of foundations: strip, slab, individual supports.

Horizontal insulation - more often used to protect the walls of the house Source doerken.com

Such protection is the processing of the walls of an already finished foundation. Vertical waterproofing is designed to protect the foundation of the structure from the influence of surface water. It is necessary only for tape and columnar supports of the structure.

Vertical waterproofing directly protects the sap foundation Source acost.ru

blind area device

This type of protection protects the foundation from the action of precipitation and melted snow in spring. In this case, the width of the structure plays an important role. With insufficient width, moisture will be discharged a short distance and will be able to reach the foundation.

For its construction, the following means are used:

  • asphalt concrete;
  • concrete;
  • sidewalk tile;
  • clay;
  • waterproof membranes.

The method of constructing the blind area is selected, taking into account the architectural properties and the price of materials. The most budgetary option for a blind area would be its construction from concrete or asphalt. This method does not add decorativeness, but protects the base of the building without significant financial costs and labor costs. The construction of a blind area made of concrete or asphalt is widespread in the large-scale construction of high-rise residential buildings and collective buildings.

The blind area prevents moisture from running off the walls under the foundation Source domexpert.pp.ua

General technical rules

There are a number of technical requirements for each insulation method.

  1. Be sure to take into account the height of surface water.
  2. Consider the purpose and operating conditions of the facility.
  3. Provide for the possibility of floods or heavy precipitation.
  4. Take into account the properties of the soil during frosts.

The optimal method of strip foundation protection is to combine vertical waterproofing in combination with horizontal type protection.

Insulation according to application

Vertical and horizontal insulation according to the method of application can be divided into the following types:

  • pasting;
  • plastering;
  • painting;
  • mounted;
  • injection.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.


Pasting insulation against moisture is based on the use of roll products on a bituminous binder. A built-up or pasting material is used to waterproof the foundation. This method involves applying a heated layer of glue, and gluing it to the surface. To make such protection without using a layer of glue, you will need to use bituminous mastic instead of fastening.

Gluing waterproofing is most often applied in a "hot" way Source remdim.info

Adhesives include:

  • roofing material - the most popular method;
  • roofing, which is still used, given its cheapness, but it should not be used as protection for the main structures of structures;
  • glassine - thick cardboard impregnated with bituminous binder;
  • polymeric materials with bituminous impregnation.


This waterproofing belongs to the type of coating.

Now there are many means of protection against moisture - these are solutions in which, in addition to asphalt or cement with sand, there are additives that give useful properties.

The most common among them are: liquid glass, sodium aluminate, ceresite.

Plaster insulation is “smeared” on the foundation Source ecotg.ru

Painting shop

Paint waterproofing can be hot or cold and involves the application of a complex layer 1-1 mm thick of protective agents. The most suitable among them are hot polymer-bitumen and cold epoxy-rubber coatings. Such a foundation waterproofing device is widely used to protect against capillary moisture.

Paint insulation is more liquid than plaster. Source 76pss.ru


Various fiberglass, rigid polyvinyl chloride, prefabricated reinforced concrete products are used for mounted waterproofing. The disadvantage is the high cost and laboriousness of preparatory work. Such insulation is used when the use of conventional waterproofing is not possible.

Mounted roll foundation waterproofing Source kostroma-remont.ru


This method of waterproofing is based on the process of creating a membrane between a layer of wet soil and the foundation. The method consists in introducing a hydrophobic gel into the structure, which, when solidified, closes all the pores, preventing water from penetrating.

Video description

What is injection waterproofing and how it is used for restoration work, see the video:

What affects the installation of waterproofing

The foundation is the backbone of any home. The service life of the building as a whole depends on its construction. Before starting, you should outline a set of ongoing waterproofing works.

The following factors can influence the decision: the height of the flow of groundwater, the forces of a frost increase in the volume of the soil, the circumstances of the operation of the building, and the heterogeneity of the soil.

Types of foundation installation

With a tape type, the foundation is built in the form of a tape at a certain depth. The canvas rests on foundation slabs, which allows you to evenly distribute the load over the entire surface.

Pile - the most budgetary and simple type of foundation, in which the consumption of materials is minimal. It is a separate pillar and is used in the construction of buildings that do not need a continuous tape support. These are light houses, in the design of which there is a load-bearing lower beam and structures, and the walls consist of horizontal large-sized elements.

Pile-grillage foundation Source ra-spectr.ru

A slab foundation is the foundation of a building in the form of a flat reinforced concrete slab. For the foundation slab, there is no need to dig a deep pit, just remove the top layer of soil and fill it with crushed stone or gravel to protect the foundation slab from capillary moisture.

Surface water level

Consider how to make waterproofing at a particular water level. With a height of surface water below the base of the foundation by more than 1 meter, you can get by with vertical coating protection and horizontal with the help of roofing material. The location of surface water near the foundation, but below the height of the basement floor, requires an extended set of works. At the same time, horizontal protection is laid in 2 layers, and smeared with bituminous mastic. For vertical waterproofing, both pasting and coating methods are used. All concrete devices are treated with agents that prevent the penetration of capillary moisture.

If the location of groundwater is higher than the base of the foundation or basement floor, a drainage system should be added to the above methods. The cost of these works depends on its size, quantity and type of funds used.

House foundation drainage Source domsdelat.ru

The presence of excess moisture in the soil is a difficult but solvable issue for a land plot. At the same time, it is necessary not only to carry out waterproofing, but also to drain this area.

Experts recommend waterproofing at the beginning of the installation of the foundation. One of the most used methods is the use of waterproofing and water-repellent components for concrete mortar. After all, these components not only prevent the effects of moisture, but also speed up the solidification of the mixture, strengthen the foundation and enhance its frost resistance. At the same time, you can add components that simultaneously enhance both hydro and thermal insulation.

Video description

How waterproofing is done, see the following video:

How to protect an already poured foundation

If waterproofing was not carried out during construction, it's okay. There are methods of protection against moisture and for the finished building. In this case, gluing waterproof sheet or roll products made of bitumen-polymer material are used. Today, this work is done using self-adhesive materials. Coating insulation - cement, bitumen and polymer solutions, mastics or emulsions - for waterproofing the foundation, these materials are used both during construction and to correct and eliminate cracks or chips that have appeared in the foundation.

When waterproofing the finished foundation, additional earthworks are needed. Source makemone.ru

Trust the experts

As practice shows, it is difficult and expensive to correct errors in waterproofing during operation, therefore, for safety, you should contact specialists at the construction stage. It is better to do waterproofing when erecting a building, because repairing the foundation in the future will be more expensive and labor-intensive than erecting a house. Experts will analyze the surface of the building plot and advise the most suitable type of foundation. Competently and quickly calculate its installation, taking into account ventilation, sewerage and all engineering networks. Specialists of construction companies will qualitatively perform the construction of the foundation, the organization of waterproofing, as well as the insulation of the structure.

Water is the main enemy of the foundation, destroying concrete, reducing the design strength of the foundation. The main protection against the impact of groundwater, penetrating precipitation is the application of waterproofing on the surface of the foundation and under its support pad. Depending on the accepted materials, different technologies for waterproofing the foundation are used at the stages of building a residential building.

Simple waterproofing is easy to do with your own hands, but it is necessary to provide for its appearance at the design stage. Here the main criteria are: what type of waterproofing is needed in the specific hydrogeological conditions of the bearing layer of soil, economic justification, the possibility of applying the technology, the availability of materials. This is important to know for the correct formation of foundation protection.

Types and types of waterproofing

Foundation waterproofing is based on three main types:

  • horizontal,
  • vertical,
  • drainage.

Gone are the days when the only type of waterproofing was to apply a layer of bitumen on the side walls of the foundation. In Russia, with the development of technology parks, clusters are being formed with modern laboratories, affordable equipment, where projects are being developed in the direction of obtaining innovative technologies and materials to protect surfaces from water exposure.

Horizontal and vertical waterproofing

Here are some modern types of waterproofing used to protect and strengthen foundations:

  • coating,
  • pasting,
  • built-up,
  • penetrating,
  • injectable with microcements,
  • polymer cement,
  • liquid,
  • elastic,
  • membrane,
  • cut-off,
  • seamless rubber,
  • polyurea application,
  • shotcrete,
  • drainage,
  • dewatering.

The main thing here is to choose the right type of waterproofing necessary to protect the foundation. The work is carried out in accordance with the provisions of SP 71.13330.2012.

It is important to understand that not all types of protection can be performed independently. There are those when special equipment and materials are required. This significantly affects the material costs, the time of work on the ENiR and in reality. To the question of whether it is necessary to do waterproofing, there is only one answer - it is necessary, even if for a given period the soils are not wet and the groundwater level is deep.

Waterproofing works are carried out only on a cleaned, leveled, dry surface (SP 45.13330 clause 15.3). Permissible humidity is standardized according to SP 71.13330.2012.

Before use, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of the material: the permissible temperature of the material during application or gluing, the maturation period for a multicomponent material, the time during which it is necessary to apply the material to the concrete surface. Compliance with the factory instructions guarantees long-term protection of the surface.

The applied waterproofing must be protected by a protective film, synthetic coating, polymers (SP 45.13330 clause 15.7). Carefully monitor the safety of the insulation, carefully fill the sinuses. In seismic areas, insulation of the inputs of communication pipelines should be made of elastic materials (SP 45.13330 clause 15.21).

Coating waterproofing

Coating vertical insulation is one of the oldest, but still quite popular methods for protecting reinforced concrete structures from moisture. Modern innovative materials for the formation of a coating protective coating allow:

  • apply insulation to any pre-prepared surface, regardless of configuration;
  • perform the process of applying the material with a roller, brush, spatula without the use of special mechanisms;
  • form a monolithic protective layer on the surface;
  • close pores, microscopic shrinkage cracks, securely attach the protective layer to the treated surface.

Coating insulation materials are supplied ready-to-use or as a multi-component kit. Read the instructions carefully before use. Some popular materials for vertical coating insulation and their characteristics are shown in the table below.

Material Delivery type Description Price
Waterproofing mastic based on petroleum bitumen with technological and mineral additives. Average expense - 1 kg/m^2. Ready to use. 389
Mastic based on modified bitumen, plasticizer with antiseptic additives, corrosion inhibitor. Ready to use. Consumption 1 kg/m^2. Read the instructions for safe use carefully. 284
Coating mastic used for slightly and medium aggressive soils. Consumption 0.5 kg/m^2. Does not contain toxic solvents, flammable. 390
Polyurethane one-component mastic. It is intended for repair of bituminous isolation.

Average consumption - 1.3 kg/m^2.


Polymer cement foundation protection

The material, according to the method of application, refers to coating insulation. Supplied in bags as dry mix or water solution.

The main components are cement, sand, polymer, additives that accelerate the dehydration process and improve the properties of the material. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe for the preparation of the mixture.

When applied to the surface, the polymer-cement mixture penetrates into the pores, cracks, structure of concrete, enhances its hydrophobic characteristics, creates an impenetrable barrier from groundwater. The mixture is applied with a brush, roller, trowel in one or several passes.

After drying, a membrane is formed, firmly connected to the surface of the concrete, impervious to water. The disadvantages of the method include:

  1. The formation of microcracks during the rapid formation of a protective layer or deformation of the base.
  2. Strict observance of the proportions and quality of water in the preparation of a polymer-cement mixture.

Such rubber insulation is called elastic.

Elastic insulation refers to the coating of liquid rubber - bitumen-latex emulsion by spraying. The material is supplied as one-component or two-component.

The process of applying the emulsion requires the use of special machinery and equipment. When using a two-component material, it is necessary to have a spray gun with two nozzles. According to the technology, the mixing of the components occurs at the moment the material hits the surface to be treated.

Requirements for applying the emulsion:

  1. Clean the surface from dust, oil stains, prime.
  2. The spraying of the emulsion is carried out on a dry surface at a temperature > +5 degrees.
  3. The formation of the membrane occurs within 2 hours, the ingress of moisture during this period is not allowed.
  4. On vertical surfaces, spraying is carried out from the bottom up without joints.
  5. When performing work, comply with safety requirements, put on overalls, glasses.

Foundation protection with polyurea

Polyurea is a multicomponent organic polymer. Ingredients - isocyanate, amine polyester resin.

To apply polyurea, special equipment is required that provides heating of the components to a temperature of > +80 degrees before spraying, separate supply to the mixing chamber of the gun and to the place of treatment under pressure > 1.7 atm.

After connecting the components and contact with the surface to be treated, the mixture hardens within 10 seconds. A strong layer is formed, similar to hard rubber or plastic.

Characteristics of the resulting polyurea layer:

  • thickness: 0.5-2.5mm;
  • full readiness for operation in 1 minute after drawing;
  • lack of seams;
  • operating mode from -60 to +250 degrees;
  • strength up to 80 Shore D;
  • corrosion and abrasion resistant coating;
  • operating juice >30 years.

Penetrating waterproofing

The coating type includes an innovative technology for protecting concrete from capillary water filtration - penetrating insulation (penetrating). Unlike mastics, penetrating insulation solutions work in the concrete body itself, contacting and spreading through capillary channels, microcracks up to 0.3 mm towards water under the action of osmotic pressure.

Upon contact with water, chemically and biologically resistant crystals are formed that block capillary channels and cracks. In addition to maintaining the water resistance of the concrete body, resistance to acids, alkaline solutions, frost resistance up to P 300 increases, and a mechanically and chemically strong layer is formed on the surface.

The composition of the dry mix includes:

  • Portland cement mix
  • specially treated sand
  • complex of chemical additives.

The technology of application is similar to the coating method of application:

  1. The surface is being prepared. It is cleaned of dust, dirt, grease to maximize the opening of the capillary channel systems. The surface is moistened until completely saturated, primed with a solution of 1 part of water with 1 part of the dry mixture.
  2. The working solution for application to the surface must be prepared according to the instructions, taking into account the volume that is consumed in 30-45 minutes of continuous operation.
  3. The finished solution is applied with a brush, spatula or shotcrete method for large volumes of work outside and inside the foundation.
Material Delivery type Description Price
Used as an additive in the concrete mixture - 3% by weight of concrete or applied as a mortar on both sides of the foundation of buildings with a basement 1200
It is used to seal and eliminate pressure leaks with constant active infiltration of groundwater in basements. 1016
Provides tightness of the foundation at a pressure of up to 2 MPa, the strength of the resulting coating> 300 MPa, operation from -60 to +200 degrees. 400 per 1 kg

Gluing waterproofing

The use of pasting insulation is a simple and quick method of protecting the foundation of a shallowly buried house, buried with a basement and without a basement.

Material classification:

  • on the basis of bitumen with a weldable or self-adhesive backing;
  • polymeric;
  • bitumen-polymer;
  • PVC membrane;
  • cutting off.

The technology for mounting rolled materials is simple, affordable for doing work on your own:

  1. The surface is prepared, leveled, dried.
  2. A layer of pasting mastic is applied, hot bitumen with a temperature of >200 degrees. Layer thickness >5 mm.
  3. The material is glued, rolled tightly over the surface with a roller. Pasting waterproofing can be multi-layered, but only on mastic.
  4. Lap horizontally >150 mm, vertical joints >100 mm.
  5. The joints are additionally covered with polymer glue.
  6. Coating insulation is applied to the top layer.

The innovative PVC membrane protection is applied in the same way. The application of a polymer (membrane) has no restrictions in weather conditions (up to -15 degrees) during installation. The seams are welded with a heat gun or pasted over with tape.

PVC membranes are of film or profiled type for uniform distribution of soil pressure along the foundation wall and drainage of groundwater. The cost of a PVC membrane varies between $30-120 per 50 r.m.

Fusion-welded insulation materials have an adhesive bituminous or polyethylene layer. During installation, the roll is placed with the adhesive side to the surface of the tape, heated by a burner over the area, pressed and rolled out with a roller. Joints are treated with hot bitumen or polymer glue. It is recommended to apply 2-3 layers of protection with roll materials.

Shotcrete and drainage

Shotcrete is the most effective way of vertical waterproofing of foundation walls and joints. The principle of gunning is the application under pressure to the surface to be treated of a mixture of oil-well cement with solid coarse-grained without impurities or artificial sand.

Shotcrete technology requires the use of specialized equipment, therefore, such work cannot be done correctly on its own. You will have to place an order with a third party.

Shotcrete removes all issues of foundation waterproofing. The term of operation of the object is unlimited.

Linear drainage is used to drain moisture-saturated soils by laying perforated pipes and draining water into special sumps, followed by pumping.

A linear drainage is arranged below the support pad of the foundation sole. First, geotextile (dornite) is laid under the base of the pillow in 2 layers with the side ends 70-80 centimeters bent, horizontal waterproofing is made on top of the pillow. Then a perforated pipe is laid with a slope towards the sump, covered with a sand-gravel mixture as a filter material, and the ends of the geotextile are bent.

The foundation is the most important part of the house, on which the reliability and durability of the building depends. Being an underground element, the foundation is more susceptible to the harmful effects of water and moisture than others. In most cases, the foundation of the house is a monolithic or precast concrete, which is characterized by a porous structure.

Do foundations and walls need to be waterproofed? Undoubtedly. Penetrating deep, water destroys metal elements. Experiencing temperature changes and moving from one state of aggregation to another, water changes in volume. This cannot but have a negative impact on concrete, which is destroyed more and more with each cycle - cracks and voids appear. As a result, the functionality of the foundation is lost.

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the underlying structure is completely protected from moisture penetration. The question is how to waterproof the foundation. There are many factors that affect the quality of a hydro-barrier - from the nature of the foundation and the type of terrain to the type of insulating material and the readiness of the base to accept it. That is why it is worth using specialized services - only professionals clearly understand how to properly waterproof the foundation. Small errors can lead, at a minimum, to the need for frequent repairs of moisture protection.

What waterproofing to choose for the foundation?

The answer depends on the orientation of the base - horizontal or vertical surface, on the budget and the degree of rationality. Materials to protect the foundation from moisture are divided into:

  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • penetrating.

Pasting insulation

One of the types of roll insulation. Previously, it was widely used for processing the horizon, creating a waterproofing layer under the foundation. As a roll material, roofing material usually acts, which is glued onto a surface treated with hot bitumen. It is recommended to use in combination with penetrating waterproofing, which is described in more detail below.

Coating insulation

Represented by a range of materials, divided into:

  • bituminous;
  • polymeric;
  • cement-polymer.

Like roll, coating is much better used in conjunction with penetrating insulation.

Penetrating insulation

First, let's talk about the cons of other types. This will help to understand the absolute advantages of impregnation. Other materials are relatively good for outer surface treatment. The pressure of the water presses the insulation against the base. The liquid acts on the internal hydroprotection by separation, and this greatly reduces the life of the barrier.

Plus, all materials, except for impregnations, are prone to damage. Even small problems are a reason for groundwater to work to wear out the foundation. Finding damaged areas often requires a lot of work.

What is the right way to waterproof a foundation if the liquid creates so many problems and the materials are so easily damaged? We need an indivisible union of concrete and waterproofing. This is how penetrating insulation works - the mixture migrates deep into the concrete structure, filling absolutely all the pores and layers, crystallizing in them and creating a reliable moisture barrier. In the impregnation market, the undisputed leader is the materials of the Penetron family.

The better to do foundation waterproofing - Penetron materials

Understanding the essence of impregnations and related materials will tell you how to waterproof the foundation according to the rules.

    Penetron is the main material of the complex. Certainly present as one of the components. Advantages:

    • penetrates to a depth of at least 30-40 cm; over time, the depth reaches up to 90 cm;
    • easy to use - applied with a brush;
    • increases frost resistance at least twice;
    • increases the strength of concrete up to 15%;
    • protects reinforcement from corrosion;
    • resistant to aggressive environments;
    • characterized by self-healing of microcracks;
    • vapor permeable;
    • a huge range of uses (up to nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, etc.);
    • environmentally friendly, allowed in contact with drinking water.

    Still wondering what kind of waterproofing to choose for the foundation? Penetron is characterized by the highest maintainability. Problems are fixed quickly and locally.

    Penekrit: the composition is used to seal joints / seams / junctions / cracks in combination with Penetron. It is distinguished by the absence of shrinkage, high strength and water resistance, good adhesion to concrete, stone, brick, metal.

    Peneplug and Waterplug - Hydraulic seals that quickly eliminate pressure leaks in structures made of concrete, stone and brick. Fast setting time (depends on temperature and material). Characterized by the ability to expand. Used in conjunction with the two previous species.

    Penetron Admix - An additive that is used at the stage of concrete preparation. Increases the performance of the concrete foundation in terms of strength, water resistance and frost resistance. Can be used in combination with Penebar or Penekrit (after setting concrete with additive).

    Penebar is a waterproofing bundle designed to seal structural and working seams and communication passages. Increasing several times upon contact with water, Penebar creates pressure and becomes an excellent hydro-barrier.

These are not all the materials of the complex, but those described are the main ones. About how to properly waterproof the foundation with their help, further.

Foundation waterproofing technology

Preparatory work

It is not enough to know how to waterproof a foundation. You need quality training. All surface defects should be identified. Loose concrete, places with bare rubble and / or reinforcement must be dismantled and plastered with a repair mixture of Scrape M500. The fittings are pre-cleaned and primed with an anti-corrosion solution. Defects are not always noticeable, they can be hidden by cement laitance. This milk is removed, for example, with the composition of Himfreza.

In a concrete foundation, especially if it is a block structure, there are a lot of seams. These are the most vulnerable places. The joints are pre-deepened by 20-25 millimeters, cleaned and, washing well moistened. Then we recommend sealing these places with Penekrit.

Cracks and crevices are sealed, again, with Penekrit. The moistened surface is treated with Penetron, in two layers. Possible leaks in concrete are eliminated with the help of Waterplug or Peneplag mixtures. Leaking places are embroidered, at least in width, by 25 mm and deepened by 50 mm. It is recommended to deepen the expansion in the form of a dovetail. In the case of abundant hydrofiltration with a large water inflow, it is necessary to use injection resins such as PenePurFom. But this is already with the help of special devices and equipment.

Very often there are brick inserts in the FBS foundation. What waterproofing to choose for the foundation in this case? In this situation, you should again pay attention to the M500 Skrepa. It is used to plaster a brick over a metal mesh, achieving at the same time a significant increase in strength and a waterproofing effect. Do not forget about Penekrit, which close up the joints, and in this case, along the border of the M500 M500 and the FBesok themselves.

Final treatment with Penetron

This completes the preparation and you can proceed to the final stage. After the used mixtures have set, the surface to be treated must be cleaned and moistened very well. Finally, the Penetron mixture is prepared and the solution is applied in two layers - with a break of 4-6 hours, or as soon as the first layer dries. After completion of work, the foundation, with a frequency of several hours, is moistened for three days. At this stage, we can say that you already understand how to properly waterproof the foundation.

The finished compound must be used within half an hour, so prepare the amount that can be applied during this time, otherwise the composition will turn into stone!

Water destroys the building structures of the building, making them unusable, reducing the service life. This is especially true for the underground part of the house, which is exposed to several types of moisture at once. Outside, rain and melt water has a devastating effect on it, and groundwater causes trouble in the soil, the level of which may vary depending on the season. Waterproofing methods for the foundation of a building depend on its type and method of manufacture (tape, slab, pillars or piles).

How does moisture affect

There are several ways in which water can lead to the destruction of a concrete foundation:

  • Washing out of the structure of particles, the formation of bumps and potholes due to aggressive components in rain or ground water.
  • Destruction when water penetrates into the body of the foundation and freezes it there. The fact is that water is the only substance on the planet that, when it goes into a frozen state, expands, and does not decrease in volume. Getting into the capillaries, it exerts strong pressure on the foundation from the inside, which leads to the appearance of cracks and crevices.

That is why the waterproofing of the foundation is important and should be carried out immediately after the construction of the structure.

Types of moisture protection by location

In general, the foundation waterproofing device is divided into three groups:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • blind area device.

Depending on the type of foundation, several methods can be applied simultaneously.

Combined moisture protection

Horizontal is designed to prevent the penetration of moisture between different levels. It can be made from various materials. It is provided for all types of foundations (tapes, slabs, pillars, piles).

Vertical is needed so that groundwater cannot affect the foundation. Not all types of grounds need such protection. Required only for strip and column supports at home. Horizontal protection is provided for all types (device of tape, plate or free-standing supports).

The blind area device protects the base from the penetration of rainwater and melt in the spring. Here, the width of the structure is essential. If it is insufficient, then the moisture will be removed a short distance and will be able to get to the foundation. This type of protection reduces the load on all others, allowing them to increase their service life.

Vertical and horizontal insulation

Waterproofing with roll material

Foundation waterproofing can be carried out using various means of protection. Separately, it is worth considering the vertical and horizontal views and the blind area, since the materials in these cases will differ quite a lot.

Protection of the buried part of the building with vertical and horizontal insulation suggests that materials can be used for the following methods:

  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • penetrating;
  • plastering;
  • injection;
  • mounted;
  • structural (additives in concrete).

It is worth separately understanding what material to use in each case.


Such protection of the structure is carried out using roll options on a bituminous binder. Fusion or bonded material can be used. Built-up types imply the presence of an adhesive layer that is heated at high temperatures and adheres to the surface. To fix the insulation without an adhesive layer on the base, it will be necessary to use bituminous mastic as a connecting agent.

Covering materials include:

The use of roofing material is the most common method
  • only(the material is outdated and it is not recommended to use it as a protection for the critical structures of the house, but it is worth noting its low cost);
  • glassine(waterproofing of the foundation based on thick dense cardboard, which is impregnated with bituminous binder, cannot be attributed to reliable and durable methods, but will significantly save money);
  • ruberoid(remains the leader among rolled insulation due to its affordable price, the service life is quite short);
  • polymeric materials impregnated with bitumen fiberglass or polyester backing(here, as an example, the following common options for protecting the walls and foundations of a house from moisture can be given: Linokrom, Gidroizol, TechnoNIKOL, Stekloizol, Bikrost, etc.).

The last group is the most reliable option, but the price of such material can be quite high.

But here it is worth considering their long service life, which will reduce the frequency of repairs. The advantages of the pasting method include the fact that it can be provided for various surfaces:

  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • old waterproofing coating (during repair).

Coating insulation

Foundation waterproofing in this case is most often performed using bituminous mastics. To protect the buried part of the building and the walls of the house, one-component and two-component compositions are used. In addition to bitumen, you can now find more reliable and modern options on the building materials market:

  • polymer resins;
  • bitumen-polymer resins;
  • bitumen-rubber mastics.

Unlike ordinary bitumen, which cracks at low temperatures, these mixtures with additional additives are resistant to cold. The disadvantage of more modern options is their price, which cannot compete with conventional bitumen-based mastic. The latter is best used to protect the structures of the house with a deep location of groundwater.

Penetrating insulation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way prevents moisture from entering the concrete capillaries. This increases the strength of the surface layer of concrete. Waterproofing a strip foundation in this way is often carried out using an additional coating or pasting layer.

On average, the penetration depth is 15-25 cm, but some materials are able to go deep by 90 cm. It is important to note that such methods are only suitable for concrete. When used on brick and stone, they are useless.

The most common compositions for this method of processing steel:

  1. "Penetron";
  2. "Peneplug";
  3. "Hydrohit";
  4. "Penecrete".
  5. "Osmosil".

Protection of the concrete base from moisture

The technology for protecting the foundations and walls of the house in this way implies a thoroughly cleaned, degreased and even base, therefore it is recommended for use on new buildings.

Paint and plaster insulation

Waterproofing the foundation with your own hands using paint and plaster compositions is not durable and reliable. If possible, it is better to give preference to other ways to protect the foundations and walls of the house, since the average service life of such materials is 5 years.

Injection isolation

Technique for introducing polyurethane resin into the base

The option is suitable for repairing a base that has already been put into operation. The technology allows you to protect the foundation without excavation work. Injectors are introduced to the supports and deliver the insulating substance. The following materials can be used as raw materials:

  • foam;
  • resins;
  • acrylate gels;
  • rubber;
  • cement-containing mixtures;
  • polymer compositions.

Mounted insulation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way allows you to most effectively deal with the high level of groundwater and their high pressure. It is mainly used for strip foundations when it is required to protect an underground room.

The most reliable way of mounted waterproofing can be called a steel caisson. In this case, the structure of the walls and floor of the basement is sheathed from the inside with sheets of steel 4-6 mm thick. The option is very expensive, so it is extremely rarely used.

Brick walls are sometimes erected outside, but in most cases this method is used in conjunction with a pasting or coating option. The brick is more likely not to protect the foundation from moisture, but to protect the waterproofing from mechanical damage.

blind area device

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the foundation in this case involves using the following blind area materials to protect the structure from the outside from atmospheric moisture:

Blind area production
  • concrete;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • clay;
  • paving slabs;
  • diffusion membranes.

The choice of the method of manufacturing the blind area depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house, the architectural solution and the availability of materials. The cheapest option for the blind area will be its laying of concrete or asphalt. This option does not have an attractive appearance, but allows you to protect the foundation without much labor. In addition, savings on raw materials for manufacturing are provided. The blind area made of concrete or asphalt is popular in the mass construction of multi-apartment residential buildings and administrative and public buildings.

Waterproofing technology depending on the type of foundation

Each type of support under a building needs certain protection options. Before waterproofing the foundation, you need to find out what is required for a full range of activities.

Strip foundation protection

The waterproofing of the strip foundation is different for the monolithic and prefabricated versions. Let's take a look at the assembly first. To prevent damage to the underground walls of the house and flooding of the basement, the following measures will be required:

  • arrangement of a reinforced joint between factory-made foundation slabs and concrete blocks of basement walls;
  • laying the roll material in the first seam between the blocks, which is located below the basement floor mark;
  • rolled material is mounted along the edge of the foundation at the junction of the walls and the supporting structure;
  • vertical insulation of the underground part of the tape from the outside;
  • blind area device.

Strip base protection

It is important to note that at the junction of foundation slabs and concrete blocks, it is impossible to lay materials on a bituminous binder. This can lead to displacement of elements relative to each other. Only a thickened concrete joint is suitable here. Insulation along the edge of the foundation is necessary so that the different moisture content of the material of the supporting parts of the structure and wall fences does not lead to destruction. For horizontal insulation, gluing methods are used.

It is better to perform vertical insulation from the outside, since this will not only protect the room, but also the load-bearing elements. In new construction, walls can be treated with gluing or coating materials. The interior is being renovated. In this case, a penetrating or injection type is used.

If you need to perform a set of waterproofing works for a monolithic tape, then it is worth considering the following measures:

  • vertical isolation;
  • waterproofing along the edge of the foundation;
  • blind area device.

Materials are selected in the same way as for the prefabricated version.

Protection of columnar and pile foundations

A simple method of moisture protection

Here the simplest type of protection against moisture is used. It will only be necessary to make insulation along the edge of the foundation. Its location depends on the material of the grillage. If the strapping is made of the same material as the foundation, then the roll materials are laid at the point of contact between the grillage and the walls. You can consider another option. For example, a wooden house rests on metal piles. In this case, the lower crown of the walls will serve as a grillage, so the insulating layer is laid on the heads of the supporting elements.

Foundation plate protection

To protect against moisture, the following measures will need to be provided here:

  • concrete preparation of lean concrete to protect the slab from underground water and level the base;
  • waterproofing for concrete preparation;
  • protection from external moisture.

Foundation slab waterproofing

For the manufacture of the second layer, roll methods are used when installing the plate. It is best to focus on modern materials, since after pouring the slab, it is almost impossible to monitor the condition of such insulation or carry out repairs. For small buildings with a low degree of responsibility and low water saturation of the soil, polyethylene film is often used.

To protect the plate from moisture that can get from above, it must be treated with penetrating compounds. Sometimes in private housing construction they resort to using the following method: a solution for penetrating insulation is introduced into the concrete.

Also, after pouring the slab, it will be necessary to provide for the laying of roll material in the places where the walls are supported.

Before you properly waterproof the foundation (tape plates, piles, pillars), you need to carefully study the issue. It is important to use quality materials. If you save at this stage of construction, you can spend a large amount of money on repairs during operation.

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