
The correct location of money in the wallet. How to choose, order and buy a wallet. What to put in it

I bring to your attention folk signs on how to store money in a wallet. Surely you will think: “What difference does it make how to store money? The main thing is that they do not end! It turns out that there are folk tricks that help not only save your money, but also increase it.

Money in the wallet

  • Do not use torn wallets to store money.

Keep your old wallets, don't throw them away.

  • Do not keep many small coins in your wallet. Get rid of the little things, preferably on Sunday.
  • Do not keep dirty or torn bills in your wallet. Get rid of them.
  • Don't keep old bills, used tickets, or other junk in your wallet.
  • Money loves an account, you need to always know how much money you have in your wallet.
  • Banknotes in a wallet should be neatly folded and face the owner.
  • Store banknotes of different denominations in different sections of your wallet.
  • Keep banknotes from different countries (rubles, dollars, euros) in separate wallets.
  • An empty wallet attracts poverty. Leave at least one paper bill and one coin in it. Don't spend all the money you have in your wallet. After completing the purchases, there must be some bill left in it.
  • If you don't have any money left in your wallet when you buy a new item, you will be short of money the entire time you wear the item. If the money remains, then the wallet will always be full.

Signs for attracting money in the wallet

  • There must be a “lucky coin” in the wallet that cannot be spent, because it attracts other money.
  • If you received a very large amount of money at a time, then put one bill from this pack in your wallet and keep it without changing it.
  • Keep a bill or coin with the number "5" in your wallet.
  • Keep a two-dollar bill in the secret compartment of your wallet.
  • If you come across a banknote that has letters in the serial number that match your initials, put it in your wallet and never spend it - it will attract money.
  • To attract money, keep dried carnation or mustard flowers in a small bag in your wallet.
  • Chestnuts are considered money mascots. Put the chestnut in a box where you keep money, or in a bag next to your wallet.
  • The natural symbols of money are wood, leather and fur. To attract money, put a wooden or leather amulet in your wallet, and hang a fur keychain on the keys.
  • It is believed that money loves red and natural materials, so to attract them, you should buy a red leather wallet.
  • In order for money to be kept in a wallet, fold a triangle from several banknotes rolled up into a tube. Keep the received talisman in your wallet or other place where you keep your savings.
  • Before putting money in your wallet, smooth out each bill you receive, saying: “Money to money.”
  • Documents related to money (bills, checks) must be stored in a red closed envelope or red folder. In this case, you will not have problems with repaying the loan and paying bills.
  • Put a few coins or banknotes in a gift wallet. The one who received such a gift will have to keep them "for good luck."

Some look at money as an animated object that needs respect and indefatigable care.

Money has a powerful energy, so it is important how to properly direct this power to improve well-being.

The wallet is your own store of savings. Consider how to choose a product so that the largest monetary units appear there.

Arrange the banknotes starting with the big ones. Place them with the front side so that the series and number are visible, towards the owner.

It is unacceptable to store them "upside down", unfold them correctly, and carefully smooth them out.

If you decide to become the happy owner of a new wallet, try to keep it in excellent condition in order to attract fortune.

The “correct” wallet size and color to attract money


Pick up enough to fit paper bills without bending them in half. Provide a variety of departments where it would be convenient to neatly place funds.


black model rightfully considered a classic, it emphasizes the high position of the owner.

Chocolate color product
can attract wealth, create a sense of security.

Red color
also able to attract financial well-being. It is a shade of determination and power. In such a thing, finances will be in perpetual circulation. Feel free to go shopping without fear that you will be deceived. Let credit cards be stored in a separate pocket. If this color is too bright for you, just put a scarlet ribbon in the middle to attract success.

According to Feng Shui, the most successful will be metallic shades and colors of the Earth (green, gold, silver). Feel free to buy these products!

Advice! The shades of the element of Water are not the most suitable. It is not advisable to purchase goods of all shades of blue. But the most unacceptable tone is gray or white. Don't take risks!

Money wallet material

Pay attention to the product you are purchasing. With dignity, you can store huge amounts of money earned in a product that is distinguished by its decorative effect and comfort, made of natural materials.

Many people prefer quality leather. These models look decent and are able to attract positive energy.. However, some believe that the skin stores the energy of the killed animal, which will hinder the growth of income. This is definitely prejudice.

One of the The most acceptable materials are also textiles.

What kind of wallet to choose?

Here are some simple rules:

  • Don't store content in tightness. Banknotes are best stored neatly unfolded.
  • The ideal wallet contains compartments for banknotes of different denominations and a special pocket for small change.
  • Keep only banknotes and credit cards - photos, icons, checks, leaflets are inappropriate there.
  • Wear a talisman for good luck- a banknote with cherished numerical combinations or numbers similar to the date of birth. It is inviolable and should be with you at all times. She's hard to find. This is a personal talisman, it cannot be given away. But she must be found on her own. Trying to purchase or exchange it is prohibited!

How should banknotes be stored in a wallet?

Place banknotes with the front side so that the large ones are closest to the body, and the eye falls on the front side. There should not be an odd number of banknotes in packs - they will quarrel and leave. Let each have a pair.
Do not hold the denomination “50” for a long time: “Five tens is a disadvantage”!

Where to store change?

For little things in wallets, purses, there are always separate pockets:

  • A change is always worth keeping in a special department.
  • Do not carry it in your pockets, when you receive it, immediately hide it in your wallet.
  • Don't leave your wallet empty. May the happy banknote always be with you!
  • A thin or torn wallet attracts bad luck. If the item is damaged, replace it.
  • Do not store funds in a found wallet. If you find a wallet with money, spend it quickly and forget it.
  • There should be no garbage inside - tickets, checks, candy wrappers, flyers, etc.

Signs that protect against poverty

It is forbidden:

  • Throw away trash after sunset.
  • Whistle in the house.
  • Keys, empty containers to keep on the table.
  • Wash the floor in the evening.
  • Long stand on the doorstep.
  • Pay the debt after 18.00.
  • To lend on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, in the evening and on the waning moon.
  • Take money directly into your hands. They carry negative energy.
  • Take in the evening. If it turned out that it should be given during this period, put it on the table, but do not give it to your hands.

Feng Shui Rules:

"Fat woman" or money tree able to attract finance. Place it in the south corner of the room. Hide large banknotes under the pot.

Put a Chinese three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth towards the side of the room, you can hang 3 or 7 coins on a scarlet ribbon.

Shake bedding for 9 days - this helps to increase deposits.

Financial issues will help resolve the turtle - a talisman of well-being. Place it in the northern part of the room.

  • Got profit - carry it home. Never spend right away. If you want to go shopping, take funds from home. Let the new money stay with the rest for at least one night in a place of permanent storage.
  • Keep a broom in the dwelling in the singular.
  • Count money three times a day.
  • Choose a solid wallet so that wealth grows.
  • Carry large banknotes in your wallet to attract wealth.
  • When you see a young month, show him large bills.
  • Don't be stingy with tips, they'll be back soon.

Advice! Joyfully receive money, and spend without regrets.

Money should not be given excessive importance, it is just a way to fulfill desires.

A wallet is not only a place to store money, but also luck. Make sure that it is worthy, and luck will undoubtedly smile at you!

The financial situation of a person reflects his energy state. Roughly speaking, money is the energy manifested in the material world. You can increase cash flow, for example, by choosing the right wallet, as well as using some other practices.

What to do with an old wallet

If an old purse attracted money

If there was money in the old wallet, but over time it just lost its decent appearance, you can leave it for good luck. Put a bill there, wrap it in natural fabric, and hide it away from prying eyes. Exactly one month later, replace the bill with a larger one.

If the old purse was empty

If the money bypassed the old wallet, it is better to get rid of it altogether, for example, burn it. In this case, you can read the plot:

“Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be - will triple, what was not - will appear. So be it. Amen".

How to choose a wallet to attract money

The wallet you like should be equipped with several compartments, each of which is intended for banknotes of the corresponding denomination. It is generally accepted that banknotes with the same number of zeros should be stored in one compartment, for example, 1000, 2000, 5000 or 100, 200, 500, etc. The change is stored separately.

A new wallet must be bought within the first three days after the new moon. Banknotes should fit into it entirely, without bending, so it is better to opt for a classic wallet, not a purse. The maximum size of Russian banknotes is 157x69 mm, respectively, the internal dimensions of the new wallet should be slightly larger.

The material of the product must be natural - leather, suede, in extreme cases, fabric. It should be understood that a wallet in which money must be kept, by definition, cannot be cheap. Remember - money loves the thrifty, but not the greedy. Therefore, it is better to still opt for a product made of genuine leather.

If there is no financial opportunity to buy it right away, it is advisable to postpone the purchase until the beginning of the next lunar month, and during this time to collect the required amount. Among other things, during this period you will form the intention to receive a “money” wallet, which in the future will help charge it for the desired result.

Wallet color

There are two systems for choosing the color of a wallet - depending on the owner's zodiac sign, or according to Feng Shui.

In the first case, you can focus on the following options:

  • aries - burgundy, all shades of red;
  • calf - green, yellow;
  • twins - gray, orange, blue, purple;
  • cancer - silver, lilac;
  • lion - purple, gold;
  • Virgo - white, pale blue, green;
  • scales - pastel shades of blue, pink, green; for men - the same colors, but darker shades;
  • scorpion - golden, orange, red tones;
  • Sagittarius - purple, blue, green;
  • capricorn - black, brown, dark blue, dark green;
  • aquarius - rich blue, turquoise or purple;
  • fish - white, silver, metallic, blue.

In the practice of feng shui, it is believed that money is associated with the energies of the earth and metal. Therefore, you should choose a new wallet, focusing on the colors of these elements:

  • the black;
  • Brown;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • White;
  • silver;
  • gold.

Combinations of several colors will also be a good choice - for example, green leather and golden accessories.

Bay leaf to attract money

Laurel is considered a noble plant that increases wealth. From a bay leaf, you can make a talisman for a new wallet that will attract cash flows.

Choose a large, even piece of paper with no spots, nicks, or cracks. Hold it between your palms, focusing on the thoughts of money that will appear in your wallet with the help of a new talisman. Then put a few drops of bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, or any other essential oil that enhances the energy of money on the leaf.

Wrap the bay leaf in a piece of green, yellow or orange natural cloth. You can opt for cotton, but the best choice would be natural silk. Put the finished talisman in the secret pocket of your new wallet, while saying:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

"Penny" in the wallet

Within three days after the new moon, from the first amount of money you receive after buying a new wallet, take one coin of any denomination. Wipe it well to wash away other people's energy. Hold the coin in your fist, focusing on the thought that from now on it is a money talisman that attracts financial flows into your life.

Then put the coin in the secret pocket of the new wallet. As soon as you notice the crescent of the young moon in the sky, immediately open your wallet so that the money “sees” the moonlight. Do not show or tell anyone about your talisman.

You can also purchase a Feng Shui money talisman, which is three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon. The ritual is carried out the same - purification, concentration, consecration by moonlight.

Other signs about the wallet

The most important aspect is the storage of banknotes in the wallet. Money loves order - everyone has heard this phrase. As mentioned above, it is advisable to store banknotes of different denominations in separate pockets. In this case, all banknotes should be folded in one direction, with the front side facing you. Never store banknotes upside down in your wallet.

You should not keep photographs, notes, checks and other things that are not related to money in your wallet. Regarding bank cards, opinions differ - some esotericists believe that they have no place in the wallet, since there should be nothing but money there. On the other hand, cards are also a kind of money "storage", so it is quite acceptable to keep them in your wallet.

Is it possible to give a wallet

Yes, but subject to certain conditions. Be sure to put a banknote there. The person who received such a gift must exchange this money, spend part of it on relatives, friends or charity, and leave one coin as a talisman in a new wallet.

Set aside money not for a "rainy day", but for a "bright" one. Try to restructure your thinking, expecting gifts from life, not trips. The surrounding world is just a reflection of the inner state of a person. A positive attitude over time will definitely have a positive effect on your financial well-being, and a well-chosen wallet will help with this.

All money should have its own house, everyone knows this. The names of the house are different: wallet, wallet, purse, shoveler, etc. But like any other, this house should be comfortable for its residents, and then the "residents" will be grateful to their owner. That is why it is so important to choose the right wallet.

When choosing a wallet, do not buy the first model you like, look at other options - hold them in your hands, feel their warmth (this is only possible for natural materials). Try to take this wallet in your hands and imagine that every moment it becomes heavier and heavier, as if filling with money. If you can do it easily, then this wallet is yours, it will support you both in wealth and in poverty. If you couldn’t feel the heaviness at all, it’s better to move on to another wallet.

The wallet may not be super expensive, but worthy. It must have separate compartments for small and large bills. If you spend a decent amount on a decent wallet, you can be sure that the money spent will not only return to you soon, but will also increase.

It is necessary to make it a rule to put your precious wallet in order every day - to lay out the bills at face value, talking affectionately with them. It is better to lay out banknotes man to man, house to house. You can give money a “massage” by smoothing it and unbending the tucked corners.

If you have chosen and bought the right wallet, then charge it and make it attract cash flows of energy. To do this, put a fiat coin in it.

How to identify and buy the right wallet

On the one hand, a purse or wallet is just a bag for money, but on the other hand, before buying something, we always turn to it. Therefore, it becomes, as it were, the center of all our monetary affairs.

What needs to be done and what wallet to buy so that you and its inhabitants like it? How to identify and buy the right wallet, because money should never be crumpled or carried in a pocket without a wallet or purse.

To begin with, the wallet should be quite expensive, because there is such a Law of the Universe - like attracts like, and money will never go into a cheap wallet.

It is believed that the more beautiful the wallet is decorated, the richer it looks, the more money will want to live in these apartments. Therefore, it must be made from expensive natural materials. But do not worry, the money spent will soon and more than return to you.

If you bought a wallet as a gift for your loved ones, then you need to give it with some coin or banknote inside. During promotion days, our Exotic Leather store gives all buyers of our wallets a one-dollar bill inside.

It is believed that a wallet or purse should be bought in the morning of Thursday with a growing moon, but without bargaining and even with a small overpayment. Astrologers also recommend buying a new wallet during the passage of the Moon in the sign of Taurus. On our website you can find an article dedicated to the aspects of choosing the right wallet according to Feng Shui and other rules of practical magic. Many of their postulates provide interesting answers and useful advice, indicating the importance of the right approach to choosing a wallet or purse from the point of view that they should attract new money to your wallet.

How to order a genuine leather wallet

Have you decided to order a wallet or purse? The Internet opens up a wide range of choices for you. And now you, for sure, want to buy not just a simple wallet, but a wallet that attracts not only envious glances, but also money.

There is no point in ordering cheap leatherette wallets on the Internet, since you will quickly buy one at the collapse closest to you. Genuine leather wallets are presented on the Internet in such quantities that the eyes just run up. So what kind and how to order a wallet so that it will serve faithfully for a long time?

1. Respectable and prestigious

A cheap wallet can never attract money, as it carries the energy of poverty in itself. If you don’t have enough money for a normal, expensive wallet, stop in your choice, it’s better to save up some money and order a really worthy copy.

You can order a purse with an average price, but it is necessary that it be respectable, and by its very appearance inspire respect, including for the owner.

2. Spacious and comfortable

It will be easier for money to live in a spacious and free wallet. Absolutely all bills should fit in it without folds. Money should not be cramped in their "house" and they should accept new "guests" without hesitation. Coins should be in a separate pocket.

3. From natural, preferably exotic leather

If you choose leather for your wallet, then the energy of money will easily reach them, and if it is any synthetic material, it will not allow your money to be fed by natural cash flows coming from the Cosmos to the center of the earth. At worst, choose a fabric wallet, not leatherette.

The ideal option would be to order a wallet made of genuine crocodile or stingray leather. You can choose a purse made of python or anaconda snake skin. Any kind of exotic leather will give your wallet not only a nobility of appearance, but also an additional surge of energy fields.

4. Golden or red color

With colors, things are rather ambiguous - we are usually advised to avoid blue-blues and blacks, as these colors draw money. But black is the color of most classic wallets.

Some theories tell us that green is auspicious in abundance, and a green purse will bring us good luck and prosperity, as it is the color of the dollar. Others unequivocally advise against buying green wallets and purses. But most experts agree that gold (and all shades of yellow) or red would be the ideal color for wallets. Also available in silver or brown.

Have you ever wondered how to store your money in a wallet? Many people think: there is money, and the rest is not important!

However, it turned out that there are 5 wonderful, tried and tested ways by which you can significantly increase your wealth. It really works!

1. Don't spend money as soon as you get it.

No need to rush to spend on the same day that you were given wages. Let the bills "sleep" in your wallet.

If this cannot be avoided, then it is better to use a bank card.

2. Follow this rule

Place the bills in such a way that they line up in descending order, and also so that the bills are facing you.

Do not wrinkle bills, and do not allow disorder.

3. Count bills

When you leave the house, count your money and try not to forget the amount that is now with you.

4. Of course, you know about the “lucky dollar”, but a Russian banknote can also replace it.

Here's the secret: you need to get a bill in which the last two digits of its number match the numbers at the end of the year in which you were born. Find a match of three numbers - that's good! And more - just wonderful!

However, it is quite difficult to get such a bill. The talisman is obliged to find you. It is not necessary to deliberately review all the money at the cash desk (in the case when you are a trade worker) in search of such a bill, and you should not take it from friends and acquaintances.

If the desired banknote still ends up in your wallet, never exchange it and do not give it to anyone.

5. Clean up

Remove unnecessary things, papers, checks from your wallet. The wallet has the only task - to protect your cards and banknotes.

No need to keep photos of relatives in your wallet. They interrupt the flow of money energy.

And, of course, if you treat money with respect, they will be grateful to you!

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