
Aizhk what documents are needed for mortgage restructuring. Peculiarities of the AIZHK restructuring procedure. Information about the agency and its subsidiaries

Mortgage loans, as one of the few affordable ways to get your own living space, are a fairly popular banking service. Long-term lending allows you not to postpone the purchase of a house or apartment, but has a certain financial risk. To eliminate bad debts and solve issues of foreign currency mortgages that arose due to the sharp fluctuations in the US dollar, a program of state assistance to certain categories of citizens, implemented by AHML, was launched at the state level.

The essence of the program and the latest news

The purpose of the bill is to restructure a “problem” mortgage loan, the maintenance of which becomes an unbearable obligation for an individual. The borrower can make changes to a previously signed agreement or conclude a new one, as a result, the rate is reduced, the loan currency is changed to rubles, and exemption from paying fines.

The current state program for 2020 is an extension of the previous Decree of the Government and the State Duma of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 No. 373. The updated conditions for co-financing are regulated by the law of August 11, 2017 No. 961, which entered into force on August 22, 2017. The main changes affected the amount of money that can be written off at the expense of the state.

Important! If the borrower has previously submitted an application for debt restructuring, before the last provision of the legislation came into force, but it was not adopted, the individual has the right to re-submit the papers for consideration.

In 2017, the state aid project provided for compensation in the amount of 20 percent of the actual amount of debt, but not more than 600 thousand rubles. After the entry into force of the latest amendments, the conditions have changed:

  • A fixed interest rate is set, not exceeding the value on the date of execution of the restructuring papers.
  • The amount of the actual debt is reduced by 1.5 million, but according to the conditions, the debt can be repaid at the expense of the state by a maximum of 30 percent.
  • The obligation to pay forfeits, penalties or other fines accrued during the validity of the mortgage agreement is removed. There are no refunds of amounts already paid.
  • The rate for foreign currency loans is set at a value of up to 11.5% per annum, for ruble loans - less than the rate applied at the time of signing the restructuring documents.

If initially borrowed funds were received in foreign currency, it will be changed to rubles at a rate not exceeding the current one. When signing a loan restructuring agreement, a banking institution does not have the right to demand payment of additional fees for the activities carried out and reduce the payment period.

Today, assistance in the event of financial problems with the repayment of mortgage debt is provided by the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending JSC. The same organization will compensate for the losses incurred by credit institutions, when closing part of the debt.

Important! An approved application for participation in the state assistance program does not give the right to pay insurance premiums from the allocated funds (including title and personal insurance).

Conditions for participation in the state program and requirements

The state support program is not available to all citizens, but only to those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. All categories are indicated in the Decree of 08/11/2017. However, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, the conditions may be revised, but within a clearly defined framework.

Important! In accordance with paragraph 7 of Resolution No. 961, by decision of the interdepartmental commission, the amount to be reimbursed can be revised and increased at the request of the creditor bank, but not more than twice. Also, this governing body is able to approve an application from an individual if he does not meet one or two points of the requirements.

In order to become a participant in the program, you must simultaneously meet all the conditions and requirements specified in the law. Their general list looks like this:

  1. requirements for borrowers;
  2. requirements for the mortgage object;
  3. criteria of the loan agreement;
  4. conditions of the financial condition of the borrower;
  5. requirements for own property.

The conditions for obtaining restructuring are prescribed in clause 8 of Resolution No. 961. Moreover, it was established that the borrower must meet all the criteria, with the exception of the permitted deviation of 2 points, which will be analyzed by the interdepartmental commission.

Who can apply for government support?

The following categories of the population can take advantage of financial support for mortgages from AHML:

  • Parents or legal guardians with children under the age of majority.
  • Persons with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities.
  • Citizens who took part in hostilities.
  • Persons under the care of dependents under the age of 24 (students, students, graduate students, interns, interns, etc.) who are studying full-time.
  • At the same time, there are a number of conditions for the financial condition of the client:
  • Reduce your monthly income by at least 30%.
  • The total average monthly earnings of the borrower and other members of his family for at least 3 months should not exceed the subsistence minimum in double the amount for each person (repayment of monthly mortgage payments is taken into account).

mortgage agreement requirements

Not every "problem" loan can be restructured. On this account, the state has introduced special requirements and conditions:

  1. Increase your monthly payment by 30% or more. The comparison is the first installment and the last one, which was paid before the application was submitted.
  2. The creditor bank must be a participant in the assistance program.
  3. The original mortgage loan must be at least one year old at the time of application for assistance. Exceptions are cases when a loan was taken to repay a housing loan received more than 12 months before the date of drawing up the restructuring document.
  4. Providing the bank with an application and a full package of documents.

Paying attention to paragraph 1, we can conclude that for the most part the restructuring program is aimed at foreign currency mortgages. It is under such contracts that it is quite expected that the payment has increased by a third or more, since the US dollar, in the period from 2014 to 2020, has almost doubled in price. The same follows from the procedure for restructuring, where among the simultaneous changes in the loan agreement, “change of currency into rubles” is indicated. However, this condition is not directly spelled out, that is, if the mortgage is in rubles (including refinancing of a foreign currency mortgage in rubles), it makes sense to apply.

In other cases, as a rule, mortgage agreements imply a fixed or decreasing payment and a single interest for the entire repayment term, which does not meet the requirements. The installment amount is subject to change due to debt restructuring without adjusting the term, variable rate or other factors.

Important! The total amount of credit debt, including delinquency, and previous participation in the restructuring of the contract do not matter. The client interacts with AHML through an intermediary acting as an agent bank, to which the initial application is submitted.

What kind of mortgage can be restructured?

Russian legislation has established certain criteria that must be met by property purchased with credit funds. These include the following:

  • This living space must be the only one owned by an individual and all members of his family (it is assumed that the borrower and another person from his family have a total share of less than 50% in other real estate).
  • The purchased object must necessarily be located in one of the settlements of the Russian Federation and be mortgage collateral.
  • The program extends its effect to all types of housing, including those acquired under a share agreement.
  • Criteria for the real estate object itself: one-room apartment in an apartment building - up to 45 sq. m., in the presence of two living rooms - up to 65 sq. m., if the room has three rooms or more - up to 85 sq. m.
  • Price for 1 sq. m. of the secured object should not exceed the average cost of a similar apartment or house in the primary or secondary residential real estate market by more than 60% (data from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and information from the regional market are used for calculations). The above restrictions do not apply to large families (three or more children).

How to restructure debt: procedure

The whole procedure associated with changes in conditions is carried out in several stages. The first involves a personal visit to the financial institution and the preparation of an official application. The borrower must contact the branch of the bank where the original loan agreement was concluded. According to the sample provided by the manager, you need to write a statement about the need for debt restructuring.

You can pre-compile it at home. All necessary documentation is attached to it. After that, the borrower, together with a bank employee, discusses new lending conditions.

Important! The restructuring of an existing mortgage loan is carried out according to a decision made by the creditor bank, to which the application was submitted by the client.

All papers are carefully studied, and it is also checked whether all requirements and restrictions on the assistance program are met. After a certain time, the borrower will notify the credit committee of the decision. It should be noted that banks have the authority to independently set the minimum and maximum terms for consideration of the application and the issuance of the final verdict. As a rule, this should take about 30 days, but judging by the reviews, we can talk about longer periods, since the banking institution and AHML often require additional documents. At the final third stage, a new contract is concluded, already with different conditions, or an additional agreement is drawn up to the previous one.

When these three stages are completed, the borrower needs to apply to the Ministry of Justice with the old mortgage and a ready-made package of papers in order to register the changes to the pledge agreement.

What documents are needed for registration

To consider an application for revising the terms of the contract, mortgage lenders need to prepare and attach a package of documentation in advance (it can be found on the official AHML website), consisting of the following:

  • Identity cards of all participants in the transaction and family members (passports) and their copies.
  • Documents confirming that the borrower falls into one of the preferential categories of individuals applying for financing (birth certificates of children, certificate of a participant in hostilities, certificate of the VTEK / medical and social examination (copy), etc.).
  • Documents confirming the amount of earnings of all participants in the transaction for at least the last 3 months (photocopies of the work book, certificates of the amount of earnings according to the 2-NDFL model or other official documents). Unemployed citizens also attach a labor certificate, a certificate on the amount and nature of the accrued benefits, information on the state of the account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • An extract obtained from the state register, which confirms the status of the pledge. Applications indicating the available real estate owned by the borrower and his family or its absence (the application form can be downloaded).
  • Mortgage papers and all documents related to the pledge (purchase and sale agreement and its copy, conclusion of property valuation, mortgage payment schedule, cadastral and technical passport).
  • Agreement of equity participation in construction and its copies (if any).

Also, the borrower will be required to fill out an application form and agree to the processing of personal information. The forms of these securities depend on the particular bank.

In addition to the above documents, each financial institution or AHML itself may require additional paperwork, depending on the situation, that will help make the right decision on the loan restructuring application.

List of Russian banks participating in the program

Papers for the use of assistance under the state special program are accepted by most of the main banking institutions in Russia: Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit Bank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank, Binbank, Absolute Bank, Avtogradbank, AK Bars, Akibank, Globex Bank, Far East Bank, Zapsibkombank, Zenit Bank, Izhkomban, Krayinvestbank, Kurskprombank, LOKO- Bank, Metcombank, MTS-Bank, OTP-Bank, Primsotsbank, RosEvroBank, Svyaz-Bank, Sobinbank, Center-Invest Bank, etc. Total, according to the AHML website

Assistance from the state is mainly aimed at supporting the most needy citizens of the Russian Federation, for whom the financial burden becomes unbearable. This is indicated by the conditions for reducing earnings and increasing the monthly payment - such a situation can lead to the fact that family income will be enough only for the loan installment. True, the interdepartmental commission considers applications from all persons who partially do not meet the requirements of the project, which implies not only strict adherence to the provisions of the decree, but also an analysis of situations in private. At the same time, banks participating in the program also receive compensation.

In 2020, this is not the only form of state support for various categories of citizens. You will find an overview of all assistance projects and financing of home loans.

Mortgages have become a great alternative to rented housing, shared rooms and hostels, especially for young families. But due to the peculiarity of a mortgage loan, namely long-term financial obligations, not every family can cope with the constant load and steadily pay off the debt to the creditor bank. In order to avoid a decrease in the interest of citizens in mortgage lending and an increase in the volume of overdue debts, the state has developed a mortgage restructuring program for citizens with a difficult financial situation.

Restructuring a mortgage loan is the introduction of amendments to the loan agreement in the event of a deterioration in the financial condition of the borrower. It is made to create more comfortable conditions for repaying a loan by reducing the amount of the monthly mortgage payment or providing other benefits.

Any borrower who finds himself in a difficult situation can write an application for restructuring, but not everyone is given approval due to certain conditions of the program. A positive or negative answer is given to the borrower after assessing his financial condition, as well as analyzing the borrower's compliance with a certain category of citizens suitable for participation in the preferential program.

Restructuring implies several options for helping the borrower. The most popular option is to write off part of the debt. At the same time, the subsidy has a target character: it is transferred to the account of the creditor bank (it is not issued for personal use to the borrower).

The essence of the procedure is that the borrower is written off a certain percentage of the mortgage debt, depending on the severity of the financial situation. Lost interest income of the bank, that is, its actually incurred losses, are compensated by the state.

Restructuring does not release the borrower from fulfilling obligations to the bank, but only alleviates the situation by lowering the interest rate and reducing the balance of debt obligations.

The main principles of restructuring include:

  1. Recurrence. The granted loan must be returned to the creditor bank in full.
  2. Payment. The borrower needs to pay the full monthly payments with accrued interest.
  3. Urgency. Changes in the loan agreement are temporary. As a rule, the loan balance is reduced at a time.

If you are the owner of maternity capital, know that it can be used to pay off a mortgage. How to do this, will tell.

Restructuring is not the only way out of a difficult situation, when an unbearable interest rate becomes a heavy burden on the borrower. To reduce the interest rate, mortgage refinancing can be undertaken in another bank on more favorable terms.

Mortgage restructuring with the help of AHML

On April 20, 2015, the Decree on Mortgage Restructuring No. 373, signed by D.A. Medvedev, which sets out the conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. The subject of the implementation of this state project is JSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (AHML).

Initially, the project had time constraints, namely, it was planned to be implemented until the end of 2016. Then, the Resolution was periodically amended, and the project was extended until March 2017. After that, it was suspended due to the expenditure of funds allocated for the program.

In July 2017, the state allocated an additional 2 billion rubles for the resumption of the program. On August 11, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 961 was issued, which stipulates new conditions for participation in the program of assistance to citizens burdened with a mortgage loan.

The main essence of the program is to provide the borrower with the opportunity to choose the option of state assistance to facilitate the payment of mortgage loan obligations.

According to the law, the borrower has the right to independently choose the type of state benefit (subsidy), which is the most beneficial for his situation.

Problem mortgage restructuring options:

  1. Postponement of the main payment. For a certain time, the borrower will pay only accrued interest, and will begin to repay the principal debt when the financial situation is established.
  2. Changes to the monthly payment schedule. The state subsidy repays part of the principal debt of the borrower (from 20% to 30% of the debt, but not more than 1,500,000 rubles). When recalculated, the amount of monthly payments on the loan is reduced.
  3. Foreign currency mortgage is changed to ruble by converting the main foreign currency debt into ruble equivalent.

In 2020, with the help of AHML, it is planned to restructure mortgages for at least 1,300 applications.

Conditions for participation in the state restructuring program

To be eligible for state support, the borrower must fall under the list of requirements of this program:

  1. Have Russian citizenship.
  2. The total income of the borrower (his family) should not exceed an amount equal to two living wages after paying the monthly mortgage payment. The living wage is fixed and depends on the region where the citizen lives.
  3. The amount of the monthly mortgage payment has increased by at least 30% compared to the planned payment.

Since August 22, 2017, there have been changes in the terms of mortgage restructuring. The requirements for the size of the area of ​​mortgaged housing began to have the following restrictions:

  • For a one-room apartment: the area should be no more than 45 square meters. m.;
  • For a two-room apartment: no more than 65 sq. m.;
  • For a three-room apartment and more: no more than 85 sq. m.

A prerequisite is that the housing must not be considered high-end or expensive, otherwise the restructuring will be denied.

The borrower has the right to apply for restructuring if a full 12 months have passed since the date of conclusion of the mortgage agreement. Housing purchased with a mortgage must be the only one of the borrower.

When Can You Get Help Paying Off Your Mortgage?

The state mortgage restructuring program for borrowers who have problems with paying debts provides assistance only to those citizens who have been affected by unforeseen financial difficulties.

Factors that cause a decrease in financial wealth:

  1. Reduction, dismissal, loss of work for other reasons.
  2. Decrease in wages or systematic delays in its payment.
  3. Severe illness of the borrower or a member of his family.
  4. Force majeure circumstances (fire, robbery, fraud).

The fundamental difference of the extended restructuring program was the introduction of an interdepartmental state commission, which will consider disputable and non-standard situations of borrowers on an individual basis.

Who can count on help?

According to "Resolution No. 961", certain categories of citizens can count on state support, namely:

  1. Citizens with one or more minor children (including guardians, trustees and adoptive parents of children under 18 years of age);
  2. Citizens participating in hostilities;
  3. Citizens with disabilities, as well as families with a disabled child;
  4. Citizens who are dependent on children who are full-time (day-time) students who do not have income (under 24 years old).

Citizens who do not fall into these categories, but are experiencing financial difficulties and are no longer able to pay their debt to the bank, can call the AHML program hotline, talking about their problem. Such cases will be considered by the interdepartmental commission.

What documents are needed for mortgage restructuring and where to apply?

To receive assistance from the state, the borrower should contact his bank with a package of necessary documentation and an application. Upon approval of the application by the bank, an additional agreement to the loan agreement is concluded with the borrower.

List of documents required to apply:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. mortgage agreement;
  3. Agreement to the loan agreement;
  4. Certificate of the balance of the principal debt;
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the property;
  6. Original work book (especially important if the result of a decrease in income is dismissal);
  7. Medical evidence of the borrower's illness (if the reason for the decrease in income was a health problem);
  8. Documents confirming the total income of the borrower and co-borrowers;
  9. Child's birth certificate.

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Despite the large-scale work, the opening of offices and representative offices in different regions of the country, there is a huge mass of negative feedback from the clients of this agency on the Internet. Negative information is not verified and reliable. Moreover, when other users try to find out at least some additional subject information from complaining clients, there is a complete disregard on the part of the latter. There are no documentary facts confirming the reliability of all the negative cases described.

Information about the agency and its subsidiaries

The first state registration of AHML was carried out in 1997. Legal organizational form - open joint stock company.

Type of professional activity - intermediary services, consulting and financial support for individuals and credit institutions, investment and stimulation of the process of development of the housing construction market. 100% of the shares belong to the Russian Federation.

Such participation of the state is a guarantee of security for all potential borrowers who, after the conclusion of mortgage agreements, strictly adhere to all their conditions.

During its work, AHML OJSC simplified the procedure for obtaining a mortgage, popularized this method of solving the housing problem as much as possible. Currently, a housing rental project has been launched, large residential complexes are being built. Numerous construction sites are also being developed, which are placed at the disposal of respectable developers.

A lot has been done and no negative feedback from borrowers who do not want to conscientiously fulfill their duties will be able to cross out all this amount of work done.

Feedback on special programs (social and military)

Reading reviews on mortgages through AHML, you involuntarily note that the most negative comes from borrowers who use special programs for socially unprotected segments of the population. This is a social and military mortgage "AHML" in the first place. According to them, there is the greatest hype in the field of negative reviews.

Most of the information contains references to delays in the receipt of transfers to bank accounts. In this case, penalties begin to apply to the borrower, he is forced to spend more financial resources on servicing his credit debt. It is not possible to identify the guilty person in these situations.

But let's get back to the programs developed by the agency to make mortgages available to the majority of potential borrowers. Special programs include:

  • a standard type of conclusion of an agreement for the acquisition of ownership of an apartment in a new building, on the secondary market, a cottage or its construction;
  • variable rate - the program provides for the mortgage rate to follow the refinancing rate, which is regularly reviewed and set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • use of the mother's certificate as a first installment and for partial early repayment of the total amount of debt;
  • military mortgage is intended for military personnel and the state guarantees them a loan of up to 2,000,000 rubles;
  • social mortgages are special conditions for young families with two or more children and do not have large incomes - they are offered a reduced down payment and a reduced interest rate.

Latest news about AHML: rate cuts

Looking through the latest and current news about the activities of AHML, you can see that the organization is actively working, pulling out of the depressed state of the housing construction market in our country. Therefore, it is worth being more loyal to various kinds of negative information.

AHML regularly lowers rates for servicing mortgage loans. Basically, this work is carried out after the reduction of the refinancing rate by the Central Bank of the country. And some reviews about mortgages in AHML take this into account - people note that it becomes possible to reduce their financial burden by restructuring the balance of the debt.

Restructuring programs

With a mortgage issued by AHML, there is an opportunity to take advantage of the mortgage loan restructuring program - in 2018 and 2018, a huge number of banks participate in this.

Financial lending institutions that have received support from the state are ready, in turn, to offer borrowers even more favorable lending conditions. Therefore, it is worth contacting the AHML office with an application for restructuring an existing loan.

An agency specialist will help you choose a suitable current program, consult on all issues of reissuing contracts and prepare the necessary package of documents.

According to the programs of restructuring and refinancing mortgages in AHML, the reviews on the Internet are extremely positive. This is due to the fact that borrowers have not yet had time to accumulate overdue debt.

And it is also worth understanding that, in principle, only those customers who faithfully fulfill their obligations to a banking institution can use the terms of the mortgage restructuring program.

Principles of operation of AHML

It is important to understand the basic principles of this organization. The fact is that AHML is not a financial or credit institution that issues money to the population for the purchase of housing. This is fundamentally a misconception.

In fact, a housing mortgage lending agency is an intermediary that provides a more comfortable work for banks and borrowers.

Thus, it becomes clear that all negative reviews about the work of AHML have absolutely no legal justification.

The client concludes a loan agreement for mortgage financing with the legal support of the agency's employees with credit financial institutions (banks). Therefore, all the difficulties associated with late payments, overdue mortgage dates and other negative nuances arise between the borrower and banks.

AHML has no right to exempt the borrower from the need to make payments. Also, the agency's competence does not include debt collection and representation of the interests of financial organizations in courts. Therefore, all these litigations described by clients are negative reviews towards banks, and not AHML

Mortgage bank Dom.RF - reviews, programs and conditions

Additionally, you need to study the conditions, current offers, requirements, loan parameters and compare them with competitor programs.

And most importantly, you need to remember that there are no ideal loans, and therefore the benefit received depends solely on the insight of customers who decide to figure everything out in a timely manner.

Aizhk in house.rf

AHML and Dom.RF are one organization. And the existence of two different names at once is explained by the rebranding carried out.

Given the above, it is easy to conclude that the main purpose of this company is to support state housing programs and help borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation.

But now the list of tasks has expanded significantly, so anyone can get money for an apartment (subject to the requirements). To make sure of what has been said, it is enough to study the current credit line.

Conditions for mortgage lending at Dom.RF Bank

The basic conditions for issuing money to the population in this credit company do not differ from what competitors offer.

It is assumed that the mortgage rate in Dom.RF in 2019 is affected by:

  • reliability and age of the borrower;
  • income level;
  • the commercial value of the property;
  • registration of insurance;
  • cooperation with lender partners.

But a similar approach is used by other organizations, so nothing unusual is offered to visitors. And the main criterion for future settlers is the rate and availability of financial assistance.

Available mortgage programs

At the moment, visitors are offered 10 different programs:

  • New building;
  • House;
  • Family;
  • Finished housing;
  • On-lending;
  • Urban Group;
  • Military;
  • On the security of an apartment;
  • SU-155;
  • Light;
  • Car place.

See below for more details on each offer.

New building

"New building" allows you to buy an apartment or apartments in the primary market.

At the same time, the conditions for the mortgage of Aizhk in dom.rf are as follows:

  • the rate depends on the entry fee;
  • the minimum amount is 10.3% (for parents with many children and residents of the Far East - 10.25);
  • entry fee - from 15%;
  • amount - up to 30 million;
  • term - up to 30 years.

Additional benefits are provided for payroll clients. The loan does not provide for any other features.


Buying a finished residential building on the secondary market implies that:

  • the initial payment will be 40%;
  • overpayment - from 12.5 percent per annum;
  • amount - up to 30 million;
  • repayment period - up to 30 years.

It should be added that it is allowed to buy an empty land plot for the subsequent construction of a house. The main thing is that the acquired land is located in a residential area, and the borrower fulfills his own obligations and is engaged in the construction of a dwelling.


The state-supported lending program is provided to families raising two or more children.

If the rules specified by the state are followed:

  • the mortgage rate in Dom.RF will be only 6 percent (reduction of overpayment is valid for the entire period of lending);
  • the maximum loan amount is also reduced to 12,000,000;
  • the minimum contribution remains at the usual level - from 20;
  • time period remained unchanged.

An additional nuance that needs to be taken into account is the fact that one of the parents is required to have Russian citizenship.

Finished housing

The main feature of this proposal is due to the fact that the newcomer will have to choose an apartment or apartments in the secondary market.

That is, a prerequisite for receiving money will be an appraisal examination, so that the lender is convinced that the property meets the basic parameters.

Otherwise, the visitor is offered conditions that completely repeat those provided for new buildings.

From the foregoing, it follows that there are no differences between finished and under construction housing for a credit institution. Only the type of property matters. You can verify this by calling the hotline.

Urban Group

The offer is intended for the clients of the mentioned construction company and covers objects in 6 districts of the Moscow region. A complete list of houses is listed on the website. Additionally, you need to know that:

  • the rate will be from 10.5 percent;
  • the loan amount is limited to 85% of the value of the home;
  • term - standard;
  • There is no initial payment.

The main purpose of the proposed option is to reduce the burden on Urban Group equity holders and increase the affordability of housing for the population.


From the name it is obvious that lending is designed for the military participating in the NIS. To calculate a mortgage, they are advised to submit an application and wait for a response from a credit institution, but first they should calculate that:

  • overpayment will be 10.3%;
  • advance payment - from 20%;
  • the amount depends on the amount of money the NIS participant has, but the minimum threshold is limited to 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 2509211;
  • payment time cannot be less than 3 years, the deadline depends on the information specified in the NIS certificate.

secured loan

The main difference between this option and similar loans in other organizations is that here the money received can only be spent on the purchase of housing. In this case, the mortgage will already be the property owned by the borrower. Other banks usually do not limit the ability of clients to use borrowed funds.

Additionally, you need to know that:

  • you will have to overpay from 11%;
  • the amount of borrowing is limited to 60% of the value of the collateral (but not more than 30 million).


In this case, loans are provided for the purchase of a dwelling in an apartment building built by SU-155. But you will have to buy housing from a bank, not a developer. This fact should be taken into account when applying.

You also need to remember that:

  • initially you have to pay from 15%;
  • rate - from 10.3.

The rest of the parameters are the same as above. For more information, it is recommended to read the reviews or call 88007758686.


The main distinguishing feature of the following proposal is accessibility. It is enough for borrowers to provide a passport, a second identity document and papers for the property being purchased.

You will not need to provide information about work and income. But in return, the credit institution requires a noticeably increased entry fee and slightly raises the rate.

To understand whether the specified offer is profitable, it is recommended to use a mortgage calculator.

Parking place

Money is allocated to buy a place for the car.

Purchase allowed:

  • a separate parking space in an apartment building;
  • own garage;
  • places in a multifunctional complex.

The maximum cost of a garage is limited to 3.5 million rubles. Interest is set at 11.5. Other parameters are standard: 30 years for repayment and a contribution of 15%.

Requirements for the borrower

The requirements for visitors are extremely simple, so most of those who wish will be able to receive money:

  • the minimum age is 21 years;
  • the maximum age is up to 65 years by the time the debt is completely closed (the presumptive early repayment of the mortgage is not taken into account in this case);
  • work experience at the last workplace - from 3 years;
  • full completion of the probationary period, if such is provided;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - the time of break-even business over 2 years.

There are no strict requirements for income received, but the bank must take into account this nuance when calculating a loan and making a decision on its issuance.

List of required documents for obtaining a mortgage

There are no surprises in the list of documents that need to be prepared for filing an application.

Full package contains:

  • passport;
  • information about work (certified work book or contract);
  • salary information (it is allowed to use a certificate in the form of a bank);
  • real estate documents, including an examination and a certificate confirming the seller's ownership of the housing.

Additionally, you will need to fill out an application form. If desired, other papers confirming solvency can be added to the collected package.

The main stages of obtaining a mortgage loan in Dom.RF

To receive money you will need:

  • submit an online application on the site;
  • wait for pre-approval;
  • visit the nearest bank branch with a package of documents (you won’t have to go to Russian Capital Bank, since AHML has its own offices);
  • the next step will be the purchase of real estate;
  • after which it remains to arrange insurance and transfer the deposit.
  • Important: It is not possible to refuse insurance against the risk of accidental loss of collateral, since insurance is mandatory by law.

    Available ways to get a mortgage

    In addition to the aforementioned filing of an online application, customers are able to visit the bank branch in person or order a call from a specialist. In the latter case, the consultant will contact the client at a convenient time for the future borrower and discuss the details of a possible loan agreement (other partners will not be able to discuss services at Russian Capital (bank) and mortgages).

    To the above, it is necessary to add that those wishing to use maternity capital must declare this in advance.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage from Dom.RF

    When considering the main positive and negative aspects of lending, the main attention is drawn to the possibility of reducing the overpayment with partial early repayment. If you immediately pay a tenth of the debt, the overpayment will immediately decrease by 3% (alternative options are possible at the choice of the debtor).

    There are no obvious weaknesses in the described proposals.

    Conditions for restructuring / on-lending

    Those wishing to apply for refinancing should reconsider the proposal for Urban Group equity holders. It is fully consistent with the standard rules for on-lending.

    Separate restructuring programs have not been developed, each situation is considered separately, therefore, to obtain accurate information, you should contact bank employees.

    Mortgage calculator Dom.RF

    To better understand the information provided and find out the exact numbers in advance, you should use the mortgage calculator from Dom.RF.

    The calculator allows you to:

    • find out the total amount of the overpayment;
    • determine the amount of monthly payments;
    • find out the total debt.

    Feedback on mortgage restructuring in 2017

    If you took out a mortgage from a bank, regularly repaid the loan, but cannot continue to repay it, the state can help you within one year. For these purposes, funds are allocated from the federal budget. Not everyone can get into the program, namely:

    • combat veterans;
    • parents of children with disabilities or adults with disabilities;
    • families with children/child under 18;
    • families with dependents under the age of 24 studying full-time in an educational institution.

    By submitting an application to AHML and receiving a positive response, you renew your mortgage at the bank on new terms. The monthly payment is reduced by about half for a period of up to a maximum of one year. The bank's expenses will be covered by AHML: in particular, the agency repays 10% of your debt. A grace period may also be granted to repay the debt.

    The assistance program itself is good, and there are real responses on the Internet from citizens who helped AHML. But on the official website of the Agency of Russian Banks arb.ru Reviews about the restructuring of a mortgage loan are very often negative.

    The main claim of the borrowers is that AHML simply does not provide assistance to clients, despite the fact that they are under the program. So, a user named Julia briefly but succinctly described her life situation. Review published October 27:

    A single mother pays 18,400 rubles for housing and is unable to support a child

    They think for a long time, then they find errors in the documents, and then they themselves “stupid”

    Complainants did not ignore the negligent work of AHML employees who accept documents but do not agree to provide assistance, as the papers turn out to be incorrectly executed. And then the drag begins with the rewriting of documents, the exchange of pleasantries and unsuccessful attempts to reach out to the bureaucrats.

    For example, this is evidenced by the review of the user Alexander, published on November 12, 2017:

    Mortgage restructuring cannot proceed due to negligent attitude to work

    Due to the long wait for a decision, you may well fly like plywood over Paris

    But the most unpleasant side of the mortgage restructuring is that the program has a variable effect: for some time it works, then it ends, after which it is launched again, having received funds from the budget.

    There is a high risk of running into the end of the program: let's say you have already filed an application, started preparing the relevant documents (and they cost money, for example, you will have to pay about 1.

    800 rubles), and then it turns out that the program is no longer valid and you have wasted your time, money, and nerves.

    Due to a year and two months of chaos, the girl flew by with the restructuring program


    Thus, the restructuring of mortgages in 2017 (according to forum visitors) shows that it is quite difficult to get help from the state to facilitate mortgages, even for those who are entitled to it.

    If you still decide to use the mortgage restructuring program, be patient and be prepared for the fact that your documents will be considered for months, and because of the wait, you may well “fly”.

    How to restructure a mortgage in AHML and what conditions to expect?

    Read on the topic: How to make an application in the Banki.ru loan selection wizard?

    Today, the Unified Institute based on AHML, which regulates the development of the housing segment, offers a state program of assistance to individuals who have taken on mortgage obligations in any bank. We are talking about borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. To date, thousands of borrowers have already received mortgage restructuring under the program provided by AHML. In August 2017, the state allocated 2 billion rubles for the further development of the program. Under the AHML program, restructuring of mortgage loans has become more accessible.

    Conditions in AHML

    The AHML restructuring program imposes certain requirements on the mortgage object, borrowers and co-borrowers, on the basis of which the commission issues a positive or negative verdict. Through the assistance program from AHML, mortgage loan restructuring is possible for apartments with the following parameters:

    • one-room apartments, in which the total living area does not exceed 45 m2;
    • two-room apartments with a living area not exceeding 65 m2;
    • with three or more rooms, in which no more than 85m2 is provided for housing.

    The borrower has the right to restructure mortgage housing only if the mortgagor has the only one. A combination of equity participation (in the amount of ½) of the borrower and his family members for one more residential building is allowed. To confirm this fact, the borrower is not required to provide information from the USRR to AHML. This information is requested by the agency independently.

    An applicant can apply for the restructuring of a mortgage loan only after at least a year has passed from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The exception is when the mortgage loan is intended for the full repayment of the previous mortgage debt, that is, for refinancing.

    Requirements for the applicant and his financial situation

    An applicant for assistance on a mortgage loan from AHML and his co-borrowers must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Individuals who fit into the following categories may apply for the program:

    • the presence of their minor children adopted or guardianship of minor children;
    • persons with disabilities or persons caring for children with disabilities;
    • combatants;
    • persons who have dependent students, apprentices, trainees, interns, whose age is up to 24 years.

    Checks have begun on changes in the financial situation of persons who have applied for assistance under the AHML program. In this regard, the financial condition of the applicant for participation in the program must meet the following criteria:

    The average total income of all family members, taken into account 3 months before applying for restructuring, minus the monthly mortgage debt and divided by the number of family members, is a figure that does not exceed two living wages in this region.

    The planned monthly payment on a mortgage loan at the time of application, in comparison with the payments established at the date of conclusion of the loan agreement, increased by 30% or more.

    How long is the application considered in AHML

    The term for considering an application for restructuring does not have clear restrictions, since it depends on many factors, including the bank that issued the loan.

    In each financial institution, these deadlines are set in accordance with internal rules and organization. The application is considered for more than one day, how many days the commission considers a particular loan, it is impossible to say unequivocally.

    How many months it took for consideration, you can ask your friends who restructured their mortgages under this program.

    We will select for you personal offers for refinancing a mortgage or several loans! Send an application to all banks You can find out the decision on the application by phone, during a personal visit to a financial institution, by e-mail, from a letter written on paper. Having received a positive response, the client goes to the bank to sign the contract and receive a new monthly payment schedule.

    Documents required

    To apply, a list of documents for restructuring a mortgage loan is provided.

    What is included in the full package of documents:

    • A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a residence permit and all personal data (for the applicant, his co-borrowers, all family members).
    • Copies of other identification documents.
    • Filing an application for debt restructuring, including a mortgage loan in the form of a bank.
    • Documents confirming that the borrower/co-borrower has a job, the solvency of the applicant and his guarantors:
      • certificate 2-NDFL for the last quarter;
      • a copy of the work book;
      • certificate of the state of the personal account of the insured subject (SNILS);
      • employment contract certified by the employer.
    • List of documents confirming the social status of the client:

      • certificate of disability (certificate of VTEK);
      • certificate from the Employment Center on the amount of benefits;
      • birth certificates of children;
      • copies of documents of dependent persons;
      • combat veteran's certificates.
    • A copy of the mortgage agreement with the payment schedule.

      Application (a sample is on the official website of AHML). Filling out the form will take a minimum of time.

      Document on the rights to housing, which is not a mortgage product.

    For restructuring, the creditor has the right to demand other documents from the applicant. How to write an application to AHML? This information can be found on the official website of the agency, there is a sample.

    How to apply for a mortgage restructuring in AHML

    If you find yourself in a difficult financial situation and you are interested in a federal loan restructuring program, contact your lender with an application and a package of documents. Many citizens of Russia managed to achieve under the relief program and get the opportunity to make monthly payments without harming the family budget.

    Combine all loans into one! Reduce overpayment and monthly payment!

    The restructuring program is implemented according to the following rules:

    • If the client of the creditor bank issued a loan in foreign currency, it is converted into Russian rubles at a rate that cannot exceed the rate set by the Bank of Russia.
    • The interest rate should not be higher than that established at the time of signing the restructuring agreement (for ruble loans).
    • For loans issued in foreign currency, this rate should not exceed 11.5%, which applies to the entire loan period.
    • If the mortgage is with state support, the loan balance is reduced by 30%, but the amount of the reduction should not exceed 1.5 million rubles.
    • Still unpaid penalty is subject to write-off. The exception is those unpaid forfeits, the decision on which was made in court proceedings.

    When restructuring under the state program, the lender cannot charge a commission from the borrower for processing this assistance. He has no right to shorten the term of the loan.

    What to do if restructuring is denied

    Agency employees do not always approve of state assistance to citizens in mortgage restructuring, and often they refuse. There may be several reasons for this.

    Refusal to restructure the AHML mortgage can be initiated by the bank, because its relationship with the borrower is considered a priority, which is confirmed by the loan agreement. In his contract, the borrower will definitely find a clause that says that restructuring is possible only with the consent of both parties. Neither the borrower nor the lender can participate in the AHML program under duress.

    Another reason for the refusal is the unwillingness of AHML to allocate money for restructuring under a specific agreement. Perhaps the applicant or his financial conditions do not meet the criteria established by the program, and the commission made a decision not in favor of the borrower.

    What to do if refused, maybe go to court? Under no circumstances should you do this! The actions of the bank and the agency will be recognized as legitimate, and you will only waste your money on legal costs. Try to find another way to solve the issue.


    If you are going to apply to AHML for restructuring a mortgage loan, dial the hotline and specify all the features of the program. The main nuances are given in this list:

    • AHML cooperates with banks and can approve your application only after the lender agrees to on-lending. Most often, the program is approved by persons belonging to the socially protected category of citizens of the Russian Federation.
    • Restructuring from AHML provides for a flexible bonus system.
    • Both the borrower and the financial institution, participating in this program, increase the chances of successful loan repayment.
    • It is impossible to predict the interest rate for lending in advance, since in each case it is calculated individually. For some, the proposed conditions will not be as favorable as it seemed at first glance.
    • A small commission is imposed on monthly payments to AHML.

    The hotline will answer the potential applicant and other questions.

    Reviews and personal experience of customers

    AHML mortgage restructuring is perceived differently by different people. When the program first appeared, it was still imperfect, and the harsh conditions of restructuring scared away many borrowers. Today, the program is presented in an improved form, which has increased its effectiveness and viability.

    The debt obligation is restructured - feedback from people who took part in the state assistance program:

    Vasily, 37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod.“I was in the front ranks of those who received assistance under the program. I got involved in a mortgage when everything was fine, but six months later I became seriously ill. I had to leave a highly paid position.

    Maybe I would not have agreed to these conditions, but I did not see another way out. I was lucky, I won a few months, during which I regained my health and returned to my previous job.

    My debt to the bank has decreased significantly, and today I can say with confidence that my loan is coming to an end.”

    Natalia, 51 years old, Irkutsk.“A week ago, I submitted documents for assistance in paying off a mortgage from the state. I'm looking forward to the committee's decision.

    My neighbors received approval from AHML a few months ago, and now they feel much better financially.

    I really hope that this program will help our large family, because I heard a lot of positive feedback about it.”

    Igor, 47 years old, Kaliningrad.“Twins were born in the son’s family, they decided to jointly raise a mortgage, but did not calculate their strength. I was laid off, and my son's salary was not enough to pay off the loan.

    The presence of two minor children was the basis for filing an application with AHML. We didn't have high hopes, but the application was considered positively for us. In such conditions, it became much easier to pay.

    Thanks to the state for this program!”

    You can also leave your feedback below in the comments or ask a question.

    Aizhk restructuring | mortgage and loan restructuring

    For a huge number of Russians, obtaining a mortgage is the only way to acquire their own separate housing. However, in a constantly changing economic situation, tough sanctions, solid monthly payments may at some point become an unbearable burden for the family budget.

    The AHJK state restructuring program, for the implementation of which impressive funds are regularly allocated, will help to effectively solve a serious life problem. The amount of the last target tranche, for example, amounted to 2 billion rubles received through the issuance of highly liquid securities.

    Thus, this product is the most rational of the existing ways to resolve a crisis situation, which suits both the borrower and the lender to the maximum.

    It should be remembered that this financial instrument does not release the borrower from fulfilling obligations to repay the debt to the creditor stipulated by the agreement. The AHML restructuring in 2018 only optimizes the debt burden.

    Using the program, the payer gets the opportunity to stabilize their own budget, survive difficult times without losing their purchased housing.

    Mortgage restructuring is a set of measures designed specifically for this.

     Extension of the term of payments determined by the current loan agreement. Such debt restructuring reduces the cost of monthly mortgage servicing. A common debt optimization option. Minus one - in the end, the bank will have to pay more percent.
     Credit holidays.

    Usually they last up to six months, however, a longer freezing of part of the payments is possible. It involves the establishment of a moratorium on the payment of interest. Holidays are much less common on principal debt.
     Optimization of payments under the AHML program by reducing the interest on a mortgage loan.

    It is used when a decrease in the base refinancing rate by the state regulator occurs after the conclusion of a mortgage agreement, provided that the creditor organization maintains a stable financial position.
     Temporary revision of the payment schedule for a period of up to 18 months.

    The lender reduces the amount of the mandatory payment for a period agreed by the parties by a certain amount, up to 50%.
     Changing the currency of the loan agreement. Allows you to get rid of the problems caused by the high volatility of foreign currencies caused by economic crises, the sanctions regime.

     Exemption from payment by the borrower of penalties for servicing a mortgage loan that arose as a result of a violation of the payment schedule.

     Reimbursement by the agency to the creditor under the state program of part of the debt of the borrower (up to 30%). Usually, the maximum amount of compensation is 150,000 rubles, but in exceptional cases it can be increased to 300,000 rubles. Such applications are considered by a special interdepartmental commission.

    Assistance to the holder of a mortgage under the state program involves compensating the lender for financial losses associated with concessions made to a client experiencing material problems. Funds for the state structure acting as an intermediary are allocated by the Federal budget.

    The restructuring program is an effective mechanism that allows the borrower to maintain a presentable credit history, despite force majeure circumstances. After the completion of mortgage refinancing, the cost of its maintenance will not exceed the interest rate of the Central Bank.

    The deal is no less profitable for the bank, which continues to receive regular payments from the borrower for obligations, and not replenishing the portfolio of problem assets. It should be noted that the procedure is absolutely free for participants.

    All costs associated with its implementation are borne by the state represented by the authorized agency.

    If necessary, debt restructuring is performed several times in succession. The possibility of its repetition is not affected by the presence of delays in mandatory payments, if they are caused by objective circumstances. It all depends on the desire of the lender to again meet the needs of the client, once again renegotiating the contract.

    Mortgage restructuring in 2019 with the help of AHML and the state

    Mortgages have become a great alternative to rented housing, shared rooms and hostels, especially for young families.

    But due to the peculiarity of a mortgage loan, namely long-term financial obligations, not every family can cope with the constant load and steadily pay off the debt to the creditor bank.

    In order to avoid a decrease in the interest of citizens in mortgage lending and an increase in the volume of overdue debts, the state has developed a mortgage restructuring program for citizens with a difficult financial situation.

    What is restructuring?

    Restructuring a mortgage loan is the introduction of amendments to the loan agreement in the event of a deterioration in the financial condition of the borrower. It is made to create more comfortable conditions for repaying a loan by reducing the amount of the monthly mortgage payment or providing other benefits.

    Any borrower who finds himself in a difficult situation can write an application for restructuring, but not everyone is given approval due to certain conditions of the program. A positive or negative answer is given to the borrower after assessing his financial condition, as well as analyzing the borrower's compliance with a certain category of citizens suitable for participation in the preferential program.

    Restructuring implies several options for helping the borrower. The most popular option is to write off part of the debt. At the same time, the subsidy has a target character: it is transferred to the account of the creditor bank (it is not issued for personal use to the borrower).

    The essence of the procedure is that the borrower is written off a certain percentage of the mortgage debt, depending on the severity of the financial situation. Lost interest income of the bank, that is, its actually incurred losses, are compensated by the state.

    Restructuring does not release the borrower from fulfilling obligations to the bank, but only alleviates the situation by lowering the interest rate and reducing the balance of debt obligations.

    The main principles of restructuring include:

  • Recurrence. The granted loan must be returned to the creditor bank in full.
  • Payment. The borrower needs to pay the full monthly payments with accrued interest.
  • Urgency. Changes in the loan agreement are temporary. As a rule, the loan balance is reduced at a time.
  • If you are the owner of maternity capital, know that it can be used to pay off a mortgage. How to do this, our article will tell.

    Restructuring is not the only way out of a difficult situation, when an unbearable interest rate becomes a heavy burden on the borrower.

    To reduce the interest rate, mortgage refinancing can be undertaken in another bank on more favorable terms.

    Mortgage restructuring with the help of AHML

    On April 20, 2015, the Decree on Mortgage Restructuring No. 373, signed by D.A. Medvedev, which sets out the conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. The subject of the implementation of this state project is JSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (AHML).

    Initially, the project had time constraints, namely, it was planned to be implemented until the end of 2016. Then, the Resolution was periodically amended, and the project was extended until March 2017. After that, it was suspended due to the expenditure of funds allocated for the program.

    In July 2017, the state allocated an additional 2 billion rubles for the resumption of the program. On August 11, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 961 was issued, which stipulates new conditions for participation in the program of assistance to citizens burdened with a mortgage loan.

    The main essence of the program is to provide the borrower with the opportunity to choose the option of state assistance to facilitate the payment of mortgage loan obligations.

    • According to the law, the borrower has the right to independently choose the type of state benefit (subsidy), which is the most beneficial for his situation.
    • Problem mortgage restructuring options:
  • Postponement of the main payment. For a certain time, the borrower will pay only accrued interest, and will begin to repay the principal debt when the financial situation is established.
  • Changes to the monthly payment schedule. The state subsidy repays part of the principal debt of the borrower (from 20% to 30% of the debt, but not more than 1,500,000 rubles). When recalculated, the amount of monthly payments on the loan is reduced.
  • Foreign currency mortgage is changed to ruble by converting the main foreign currency debt into ruble equivalent.
  • In 2019, with the help of AHML, it is planned to restructure mortgages for at least 1,300 applications.

    Conditions for participation in the state restructuring program

    To be eligible for state support, the borrower must fall under the list of requirements of this program:

  • Have Russian citizenship.
  • The total income of the borrower (his family) should not exceed an amount equal to two living wages after paying the monthly mortgage payment. The living wage is fixed and depends on the region where the citizen lives.
  • The amount of the monthly mortgage payment has increased by at least 30% compared to the planned payment.
  • Since August 22, 2017, there have been changes in the terms of mortgage restructuring. The requirements for the area of ​​mortgaged housing in 2019 began to have the following restrictions:

    • For a one-room apartment: the area should be no more than 45 square meters. m.;
    • For a two-room apartment: no more than 65 sq. m.;
    • For a three-room apartment and more: no more than 85 sq. m.

    A prerequisite is that the housing must not be considered high-end or expensive, otherwise the restructuring will be denied.

    The borrower has the right to apply for restructuring if a full 12 months have passed since the date of conclusion of the mortgage agreement. Housing purchased with a mortgage must be the only one of the borrower.

    When Can You Get Help Paying Off Your Mortgage?

    The state mortgage restructuring program for borrowers who have problems with paying debts provides assistance only to those citizens who have been affected by unforeseen financial difficulties.

    Factors that cause a decrease in financial wealth:

  • Reduction, dismissal, loss of work for other reasons.
  • Decrease in wages or systematic delays in its payment.
  • Severe illness of the borrower or a member of his family.
  • Force majeure circumstances (fire, robbery, fraud).
  • The fundamental difference of the extended restructuring program was the introduction of an interdepartmental state commission, which will consider disputable and non-standard situations of borrowers on an individual basis.

    Who can count on help?

    According to "Resolution No. 961", certain categories of citizens can count on state support, namely:

  • Citizens with one or more minor children (including guardians, trustees and adoptive parents of children under 18 years of age);
  • Citizens participating in hostilities;
  • Citizens with disabilities, as well as families with a disabled child;
  • Citizens who are dependent on children who are full-time (day-time) students who do not have income (under 24 years old).
  • Citizens who do not fall into these categories, but are experiencing financial difficulties and are no longer able to pay their debt to the bank, can call the AHML program hotline, talking about their problem. Such cases will be considered by the interdepartmental commission.

    What documents are needed for mortgage restructuring and where to apply?

    To receive assistance from the state, the borrower should contact his bank with a package of necessary documentation and an application. Upon approval of the application by the bank, an additional agreement to the loan agreement is concluded with the borrower.

    List of documents required to apply:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • Agreement to the loan agreement;
  • Certificate of the balance of the principal debt;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the property;
  • Original work book (especially important if the result of a decrease in income is dismissal);
  • Medical evidence of the borrower's illness (if the reason for the decrease in income was a health problem);
  • Documents confirming the total income of the borrower and co-borrowers;
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • You may also be interested in:

    According to the results of the first half of 2019, the mortgage lending market in Russia decreased by 3.5% in monetary terms and by 13.5% in quantitative terms. The relevant information was published by the Central Bank. At the same time, the total debt of the population as of July 1 exceeded 7 trillion rubles, having increased by 20% over the year. In part, this situation is related to the tightening of the monetary policy of the regulator. Given these indicators, it is not surprising that borrowers are interested in mortgage restructuring with the help of the state in 2020. We'll talk more about this below.

    What is restructuring

    This term means a change in the terms of cooperation between the participants in the loan agreement. This is done to reduce the debt burden on the borrower and is achieved by reducing the size of the mandatory payment or interest rate with an increase in repayment periods, as well as credit holidays.

    Mortgage restructuring 2019 is beneficial for both the bank and the borrower. A financial institution receives a solvent client, a refund and interest income, a person receives more loyal conditions and a clean credit history.

    Since 2015, the state has also been included in this procedure. The Government has established the Agency for Mortgage and Housing Lending (AHML), which provides restructuring for certain categories of the population. Turning to this structure, the application is submitted by the bank. From a person it is only required to collect all the documents.

    Who can take part

    AHML can count on help:

    • Parents (guardians) of persons under 18 years of age.
    • Disabled people, as well as parents of children with a degree of disability.
    • Participants in the fighting.
    • After making the payment, the balance of funds must be less than two living wages per person.
    • Lack of other housing. But the participation of one family man in another object is allowed in a share not exceeding 50%.
    • The area of ​​a 1-room apartment is no more than 45 sq.m, a two- and three-room apartment is 65 m² and 85 m², respectively. Note that this restriction does not apply to large families.

    The cost of one m² should not exceed the market average for the selected region by more than 60%.
    In addition, starting in 2017, families with children over 18 years of age can count on assistance, provided that they study at a university on a full-time basis.

    Required documents

    As mentioned earlier, the bank submits an application to AHML for mortgage restructuring in 2019. It is filled in by the client directly at the branch. Also, the borrower must take care of collecting a package of documents, which consists of the following list:

    1. Original passport.
    2. Credit agreement.
    3. Debt repayment schedule.
    4. Extract from the state register for the collateral value.
    5. Three months income statement.
    6. Certificate from the state register on the rights of an individual.

    If during the validity of the mortgage a person lost his job, he needs to prepare a work book with a seal and a document from Rostrud with the amount of the benefit received.

    This is a general list of documents. In some cases, the bank is authorized to request additional information. The standard processing time for documents is 10 days.

    Features of restructuring in 2020

    The amendment, which was adopted by the government, concerns the duration of the loan agreement. So, until 2016, persons who purchased their housing at least one year ago could count on mortgage restructuring in 2019. The latest revision removes this limitation.

    Step-by-step instruction

    An approximate algorithm of human actions is as follows:

    Contacting the bank. The borrower must explain to the manager the current situation and the circumstances under which it is not possible to service the debt under current conditions. After that, the employee will issue a statement. It must be filled in as accurately as possible.

    Preparation of documents
    . Along with the application, the client will receive a list of documents. It is determined on an individual basis, taking into account the initial situation. The final decision will be made by the bank after verification of the submitted documents.

    Signing a restructuring agreement. After the application is approved, the financial institution will provide a new schedule for making payments, taking into account the new terms of cooperation. The parties sign a new contract. If the procedure is carried out with the help of AHML, all costs are paid by the state.

    In the future, the person must make payments on time, according to the new contract. It should be noted that in the event of new financial problems, the bank is more likely to refuse from repeated restructuring. However, state support can be used several times. Also, the bank has the right to completely refuse to change the terms of the loan agreement. In this case, you can clarify the reason for such a decision and re-apply or refinance the loan.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Thinking about changing the terms of cooperation with the bank, it is worth understanding that restructuring does not eliminate the obligation to repay the loan, but only slightly modifies it. And before you go to the branch, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this service.


    • Reduced monthly payments and interest rates.
    • Maintaining a positive credit history.
    • In some cases, only restructuring allows you to retain ownership of real estate.


    Among the disadvantages of this procedure, it is worth noting a longer repayment period. On the one hand, this allows you to reduce the financial burden, but increases the overpayment for interest on the loan. It is also worth noting that banks do not always agree to change conditions.


    Mortgages are a significant financial burden, and not always borrowers manage to safely go through the entire period. If financial problems arise, it is better not to delay the consequences, waiting until it comes to delays in payments, but immediately contact the bank or AHML if the debtor falls into one of the preferential categories. In any case, restructuring should be seen as a forced measure, and not a way to benefit from a financial institution.

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    Financial assistance in the restructuring of a mortgage loan is one of the forms of state support for certain categories of low-income citizens of the Russian Federation and their families. The organization that decides on the allocation of financial assistance and controls the procedure for its use is DOM.RF Joint Stock Company (until 03/02/2020 - AHML JSC).

    JSC "DOM.RF" is a state-owned company formed at the expense of the federal budget (about 4.5 billion rubles) and empowered to distribute the allocated money for the needs of low-income citizens - borrowers on mortgage loans. Undistributed funds of JSC "DOM.RF" can be invested through stock exchanges. Income from successful investments is used to increase the amount of government subsidies.

    At the beginning of 2020, AHML JSC provided assistance to almost 19 thousand families.

    Financial support is provided within the framework of the program approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 No. 373 “On the Basic Conditions for the Implementation of Assistance on Mortgage Loans” (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Conditions). In August 2017, important changes were made to this regulatory document regarding the conditions and scope of the state's restructuring of mortgage debts.

    General provisions of the state mortgage restructuring program for 2020

    The mortgage restructuring program at AHML JSC, which was in effect in 2016–2017 and extended by the Government of the Russian Federation for 2020 as part of the DOM.RF project, is as follows:

    • the state, through its structure JSC DOM.RF, provides borrowers under housing loan agreements with financial assistance, paying up to 30% of the loan balance (but not more than 1.5 million rubles);
    • such assistance is provided to disabled people, war veterans, families with minor children, as well as children under 24 who are studying full-time in universities of the Russian Federation;
    • only those borrowers who have paid the mortgage on their own and in good faith for more than 12 months can count on restructuring;
    • the financial difficulties of the borrower are of a temporary nature and are associated with the occurrence of justified life difficulties;
    • only loans in rubles are subject to restructuring (currency loans must be converted into the domestic currency).

    At the same time, the debtor under the mortgage loan is not relieved of the obligation to monthly repay interest for the use of credit funds, as well as to pay the remaining part of the principal debt. In fact, for the payer, the amount of the monthly bank payment is reduced by the amount of the principal debt paid by the state.

    Here is an approximate calculation of the subsidy. If you took out a mortgage in February 2017 for 10 years in the amount of 2.5 million rubles. and as of February 2018 paid 500 thousand rubles, then you can claim the repayment by the state of the principal amount of the loan for 600 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the amount of debt is reduced to 1.4 million rubles, and the monthly payment is reduced by an average of 7 thousand rubles. If before the restructuring you had to pay about 25 thousand rubles. per month, then after making changes to the payment schedule - about 18 thousand rubles. per month.

    Borrowers exercise their right to restructuring by submitting an application to the bank that issued the loan and is the mortgagee under the mortgage. Together with the application, a package of supporting documents is submitted.

    The bank is obliged to send an application for mortgage restructuring to AHML JSC (as of 2018 - DOM.RF JSC) within 10 working days, attaching its own application with the calculation of the amount of losses caused to the bank in connection with the participation of the borrower in such a government program.

    Mortgages can only be restructured through banks and mortgage agents that are program partners. The list of all partners is published on the official website of DOM.RF.

    If the bank sold your loan to a financial institution that is not a partner of the program, then you lose the right to financial support from the state. That is why it is important to include in the loan agreement a clause stating that the bank is prohibited from transferring the right of claim under the loan agreement to third parties without the written consent of the borrower.

    The borrower himself does not contact JSC "DOM.RF" to receive assistance under the state program, does not submit any applications, supporting documents and reports to this organization.

    Who is eligible for mortgage restructuring

    We note right away that getting a restructuring is quite difficult. It is even more difficult to get it in the maximum amount - 30% of the principal amount.

    30% - the maximum amount is provided only to those borrowers who are really in a difficult financial situation and cannot bear the burden of paying the mortgage on their own. Most often, the state repays about 10% of debts, reducing the debtor's monthly payment by 2-3 thousand rubles.

    However, in emergency cases JSC "DOM.RF" can assume the repayment of up to 60% of the principal debt. Exceeding the 30% limit is possible only by decision of the interdepartmental commission headed by the leadership of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The commission also includes representatives of the Central Bank, the State Duma, the Council of Federations, the Ministry of Finance, etc. By decision of this commission, financial support for mortgage lending can be provided to persons who do not meet the criteria of the program (in more than 2 parameters) and need large volumes financing. But this procedure is applicable only in exceptional cases.

    Who can receive a cash subsidy from JSC "DOM.RF" in the usual way.

    Subsidized Borrowers

    Some categories of single citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as families with minor children, have the right to take advantage of the restructuring.

    As part of the program, assistance is provided to single citizens - war veterans, as well as the disabled. The corresponding status of the borrower is confirmed by a certificate.

    If the family has a disabled person or a veteran, but the mortgage is issued not for him, but for another family member, then such a loan is not subject to restructuring.

    The second large category is families with minor children. The subsidy is provided regardless of the number of children (one, two or more), citizens who are guardians (custodians) of minor children and / or children with disabilities are also entitled to restructuring.

    The number of children and their status at the time of applying for restructuring is taken into account, and not at the time of obtaining a mortgage loan. In addition, the children must live with their parents, guardians, trustees (be dependent on them).

    Families in which children have reached the age of majority, but continue to study full-time at a university, graduate school, residency, adjuncture, internship and at the same time do not have official earnings, live with their parents (are dependent on them), also have the right to ask for restructuring.

    When determining whether the debtor is eligible for mortgage debt restructuring, AHML also takes into account the total income of the borrower's family (according to the results of the last three months before applying) and the amount of the monthly loan payment:

    • the balance of the family's funds after the current payment on the loan should not be more than two living wages for each family member established in the region where the mortgage is issued (for example, for Moscow it is 15,397 x 2 = 30,794 rubles per person, and for a family of three person - 92,382 rubles);
    • the mortgage payment is planned to increase by more than 30% (this does not take into account the increase in the amount of credit debt associated with the borrower's violation of payment discipline).

    All of the above circumstances must be in effect at the time of applying to the bank for restructuring.

    What housing is subsidized under the program

    In addition to restrictions on participation in the program according to requirements for borrowers, there are also restrictions on the characteristics of the housing for which a mortgage loan is issued. A loan issued for expensive or excess housing is not restructured. That is, if a family with minor children bought a luxurious mansion and then found itself in a difficult financial situation, then the state does not subsidize such a purchase.

    Norm of living space for participation in the program:

    • one-room apartment - no more than 45 sq. m.;
    • two-room apartment - 65 sq. m.;
    • three-room and more - up to 85 sq. m.

    The subsidy is only given if the mortgage being restructured contains the borrower's only home. It is assumed that the debtor himself or his family members own no more than 50% (in aggregate) in the ownership of another residential property, registered before 04/30/2015, in this case, AHML may satisfy the application for restructuring.

    Who is not eligible for the subsidy

    Banks rarely help borrowers who violate payment discipline on credit obligations to obtain state assistance. In addition, those debtors who provide false information or deliberately worsen the living conditions of their families in order to receive financial support from the budget are at risk.

    If the fact of forgery is established, in order to obtain funds to pay off the mortgage from the budget, the applicant may be held criminally liable.

    How to apply for a mortgage restructuring

    In accordance with the Basic Terms of the Program, partner banks are required to inform debtors about the terms of mortgage restructuring at the expense of budgetary funds. A borrower who believes he is eligible for government support turns to his lender for clarification and advice.

    If the bank establishes that the debtor actually complies with the Basic Conditions of the program, then the borrower and the lender jointly form a package of documents for a housing subsidy. The following documents are required from the debtor:

    • application for granting restructuring;
    • copies of passports of all family members (if there is no passport, then a birth certificate is provided) and SNILS;
    • a copy of the decision of the authorized body on guardianship or guardianship (if minors are under guardianship or guardianship of the borrower);
    • a copy of the document on marital status (certificate of marriage or divorce);
    • copies of certificates confirming disability or status of a combat veteran;
    • a certificate from an educational institution stating that a borrower's family member is in training, in graduate school, internship, etc.;
    • a copy of the work book or a certificate of the state. IP registration;
    • certificate of income of the debtor and members of his family (in the form of 2-NDFL);
    • tax returns for individual entrepreneurs;
    • for those who receive a pension, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, for the unemployed - a certificate of benefits from the employment service;
    • a statement by the borrower that he or his family members have real estate other than the one that is in the mortgage on this loan.

    The creditor bank prepares:

    • a copy of the loan agreement, taking into account all changes as of the date of application;
    • mortgage agreement and mortgage (if these documents were drawn up);
    • loan payment schedule;
    • a copy of the contract for the sale of housing and an extract from the Unified State. register of real estate on the registration of the borrower's ownership of the subject of mortgage.

    The package of documents is accompanied by the conclusion of the lender on the possibility of the borrower's participation in the state program for the restructuring of mortgage debt. The conclusion indicates the amount of the subsidy, which the debtor can count on.

    Having received the documents, AHML JSC independently checks all the information received from the lender, including by sending requests to federal services. If the information is confirmed and it is considered sufficient to make a decision on restructuring, then AHML JSC notifies the creditor of this. After that, the bank has the right to decide on the restructuring of the borrower's debt.

    Having made such a decision, the bank concludes an additional agreement with the debtor, which indicates the fact of repayment of a certain amount of debt under the state program, and also changes the loan repayment schedule.

    Within a month, AHML JSC reimburses the bank for the amount of money debited by the latter under the restructured loan.

    In the event that it is subsequently established that the bank violated the terms of the restructuring (a subsidy was provided to a person who did not have the right to do so), AHML JSC may require the bank to reimburse the funds spent on that operation, paying 0.5% for each day of illegal use of public money.

    In the presence of all documents and subject to their competent execution, the restructuring of the mortgage debt can be carried out within one month from the date of application by the borrower.

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