
How to lay out a brick porch. How to build a brick porch. Types of stair structures

The most practical option for building a porch is to make brick steps with your own hands. To complete this task, you need to make the necessary calculations, purchase material and understand the principle of masonry.

How to make a calculation of the number of feet and materials

The peculiarity of any brick structures is that when performing calculations, they rely on standard brick sizes.

But in practice, these building stones have different dimensions. This small, at first glance, error with an increase in the rows of masonry can become very significant. Therefore, when performing calculations, it is recommended to take into account the width of the seam, which averages 0.5-0.7 cm.

The number of steps of the staircase of the entrance group depends on the following factors:

  • relief of the territory;
  • the desired height of the porch from the ground level;
  • preferred angle of inclination of the flight of stairs.

Each stage consists of two main elements:

  • approach (horizontal part of the structure);
  • risers (vertical).

The optimal indicators of these elements are as follows:

  • riser height 15-21 cm;
  • approach width 80-90 cm;
  • approach depth 27-32 cm;
  • the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs is 25-27 °.

When performing calculations, it is important to take into account that the height of the porch to the new building should be several centimeters below the base of the doorway.

This is due to the fact that the new building will certainly shrink in the near future. After that, the level of the entrance door will correspond to the height of the upper step.

In order to make brick steps with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • solid red brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • mesh for screening sand;
  • plasticizer for cement-sand mortar (you can use inexpensive washing powder);
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • shovel;
  • Master OK;
  • plumb;
  • building bubble level;
  • gravel or crushed stone;
  • cord and pegs for marking.

Stages of building brick steps

Foundation. Ideally, when building the foundation for the house, a foundation was also provided for the porch. In this case, the foundations of both structures will be monolithic, which will ensure the maximum possible resistance of the entrance group to seasonal soil movements. This approach to building a house is especially important for areas with loose moving soil and a high level of groundwater.

If the foundation for a brick porch needs to be made to an existing house, proceed as follows:

  1. Determined with the configuration of the structure and its dimensions, markup.
  2. They dig a pit, the bottom of which should be at the level of the sole of the foundation of the house.
  3. The bottom and walls of the pit are leveled, a layer of sand (5-7 cm) and a layer of crushed stone (10-15 cm) are poured.
  4. The filling is compacted with a piece of timber or a vibrating plate.
  5. Two webs of mesh from reinforcement are welded with a cell, the dimensions of which are not more than 15x15 cm.
  6. The lower mesh is laid on gravel, the upper mesh is set at a height of 5-7 cm below the porch sole with the help of supporting bars.
  7. The pit is poured with concrete and its top layer is leveled.

Brick stairs. In order to facilitate the task, the dimensions of the future porch are marked on the wall of the house with chalk.

Roofing felt sheets are laid on a concrete base or waterproofing is performed in another way (using bitumen or special mastics).

On a concrete base, markup is performed and the location of the first (lower) step is determined. After that, you should lay out the initial row with a width of 1 brick. As a binder, a cement-sand mortar is used, prepared in a ratio of 1: 3, where 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand.

This video shows the process of laying a brick porch:

Starting from the first row of bricks, continue laying, moving towards the house. The base, located under the top platform of the porch, can be folded from blocks. This will save time and materials. In this case, only steps are laid out directly from the brick. During the execution of work, the compliance of the structure with the horizontal and vertical is regularly checked. For this purpose, use the building level.

The life of steps made of red brick is short, 2-3 years. This is the most optimistic forecast.

To be convinced of this, you need to walk through the streets of your city and see what the collapsed porches are made of.

Especially a lot of them appear in early spring, when the frosts have already passed, and the heat needed for repairs has not yet arrived.

The main reason is the freezing of water in the pores of the red brick.

How does water get under the tile and soak the brick?

  1. The first reason is filling the joints between ceramic tiles with cheap grout that is not intended for outdoor use.
  2. Absence at the base of the porch.
  3. The laying of ceramic tiles on the steps and the platform is made without a slope. This leads to the formation of puddles on the steps after rain or snow melt. Snow that melts during the day turns into ice at night. Water, as you know, expands when it freezes.
  4. Installation on steps for tiles.
  5. Lack of a canopy over the porch.

In addition, the strength of the brick is lower than the strength of the cladding (glue + tile). Only this can lead to the separation of plaster or tiles:

Concrete steps are also vulnerable to the above factors.

But if the strength of the concrete corresponds to the norm - M200 and the screed for the tiles is made according to , then the tiles on such a porch can stand for a long time. Everything will depend on the number of other negative factors that will fall simultaneously on this porch.

In the bottom photo, the base of the porch was also made of red brick. But this was not enough for the builders. They made another pit for water - so that it would crumble for sure.


Usually the first stage of construction goes like this:

What is interesting in this video?

  • The brick that I use for masonry is different. Mostly silicate, but there are inserts of red. Different materials have different thermal expansion. After a year, cracks will appear around the red brick.
  • Silicate brick is a poor material for subsequent finishing. It is possible to fix plaster or screed on it only with the help of a contact layer.

The fact that the tile lining does not protect the brick from getting wet in most cases can be seen from a short passage:

A brick absorbs water more than a screed, and its strength is 2-3 times less. When freezing, stratification into plates occurs. In the first year of destruction, you can still fill the mesh, make waterproofing and slow down the process of destruction. After two or three winters, there is nothing to fix the mesh. Brick when hammering dowels is destroyed.

Short-lived, also, a porch made of foam blocks and expanded clay concrete.

Porch made of foam blocks.

You can find many photos where red brick porches look decent for many years. These examples are confusing.

Such brick steps really exist for a long time, but they are made of clinker bricks:


Clinker bricks are similar in their properties to clinker tiles, which have been lying on garden paths for decades without damage.

It's all about structure. Clinker does not absorb water well. And having absorbed it, it easily gives it away. Real clinker bricks comply with the following standards:

  • DIN 1344 - Bricks for paving, July 2002 (Germany).
  • DIN 18 503 - Road clinker, August 1981 (Germany).

The certificate of conformity guarantees that the hygroscopicity of the product is not more than 6% and the density is about 2.0 kg/dm3.

What is the difference between ordinary red brick and clinker brick?

- the brand rarely exceeds M100. Most often M50, M75.

- the presence of cracks and high porosity (when struck with a hammer, a dull sound is heard).

Externally, such a brick can look very high quality. But this is still the same ordinary red brick:

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the special technology for constructing clinker brick porches, which is similar to laying road clinker:

  • A drainage layer of fine crushed stone and sand with a grain size of 0/5 - 0/8 mm was laid at the base. The depth of the permeable soil layer is at least 1 m. This guarantees rapid water drainage and isolation from the base moisture.
  • The seams are wide enough and filled with drainage material. Filling can be from ready-made mixtures, mixed with a small amount of water.
  • Clinker brick steps are not lined with anything. If such porches are faced with porcelain stoneware, then other processes will begin.

The technology of working with clinker also provides for laying on the mortar. It can be based on cement or lime binder. The sub-base mortar must be water-permeable.

What to do, then, with a porch made of ordinary brick?

Better to take it apart. This can save you money on future repairs.

But, if the hand does not rise to “blow up” it or someone else’s property and is rented (and you want to walk every day on decent steps), then you can fix the future lining on the frame. This won't stop the brick from breaking down, but the tiles on such a porch can last up to ten years.

The solution may be something like in the video below.

As a contrast to everything, - a short excerpt from the video of what should be the basis of the porch:

A brick porch is a durable and reliable structure. It is quite possible to build it with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professional builders.

The porch is considered one of the important and truly necessary elements of any residential building. They always try to build it from the same material from which the basement of the building is made. Therefore, for brick or stone houses, it is desirable to build a brick porch. In this case, in principle, there is not much difference which products you will use.

Now there are many varieties of bricks - with different color shades and sizes. It will not be at all difficult to choose products that are ideally suited to the appearance of the already operated basement level of the house. But the pros still recommend purchasing ceramic bricks. They say that this building material will ensure maximum durability of the structure you are building.

ceramic bricks

If you do not want the constructed structure to begin to collapse in a couple of years, you should correctly develop its project and draw up an appropriate drawing. There are a few basic rules that must be followed when building a brick porch with your own hands. Here they are:

  1. The porch should be 1.5–1.8 times as wide as the width of the door leading to the premises of a private house.
  2. The height of the site of the structure of interest to us is taken at least 0.15–0.2 m. In this case, precipitation will not fall on the porch in bad weather.
  3. The thickness of the site should be about 0.1 m. Moreover, it should be filled with high-quality concrete mix. Note! Be sure to make a foundation for concrete. For these purposes, ordinary crushed stone is used. After pouring the mixture, you need to additionally cover the concrete with a 15-centimeter cement screed.
  4. To make it convenient for you to climb the porch, it is important to make the correct slope of its steps. The recommended slope is 2.8–3.2°. With such a slope, we note that water flows off the steps without problems, without forming puddles on them.
  5. The steps on the porch are built in prefabricated parts (a special form is used) or according to a monolithic scheme (then you will have to make a formwork from boards).
  6. The recommended length of steps is 12–15 cm.

After drawing up the drawing, proceed to purchase the materials necessary to carry out the planned construction work - primer, sand, reinforcing bars, crushed stone, waterproofing, M400 cement, grout paste. Also purchase a tool - two spatulas (notched and simple), a rubber mallet for installing tiles, a shovel, a trowel, a building level, a container for mixing concrete.

Let's start with the most important. The depth of the foundation for the porch must be similar to the depth of the foundation of the house itself. It is important. Over time, the foundations of the building and the porch will begin to settle. And do it differently. If you mount the foundations at different levels, cracks will begin to form between them, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of both buildings.

Laying the foundation for the porch

The scheme for laying the foundation for a brick porch is as follows:

  1. Mark the geometric parameters of the foundation on the surface of the site. Follow the procedure with wooden pegs, using chalk to make the required marks.
  2. Dig a hole according to the markup.
  3. Form a grid of metal reinforcing bars in the pit. Install metal rods with a cross section of 1 cm on the sides of the foundation. They should protrude 10 centimeters above the top platform of the steps (check your drawing). Then fill everything with a solution of gravel, cement and sand. The proportions of these materials are 4 to 1 to 2.
  4. Wait for the mixture to solidify. In summer, it usually takes 7–14 days for the mortar to set. In the cooler season - 3-4 weeks.

After you are convinced of the high-quality solidification of the base under the porch of a private house, you can continue to work.

Bricks must be installed on a mixture of cement (1 part) and sand (4 parts). But first, it is advisable to take care of a good protection of the future structure from moisture. Waterproofing is allowed to be made of roofing material. This inexpensive material is guaranteed to protect the porch from the negative effects of water. Important! The waterproofing layer must be laid out on the foundation in two layers.

Now let's see how to make the simplest - the so-called one-sided porch for the house. In such a structure, steps (all without exception) are built simultaneously with brickwork. Due to this, the process goes quickly and without unnecessary problems. Note that in a one-sided design, the number of steps depends on the height of the basement of the house. However, it is always odd.

One-sided brick porch for the house

The procedure for arranging a simple porch is given below:

  1. Stir the solution and start laying. Pick up the mounting mixture with a spatula, lubricate the bricks from the sides and bottom with it (copiously).
  2. Lay the first row, thereby forming the first step.
  3. Mount the second line of bricks. They need to be pressed to the already laid products as tightly as possible.
  4. Create the 3rd and subsequent steps in the same way.
  5. Leave the completed structure for 3-7 days. During this time, it should dry well.

Some home craftsmen simplify the described procedure. They lay out 2-3 rows of bricks around the perimeter of the porch of the house and fill the resulting box with a concrete solution. The cost of such work will be much less (and the complexity of the operation will decrease). But it’s not a fact that you will get an attractive outwardly design. Often brick porches are built according to a different method - first their side walls are erected, and then steps are already formed. We will talk about this technology further.

If you do not like the technique of arranging masonry and steps at the same time, you can do everything differently. The first stage of such work is the construction of side walls. The scheme of the event is as follows:

  1. The very first brick is put whole. But to improve the bonding of individual products and to increase the strength of the entire structure, the next row should be started with three quarters.
  2. Between the rows of masonry, be sure to leave a seam of 10 mm.
  3. You form a straight platform at the top of the masonry under construction, and below you lay out the area intended for mounting the steps of the porch.
  4. Then you need to do the brickwork. Perform this operation at a time when the solution is still damp, but already slightly set.

You have built the walls for the porch. Now start pouring steps. Do it first. Little nuance. The shape of the boards used should be similar to the configuration of the steps being erected. Next, you form a platform - pour earth to the basement of the house and carefully compact it. Then you need to make the slope of the site. It must correspond to the planned slope of the degrees.

Making brick stairs

The next step is to reinforce the compacted soil with metal reinforcing bars. The operation is carried out in increments of 15 cm, using rods with a cross section of about 6–7 mm.

Then everything is simple:

  • You set the concrete mixture to the required shape - you place the boards in a special way.
  • Lay out the first step. It is advisable to reinforce it by welding the junction points. Then lay the crushed stone and reinforcing mesh, pour the crushed stone again (it should reach the level of the step height). Fill the structures with liquid cement mortar.
  • Lay out the second row of bricks - make the second and subsequent steps.

That's all the work. The surface of the steps made, if desired, can be tiled, natural or artificial stone products.

You can experiment and use aerated concrete, slag or expanded clay concrete blocks instead of bricks. It is better not to use foam blocks and other cellular products for the construction of the porch. You make a porch of blocks like this: you fill in the foundation (similar to the foundation for brickwork), lay out the lower platform according to the parameters of the porch, make the second row one block less, the third one one shorter, and so on.

block porch

After creating the entire structure, you veneer it with tiles, porcelain stoneware or stone. Another way to create a structure from blocks:

  1. You make parapets from aerated concrete products.
  2. Treat the foundation with concrete mortar.
  3. Build the first step - place it on its side.
  4. You coat the made step with concrete mortar, pour broken stones and bricks on top, tamp it down.
  5. Build the rest of the steps in the same way.

Choose your technique for building a porch!

Porches of country houses are built from different materials. It is usually wood, metal, concrete, stone or brick. The last three options are the most reliable and durable. However, in the construction of such structures are somewhat more complex than wood and metal.

There are certain technologies for the construction of such structures, which must be observed. Next, we will consider in detail how to build a porch with your own hands from bricks or blocks.

Where to begin?

The question of how to build a brick porch with your own hands, first of all, comes down to drawing up a project. When developing it, it is important to take into account that porches with an angle of inclination of 27-45 degrees, a span of at least 110 cm, a step width of approximately 27-30 cm and a riser height of 15-20 cm are considered the most convenient. if these parameters are taken into account, you will get a very convenient porch:

We build a brick porch

In order for the street staircase to come out absolutely uniform in color, you need to immediately buy enough bricks for its construction.

Important: For the device of the porch of a country house, only red or brown material is suitable. The fact is that apricot and yellow bricks are made with the addition of lime. Therefore, it has a high degree of moisture absorption.

At the first stage, using the “Egyptian” triangle method, marking is carried out for the foundation of the porch according to the project.

The marking under the porch is carried out using the "Egyptian" triangle method

Advice: For the manufacture of cast-offs, it is better to use not thick metal rods and not an elastic cord.

Foundation construction

According to the markup, a foundation pit is dug to the depth of the foundation of the house. Next, formwork is installed in it. After that, a sandy “cushion” (10 cm) is poured and crushed stone is laid (5 cm layer). Then a five-centimeter layer of concrete is poured. A day later, a reinforcing cage is installed. Next, the foundation itself is poured.

Brick porch. Photo of preparing the pit for pouring concrete

Important: The frame is knitted from 12mm rods using wire. Welding is not used in this case, since the places of such joints begin to rust very quickly.

How to lay out a porch in a country house made of bricks

So, how to make a brick porch? The standard size of a brick is 25 * 12 * 6.5 cm. A more or less acceptable step height will only be obtained if the material is laid on the bed in two rows (6.5 + 6.5 + 2 \u003d 15 cm, where 6.5 cm is the thickness of the brick, 2 cm - thickness of two seams).

Closed porch of a brick house. Photo of the march construction process

If you lay them using the “brick” method, you can get a quite convenient step depth of 25 cm. In the bottom row of each step, the material is laid with a spoon along two. In the upper - poking along one at a time.

Now let's see how to lay out a brick porch. Proceed to its device from the masonry of both parapets. They are usually made as thick as a brick.

Having laid out the first step, the space remaining to the basement of the house is poured with cement mortar or covered with stone. After the concrete cushion has hardened, the second step is laid out. The resulting “trough”, enclosed by it, is again poured with concrete mortar by the walls of the parapet and the plinth of the building. Then lay out the third step and so on to the top platform. The latter is laid out in two rows of solid bricks.

Parapet laid out first

The laying of a semicircular brick porch is performed a little differently. In this case, the elements of both rows of steps are stacked with pokes. In this case, the seam thickens from the inside out.

Beautiful porch of a brick house. Photo design with semicircular steps

Important: Concrete slabs must be reinforced with a 10-12 mm bar frame. The laying of both straight and semicircular steps is carried out with dressing of seams and their jointing.

You can also lay out a kind of formwork from bricks, arranging jumpers of different heights from parapet to parapet, install reinforcement and pour everything with concrete. In this case, you get a more comfortable porch with a step width of 32.5 cm (6.5 + 25 + 1 cm per seam).

Brick house porch design. Photo of stairs with brick parapet and tiled concrete steps

Since the most convenient step depth is still 30 cm, and 17 cm high, often only the porch parapets are laid out of brick. The march is made of concrete.

block porch

Thus, we figured out how to build a brick porch. Sometimes the porches are laid out from concrete blocks (expanded concrete, slag, gas silicate, etc.).

How to choose material

Today, at the entrances of country houses, there is often such a structure as a porch made of foam blocks. With your own hands, of course, you can build such a staircase or lay out steps from aerated concrete. However, it is still better to build a street march from cinder blocks or, in extreme cases, from expanded clay blocks. Cellular concretes are not particularly suitable for this purpose, since they absorb moisture very quickly and are destroyed at the same time.

Cellular concrete will definitely absorb moisture

Advice: It is best to take a block with a size of 600 * 300 * 200 mm. In this case, it will be possible to arrange a completely comfortable porch with a step height of 20 cm that fits into the standards and a depth of 30 cm.

How to make a porch from blocks with your own hands

The foundation in this case is poured in the same way as for a brick porch. Next up is the parapet. The lower platform of the span is laid out from blocks according to the size of the porch. The next one is a block shorter and so on until the top platform of the march. At the last stage, the porch is usually finished with stone or tiles. This is the simplest, but rather expensive method of laying a porch. More often, cheaper block porches with backfill are still arranged near country houses. Let's see how to build such a ladder. Work in this case is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The parapets are being erected. Solid solid blocks are used for them. The parapet usually consists of a single row of spoon-laid blocks;

Blocks on the parapet are laid with a spoon with dressing of seams

  1. A number of blocks of the first stage are laid out. For the steps of such a block porch of the house, you can take hollow blocks. Lay them on their side so that no voids are visible;
Advice: In order for the masonry to turn out even, a cord must be pulled between the parapets. After the first step is laid out, it is rearranged under the second, and so on.
  1. How to fold the steps correctly? This is done very simply. First, the solution is applied to the foundation (be sure to make grooves in it with a trowel). Next, concrete is applied to the side surfaces of the block and set in place;
  2. A day later, fragments of bricks or stones are poured behind the laid out step. The resulting layer must be compacted so that its surface is at the level of the first step;

When laying steps, the blocks are turned sideways

  1. Next, proceed to the laying of the second step. After its erection, the space behind it is also filled with stone and broken bricks. Thus, all steps are laid;
  2. At the last stage, an upper platform is constructed, also placing the blocks sideways so that no holes are visible.

Tiled block porch

stone porch

Sometimes the street stairs of a private house are laid out with their own hands and from natural stone - from paving stones or rubble.

Photo of a porch made of paving stones, beautifully combined with the cladding of the yard

Such a structure is being built according to the same principle as a brick one - first a parapet, then steps. In this case, you can use an ordinary rubble cobblestone from the nearest mountain.

Like any building structure, the porch of the house must be durable and reliable. Therefore, starting its construction, it is necessary to take care of laying a good foundation. And it doesn’t matter if the porch is built of stone, brick, blocks or poured with concrete mortar, like a monolith. Although in the latter case, if the porch is not very large, you can do without pouring the foundation.

Stages of building a porch

Let's start with preparations for the start of construction work, for which you will have to purchase the necessary materials. More specifically:

  • Brick;
  • Cement;
  • Sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • Metal mesh, you can chain-link;
  • Waterproofing material: roofing felt, polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 0.2 mm or mastic (the best option);

And some simple tools:

  • Shovels;
  • A hammer;
  • Spatula or trowel;
  • Level;
  • Roulette and pencil.

Of course, starting the construction of a brick porch, you must first decide on its shape and size. If the house is just being built, then these parameters can be taken from the project. If the porch is being reconstructed, then you will first have to think over the shape and calculate its dimensions. Here, first of all, the number of steps is determined.

Attention! There are certain standards that fall into the design of the porch itself. So, for example, its width should not be less than 1.5 times the width of the front door.

So, if the dimensions and shape of the porch are determined, you can proceed to its marking on the ground and walls of the house. It is easier to build a porch if it is adjacent to one of the walls, which will make it possible to mark it on it, taking into account the dimensions of the structure.

Marking is applied to the area in front of the house at the front door. Borders can be marked with chalk powder or poles from reinforcement can be installed and twine pulled between them. After that, a pit is dug with shovels to a depth of 30-40 cm. Crushed stone is poured into it, the layer thickness is 10-15 cm. The fraction of the material is 40 mm. Now the pit needs to be filled with concrete.

How to mix concrete mortar

In order to properly make (knead) the concrete mixture, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of its recipe. For the porch, a classic recipe is suitable, namely: one volume of M400 cement, two volumes of sand (coarse-grained), one volume of crushed stone, half a volume of water.

If you do not have a concrete mixer, any durable container, for example, a metal trough, will do. There is a technology of dry preparation of concrete. First, all dry ingredients are mixed, then water is poured into this mixture in portions. In this case, thorough mixing is carried out with the help of shovels. If a concrete mixer is available, then water is first poured into it, then cement is poured in small amounts, after the formation of the cement paste, the rest of the ingredients are poured.

Pouring concrete mortar

The use of a reinforcing frame in the foundation is the main requirement that ensures the strength of the poured structure. The frame can be made from metal reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm or from wire rod with a diameter of 6 mm. True, for this you will have to use electric welding or learn how to tie the elements with knitting wire. But there is an easier option - to purchase a chain-link mesh or plaster mesh and use it in the foundation.

Attention! The reinforcing frame should be located in the body of the concrete solution, and not lie on the crushed stone layer.

So there are two options here:

  1. Pour a layer of concrete 10 cm thick, lay a grid on it, and pour another layer on top to the top level of the pit.
  2. It is necessary to fix the mesh on the reinforcement, which is hammered into the ground in several places of the pit, at the corners and perimeter. A mesh is laid on them at a distance of 10 cm from the rubble, it is tied to the reinforcement with knitting or any other wire. Then the concrete itself is poured.

So, the foundation is poured, it must be sustained for 28 days. It is during this period that concrete will gain its branded strength. If the weather is hot, it is recommended to cover the foundation with plastic wrap or burlap and periodically water it with water for one week. Before starting bricklaying, the foundation planes are treated with waterproofing mastic. You can also lay the roofing material in two layers, the strips of material are overlapped.


Some standards regarding the dimensions of the elements of the porch. Step width - 30 cm, height - 16 cm (see photo). The width of the upper platform is not less than one meter on the basis that a person on it could easily turn around and open the front door. The distance from the porch to the lower level of the front door is at least 5 cm.

As for the masonry mortar, you can do it yourself. This will require one volume of cement and four volumes of sand. The amount of water is determined by the liquid mixture. The best option is a medium consistency. And you can buy a ready-made dry mix for laying bricks in a hardware store. It is simply diluted with water.

It is necessary to start laying the porch from the first step, laying bricks in one row around the entire perimeter of the structure. Here it makes no sense to demand from yourself that each brick lay exactly in a horizontal plane. Still nothing will work. But you still have to maintain some horizontality. Therefore, it is recommended to stretch horizontal twine or twine according to the size of the object, which will determine the height of the masonry and its horizontal position. In any case, this will create a certain ease in carrying out this construction operation.

You can lay brick along the porch, you can across. The solution can be applied to the foundation surface, it can be applied to the brick itself. It's not that important. The main thing is to lay out the bricks correctly with your own hands (see photo).

So, the brick is laid along the perimeter, you can fill the inner space, taking into account the bandage (see photo). Next, the second top row is laid out. The first step is necessarily formed, for which the third row is laid with a deviation from the front of the porch by 30-35 cm, taking into account the subsequent lining.

Attention! You can save a lot of money if, after forming the steps and sides of the porch (in three or four rows), you use brick or concrete block waste for masonry, which usually remains after the construction of the house itself.

The main thing is to leave space in the upper part to create a platform in front of the front door. Here you will need to use bricks stacked in two rows vertically.

Economic option

If the porch near the house has small dimensions (for example, with only one step), then a simplified construction technology can be used during construction.

  • Along the perimeter of the porch, according to the markings, a trench is dug with their own hands. The side sections are one brick length wide, the front part is one and a half.
  • The strip foundation is poured exactly according to the same technology described above.
  • Waterproofing is being carried out.
  • On the laid foundation, bricks are laid with a bandage (see photo). The masonry rises to the required level, taking into account the steps. That is, the latter is formed in the same way as has already been described.
  • The well obtained in this way is filled with sand, which must be compacted using a large amount of water. Gravel can be used instead of sand. Someone even uses construction waste for this business. The main thing is to make a good rammer.

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