
Country house with a large veranda. Projects and planning of country houses. How to start a project

Buying a summer cottage is just the beginning. It needs to be planned, to choose the best house, to develop a general concept for its design. In this article we will consider a variety of projects of country houses. From the smallest for one room, to very roomy - for 100 squares of usable area.

With veranda and terrace

When choosing the layout of a country house, they often try to find a project with a veranda or terrace. Such a covered area is good not only for relaxing or dining outdoors. On a rainy or hot day, under a canopy, you can do a lot of things that you can’t do because of the large amount of garbage in the premises.

Holidays in the country are no less important than work. And what could be more pleasant than outdoor recreation

On a common foundation

Projects of country houses with a veranda have a small area: the smallest are 6 * 4 meters in size, and the veranda is 2 meters on the long side, and the house itself is 4 * 4 meters or 16 square meters (taking into account the thickness of the walls even less).

The project of a country house 6 * 4 with a veranda and a bathroom

The project presented above provides for the winter use of the dacha. To keep the heat in the house, there is an entrance through the vestibule. The entrance through the veranda can be used in the summer. It is also good because it has a bathroom - a small shower, with washbasins and a toilet. If there is no sewerage in the country, you can consider the option of a dry closet.

Another option is one room, in which there is space for several kitchen cabinets and a stove, there is a small dining table and there is a bed. This layout is ideal for one person. Two people will feel good in it. In this option, there is no bathroom, so you have to build a toilet separately.

The project of a small country house with a veranda under a common roof

The layout of a country house of a small area (up to 40 meters) is quite simple: usually there are two rooms, the first of which is used as a kitchen and dining room at the same time. Most of the time it is a pass. The second room is living. More or less comfortably accommodate two beds here. So the projects of country houses with an attic of 6 * 4 meters are designed for 1-2 people.

The project of a country house with a bathroom and an open terrace under a pitched roof

If the construction budget is very limited, consider projects for country houses with a pitched roof. They are unusual for our country, but the cost of a roof with a small area is much less. It is only necessary to choose the correct angle of the roof slope (taking into account the amount of snow cover).

Country house with a buried winter veranda 8 * 8 meters, a project with a layout

A medium-sized country house is shown in the photo above. The project is interesting in that the veranda here was originally “winter”, glazed. Most owners of open verandas come to the need to glaze it, and to build a gazebo for a pleasant pastime in the air. In this project, the veranda is a continuation of the living room, but a partition can be installed here. In general, a convenient and comfortable house with a traditional layout, all rooms are separate, there is a bathroom, a fenced-off corridor. All conditions for year-round living.

On a separate foundation

Please note that the above projects of country houses with a veranda have a common foundation. This is reliable, since even with spring heaving of the soil there will be no movement. But the cost of the foundation is significant. Therefore, such an approach is justified on complex soils prone to heaving. In normal soils, you can make a veranda on a separate, disconnected and lightweight (usually columnar or pile) foundation. One such project is presented below.

Plan of a country house 4 * 8 with an attached veranda

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In general, a veranda can be attached to any building. It can be laid at the design stage, or it can be attached after (as happens very often).

Small country house 6 * 4.5 with a veranda on a separate foundation

The veranda can completely occupy one of the sides of the house, it can cover two or even three of its sides. But there are options with a small open area (as in the photo above). The foundation in this case may be separate, but there will not be much savings. For example, in the above project, only 1.1 meters of the “main foundation” were “won”.

One-storey house 7 * 7.5 with an attached terrace

We are so accustomed to comfort that even in the country we do not want to have "conveniences in the yard." For many, the main selection criterion is the availability of a bathroom. Even the need for individual sewage equipment does not scare them. Not all projects of country houses of a small area can boast of such an "excess", but some have a bathroom (toilet and shower).

with attic

The idea to increase the living space due to the attic floor comes up often. It is believed that construction costs do not increase much, since most of the superstructure is a modified roof. In reality, if the attic is used all year round, the difference in the price tag for a two-story house and a one-story house with an attic will be small. After all, it must be taken into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises of the attic floor is much smaller, and the costs will be high, since good heat, sound, vapor barrier is required.

For some, the dream home looks like this

Attics under a gable roof

A country house with a summer attic is really cheap. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that on sunny days without insulation it will be too hot there, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter operation.

Country house 6 * 6 with a veranda and an attic

A country house with a summer attic is really cheap. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that on sunny days without insulation it will be too hot there, so thermal insulation is still necessary, but not as “serious” as for winter operation.

Small country house 5 * 4 for two living rooms with an attic

The projects of country houses presented above are intended for seasonal visits. They provide only living rooms. In the room on the first floor, you can organize a kitchenette.

Below is the layout of a small garden or country house measuring 5 by 5 meters with a separate kitchen. Please note that the porch is attached and is not on the plan.

Cottage plan 5 * 5 with an attic and a kitchen

All these houses are designed as frame houses. With slight modifications, these projects will work for houses made of any other material. Only it will be necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls, choose the right foundation.

Cottage with a covered veranda and an attic 6 * 10 meters: floor layout

If desired, the covered veranda can be made open. However, the opposite usually happens. Having built an open one, it is glazed or driven out to half the wall, single frames are installed. If you want fresh air, you can always open the windows, and the area can be set aside for a summer dining room or kitchen.

How to increase the area of ​​​​the attic floor

All projects of country houses with an attic floor are made under a gable roof. This is good in the sense that the snow will not linger on such steep slopes. The second plus is a simple truss system. Minus - a small area of ​​\u200b\u200ba “full-fledged” room at the top. Too much wasted space around the edges. There you can make cabinets, but this area is unsuitable for housing.

If the attic roof is gable, a lot of space is lost

If it is important for you to increase the living space, the roof can be made broken. It is more difficult to construct and more expensive, but the area of ​​​​the premises on the attic floor is much larger.

The project of a house for a summer residence 7 * 7 with an attic under a sloping roof and a bay window

Another way to increase the area is to drive the walls above the level of the first floor. They say to build "one and a half floors." This option is good for cottages that are visited during the cold season. The roof can be made as you like, but a large area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms still turns out under a broken line.

Related article: How to make door slopes yourself: do-it-yourself plastering and cladding of MDF (video)

An example of a one and a half floor

When choosing a project for a country house with an attic for periodic visits, it is better to make the attic cold, and make the ceiling insulated. On the stairs leading to the second floor, it is necessary to provide a door / cover that will enclose the upper tier. Otherwise, heating will take a lot of fuel and time. In winter, there are usually fewer people, visits are short-term. Warming up both floors is too long and expensive, so it's not a bad solution.

Projects of two-story country houses

Building a two-story house is not such an expensive undertaking. The foundation is still needed one, albeit more powerful, but its cost does not increase twice, but by 60%. The dimensions and insulation of the roof do not depend on the number of storeys at all, so there is no need to increase investments here. Wall costs are added - their area is twice as large, but in general, the cost per square meter of area is cheaper than when building a similar one-story dwelling. Because many are looking for projects of two-story cottages.

The project of a small two-story house for a summer residence with an attached garage: living area 100 sq. m, total 127 sq. m, garage for one car

The above project is designed for aerated concrete or ceramic building blocks. Suitable for elongated areas. The attached garage is very convenient to use - you can get into the house from the garage. Another plus: this option saves space on the site, and it is always small in the country, no matter how large the plot you have.

In this layout option, a spacious terrace is supposed to be on the back of the house. It is not included in the total area of ​​the house. An interesting design makes the house different from others: a large one-and-a-half-story window, a cubic-shaped garage and a shed in front of the house do not affect the price tag too much, but make the house unique.

The project of a two-story country house with a garage attached to the side

Another two-storey cottage project with a garage attached to the side is presented above. This option is more suitable for square or wide areas. Building spot in plan - 10 * 10 meters, living area - 108 square meters. The high windows on the second floor give this house an unusual look. The selection of finishing materials, a combination of light beige and brown colors, also contributes. All in all, an interesting project.

Dacha project with a balcony around the perimeter of the second floor

A non-standard type of two-story house with a balcony that encircles the entire building. On the back side there is a large open terrace. The roof is hipped, which complicates the construction, but gives the building a special flavor.

With a bath

For many, the dacha is associated with a bath. The bath, of course, can be built separately, but it is long and expensive. In a country house of medium size, it is quite possible to take the room under the steam room. It is usually done with an entrance from the bathroom / bathroom, since water procedures are necessary. For true bathers, there should still be an exit to the street nearby: so that you can quickly cool off in a river or an outdoor pool.

The project of a country house with a bath / sauna in the Scandinavian style

The minimum dimensions of the steam room are 2 * 2 meters, the optimal ones are 3 * 3. Such premises can be entered even in houses of a small area, but the amount of living space will decrease. If there should still be enough rooms, you can consider the option with an attic floor. One such example is pictured below.

The project of a country house with a bathhouse and an attic

Pay attention to the layout. The first thing to focus on is that the stove is installed in such a way that it is heated from the next room. In this case, it's the rest room. The option is not too good, since the entrance is far away. You will have to carry firewood across the room, which is inconvenient and usually fraught with a lot of garbage.

Another drawback: in the above version there is no kitchen. For country life, this is a solid drawback. A kitchen corner can be arranged in a large room, placed exclusively upstairs in the bedrooms. Another planning option is to make a kitchen in the current “furnace / rest room”. Resting is more convenient in a large room. After taking a shower, it is convenient to go there.

You need to have certain knowledge. Usually for many summer residents this is an impossible task. To draw up a project for country houses, not only knowledge of the basics of drawing is required, but also certain specific skills.

Project and drawing of a country house with an attic

In principle, country houses have a simple design and it would seem that it is very easy to create a drawing of such a structure. But this is not entirely true. Creating such a project is considered a professional task that requires complete project documentation.

Today it is very easy to download such drawings on the global Web. Moreover, each summer resident is offered a large selection of different house designs, materials, and the corresponding appearance.

The project of a country house with an attic and a balcony

For country houses you need to choose the right one. It is made inclined or flat.
When the rafter system of houses has a sloping roof, the rafters are attached to two load-bearing walls. For greater reliability, the rafters are reinforced with additional columns, sometimes they put an average partition.

The drawings of country houses also include a display of battens for fixing the roof. It can have several types:

When calculating the crate, it is necessary to take into account:

Given all of the above features, it will be possible to create a project for a future country house, and complete it.

Planning the first floor

For example, an attic may look like a small room. It is easy to turn it into a dressing room or equip a bedroom.

Project and layout of the attic and the first floor of a country house 7x7

If it is planned to install a fireplace on the attic floor, it is necessary to foresee the exit of the chimney in advance. For an aesthetic look, you can make a small open balcony on the attic floor. After the drawing of the other floors and the attic is ready, a roof project is made based on all the features of the attic.

On the completed drawing, the connection of all utilities is indicated, the location of the electrical outlets is necessarily marked.

The facade of the country house is drawn completely separately, the appearance of the building is shown. Based on such a drawing, the angle of inclination of the roof is selected, the required number of windows is calculated. At the last stage, the material is selected, and its required quantity is calculated.

Finished projects

If you use the already made projects of country houses, which are very easy to download on the Internet, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a summer house.

A variant of the project and layout of the house for a summer residence measuring 4.2x6.6

When choosing a finished project, you first need to determine what it should look like, how many rooms it will have. A suitable layout, dimensions and number of floors will depend on this.

Of course, in order to start building your country house, you need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it should look like. This requires visualization of the house. Only in this way it will be possible to explain to the builders what is required of them.

Our company builds inexpensive turnkey garden houses in Moscow and the Moscow region. Over the years of activity, we have collected many successful forms of houses from economy class to exclusive solutions at a reasonable price. In the catalog of the site you can find both small options for purely utilitarian purposes, and full-fledged country houses for a long comfortable stay in the summer months.

Do you want to build a garden house according to your own project? We will take care of all the troubles - we will develop a unique design project, professionally implement it "in the tree", carefully deliver the kit to the site and assemble it as quickly as possible. A garden house made of timber will certainly become an adornment of your summer cottage and a favorite vacation spot.
Here are just some of our benefits to help you make the right choice:

  • The prices for our garden houses made of timber are perhaps the most favorable in Moscow and the Moscow region. This was achieved by consistently reducing the cost of production. At the same time high-quality materials and accessories are used.
  • Environmentally friendly materials - dry profiled mini-timber and hardwood board. They are processed according to our own technology, without the addition of adhesive components and other harmful chemicals.
  • Minimum construction time. From the sketch of the project to the turnkey delivery of the garden house, no more than 7-10 days will pass. If you choose a ready-made solution, the delivery time will be significantly reduced.
  • High quality. Our team are professional builders with impressive experience in the industry. Most importantly, the entire construction process will be controlled by our management.
  • Modern design and comfort. Our dacha buildings combine pleasant, cozy forms, inspired by rustic motifs, while at the same time they look quite modern. A thoughtful layout will make your stay in the country as comfortable as possible.

Order the construction of a wooden house from us - it's inexpensive, fast and hassle-free. We will help to equip your suburban area so that you get only unforgettable impressions from your summer vacation.

The garden house is distinguished by its small dimensions. This is due to the fact that most of the plots in collective gardens and SNT are very modest in size. Six acres is a standard allotment, which was provided to almost everyone in Soviet times.

Typical layout of a small country house

Gardens of modern layout boast a larger plot area, however, this land is more often used for growing fruit and vegetable crops, and it is impractical to put on it, which will take up a significant part of the site.

Therefore, the layout of a garden house must meet two criteria: to achieve maximum comfort and functionality with a minimum of space. Appearance also plays an important role, but presence is not at all necessary.

Today, projects of various garden houses are presented on the market. They are adapted to all types of existing building materials. can be made from:

Such a variety of materials allows you to choose the best project for a country house. from piece materials are more durable and reliable, but their construction will take a lot of time and will cost the owner of the site more. The price will be higher not only due to the more expensive materials used, but also due to the need to equip a solid foundation due to the heavy weight of the entire structure.

Wooden houses are cheaper and more environmentally friendly. The tree is very organically fit into the atmosphere of the garden. The construction of such a house is possible on cheaper and less labor-intensive foundations, for example, screw piles are suitable.

If the house will be used not only in summer, but also in winter, then a house made of wood is much easier to heat to the optimum temperature than a stone one.

A garden house based on frame-panel technology is a fairly new proposal, but it fully justifies itself in this market niche.

Layout of a country house on frame-panel technology

It is built even faster than, since it does not require a long exposure of the box to shrink the material. You can start installing windows, doors and finishing both internal and facade immediately after the installation of the box and roof is completed. It takes only a month and a half to build such a turnkey structure.

The cost is also much more attractive than that of houses made of other materials. User characteristics are comparable to a wooden house, but the warranty period is about 25-30 years, which is significantly inferior to stone houses.

Floors and dimensions of the garden house

A classic garden house is one with a building spot size not exceeding an area of ​​​​20 square meters. The plan of the house was extremely simple: in such a building there was only one room, and without a vestibule or a dedicated hallway.

Layout of two floors of a country house

The area was arranged quite chaotically, but most often the house had a kitchen table with a minimum set of necessary utensils, a sofa or a bed used as a sleeping place. The rest of the space was occupied by gardening tools, supplies, clothes, and seedlings. As a rule, there was no electricity in such houses.

Today, the requirements for a garden house have changed. Despite the fact that it still remains a small building, in terms of comfort and functionality it should not be inferior to a full-fledged residential building. If it is still considered an unnecessary luxury, although most of the drawings provide for the room, then electricity is a must.

The vast majority bring water into the house.
Classic garden house projects offer solutions with a building footprint not exceeding.

Layout option for a small garden house

More the exception than the rule, and more. This is due to the fact that such a house is very difficult to harmoniously and correctly fit into a small area, without violating the rules for building collective gardens, and also leaving enough space for gardening experiments.

If it is necessary to increase the available square meters, the building is expanded upwards, that is, or a full-fledged second floor. This doubles the usable area.

This is the best solution if you often come to the garden and stay overnight or you host your friends and acquaintances here. For the usual needs of a gardener, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone floor is enough.

Planning options for garden houses

The plan of the house will depend on its size, number of storeys, the number of people who use the building regularly, as well as the available communications brought into the house.

Layout of a garden house with a combined living room and kitchen

The use of electricity is provided for in almost every project, plumbing may not be available, as in some gardens summer outdoor plumbing and showers are practiced. Gas and sewerage are the exception rather than the rule in the layout of such houses. A nice addition may be a small stove or fireplace, which will allow you to comfortably use the garden house even in the cool season or occasionally come to the garden in winter.

One-room country houses

This type of layout is typical for very small buildings. The house outside is a regular rectangle, inside - the same shape of the room. The building, depending on the size, can be supplemented with one or two windows. The entrance group is usually placed on the side of a wide facade. Type of roof at the choice of the customer. It could be and, or it could be. There are even interesting options when the roof drops to the ground, creating the illusion of a hut.

The most common sizes of such a house are 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4. There are slightly enlarged options 3x5 and 2.5x5.

If you are going to build such a house, you can even refuse to choose classical technology, and contact specialized companies and choose a ready-made option for yourself. On your site, you can see it in a few days, maximum - in a week. Such a house will be completely ready for living and using.

variant of the layout of the garden house 3x3

Alternatively, the plan of such a house may include a veranda or canopy. In the first version, this is a partially open or glazed unheated space, in the second, it is a dark, completely closed unheated room. Both options involve combining with the porch. For the convenience of planning the area, the entrance from the street is carried out from the end, that is, in the narrow part of the annex.

drawing and layout of a 3x4 house with a veranda

Garden house with two rooms

Two rooms may be present on the drawing of a garden house if it measures at least 4 by 4.5 meters. In this case, it is possible to single out a room combined with a dining room and a separate room, which will be a bedroom and a living room at the same time. Such a house can be equipped with a small covered vestibule, where a hanger for outerwear and street shoes is equipped.

With the dimensions of the house 4x5, two separate rooms can also be distinguished. The plan of such a building may contain up to three windows in a heated residential area.

variant of the layout of a two-story house made of timber 4x5

The first room is a utility area, it houses the entrance hall, kitchen and dining room. Also, this room will play the role of a vestibule, blocking the access of cold street air to the living room. The second room is a living room-bedroom. By the same principle, houses with a 4x6 building spot can be zoned.

Variant of a garden house with two rooms 6x6

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Many residents of megacities dream of buying a plot and a comfortable house outside the city, albeit a small one. In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to build a house yourself than to buy a ready-made one. Projects of country houses for 6 acres will help you make the right choice, photos of which are presented in large numbers in our review. It is believed that building a house is very difficult. But some projects of country buildings are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity.

Comfortable cottage building of small size

Projects of country houses for 6 acres: photos, options and building requirements

To create a solid and durable building, you need to choose a quality project for a country house for 6 acres. Photos of the best options can be seen in the interior. Before choosing, you should decide on the materials and a convenient place for the future design.

First of all, you need to decide whether the building will be intended only for summer living or it will be a capital country house with your own hands. Projects, photos and recommendations for choosing a suitable structure can be found in this material.

A functional and comfortable home must meet certain requirements:

  • The construction is carried out in a short time period, since until the house is built, there is nowhere even to hide from the rain.
  • The building must be erected taking into account all the rules of the manufacturability of the process.
  • For such a construction, you should not spend a lot of money and purchase expensive materials.
  • Construction is carried out in such a way that it remains possible to attach additional premises.
  • If the house is intended for temporary residence, then in the future it is possible to convert a bathhouse or structure from it into a summer kitchen.
  • The building must be durable. Even with a shorter service life than capital housing, the house must stand for at least 25-35 years.

What building materials are used in the construction?

A wide range of different materials can be used for the construction of summer cottages. The most commonly used options are:

  • It belongs to the most popular. Such buildings are built during the season and are distinguished by simple technology. The frame system is assembled from a bar, which is sheathed with special plywood or clapboard. Refers to the best options in terms of quality and price. Also, this material is characterized by a long service life.

  • Some buildings are made from profiled timber. It takes several months to build the structure. Also, about six months is allotted for shrinkage. Such structures do not require external finishing.

  • Stone buildings are made of, and cinder blocks. For such structures, long construction periods are required, since a powerful foundation is used and the walls are built in rows. Before construction work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed project. Houses made of stone and brick are distinguished by increased strength and reliability.

Useful information! The choice of building material is influenced by its cost in a particular region, personal preferences and the type of foundation. Frame buildings and structures made of timber are mounted on screw or columnar bases.

Video: small houses for a plot of 6 acres

How to build a turnkey country house inexpensively: prices

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction work, a turnkey country house inexpensively can be the best option. Prices for structures can be seen in a special catalog of the selected construction organization. There is a suitable option for any budget. The cost of the structure is influenced by the type of structure, material and dimensions of the structure.

A 5 * 5 m house made of lining and timber will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A building with a porch and a canopy or veranda will require a larger investment, more than 200 thousand rubles.

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Features of mounting a house with your own hands

Features of installation work depend on the choice of a specific material. The structure of the timber has many positive qualities. Such material is treated with stain and various protective compounds. Under the design, you can use a lightweight version of the foundation. In this case, the roof can be gable.

How to make a foundation?

Due to the optimal weight of timber structures, the bases can be used simple and light.

The following options are worth considering:

  • Columnar is created from brick supports, which are dug in 30-50 cm.

  • The strip foundation is a reinforced concrete strip laid to a certain depth.

  • The pile foundation is mounted on screw piles. A similar structure can be erected on unstable soils. The pile, as well as the columnar foundation, needs a bunch of grillages. In this case, a certain beam is used.

Between the wood and the foundation is laid. You can apply a layer of roofing material. Then floor beams or logs are mounted.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“If the dimensions of the building are more than 6 * 6 meters, then additional support will be required for the floor beams. At the same time, the foundation is brought not only under the external walls, but also under the columns and partitions, which bear a large load.

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Ways to build walls and roofs

The beam is laid in a certain way. In the corner parts, the ends should be installed in a checkerboard pattern. During installation, jute is used, which ensures a snug fit of the joints. The installation of a beam on pins is used. These are vertical rods that connect 2-3 crowns. The dowels are driven into pre-drilled holes. These elements are made from steel rods or from wood.

Ceiling beams are mounted on the upper crowns. After installing the ceiling beams, special wooden gables can be installed. For houses made of timber, the following types of roofing are often used:

  • Straight double.
  • broken line.

An unedged board is used as the construction of the crate under the roof. Tiled material or ondulin is used as the main material. A waterproofing layer is installed under the roof.

Useful information! The best material that protects against drafts is profiled timber. Grooves and ridges provide a secure seal.

The outbuilding is divided into two parts. More than 70% goes to the living area, and the rest of the area houses a bathroom and storage room.

Mineral wool and vapor barrier are used to insulate the building. Linoleum can be used as a floor covering, and lining or drywall for interior decoration. When using drywall for cladding, it is worth making a stronger foundation. When living in a house during the year, you need to take care of heating. The water heating system and design with are popular.

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