
Individual planning and design. Design of country houses. Individual design of houses and cottages

Individual architectural and construction project (AC) (sections: AR + KR) - 350 rubles / m2 (from 35 thousand rubles) (according to the sketch and technical specifications)

When providing a sketch - the cost is calculated according to the total area of ​​the house (in case of significant alterations - the cost is calculated according to the dimensions of the building)

  • Prices for house projects:
  • Draft design (EP) - 200 rubles / sq.m (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • Architectural project (AP) - 250 rubles / sq.m (from 25 thousand rubles);
  • Architectural and construction project (AR + KR) - 350 rubles / sq.m (from 35 thousand rubles);
  • Engineering project (IR) - 250 rubles / sq.m (from 25 thousand rubles) (electrical, heating, water supply and sewerage) sections separately - 95 rubles / sq.m;
  • Estimate for building a house - 100 rubles / sq.m.
Additional services:
  • Additional copy of the project - 1000 rubles;
  • Scheme of the general plan for the development of the site - 2000 rubles;
  • Project Passport:
    • - for a project from the RuPlans website - 4000 rubles;
    • - for the project of our partners - 5000 rubles.
The cost of making changes to the project of the house, entailing the adjustment of space-planning and design solutions

The cost of making changes to the project of the house, which do not entail the adjustment of space-planning and design solutions - FREE OF CHARGE (except discounted projects and partner projects)

* Minor changes: adaptation of the project to the construction region: making changes to the foundation structure and wall materials, thermal engineering calculation of wall structures. Moving and/or resizing windows or doors. These changes do not affect the cost of the project (except for promotional projects and projects of our foreign partners)

** Average changes: redevelopment, relocation of partitions (non-bearing), remove / add a balcony, change the type of ceiling (without moving the walls), the height of the walls of the attic floor, the roof.

*** Significant changes: entailing a change in space-planning and design solutions - the transfer and shift of load-bearing walls.

Additional level (ground floor or attic floor) to the "finished project" at the rate of 150 rubles / m2 (but not less than 5 thousand rubles per level) (if there are technical specifications and a sketch) (calculated according to the dimensions of the building)

Cost of services for additional development of visualizations of 3D views and facades
Complete set, degree of project development and restrictions depending on the chosen construction technology:
  1. Frame technology (wood, LSTC) ( in the basic version, the frame structure is not worked out!)
    • Refinement: development of the walls of the outer and inner, the implementation of the design of the frame structure, junction nodes. Difficulty: performing fitting racks, beams and rafters. Complication by 30%
    • Not performed: for houses with spans of more than 5.6 m along the long side between load-bearing walls, a height of 1 floor is more than 3 m, a height of 2 floors is more than 2.7 m
  2. House made of timber and logs ( in the basic version, the structure of the frame is not worked out, there is no layout of logs and specifications!)
    • Refinement: development of the walls of the outer and inner, the implementation of the design of the beam of the walls, the knots of the walls of the interface of the beam. Complication by 30%
    • Not performed: for houses with spans of more than 5.7 m along the long side between load-bearing walls, 1 floor height over 3 m, 2 floor height over 2.5 m
  3. Monolithic houses and ceilings (foundation, columns and ceilings) ( the application must be justified, because cost and complexity is often not appropriate).
    • It is not advisable to perform for houses with a small area and simple in configuration (2 floors of rectangular or square strictly one above the other without any protrusions, etc.)
    • Completely monolithic houses - complication by 30%

The Dachny Sezon company has been developing individual projects for cottages in Moscow for over 10 years, and also offers a wide range of standard solutions. In the capital, these services are extremely in demand, since many have opted for suburban housing, and therefore the design of cottages does not lose its relevance.

Each person, without exception, perceives his home not just as housing, but also as an extension of his self.

In an effort to display all their ideas and visions in the building, many resort to the services of house design, which are provided by our company. Only by enlisting the support of true professionals, you will receive an individual project and be able to feel like a real owner in the erected house. Perhaps the only disadvantage of individual design is the rather large time costs, because the whole process is divided into several stages. One of the most important stages is the discussion and coordination with the client of all the subtleties and wishes. If you do not have time for individual design of a cottage, our company can offer you a wide range of ready-made projects developed by our specialists.

Whether it is projects of frame cottages up to 100 sq. meters or more, with or without a garage - you will find a variety of ideas on our website. Among the solutions presented in the catalog, the client can choose the version of the cottage that best suits his family. This house will not necessarily be realized exactly. The client can submit his wishes regarding the features of design, construction, landscape formation and the structure of the land. We will definitely try to take into account each of them, develop an individual project for your home or refine a standard solution to a real dream mansion.

When ordering standard or improved projects of frame cottages in Moscow, in each case the client receives its own advantages:

  • Standard solutions save time, according to the finished drawing, you can start building immediately. However, if at least one detail of the sketch does not suit the customer, you should not turn a blind eye to this and refuse changes in favor of the speedy construction of housing. A house is being built for many years, and in comparison with this, one or two weeks that an individual design of a house will require is nothing.
  • If the customer expresses a desire to improve the plan, then various specialists are involved in the case. Based on the wishes, the designers form the terms of reference, the designers make a new sketch, the architect works on the foundation. The finished project of the house with the designated engineering systems is provided to the customer for final approval.

At each stage, the client is directly involved, nothing is done without his approval. It is this approach that has become the key to our successful work for almost 10 years.

from 200 rub/m2

The first step towards the dream is the creation of a sketch of the future home. This is a kind of "pass": from the client to the movement in work further and from the higher authorities that issue the developer's passport.

Personal design and construction of houses involves strict adherence to the technical specifications, wishes and ideas of the client.

A sketch can be compared to sketching with a pencil before creating a true masterpiece on canvas. But the difference is that each line of our sketch is substantiated by preliminary engineering and geological surveys and determined by the requirements of the customer's technical assignment.

We create individual projects of houses in Moscow and the Moscow region, which meet the requirements of the customer, building codes and regulations (SNiP), meet sanitary and fire regulations. A professional sketch is a solution to the issue of convenient planning, optimal number of storeys, favorable location of the house relative to the cardinal points. When ordering individual design of cottages, the client can make adjustments to the sketch along the way. Accordingly, a change in facades may entail a change in layouts and vice versa.

Architectural section in an individual house project

from 200 rub/m2

The cost of designing a house directly depends on the variety and complexity of architectural solutions. It is space-planning developments that make it possible to accurately determine the future type of structure from the foundation to the roof. The architectural design of houses in each case has unique features and their combination. Your cottage will be distinguished from the rest of the solutions included in this section:

  • clear layouts with explication;
  • dimensions of all rooms;
  • facades with height marks, original exterior solutions;
  • the ratio of doors and windows in the existing plan;
  • plan of the house with bindings to the axes, angles of inclination;
  • view of the roof in exact dimensions and overhangs along the facades;
  • transverse and longitudinal sections of the structure;
  • plan for tying a house on a land plot.

The architectural design of the house and the creation of the AP section of the project documentation is primarily necessary in order to present in detail all the functional and stylistic features of the building, as well as obtain permission from the authorities to build the house. In particular, the price of an individual project during construction implementation depends on the decisions identified at this stage.

Constructive for a custom-made house project

from 200 rub/m2

It's time to think about the safety and durability of future housing. The strength of the floors, the stability of the walls, the reliability of the roof - all these points are devoted to the section of constructive solutions.

Individual design of houses and cottages involves finding the right decisions regarding the construction of the house, and their exact calculation. Structural developments are aimed at ensuring the correct operation of the foundation of the structure, uniform distribution of the load on it, as well as on all vertical (walls, racks, columns) and horizontal elements.

As a result of drawing up the design scheme, each step of construction is thought out, all nodes in the structure (foundation, walls, ceilings, roofing, etc.) are calculated. If you decide to order an individual project at home , You can be sure that the qualified specialists of our company will take care of its durability.

It is important for us to make sure that the price of an individual project is flexible, but not reduced by saving on safety. Therefore, we will select and agree with you the optimal design solutions, and the new house will become the very fortress that you dreamed of.

Engineering systems in an individual cottage project

from 150 rub/m2

A comfortable microclimate in the room is a healthy ratio of temperature and humidity, no drafts, economical use of energy resources, full lighting. When a custom-made house project is being prepared, all this is taken into account in the engineering section.

Specialists will prepare developments for heating, water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, sewerage, electricity and gas supply, design lighting and low-voltage networks (telephone, Internet, alarm or video surveillance). We compare all engineering solutions with architectural and constructive ones, take into account the style features and design of the house in order to make its further operation as comfortable as possible.

One of our most important goals is energy efficiency, saving resources and minimizing costs after the construction of a custom-made house is completed. Specialists will calculate which equipment will best meet the capabilities and wishes of the client, plan competent communications.

Interior design in the design of private houses and cottages

from 400 rub/m2

Do you want to make a spacious kitchen-studio with a heat island in the middle, place the dining area closer to the windows to the terrace, make hanging lamps? Wait, what about the space for cozy evening gatherings with family and friends? That's what a professional designer is for.

InnovaStroy specialists will embody any idea - the interior and decor will create the desired atmosphere, the rooms will be comfortable, stylish, elegant.

Interior design is creativity that has its own rules. We take into account rational ways to visually increase the space, the rules for combining colors, the canons of your chosen style and link them to your ideas of beauty. Entrust the design of your interior to professionals - get the perfect home.

Landscaping for an individual house project

from 400 rub/m2

We will carry out all the necessary measures aimed at creating a harmonious, aesthetic, human-friendly environment. A professional approach allows you to use the terrain, vegetation, water bodies, structures in such a way as to emphasize and complement the image of your new home.

Specialists will carry out careful measurements of the territory, topographic survey, and inventory of existing vegetation. The first document that will present the appearance of the territory will be a draft version with visual representations attached. After agreement with the customer, an exact project of landscaping and landscaping, a dendroplan, perspective images of individual elements of the landscape will be determined. Separate areas of the site will be carefully worked out and, as a result, the necessary documentation will be issued (draft of storm, drainage, irrigation, systems, electrical work, road and path network).

As a result, the customer is presented with a consolidated project, which contains a complete list of all planning work, landscaping, landscaping, and decorative design of the site. As a result, functional comfort and aesthetic pleasure will be inherent in both the internal space of your countryside world and the external one.

With a detailed design of a house, the price of an order is largely determined by the number of diagrams and drawings. The specialists of our architectural bureau carry out the design of individual residential buildings, taking into account all the requirements of the client:

  • Number of floors;
  • Number and arrangement of rooms;
  • Architectural solution of the facade (exterior) - house designs can be accompanied by 3D visualization;
  • Location of the garage, swimming pool and utility rooms;
  • Landscape modeling;
  • Material for construction and decoration.

Why is it worth ordering an individual project of a private house?

  • Accounting for the geological features of the land. Thanks to this, you can choose the right type of foundation, determine the optimal place for planting a house, taking into account its location, orientation to the cardinal points and efficient use of space on the site, as well as the proximity of utility connection points.
  • All wishes for the functionality of the house will be taken into account: the required number of rooms, their placement, the number of residents, guests.
  • Architecture and design preferences will be implemented only in an individual project: interior and exterior style, size, shape of windows and doors, roofs, ceiling heights, exterior finishes.
  • Possibility to order an individual project of the house according to your sketch. You will be able to independently set all constructive solutions.
  • An exclusive, unique project, not a template. You will receive a project that is not similar to anyone else, no one else will have a similar one.

Only thanks to the individual design and construction of country houses, cottages, the customer will be able to meet the budget allotted for this. It will be possible to choose building materials that differ in price and include their cost in the project of the future home.

Is it worth ordering a house project from a private architect?

The cost of designing a house or a cottage with a private architect is usually lower than with a bureau: you pay only for the design service, and additional costs in the form of office rent, employee salaries, etc. he doesn't have. The advantage is an individual approach to the order.

The main disadvantage of design services from private architects is that there is no system. Each stage of architectural design, in order for it to be implemented at a high level, must be performed by a professional in his field. One architect cannot be a specialist in both design and engineering, engineering communications and other areas at the same time.

As a result, the architect will develop a project of a beautiful and comfortable house, but in it the building structures will not fit in with engineering communications, because, as a rule, the architect is strong in one thing.

Sketches are often brought to our bureau and asked to add a construct, but most often everything is not limited to this. When adding a construct, the layout and appearance suffer, which are already far from ideal. As a result, the sketch must either be radically redone or developed anew.

Is it worth ordering the design of luxury country houses from a private designer?

The designer is a professional in his field, but not in architectural design. Most developers make a serious mistake when they order a house project from a designer: before that, he developed a beautiful apartment interior that everyone liked, the cost of services suits him, it is easy to find a common language with him, and now they decide to order a project from him.

The designer works in a ready-made box, takes the necessary measurements and performs other tasks. How it works is detailed on its website. He does not have the knowledge and experience on how to properly design this box and place it on the site.

Even if the designer’s diploma says “architect”, but there is no practical experience, then such an entry does not matter. The more practice a specialist has, in the portfolio of more than a dozen completed architectural projects, the richer his experience.

Designers' projects are often sent to our bureau, in which their complete incompetence in this direction is visible. In them, load-bearing walls are at least located on different floors under each other, and sometimes they are not at all. For building structures, the thickness was incorrectly calculated or was not taken into account at all.

Their sketches, not only for aesthetic or practical reasons, but also for security reasons, have to be finalized, and when the missing structures are added, the whole concept begins to “float”: the layout and appearance change. The result is a poor layout and an ugly home overall. The designer is offended.

But even if he has a lot of experience in designing houses, his projects have similar disadvantages due to the fact that there is no system.

Is it possible to order a project of a private house to a specialist working in a different specialization, who takes on the design as a part-time job?

An architect who makes projects very cool, for example, landscape or industrial buildings, will most likely be able to prepare a project for a house, but how well and successfully it will be is an open question.

It's like ordering a highly specialized book to a specialist who knows how to write and read something somewhere on the topic. He will study the necessary information or may have little experience in writing books on this topic, but without a certain professionalism in this area, expert information, and therefore such a book will not be useful for the target audience.

It is important to understand that the design and construction of cottages or private houses are inseparable, closely related processes. The project should not be just a flight of the designer's imagination, but a kind of "instruction" for the construction organization, which they will bring to life.

Is it possible to order a house project from a developer with its own design department?

The optimal solution when a construction company applies for a house project to a professional architect. He develops a project with well-thought-out functionality, and the in-house project department of the company, based on the provided concept, will complete the technical part. It is economically unprofitable for the developer to keep an experienced architect on staff.

It is not easy to find professional technical specialists to make effective projects with their help. It is also problematic to keep them on the staff due to the high demand for really high-quality services of a professional (competitors are lured by a higher salary, or a specialist understands that he is self-sufficient and able to conduct private practice). Communication is another barrier. The lead specialist and the in-house designer speak different languages.

When a developer does not work with an architect with extensive experience and a high professional level, then the value of their own design staff is practically zero.

The design process for such a developer is not an important part of building a cottage, but a forced step to keep a client who turned to them, but does not have a project. Full-time designers in this situation act as "pencils" in the hands of the customer, blindly taking into account his wishes for the project.

As a result, there is no system and qualified personnel, already during the development of the project between the developer and the client, misunderstandings inevitably arise. It takes time and nerves to coordinate the project, the result is that the customer is not satisfied with the project.

Can I order a project from a developer who uses the services of a remote designer?

Even in this case, the company has a full-time designer so that he can set a task for a remote designer, check the result, and explain the essence of the changes that need to be made. The work is quite complicated, the received developments need to be collected and coordinated among themselves in order for the customer to receive a suitable project.

A highly qualified architect will not do such work. Therefore, the main requirement for a full-time specialist from construction companies is to have an iron calmness.

Projects prepared with the involvement of remote workers are in 90% of cases a dissatisfied customer. He will discover a number of inconsistencies and shortcomings, he will see that some of his wishes were not taken into account. The customer pays for the shortcomings of the remote workers, sometimes the price of such a design of houses may exceed the cost of the services of an architectural bureau.

Why ordering an individual house project is profitable?

Any professional builder will tell you that pre-planned construction is better and cheaper than work without a project.

But in the design of houses, the price of the project is the factor that makes some customers doubt whether it is profitable to build a house according to an individual project.

It is important to understand here that with an equal construction cost, a cottage according to the project will be much more valuable from a practical point of view, comfort, aesthetics, consumption of building materials, safety than without it. At the same time, this value is much higher than the cost of the project (the price of designing cottages). That is why ordering a project is beneficial, otherwise it would not be necessary.

In all cases, is it profitable to order a project for a country house or cottage?

Not in all. If the construction of the house will be carried out not by a professional construction company, but by “people from the street” who do what they can and as they have always done, then the quality of construction will in any case be of low value, and the project will not help here. In this case, it makes no sense to order a house project with a detailed description of the solutions, its price will be extra expenses.

So where can you still order a house project in Moscow? Our experience and system of optimal solutions allows the client to build a house with a high value and realize the construction of a cottage or a private house in the most efficient way.

Here you can order a house project and get the exact embodiment of your wishes on paper. Individual design of houses and cottages is carried out in close cooperation with the client. All the works in our portfolio are made by the same person. We create a space for life in all its manifestations - for study, for work, for recreation. Professional design of private houses also allows you to get highly liquid real estate.

Individual design of houses and cottages includes the following services:

  • The architectural and construction part of the project: we select the concept, layout, materials, the number of buildings on the site and their purpose.
  • Engineering, communications and automation for your home.
  • Design. The design development service involves the complete organization of the interior space of your home, including the selection of furniture, equipment, materials and cost estimates.
  • Landscaping and landscaping. At this stage, we locate the buildings on the site and perform the selection of plants. It is more convenient to order a house project in a complex.

The development of projects for country houses in Moscow is carried out only for 5 clients at a time, which guarantees complete immersion in the task.

For projects of country houses of any area (300 m2 or more), we use modern architectural solutions with a flat roof, a second skylight and panoramic windows of a large area. You choose the number of rooms and their purpose: your house can have a workshop or a pottery studio, a cinema or a greenhouse, a stable or a photo studio, a sauna or a billiard room, the required number of bedrooms, bathrooms and cabinets.

Why is it worth ordering an individual project at home? Key benefits for you

  • We specialize in low-rise and cottage design and construction. We use exclusively modern style and premium technologies, including BIM design of cottages with visualization.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety of materials. In the construction, we mainly use monolithic reinforced concrete and brick, which can be used without additional finishing. Deciding to order a house design, you get a modern solution.
  • Energy efficiency. We sell passive houses, class A - A ++ (60% higher than the standard value) This is especially true for large houses, since this reduces utility bills by up to 50% or more.
  • There is constant communication with the client. By ordering an individual project at home, you can be sure that you will get a solution worthy of your family. Author's support is provided at all stages.
  • Integrity. Architecture, design and landscape form a single space complementing each other. Excellent illumination due to the use of panoramic glazing technologies.
  • Reasonable pricing: up to 5-10% of the total budget for the implementation of a house construction project. When implementing the architect's idea without making adjustments, we give a 10% discount. We also offer a bonus - author's support when ordering construction in our company.

Designing cottages: what technologies do we use

The design of country houses is carried out using the following principles:

Stages of design and delivery of a turnkey house

step 2

working draft

Based on the agreed draft part, design documentation, detailed drawings and diagrams of architectural and structural sections necessary for the construction of the cottage are developed.

step 3

Construction estimate

After the development of the architectural and construction part, an estimate is calculated according to the specifications and bill of materials. You can start construction work.

step 4

Network engineering

An engineering communications project is ordered, which takes into account the capacity of the boiler house, heating, ventilation, electricity, water supply and sewerage.

step 5

Interior Design

The interior design is worked out in parallel with the sections of the engineering project. Electrical networks are created in advance to provide channels for cable laying.

step 6

landscape design

The landscaping project is created at the draft stage, along with the general concept of architecture and design, engineering sections can be worked out during construction work.

Operating procedure. How to order a house project?

This is the only way to order an individual project at home


If you feel that our vision of architecture coincides with yours, then just fill out an application.


We meet at the site or in the office, discuss the details of the future project, you tell how you see your future home.

Collection of initial data

Therefore, we will need the results of geological and geodetic surveys, an extract from the USRN, technical specifications for connecting engineering communications, and the requirements of a cottage village.

Contract and payment

Based on the terms of reference, the cost is formed and the contract is concluded. we receive the first part of the payment, we proceed to the creation of a project for an individual residential building.

Author's control

Design prices. The cost of your house depending on the area, rub/m2

Stages and sections: Price
1 Architectural and construction part (AC)
Concept sketch (EP) from 1,000 rubles/m2
Architectural Solutions (AR) from 1,000 rubles/m2
Structural and space-planning solutions (CR) from 1,000 rubles/m2
2 Interior design project (DP)
concept sketch from 1,000 rubles/m2
Working design project from 1,500 rubles/m2
Selection of furniture, materials and equipment from 1,000 rubles/m2
decoration from 500 rubles/m2
3 Engineering systems (IS)
Heating and heat networks (OH1) from 250 rub./m 2
Ventilation (OV2) from 150 rubles/m2
Air conditioning (OV3) from 150 rubles/m2
Boiler room (TM) 50,000 rubles / up to 70 kW
Water supply (VK1) from 100 rubles/m2
Sewerage (VK2) from 100 rubles/m2
Power supply (EOM) from 200 rub./m 2
Low current systems (SS) from 100 rubles/m2
4 Landscaping (LP)
Concept sketch of a landscape project from 5 000 rub./sotka
Working draft of the landscape from 10,000 rubles/sotka
5 Escort
Author's supervision 40 000 rub.month
General contract 10%


Project composition

The composition and timing of the development of a draft design of a country house

  • Explanatory note
  • Situational plan of the area
  • General plan (scheme of the planning organization of the land plot)
  • Planning solution with explications of premises
  • facades
  • cuts
  • Roofing design
  • 3D design and visualization
  • Development time: 10-15 business days

    Composition and terms of development of architectural solutions

  • Basement planning solution (Marking / Masonry plan)
  • Floor planning decision (Marking / Masonry plan)
  • Planning solution indicating the main positions in the premises
  • Calculation scheme of loads of walls and partitions
  • Calculation scheme of the floor device
  • Calculation scheme of the device floor overlap
  • Calculation scheme of the roof device
  • cuts
  • facades
  • List of filling window and door openings
  • Composition and terms of development of design solutions

  • Calculation scheme of the foundation device
  • Foundation cuts
  • Structural nodes of individual elements of the foundation and details of the base
  • Structural units of walls and partitions
  • Structural nodes of floors and ceilings
  • Structural nodes of the roof
  • Structural units of facade elements
  • List of facade finishing materials
  • Structural schemes of individual positions (Staircase, Fireplace)
  • Project of power supply, water supply, sewerage, heating systems.
  • Development time: 20 - 30 working days

    Composition and timing of the development of the master plan

  • Title page
  • Sections of the GP to be developed in conjunction with the landscape project
  • The location of buildings in the structure of the site
  • Site organization plan
  • The composition and timing of the development of the water supply and sewerage project

  • Title page
  • common data
  • Plumbing plan
  • Sewer system plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the plumbing system
  • Axonometric diagram of the sewerage system
  • Layout plan for cold water hot water switchboards
  • Specification of technical constituent materials and equipment
  • Development time: 10 - 15 working days

    composition and timing of the heating and ventilation project

  • Title page
  • common data
  • Radiator heating plan
  • Axonometric diagram of a radiator heating system
  • Specification of the technical components of radiator heating
  • Underfloor heating plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the system of underfloor heating mains
  • Complete set of underfloor heating system cabinets
  • Specification of the technical components of the underfloor heating
  • Structural units of devices and installation diagrams of heating systems
  • Piping system
  • drainage system
  • Axonometric diagram of the pipeline
  • Axonometric diagram of drainage
  • Development time: 10 - 15 working days
  • Title page
  • Thermal diagram of the boiler room
  • Boiler plan
  • Axonometric diagram of the boiler room
  • Specification of the technical components of the boiler room equipment
  • The EOS section is being developed in conjunction with the design project of the premises of the complex
  • Title page
  • Layout plan for electrical equipment
  • Lighting layout plan
  • Lighting scenario plan
  • Switch layout plan
  • Socket layout plan
  • Layout plan for low-voltage equipment
  • Specification of technical components of lighting elements and equipment
  • The PNO section is being developed in conjunction with the landscape project and the design project of the premises of the complex
  • Title page
  • The layout of the lighting elements of the facades of buildings
  • The plan for the placement of lighting elements of the territory
  • Specification of technical components of lighting elements
  • Title page
  • Storm system device
  • Drainage system device
  • Specification of the technical components of the storm and drainage network system
  • Title page
  • Plan of external water supply networks
  • Plan of external sewerage networks
  • The device of the automatic watering system of the territory
  • Specification of the technical components of outdoor water supply and sewerage systems
  • Why it is worth ordering an individual, rather than a typical house project

    Typical planning decisions are made without taking into account the geology and geodesy of your site. They do not correspond to the modern style, do not look status and spectacular, do not provide for the possibility of replacing materials. You will have to settle for a solution that is not fully suitable for your family, not optimized for your needs.

    It is quite another matter - an individual project of a cottage. In this case, you receive working documentation that fully meets all the requirements:

    • the shape and relief of the site are taken into account, the depth of the foundation is selected taking into account the type of soil;
    • the appearance and style of the facade are selected according to your preferences;
    • building and finishing materials are selected for functionality, comfort and environmental friendliness;
    • be sure to take into account the liquidity of materials, so that if you wish, you can sell the house quickly and expensively;
    • the areas of each room and functional room are planned according to your requirements.

    We design both houses and complex solutions, with the placement of all necessary buildings and elements of landscape design on the site. You choose what exactly is needed.

    We answer popular questions about country house projects

    Design of an individual residential building or a standard project - what to choose?

    Sample project

    Individual project

    House area

    over 250 m2

    Implementation budget

    up to 60000 rub/m2

    more than 60 thousand per sq. meter

    Land area

    up to 20 acres

    over 20 acres

    Implementation timeline

    limited, you get the project immediately

    ready to wait, the development of an individual project of a private house takes up to 6 months

    What is the procedure for payment of works?

    You can order an individual project at home. The total cost of the project is divided into 2 parts. Payment is made in stages: first - 100% prepayment of the draft design, then - 100% prepayment of the working design.

    Do you have finished house plans for sale?

    Yes, there is, and you can buy them. These are 6-8 standard solutions created taking into account architectural trends. The construction of a country house in this case is carried out without any changes, solely according to the vision of the architect.

    Can I build a house according to your project in another construction company?

    Oh sure. After we have transferred the working documentation, you can contact another construction company. However, this is not profitable: you will need to order and additionally pay for the author's support of the project from us. If we build, then maintenance is not paid separately.

    How to find out the exact price of a complete construction project?

    The final price of designing a house is formed only after the preparation and approval of the terms of reference. Leave a request and we will contact you to clarify the details.

    How does the total area of ​​the house affect the cost of the project?

    The cost of the service directly depends on the area of ​​the house, as prices are per m2. Also, the number of wishes of the customer and the technical complexity of their implementation affect the costs.

    Order the development of the project of your own home!

    We will think over all the subtleties of the project, taking into account the peculiarities of your family's life, taking into account existing hobbies and possible replenishment. We will make sure that everyone is comfortable in the cottage! You will be happy to return here from trips. Forget cramped boxes and bad layouts. Your favorite home starts right here, write.

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