
The original project of a house on a slope in the style of a chalet in the Oryol region. Which project of a country house on a slope with a basement to choose is easy to decide together with Intel Group! Hillside houses with garage

  1. architectural diversity. Houses located on non-standard sites with height differences look unusual and original. The slope is an ideal place for building non-standard houses and cottages, as well as for the implementation of extraordinary landscape solutions. Depending on the characteristics of the site, the location of the entrance to the house, the location of balconies, terraces, etc. is determined.
  2. Reducing the costs associated with the drainage system of the foundation. The foundation of a building located on a slope is less prone to the accumulation of melt and rainwater than a structure erected on a flat area. Completely exclude the drainage system, of course, is not worth it. But a simplified design will significantly reduce the expense item associated with the foundation.
  3. Reducing the costs associated with sewerage. The presence of a height difference allows you to reduce the costs associated with pumping wastewater. Proper piping and the laws of physics will ensure waste disposal by gravity.
  4. Non-standard platform for landscape designers and amateur gardeners. The presence of natural relief opens up great opportunities associated with both the design of the site and the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops. Depending on the characteristics of the plants that are planned to be placed on the site and taking into account their moisture and light-loving nature, it is possible to implement many ideas and ideas. It is also worth noting that plants can decorate a house, terrace, etc.

Since the terrain is unique for each site, and the construction of a house, cottage and other buildings on a site with elevation changes has specific nuances, as a rule, there are no ready-made solutions for building on difficult sites. Of course, there are projects designed for sites with difficult terrain, but each of them requires adaptation for each area.

With the right approach and the use of special architectural design, the relief of a construction site can be turned from a disadvantage into a virtue. For example, in many cases, by building cottages on slopes, developers manage to save on material consumption. This is achieved through the competent use of natural elevation differences, and the placement of all technical rooms in the back of the basement. At the same time, the front part of the basement has all the advantages of the above-ground floor and can be equipped as a residential area.

In a house on a plot with a slope, the interior space is zoned in the same way as in all other houses with a basement. In them, technical premises are referred to the basement, the daytime zone (living room, dining room, kitchen, guest room, etc.) is located on the ground floor, and the sleeping area with the owners' private rooms occupies the upper floor, which can be both traditional, as well as attic. Individual design of the house takes into account all the features of the site.


Houses on steep slopes are convenient in that they always have fairly high plinths, in which you can equip built-in garages, and not worry that the sloping drive will take up too much space on the site. Another important advantage is that you can plan a summer kitchen in the basement.

An important advantage is the possibility of spectacular design of both the house itself, built on a slope, and the area around it. A relief backyard area is a dream of any landscape designer, as here you can plant exotic plants, create artificial reservoirs, use a variety of decorations, and all this will be in perfect harmony.

Construction options

The characteristics of the slope are calculated by comparing the highest and lowest points on the slope. Slopes are measured in fractions or percentages. They are divided into small (with a value of up to 8%), medium (from 8 to 20%), and steep. Naturally, with small slopes, the least hassle. They are suitable for the simplest solutions to the relief problem. For example, a site with a slight slope can be leveled and adapted for the construction of the most ordinary house, designed for a flat construction site. To do this, soil is poured from the side of the slope, raising the lower point of the building spot to the level of the upper one.

A small slope allows you to more intelligently plan the site, and place additional buildings on a level lower than a residential building. In this case, structures such as a garage, a barn, a bathhouse or a gazebo for relaxation will not block the view from the windows of the cottage and will not block the access of sunlight.

If there is a small or medium slope on the site, you can build houses with a basement, partially submerged in the depth of the slope. Their first floor is aligned with the highest point of the development spot. Under this floor, a basement is being designed, under which the foundation pit is leveled at the lowest point of the development spot. The main entrance can be from any facade. Often, a separate entrance is provided for the basement, due to which a clear separation of the technical and residential areas of the building is carried out. By choosing this construction option, you can try to find a suitable standard project designed for relief areas. However, in most cases it is necessary to create individual projects, taking into account all the parameters of the slope and soil. In order to save money and time, you can take a typical house project and order an individual adjustment of only the basement part of the building.

On a steep slope, cottages are built from several levels, each of which is shifted like a cascade. This option is the most expensive. It requires the participation of highly qualified designers and the availability of a high-quality individual project. Experts do not recommend leveling steep slopes and building ordinary cottages on them, designed for flat areas. The fact is that land works of this level are very expensive, and as a result, you can get an unreliable mobile soil layer.

The layout of such cascading cottages is quite complex, but original. Auxiliary rooms are placed in the recessed part of the floors - a kitchen, a dressing room, a gym, a utility room for storing food, etc. The basement with the other levels does not have to be connected by an internal staircase, but internal communication with the day and sleeping floors is mandatory. However, if you wish, you can also make separate entrances to each bedroom, for example, through a common outdoor terrace.

In the first two articles, we talked about how the terrain features affect the construction of a house and how best to place your building in the existing landscape of the site. We conclude the series of articles with a story about how exactly the direction of the slope of the terrain affects the choice of a place for a house.

The location of the house on a site with a southern or eastern slope

The southern slopes, of course, are more warmed by the sun. Therefore, you should try to orient the living quarters to the east, southeast or south. By placing the house on the southern slope, you can save resources for heating the building during the heating period. There is enough heat on the southeastern and eastern slopes. These directions are especially favorable for areas with a cold climate. For warm areas, such slopes are successful because coolness sets in here earlier. If you place the entrance to the house on the south side, then in winter there will be less snow and it will melt faster in the spring. The southern slope is less windy, and the sun warms more, illuminating the rooms and the terrace. Realizing, for example, the project of a two-story house with a garage, it is worth placing it on the southern slope closer to the eastern boundary of the land allotment.

The location of the house on a plot with a northern slope

It is not recommended to place houses on the northern slopes, unless we are talking about a site located in a hot climate. If it is necessary to determine a place for a house on the northern slope, then they build it in the middle, as close as possible to its western border.

The location of the house on a plot with a western slope

The western slopes are known for being very hot in the afternoon sun, so they are also not recommended for construction. This applies to all climatic regions. If there is a plot for construction located on the western or eastern slopes, then the house should be located at its northern border at its highest point, placing all outbuildings below.

cold pocket

When placing a house on rough terrain, one should take into account the cold air currents that go down at night. An obstacle in the form of a wall of a house that has arisen in its path contributes to the formation of a “frost pocket” or “cold pocket”, the temperature in which will be 9 degrees lower than that of the environment.

Winter Garden

If the house is planned to be decorated with a winter garden, then it is ideal to attach it on the north side. In addition to its main purpose, this room will serve as a thermal buffer. In addition, you can avoid the installation of sun protection devices and not be afraid that the plants will be exposed to direct sunlight. The open part of the winter garden is better to focus on the slope.

The basic rules for the location of the house on a relief plot:

  1. It is necessary to ensure a distance of at least 6 meters from the living rooms of the house to the buildings on the neighboring site.
  2. If the size of the site allows, it is worth removing animal shelters, toilets and compost pits at a distance of 15 meters from the house, placing them at the bottom of the slope.
  3. You can free up space for driving on the site by moving the house to the border of the territory (relevant for those who have chosen the project of a two-story garage).

Any uneven terrain complicates the preparatory work for construction:

  1. The project for the construction of a house must be developed individually, tying it to the existing conditions of the area.
  2. The project must take into account the location of the site and its slope.
  3. Before proceeding with the development of the project, it is necessary to perform complex calculations.
  4. If you prefer the project of a two-story house with a basement, special attention should be paid to the issue of isolating the surfaces of the building adjacent to the ground from the effects of groundwater.
  5. It may also be difficult to build terraces or excavate part of the slope for the construction of a basement.

All these factors require additional financial investments. But in many cases, uneven terrain can inspire bold experiments to create a fun modern home. Competent organization of the site for construction and the location of the house and other buildings on the ground, taking into account its features, will make the site unique.

Doesn't occur. But if there is construction on a slope, then the task becomes many times more complicated. Today, houses on the slope are popular. They are aesthetically more attractive and unusual in themselves. When deciding to build such a house, it is important to take into account many nuances. And first of all, remember that the layout of the room will also depend on the site.

Hillside house projects

Before you build a house on a slope, you need to correctly create a project. All further construction will depend on this. Even if the terrain has obvious flaws, they can be competently beaten and made into a landmark of the structure. When creating a house project, you need to know what the slopes of the relief are:

  • A flat piece of terrain that has a slope of no more than 3%.
  • A relief with a small slope from 3 to 8%.
  • Terrain with an average slope of up to 20%.
  • Steep relief from 20%.

The optimal sites for construction work are options with a slope of 3 to 8%. But if the territory has a slope of more than 8%, then it is recommended to know the principles of construction on such an area. So, the projects of houses on a slope can be varied, it all depends on the area and the literacy of the architect.

Construction on a small slope

Building a house on a plot with a slope of 8 to 20% has its own characteristics. At first glance, the angle is small, but requires a special approach. In the design of such houses, it is necessary to provide for a floor of the room buried below ground level. It does not require a flat building site. In order to build a basement, part of the earth is cut out. It can be built together with the foundation. For houses on small slopes, the basement is simply irreplaceable. The material in its construction is the same as for the foundation. Mostly concrete blocks, monoliths, bricks are used.

Significantly expands the territory of the building and can be used as a garage, utility room or sauna. It all depends on the desire of the customer. If on a slope it is possible to drive vehicles to the basement, then this is a great solution for a garage. It is best to choose an uneven building site on dry and elevated terrain. This will help solve a number of problems with water disposal. It is advisable to equip the walls of the house with waterproofing material, especially where there is contact with the ground. It is also recommended to lay waterproofing under the foundation.

Building a house on a steep slope

Houses on steep slopes with a slope of more than 20% require a special approach. For this type of development, a special project is being created, which will take into account all the features of the area. Most of these houses have many tiers and terraces.

The design of such a building is attractive in that many rooms will have individual exits. And economic and non-residential premises will be located at different levels.

A house on a mountain with terraces gives architects the opportunity to show all their imagination. The main task of such development is to transform the slope into several working surfaces. The buildings are placed on horizontal platforms, and they are connected by various steps. Terraces must be equipped with special props, they take on the entire load. Also, the terraced house has many possibilities. These rooms can be used as recreation areas, balconies and verandas.

Features of the foundation of houses on a slope

Modern construction allows you to build a foundation on any terrain with a different slope. Of course, the best site for building is a slope of no more than 3%. But if the house is on a mountain, then the foundation will be different:

  1. A slope of more than 8% requires the construction of a basement. The foundation will be tape type with waterproofing.
  2. Houses on slopes with a slope of more than 20% need a support base. The foundation will consist of stepped or screw type piles.

When you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • It is recommended to waterproof the basement floor, as it can be flooded. And if this happens, the consequences will be serious.
  • Thermal insulation must be present.
  • Drainage protection is necessary, this will prevent the foundation from destruction.

The foundation on the slope has both a load-bearing and an aesthetic function. It can be used as an additional room or, with the help of its unusual external design, give the building an original appearance.

Features of designing houses on a slope

Projects of houses on a slope are created so that the building is built from top to bottom. First of all, you need to start from the living space and attach various terraces with basement floors to it. It is important that the plan of the basement completely coincides with the layout of the walls of the first. Such a structure is load-bearing, and a large load will be placed on it. When planning the basement, it is recommended to follow safety rules. Do not arrange a boiler room in it and store items that can easily ignite. This can lead to a fire of the entire house.

A residential building on a slope is a very attractive prospect, especially if you have beautiful scenery.

But do not forget that when creating a project, you may encounter some difficulties:

  • Depending on the area, the finished project will need to be finalized.
  • Due to the characteristics of the soil, problems may arise in the operation of special equipment.
  • It is recommended to accurately calculate and take into account all environmental factors.
  • Moisture that flows down the slopes can destroy the foundation, so it should be well waterproofed.

Benefits of slope houses

Projects of houses on a slope are complex, but at the same time they are distinguished by interesting design solutions. Such buildings have many positive aspects:

  • Design solutions and experiments with height differences.
  • Possibility to lay water supply at different levels. The lower tier with sewerage, on the upper floors - water supply.
  • Financial savings by building on uneven terrain.
  • Several exits and a terrace for relaxation, as well as the division of the house into zones.

Disadvantages of building houses on a slope

When faced with the construction of houses on slopes with a variety of slopes, you need to be aware of its shortcomings. And also prepare for all possible difficulties that may arise during the operation of the building.

So, the negative sides of houses on the slopes include:

  • Ground movements and landslides that can compromise the integrity of the foundation.
  • Difficulties in construction according to standard projects.
  • There is no uniform lighting in all rooms.
  • It is difficult to get to the house for people of advanced age.

For those who love nature and comfort, as well as interesting design solutions, a house on a slope is the best choice.

Building a house is troublesome, and if the terrain of the site is not even, this causes additional difficulties. But a competent designer can still make it a winning moment.

A house on sloping terrain always requires more care and protection. It is more exposed to atmospheric phenomena than others and therefore an important design stage is the development of natural and artificial protection. Landscape design should be thought out, which, in addition to the aesthetic function, will also carry a protective one - to strengthen the slopes and partially protect from the wind.

The best option when choosing a site would be the highest point on the hill. This will protect your home from excessive moisture due to groundwater, which is quite important. Indeed, with a large number of them, constant reconstruction of the building will be necessary, which entails serious costs.

In addition, the soil in such places is very wet, which greatly increases the cost and complicates the excavation, and the construction of a strong reliable foundation makes it unlikely.

Also, the advantage of building a dwelling in elevated areas is that in the lowlands there is often such a phenomenon as a pocket of cold. This is due to the obstruction of air circulation in the lower parts of the hills, due to which cold air accumulates in one place. This can lead to a significant drop in temperature, which is highly undesirable for a residential building.

Another advantage of choosing a site for building a house higher is the ability to avoid the problem of drainage. If the base is sandy, surface drainage will be sufficient, but if clay, then it is necessary to take care of the drainage of the foundation.

Project of a house on a mountainside, difficulties that may be encountered

Building a house on a site with difficult terrain has a number of limitations, which significantly affects the cost, but it's worth it. If at the design stage to think over to the smallest detail the location of the object, the layout of the local area and design features, then such a house will delight its owners for many years.

In order for the construction of a cottage on a slope to be optimal, there are several ways to plan a construction site and design options for a house. The most popular of them is the construction of a cottage with a basement, which is cut into the slope. Usually the construction of such a house requires an individual project.

In addition, the building site can be leveled by adding soil. This option is quite economical and will not hamper the possibilities at the design stage. Another way is to cut the soil layer. But it is better not to resort to such a cardinal measure, since the natural structure of the relief will be violated, which can lead to a lot of negative consequences.

An excellent choice would be to build a house at different levels, in which the natural relief is not disturbed. In the hands of an experienced architect, this can become a great design project, very ergonomic, filled with many non-standard solutions.

House designs for sloping plots the best choice of location

Regardless of what surface structure the relief has, whether it be mountains or depressions, in any case it is always determined by the magnitude of the slope. Slope is the difference between two points located on opposite sides of the building site, which is the percentage between the highest point of the slope and the width of the plot. Depending on its size, the following types of slopes and options for house projects can be distinguished:

  • Projects of houses on a site with a slope of up to 3% - can be both standard and individual
  • From 3% to 8% requires an individual project, or a significant change in the standard, taking into account all the individual features of the relief
  • Bolen 8% - only an individual project

A slope of 3% is considered flat terrain for development and is even a positive thing. On the issue of sewerage, this is the best option, which is often created artificially. From 3% to 8% - a small slope. The best solution would be to build a house without a basement. This type of relief is optimal for designing a house with a basement, which can be very successfully cut into a slope. If the value of the average steepness (from 8% to 20%) then the project is developed individually. A good solution would be to create a dwelling with several tiers, separate entrances to each of them and terraces. This is a great field for the implementation of creative projects and the creation of your dream home. When a value of more than 20% is a very steep slope, designing and building a house requires a large material investment and unlimited time. Most likely, the cottage will consist of several terraces, each of which is individually reinforced and fixed with retaining walls.

Projects of houses on a slope with a basement

The most popular type of structures on the slopes. Most likely, from the outside it will be visible from one side and have an asymmetric shape, since part of the floor will cut into the slope. However, if you try, you can design an excellent functional rectangular room. It is better to build houses with a basement at a low groundwater level, otherwise there is a risk of flooding or, at least, constant high humidity. In any case, high-quality waterproofing is necessary.

In addition to all that has been said, it is worth noting that, in addition to steepness, the orientation of the terrain is an important circumstance. The most suitable for the construction of residential buildings are the southern and southeastern slopes of the hills. This is due to optimal insolation and savings on heating, because the winds from the south side are softer. Accordingly, when building a house on the northwest side, solar lighting will be insufficient and additional heating will be required.

Development projects of houses and cottages on a slope quite an expensive process. Do not be stingy if you decide to take such a step. A carefully thought-out project of the cottage itself and the adjacent territory will be the key to the quick, high-quality and successful construction of your new home, which will serve you for decades.

Building a gazebo

An arbor is a structure that is constantly exposed to external influences of the environment and weather conditions, which leads to the construction of arbors using materials that are durable and resistant to external natural factors.

In most cases, wood that has undergone special antiseptic treatment is used. For the construction of gazebos, coniferous woods are most often used, such as spruce, pine, larch and cedar, a little less often - birch. Some cases concern the use of expensive decorative species.

stone gazebo

For gazebos built using stone or brick, the foundation is simply necessary, as it gives the structure maximum stability.

In some cases, the construction of the gazebo provides for the presence of a foundation, the laying of which is carried out using brick, natural stone, cement and any other material that is used in such a case.

Very often, during the glazing of the gazebo, a frame is used, the binding of which is made up of small cells, which allows the use of both silicate and organic glass.

To prevent the interior of the gazebo from getting into it from rain and other precipitation, as well as to protect it from the wind, the gazebo is equipped with a reliable roof, which is also the final link in the construction of the structure, thereby giving it a finished look.

Foundation as the basis of the gazebo

In some cases, a gazebo or gazebo is installed on a platform paved with decorative stone tiles, which is also the floor of the gazebo (photo 2).

The need for laying the foundation appears if the soil of the site is close to groundwater, which can rise to the topsoil.

In addition, the foundation is necessary if the construction of the structure will take place on a slope.

The project of a house on a slope with a basement: the most important nuances of its implementation

Wooden gazebo on a hill

In some cases, a gazebo or belvedere is installed on a platform paved with decorative stone tiles, which is also the floor of the gazebo.

As you can see in photo 1, the foundation is simply necessary for gazebos built using stone or brick, as it gives the structure maximum stability, and the work itself will begin with laying the foundation.

After you have finally decided on the choice and marking of the site, it must be carefully leveled.

You can also remove the top layer of soil somewhere on a bayonet, one and a half. Subsequently, this soil can be used in flower beds or beds.

The next stage of construction will consist in digging a shallow trench around the perimeter of the future building (30x40 cm), building formwork and then pouring concrete into this trench.

After the final hardening of the mortar, you can begin to build walls and roofs.

The floor of the gazebo can also be poured with concrete, on which decorative ceramic or stone tiles are subsequently laid.

If the gazebo is wooden, then the design of the foundation will be different.

In the place where the support pillars will be located, pits are dug, the depth of which should not exceed 30 cm, then small brick pillars are installed in them, but so that they look out of the pits to a height of two bricks. Pits near the posts must be covered with earth and compacted.

A waterproofing pad made of fiberglass is laid on the protruding surface of the brick columns, and after its installation, work begins on laying thick beams, which serve as binding for future walls.

The next step will be the installation and fixing of the supporting vertical posts, the axis of which must coincide with the axis of the supporting brick pillars. Then work is carried out to install the log, on which the floorboards will be laid.

Photo 3. Gazebo on the slope

The foundation is necessary if the construction of the structure will take place on a slope or elevation.

In cases where the gazebo will have the shape of a hexagon, the logs should be installed so that the end of the first beam lies on the strapping beam on the first pillar, and the second end on the third brick column.

The remaining lags are installed in a similar order. Then, in accordance with the drawings, a number of vertical boards are stuffed onto the lower and intermediate strapping, which will serve as the walls of the gazebo, and only then the floor is laid from planed boards, the thickness of which should not exceed forty centimeters.

You can use not only long, but also short boards, which are laid in a symmetrical manner and connected using plug-in elements, such as a tongue and groove.

In order to prevent wood decay, all wooden parts of the structure must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

The method of preparing such a composition is very simple: you need to take 4.5 liters of water and 120-130 grams of sodium fluoride. This solution is enough to process ten square meters.

In order to install a gazebo on a slope (photo 3), it is necessary to prepare a horizontal area equal to the perimeter of the building.

The foundation is done as described a little above.

Landscaping of a site on a slope

A plot on a slope almost always seems to potential buyers not the most attractive way to invest.

Naturally, unlike flat territories, it will require additional financial costs for its improvement, and such a prospect will not suit everyone.

Let's try to study in more detail the process of landscaping a site on a slope and consider its most significant stages.

Pros and cons of a site on a slope

According to experts, such, at first glance, complex territories may turn out to be quite a suitable place for building a house, arranging a vegetable garden or a picturesque garden, and all the efforts made will justify themselves as a result of the beauty and originality of the resulting landscape.

Practice shows that it is on inclined areas that it is most convenient to create colorful rock gardens and rockeries, to equip artificial waterfalls, which are built with great difficulty on flat surfaces.

Among the possible problems associated with the improvement of the site on the slope, landscape designers note the openness of the area to the wind and heavy clay soils.

All other sides of such a territory are rightfully considered to be advantageous.

Landscaping methods on a slope

A wide range of methods are used for landscaping purposes, the most common of which are:

- Geoplastics - a method that provides for the artificial formation of relief;

- Terracing - strengthening horizontal ledges of the earth with retaining walls.

In practice, both of these methods are usually combined with each other, which allows you to achieve brilliant results.

So, a multi-level plot with artificially created terraces looks much more impressive than flat backyard territories - especially if it is equipped not with classic straight lines, but with gracefully curved retaining walls.

The main stages of transformation

Landscaping of the territory going down the slope is carried out in several stages.

Hillside house projects

Previously, experts determine the slope of the site, based on the ratio of its height to the horizontal plane of the base. Further, the territory is marked on the plan, breaking it into separate lanes - the so-called. "platforms-terraces", the dimensions of which make it possible to place a house, outbuildings, a vegetable garden, a garden, a flower garden and other objects in their space.

They unite the disparate space into a single whole with the help of small wide stairs and the already mentioned retaining walls, which not only protect the earth from slipping, but also act as a spectacular decoration of the terraces themselves.

The arrangement of terraces begins from the highest point of the site, gradually moving down the slope.

At the same time, the land cut from the upper platforms is transferred down, using it to create terraces of the second and third levels.

Each platform is fixed with retaining walls that prevent soil from sliding and serve as the basis for the underlying terrace. The material for these structures can be:

- massive logs, wooden beams;

- gabions - containers made of durable metal mesh, filled with rubble, large gravel, pebbles, etc.;

- pergons - lattice welded structures with the same filling as that of gabions;

- concrete and decorative slabs.

Small (up to 1 m), vertical walls are usually erected from durable logs, the lower part of which is pre-treated with antiseptics and anti-rot agents.

A retaining wall made of wood is installed in the ground to a depth of 45-50 cm, after which it is covered with waterproofing material from the side of the backfill and proceed to the arrangement of the terrace. It is desirable that the slope of the wall varies within 8-10°, which will allow the structure to maintain the ground pressure of the erected site.

In recent years, pergons and gabions have been used more and more often in the improvement of sites on the slopes - lattice and wire boxes, the space of which is filled with stone (for more details, read the article Gabions with your own hands).

Such structures not only successfully cope with their primary function - holding the soil on the terraces, but also act as their spectacular decoration.

The areas reinforced with retaining walls made of rubble stone, horizontal beams and wooden saw cuts look original. Another option popular with landscape designers is concrete retaining walls lined with pellet or sandstone. In this case, the method of laying the wall is very interesting, which involves facing with stones, similar to the principle of laying tiles.

All stone fragments of such masonry are held together with a mixture of earth, sand and cement.

In the future, in the spaces between the stones, shaving, garden saxifrage and other unpretentious plants that can adequately decorate the landscape will be able to take root.

The advantage of concrete and stone structures is also that, due to their strength characteristics, the height of retaining walls can be increased up to two meters (although many designers do not recommend exceeding the optimal limit of 0.6-1 m).

When erecting retaining walls made of stone or concrete, a foundation must first be laid under them, thanks to which the finished structure will gain additional strength and durability.

Another important stage of improvement is the organization of a drainage system that protects the soil from erosion.

It is logical that during heavy rains and spring floods, water flows inevitably form on the top of the slope, which, rushing down the terraces, wash out the soil.

In addition, the water stagnant behind the retaining walls becomes swampy, which over time can lead to their deformation and destruction. To prevent this from happening, a drainage system is equipped in the walls, one of the following types, namely:

  1. Underground drainage.
  2. Ground drainage.
  3. Filtration holes.

In addition, the terraces are equipped with storm sewers and drainage systems, the projects of which are developed in advance.

In parallel with the construction of retaining walls, staircases made of stone, monolithic concrete or brick are erected on steep slopes.

The simplest option is a staircase made of wooden boards or logs, reinforced with stringers - inclined beams, to which risers are nailed.

Choosing Plants for Slope Plots

So, from large bushes, whose roots are able to "hold" the soil, barberries, terry and semi-double wild roses, euonymus, sods have won the greatest popularity. Of the conifers, cotoneasters, junipers, globular arborvitae and dwarf spruces are perfect.

Do not forget that the process of landscaping a site on a slope requires specific knowledge and skills, so before starting any work, contact the experts for advice and assistance in implementing the tasks.

Editing a place on a slope: video + instructions!

The difference between a city on a slope and a flat landscape lies in the fact that its development includes a careful study and consideration of natural features that are directly related to the relief.

Land plot design on a slope

Sloping areas have undeniable advantages - as a rule, there are no problems with high groundwater, and such a site cannot be called boring and some disadvantages.

These include a large amount of required land and less freedom to choose where to build. To ensure that the outcome of a landscape design has been satisfactory for many years, you must approach its creation thoroughly.

It is especially important to consider the following characteristics of the area:

  • · Orientation of the slope to the cardinal points.
  • · How to tilt.
  • Direction and strength of prevailing winds.

The first item in this list will tell you the brightness of the page.

It is exactly what kind of lighting regime has been determined on your slope that will play a decisive role in the choice of plants. On the southern slope, the sun shines from morning until late evening.

Here the snow is broken early, but the soil is drier and many plants in the southern latitudes are warming up.

Building a House on a Slope: An Overview of Projects, Methods and Erection Characteristics

The northern slope is less prone to isolation, which limits the use of lighter plants. The western and eastern slopes are very favorable for the placement of green spaces, it is only necessary to take into account the direction of the shadow.

Bias angles largely determine the area of ​​the area, as well as the need to build stairs, terraces, supporting walls.

These engineering objects not only make the site harmonious and comfortable. The higher the slopes, the higher the soil erosion when the top layer is washed out.

Creating steps interferes with this process.

An inconvenient feature of the sloping terrain is the movement along the slope of the air masses. Cold air flows down, stagnates in natural or artificially created cavities. Late frosts are possible in these areas. The warm wind that rises, the hot months hardens.

When constructing buildings and recreational areas on a sloping site, the prevailing winds must be taken into account.

Where to start slope development

Website design model

To represent the sloping part of the fruit, it is very easy to draw a plan on paper. It is easier to create a 3D model.

You can do this with regular clay. By placing the layout of the site, the closest to the reality of the burden and slopes that clearly see its properties, determine the most suitable location for the house and other buildings, sidewalks, parking and recreation. At this stage, it correlates with the movement that contributes to the direction of the sun, it is necessary to consider the optimal location in the garden, tall trees, garden.

Be sure to address the issue of organizing the movement of people on the website - you may need to make a ladder. And now you need to plan the best place for rockers or an alpine garden, a dry stream - these elements that adorn the most suitable and very useful for viewing places with difficult terrain.

Formation of a land plot on a slope - photography

Then comes the kind of communication design.

Particular attention should be paid to the supply of water and sanitation. A sloped side doesn't always mean there are hidden visual corners, so all engineered spaces need to be aesthetically pleasing.

At the same level, he solves the issue of organizing drainage. Watercourses must be directed to specially marked channels, otherwise the urban economy will change over time. Some areas lying on the slopes are flooded to the bottom.

This problem is solved by equipping a pond or digging a trench.

Start planning your terraces. They are flat parts of various widths, which are located at different levels.

From the bottom of the terraces can be rebrirati specially raised supporting wall over large areas, and sometimes without a ledge. In this case, the abrupt displacement between terraces must be protected with geotextiles.

Characteristics of plant breeding

Plants for the city, located on the slope

Of course, the final selection of plants for green spaces is dictated by the tastes of the owners of the city.

However, the suitability of the selected trees and shrubs with the climatic characteristics of the site should be taken into account, and priority should be given to the poorest species with a well-developed root system.

Here are the principles for choosing plants for the slope:

  • · The complex landscape of the city provides a complex plant composition of species. This means that the slopes should be a place for coniferous and deciduous trees, low bushes and flat lawns. Such diversity will lead the site straight.
  • In addition to ornamental, plants perform the function of strengthening the slopes. Dense wood preserves the soil, bushes on the slope prevent the formation of landslides.
  • · Plants living on slopes must tolerate a lack of moisture.

    Choose from natural views, settled hills and mountain slopes.

If we are talking about places located on the hills in the central part of Russia, here we feel coniferous trees - cedar, mountain pine, juniper, spruce. Of the trees of deciduous trees, birch, hazelnut, microbial would be better, in a damp climate - willow. Shrubs suitable for cultivation on slopes are numerous. For example, barberry, white fool, lilac, the elderly, brooms - of various shapes and colors will already create a wonderful composition.

Deciduous flowering plants are indispensable - hosts, daily leaves, irises. The mosquito will create an excellent tent peak. And, of course, decorating the fixing walls of all kinds of plants for rockers - sedums, cleaners, gum.

Interesting design of a suburban area on a slope

Tilt, due to its complexity, allows you to create a unique and recognizable website design.

The main thing is to take into account natural factors, overcome soil erosion, regulate the appropriate area and visit the site with suitable plants.

Video - landscape design of a city on a slope

Such stairs on a slope or on a steep bank are cut to the ground. Measure your step (see below) to find out how many steps it will take.

Construction stages

Mark on the contours of the slopes and the dimensions of the range with a tight thread between the hooks that are driven to the ground from two sides.

Now drag the horizontal cord to define the bumps. We start with the above step, we dig the soil, make steps with original shapes and build the stairs according to our instructions.

Keep in mind that the less you step on these steps in the process, the better, so try to pack the soil from the side.

On large stairs with 10 steps or more in the ditch, it is recommended to build a concrete foundation to reinforce the position of the bottom riser and prevent it from sliding from tilting.

Raise the ditches under the first riser, it should be twice the width, 10 cm longer than the stride length and 10 cm deeper.

Fill the bottom of the ditch with gravel, pour it out and pour concrete into it. Smooth and let it dry.

Place the first foundation on a concrete foundation of bricks, blocks or stones using the basic brick technique.

Built-in slope ladder

the first

Drag between the floor on the ground on both sides of the stairs with the string to determine the location of the tread bands and bumps.


The blade forms the initial contours of the steps and then the ground with a solid wooden stick.

3. Orient the position of the twine, give the ladder a more precise shape, taking into account the height of the lift plates and the length of the tread.

4. Place the first mast of the two types of brick walls with overflow "spoon" (if necessary - on a concrete base).


To approach, fill with detritus at the beginning of the second riser, i.e. fall asleep on the surface of the first profile, lay it down and pour it with sand.


We are building a house on a sloping lot.

Place the plates on the mortar along their circumference and straighten the bulges over the tightened string.

7. Make water by carefully lifting the plates from behind.

Use a shim to make sure the slope is the same everywhere (see page, Formwork establishment).

Scale is sometimes the only solution for connecting garden parts of different stages or for moving from one place to another. These semi-circular staircases lead from the courtyard to the courtyard, surrounded by a wooden gazebo, where the family gets into the fresh air.

How to cut bricks and blocks

For a standard "spoon" headband, you need half a brick or block at the start or end of each of the two wall types.

To break a brick or block in half prepare a flat straight line with a chisel, place it on a hard flat surface and cut the chisel that hit it with a macro.

How to measure slope height

To determine the number of stair steps, you must measure the pitch angle.

To do this, move the tick at the top of the slope, on the lower bars, and connect them to a line that should be tilted horizontally (check it with a spirit level). Now measure the height of the sticks from the ground to the twine. If you do not have the same number of steps, you will need to increase the height of the slope, blow the floor off the floor, or shed up.

How to set up the first step

Save the detritus for the first lifting body and try to mix it up, but don't try to replace the truck itself.

Add gravel to the bottom of the first tread and press again. Now you can install the first run.

Panel frame. Place the panel on the prepared substrate and compare its superiority with the first string being stressed. If it matches it exactly, he removes the plate, puts the concrete solution around the circumference of the tile or four corners sent in the middle or in a continuous layer if the stairs are used intensively.

Place the disk on the base plate, move it in different directions to fit the solution better.

If it is at the stage of two plates, it lies near the first second plate, stopping a small gap between them, which then must be filled with dry mixes (sand and cement in a ratio of 1: 3).

Check the alcohol level for both plates at the same level.

Don't forget about the rise of the meteor shower (1.2 cm). Gently but surely hit the front edge of the panels with a hammer to form the slope.

minor step. Bricks or blocks as tread material can be applied to the mortar in the same way as plates. Leggings, as always, should hang over the lift.

You also need to lean over the edge of the rainwater drain a little.

Building the remaining stages

The second step can be placed on the edge of the first profile or immediately after its end on a gravel bottom covered with a thin layer of sand. The master puts the mortar under the hood, placing a series of bricks or blocks as described above. Place a place for the second gravel winner as well as the first, and place the second tread.

Continue to spray and run a step to the end of the stairs.

To smoothly connect the bricks, cut off the excess mortar with a semi-circular wall.

Mix the dry mix between the door panels or fill them with grout to remove excess. The solution should be dried within a week.




Relief - a series of unequal land masses, ocean floors and seas, various shapes, sizes, origins, ages and developmental history. It consists of positive (convex) and negative (concave) shapes.

home forms Relief: mountainous, hollow, ridge, hollow and saddle.
In addition to the above forms, there is also relief details. Landform details: vines, cracks, piles, dikes, excavations, glaciers, quarries, etc.
All types of shapes and relief details are composed of elements.

home relief elements These are: base (bottom), slope (slope), top (bottom), height (depth), direction of inclination and inclination, and thalweg gathering line. The main shapes, details and relief elements are shown in Fig.

Rice. 9.1. Basic forms, details and relief elements

mountain which is called the dome or conical height of the earth's surface.

The highest point of the mountain is called the peak, from which the relief decreases in all directions. The upper end of the mountain is called the peak and the plateau is called the plateau.

The side surface of a mountain is called a slope or slope. The bottom of the mountain, which is a line of skates crossing a flat surface, is called the bottom of the mountain. A small mountain up to 200 m high is called a hill. The massive hill is called hills.
hollow is a closed cone-shaped recess of the earth's surface. The lower part of the pool is called the bottom, the side surface is called the slope, the line of the lateral transition to the environment is the pond.

A small cavity is called a cave, funnel or void.
Ridge - It is an elongated one-sided hill with two opposite slopes. The line of intersection of its ice rinks, which runs along the highest points of the ridge, is called a watercourse, from which water and precipitation descend on two slopes.
Dell- deepening of an oblong shape.

The line along the cave passing through the lowest points is called the watercourse or lower belt, and the sides are called ramps, which end in a forehead. If you look at the watercourse, the excess in that direction is negative, right, left and back are positive. Wide shallow waters with gentle slopes are called valleys with a steep and rocky gorge. Water in the form of deep spots in valleys formed by the action of flowing water is called plains.

Over time, slope slopes collapse, overgrown with grass, wooded vegetation, and shaped beams.
saddle, This is the lowered part of the streams between two hills and two ditches, which differ from the saddle in opposite directions. In mountainous areas, a saddle is called a pass.
Image of the terrain at the characteristic points of places on the tops of mountains, at the bottom of the basins, rain ridges flow notches at the edge of depressions and holes in the soles of the mountains and at the point of inflection of the rays in geodesy, to determine their level, which can then be entered on the map near these points .



On the maps of the depicted contours of the terrain, i.e., closed rounded lines, each of which is an image on a horizontal scale of irregularities, all points on the ground located at the same height.
To better understand the essence of the relief image with horizons, we represent the island in the form of a mountain, which is gradually filled with water.

Let us assume that the water level stops successively at equal intervals at a height equal to meters (Fig. 9.2).

Rice. 9.2. The essence of the relief image along the contour lines

Each water level, starting from the initial (AB), will have its own bank (CD, KL, MN, RS) in the form of a closed curve, the points of which have the same height.
These lines can also be viewed as a patch of uneven terrain with flat surfaces parallel to the flat sea surface from which the heights are viewed.

It follows that the distance h is between adjacent lockable surfaces section height.
If all these lines are of the same height on the surface of the earth's ellipsoid and represent the scale of the map, we obtain a picture of the mountain in terms of a system of closed curves, the lines AB, CD, KI, m, and RS.

It will be horizontal.
Depending on the nature of the contour, we can conclude that:
a) each horizontal line on the map is a horizontal projection of a line of equal heights on the ground, representing the planned construction of the inequality of the ground surface.

Thus, after drawing and the relative position of the contours, figures, the mutual position and the relationship of irregularities are visible;
b), for example, horizontally on the map at regular intervals up to the height, and then the number of the sculpture on the slopes, which can be determined by the height of the ramp and exceeds each other surface points on the Earth: the more slopes on the slope, the higher;
With) padcontour lines, that is. the distance in the plane between adjacent horizontals depends on the slope slope: the steeper the slope, the less the precipitation.

Therefore, depending on the size of the plot, we may appreciate a steep slope.


Segment height The relief on the map depends on the scale of the map and the nature of the relief.

For flat and hilly terrain, its value is equal to a map value of 0.02 (for example, maps 01:50 at a scale of 000 to 1,100,000 or normal cross-sectional area is 10 and 20 m). On maps of mountainous terrain, the relief image is not visible due to the excessive thickness of the contour, and it would be better to read the section twice the normal height (map scale 1:25 Scale 1:50,000-10,000-20 m, 1:100,000 - 40 m, 1: 200,000 - 80 m).

On maps of scale areas 1:25,000 and 1:200,000 on a flat scale, the height of the cross section is twice that of a normal one, i.e., 2.5 and 20 m.
Horizontal lines on the map, corresponding to the height of the section specified in it, draw solid lines and are called main, or solid, horizontal lines (Fig.

Often important terrain features are not shown on the map along the main horizontal lines. In these cases, in addition to the main contours, half (semi-horizontal), which are executed on the map at half the height of the base section.

Unlike the base, half of the horizontal lines are drawn as a dashed line.
In some places, where the necessary information about the provision of assistance is not expressed in the main and semi-circuits, they still exist. auxiliary horizontally - about a quarter of a hundred.

They are also broken with broken lines, but with shorter connections.

Rice. 9.3. Main, half and auxiliary horizontal

To facilitate counting contours when determining the height of points on a map, all continuous horizons corresponding to Five times section height, draw a thick line ( concentratedhorizontally).
The height of the main section is indicated on each sheet of the map - below the south side of its frame.

For example, the inscription "Hard horizon passing through 10 m" means that on this panel all contour lines shown in full order are multiples of 10 m and thicker ones are multiples of 50 m.


In FIG. 9.4. Elemental relief forms are shown separately in outlines. The picture shows that a small mountain (hill) and a hollow view are usually the same - in the form of a system of closed surrounding horizontal lines.

Like each other and the image of the ridge and della. They differ only in the direction of the rays.


9.4. Image by Contour
main landforms

Routing scat characters or bergstrihami, they serve as short lines arranged horizontally (perpendicular to them) in the direction of the slopes. They are located on the outer edges of the most characteristic places, especially on the peaks, saddles or at the bottom of the pools, as well as on gentle slopes - in hard-to-reach places.
Also indicate the direction of the rays heights on maps:

  • horizontal marking, t.

    that is. digital signatures on some horizontal lines, which in meters indicate the height above sea level. At the top of these numbers, you are always looking at the higher ramp;

  • height The most characteristic points of the terrain are the tops of hills and hills, the highest points of streams, the lowest points of valleys and remnants, the level (deepening) of water in rivers and other bodies of water,

    Slope house projects, planning and building a house with a basement and a terrace

On maps 1: 100,000 and above, elevations above sea level are displayed with an accuracy of 0.1 m, map 1: 200,000 and below - up to whole meters. This should be taken into account in order not to confuse points in the definition and recognition of their characters on maps of different scales.


Irregularities with large, well-defined and smooth shapes are most evident with contours.

The image of a flattened relief turns out to be less expressive, since the horizons here occupy a rather large distance and do not reflect much detail between the horizons of the main area. Therefore, horizontal maps are often used on maps of flat areas along with the main (continuous) contour lines.

This improves the readability and detail of a simple relief image. If we look at such a relief and determine its numerical characteristics on the map, we must pay special attention not to stop the half and auxiliary horizons with the main ones.
When considering a map of mountainous and heavily covered reliefs, a very dense distribution of contours should be considered in reverse.

With steep steep slopes, the cities are so small that it is impossible to separate all the horizontal lines here.
Therefore, when the skates shown on the maps, where the slope is greater than the maximum, the horizontal part of the assembly is one or the other or a dashed line, resulting in only two or three intermediate between the horizontal thickening of the horizontal corner instead of four. In such places, concentrated horizons should be used to determine the height of points or the slope of slopes on the map.



Objects and relief details that cannot be represented by contours (more than 45 °) are shown on maps with special symbols (Fig.

Rice. 9.5. Relative relief symbols

Such objects include rocks, cliffs, slates, vines, cracks, walls, road embankments and excavations, a spear, caves, karst craters. The numbers that accompany the usual symbols for these objects indicate the relative height (depth) in meters.
Traditional signs of natural landforms and related characteristics, as well as horizontal ones, are printed in brown and artificial (mounds, excavations,

n.) - black.

Rice. 9.6. Fields of enriched fields (numbers are heights in meters)

Rice. 9.7. Barriers (numbers - height in meters):
a) on cards b - according to plans

Special black symbols show: cliff-remains - many separate lying stones and clusters of stones, which are milestones indicating relative height; caves, grottoes and underground works with their numerical characteristics (in the numerator - the average diameter of the entrance to the denominator - length or depth in meters); tunnels that indicate the height and width of the counter and the length in the denominator.

On the roads and roads that cross the mountain ranges, passages are marked, indicating the height and duration of the action.
The dangers of eternal snow (stoves) and glaciers are also depicted horizontally, but in blue. The same color shows all the relative signs that relate to it (ice walls, ice cracks, ice covers) and numerical signs of heights and contours.


9.8. Promoting eternal snow and glaciers
a) field fields (eternal snow), b) glaciers, c) glacier fissures, d) moraines, e) rocky rivers. f) stone greenhouses. g) walls and rocky walls, h) steep slopes with chart scales less than 1 cm; i) steep scale slopes on the map of more than 1 cm.

j) field borders


Exceptions on a small topographic map and on maps of a larger scale are shown by contours and general signs, but in general. They show only the general nature of the relief - its structure, basic shape, the degree of its vertical and horizontal dissection.
The height of the main section for displaying flat areas on both maps is set to 50 m, and for mountainous surfaces - 100 m.

In addition, the map also uses a cross-sectional height of 200 m, representing areas over 1000 m above sea level, with a scale of 1:1,000,000.
Rescue objects that do not work horizontally only show those that are necessary to mark the area or are an important milestone. They are marked with the same normal symbols as on the other cards, but smaller.
The main feature is the image of the mountainous relief.

For greater clarity, his horizontal images are complemented by the so-called washing and layered colors in height.


9.9. Card no wash (top) and wash (bottom)

laundry, is a shadow on the slopes of the most important mountainous landforms, makes the image more distinct and graphic, which allows you to visually perceive its vast forms. The shading is done with gray-brown color according to the principle: the bigger, higher and steeper the slopes, the more washing.
For washing, the most important are the ridges and peaks, passes, peaks, deep valleys and canyons, which are the main mountainous regions and massifs.

The direction and comparative inclination of the slopes, the shape of the ridges (sharp, rounded, etc.) and the difference in height of the main mountainous areas are clearly perceived.
Plastic color on step heights visually displays the height characteristic of a mountainous relief, and increases the plastic effect of its image.

It is made in orange of different colors in accordance with the principle - higher, darker. The relief image in this case is divided into separate high-performance layers (stages), depending on the color tone, their absolute height and mutual excesses can be easily distinguished. The layer color ton is multiplied by 400, 600 or 1000 m, depending on their absolute height.

The scale scale on the map is indicated on each sheet below the south side of its frame.

Questions and tasks for self-control

  1. Specify the definition of "relief" "horizontal", "height of the cross section", "location", "ramp location",
  2. Give the main shape of the work and relief elements, give them a brief description.
  3. What horizontal lines are called basic?
  4. What is the purpose of using half and secondary horizons, and how vertical are they on the map?
  5. What is the purpose of the bergstrix on the map?
  6. What colors are used to display terrain on maps?
  7. What is the essence of the method of erasing relief images on maps?
  8. What is the essence of the hippometric method of displaying relief on maps?
  9. How do digital symbols sign the outline of values?
  10. What relief objects are marked on the maps with special conventional symbols?
  11. Use the outline on the drawing to indicate the mountain, ridge, saddle, caves, ravines.
  12. What are the characteristics of the image relief on a horizontal and flat surface?
  13. Specify the types of videos.

    How are they displayed on maps?

  14. What are the characteristics of a relief image or diagram of scale 1:1,000,000 and 1:500,000?

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