
An increase in pensions from April of the year. From the first of April, a number of innovations begin to operate in Russia. Insurance payments for harm to health are calculated according to established standards

In April, the state plans to resume preferential car loans and car recycling

In 2015, about 6.5 billion rubles were allocated to support the Russian automotive industry under these items. However, the choice of cars, experts emphasize, will not be as great as we would like. And it will also be necessary to dispose of your heavily supported rattletrap wisely.

However, a specific date has not yet been announced, as well as the details of these programs. The Ministry of Industry and Trade only announced that preferential loans can be obtained for Russian-made cars no more than 700 thousand rubles.

Earlier, we recall, they were issued for cars worth up to a million rubles. The new bar covers all products of the Russian automotive industry (except for luxury versions of the UAZ Patriot), Chinese brands and budget versions of Korean models.

However, you won't get a loan at all "without money". The person who wants to buy new car 2015 release, to obtain a preferential loan, you need to accumulate 30 percent of the cost of the car.

However, to help motorists, the state is ready to compensate 2/3 of the current key rate The Central Bank, which today is 14 percent. The average loan for a car is given today at a rate of 24 percent, which means that subsidies will amount to about 10 percent, and as a result, the rate is about 15 percent.

Recycling is more difficult. Last year, the program "didn't work" - out of the planned 100,000 cars, only 38,000 were sold under it. Therefore, not 10 billion were allocated for the second quarter of 2015, as previously planned, but only 5. The Ministry of Industry and Trade, however, expects that from April to December 2015, 200 thousand cars will be sold, which will be 10 percent of total sales.

Meanwhile, the fleet is aging. Every third car in Russia is over fifteen years old.

In order to get an adequate price for a car, it is desirable, firstly, to bring it not in a "bag of spare parts", but to hand it over in a more or less satisfactory condition, even if not on the move. The amount of compensation for a scrapped car can range from 35 to 360 thousand rubles for the delivery of passenger cars or trucks as well as buses. At the same time, for recycling, you can not only give the car for recycling, but hand it over to a car dealer for resale under the trade-in system. Sometimes it's even more profitable than scrapping. However, there is a caveat - some car dealers only accept brands of their salon or other cars, but not older than 3-5 years.

The demand for cars under the recycling program has fallen by about 4 times, recalls automotive expert Igor Morzharetto. “In addition, people have completely run out of money for such purchases. Therefore, I think that it will not be in great demand,” he suggested.

However, the expert gives the program of concessional lending much more chances. "One of the main reasons for the fall of the car market is the inability to take a car on credit. Previously, there were 50 percent of such cars, now 25 percent. And subsidizing the rate can stretch the Russian car industry," summed up Igor Morzharetto.

It is worth recalling that, according to statistics, only in January 2015, compared to January 2014, the car market fell by 33 percent in all segments.

This kind of negative dynamics has already led to the fact that, for example, General Motors has decided that in addition to sales of premium brands Cadillac and Chevrolet Tahoe on Russian market"nothing shines" for him. As a result, he simply "brought out" most of his brands outside of Russia.

However, the desire to "leave on their own four wheels" touched not everyone. Of course, for example, the same Volkswagen and Citroen decided to temporarily freeze the production of their cars, but, nevertheless, representatives of Renault, Hyundai, Toyota, Nissan and BMW have already made statements in the media and among the expert community that their companies do not plan to curtail production of their brands in our country.

Lovers no longer have to queue at the popular registry office in the evening to apply for marriage registration - now they can do it over the Internet. In the same way, those who are unlucky in marriage will be able to file for divorce. Experts "RG" called all the main advantages of this innovation.

Changes made to the Law "On acts of civil status" come into force on April 1. You can also apply online to register a child's birth, death or paternity. So people can significantly save their time. And money too, by the way. No need to take time off from work and lose part of your earnings. All bureaucratic procedures can now be completed with a few mouse clicks by visiting the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

However, it should be noted that the simplification of the procedure does not eliminate the need to provide the entire set of documents. For future newlyweds, for example, these are applications, copies of passports, a receipt for payment of state duty. But this can already be done on the wedding day, which will also be assigned to you via the Internet.

But you can send over the Web and copies of these documents, certified electronic signature.

The procedure for dissolution of marriage is similar, but it has its own nuances. The application through the registry office is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and through the court - with a simple electronic signature.

In addition, you can now save on state duty. After all, according to current rules its value is reduced by 30 percent if citizens draw up their documents in electronic form using the portal public services, as well as regional and municipal portals. By the way, registration of marriage in the registry offices now costs 350 rubles, and termination - 650 rubles.

“As soon as Russians get the opportunity to file applications at a distance, the number of divorces will immediately increase,” said Alla Tyndik, senior researcher at the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA. “We are talking about those married Russians who have not lived together for a long time. they didn’t have time to go to the registry office, now they can do it right at the workplace.” However, this will only be a statistical error, she added. There is also a small psychological moment: at a personal meeting - on the way to the registry office, in a live queue for filing a divorce - the quarreling spouses can find out the relationship and make peace.

And such cases today are very common, psychologists say. But with the advent of our everyday life information technology, Russians will lose this opportunity.

But Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, is sure that if people decide to get a divorce, then nothing will stop them. "There was a period in the Soviet Union when spouses were forced to publish an announcement of their divorce in the newspaper," he recalled.

Experts agreed on one thing: the innovation will not affect the number of weddings at all, since lovers do not care how and where to apply, the main thing is desire.

By the way, according to Rosstat, people are getting married in Russia less and more often. In 2014, one million 226 thousand marriages were concluded in Russia, which is 1.3 percent less than in the previous year. While the number of divorces, on the contrary, increased by as much as 3.5 percent. Last year, 693,000 families officially severed their relationship.

Bargain Faster

If a federal highway or a gas pipeline must pass through your site, on which a garden is planted or an apiary, then when it is withdrawn, it will be possible to receive compensation not only for land and buildings.

It is also due for lost profits that you could receive for sold apples or honey. However, you will have to bargain quickly.

The law regulating the withdrawal of land for state needs comes into force on April 1, 2015. And it concerns not only citizens, but also legal entities. To protect their rights, it will be necessary to conclude a special agreement in which it is necessary to prescribe the price for the plot. Calculate the possible losses that a person will incur in the event of land seizure, and also include them in the document. And start trading.

But the whole procedure will now be given not a year, but only three months. If during this time it is not possible to bargain, the case goes to court. And then the plot will be forcibly withdrawn. And at the price they set. By the way, if there is a squatter on the site, then you can forget about compensation.

The short term for exercising one's rights to compensation is fraught with certain dangers, RG experts are sure. And we must remember them.

Success is quite realistic. But if the documents for real estate are not all right, it will take additional time to bring them into proper form. There may be problems with the calculation of lost profits. The assessment is carried out by specialized organizations, says Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Institute public service and management of the RANEPA Marina Laktaeva. “But the cost of the appraisal is quite high, since there are not so many specialists. And it will fall on the owner.

And here, too, certain problems may arise," she warns. For example, a pensioner may not have money for the procedure. But, the expert clarifies, "if he sells the same honey or apples from the garden, then he able to prove income with documents.

At the same time, Marina Laktaeva assures, three months is quite a sufficient period for the paperwork to be completed at the completion of such a transaction. “However, protecting all interests, of course, will not be so easy if there are any frictions and questions. In addition, the right to appeal the court’s decision is granted, but this may lead to the fact that the time will go beyond the three-month period,” she warns. In general, many questions that arise will be solved arbitrage practice I'm sure there will be solutions."

There is only one advice. Keep your paperwork in order and collect proof of garden income if your site falls within a federal development zone according to the master plan.

Social pensions increased in Russia today

WITH today in Russia, social pensions will grow by 10.3 percent. And the monthly cash payment (UDV) to federal beneficiaries - veterans, disabled people, citizens exposed to radiation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor - by 5.5 percent. At the same time, there will be no April indexation of labor pensions this year.

The average monthly pension in Russia increased by 13.5 percent

As a result, the average size of the social pension after the increase will be 8,311 rubles, the social pension for disabled children - 12,371 rubles, for those disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions - 29,371 rubles and 31,488 rubles, respectively.

As a result, indexation will affect almost twenty million people.

As noted in the Ministry of Labor, during the year the minimum level of pension provision for the elderly will continue to be at least living wage pensioner in the region of his residence. If the amount of the pension in aggregate with other due non-working pensioner payments will be below the subsistence level, then he will be given a social supplement to his pension.

8311 rubles will now be the average social pension in Russia

Recall that this is not the first indexation of social benefits this year. Thus, since February 1, 2015, there has been an increase of 11.4 percent insurance pensions more than 39 million people, and as a result, the average old-age insurance pension amounted to 12.9 thousand rubles. And in August, an unclaimed adjustment of the insurance pensions of working pensioners will be carried out - based on the amount of those contributions that employers will make for a working pensioner. But the increase can be no more than three points, or 214 rubles.

Truck drivers to be fined for not having tachographs

The service intends to carry out checks of cars at weight control points, checking the presence of tachographs. Violators will be fined.

Prior to this, work and rest control devices had to be installed on intercity buses, trucks and vehicles carrying dangerous goods. Their owners began to be checked and fined a year ago. Now all legal entities and private entrepreneurs who are engaged in cargo transportation will have to pay a fine for driving without a tachograph. But individuals can still carry firewood, manure or potatoes to their dacha in their personal truck without such devices, experts say.

But if it is proven that they are engaged in illegal entrepreneurial activity, then they will pay a fine for the lack of tachographs - three thousand rubles.

In January 2020, throughout Russia, and, accordingly, in St. Petersburg, and in Leningrad region, there will be an indexation of old-age and disability insurance pensions. It will affect only non-working pensioners.

The parameters for the upcoming increase in benefits are well known. The size of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it will increase by 6.6 percent from January 2020. This is almost double the estimated inflation rate, which is projected to be 3.8% in 2019.

The size of the pension point will increase from 87.24 rubles. to 93 rubles, and the amount of a fixed payment to insurance pensions will increase from 5,334.19 rubles. up to 5686.25 rubles.

Thus, the average pension from January 2020 will increase by about 1,000 rubles.

Of course, this is the average temperature in the hospital. For some, the pension will increase by a smaller amount, for others by a large one. Well, the easiest way to calculate your pension based on the results of the January indexation of 2020 is to multiply its current value by 1.066.

What will be the insurance pension after indexation in January 2020

Today, rub.

in 2020, rub.

Increase, rub.

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Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment in 2020

As mentioned above, in 2020 the amount of a fixed payment to insurance pensions will increase due to indexation from 5,334.19 rubles. up to 5686.25 rubles.

1 Disabled people of the 1st group receive a fixed payment in double size. That is, in 2020 it will be: 5686.25 x 2 = 11,372.5 rubles.

2 Citizens who have reached the age of 80 are also entitled to a double payment amount - 11,372.5 rubles.

This means that pensioners born in 1940 will receive a gift from the state for their anniversary in 2020. They will add 5,686.25 rubles to their pensions.

3 Citizens who are dependent on disabled family members (except for persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled of group 1):

With 1 dependent - 7581 rubles. 67kop. per month;
With 2 dependents - 9477 rubles. 08 kop. per month;
With 3 dependents - 11372 rubles. 50 kop. per month.

Rural workers, residents of Far North and etc.

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What increase awaits pensioners in April 2020

In April, Russia traditionally increases state pensions, including social .

Veterans, astronauts, victims of man-made disasters and other few categories of citizens receive state funds.

Social pensions are paid to the disabled and other disabled citizens of Russia. Including the right to receive a social pension is received by persons who have reached the age of 70 and 65 years (men and women, respectively).

We also took a calculator and counted. Here's what happened:

  • 1. Disabled since childhood of the 1st group and children with disabilities: 12681.09 x 1.07 = 13,568 rubles.
  • 2. Disabled since childhood, 2 groups, Disabled 1 group: 10567 x 1.07 = 11,306 rubles.
  • 3. Disabled people of the 3rd group: 4491 rubles. x 1.07 \u003d 4,805 rubles.
  • 4. Citizens who have reached the age of 70 and 65 years (men and women, respectively), Disabled people of the 2nd group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood): 5283 x 1.07 = 5,652 rubles.

These figures are not official. If we made a mistake in the calculations, then correct us, we will be grateful!

Who is waiting for the increase in pension from February 2020

Of course, we have not forgotten about increase in monthly cash payment, which increases in February. We just decided that it would be logical to mention it after the story about the social pension. After all, it is received, in principle, by the same categories of citizens, that is, federal beneficiaries. Among them:

  • - Participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled;
  • - Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • - Persons who worked during the Second World War;
  • - Disabled people and children with disabilities;
  • - Chernobyl, etc.

A complete list of recipients can be clarified at the Pension Fund. Everyone's EDV is different. But the index value will be the same.

According to preliminary data, EDV indexation in February 2020 will be 3.8%. The cost of a set of social services (NSO) will be increased by the same amount. In ruble terms, the new amount of the CU can be calculated according to the same principle: multiply the current amount by 1.038.

An official decision will be made next year, when inflation and the cost of living for 2019 become known.

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Who will receive an increase in pensions from August 1, 2020?

If a pensioner worked in 2019, and the employer paid contributions from his salary to Pension Fund, then from August 2020 his pension will increase slightly. It will be recalculated upwards, taking into account the amount of insurance contributions received. This applies to old-age or disability insurance pensions.

The amount of the increase depends on the level wages of a working pensioner in 2019, or rather, on the amount of insurance premiums paid for him by the employer and accrued pension points.

But the maximum increase is limited to three pension points in monetary terms. And since one pension point in 2019 cost 87.24 rubles, then maximum allowance to pension from August 1, 2020 will be 261.72 (87.24 × 3) rubles.

The minimum pension in St. Petersburg in 2020

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount of material support for a non-working pensioner cannot be lower than the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) in the region of his residence. In fact, this value can be considered the minimum pension in a particular city or region.

In St. Petersburg for 2020, the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP) is set at 9,514 rubles.

It means that total amount material security of a non-working pensioner in St. Petersburg in 2020 cannot be lower than 9,514 rubles. However, it must be taken into account that the words "total amount of financial support" mean not only a pension, but also all payments and benefits in monetary terms which he receives.

If this very “total amount of financial support” suddenly turns out to be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence minimum (PMP), then a social supplement will be paid.

Its size is different for everyone. It is calculated as the difference between the PMP and the "total amount of software".

Note that St. Petersburg has its own supplement to the subsistence level.

Monthly social payment to pensioners up to the subsistence level

Pensioners who live in St. Petersburg and belong to one of the following categories can apply for it:

Reached the age of 60 years and older;
unemployed women aged 55 to 60;
disabled people of I or II group.

The amount of this payment is determined as the difference between 1.15 of the subsistence minimum for pensioners established in St. Petersburg for the quarter preceding the assignment of ERUs and the amount of the pension. The calculation takes into account the sum of all pensions and additional payments to pensions.

The minimum pension in the Leningrad region in 2020

The size of the minimum pension in the Leningrad Region in 2020 can also be considered the size of the living wage for a pensioner (PMP), established by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. And this is 9,311 rubles.

If the “total amount of financial support” of a non-working pensioner in the Leningrad Region is below this value, then he will be paid a social supplement up to the amount of the PMP.

The difference between the PMP, and, accordingly, the minimum pension in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is: 9,514 rubles. - 9 311 rubles. = 203 rubles.

However, not all so simple. After all, residents of St. Petersburg can receive social benefits from local budget, which pensioners in the Leningrad region do not have.

Indexation of social supplements for pensioners in St. Petersburg in 2020

Support measures for residents of the Northern capital are defined in the Social Code of St. Petersburg. There are quite a few of them. Here are just a few.

Monthly cash payment to pensioners

Residents of St. Petersburg who have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (for men and women, respectively) can apply for it.

Its size in 2020 will increase from 600 to 624 rubles.

But for pensioners born between June 22, 1928 and September 3, 1945, who fall under preferential category The children of the war, in 2020, will not pay extra 1,935 rubles, as it was before, but already 2,012 rubles.

✓ Monthly cash payments to labor veterans and pensioners who have worked in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) for at least 20 years

These payments are received by veterans of labor or military service when they reach the age of 60 and 55 (for men and women, respectively). In St. Petersburg they are equated with pensioners who have worked in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) for at least 20 years and have at least 45 years of work experience for men and 40 years for women.

The amount of payment in 2020 will increase from 911 rubles. up to 947 rubles.

By the way, veterans of labor and citizens equated to them in St. Petersburg are also entitled to 50 percent benefits for wages utilities and a number of other support measures.

Monthly cash payments to home front workers

These payments are received by pensioners living in St. Petersburg, belonging to this category of beneficiaries.

The amount of payments in 2020 increases from 1304 rubles. up to 1,356 rubles.

In accordance with the Federal legislation, the amounts of the monthly cash payment (UDV) and a set of social services (NSU) to citizens belonging to the so-called "federal beneficiaries" are subject to indexation once a year from April 1 of the current year, based on the forecast inflation rate established by the Federal Law for the corresponding financial year.

Thus, in 2015, the forecast level of inflation was set, not exceeding 5.5 percent. In this connection, from April 1, 2015, the size of the CST and the cost of the VAT will be increased by 5.5%.

For example, the size of the EDV for some categories will be:

Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 4481.47 rubles (an increase of 233.63 rubles);

Participants of the Great Patriotic War - 3361.09 rubles (an increase of 175.22 rubles);

For former minor prisoners - 3361.09 rubles (increase by 175.22 rubles);

Disabled people of the 1st disability group - 3137.60 rubles. (increase by 163.57 rubles);

Disabled persons of the 2nd disability group - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Disabled people of the 3rd disability group - 1793.74 rubles. (increase by 93.51 rubles);

Disabled children - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Disabled people due to the Chernobyl disaster - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Liquidators 1986-1987 consequences of the Chernobyl disaster - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Liquidators 1988-1990 consequences of the Chernobyl disaster - 1793.74 rubles. (increase by 93.51 rubles);

Veterans of military operations - 2465.67 rubles. (an increase of 128.54 rubles).

The amounts of the CU are given taking into account the cost of the GST, which from April 1, 2015 will amount to 930.12 rubles, including:

RUB 716.40 - to pay for the provision of services in the form of provision of medicines;

RUB 110.83 - to pay for services in the form of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;

RUB 102.89 - to pay for the provision of services in the form of travel on a suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back.

Citizens who this year have preferred to use social services in kind will receive UDV minus the cost of the size of social services (services), - explain in the PFR Department for the Smolensk region.

In addition, since April, the amount of the monthly cash payment to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, family members of the deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Heroes of Socialist Labor, full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory.

Lida Vlasova

Who is a federal beneficiary?

1. War invalids:

Participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled;

Military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system who became disabled due to wounds, contusions or injuries received in the line of duty

Former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, recognized as disabled.

2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos equated to them

3. Combat veterans

4. Servicemen who passed military service during the Great Patriotic War

5. Citizens awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"

6. Citizens who worked during the Great Patriotic War

7. Family members of the dead (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans

8. Disabled:

Disabled people with III group of disability

Disabled people with II group of disability

Disabled people with I disability group

9. Disabled children

10. Citizens affected by radiation man-made disasters

11. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory.

12. Family members (widow (widower), parents, children under the age of 18, children over 18 who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, and children under the age of 23 studying in educational institutions full-time education) Heroes or full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

13. Citizens of the Russian Federation awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (Heroes of Socialist Labor) or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees (full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory).

14. Citizens awarded with the sign "Honorary Donor of Russia" (USSR)

* * *

We also remind you that from April 1, 2015 social pensions in Russia will be indexed by 10.3%. The average social pension will increase by 777 rubles. and will amount to 8311 rubles.

Who will receive the allowance?

In connection with the indexation of social pensions, payments to the following categories of pensioners will be increased:

  • military personnel who served in the military by conscription and subsequently received a disability (and members of their families);
  • participants of the Second World War and residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters and members of their families;
  • citizens from among the employees of the flight test staff. In addition, cosmonauts' seniority pensions will be increased.

Thus, the average disability pension for conscripted servicemen will increase by 1,095 rubles. and will amount to 11726 rubles.

The average size of the survivor's pension for the families of conscripted servicemen will increase by 924 rubles. and will amount to 9893 rubles.

The average pension for state pensions for citizens with disabilities due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will increase by 1248 rubles. and 1193 rubles. respectively.

Disabled citizens are entitled to receive a social pension (Article 11 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ):

  • disabled people of groups I, II and III, including disabled since childhood, disabled children (a social disability pension is established);
  • children under the age of 18, as well as older than this age, who are full-time students in the main educational programs in educational organizations, until they complete such training, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost one (both) parents, and children of a deceased single mother (a social pension is established in case of loss of a breadwinner);
  • citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North on the day of the assignment of a pension (a social old-age pension is established);
  • citizens of the Russian Federation, and Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and who have reached the age of 65 and 60 (men and women, respectively) (a social old-age pension is established).

From April 1, you can apply for marriage or divorce via the Internet. In addition, the country will launch a program of subsidized purchases of new cars on credit. In terms of auto insurance under OSAGO, payments to victims will increase almost three times. About these and other changes in Russia since April 1 in the review of Primorskaya Gazeta.

To the registry office through public services

Getting married or divorced from April 1 will be much easier. It is now possible to submit the necessary application to the registry office via the Internet. A joint application, as well as other documents that will be required upon marriage, can be sent by future spouses through the Single Portal of State and Municipal Services, certified with a simple electronic signature. Thus, they will need to come to the registry office only on the day of the wedding with the original documents.

The procedure for dissolution of marriage is similar, but it has its own nuances. The application through the registry office is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and through the court - with a simple electronic signature. You can also apply online to register a child's birth, register a death, or establish paternity. Everything is signed with a simple electronic signature.

Land: Hurry to Bargain

From April 1, officials will be able to quickly take land from summer residents for state and municipal needs. This is stated in federal law“On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain legislative acts Russia". So, if earlier the owner had a year to negotiate the conditions for the seizure of land, now to bargain with the authorities more money for your site will be possible only for three months. After that, the land will be forcibly withdrawn through the court. In addition, not only the authorities, but also legal entities will be able to seize plots for state needs if they apply to the court and it is approved.

Auto - double benefit

Russians can save on buying a car. And twice. Firstly, the state is being resumed.

To obtain soft loan for the purchase of a car, the cost of the car should not exceed 700 thousand rubles. The rate on such a loan could be about 70% of the key rate of the Central Bank. Today it is 14%, which means that a car loan will cost 9.8% per annum. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov spoke about these parameters of the program, saying that the details are still being discussed.

- The program can only be used by individuals for the purchase of a car manufactured in 2015,” the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told Primorskaya Gazeta. – The participant of the program will be required to make an advance payment of at least 30% of the cost of the car. The program also defines a maximum loan term of three years.

The loan will be issued only in rubles. And it will allow car factories to sell up to 200 thousand cars.

Secondly, the government plans to extend the preferential disposal program. So the Russians will be able to hand over their old cars and receive discount certificates for new cars. The previous program ended in December 2014 last year. The minimum discount was 40 thousand rubles. Maximum - up to 350 thousand rubles.

auto insurance

From April 1, it will increase from 160,000 to 500,000 rubles for damage to the life and health of victims of road accidents. In addition, they will be calculated according to the already approved price list, and paid without going through the court. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of Russia “On Amendments to the Rules for Calculating the Amount insurance compensation when causing harm to the health of the victim.

On April 12 , on average , OSAGO basic tariffs will increase . This decision was made by the Central Bank and sent the document for registration to the Ministry of Justice.

Pensions will be raised. But not everyone

The size of social pensions from April 1 will increase to 8.3 thousand rubles. Indexation will be 10.3%. This decision was taken by the government of the Russian Federation.

As a result, indexation increases the level of pension provision for more than 190 thousand pensioners of Primorye, of which 50.8 thousand people are recipients of social pensions.

Recall that since February 1, 2015, the insurance pensions of almost 500 thousand Primorye pensioners were indexed by 11.4%, based on the growth consumer prices for 2014. As a result of indexation, the average old-age insurance pension, taking into account a fixed payment, is 13.1 thousand rubles.

In August 2015, an unclaimed adjustment of the insurance pensions of working pensioners will be carried out.

Since February 1, 2015, there has already been an increase in labor, or rather, an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it, because it was divided into these parts labor pension from this year. From April 1, it is the turn for those who receive a social pension.

Chief specialist - expert of the department for organizing the appointment and recalculation of pensions Fatima Tsechoeva told the audience information program"Vesti Ingushetia" that, from April 1, social pensions will increase by 10.3 percent. The size of the monthly cash payment (UDV) to federal beneficiaries (veterans, disabled people, citizens exposed to radiation, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, etc.) will be indexed by 5.5% from April 1.

State pensions, the amount of additional monthly material security and other increases by 10.3% in April social benefits, the amounts of which are determined on the basis of the corresponding amount of the social pension. As a result, indexation increases the level of pension provision for about 25,000 pensioners and about 70,000 recipients of social benefits, most of whom are also pensioners.

The average social pension in the Republic after the increase will be 9398.88 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children will be 11,385.48 rubles. The average pensions of citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will be 16,590.26 rubles and 12,837.13 rubles, respectively.

At the same time, during the year, the minimum level of pension provision for citizens will still not be lower than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner established in our region. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, is below the subsistence level, then a social supplement to the pension will be established for him.

Let me remind you that since February 1, 2015, insurance pensions have been indexed by 11.4 percent based on the growth in consumer prices in 2014. As a result of indexation, the average old-age insurance pension, taking into account a fixed payment, is 12,266.89 rubles today.

In August 2015, an unclaimed adjustment of the insurance pensions of working pensioners will be carried out.

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