
How to live in order for everything. How to spend money to have enough? With these advice, such a question will not bother you anymore! Money gives freedom, scare and cause neurosis

The topic that neither is close to the body: namely, the body always needs something: eat, drink, dress, sleep in the end. It is interesting to read personal experiences, strategies and tactics, plans and complexes of budgets. Of course, the budgets differ, the boundaries from poverty and poverty, to some, as well as little less, are barely visible. It seems like general for many: from 7 to 20 thousand per month, others, the numbers can receive more and more: who are two, three times, but there are fewer things for orders. But be that as it may, there is a way to be saved from poverty and poverty in the human sense of the word. And this method is: not chasing a fuss. Not in work and money case, but in heads, conscience and worldview. You can say so: are you an orphan? Or son or daughter of the king? Of course, if your understanding of the meaning of life is stacked only in instincts, then you need to have wolf legs, they feed it, but if you have noticed something amazing in yourself, loved ones, in nature, in general, if you at least once looked at the stars, I was pleased with the dawn and shower , shouting, showing a finger on the rainbow, cried from grief and joy, if you even ever heard about crucifixed on the cross and risen from the dead Jesus Christ, then you will definitely search for the spirit and find the one who is the king of the whole universe and only being : visible and invisible, and which you are a child. You personally. You are the child of the Tsar of the Universe, who loves you so much that you gave my son my only beggar, whatever you died and had eternal life, along with your Heavenly Father, and everyone who wished to be in the world without evil and sin. And this father, the king is now ready to bless you all blessings. He is quite wise to give his children a blessing in which they need and all that will serve them for happiness here and now. And this is a way long from now and forever. You can re-read the Bible from Cork to Cork, and you do not find the poor children of God, it is thanks to the poverty of the children of God, this world still takes place. Invest your time to the knowledge of the personality, the nature of your heavenly father through the view of the life of his son Jesus, and you will never disappoint that they have chosen to invest your time. Remember: Look for before the kingdom of God and the truth of it, and this is all, everything you need to make you. Do not confuse real life and ministry, with a fuss and desires to earn everything to buy everything. You will not be filled with a soul or a body from your own efforts aimed at achieving material well-being, do not sell for the ghosts of happiness. For each of us, the blood of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Nobody died for us. We are not bought by money. We are king's children, he bought us himself, look for him. Its Internet without viruses and without censors, he is waiting for our heart, our tired of bustle and alarms, pain and loss of the heart. His Internet calls our prayers for a moment, and he also knew our needs and wished to be with us, and bless us to an excess.
I myself can witness about the loyalty of God's words, and according to the above topic also. My plumbing income last 2016 was 128 thousand, which amounted to 10 thousand per month, so I can understand your difficulties, but the blessings whom the Heavenly Father blessed me, in their digital terms were ten times more. If you paint as it looks like it will be interesting (I felt especially experiencing all events), but many letters, and it is for another format of communication.

Strategy "Money is always enough"

The strategy "Money is always enough" (let's call it) works as follows: you start with what you want to buy.

Suppose you want a new dress or boots or a gift to your loved one. That is, you need a specific thing or things that you really want to buy. You must choose a model, color, brand, store. That is, everything is up to the cost. Ideally - if you know what you want a specific cost.

Further, depending on how your sources of income are built, or with salaries, or with new funds, you go and buy this thing the first thing after receiving the money.

For example, a thing costs 3000r., And you got 5000r. On the one hand, it seems that now you will spend money, and you almost will not have them, there may be tempted money to postpone something else, more necessary or on a "black day". For this strategy, you need to buy what you have long wanted and have already looked after.
Having bought the desired, you achieve the goals - you have the desired thing. You are implementing your desire. Because we are not needed abstractly money, they are always needed for something concrete. This is something important to imagine exactly and know how much it costs.

Strategy for larger amounts

Suppose you bought a thing for 3000r., And the next you want - worth 17000r. You start this amount to save or wait when you get it. Before buying this thing you do not buy anything else. No small and unnecessary spending - all on a new desired thing. If your intention is strongly perhaps you immediately get the following amount, which is enough for a purchase or get it with several goals. It is important: not to exchange at this time on trifles, namely wait for a specific amount on a specific thing.

Effect of strategy

Having done this technique a couple of times with the purchase of different things, you will see that money begins to come to you more regularly and in the required volumes.. You will become happier, because you buy the things you need. Money will finally be enough for you.

However, not all spent are for us desirable, nevertheless, with them you can also apply this technique "Money is always enough." This is how to do this: you need to know exactly the amounts that you have to spend and you need to want to close these debts / obligations / loans. You sincerely blame passion to pay for these obligations! If you think from under the stick, they say, pay again on accounts, then nothing will work. It will be a curb and payment of the account will not add funds. But if you enthusiastically decide to cover the necessary obligations, you will easily do it, and then eliminate new money for newly desired spending.

Important in this strategy so that the waste has always been concrete and desirable. You need to know exactly where and how much you want to spend, and you should look with enthusiasm to look at what you need this money. That is, do not think: "That's why money is needed, but there is no money ..." or "Now I will spend on pay for these accounts / credits, but there is no money for the purchase of a new handbag ...". It is important to you positively tune in to pay at first a single account, then the second.

With such a positive setting, you can choose any account of accounts / buying things you like, it is important to keep a positive attitude and wait: Money will come to what you really want.

I have this strategy very successfully work on all spending from the "Gifts for yourself" series, for loved ones, payment of accounts by rent. When I think positively and I wish to pay one or another account, the money always come, I attract them by my active desire to the desire-intention. As soon as I think: "Oh-oh, and I may not be enough money," and I begin to hold money that there is already there and I do not spend them, an energy failure arises: and the new money does not come, and I do not acquire valuables.

Signs that we give the universe

Please note, remember and watch yourself how it happens to you. Usually, when we hold money, it is definitely a sign that we serve: "Money may not be enough." Previously, I did not understand this, until it began to spend on what I really need and I want, without thinking that "the money will end."

When you spend easily and freely on what you are important and welcome, the money comes, the flow flows. You, as it were, free the place of the new thing and place in the wallet, saying: "I am ready in the money for a new one (insert your subject)." And money come.

Try, and your thoughts and results of experiments are written in the comments on the blog.

For skeptics

If you think this strategy is wasteful, that is, it does not allow to accumulate, you are right. This strategy implies that money always come to the desired things for you in sufficient quantities.

While I use this tactics on small sums - Up to 100,000 rubles, however, you can experiment with Bladia. My intentions: learn 100% to receive money for little things, after which go to practice on large sums. You can also enter, you can - in your own way.

Personal experience

Now I do not always have to keep the focus on the fact that money for the necessary needs will come, therefore they come only when the focus is saved. This is 60-70% of cases. For me personally, this is a big breakthrough and step forward in personal finances, but not the limit.

And what personal experience do you have? Do you know a similar strategy "money is always enough"? Do you use it in your life? If yes - in what percentage of cases? I will be glad to your thoughts in the comments below.

It is no secret that financial security brings not only the ability to make money, but also to spend their ability. Loudly just scream about our misses in this area, garbage baskets and containers. Pay attention to how many trash have to throw away while cleaning, repairing housing, moving and just every day. It turns out that we get rid of our blood, earned by honest hard labor. In order not to spend the money is wasted, deal with your budget.

Start writing all your business spending. For this purpose, you can make a conventional notebook, where expenses will be recorded on topics (rent, food, health, etc.) at the end of the month, sum up - immediately notice where they spent on nonsense.

Do not buy something, without which you can do. If you have already completed the first item, it will be easier for you to decide on unnecessary spending. According to experts, we throw 30% of food. It happens because some purchased products are not used at all - do not reach them. Or incorrectly calculated the required amount of food, and then we throw out the abdicted lunch. Given the cost of products, 30% is already a lot. In addition, going to the shopping store, pre-make a list of what is going to purchase. In the store strictly follow the list. If you liked some kind of new job over the list, do not hurry to buy it right away, postpone the acquisition of at least two days. It would be nice these days to bring a revision in your own things, there you will find a lot of the same things in our time, and no one needed items.

Try not to take loans. For large purchases, postpone money in advance, better for a deposit in reliable bank. Then you not only do not spend them ahead of time and not on what you need, but also get the profits.

Teach children with respect to treat money. Get your chast a piggy bank, better transparent so that he can follow the accumulations. If a child asks to buy a toy, do not throw at once to fulfill his request. Offer him to accumulate funds to purchase. Naturally, if possible, replenish the piggy bank, but also give the child to invest your finances (for example, donated for birthday). Then he will be able to appreciate that money is easily not going and spend them on nonsense is not necessary.

Take care of what you have and accustom to this children. Keep track of the condition of your equipment, clothes, transport, housing. Do not bring them to wear. Prevention is better repairs. But if you need repair, make it until it is more cosmetic.

Select funds for charity. It is said that the one who helps the needy gives to God. And he will always return debt with interest. This rule was well learned financially successful people, most of them regularly transfers funds to charitable funds. You can help large family or sick neighbors.

What if not enough money for the life of your dreams? The answer seems obvious - you need to earn more.

However, there are always people with income less than you have, which have something you only dream. How do they get it? They know how to spend money.

Of course, you need to be able to earn, but spend so that enough for everything is special art. One does not decide financial problems. How to learn this, read on.

Have you learned somewhere to manage money? Do not take professionals. Maybe there was such an object at school? Or parents shared financial wisdom with you? Unlikely.

And we cope. Who can. We earn three stars and a medium smartphone onto a hotel, but we take a loan for five stars and the latest iPhone model to be no worse than working colleagues. We go to the store for bread, and we return with a whole package of all completely unnecessary all. Girls will understand me.

How to develop immunity to unnecessary shopping

Tell me, are you familiar to the painful fortune when you return home, with misunderstanding and amazement, you just purchased things? And at which time he is perplexed, how and why did it happen?

Almost all of we suffer from a tendency to impulsive, rash shopping. This virus is cunning, it will suggest on the Internet, on the streets, and, of course, among the shelves of supermarkets. It is difficult with him, but still you can fight.

  1. Turn on the anti-marketer. We perceive the surrounding with 5 feelings. Here it lies the first trick, which sellers are well used.

Color - The goods that we are trying to sell can be packaged in the most seductive colors. Remember that you buy no color, but the goods. These are different things.

Location - With the help of a good location, you can be inclined to buy not what you need, but what needs to be sold. On the shelves and in general in stores there are the most winning places, as well as experts who place those goods there that bring the greatest profit.

Tactile contact "You are forced to take the goods in your hands, things can be laid out on the shelves, and not hanging on the hangers. You have to take them in hand to consider. Consider what you took the first step to purchase. What we keep in your hands, psychologically consider our own, that is, ready to buy.

Smells and sounds - Also help manipulate our condition and behavior. You can create a relaxing pleasant atmosphere in which you want to be. Pleasant odors and sounds can significantly increase the number of items in your basket. Regardless of whether they need you or not.

  1. Antichlam therapy. Very useful occupation. Examine your belongings using 3 questions:

- When I used it in last time?

- When will I use the next time?

- Does it benefit me, joy?

As a result, you probably formed a bunch of trash, from which it is time to get rid of. But do not rush to do it, first we will do one useful procedure.

Write down the cost of each thing at the time of its purchase and count the total number. Make a farewell snapshot of your rubbish, and write from above the amount in which he cost you. Put a snapshot into a wallet closer to banknotes and money. Ready.

  1. Free pleasures. Remember everything that makes you truly happy: Communication with friends, finding in nature, close and expensive people for you, the best moments of life and plans for the future.

Agree that all the best, what really brings happiness is not calculated in money and simply can not be bought: love, friendship, inspiration, security, peace ... So is it worth spending money on what you end up sending into the trash Basket.

  1. Change of world view. You paid attention to the return home after a trip to the places where you get into a completely different situation, is everything perceived otherwise? For example, after a trip to the grandmother to the village, the ribs on nature for several days, relaxing on hiking conditions, perhaps business trips.

Running from the usual routine, you are very different seeing and evaluating life. Much seems to be unnecessary husks from which you can easily refuse. At such moments you understand: it only leads to unnecessary waste of money, and then forces and time to earn this money. Use this approach. Take a look at your life at a different angle.

  1. Be a buyer-boring. Here are seven anti-marketer issues that save you a lot of money. Ask them yourself before buying, and it will protect the contents of your wallet and help avoid impulsive spending:

- I planned this purchase?

- What will this acquisition give me?

- What happens if I do not buy it?

- Where will I keep it?

- What time will I do the content and service?

- How many days of your life will I have to spend to compensate for the cost of this purchase and further maintenance?

- Why do I really buy it?

  1. Think about a pink elephant. Pulsive buyer - Seller's dream. It is for him that the shares, happy hours, beautiful promises, sales, are intended. But you have your own criteria for determining the value of the goods. Seven questions from the previous paragraph will help you with this.

And in order not to succumb to the impulse, just take a pause. Think about the pink elephant, for example)

A bright image will help distract. And even better, especially if we are talking about an expensive purchase, postpone decision making for a while.

During this time you calmly answer all seven questions. And as it often happens the next day, simply forget about such a yesterday "necessary" and "indispensable" things. Or make sure of its need.

Most financial problems are actually psychological

As if we wanted indifferent to treat money - it will not work. Imagine a pack of money, what do you feel? It may be joy, and fear, and excitement, and anxiety. And much more. Money is measured too much for us. We associate security with them, comfort, freedom.

Too strong emotions are talking about the psychological problems of the so-called monetary neurosis.

Most financial problems are actually psychological. The most unpleasant thing that you can live all my life, never learning to spend money on what you really need, and not getting joy from them. And this is very offensive, because we spend on making money a significant part of your life. And not to receive joys instead - wrong.

What to do? Understand yourself, your needs and cash neurosis. And do it as soon as possible.

First use six tips for each day from this article. And if you want more if you want to build a healthy relationship with money, stay with us.

How to make so that the family budget has always enough money? How to make not only make money well, but it was possible to postpone money for large purchases, investments, training? Usually, if such situations arise, they advise or earn more, or save. This is generally reasonable tips. Only to embody them, not only the desire, but also knowing some techniques and technologies.
I will tell you about these techniques and technologies in this series of articles about the family budget. Those who can save since childhood, who have always saved, who have had enough money from their parents, and they trained their children to save their children, usually do not even arise about how to save and competently distribute the family budget.
Well, save and all that is complex, spend less than you earn. If you can, then increase the income.
However, when I entered an independent life, it turned out that it was not very much to save, and honestly, then in the family budget a full mess. It seems I and my wife is not shopaholic and in childhood they knew how to save decent amounts to themselves, (in child standards of course) however, it did not work with the family budget. Namely, a few days before the salary there was no money, they spent at all not what you need. And on what you needed not enough. Naturally, because of the money there were quarrels.
I and my wife gradually mastered the rules for handling money. Money has become calmly saved, reasonably spent. These rules of economy and reasonable spending family budget I will give gradually in the cycle of articles about the family budget. So, today the rule is the first.
The first rule. Procurement needs to be done on the day of salary receipt, maximum the next day.
This is a very powerful rule, the strength of which I for some reason underestimated for a long time. What is it consisting? Each family has standard month expenses that are always made. They plus-minus the same and succumb to the forecast.
For example, a family spends every month: (amounts are taken for example, because each family, in every city there are completely different amount)
- 500 rubles. on cell phone,
- 500 rubles on the Internet,
- 3000 rubles for products that are not spoiled and you can buy them in advance, such as cereals, potatoes, creamy and sunflower oil, meat (in the freezer), etc.,
- 500 rubles for household goods, i.e. soap, toothpaste, powders, rags, razors,
- 3000 rubles for utility costs, that is, payment for the apartment (someone has a mortgage or rent).
- 300 rubles for medical expenses,
So, you have the opportunity to pay these costs in two ways.
The first way is after the receipt of money, in the same, well, in the extreme case, the next day, pay all expenses. Fully purchase products, (from that list, which is not spoiled and purchased every month), fully pay cellular, Internet, utilities, etc. It is this way that I recommend you, but a little later.
The method of the second. Paying for expenses as you "gather" to pay them, or as the need arises. For example, you have a mood and time you went and paid utilities. The money ran out on cellular telephone, or turned off the Internet, they went and paid. The products in the refrigerator or in the closet, they took money from the budget and also went away and bought.
It would seem the difference between these two payment methods of permanent family spending slightly. Well, what's the difference, pay everything at once or within a month? After all, the amount of money from this absolutely does not change.
However, everything in life is very and very changing. All these arithmetic calculations that the amount of money does not change are not triggered. After all, if the money distributed a robot, in accordance with the program written by him, then it may not be changed.
However, in reality, the money distributes a person with his weaknesses. A person distributes as follows. When the budget (or on the cards) lies a big bunch of money, it seems that they are much and you can spend on any nonsense. And after all, it doesn't seem to be spent. And it turns out that until the end of the salary is still a week, and in the family budget is already empty, and there is no money for the most necessary expenses. But in the first days as you have been sad!
No conversations with myself help themselves. Yes, for a while there will be a feeling of guilt, but it does not change anything radically.
It is necessary to produce a habit of paying all expenses on the day of money receipt, or a maximum of the next day. Immediately you need to postpone money for an investment account if you copy to something large. It is also desirable to make the planned purchases that do not belong to constant, that is, buy clothes, furniture, etc.
Then the bunch in the family budget no longer seems big, and the overrun of money in the first days at the cafe, the purchase, the purchase of "necessary", but unplanned clothes on sales and the like nonsense does not occur, or if there is, then 5-10 times less.
At least in my family, after the development of this and several more rules, money and stability appeared. Regularly we began to postpone the investment account, and there is money in the family, even a few days before the next receipt of finance. There were quarrels from the family about the distribution of money.
And almost the main thing. After all, all these results are not achieved from the fact that I simply trained my will or became more responsible. Not. Give me a salary now for a whole month, without spending at the first days most expenses immediately, and I also spent her on things that would never bought in another case.
It employs more technology, reception than me. Of course, you need some time to get used to act. It is desirable to combine this technique with other receptions of the family budget, well, at least distribution (about this in the next article).
However, you can start with one. I guarantee you that you will have free money, stability, some calm and confidence. (about money)
Do not tell me and me that this rule is obvious, and I have heard it 100 times. It really is rather obvious and even just in mastering. Lighten it. Then grieve a couple more receptions. Then you can master 1-2 income increases, and financial holiday will come in your family.
Total, the essence of the rule is simple. On the day of salary, and better a little earlier, make a list of what you will need to buy or pay. And when they received a salary, then you pay for the same or the next day. Have you received a salary today? What are you sitting? Immediate procurement.
What is the most interesting, after you bring order in the budget, you may have no additional income. I do not know why it happens, but it happens.

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