
How to live so that you have enough money. How to make sure that you have enough money. about the family budget. Life can't be fixed in a hurry

From a very young age, I have always been a spender. And I sincerely did not understand how I differ from others? I do all the same! But I always had the biggest bill in the cafe, in the store, on my travels. Actually, it's still a mystery to me. I call this phenomenon my "trend." Say, yes, I have such a trait or ability.

But, knowing this peculiarity of mine, I just learned to work with it. Fortunately, I have a husband who, in this sense, is my complete opposite. He spends surprisingly little while enjoying life. That is, on the one hand, I have an example and an external factor holding back from unnecessary expenses.

On the other hand, I have done a tremendous inner work to figure out how this mechanism works and works. And I myself have found out in practice that if you take a conscious approach to business, you can really save a lot of money for things that are really important in life. Besides, money is the equivalent of our life energy. Why waste them?

Photo source: Flickr.com

After drawing up your financial plan, you probably realized: future goals are extremely important for you, and you still have absolutely no money for them in your budget.

Everyone knows the revelations of Winnie the Pooh:

“Honey is a very strange subject.

Every thing is either there or not.

And honey, I don't understand what the secret is,

If there is honey, then it is not there right away. "

Most people have the same mystical relationship with money. Every thing is either there or not. And money - if there is, then it is not immediately available. In my opinion, it is said brilliantly! :)

So how do you tame and saddle this wild horse - an expense?

There are three questions that need to be dealt with thoroughly here.

1. What is the most important of all the items on your happiness list? Priorities.

Everyone who has been “running” in our marathon from the very beginning has a list of long-term goals. (We did it). I call it the happiness list. :) Say: "I'll do it, and I will be happy!" And if there is no happiness, then why would we do it, right?

It is now important to supplement this list with the items that make up your happiness today. Something without which you cannot be one hundred percent happy. Continue filling out this table, fill in everything you need today: training, sports, massage, beauty salon, beautiful clothes, travel, charity, English classes, dancing, playing the guitar, going to a restaurant once a week, dining at cafes, going to parties and clubs, etc.

Money for all desires usually always lacks. If you earn 50 thousand rubles, you dream of an apartment for 4 million rubles, if your income is 250 thousand rubles, you dream of an apartment for 20 million. The standard of living is different, but the problems are fundamentally the same. We are so arranged that desires grow faster than income.

What to do?


Take a close look at the items on your happiness list and rate them as important to your life as a whole. Enough on a three-point scale:

1 - what must be required! Not realizing this is unacceptable. If this does not happen, then you will be bad!

2 - this is very important, if you cannot implement, you will be disappointed, but in general you will not have insoluble problems.

3 - I would very much like to, but you can sacrifice this in favor of other goals.

After assessing your desires, dreams and goals, open your expense tracking data (which, I hope, you have been keeping for 14 days, while our marathon lasts), and compare - what is important to you and what you spend money on - do these categories overlap?

Unfortunately, often people want some things in life, and spend money on completely different things! Here's a very striking example:

“When I began to lead family budget, I discovered an interesting thing. It turns out that only 2% of the money I earned was invested in education and self-development. Somewhere 60% I spent on utility bills, on maintaining a personal car, on groceries, for the purchase of some things, for communication services (telephone, Internet).
And now attention - the remaining 38% I enthusiastically spent on ENTERTAINMENT. These are cafes, restaurants, nightclubs and disco bars. This is my system of values.
I realized that I was simply wasting my life, thoughtlessly giving my earned money to the owners of the entertainment establishments I visited (to put it mildly). This was a serious blow for me and forced me to radically reconsider the value system and decide on my future life.
Keeping a family budget helped me to realize what my life is spent on, what I spend the lion's share of my resources, both material and personal, and to correctly determine the priorities for my further development ”.

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    Olga, questions about the file:

    1. Sheet of accounting of income and expenses. To look at the dynamics of expenses, do you recommend creating an expense file for each month? Or sum up the results at the end of the month, erase everything and start over with conclusions from the previous period?

    2. Sheet of the plan of expenses. How to understand how much I have planned for this year if I changed the indicators for different years? Print out each year's sheet separately?

    3. Where in the sheet of accounting of expenses and income can you see the balance for the current date in order to check the wallet and card data at the end of the month?

    1. a table for recording income and expenses is provided for a month.

    Every new month you need to create a new table. I usually transfer the completed table at the end of the month to a separate file "Expenses. Archive", and worksheet I draw up for a new month, create a plan for the next month in it and start filling it with new data.

    2. Plan of expenditures for the preparation of the LFP. Yes, the indicators for different years can change: loans are over, a child was born, started or finished school - this changes the amount of expenses, of course. You can simply simulate the costs for each such period, write the result to the LFP and not save this data. But if you want to keep, then just make a few duplicates of this table. Perhaps it will be more convenient to do this in a separate file, so as not to clutter up the working file.

    3. In the income and expense accounting table, you can look at the balance for each current moment in the "Remaining" column :) If you fill in everything correctly, then it should be reflected there. If it is not reflected, listen to the instructions again, there are explanations.

    Hope you succeed! Good luck!

    Interesting article, thanks!

    My biggest expense is utilities and food. The love of cafes and snacks eats up (hmm, pun intended) a fair share of the budget. Hopefully sticking to a strict shopping list will help to reduce spending on occasional snacks a little.

    Polina, that is, it is not known whether you eat snacks or snacks eat up your budget :))) Really small expenses, snacks in the first place are champions in this business. If you already know for sure, then expense tracking and lists can easily help you cope with this.

    It is very effective to take food with you if the situation at work allows. Not only will it save half your food costs, it's also much healthier.

    I almost always take lunches with me from home. But this does not save you from buying snacks on the way and at work (oh, this "convenient" machine with snacks!). However, after I have counted how much is spent on snacks and cafes (30% and 20%, respectively, of all spending on food), I somehow don't feel like eating at all. Eerie from their own extravagance, and even it became clear where the extra four pounds came from.


    Got in the topic: http://files8.adme.ru/files/news/part_86/860610/13552360-R3L8T8D-650-o-07.jpg

    Thank you very much for an interesting marathon!

    We have the three largest expenditure items - as they grow - Mortgage, Kommunalka and Products. And if in the last paragraph I still see ways to decrease by a third (although we are already quite economical about purchases), then the first two, IMHO, are irreducible (

    at first glance, communal apartments and mortgages, of course, cannot be reduced so easily.

    I don’t see your whole situation, so I’ll say general things:

    on a communal flat - figure out thoroughly what you pay for, perhaps there are payments that you can refuse. Then all possible energy-saving technologies, meters, two-tariff meters, nozzles for faucets (water savers, dial on the Internet), etc.

    Mortgage - it is important to understand that this payment is not a commitment from heaven, it can also be regularly changed, updated, and so on. If you took out a mortgage last year, then the rates are now lower, you can talk about this with your bank. If the bank is not ready to lower the rate, then you can refinance. Follow the best rates the loan is worth regularly as long as you have loans.

    Well, in the end, if the mortgage and communal flat "eat up" inadequately large amount, because of what you cannot develop financially at all and achieve important goals in the future, think about it, maybe you gave a dare with the choice of housing? And you can change everything :) Sounds extreme, but if you have an extreme situation, then extreme solutions can help :)

    But I hope you have a calm option :))

    Here is an article about the program "Housing for a Russian family" http://fin108.ru/poleznye-materialy/610/

    Maybe there is something inspiring for you.

    I was recently at the bank and the consultant told me that I could refinance ... Due to the fact that I am already frightened by the availability of my two loans in the amount of about 180,000 (under 21.5%), I did not even listen. I am writing this and I understand that I seemed to come out of a dark forest;))))

    How to understand that it is profitable to refinance?

    Maria, it's very simple, you just need to count everything :)

    The lower the rate, the less you get paid. Therefore, your search for a lower rate should never stop if you have loans.

    But you need to carefully deal with the additional costs when concluding a new one and terminating an old one.

    Olga, not all banks have a low rate that means less overpayment. Just the other day I saw the calculation of a loan for 200 thousand rubles. with an overpayment of 170 thousand rubles. at the lowest rate of 14%. In my opinion, even the bank employees did not understand where what came from.

    Olga, I can't thank you for such interesting and useful articles and advice :) remember, in the second lesson I mentioned the low efficiency of control over expenses and income? I take my words back! I didn't know how to do this)))) this is a cool thing, the main thing is to simplify and not give up this activity, to see this as a goal) now, when I spend a lot of time with the LFP and with all the missing tabs, I see where to go and what resources to use ... Oh, and how much does the picture change when I slightly cut costs :)))) I think that everyone will feel it: everything in the table automatically changes, and the period for achieving the goal in some cases is reduced. Thank you!) Regarding this article: despite the fact that my husband and I buy food according to the list, a significant part of the budget is spent, I really want to cut it, but much more?) Instead of veal and pork, chicken meat, carcasses (then I cut everything in parts ), I cook everything myself, instead of sweets, dried prunes, only bread from flour, I don't buy sweets for a child, just like ready-made (mashed potatoes, juices, etc., I'd better cook it myself). And also the eaters of our budget are unforeseen circumstances (illness, urgent help to friends or relatives, unexpected invitations to birthdays, etc.).

    Leah, it’s great that you saw how much each today's spend affects your future financial situation. This is very sobering, and by itself there is awareness in dealing with money. The main thing is to keep working with it and keep learning something new about personal money, about investments :)

    As for the cost of food, here in recent times I am already afraid to give valuable advice :)) since we have completely switched to a raw food diet, and I am thinking more and more about my own vegetable garden))) because I almost physically cannot buy food in the supermarket. We bought a juicer, choose a dehydrator :) Again, fasting is very healthy and cleanses the body :)) The first month we spent on food more money than usual, but when we figured out what to eat, the costs of course were greatly reduced.

    But if we talk about the way of life familiar to everyone, then very effective method not only to reduce costs, but also to improve the diet - this is the preparation of a menu for a week and a one-time purchase of products for it.

    Don't eat meat every day. Simple advice, again good for your health.

    It is worth using more lentils, chickpeas and beans, barley.

    Now you can prepare dried fruits yourself in the summer, at least they will be without sulfur (without chemical treatment).

    Usually, in my courses, all people, without exception, calmly reduce their food costs by 30-50%. I myself wonder how this happens :)

    My biggest expense is renting a home for my family, different purchases(clothes-shoes-items for the home, etc.), food and medicine for mom

    And it seems to me that apart from shopping and products, other categories cannot be optimized. Well, I have already optimized the medicines - it's clear there, just looking for the lowest prices every time, we managed to rent housing by a miracle 30% lower than on the market and what we expected, of course, products and purchases can be optimized, but we don't want to at all))

    Svetlana, you know, cost optimization is a very exciting process. When I started keeping track of expenses, the numbers of my expenses at first simply amazed me, I started planning each article for a month in advance, and then I had a sporting interest - how can I reduce this expense without losing quality? And I never cease to be surprised that all expenses that a person would not think about seriously are amenable to improvement: food, utilities, and medicines, all without exception.

    For medications, think about health insurance LCA. This is a big topic, I won't cover it here, but read about it on the internet. By the way, get acquainted with the books of Neumyvakin, Ogulov, Entshura-Lockamper, Paul Brega, Arnold Eret, William Douglas

    In addition, the cost of medicines can be done refund of personal income tax 13% from (if you have one), from the amount up to 120 thousand rubles per year

    And it’s not even sad to start optimizing food costs, on the contrary, it’s a very interesting topic. Moreover, this process can greatly improve your life :)

    Irina, it is certainly not possible to give quality advice on scraps of information. But in general terms, we can say the following:

    you write "according to the site" one number, and you paid another, most likely this is a technical error. Because if they have a certain number in their own database on the site, then most likely they consider it to be correct.

    Therefore, carefully re-read the papers, write a written request referring to the contract and the laws.

    I wish you a quick solution to the problem in your favor!

    Probably many who have read your comment will be sincerely surprised that Insurance Company paid money at all))))))

    In fact, companies are much more likely to pay on their obligations than not. And they may not pay only in accordance with the law, otherwise their license will be revoked.

    My first place is the rent of housing, the second is food, and the third is personal care, these are cosmetologists, massages, and on the little things hairdressers, manicures, etc. A lot of money goes away, but I can't refuse, I really want to change my image to a slimmer and more well-groomed one. I got divorced three months ago, and it is very important for me to look good now)

    I have been keeping track of expenses for a long time, but I never manage to plan them. Apparently there are problems with self-discipline, it is difficult to deny yourself and others.

    I will try to buy everything according to the list, and plan the menu for the week, and buy basic products too, I heard this many times, and finally I will try to fulfill it. But this is after the salary, every time a week before her money completely ends :(

    Thanks for the good articles.

    Thank you for the article! I analyzed my costs - the first place is mortgage, the second is food, the third is shared by cosmetics and utilities. I was surprised because of the cosmetics, but it turns out that there was a sale that month, plus I also bought myself a perfume with gift money (this is my dearly favorite hobby).

    It turns out that I usually do not buy cosmetics regularly, but as a Scrooge I sell at sales. And when I get to the sale, then a large amount comes out and I begin to suffer that I spent too much money. And I don’t row everything, I figure out that I need this and that, I look at companies that are interesting to me and buy what I think I need, but internally it creates stress. It is the same with technology - buying equipment for a large enough amount (comparable to a daily check) causes stress and regret. Stress that there is not enough money, but regret that I could not buy and save. This turns out to be typical dietary behavior.

    Here's how to spend calmly in this situation and not worry?

    And I also worry that it turns out that I do not manage my purchases, but that sales stimulate me to buy. Although I buy what I need, and if I bought straight away, I would pay more, I understand that.

    According to the cuts, it turns out that on the mortgage, you only need to pray so that the current rate remains the same for the next year. In the communal apartment there are meters, there are energy-saving lamps, it seems that the limit of savings has been reached. For food - probably not worth buying for later and then somewhere 10-20% of the budget for food will be saved.

    I am very grateful to you, you have no idea how your marathon gave me a "push" in the analysis of my income and expenses, and the ability to prioritize. I was just shocked how it works! The main thing is to start doing all this! I am sooooo very grateful to you! God bless you! I wish you family happiness and many clients!

Has anyone taught you how to manage your finances? Maybe parents in childhood told how to handle money correctly, or was there a separate subject at school on this topic? Hardly.

For some reason, it is believed that you only need to learn to make money, and spending it is a simple matter, everyone can handle it.

As a result, we do not know how to spend money, we earn enough to go to a three-star hotel or buy a mid-range smartphone, but we take out a loan to go to a five-star hotel and buy the latest iPhone - we are no worse than our colleagues.

Even if we do not make expensive purchases on credit, we spend almost all the money we earned in a year. As a result, the motto "from paycheck to paycheck" becomes relevant for us as well.

We also like to go to extremes in relation to money. Either we are not interested in money: “We are above this, if only there is enough for food,” or we believe that nothing is more important than money, and we make it the main priority in life. This relationship with money is not healthy.

Money gives freedom, frightens and causes neuroses

As much as you want to get rid of the influence of money, they still mean a lot. Money is security, comfort and stability, after all, freedom.

Therefore, few people can be indifferent to money, and even one type of wad of money evokes a gamut of versatile feelings within each person.

Strong emotions are also associated with psychological problems - the so-called monetary neuroses, which are present in most people.

Greed, fear of being left without money, and with it without freedom and comfort, excessive wastefulness or shopaholism already familiar to everyone. A person with such neuroses simply cannot rationally spend money and treat them correctly.

As noted by Konstantin Sheremetyev, Ph.D., scientist, researcher of the work of intelligence with more than 20 years of experience:

Most allegedly financial problems are actually psychological problems.

The worst thing is that you can live your whole life with these neuroses. And there are no positive sides because you are not spending money on what you really need and you are not getting any pleasure from shopping.

What to do? Deal with yourself with your monetary neuroses and deep needs, change your attitude towards money and do it as soon as possible.

Building healthy relationships with money

It doesn't take years of practice to learn how to manage your money and change your attitude towards it - it's enough to see your mistakes and techniques for correcting them once.

All the necessary knowledge on this topic fit into a small course "Red Wallet" from Doctor of Science, scientist, author of best-selling books on the work of the brain, intellect and subconsciousness Konstantin Sheremetyev.

In total, there are 10 lessons in the course that help you understand the reasons for your greed or wastefulness, understand the roots of the problem, and learn techniques that will help you manage your money.

All 10 lessons are read in one breath, and there is nothing complicated in them - all situations with money are understandable and familiar to everyone, and analysis by examples generally removes all misunderstandings.

At the same time, there are new techniques here that I, for example, have never heard of. Take the same rule of three wallets, when you distribute money not according to items of expenditure, as in countless applications for financial management, but according to three psychological points.

In general, the course briefly but succinctly describes all the problems and rules for handling money in different situations: during force majeure, when communicating with relatives or other people, before making expensive purchases, during discounts and sales, and so on.

And one of the most important rules, in my opinion, is getting pleasure from your money.

You earn money, you give your time for it, a part of your life, and you simply have to spend it with pleasure.

And, most surprisingly, you also have to learn this. After all, getting pleasure is one of the criteria for the correct attitude to money and the absence of psychological problems with it.

How to make sure that there is always enough money in the family budget? How to make it so that not only make good money, but you can save money for large purchases, investments, training? Usually, if such situations arise, they are advised to either earn more or save. These are, in general, sound advice. Just to bring them to life requires not only desire, but also knowledge of some techniques and technologies.
I will tell you about these techniques and technologies in this series of articles on the family budget. Those who know how to save from childhood, who have always saved, whose parents have always had enough money, and they taught saving for their children, usually do not even have a question about how to save and correctly distribute the family budget.
Well, save and everything that is difficult here, spend less than you earn. If you can, then increase your income.
However, when I entered an independent life, it turned out that I was not very good at saving money, and to be honest, the family budget is a complete mess. It seems that my wife and I are not shopaholics and in childhood knew how to save up decent sums for ourselves, (by children's standards, of course), however, it did not work out with the family budget. Namely, there was no money a few days before the salary, they were spent on something that was not needed at all. But what was needed was not enough. Naturally, there were quarrels over money.
Through trial and error, my wife and I have gradually mastered the rules of handling money. Money began to be quietly saved and spent wisely. I will give these rules of economy and reasonable spending of the family budget gradually in a series of articles on the family budget. So, today is the first rule.
First rule. Purchases must be made on the day the salary is received, at most the next day.
This is a very powerful rule, the strength of which I for some reason underestimated for a long time. What is it? Every family has standard monthly expenses, which are always done. They are, plus or minus, the same and predictable.
For example, a family spends every month: (the amounts are taken as an example, since each family, in each city, has a completely different amount)
- RUB 500 to a cell phone,
- 500 rubles for the Internet,
- 3000 rubles for products that do not spoil and can be bought in advance, for example, cereals, potatoes, butter and sunflower oil, meat (in the freezer), etc.,
- 500 rubles for household goods, that is, soap, toothpaste, powders, rags, razors,
- 3000 rubles for utilities, that is, payment for an apartment (someone has a mortgage or rent).
- 300 rubles for medical expenses,
So, you have the opportunity to pay these costs in two ways.
Method one - after the receipt of money, on the same, well, as a last resort, the next day, to pay all expenses. Completely purchase products (from the list that do not deteriorate and are purchased every month), fully pay for cellular, Internet, utilities, etc. It is this method that I recommend to you, but more on that later.
Method two. Pay expenses as you "are going" to pay them, or as the need arises. For example, you got a mood and a time, you went and paid utilities... We ran out of money on a cell (city) phone, or turned off the Internet, then we went and paid. We ran out of food in the refrigerator or in the closet, then they took money from the budget and went and bought it the same way.
It would seem that the difference between these two methods of paying constant family expenses is insignificant. Well, what's the difference, pay for everything at once or within a month? After all, the amount of money from this does not change at all.
However, in life everything changes very, very much. All these arithmetic calculations that the amount of money does not change does not work. After all, if the money was distributed by the robot, in accordance with the program written to it, then everything is possible and really would not change.
However, in reality, money is distributed by a person, with his weaknesses. And the person distributes as follows. When there is a large pile of money in the budget (or on cards), it seems that there is a lot of it and can be spent on all sorts of nonsense. And it’s not just it seems, but it’s spent. And it turns out that there is still a week until the end of the salary, but the family budget is already empty, and there is no money for the most necessary expenses. But in the first days, how they were flashing!
Talking to yourself and your wife doesn't help. Yes, for a while there will be a feeling of guilt, but nothing drastically changes from this.
You need to develop the habit of paying all expenses on the day the money is received, or at most the next day. Immediately you need to set aside money in an investment account if you are saving up for something large. It is also advisable to make planned purchases that are not permanent, that is, buy clothes, furniture, etc.
Then the pile in the family budget no longer seems large, and the overspending of money in the first days for a cafe, buying, buying "necessary" but unplanned clothes at sales and such nonsense does not occur, or if there is, then 5-10 times less.
At least in my family, after mastering this and a few more rules, money and stability appeared. Regularly, we began to save it to an investment account, and the family has money, even a few days before the next receipt of finance. The quarrels from the family about the distribution of money were gone.
And almost the main thing. After all, all these results were achieved not because I once trained my will or became more responsible. No. Give me now a salary for a whole month, without spending most of the expenses in the first days, and I will also spend it on things that I would never have bought otherwise.
There is more technology at work here than me. Of course, it takes some time to get used to doing this. It is advisable to combine this technique with other techniques for maintaining a family budget, well, at least Distribution (more on this in the next article).
However, you can start with one. I guarantee you that you will have free money, stability, some peace of mind and confidence. (about money)
Don't tell yourself and me that this rule is obvious, and I've heard it 100 times already. It is actually quite obvious and even easy to learn. Master it. Then master a couple more tricks. Then you can master 1-2 methods of increasing income, and your family will have a financial holiday.
In total, the essence of the rule is simple. On payday, or better a little earlier, make a list of what you will definitely need to buy or pay. And when you received your salary, pay for everything on the same or the next day. Did you get your salary today? Why are we sitting? Immediately for purchases.
The most interesting thing is that after you put things in order in the budget, you may have, as it were, nowhere additional income. I myself do not know why this is happening, but it is happening.

What if you don't have enough money to live your dreams? The answer seems obvious - you need to earn more.

However, there are always people nearby with less income than you, who have what you only dream of. How do they do it? They know how to spend money.

Of course, you need to be able to make money, but spending so that there is enough for everything is a special art... One does not solve financial problems without the other. Read on to learn how to do this.

Have you learned how to manage money anywhere? We don't take professionals into account. Maybe there was such a subject at school? Or did your parents share financial wisdom with you? Hardly.

And we are doing it. Whoever can. We earn three stars and an average smartphone for a hotel, but we take out a five-star loan and the latest iPhone to be no worse than our work colleagues. We go to the store for bread, and we return with a whole package of all kinds of completely unnecessary stuff. The girls will understand me.

How to build immunity to unnecessary purchases

Tell me, do you know the painful state when, after returning home, you look at the things you just bought with incomprehension and amazement? And once again you wonder how and why it happened?

Almost all of us suffer from impulsive, thoughtless purchases. This virus is insidious, it waits on the Internet, on the streets, and, of course, among supermarket shelves. It is difficult with him, but you can still fight.

  1. Include an anti-marketer. We perceive our environment with the help of 5 senses. This is where the first trick lies, which sellers use well.

Colour- the product that they are trying to sell to us can be packaged in the most seductive colors. Remember that you are not buying a color, but a product. These are two different things.

Location- with the help of a good location, you can be persuaded to buy not what you need, but what you need to sell. On the shelves and in stores in general, there are the most advantageous places, as well as specialists who place there exactly those goods that bring the greatest profit.

Tactile contact- you are forced to take the goods in your hands, things can be laid out on the shelves, and not hung on hangers. You have to pick them up in order to examine. Consider that you have taken the first step towards purchasing. What we hold in our hands, psychologically we already consider ours, that is, we are ready to buy.

Smells and sounds- also help to manipulate our state and behavior. You can create a relaxing pleasant atmosphere in which you want to be. Pleasant smells and sounds can dramatically increase the number of items in your basket. Whether you need them or not.

  1. Anti-trash therapy. A very useful activity. Study your stuff using 3 questions:

- When I used this in last time?

- When will I use it next time?

- Does it benefit me, joy?

As a result, you will probably end up with a bunch of junk that is time to get rid of. But do not rush to do this, first we will do one useful procedure.

Write down the cost of each item at the time of purchase and calculate the total. Take a goodbye photo of your trash, and on top write the amount that it cost you. Put the picture in your wallet close to your credit cards and money. Ready.

  1. Free treats. Remember everything that makes you truly happy: communication with friends, being in nature, people close and dear to you, the best moments of life and plans for the future.

Agree that all the best, what really brings happiness, is not counted in money and simply cannot be bought: love, friendship, inspiration, security, peace ... So is it worth spending money on what you end up in the trash cart.

  1. Change of world view. Have you noticed that when you return home after a trip to places where you find yourself in a completely different environment, everything is perceived differently? For example, after a trip to my grandmother in the village, outing for a few days, resting in field conditions, perhaps a business trip.

Breaking away from the usual routine, you see and evaluate life in a completely different way. Much is seen as unnecessary husk that can be easily discarded. At such moments, you understand: after all, this only leads to unnecessary spending of money, and then effort and time to earn this money. Use this approach. Take a different perspective on your life.

  1. Be a nerdy shopper. Here are seven anti-marketing questions that will save you tons of money. Ask yourself before buying, and this will protect the contents of your wallet and help avoid impulsive spending:

- I was planning this purchase?

- What will this acquisition give me?

- What happens if I don't buy it?

- Where will I store this?

- How much will maintenance and service cost me?

- How many days of my life will I have to spend to offset the costs of this purchase and further maintenance?

- Why do I actually buy it?

  1. Think of a pink elephant. An impulsive buyer is a salesperson's dream. It is for him that promotions, happy hours, beautiful promises, sales are intended. But you have your own criteria for determining the value of a product. The seven questions from the previous point will help you with this.

And in order not to succumb to the impulse, just pause. Think of the pink elephant, for example)

A vivid image will help distract you. Better yet, especially when it comes to an expensive purchase, postpone the decision for a while.

During this time, you will calmly answer yourself to all seven questions. And as often happens the next day, you will simply forget about such a “necessary” and “irreplaceable” thing yesterday. Or, make sure you need it.

Most financial problems are actually psychological

No matter how we want to be indifferent to money, it will not work. Imagine a wad of money, how do you feel? It can be joy, fear, excitement, and anxiety. And much more. Money means too much to us. We associate safety, comfort, freedom with them.

Too strong emotions speak of psychological problems, the so-called monetary neuroses.

Most financial problems are actually psychological. The most unpleasant thing is that you can live your whole life with this without learning how to spend money on what you really need, and not getting joy from them. And this is very disappointing, because we spend a significant part of our life on making money. And not to receive joy in return is wrong.

What to do? Understand yourself, your needs and monetary neuroses. And do it as soon as possible.

To get started, use the six tips for every day in this article. And if you want more, if you want to build a healthy relationship with money, stay with us.

Have you ever wondered why you work, you work, but money is still not enough? Of course, we can say that with an increase in profits, so do needs. But there are people who small income and they equip the house, and fly on vacation, and even put it off.

We advise you to approach the problem from a different angle. For now, abstract from the thought of how to earn more and pay attention to where you are spending money... Follow these 4 rules, and you will always have enough for everything.

How to handle money

1 .Always plan your family budget... It is best to do this in writing so that you do not forget about the most important things. Of course, sudden expenses always appear, but in this case it will be easier for you to allocate money for them.

2 If planning is too difficult for you, just split the money between your basic needs and your personal needs.

3 .In the event that you do not have a permanent income or it is seasonal (for example, you are involved in agriculture), spend 2 hours of your time and calculate how much money you need every month. Thus, you will feel confident for the whole year and, for example, in December you will not have to sit on bread and water.

4 .Share your wages into 4 parts. And don't use more than the allotted amount every week.

Also, always treat money with respect. Keep them neat: don't put them in different pockets and don't think. Keep your home clean and get rid of unnecessary things in time. Eastern wisdom says that money never comes to an untidy house.

Change your attitude towards money. Remember: they are not the ultimate goal, but only a means of achieving it. We encourage you to read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The Richest Man in Babylon by Clayson George. They will teach you how to handle money and help you organize your knowledge.

And Jim Rohn's books will inspire you to new beginnings, thereby also to generate new sources of income. Always develop and plan your expenses. Share the golden rules with your friends!

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