
How to distribute the family budget for a month to all enough? Wisdom of money. Or how to distribute the family budget

One day, Duight Eisenhower said the wisdom, which is based on the financial health of every prosperous family.

Hello, friends. With you Artem Bilenko. I am the author of this blog. Today we will talk about how to distribute the family budget for a month. We will look at the examples of several classic schemes in which I will show how to properly distribute personal finance streams.

After studying the material, you have enough to choose the appropriate option, correct the numbers and start competently dispose of personal finances.

P.S. I recommend paying attention to the site "". Here teach financial literacy. How to manage personal finance to accumulate to the house, apartment, car. How to invest your accumulated money and increase revenues. Allow yourself an annual vacation and travel around the world.

The material of this article is designed for users who have already familiarized themselves with all the material of the "Family and Personal Budget" section. If you are not in the subject, do not hurry to calculate the home budget. Look at least five publications listed below. They contain a basic theory that helps plan, distribute and control the money.

  1. "Three types of family budget are their advantages and disadvantages."
  2. "7 envelopes are a simple and effective method of managing a family budget."
  3. "What can not be allowed when planning a family budget - the 10 most frequent errors."
  4. "How to lead a family budget in the notebook is an example with the tables of income and expenses."
  5. "An overview of the best free programs for conducting a family and personal budget."

Option number 1. Calculation of a joint family budget

In the joint budget, all revenues of spouses add up and are sent to the needs of the family.

With such a family finance organization cash Comes from the following scheme:

  1. the total income of the family is determined;
  2. categories are formed (envelopes will help you);
  3. the last day includes a balance that the results of the month are summed up.

Let's see how this algorithm will look in the table.

April 2017.

Family revenues

View of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Salary of her husband
Salary of wife
Accrued interest on the deposit deposit
Total income

Family expenses

Mandatory spending

Housing service

Household spending
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
The amount of mandatory spending

7150 (65%)

Variable spending

Children's costs
Amount variables spending

2750 (25%)


Additional expenses
(An unused part cost to spend on updating the wardrobe)

Option number 2. Calculation of a separate family budget

In a separate budget, the income of each spouses is divided into two proportional parts, allowing you to pay for general and individual expenses.

Schematically, it looks like this:

  1. spouses determine which part of the personal budget (in percent) they will spend on pay for the common needs of the family;
  2. a category of spending is formed, for which husband will answer monthly;
  3. category of spending formed for which the wife will answer monthly;
  4. dedicated money goes to the target needs;
  5. each spouse for a month to follow the performance of its part family budget;
  6. free money husband and wife manage at their discretion;
  7. on the last day of the month, the reporting balance is formed.

Consider an example.

April 2017.

Family revenues

View of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Salary of her husband

Salary of wife

Total income

Part of the personal budget that will spend each of the spouses to pay for the common needs of the family


Total monthly spending of each of the spouses

Amount, hryvnia

Amount, hryvnia


Household spending

Housing service

Harvest of funds for annual leave

Children's costs

Additional expenses

Collecting funds for large purchases



Personal monthly spending of each of the spouses


5,000 hryvnia

5,000 hryvnia

Option number 3. Calculation of the Shared Family Budget

In the equity form of finance management, the spouses are worried about the needs of the family, but at the same time they do not forget to allocate some of the funds for personal needs.

Schematically, such a budget is formed as follows:

  1. commmises the total income of the family;
  2. the shares of joint and personal needs are determined;
  3. categories are formed;
  4. cash is distributed to target needs;
  5. within a month there is control over the implementation of the plan;
  6. on the last day, the balance is made, which are summing up the results of the month;
  7. the residue of money, the spouses are disposed of on their own discretion.

We will make an exemplary plan of the share budget.

April 2017.
Family revenues
View of earnings Amount, hryvnia
Salary of her husband7 500
Salary of wife7 500
Total income 15 000
The share of the budget that will spend each of the spouses to pay for the common needs of the family
Husband Wife
80% 80%
6000 6000
Joint budget: 12000 hryvnia
The share of the budget that will spend each of the spouses to pay for personal needs.
20% 20%
1500 1500
Family expenses
Mandatory spending
Investments1200 (10%)
Housing service
(utility payments, cable TV, Internet, light)
2400 (20%)
Household spending
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
4200 (35%)
The amount of mandatory spending 7800 (65%)
Variable spending
Children's costs1800 (15%)
Collecting funds for large purchases600 (5%)
Harvest of funds for annual leave600 (5%)
Amount variables spending 3000 (25%)
Additional expenses 1200 (10%)

Planning horizons

In most cases, the violation of the budgeted budget is associated with unforeseen spending, which the family could not calculate the timely. To reduce the number of similar situations to a minimum, you need to plan a few months ahead.

Let's look at how it works. Will repel from the fact that now April 2017.

1st Horizon: Evaluation of unforeseen expenses for 3 months ahead.

Month Possible expenses Necessary amount, hryvnia
May Two birthdays 2000
Excursion at the daughter at school 3000
June Wedding friend 3000
July - -
In the next three months, the Load on the budget may increase by 8,000 hryvnia. Without a loan such expenses, the family will not be able to pay. Maximum limit 3000 hryvnia. This money will pay for the excursion, because the child is more important than the optional wedding and two birthdays.

The second (6 months) and the third (12 months) planning horizons will be drawn up in the same way. They allow you to see the holes in the budget in advance, take measures to eliminate them and prepare in a timely manner for serious financial months.


Friends, now you know how to plan your salary for the next month. Do not neglect the knowledge gained, make a table and take your financial life under control. After that, tell friends about the benefits of the family budget and share with them this article.

Many say that money as water - quickly ride to nowhere. If you can't remember what they spent an impressive amount, it is not clear where salary goes out and why it ends literally in two weeks, you can not accumulate to the desired thing or rest, it's time to make a thorough calculation of your income and expenses. Family budget planning is the first step towards the execution of its material desires.

Home Accounting: First Stage - Revenues

Each family builds its material well-being in its own scenario: someone seeks to earn more, someone insists on compliance with all family members of the principles of reasonable spending. The main thing is not to ride as extremes, and find your right path. Special relevance in the family, this issue acquires with the emergence of children when family expenses increase at times. There are several techniques, how to plan a family budget, which principles adhere to.

The first stage of any of these techniques is to determine the articles of income and family spending. In revenues should be considered:

  • wages;
  • social payments;
  • revenues OT. bank deposits, from renting an apartment;
  • part-time;
  • cash gifts.

It is clear that the first 3 positions are permanent, the amounts of these revenues are known, one of them will be the basis of the profitable part of the family budget. Part-time job and cash gifts can be, and may not be, so you should not count on them, but to use both bonuses for pleasant spending.

Second Stage - Expenditures

The second stage is the counting of spending in different directions. Few will be able to immediately say how much and what they are, so it is important at least for a month or two to keep accounting their expenses, even in small things. Then it becomes clear how much the family spends and what. How to keep records? Personal finance experts recommend write down all daily spending: for food, travel, entertainment.

Costs, like income, can be divided into several large categories:

  • obligatory payments;
  • food costs, passage;
  • spending on the update of the wardrobe;
  • spending on entertainment, rest;
  • unforeseen expenses for treatment, repair, etc.

Mandatory payments include:

  • utilities;
  • payment of mobile communications, the Internet;
  • insurance;
  • payment of circles, sections, additional classes for children.

Power spending should also be divided into categories:

  • milk products;
  • cereals;
  • meat, fish, bird;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sweets, juices, pastries, etc.

In the first months of the family budget, experts recommend to draw up a table and advise you to record all the costs of food, up to the smallest detail. Sometimes of these little things as the purchase of 200 grams of sweets, cookies, cups of coffee, a week and a month accumulate significant amounts. All family members need to learn how to memorize and record their expenses so that in consequences it was possible to competently plan the family budget.

Stage Three: Comparison of income and expenses

Maintaining a domestic budget is a big topic and to reveal it in the framework of one article is difficult, therefore, such an important question "How to distribute income and plan a home budget?" I decided to make a separate post. I want to say that the topic is not simple, but it will figure out once again, apply in practice, and then everything will "go on the rolled out.

What do you need to distribute income on balance sheets

Let's start with the definition of the balance. As part of this article, balance - This is a kind of wallet, material or imaginary, employee for grouping money in a certain direction. Balance example:

  • "Regular expenses"

For this balance, we highlight money on such expenses, as a rent for the house, food, utility payments, medicines, fuel, minor purchases ...

  • "Irregular expenses"

Taxes and duties, clothing, home cleaning facilities, hygienic accessories, appliances, services ...

  • "Recreation and entertainment"

Cable TV, trip in cinema, restaurant, pool, sauna ...

  • "Saving"

This balance must postpone money to form a reserve fund. Its amount should be roughly even a six-month salary. Some amount accumulated over, you can spend on expensive purchases.

  • "Investments"

Money can fall into this balance, both from salaries and from profit from business. Money will be sent to enhance education, investing in real estate, PAMM-account, precious metals, stocks, etc.

! In case your only source of income is a profit from investment, then you will not have this balance, because you will only reinvest and part of the profits from investment to take and distribute on balances. Instead, create a balance "Education", money from which I will go on an increase in your education.

  • "Charity"

All sorts of donations and help in need

Distribution of money on balances is the basis it is necessary so that you pay for the needs of the money specially allocated for this. This will help you not to spend all the money, suppose on entertainment and stay without money for food. Also, distributing income, you can postpone money for expensive purchases, vacation, charity, initial Capital For your own business.

How to distribute income

It is necessary to distribute income on different balances in the percentage, it will vary slightly depending on how many people in the family, how many of them bring income, how many dependents, etc. I think the essence is clear ...

An ordinary person distributes its salary as follows:

  • "Regular expenses" ----------- 40%
  • "Rest and entertainment" ----------- 35%
  • "Savings" --------------- 0%
  • "Investments" --------------- 0%
  • "Education" --------------- 0%
  • "Charity" ----------- 0%

As you can see, such a person does not look into the future and lives in one day.

Although he should have allocated its income as follows:

  • "Regular expenses" ----------- 25%
  • "Irregular costs" ---------- 25%
  • "Rest and entertainment" ----------- 10%
  • "Savings" --------------- 10%
  • "Investments" --------------- 10%
  • "Education" --------------- 10%
  • "Charity" ----------- 10%

Distribute any of your profits immediately after receiving it, be it 10,000 or 1,000 rubles. But every time you divide in my mind and by percentages Mouorno, for this I created and specially set up Excel document → Download.

How to plan a budget

If simply, the budget should be planned so that your income is enough for everything you need and is left. In principle, if you will distribute profits, following the scheme outlined above, you will already make half.

Calculate the amount needed for the next month based on the money spent in the previous three.

I will give an example: in the first month, 5,000 in the second 7,000 in the third 6,000 were spent on the third 6,000, we take the average-agent - 6,000. So, in the next month, try not to go beyond these frameworks.

In custody…

Distribute your revenue on balances and consume money based on budget plan For future month. Small difficulties will only be at the beginning, and over time, the experience will come to you and it becomes quite difficult to do this, especially using it.

If you judge globally, the family can be called a mini-state in the state where the chapter and the Minister must have, the population at subsidies and the necessary expenses. It is always necessary to always remember that one day it did not turn out that your little Power is on the edge of the terrible economic crisisAnd then on the donkey of the debt pit, with a huge number of loans and loans, debts and other unbearable expenses that you are not able to pay off. That is why it is washed away to deal with the right planning and find out how to distribute the family budget qualitatively and competent to know exactly what position you are on the income and expenses on the stairs.

Family budget for month - Guide to action

Planning, sequection, distribution of the family budget for a month, and with the need and much for a longer period, provided a stable, guaranteed income, this task is not from the lungs, especially for a beginner, who has previously ever dealt with home accounting. However, try, undoubtedly, it is worth it, after all, just once once, how to distribute the family budget, you can then clearly monitor the current own funds. Anyone who does not want to marry salaries to a salary, as I have spent all the funds at the very beginning of the month, must think about the maintenance of your own accounting.


One of the greatest instruments created by mankind can be considered money. They have the opportunity to acquire experience, knowledge, entertainment, freedom and many other things that make life more pleasant and comfortable. However, they can be disturbed aimlessly and mindlessly. No wonder famous American actor named Will Rogers said that we spend too much money for unnecessary things to enjoy the people who are not even interesting to us.

Many in our crisis time noticed that revenues are becoming less and the costs are growing. Debts, loans, constant delay and increasing penalties, all this accumulates and increases, as if snowball, turning into a devastating avalanche. In order not to become a complete bankrupt, it is not able to even feed yourself, it is worth a fate into your hands and find out how to distribute the family budget.

Why do you need home accounting

People in the bulk of their mass, are light, are freaky and naive, although they wish to seem ugly experience, all-in-law experts. Therefore, they often do not understand at all, for which both competently distribute the family budget, considering it a meaningless spending time, since the income from this will not be incurred. It is clear that the salary from the fact that you are heading the accounting book at home will definitely not become more, but all expenses will become much more transparent, and the money will no longer manage to manage you. Instead, you can take the brazards of the board in your own hands. There are three main reasons for which it is worthwhile.

  1. A clear and understandable table distribution of the family budget for a month will immediately solve the amelessly spontaneous costs, to which absolutely any person is inclined. Proper planning will allow you to clearly follow the goals set, without spraying on trifles. For example, it is not necessary to buy a thirtieth pair of shoes simply because a novelty came out from a famous designer, there are many other needs and long-term perspectives.
  2. Calculation and budget planning will help correctly long-term goals (Buying a car, apartments, houses, household appliances), and then follow them to them. If you just pass the money to the left and right, I do not consider them without distributing them, then it is hardly possible to scatter on the rest by the sea or a new foreign car.
  3. With the right planning and proper distribution of the family budget for a month, no unforeseen life situations will be able to knock you out of the saddle. Disease or even the death of relatives, loss of work, divorce, unforeseen repairs, as the neighbors flooded, all this will be taken into account in the Special Reserve Fund, which will be discussed a little later.

The structure of the family budget necessarily includes, the so-called, "airbag", that is, the means that will allow for any embodiment of events to hold out from three, to six months.

Family budget distribution in percent

After you understand that the division of the family budget is the necessary measure of the control of own funds, it should be understood in all the details to understand what exactly needs to be done, to know and take into account. There is a specific set general principleswhich are applicable in any situation, since the situation in people is different, and it can change quite often.

Rule 80/20.

The easiest and most common plan, which will have to be implemented, in the presence of debts, implies payment of at least 20% of the monthly earnings of the whole family of loans, mortgages or other types of debts. The fact is that while you do not dig up from the "minuses", to save and collect the maximum will hardly work out, but efforts will have to come.

Table 1 How to distribute the family budget for a month

Because twenty percent it is advisable to put on creating a financial buffer (airbag), and the remaining distribution to all other goals, from the supply, before payment communal services, Shopping clothes, household trifles and other things. Thus, spending and accumulation will be 80% of earnings, and paying debts is 20%.

Rule 50/30/20.

The second option of the percentage of the grid, which also works very well, as simple in the calculations is really effective. Instead of painting and put on the shelves of twenty or thirty items from the expected costs for a month, everything is divided into three, as in the previous version of two.

Table 2 Family Budget Distribution for Month

As can be seen from the table, half of the cumulative income of the family should go to the necessary spending, which includes a grocery stock, a communal, payment of travel and education, taxes, and so on, without anything modern man. Thirty percent of the earnings of all family members will go to optional, but desirable spending, without which the quality of life is essential, for example, hobbies, entertainment, cinema, exhibitions, films and books. On the repayment of all sorts of debts and loans, as well as the creation of an untouchable reserve "for a black day", as in the previous embodiment, there is exactly twenty percent of the budget.

Choise on the nose

In order for your planning and accounting to work on a permanent basis, without failures and surprises, be sure to make yourself a habit of postponing a certain amount that can be spent only in the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances, for example, with diseases of loved ones, loss of work. It is this stock that is called the aircraft, and it should be equal to the sum that you will have enough to live, especially not tightening, three to six months, and if possible, and more. Only so the distribution of the family budget will become really effective.

Thus, it turns out that both in the first popular method recommended professional accountantsAnd in the second, all twenty percent is provided for debts and inviolable stock. Automatically share this number in half, so you should have enough to repay debt obligations, and on the "black day". Ideally, the airbag is never spent, if circumstances allow, but it is necessary to replenish it regularly.

We make a budget for a month without problems

Many people think that the creation of the structure of income and expenses, maintaining home accounting, as well as control over financial flows, is an extremely complex and unbearable occupation for beginner. This common mistake should not be afraid, because everything will not be controlled by anyone other than you. Even if at first you make annoying mistakes, then in a month, after analyzing the situation, you can easily fix them. We invite you to consider step-by-step instructions On the creation and distribution of the family budget, but you can plan it as manually in ordinary notebook and in special programs, free options of which are full of full on the network.

Permanent and real goals

The first thing that psychologists say, who deal with similar questions, is the inability to save only for a long time in order to save. It is always necessary to put real feasible goals and methodically go to them until they are achieved. And it is worth understanding that it is better to move from less to more, because "to become a multi-billioner" is foggy enough and unbelievable, it is possible to spend forty and fifty years old, but still not to achieve success. The goal must be realized, real and achievable in the near future. Even better, divide all goals into three main subcategories.

  1. Short-term: new smartphone or other devices, buying a branded garment, repayment of minor debt.
  2. Middle Urgent: Ride on vacation at sea, purchase of a car or motorcycle, expensive fur coat, expansion housing conditions, insulation and re-equipment of the house, new furniture.
  3. Long-term: assistance to adult children, accumulation of a decent pension on special programs, mortgage, acquisition of real estate abroad and so on.

In compiling such plans, you should be as realistic as possible, therefore, first put the achievable goals. For example, when salary in 20 thousand, it is better to first be able to install new window designs, insulate the house, which will allow you to save more on heating, and only then think about buying a new car, it is not a working need.

Proper definition of income and expenses

In order to properly distribute funds, they first need to give a clear definition than to do immediately after finally decide on the goals in the short and long term.

Structure of income formation

  • Salary of the head of the family, most often this is a husband.
  • Salary of spouse.
  • Social benefits.
  • Pensions.
  • Interest on deposits and deposits.
  • Additional income (part-time, gifts, unaccounted premiums and other).

Formation of expenses

  • Food and necessary household trivia.
  • Medical care and medicine.
  • Fare.
  • Municipal services (gas, light, water, heating, rent, communication services, Internet).
  • Clothing items.
  • Personal expenses of each family member, including children.
  • Education.
  • Presents.
  • Entertainment and hobbies, hobbies, active leisure, travel.

These lists were drawn up approximately, each can make their own adjustments that most comply with the needs and capabilities.

Get all the spending and divide the needs with desires.

Sit and from the start to make an expenditure-receiving table, it is hardly possible. In order to clearly define, where, in fact, your money ride, you will have to spend a month, and maybe several. All this time will have to record every spending, even if it is a chewing gum or a bagel in a snack bar on the corner. On our site you can absolutely free, and adjust it to your needs and rules.

When you start recording every purchase, you will be surprised to find how many unnecessary, useless things buy almost every day. Unplanned and impulsive purchases can be seriously and regularly hit the family budget, therefore it is worth a clear facet, between "I want" and "need." Twenty-fifth pair of a bed, it is not necessary, but the textbooks to raise the qualifications should be necessary.

In addition to all that is listed above, experts recommend additionally listen to one, very sensitive advice. Keep money better in the bank, and even better, to invest free funds, so they will be able to bring additional income. But now pay better in cash, but debit and credit cards Leave at home by going shopping. They create the illusion that you do not spend money, although in fact, they float like water. See useful videos, Keep tracks, put the achievable goals, plan and distribute, and accurately achieve what it is worth striving for, stability and confidence in tomorrow.

Greetings! For your own experience I know that you can spend any amount to a penny. But every month it is necessary to postpone money for large purchases, form a reserve fund and make investments in a future pension.

Therefore, today I will share with you a couple of tips on how to distribute the family budget. At one time I tried dozens of strategies and lifehakov. And experienced the simplest and most effective for family well-being.

Unified recipe, unfortunately, does not exist. Samples differ from each other:

  • income level;
  • priorities in expenditures (for example, during the decree most of money goes to a child, and no childcare "children's" expenses are not at all);
  • long-term goals;
  • preferences and standard level requirements. Someone feeds on 100 rubles a day, but binds only branded clothes. Others can distribute money like this: dressed in second-handes, but at the same time, the crap spend on travel.

But there are moments that are mandatory for any family budget!

After you managed to distribute amounts, the family should remain money for:

But once the children will need money for training in a decent university in Russia or abroad. Sooner or later want to move to vacation home Or buy an apartment more. Finally, the pension is also not as far as it seems from a distance of 30 or 40 years. And all this money is to distribute in advance.

By the way, do not think that high earnings guarantee family financial independence. My longtime friend puts about 300,000 rubles per month to the budget. Since it does not like to save and keep records, it cannot correctly distribute money, Ivan today has half of the city and three banks. In credit, he has an apartment and auto, all household appliances. A new washing machine, a laptop or an iPhone he buys, paying the "golden" credit card.

Find out who spends how much

In almost every family, the cause of conflicts is due to the money comes down to the phrase: "I'm trying to save, and you spend too much from the family budget." All economy ways are different - the result is one: to distribute finances without a disadvantaged.

Suppose our conditional family consists of three people: Pope Igor, Mama Marina and their son - 5-year-old Roma. Earnings of both adult family members fold in one envelope. And already from there money is taken on general family expenses, and on personal.

To expand all points over I, we divide the monthly budget for three parts: total expenses (nutrition, housing and communal services), personal expenses of Marina (visiting the beauty salon, for example) and personal spending Igor (weekly meeting with friends in a pub).

Ideally, such a division of expenses will determine who among family members and what is spending family money. Which of two saves on itself, and who does not refuse themselves?

We distribute money correct

Here, too, everything is elementary. Immediately after receiving the salary, set aside (in a separate envelope, on bank deposit or in safe) money from the family budget:

  • on large purchases;
  • to the reserve fund;
  • for long-term accumulation.

How to calculate the amount? You can choose any percentage of income - at least 10%, at least 1%. Your task is to learn how to distribute the family budget so to postpone the money "Forest". Second task: to postpone and ... forget about this money. And believe me, for many Russian families, the second task is much more complicated than the first.

The easiest way to distribute the family budget using banal envelopes. This is an excellent option for those who are just starting planning a family budget. Of course, he has a lot of flaws. For example, the envelopes are inconvenient if the income goes to bank card. Or comes irregularly and different sums.

But it is the little things. The main thing is that the "envelopes" method allows you to quickly move from theory, how to distribute the family budget, to practice. And to understand what you can save to find money for something necessary. The most pleasant thing is that the highest mathematics in the "envelopes" will definitely not need.

Variations of the method invented dozens. I will list the two easiest and most popular to distribute the amounts for everything you need.


Old, kind and proven not one generation way, how to distribute the family budget.

  1. "Food".
  2. "Children".
  3. "Entertainment".
  4. "Education".

On each writing the name and the amount. Money on envelopes is more convenient to distribute once a month.

The first month will be a test for the family budget. You need to appreciate how much and what goes. To control the daily amounts of expenses, use Excel tables or special applications. Then, when an experienced way, install your "norm" for each category, try to distribute money so that it is always inserted into it.

Spent more than need for food? Distribute the remaining money otherwise: Take the "Credit" from the envelope envelope and this month have less or cheaper ways.

"Method 60-10-10-10-10"

Method, how to distribute the family budget, offered a consultant MSN Money Richard Jenkinson. Since 2007, it is actively used in the Microsoft Money program. Another method name is "60% solution" (and now you will understand why).

The whole cumulative family income needs to be divided into five parts as a percentage. So from the budget:

  1. 60% will go to current family expenses (food, communal, cosmetics, auto, clothing).
  2. 10% postpone on pension accumulations (for example, insert them into foreign investment insurance programs).
  3. 10% of the budget go for long-term payments and purchases (distribute to the purchase of cars, repair, mortgage, loan payments).
  4. 10% - rare or unforeseen family expenses (anniversary gifts, treatment).
  5. 10% - leisure and entertainment.

The method "60-10-10-10-10" for the family budget does not provide for expenses. The main thing is that your current spending does not exceed 60% income. Since the method came to us from the USA, it can be slightly corrected by Russian reality and distribute finances otherwise. For example, 10% pension savings To transfer to the category "Credits and Mortgage".

And how do you distribute the family budget?

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state