
Mat Cap to improve housing conditions. How to spend the means of maternal (family) capital on improving housing conditions. Improving housing conditions for materials of the Matkapital

When the second or subsequent children are born in the family, the family acquires the status of a happy owner of a certificate for family or maternal capital And begins to build plans, much better to spend it?

In our heading "Legal Tips" you will find answers to these and other questions about maternal capital. In continuation of the topic, today we will talk about how the law allows you to send maternity capital to improve housing conditions families.

The Maternal Capital Law provides the possibility of state support for families with two or more children to implement maternal capital finances primarily on housing. You can improve your accommodation conditions with the help of maternal capital by sending it to the purchase of an apartment or at home and on their construction or reconstruction.

Apply the certificate of maternal capital can also be paid for a mortgage loan or loan agreement, as well as for paying interest on these loans and loans.

An important document in which the direction of maternal capital on housing is the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2007 No. 862 "On the rules for the direction of maternal capital to improve housing conditions". There are all the permitted options for spending maternal capital to improve housing conditions and are defined both the procedure and terms of the state financial support Family of this species.

Improving housing conditions in law includes the following options:
  1. When the apartment is purchased, the house under the contract of sale;
  2. When an individual residential building is built or reconstructed (and its construction is allowed both with the participation of a contract organization and in the form of independent construction);
  3. When bought or built housing on credit funds (loan or mortgage);
  4. When the initial payment is made on the loan or loan;
  5. When the principal debt is paid and (or) interest on the loan;
  6. When the share of housing is paid;
  7. When the introductory and / or mutual contribution is paid in the cooperative form of housing construction.

Acquisition of housing (purchase and sale) for maternity capital

The participants of the transaction are three parties: the seller, the buyer and the Pension Fund, which is a manager of state funds of maternal capital. It will make the purchase of housing not earlier than three years (when the second child will be three years).

The peculiarities of the contract of sale when using maternal capital are the following important provisions in it:

First, the contract must contain a point that the buyer's personal funds contributes to its signing.

Secondly, the agreement reflects the moment that the remaining amount of the transaction is covered by budget funds at the expense of maternal capital.

Third, in the contract in obligatory The condition is prescribed that the ownership of purchased housing from the seller is transferred to the buyer only after the final calculation of the transaction will be performed.

Acquisition of housing as a result of purchase and sale can occur in two options.

The first option is when the certificate for maternity capital in full allows you to cover the purchase of residential premises.

The second option provides for the presence own funds The buyer who will be added to the means of maternal capital.

Moreover, according to the second version, the sales process of sale implies its stages. At the first stage, registration in the state registration service of the collateral of real estate is based on the submitted personal funds Buyer. At the second stage, when the Pension Fund lists the maternal capital to the seller's current account, the entire amount will be paid and it will be possible to register the ownership of the purchased housing, after having removed the burden of pledge.

Construction or reconstruction of the house for maternity capital

Construction or reconstruction of the house with the help of maternal capital can be conducted using builders or on their own. When contractors are attracted to the construction of the house, then the contract is concluded with them. Need the following documents To provide a pension fund for the purpose of the direction of maternal capital for the construction or reconstruction of housing.

Document for land ownership with a construction contract. If the construction is carried out using own funds, the maternity capital will be issued by two tranches: the first tranche is issued before the start of construction (up to 50 percent of the entire amount of maternal capital). The Pension Fund will require to submit the right to possess documents to the land plot, and during the reconstruction of the existing home, - a document on ownership of residential premises, permission to build or reconstruction, banking certificate with the details of the current account, which will translate maternal money money.

The second part of the maternal capital, the Pension Fund will translate after 6 months, when the construction work produced in the house will be confirmed. To compensate for the costs of the construction or reconstruction of housing, the owner of the housing certificate must conduct documentary accounting of all expenses and submit them to the Pension Fund to compensate.

Before you decide on the construction or reconstruction of housing for maternity capital, you need to make sure that your housing meets certain requirements. If we are talking about the construction of the construction of a new house, then this house should belong to the certificate owner, and the document on the ownership of the house should be registered no earlier than 01.01.2007. But in the case of reconstruction of housing, this restriction does not exist. When reconstructing, a condition must be fulfilled on the increase in the living area at least one account rate due to an additional extension or add-on, re-equipment non-residential premises in residential.

Improving housing conditions for maternity capital: buying and building housing for credit funds

Most often, the means of maternal captal are directed to the mortgage. Today, the certificate of maternal capital is possible to use when repaying the loan. Moreover, it is possible to use the certificate in this case without waiting for three years from the moment of the birth of the second kid. In order for the Pension Fund to approve the direction of maternal capital to repay credit obligations under the mortgage, the loan must meet a number of requirements. These requirements are set forth in the rules for the direction of maternal capital to improve housing conditions. The main thing is that its owner will not be able to get cash, and repayment of credit obligations is produced cashless translation Directly to the bank. Moreover, the repayment of the loan is possible both in order to cover the initial contribution and in order to cover the contract of the target loan, as well as to cover the debt on interest and of course on the principal debt under the mortgage agreement.

The Pension Fund will not allow sending public funds to fines, commissions and singing issued by the Bank.

To initiate the issue of issuing maternal capital to cover the loan, the certificate of maternal capital will be required, the passport of its owner, a loan agreement, the birth certificate of children, an application for the use of maternal capital for the purpose of covering the loan.

Often, the Bank's Credit Committee provides a positive conclusion on the provision of a mortgage loan to the family, since the family capital certificate serves as a certain guarantor of repayment of the loan. But it is not enough to have only a family capital certificate that the bank approves you credit. Among other things, you will need to confirm the constant official income and positive credit history Or the lack of negative information about the borrower at the Bank's Security Service.

There is such a type of credit as the provision of a loan coated with maternal capital. The coating occurs both on the initial contribution, the principal and percentages for the use of employed in financial organization means.

When issuing a loan agreement, three participants are involved: Mom or another owner of maternal capital, pension fund and bank. Since the pension fund is responsible for target use public funds, he decides to give a positive conclusion about the direction of maternal capital for mortgage lending or not. Documents on the inspection in the pension fund can be from 2 to 3 months.

In the case of a positive decision of the Pension Fund and the Bank, the borrower appears the opportunity to receive credit funds under a profitable loan percentage.

And yet, no one obliges to spend the entire amount of maternal capital to cover credit obligations. Part of it can be preserved to refer to other target permitted by law, especially since this species state aid May be indexed in the future.

When choosing an attachment of maternal capital on credit (loan) or in a mortgage, it is important to pre-calculate, and how will it be more profitable? With a situation where the loan amount is more than 500 thousand rubles, it is more expedient to issue a mortgage than the standard loan.

In addition, you should pay attention to the monthly financial burden on family budget When servicing a loan. Should not be allowed to increase such a load by more than 30 percent of the total family monthly income. It is also worth thinking about the time to which credit obligations will be distributed. So, with the usual loan, the loan agreement is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. The mortgage agreement allows you to distribute credit obligations on a much long time limit - 10, 15, 20, and sometimes up to 30 years.

It is also important to even understand that mortgage lending provides burdensome measures for housing and other property for the entire period of the loan agreement. At this time, it is impossible to make legally significant actions on the alienation of a home ownership or an apartment located in a pledge in the bank. Any non-fulfillment of contractual obligations (for example, not a loan payment on time) can lead to various sorts of sanctions from the bank, judicial bodies and execution authorities of courts.

Long mortgage loans usually suggest a big overpayment for credit than loans.

Using maternal capital for equity housing

Direction state certificate In order to participate in equity construction It has its advantages that are to save family finances having two or more child.

In this case, the family invests maternity capital to the erected house or apartment at the construction stage. Moreover, the means of maternal capital on equity construction Pension fund will allow us to apply after the second child reaches a three-year-old age.

The use of maternal capital for shared construction is possible in the following cases:

  • when the family does not have sufficient funds to buy housing, it issues a loan agreement on the program mortgage lending And the maternity capital here acts as the first contribution.
  • when the family has an apartment in which the square does not meet the requirements of the growing family, it decides to sell it and buy another apartment with large square. Here the maternity capital is added to the funds reversed from the sale of the apartment and the new accommodation is bought.

In any case, participation in shared construction implies with funding for personal funds of the family and facilities of maternal capital.

How is the investment of maternal capital in equity construction?

The first stage is the design of documents of equity construction. These include the following actions:

  • actions on the choice of housing and its booking (it is reported to the representative of the developer that maternity capital will be brought into financing; in the contract of equity participation, there must be a phased payment in obligational procedure);
  • the formation of documents by the company of the developer and registration of the contract for shared construction;
  • registration of the Treaty of Share Building Housing in single Registry;
  • payment of part of the amount due to the contract.

Conclusion and registration of the Treaty of Participation in Share Construction apartment houses It is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated December 30, 2004 "On participation in the share construction of multi-apartment houses". Thanks to this law, under the control of the state, the contract for participation in shared construction takes place in order to prevent fraudulent actions involving the conclusion of contracts for the same apartment with different participants in equity construction.

The same law prescribes the developer to use finance citizens only after the developer will receive documents allowing construction and will have project Declaration and ownership or lease agreement land plotwhich contains a residential building.

The second stage is the coordination of the management of the maternal capital in the Pension Fund.

The parent capital owner must collect a number of documents and submit them to the Pension Fund. These documents include:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation who owns family capital or his trusted person who has a notarized power of attorney;
  • application with a request to allow the use of maternal capital to share residential premises;
  • certificate document itself;
  • Reduss;
  • registered by the Rosreestra Service Agreement on Participation in Share Construction;
  • receipt of payment of the account of the Treaty of Share Training of Construction;
  • certificate of financial debt under the shared construction contract;
  • a commitment certified by a notary registration within six months after the design of an apartment built by the equity way, in ownership of all family members;
  • when a husband performs the shareholder of housing, he is given his passport and marriage certificate.

Pension Fund Having studied the submitted documents decides to resolve either on the prohibition of the use of maternal capital to the declared goal of financing.

The use of maternal capital to paying a share contribution

Cooperatives are so-called mutual assistance. For this purpose form functions To pay for the buying or housing under construction.

Members of the consumer cooperative, which fully paid off (made a dull fee) acquire the right to housing. The law is regulated by housing and housing and construction cooperatives (№188-ФЗ), as well as housing and accumulative cooperatives (№215-ФЗ).

These cooperatives are created to provide the population with housing, operational management in cooperative apartment buildings.

Ensuring the housing of citizens in this way occurs through attraction and use money Members of the cooperative for the acquisition or construction of residential premises transmitted to their members first use, and after paying mutual contributions and in property. The members of the cooperative are accepted on general meetingWhat is reflected in the decision and in the registry of the cooperative. The newly adopted members of the cooperative get acquainted with its statutory provisions and pay entrance membership fees. At the same time, the payment of the membership entrance fee cannot be sent to the maternity capital, as it will not be a payment for the acquisitions and construction of housing.

But on the payment of a mutual contribution, intended for the acquisition of residential premises, you can make maternity capital.

The Pension Fund will need to provide a certificate of the amount of the share contribution, as well as the balance of debt to the shared contribution, after which it will be possible to become a right holder of housing. In addition, you will need the charter of the cooperative, certified by the notary and a copy of the certificate of ownership of the cooperative for a residential premises.

The Pension Fund will check that the owner of maternal capital is indeed a member of this cooperative that he is a user of a residential premises and will adopt a decision on a submitted statement by order by means of maternal capital.

The means (part of the funds) of the maternal (family) capital can be sent to the acquisition (construction) of residential premises. Including:

1 Acquisition of residential premises (apartments) or individual object of individual housing construction, in other words, his house;

2 Construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction facility with attraction construction organization;

3 construction or reconstruction of the object of individual housing construction without attracting a contractor, that is, on their own;

4 compensation for the cost of construction or reconstruction of an object of individual housing construction;

5 payment of the initial contribution upon receipt of a loan or loan, including mortgage, for the acquisition or construction of housing;

6 repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans or loans, including mortgage, for the acquisition or construction of housing ( credit Organization, credit consumer cooperative, other organization providing a loan under the loan agreement, the fulfillment of the obligations under which is provided by the mortgage);

7 payment of participation in equity construction;

8 payment of an introductory or mutual contribution as a member of housing, housing, housing accumulative cooperatives.

Main condition: Acquirement (under construction) residential premises should be located in Russia.

Where can I get a loan for maternity capital for the purchase or construction of housing

According to the law, conclude a loan agreement for the acquisition or construction of housing using family capital can with the following organizations:

✓ credit institution (bank);

✓ Credit Consumer Cooperative (PDA) or Agricultural CCP, which employs at least 3 years from the day of state registration;

✓ Single Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere, determined by the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 225-FZ. Previously, it was a mortgage housing lending agency "(AHML), and now its functions performs Dom.rf JSC.

It should be noted that the loan tool organization must list cashless payment - to the personal account of the owner of the certificate or his spouse in the credit institution.

How many loans can be taken under the maternity capital

The law strictly does not provide restrictions on the number of loans, which can be sent to the means of maternal capital. Therefore, Matkapital can be sent to repay not only one, even at the same time two or more housing loans.

How to issue maternity capital to improve housing conditions up to 3 years

Theoretically, spend the maternal (family) capital or part of it is possible only after three years since the birth or adoption of the second, third and subsequent children. But when using the Matteripal for the purchase of housing, the state gives a relaxation.

Use maternity capital to improve housing conditions before in three years.

If you need to repay the main debt and pay interest on loans and loans, including mortgage, for the acquisition or construction of housing, then you can use the means of maternal capital, without waiting for the child three years since the birth (adoption) of the child. Moreover, this feature does not depend on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.

In addition, today maternity capital can also be used as an initial fee by mortgage. Russian President Vladimir Putin also signed a law that allows the use of maternity capital to pay an initial contribution to mortgage loan, without waiting for the achievement of a three-year-old child, in connection with the birth or adoption of which the right to additional state support measures arose.

Maternal capital to improve housing conditions: how to spend money for apartment repair

It would seem that the repair of the apartment is also an improvement in housing conditions, but it is not. Housing Square Even during the most expensive renovation does not increase, and it means that the repair can not be called a real improvement in housing conditions. And accordingly, the repairs of the apartment, the acquisition of furniture and other economic needs of the maternal (family) capital cannot be used, as this is not provided by law.

Where to turn

An application for the disposal of the maternal (family) capital can be submitted to any territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund or through the "Personal Cabinet of the Citizen" in electronic form.

How to issue maternity capital to improve housing conditions in 2020 is the main question that interests all families who decided on the second or subsequent baby.

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Spouses who decided on a second or subsequent kid (gave birth or adopted) can count on additional material assistance from the state.

This assistance is called maternal or family capital. They can use it at their discretion.

But, in most cases, people use data money in order to improve the conditions for living. The state in this actively helps.

Main aspects

Was introduced in our country in 2007.

Since then, each family in which the second or subsequent child has appeared, has the right to receive additional help from the state in the form of a special certificate.

Money can be used at its discretion in several fields:

  • improve housing conditions;
  • on education;
  • as pension savings Mother children.

Consider what you need to know primarily about maternal capital.

Important concepts

Maternal capital is a special support for young families by the state in the form of monetary remuneration For the birth of the second or next children.

You can even say that this is the obligation of the state before each family. Important concepts you need to know about maternal capital:

  • the right to receive funds is assigned;
  • at the beginning of each year, the amount is indexed and revised;
  • you can seek family capital at any convenient time;
  • the amount of money is not taxed;
  • the certificate is valid only in the case of passport;
  • means can not be cash.

Requirements for funds

In order to get family capital, a woman needs to contact the branch of the Pension Fund. Main requirements for making money:

  • the child was born (was) the second or subsequent;
  • a person who claims to receive family capital must necessarily be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

To obtain money, it is necessary that the second or subsequent baby be born or has been adopted in the period from 2007 to 2020.

Each year, legislation is reviewed and decides to extend or cancel this state program.

Family capital can receive not only the mother, but also the father of the child. The requirements are as follows:

  • a man is the only adoptive of the child;
  • woman lost the opportunity to get a certificate.

Legal regulation

Maintenance legislative actswhich regulate the process of using family capital money:

How to use maternity capital to improve housing conditions

Each family independently chooses, as he orders his family capital. As already mentioned, most people use it for their housing area.

The legislation provides for several options for developing events. Citizens have the right to choose the most optimal option for them.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that you have the opportunity to use money only after the baby reaches 3 years.

In order to take advantage of money, you need to contact a special statement in the Pension Fund at your own or.

Required condition Fund for the implementation of this transaction - the official design of housing in the property of the mother, children, as well as a spouse.

What implies a change

Change and improvement conditions for family residence implies:

  • new apartment or at home;
  • construction of future housing;
  • reconstruction of the current apartment or house;
  • participation in equity construction;
  • payment of debt on;
  • credit registration in order to acquire new square meters.

Please note that the certificate to improve the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation can only be used in our country.

That is, buy housing abroad, for example, you will not succeed.

Buying a new room

In order to acquire a new housing for the money certificate, three sides must participate in the transaction:

  • seller;
  • buyer;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The last participant of the transaction is engaged in the transfer of funds to the seller's account.

Please note that the use of money allocated by the state can be used by the kid to achieve 3 years.

Remember also that the pension fund can list money is not immediately, therefore there is a small delay of payment.

Money gets at the expense of the seller at least a month later, a maximum in 2 months from the date of signing.

Certificate funds allocated by the state can fully or partially cover all costs for purchasing new square meters.

If you choose a partial coating of real estate costs, then the transaction takes place in two stages:

  1. In Russia, the real estate registration is at the expense of part of the amount, which was made by the buyer at the first stage.
  2. After the Pension Fund lists the remaining amount to the seller's account, the ownership of new real estate is registered.

Reconstruction of former housing

You have the opportunity to send the money that were allocated by the state as a family capital, on the reconstruction of the housing area in which you live at the moment.

In this way you can increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The concept of "reconstruction" implies special works that lead to change technical characteristics housing.

They are also aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of residential square meters.

Use maternal capital to reconstruct on the following types of work:

  • reorganization of residential premises;
  • organization of new independent construction;
  • increase in housing area;
  • update engineering systems and communications in the apartment or in the house.

It is important to understand that reconstruction is not the construction of a new residential premises, but just construction work, which can be, both simple and complex.


Money that were obtained as family capital can also be used to build a completely new residential premises.

Construction can occur in two ways:

If you are going to build a new residential premises with specially trained people and a separate construction organization, then in order to take advantage of the money dedicated state, you will need to provide a contract to the pension fund.

In this case, the money is immediately listed on the account of the construction company. If you are going to independently carry out construction, then the transfer of money occurs in two stages:

  • 50% of the amount is listed by the Pension Fund immediately after the provision of the necessary documents;
  • 50% of the amount is listed 6 months after the fact construction work will be confirmed.

Please note that you will need to keep records of all your expenses, since this information you will need to provide a pension fund.

Is it possible to repay a mortgage

In order to use the maternity capital to improve housing conditions up to 3 years (that is, do not wait until the baby reaches the age of 3 years), it is necessary that the family has already been issued a housing loan.

So, family capital can be used in two cases:

  • introduction of the first contribution of the mortgage loan;
  • one-time repayment of existing debt per percent and basic loan body.

In order to use money, you need:

  1. Visit the bank to take a certificate of debt balance on the mortgage loan.
  2. In the pension fund transmitting all required documents Together with the help, which was obtained in the bank.
  3. After the Pension Fund consider your statement, the money will be transferred to the bank to pay off part of the debt on your mortgage loan.

What documents must be collected

If you decide to use maternity capital to improve housing conditions, then you need to prepare certain papers. TO mandatory documents relate:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • certificate of marriage (only if the husband also takes part in the transaction).

What you need to remember those who buy an apartment for whom the previous owner has previously used Matkapital?

It is no secret that the purchase of accommodation previously acquired by the use of family capital of housing can carry a serious risk for new owners. We often have cases when, buying real estate and using maternity capital, parents are in no hurry with the fulfillment of the obligations to endow the rights of children. Someone forgets, and someone consciously ignores her duties.

If children are not included in the owners of the apartment, the new owner risks to be in a situation where the seller's matured children, the prosecution authorities or the pension fund appealed the deal, and it will remain without a roof above his head. For example, in 2016, in accordance with the Altai Territory, the prosecutor's office filed 280 lawsuits on violation of juvenile ownership of minors after use by parents of family capital.

To minimize risks, you need to carefully approach the question legal verification Property object. It is better to give preference notarial form. Before the conclusion of the transaction, the notary will carefully examine the documents so that you are confident that the deal does not pay any pitfalls.

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How are the money (Matkapital) on the specified purposes?

Funds are listed because Pension Fund RF B. non-cash form At the expense of the organization (for example, a construction company) or individualspeaking by seller of real estate, or a bank provided by the owner of the certificate of credit. If we are talking about independent construction Or repairing a private house, funds will be transferred to the bank account of the certificate owner.

By general rule You can get the means of the Matkagel to improve housing conditions only after reaching the child for three years. However, this restriction does not apply to the mortgage or repayment of the already existing housing loan. You can get Matkapital on such goals at any time after the birth of a child, without waiting for his three years.

Is it possible to let the Matkapital on the partial repayment of the mortgage?

Maternal capital can be sent, among other things, to relieve the "mortgage" burden. These funds can go both on the initial contribution of the loan (associated with the construction or purchase of finished housing), and used to pay off the principal and interest on the loan. At the same time, the rule applies both to the mortgage, decorated after the birth / adoption of the second and subsequent child and on credit that the family pays no first year.

It is worth noting that Matkapital cannot be sent to pay for fines, commissions, penalties provided for loan agreement.

How to sell a mortgage apartment?Life is unpredictable, and sometimes there are situations, be it divorce, loss of work or some other circumstances in which there is no possibility to pay a mortgage. It is possible to sell an apartment that is in the mortgage, and how to do it, the site of RIA Real Estate told representatives of banks, realtors and lawyers.

Can I buy land for the construction of the houses for the construction of the house?

Purchase a plot for the construction of a house on the Family Capital means cannot be done. Under the improvement of housing conditions the federal law Understands only the purchase, construction or reconstruction of residential premises.

To exceptions include the acquisition of land plot together with the residential housewhich is suitable for family living. Formally, the consumption of state support funds will only be sent to buy a house, and the land plot will be considered an addition to it.

What are the options for improving housing conditions with the involvement of the Matkapalo?

Persons who received a certificate can use Matkapital in full either in parts for the following purposes:

Purchase of finished housing (apartments / rooms or at home) under the sale contract;

Construction of a private residential building, which citizens carry out their own either with the attraction of profile building training;

Reconstruction of a private residential building (change of its area, numbers of rooms and honorable);

Cost compensation for the already built (reconstructed) private residential building;

Repayment / Registration of the loan if he is taken / takes to acquire or building housing;

Payment of the entrance fee in the housing and construction cooperative;

Payment of rights to share in construction.

It is worth considering the fact that the housing purchased on the means of the Matkapital should be / being built in Russia.

How to execute the fulfillment of the obligation related to the use of the Matkapital?

Also, it is recommended to apply to the notary after the estimated 6 months - to fulfill obligations assumed. Notary will help draw up the so-called contract (agreement) in fulfillment of the obligation. He will make sure that the contract responded to all the requirements of the law and took into account the interests of both spouses and all children in the family. In such a contract, the size of the share for each family member is also fixed. By the way, to highlight the share of the child, the child is necessary for him to be in an official marriage with the owner of the certificate - the mother's mother.

The conclusion of this agreement does not require the consent of the Bank (if housing was acquired in the mortgage and there is a burden on it), and also does not affect the current credit conditions.

Sell \u200b\u200breal estate acquired using the Matkapital, without having allocated in it previously fixed in the law, it is impossible. In the future, for alienation of real estate, part of which belongs to minors, the consent of the guardianship bodies.

How is it better to make real estate in marriage to be beneficial to bothLovers are happy to celebrate February 14 Valentine's Day. However, not all pairs manage to preserve the relationship, and sometimes the cause of discord become property disputes. About how to competently arrange real estate to protect and property and, perhaps, love, the site "RIA Real Estate" told in the federal notary ward.

What should I refer to the notary when using the Matteripal?

As a general rule, the real estate acquired in marriage is drawn up between spouses in half or in different shares (subject to change joint ownership on a separate marriage contract). When it comes to attracting the means of the Matkapalo for housing purposes, the law obliges parents to allocate shares in new or reconstructed housing also to all children.

It is necessary to go to the notary to make the obligations on the allocation of such fractions. This paper will be spelled out that the owner (owners) of real estate undertakes to arrange it in common property Recipient certificate, his spouse and all children within 6 months after:

Women who born or adopted the third child or subsequent children after January 1, 2007, if they did not take advantage of such a right;

Men are the only adopters of the second, third child or subsequent children, if they did not take advantage of such a right (while the court decision on adoption should be issued after January 1, 2007);

Men (fathers or children's adopters), regardless of their citizenship, if the mother's right to Matkapital stopped (for example, a woman died or was deprived of parental rights);

Minors and adult children under 23 years old, students in part in educational institution (With the exception of the organizations of additional education) until the end of such training, if the right of their mother or father (adoptive penizer) of the child to the Matkapital stopped either did not occur.

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