
How to invest right: novice tips, profitable investment. It is much more profitable to invest money: expert advice. Where to invest money to receive a monthly income

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine site! Today we will try to reveal the question "where to invest money." After all, the complex economic situation in the country's economy makes constantly worry about its own financial resources.

Therefore, we constantly stand up many questions, first where to invest money, to save and not lose, then, where to invest to earn, to receive monthly income etc.

Detailed instructions: Where to invest money so that they work and brought monthly income

If there is even a small amount of accumulated capital, then there is a real fear of its loss. That is why we try to be more competent in the issues of investment money, studying various possibilities of profitable investment.

Of course, many of us are far from politics, a large economy and government management methods, but this does not deprive us of the opportunity to explore the experience of successful people, view the advice of experts, determining the most optimal way to invest money in order to obtain income. Such a detailed view of the situation will help determine the most profitable investment money scope at the moment.

From this article you will learn:

  • Where to invest in 2019, to not lose - expert advice;
  • Where to invest money to earn (so that they work) under high percent With a guarantee - the basic principles of money investment ;;
  • Consider where you can invest money in Russia + real ways of investment of money depending on the amount of money.

Rules of money investment

1. Where to invest money not to lose - 5 basic investment rules

So, how to invest money in order not to lose them and what needs to be done so that they work and bring income? On our website we present 5 rules of investmentthat you need to take the basis. They will be kinda for you " desktop Book", Which will help to make the most faithful actions to preserve and saving money.

These rules have been developed through acquired experience and prove their effectiveness over the years.

Rule number 1. Free money

This is the first rule that needs to be investing (invest) only those cash, which are available after the fulfillment of all major obligations and needs, that is, we are talking about money not taken on credit / debt, etc.

Never take money to invest on credit or debt. It is worth understanding that subsequently an unsuccessful investment can lead to bankruptcy and limit the possibility of returning finances at the appointed time.

In addition, the incorrectly calculated economic budget of his own family will cause you additional difficulties. After all, sometimes emerging household problems require an urgent solution.

Remember that private loans, credit debts may not only rewrite your good story, but also spoil relations With close relatives, obligations to which will remain unfulfilled.

But if you still decide to take advantage of the loan, then our article about that, even with a bad credit history - To help you.

Rule number 2. Regular income

When investing your own funds, it is important to realize that you can only count on those money that manage to earn in a regular way without resorting to the results of investments. About where you can make money without investment, we have already written in the article.

Divide these articles income on 2 partsOne of which is constantly increasing capital, remaining untouched, and the second provides personal existence and is replenished monthly from stable sources.

Rule number 3. Plan of investment

Make it in advance by defining clear parameters. Consider all your features and ways, try to choose 2-3 types of investment. At the same time, it is important to understand that the actions scheduled for you can be adjusted, taking into account the changing economic situation in the country. That is, a built-in investment plan should be flexible and relevant.

Try to make all free cash to be invested in one single project (method of investment). The greatest effectiveness will have investing cash in several projects. Even if in some area will not be able to achieve profit (there will be a loss), other types of investment will fix the situation.

Rule number 4. Do not waste profit

This rule suggests that the money earned should form and increase your capital. Many experts are advised to get earned money from investing in other attachment objects.

Form your own investment portfolio and look for new most favorable sources of investments.

Rule number 5. Control your money

Try to most often be interested in the movement of your own cash and assets, paying attention to even minor nuances. This will avoid multiple errors and problems, and will also make it possible to take the right decisions on the contribution of your money.

In addition, it is worth very carefully to doubtful and extensive Investment offers. Check all possible information on these types of money attachments.

Don't forget that cases fraud Significantly frequent and determine immediately the truthfulness of the company's intentions / person is not always possible.

Mouse over the company that plans to cooperate with you. Browse various internet reviews and explore the experience of other people who have the investment history in it.

Try to preliminary calculations, pay attention to the final amounts. Too fast and high profits must alert you.

By remembering these simple rules, it will be easier for you to navigate our own opportunities. It is worth understanding that only a careful study of the situation and the proposals received will help become a more competent investor.

We used to trust the words of our friends, parents, relatives, but the situation is changing daily and yesterday favorable contributions There may be a risk of losses today. That is why it is worth it for its financial literacy .

According to experts, the income that we receive every month should be divided into 3 Composite parts:

  • basic - These are the money that is spent on the purchase of food, clothing, payment of apartment expenses.
  • cumulative - it is approximately 10% from the amount obtained. Here the spending are assumed to purchase a car, a vacation trip.
  • working - The entire remaining amount to dispose of which can be at personal discretion. It is she who is the source of future investments.

As can be seen, from the scheme, the investment remains small moneybut they are capable increase in times With the right approach.

Even if the situation happened at which a very favorable project got into his hands, and own funds It is not enough for him, try to find other investors / sinvestors. Combining efforts, you will create a general fund that in financial language is called poom Thereby giving the start by the case itself to get higher percentage.

These situations are not rare and people very often seek to find like-minded people who have a cash supply. General idea Carefully give a stimulus, and the collected capital is a good refund.

2. Where to get money to benefit them - tips

Sometimes it seems that the word " Investment"Implies a large financial amount that is difficult to immediately find. (Our article "" to help you). That is why we try to fold the bills in the box, keeping them at home until better times.

Actually such a position incorrect because any free money should work for you, attracting new financial resources. If we talk about such a way as the preservation and increase in capital with the help of a bank deposit, then the initial amount of investments can be 1000 rubles.

It is important to simply choose deposit in the bank and conditions for its use. What happens, read in a separate publication of our magazine.

Yes, buying currency, precious metals , art objects, Moreover, own business will require you more meaningful sum. But here there is a way in which you can gradually collect missing finances.

Firstly , teach yourself to save. Try to make purchases correctly, creating your own benefit. We recommend reading an article - + expert advice "

And, secondly , postponement monthly10 % from the income received preservation. Thus, you will create a clear structure of cash distribution and will come to the intended result in a few months.

Favorable ways to invest money not to lose, save and earn

3. 13 ways to invest money so that they work and brought income

Let's try to consider the most relevant options for investing your own funds, defining their advantages and disadvantages.

Method number 1. Bank deposit (which bank is better to put money at interest)

This is the most common way that is available to anyone who wants to invest your money. All of his essence is that the agreement is concluded, on the basis of which all the funds you contributed are not only persisted throughout a certain time, but also multiply, according to the specified rate.

Investor (depositor) acquires confidence In that he will receive an income, the amount of which can be calculated in advance. This method of working with money is beneficial for both sides.

Metal Money Attachment No. 1 - Deposit

You, rapid contribution, work for its increase, and bankWhen taking money, conducts a lot of operations that give him their benefits.

So, your contribution under 10% Suggested for a loan with debt obligations to another client in 20 % And, even a year later, the money returned will make a significant difference (income) to this institution.

You can choose the most optimal deposit for myself, both independently and with the help of a consultant who is always focused on proposals relevant in this period.

Another significant advantage this method can be called insurance depositsintroduced in lately In connection with the regular bankruptcy of credit institutions. Now your contribution to the size of 1 400 000 rubles Towards mandatory insurance, So returns in any case by the state.

That is, if your amount for attachment exceeds this specified threshold, then you can divide money By using the services of several banks.

Despite such positive parties, there are significant minuses . So, initially for nested funds, the smallest percentage of all investment methods is established and can be from 0.1% to 9%What varies depending on the conditions of the proposal.

In addition, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to a permanent depreciation of cash (inflation). But, even in this case, your small profit profit will avoid significant losses, while maintaining capital at the same level.

Which bank is better to put money for interest in 2019 - the opinion of experts

Solving for themselves, in which bank is better to invest its money and where to open a bank deposit (deposit account), we recommend to get acquainted with the top 5 Bank banks, paying attention to the reliability rating of these banks.

The Bank is reliable if the main shareholder (controlling stake) is the state. It is unlikely that the state will be interested in bankruptcy of own banks.

Reliable banks include eg , Such giants banking sector, as Sberbank, VTB , Rosselkhozbank and some others.

So, the top 5 banks in which you can safely invest in interest:

  1. Sberbank;
  2. "Rosselkhozbank";
  3. "VTB 24";
  4. Gazprombank;
  5. "Alfa Bank".

Ranking the reliability of banks over time changes slightly. But first 3 (three) bank Almost always are in their places, as it is large banks with state financial supportThat is, reliability at the highest level in the country. Here you can choose a contribution with the replenishment, the capitalization of interest, as well as prolongation. About, you can read in one of our publications.

Method number 2. Attachment in mutual

People who are a bit familiar with stock Exchange, shares, bonds and work S. securities Prefer to invest in mutual investment funds (mutual mutual).

In fact, such a combination only sounds difficult, but it has a simple foundation. It represents collective investment and further management of them. All money is collected in the general foundation, and then with the help of a professional manager are sent by the selected use method.

Principle of operation of mutual work

IN most Our ourselves are very rarely owned by real information related to economic indicators Even the most successful organization. Therefore, it is enough to purchase any valuable paper ability, but I don't competently manage it.

Important! Investing money in mutual imaging, we get the opportunity to acquire those shares, bonds, gold or currencywhich fell a little in price, but are able to further score their positions, defining good growth and a significant share of profit.

To achieve such an ideal situation, specialists in investment funds should be perfectly in economics not only at the level of their country, but in general, in the world. It is important to own the basics technical and fundamental analysis, View news feeds and be able to react to constant changes.

The usual consumer get a complex of such knowledge, and even more so actively dispose of them, it is very difficult, so there is a need for specialist services. In this and the essence of the investment of money in mutual. You give your free cash managers who have tremendous experience and good statistics.

Thereby, advantage Investment Fund is that at any stages you have maximum support and various options for investing funds from which you can choose the most optimal.

There is no need to immediately dive into all the subtleties and nuances, study daily ways, sufficiently entrust your funds. In addition, you can gradually thoroughly delve into the actions carried out by independently additional stocks The same organization.

It is worth understanding that any management company It is subjected to constant control by the state, and this is already confidence for you in fair cooperation.

Such tough measures in the legal field, legal issues Provide the protection of our investment rights like shareholders.

For the most part, the company that values \u200b\u200bits reputation has been paid to the management of attracted contributions, allows for proven employees who have a special certificate. It is also important that the sum of your initial investments is practically not limited. It can start from 1000 rubles.

All available capital can be distributed initially between a few piffsthat will create your own portfolio, limiting you in the share risks.

Following logic, the situation turns in this way: if even one investment fund will subjected your money to risks and bring you lesion then another will help restore the lost amount and most likely will provide income .

Even if the Foundation recognizes bankrupt , Your property invested in this investment will be prohibited to be baked by law. If necessary, you can always require the results of an independent verification that is carried out daily. Thus, with the help of the registrar, the fund's own rights of the Fund for nested pairs and all property are carried out. And annually, the company's accounting is subject to audit.

Negative side This method can be called your own inappropriateness when a young unverified specialist who takes out the work "brings" you and your expectations.

It is quite difficult to check its actions in advance, so the risk of loss of accumulated money arises.

The only right decision can be your desire to learn much more about mutual investment Fundwhich you plan to invest. Try to analyze the situation, look for reviews, read forums, insult yourself.

Method number 3. Acquisition of real estate

Method of investing number 3. Buying real estate (office, residential, etc.)

This method has always been the most effective for cash investment. It is worth understanding that the purchased real estate (apartment, etc.) almost never loses in its price. We have already told how it is profitable to buy an apartment and, in a separate article.

For several years, its cost will gradually increase. Sometimes it happens sharp jumps, often just a systematic magnification, but always makes it possible to turn out to be in plus . In more detail about, as well as the pros and cons of this method of investment of funds, we wrote past material.

In addition, the acquired option can always be rentAnd this is a way of passive income, which leads to further accumulation. Specialists are noticed that in order to invest it is best to acquire simple rooms or one-bedroom small apartments.

The leased premises of two such objects stands at times more expensive than one area consisting of 2 rooms.

Also, the small quadrature is easier to repair, giving it a presentable look, and to furnish with its furniture. If you operate the language of numbers, then renting the purchased room will bring us 10-20% per annumthat maximize attachments through 6-8 years oldAnd after that, the period of receiving net profit will begin.

But renting a whole apartment brings only 5-7% annual And this is a longer period of returning their funds. In addition, the existing method of daily housing gives the most profitable prospects, but entails the need for constant work on search for people living and repairs, the implementation of which will become more frequent.

You will need to provide not only the most better conditions, but also the prestige of the location of the room in the area. Investing your own funds in housing has mass advantages . It is stability, and the possibility of further living and returning invested money at any convenient moment.

It is worth understanding that sell \u200b\u200bproperty can always. (How to do it quickly, read in the article -? "). In addition, you can easily give your square meters transfer to their inheritance or bequeath Specific face.

Disadvantage Such a way to consider the high cost of the object and the difficulty when making a transaction. So it is not always possible to easily collect the amount from 500 000 rubles, and even a loan taken in the bank imposes a mass of obligations on you. But the presence of money in arms is not a security deposit of a successful result.

IN modern world There are a lot of schemes used. fraudsters When selling housing. And your initial conviction may later be deception.

Therefore, the shown vigilance is very important at the time of searching for the premises, checking documents and work with lawyers.

Method number 4. Precious metals

A very common way of investing was the purchase of gold. It is purchased in special ingots and, as a rule, is stored in the same banks, creating a special account.

Over time prices for this tool can like grow, so I. fallBut for the most part they provide the owner of the profits of the profits. It is not difficult to purchase it even on the day of the appeal itself.

If the transaction occurs in an impersonal form, then VAT in fact sales or purchases Not charged. But the formation of metal in the ingot involves Pay tax on value added in size 18% (VAT).

Except gold actively sold silver, palladium and platinum. In fact, the entire income of the contributor is formed by the growth of the cost of precious metals in world markets. If necessary, the account can be replenished in the cash equivalent of this investment tool.

By closing the contract, according to its conditions, the bank in the right to give you not only financial resources, taking into account the increase in the amount, but also the ingots themselves. By the way, very often closed earlier bills are not entitled to pay accrued interest.

Benefits This method is that he protects Savings from Inflation, protects the owner with any unstable economic or political Situations in the country. Besides here traced high liquidity use, that is fast translation Cash, as well as a stable rise in value on them.

Of disadvantages you can call the need to create special storage conditions, purchase and sale It is only available banking system, and increasing capital growth occurs at a slow pace.

In addition, when working with this method, several basic rules must be followed.

First, the acquisition of precious metals is important to conduct in the most favorable period. Try to define the main decline in prices.

Secondly It is worth understanding that such investments pay for themselves only in the long run.

AND, thirdly, starting to the basic actions, try to pre-explore the market, disperse with the peculiarities of the production and consumption of each metal, and also analyze the forecasts of experts.

Getting gold gradually depletes its reserves, which allows the price more expensive after the time period.

Method number 5. Business

Method of investment number 5. Creation and business development

The creation and development of their own business, as well as the acquisition of a ready-made project involves special risks in the initial stages. In general, of course, the scope of cash investment is considered profitable, but it is very difficult to achieve such a result. About that we have already written in our release, where detailed instructions How to open what to pay attention to, as well as popular business ideas as examples.

Important not only initially correctly calculate the amount of investments, availability of personnel, purchase of goods and other articles costsBut also take into account the rental of premises, the passability of the planned place, and even the cost of the average check, which gives reason to talk about the profitability of the event.

In addition, there are a number of factors capable of violating the initial plans. it presence of competitors, non-established relations with suppliers modernization of equipment, changes in russian legislation , and much more.

Advantage Such an investment can be considered the possibility of joint business ownership, collegial management of them and the search for a niche is a weakly busy competitors.

Under similar conditions, as well as competent business, you can not only get good incomebut also be confident in its constancy.

Negative side This method is called the absence 100% guarantees. Your invested funds are possible, as a result, not only not to return, but also provide special obligations to eliminate debts formed as a result of activities.

Any business scope requires special attention, permanent work and personal dedication. You will have to either constantly monitor the currents of the cash invested, or to independently participate in them, seeking positive results.

In more detail and in detail about, we wrote in our past material.

Method number 6. Buying securities

Investing money in such tools is becoming profitable in the long run. The main types in your portfolio can be called shares, bonds and eurobonds.

Method of investing money number 6. Buying securities (promotions, bonds, etc.)

Consider each acquisition in more detail.

So " stock" - This is a security that gives you the opportunity to confirm your right to share the company's capital. It allows not only to receive dividends, but also to participate in the management of the enterprise itself.

Basic advantagesuch acquisition can be considered a grand income based on the growth of its prices. The entire storage and control scheme of such papers is now in in electronic formatSo it is very convenient to use.

Also when working with securities, many companies open their controlled firms in offshore zones (offshores). We have already written in our past releases.

Negative moment Experts call the high risk of storing these tools. This acquisition is made at your own fear. No one gives good guarantees of the success of a similar event.

"Bonds" Its owners increase capital gradually. Its increase occurs with weak rates, but allows you to become stable. In the general portfolio of securities, they are most likely acquired for diversification, that is, the extensions of the range.

They reduce the risk and are suitable for users who are able to expect a long period of gradation of the initial means.

Eurobonds Most often by corporations and government in the nominal foreign currency. The initial rate for their acquisition is 1000 dollars.

The main advantage This method of investment is in the value difference of currencies. Due to this, you can get a good income and sell bonds at any time without percent loss.

Disadvantage This method is that it is very difficult to choose the right shares or bonds In your portfolio. You will have to be resorted to the opinion of professionals and experts.

Only they, dealing with the real economic situation of our country, as well as understanding all the nuances of the work in this area are able to advise and choose the most optimal solution for you.

Method number 7. Private lending (P2P lending)

Another way to get the most widely distribution is now. This is a method in which the money is provided to the borrower on special conditions. It is important to correctly compile a contract, evaluate everything risks and losses, explore the personal data of the person with whom to work.

Yours advantage It consists in high yield. The provision of credit obligations from one individual to another for a short time allows you to get up to 50% per annum. But the disadvantages of this method are also serious.

There is the possibility of non-return of debugged funds. Even a very careful search for credit fees does not guarantee their honesty.

Method number 8. Buying currency

This method of investing can be carried out both with the help of banks (banking institutions, branches, etc.) and attracting brokerage companies For trade in the foreign exchange market Forex. One of best brokers is an " ForexClub.".

If a in the first case It is necessary to simply provide a document certifying your identity, in second - Signs a special agreement, which initially can carry additional risks. In one of the articles of our magazine, you can get acquainted with what you need to pay attention to.

That is why it is important to choose the right specialists who have significant experience in this area of \u200b\u200bwork. The most popular currency today becomes: american dollar, euro, japanese yen. , swiss frank, I. english pound sterling.

The main advantages This method can be called some items.

Firstly , increasing profits is achieved in 100% And more, which allows you to increase initial Capitalenriched daily.

Secondly If you know the flow rate of the currency rate, it appears the ability to protect yourself from inflation. You can independently choose the currency, determine its changes and predict further consequences.

Thirdly , the acquisition for you is not limited in time. This process can be planned for any period of personal free moment.

AND, fourth , ensuring constant Internet access, you are independently able to control the situation, monitor the change in the course, determine the effectiveness of your further actions.

Disadvantage With these advantages, only one is the unpredictability of the currency. In order to take a right decision, you need to carefully monitor changes, be able to correctly predict the behavior of quotations and try to bet on different kinds Money.

So, experts advise To instantly increase its starting capital make an investment in dollar or euro. (In the near future, we wrote in the past release, where the advice and opinions of experts are given).

If you are in priority preservation of funds , despite the complex political situation, pay attention to pounds or swiss frank.

Of course, their purchase is more expensive, but this operation It gives stability, because their position is more stable in the foreign exchange market.

☝ Also recently growing popularity. We told about them in detail in the past issue.

Method number 9. Attachment to art

This is one of the stable ways not only save your funds, but also significantly increase them. For this, it is important not only to actually understand art, but also attend special events, selecting your future buyers.

This method has both a lot of advantages and its drawbacks. As you know, the artwork market has existed for quite a long time and his participant can become each regardless of gender, age, and even religious prejudices.

First and significant plus work with masterpieces is very simple acquisition procedure works. There are no special formalities, licensing, special checks. The investor selects the future acquisition by directory or directly visiting the gallery itself. It is called the price of the trained web, respectively, the Joint Price List.

If necessary, an expert confirming the authenticity of the work is attracted. Such a specialist can be provided both by the organization itself and from the circle of personal preference. The work you like carried out the purchase and give an investor to the hands.

By the way, it is believed that investing in such sources becomes the most profitable in crisis periods, wars or extreme situations. This is a kind of capital protection, providing further and profit.

But against the background of these advantages, you can allocate and a number of flaws . Let's start with the fact that this market has low liquidity. Auctions pass with frequency 1-2 times a year, and the sale itself may take from 6 to 18 months.

In addition, the availability of buyers capable of paying you the required amount is very limited and they are important to convince the importance of acquisition. Many credit institutions refuse to customers in loans, even if they are trying to secure by those the most objects of art.

No work not capable of making His owner intermediate income, such as renting an apartment or buying shares, but expenses are significant. The owner must ensure not only the right storage conditions, but also insurance, guard, delivery.

In addition, sometimes it happens that the price increase period is replaced by its stability and waiting for a long time. the owner can just get a minor profit. Even on well-known auctions and bidding does not exist 100% fake protection. Often the staff of experts is very limited there and check all works of art is purely physically presented possible.

Many experts advise very seriously approaching this method of investing capital. Try to ensure that the maximum possible methods of checking works for authenticity, attract those employees who will give a guaranteed result.

It is worth understanding that only the canvas that has not been exhibited for a long time and held it in the same collection has a serious chance of an increase in its value.

Method number 10. Internet projects

With the development of modern technologies, such a direction is becoming increasingly popular.

The way to invest money number 10. Investing in the Internet - Projects

For its basis, it has 2 Regionwhich can be interesting as a novice depositor and an experienced specialist.

FirstlyThe worldwide network allows you to create an innovative web resources that are regarded as startap. By the way, we wrote in our last article.

Secondly, you can invest in the creation of your own website, which will be the foundation of your business and on a regular basis will begin to bring additional money.

AND, thirdFinancing those projects that you seem most profitable.

We will figure it out in more detail in each direction to understand how profitable it can be subsequently.

In the first case You will need come up with an original ideawhich will be able to interest the future buyer with his profitability. Having worked more carefully, it is important to understand even the smallest details.

Next, experts are attracted to implement ideas in life, and your task is to control at each stage of work. Later, a scheme is formed, according to which this business project is carried out in reality and is tested.

Your invested funds are returned. back with advancement . The amount of profits received on the hands of the whole depends on the extent of the elaboration of the site created and its attractiveness for future owners.

Second case It has a more common start and is beneficial for a number of reasons. Create your business internet, you can even with small capital.

You save on shopping Squares, warehouses, personnelBut you have the opportunity to access a wide range of users and implement at a convenient time.

Investments in this type of activity less riskythan creating a business in reality. But the development of such a direction and the increase in initial financial sources depends on your employment, interest and intentions.

Third way investments Funds through the space of the worldwide network is also associated with doing business, only people can prove the effectiveness of their start. There are many sites on which people place their projects with a specific description of the cost and level of profit.

They offer you to be inserted into it, promising a certain share of shares, for which it will be possible to receive income or help out the money for sale. Registration of such obligations occurs in a special type of contract worked out by experts.

Internet Investing Projects - This is the direction that you should study particularly carefully, because you can not predict the result in advance. Of course there are our risks.

And perhaps disadvantage this method can be called unpredictability. Experts calculated that from 10 sentencesnominated for consideration only 4 able to become profitable .

Method number 11. Binary options

This is the most fast way profit from subfed money. Based on two components: ability to risk and clear detailed study economic situation.

Method number 11. Investment in binary options

Your task is thatTo provide the right forecast for the price of the asset used. For example, a person is most convenient to work with shares. By purchasing the option on them, it makes a bet on the fact that, for example, exactly a day, their cost will become much higher than what is indicated at the moment.

After the specified time, the result is estimated. In the case when assumptions are confirmed, the amount of profit will fluctuate from 65-85% . It is a significant addition of invested capital.

But do not forget what you can and do not guess. Exactly then loses 80-100% betting. We have already written in detail about options in our release - "What is the real feedback from newcomers."

At first glance, it may seem that obtaining income in this way - just the champion of the case. In fact, it is not. It is worth a little to deepen in the created system, and you will make predictions more correct, and this as a consequence increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the bet.

Investing in binary options, It is worth considering that they have a lot advantages.

Firstly Those trading tools that will be offered to you have a wide range and provide a huge choice. So any, even a novice contributor can work both with standard currency pairs and precious metals, shares of various companies, oil and other assets.

Secondly Your level arrived and possible risk predetermined in advance. In general, you can calculate in advance what amount will be able to get as a result of the positive outcome of the case and what it is possible to lose with incorrect solving the situation.

Some trading platforms offer their consumers to independently install interest ratio Future outcome.

For example, installing the numbers 80/70 You lose 80% of the bet, without guessing it, or acquire 70% of the initial capital.

Thirdly Anyone who wants to deposit is always available easy access at any time of the day. That is, there is no need to download and install additional programs, To undergo control levels or somehow confirm your individuality.

It is enough to get to the official website of the trading platform and you can track the results, make new bets, analyze the situation. In addition, all trade continues empty, without interruption On weekends, holidays or night time. Thus, your desire to start earning money on nested money can be realized at any second, it is enough to find free time.

AND, fourth The trade interface is created so that it will become understandable at an intuitive level even the most uninitiated newcomer. All intermediate fluctuations in the prices of the tool you choose are removed, issuing only the end result in the time you have.

There are 2 basic principles here: Call Up - a purchase transaction (profit from price increases) and Put Down - a deal for sale (income in price fall). Despite such a number of described advantages, it is worth understanding that binary options, like any other type of capital investment capable of posing some shortcomings.

List some of them. So, the only failure you allowed to select up to 90% Invested capital. And this is sometimes a very significant amount, and to return it back it is required approximately 3-4 Successful transactions.

In addition, it is in disabilities in advance here interrupt the transaction or abandon them. Even if you understand the erroneousness of your actions, and the worsening forecast constantly confirms your guesses, it remains only to hope for a miracle, expecting the final result.

Also, the program itself implies the lack of credit obligations. That is, you can only invest free cash available in your stock. On the one hand, it is even good, because, as a rule, a novice depositor is included in azart. And it is able to spend more than going from the very beginning.

But, on the other hand, there are some types of transactions or stability of the economic situation, when a positive result can be predicted in advance, and this may lead to significant earnings.

Only money at this moment in your account is very small. Working with binary options is capable not only keep the invested means, but also significantly increase themIt is worth only to intend to understand the situation and study the scheme of work with each tool in more detail.

Method number 12. PAMM - invoices

This is another way to manage your finances, which allows you to entrust personal savings by a specialist. In more detail about such as open and choose a PAMM account for investing, we told in one of our articles.

Method of investment number 12. Investing in PAMM - accounts

It is necessary to immediately understand what the difference between the Pass Investment Fund ( FIFOM) I. PAMM - account.

If in the first case the manager has full access To your cash and can dispose of them at their discretion, not be sure even in case of losses, the second option suggests only the presence of a deposit, work with which can be carried out only by agreed actions.

Pamm- account Designed for trade, conclusion of transactions, but only technological way. Moreover, all the funds provided for investing on this account can be not only checking at any time, but also to stop the actions of the manager at any time.

The main advantages The contribution of money this way is:

  • The opportunity to earn Significant profit with the help of a skilled actions of a specialist. As you know, such accounts open access to the highest equity investment.
  • Minimum threshold of attachments. Some such accounts can begin with the amount in 100 dollars And that is why they become not only attractive, but also affordable a large circle of people.
  • Full control . Thanks to the automated system, the account owner can easily and quickly analyze the actions performed, and all calculations are performed automatically.
  • Easy selection of manager. Throughout its workflows, each PAMM account publishes not only its statistics, but also the history of operations, which makes it possible to easily view the situation today, contact your managers and, if necessary, to replace it.
  • Portfolio formation. As in the situation with PIPs, the occurrence of risks is always possible. That is why it is necessary to insure itself by creating several accounts with different assets.
  • Liquidity of operations. At any time, if necessary, you can not only introduce your funds, but also to withdraw them. The entire operation takes no more than a day, but gives sure the owner is that there is control and even the most difficult transactions can be stopped during their holding.

Method number 13. Investing in yourself

This is another way to invest money. It is considered very beneficial in that even the smallest knowledge gained when visiting courses can become a serious platform for further start.

In general, such a type of money investment has 3 main focus.

1. Health

Even if it seems to 18 yearsYou do not have problems in this area, be sure that they will appear with your due attention. And on how good you care about it now, your state in adulthood depends.

2. Appearance

This is a permanent job. In order for you normally perceived, you must follow cleaning clothes, own flavors, skin Covers, nails and hair.

Of course, there is no need to constantly visit expensive salons and spend all the means on the procedures, but also to negotiate the meetings when an external image is similar to a fatty cathedral cat, too useless.

Try to join the sport to have a beautiful figure and tightened belly, watch your own hairstyle, and even more severe hair roots, sign up for manicure and pedicure procedures.

Follow the condition of the skin in a timely manner and at least acquire the necessary creams to help fight wrinkles, pay attention to your wardrobe. Try to pick up good quality things in strict business facades. Do not forget to wash and iron your belongings.

3. Knowledge

The fulfillment of the two main first points entails a further personal growth. It is now important to read books of various orientations, drawing something important for yourself.

Take the rule to read daily not less than 50 pages . Sign up on useful courses, trainings, attend presentations (for example, such as - "", etc.)try to communicate with new Interesting people.

If you can watch the learning video, use it. Note for yourself a trip to another country or city, choose excursions with which you can study the story, various types of architecture.

Believe me, there is nothing informative in visiting the beach or bar. In addition, it is not bad to get into museum , theatre , movie , Botanical Garden or even zoo .

Investing in yourself - This is knowledge, experience, skills, the ability to apply the entire complex of the surveyed skills in practice at the time you need. After all, it was not for nothing that was told by wise people: "Do not wear knowledge by shoulders, and you never know what information will come in handy today."

7 principles of investment to earn

About where you can invest money with a guarantee, we wrote above, so we also offer to familiarize themselves with the principles of investment.

Basic principles of investment of money under a high percentage with a guarantee of income receipt

Principle 1. Long-term perspective

Imagine the situation in which the market that has become so familiar to you just closed and its activity is decided to resume only a few years. Where would the money be invested?

Try to think in advance, without resorting to daily quotations, the moods of other investors, the oscillations of the cost of raw materials and finished products. So, for example, take the purchase of shares of the famous company " Coca Cola" At the time of its conquest, they cost 40 dollars.

Increasing the price of sugar in those years made to fall the cost of securities before its minimum. The excitement was created, in which they were sold in almost the prison, but today we understand how profitable these purchases were then. Agree that this is a great example where you can invest money to earn. Such a future you can offer shares of another company, buying gold , antiques and Even apartments .

Principle 2. Careful study of financing tool

Before you give even a small amount of your blood savings, try to make a deep analysis of the selected method. Communicate with those who already work in this area, consider their experience. This principle emphasizes such areas as food investment funds, work on stock markets , PAMM account.

Principle 3. Own opinion

It is not enough to have enough information even collected very carefully, it is important to be able to cut off all unnecessary and view the future in the future.

Try not to succumb to the pressure from the side, develop your own character, defining your result and the result of investments.

Principle 4. Head to stay

Sometimes it happens that work in one direction ceases to be income and there may be many reasons.

Consider other options, look for more promising attachments, learn to close unnecessary pages.

Principle 5. Do not hurry

By issuing investment transactions in the modern world, we rely mainly for the help of the Internet. It seems I. more efficient and faster. But this position is initially incorrect. It is important to figure out In the subtleties and nuances, determine the outcome of the case and only then make a decision.

After all, the question is where to invest in a high percentage with a guarantee requires accounting for all the outcomes of the event (from obtaining large losses before receiving decent income).

Principle 6. Choose winners

It is worth understanding that even against the background of a complex economic situation in the country there are companies that give good performance and develop very stable. The task of the investor find access to its shares and get them for the success of your business.

Principle 7. Think about tomorrow

This principle of investment is that even even very lucky today should not stop on this, withdrawing all the money to buy expensive things.

Continue your business, look for new sources, tools, ways, collect your portfolio. Only such a method of action will lead to a stable positive result.

5. Where to invest money to receive a monthly income - 5 useful expert councils

Where to invest in order to receive income every month we wrote above, so we suggest familiarizing yourself with the advice of experts who have experience in investing.

Since earning your money, we try to not only to save, but also multiply, and in the conditions of the crisis, the lack of stability and the complex economic situation in the country arises a sense of fear, accompanied by a loss feeling.

So, expert advice where to invest money to earn and not lose them:

Expert Council №1. Try to minimize the risk for part of your investments

From the entire amount of capital separated 30% And give yourself a guarantee that they will nested without loss. In this way, experts consider bank deposit, buying art objects, acquisition of gold bars, precious metals and real Estate.

The main essence of the Council is that with any further arrangement of cases you will be able to maintain the starting amount, and if possible, also earn it.

Expert Council № 2. Create a permanent passive income

If this is your principle, pay attention to the purchase of shares or bonds, and indeed securities.

By the way, even the purchase of your square meters, then leased then, will allow you to receive a monthly income. You can read in more detail in our article - - ideas and sources of passive income. "

Expert Council № 3. Detach investment methods (diversification)

It is important to understand that keeping all the money in a single project is very inefficient, diversify your investments. That is why, ensuring stability, try to find a profitable business sector or become a co-investor of the case, which in his own opinion will be very advantageous.

Expert Council № 4. High-yield investment

For economic and leisure people such a way to invest capital should be the most extreme, because it is essentially related to big risks . Your appeal to mutually or to PAMM accounts, and even more binary options, will allow you to instantly receive income, and will put the entire initial capital.

Council of Expert No. 5. Check information

Before investing your money, you need carefully and scrupulously examine the object of investment. Make sure that the estimated profitability is true, you may be offered to invest in an object with dubious yield.

6. Where do not invest money in order not to turn around - basic investment errors

Despite many caution and a huge amount of information on the Internet, people who want to invest their own money make a number of errors leading to an undesirable result.

The very first and important The moment is that newcomers give their finances at random, agreeing with the arguments of acquaintances, relatives and even third-party representatives of the worldwide network. Of course, the probability of getting income still remains, but she reduced to a minimum.

Second error You can call an emotional state. There are often cases when encouraged by an example of a friend, a person tries to imitate his behavior, repeating every step of investment, but without a clear calculation and in advance the prospects instead of the increase in funds we get them loss .

Another incorrect act Predes are considered. People hurry in the choice of investment tool, as well as in the desire to pick up the first results. As everyone knows, the profit does not grow on the trees. That is why it must be expected. Let the time to understand the subtleties and items, learn to act the systematic.

Real examples of investment of money in order to profit - ways to invest from 100-500 thousand rubles to 1000,000 to earn

7. Where to invest money to earn - real ways + examples of attachments of a small amount of money for profit

Even the smallest earned capital is already becoming the object of further thinking. He is like a small door that opens the way to the world of large investment.

So, consider profitable, starting with a small amount in 5000 rubles and finishing 1 million.

The first is the most popular and the most banal type of money investment is in banks. I do not consider it at all, as a type of investment due to very small income. For me, the bank is just a repository for money that a little better storage Money "under the pillow" at home - the bank more reliable and brings at least some kind of kopecks.

In the bank, I keep money only as a financial pillow with a volume of money for life no more than the next 6 months. For all other funds, the Bank is used as a transit point, after which money goes to other financial instruments.

Nevertheless, if you decide to use the Bank as an investment tool, you must remember that it is better to distribute funds to banks in such a way that there is no more than 1,400,000 rubles in each of each. Insurance applies only to such a volume of funds. Naturally, you need to choose a bank for reliability and popularity - it can be found in all ratings and work with the top ten banks. If you really want reliability, it is better to choose banks where the partial owner is the state - the state is unlikely to stop the activities of its bank. These are banks such as Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB, etc.

I use 4 banks: Moscow Credit bank, Tinkoff Credit Systems, Sberbank, VTB.

2. Investing money in real estate

Popular type of money investment. Usually, if you ask a person "What to invest money", then the majority will come real estate.
Many of the first work remembers the real estate due to a banal point of view that if there are free money, then fearing them to lose, it is better to invest them in real estate, and there they will definitely persist. Many simply do not consider real estate as an investment tool for creating money, but are suitable from the position to save money. But if the real estate is considered precisely as an investment tool, then it is not as simple, it requires knowledge, experience, for a long time freezes money and yield is not always stable and great, and also requires a large initial capital. If you invest borrowed money, then there you need a lot of experience, which is clearly not suitable for everyone.

If the property is considered as an investment tool, I would recommend to consider the construction at the "Kotlovan" stage, because They can give maximum profits. Especially if it is an investment in elite housing. At the stage of "Kotlovan" it can cost 10-15-20 million (in Moscow), and after the construction of all 30-40-50 million - there are such examples.

If it is planned to further receive income on rental, then it is better to buy many one-bedroom apartments (next to the subway - it increases the rental cost).

Be sure to explore the infrastructure of the district and its future for the next 3-5 years. It is the infrastructure that influences the possible profit in this form of money investments. .

3. Investing money in MFIs (microfinance organizations)

Excellent way to invest for those who want to get reliable passive incomeBut dissatisfied with a very small percentage of banks.

Pros and cons:
+ High annual percentage: 12-30%
- A rather high threshold of entry for individuals (this threshold is regulated by the state), i.e. With small amounts, you just do not have the opportunity to try this method;
- It is necessary to carefully choose the organization, because not state insurance deposits; But here is the principle: the more the older organization, the more reliable, but it should be remembered that a reliable organization will not give you a very high annual percentage.

One of the popular and reliable organizations with the possibility of insurance of all invested funds: which refers to the GC Rusmicro-Finance (from 2011 on the market, under the control of the Central Bank, own capital\u003e 300 million rubles, many references to RBC, banks.ru, etc.)

4. Investing Money in Pyp

You invest money in the Foundation, where they are professionally managed by the company. In my opinion, the tool is a very medium profitability, but in principle is stable. The main thing is that in the securities market (if you have chosen a blow with securities that are most popular) There were no serious oscillations. If you look at the statistics, then after the 2008 crisis, the PIFES returned lost money to investors somewhere only by 2011-12, i.e. If you have invested the money before the crisis, then the invested amount without loss (and, of course, without income) you returned to yourself only after 3-4 years.

From my experience - I invested in the FIF of telecommunications from Troykidiam and for a year and a half it gave + 44%. Then the foundation went under Sberbank asset management, then I brought money from the Foundation.

Very detailed about impassions in my articles:

5. Binary options

Binary options are options that either provides a fixed income size, or not, depending on the execution of the agreed condition at a certain time. Here I recommend binomo. They had an excellent service and an interface clearer for me, but make aware that I was not a professional on trade. With this service, you can really earn a quick money, but you can lose it :-) For professionals in the field of currencies, there is an opportunity to earn, but for non-professionals quickly "play" and also earn.

Screenshot at the beginning of work:

Screenshot after an hour of work (looking at the balance):

6. Investing money in business

Of course, I understand that business is not just an investment in the form of "invested funds, I forgot and get profit." This is possible, but it relates more to foreign states. If you take Russia, then, in my experience, it is impossible to fully rely completely on people and, nevertheless, it is necessary to take part in the main decisions for the effective development of the business.

Of all the tools, the most highly profitable business. Basic risks at the very beginning. Then, if the business is growing, then the income increases, and the risks of this tool falls. Plus it is a very exciting and interesting tool - no wonder hundreds of thousands of books about business written in vain.

If you have nothing to start your investment, then the business should become your first tool and income generator, which then can be distributed to other financial instruments.

1) the main thing - do not be afraid to start;
2) Choose an existing market for work, the likelihood of creating a new market is very small;
3) Choose a working business model that you have seen somewhere - invent a new extremely risky. Implement a ready-made business model, only a little better than others - it is much easier than "build a new bike";
4) Choose not mass markets with high competition - you need to start with something small, and then how do you listen to someone - you often hear that if someone wants an online store, then directly technicians, phones, etc. and people do not understand that the margin there God gave 10% and to earn, you need to have very good turns;
5) If there is no money at all - start with the services of services, and not from the business of goods - it is at the initial stage less cost and less risky, but then it will be harder to scale and improve the quality of the services provided, especially if the service is complex, multi-step, etc.

In short, the business should be necessary :) This is the main financial instrument.

As John Rockefeller said: "If you have little money, you need to do business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently! Right now!"

7. Investing money in securities

The use of this tool requires certain professionalism and skills. Of course, there are many examples when the shares of some companies in a short period of time (for example, 5 years) grew in price of 5-10-50 and ahead - and it seems that this investment tool is very promising. This is, of course, so, but it must be remembered that this needs to be well to understand and such examples of growth are single, and no one advertises hundreds of other companies that have broken. In my opinion, it is more profitable to trust the professional manager with a good yield history.

I myself use broker account Tinkoff Bank. I sometimes buy stocks. Investing extremely conservative.

Per last year On the state of June 20, 2018, the income is 13.98%. It is almost 2.5 times more than the income of the bank deposit in state banks.

8. Investing money in precious metals

Investing money in precious metals - in such as gold (), silver, platinum, palladium.

You can go a few ways:

1) Acquisition of ingots in banks. Remember that in the event of their sale you will need to pay a tax of 13%.
2) Acquisition of precious coins. The main supplier of this kind of coins is Sberbank.
3) the acquisition of securities, which are provided with gold, through stock exchanges.
4) Opening an impersonal metal account. This is an account in which metals are performed as a currency. At the same time, in your reality there are no metals in your hands. All conditional. Obtaining profits is possible in the case of rising metal prices.

I myself participated in a typical High - Mmm, when there was a resuscitation of this system after the 90s. I decided at the end, but nevertheless remained in the plus: + 150 000 rubles - this is what I brought as a profit, and another 400,000 should have been, but did not pay. In short, it remained in a plus, but such an extremely risky look is not for me. They can be played with small sums, such as $ 200 invested and lucky - received $ 400, or did not get anything :) It seems to play more interesting in the casino and faster :)

12. Investing money in cryptocurrency

Who has not heard about cryptocurrency now? Even lazy heard. The topic, of course, is interesting, but very volatile and strongly susceptible to panic.

I have my cryptoportfel. I entered the market after Bitcoin began to cost 4-5 thousand $. It was somewhere in September 2017. Then I invested in different altcoins, I tried to study information, I made conclusions, I read the analyst, listened to Yutub- "Experts" :-) There were ups and downs. Redistributed a portfolio. I bought information in all sorts of closed services about what will grow, and what is not, etc. Invested in one ICO.

In short, there were a million actions and nerves, and the result is:

At the time of entry, I bought almost 2 Bitcoin. Now I have about one bitcoin :-) in the money about the same or even losses from the moment of entry. At the peak, I had about 33 thousand $, which I did not transfer to money, then I unsubscribed unsuccessfully a couple of times, etc. Now it remains about 7 thousand $ :-)

In general, my topic did not go or I did everything in time. But there is a portfolio, maybe a few years will shoot :-) or I will lose it ... :-)

13. Attachment in the sites of different types of ordeal

Investing in sites is also one of my favorite topics, because:

1) not required large investments;
2) high speed of return investment;
3) high profits;
4) the ability to do everything with "strangers" without the serious risks of "Her Hands" by performers, and therefore the good possibility of scaling the process.

But minus is that it is necessary to deal with and be "in the topic." Just take and earn on the site without understanding the principles and methods of monetization. Or possible, but funny 20-50 $ per month.

14. Investing on CPA sites under CPA (COST PER ACTION) affiliate

You are paid for a remuneration for a particular action by the user, for example, for the purchase of goods, for registration in the online game, for the issued tour, for the application or a credit card and many-many other options.

The essence of the method is simple - a site is created, the thematic traffic chases, a affiliate is posted and money is earned. For example, create a landing page by credit cardswhere you describe 3-5 sentences and give affiliate links. In the case of approval by the Bank the application, which was issued by the user of your site, receive a reward of 400-1200 rubles for the application (the price depends on the conditions of each bank). Another thing to drive this financial traffic is worth a certain effort.

In any case, such affiliates are very beneficial. The main thing is to choose the right partner, niche, well, and catch up traffic.

15. Investing money in MFA sites (Made for Adsense)

In short, these are sites, sharpened on earnings from contextual advertising. It is impossible to make money normally, i.e. Alternative methods of earnings will bring more. But there is a plus of this type of earnings - this is the ability to install an advertising unit to the site immediately (this applies to Adsense) from the moment of creation, more. Thus, the site will immediately begin to bring something. From my experience - money is really a bit (depending, of course, from the subject), but the medical traffic is close to me, it gives approximately the result - every 1000 people bring about 1,500 rubles per month per day (provided that the contextual advertising is adequately, and not on Paul screen after downloading page).

16. Investing money in sites under the links

Mega Popular view of earnings - sale of links from the site, both rental and "eternal". Investments in this type of earnings were previously quite and very popular, and there was a high return. I myself earned a lot of money on this: for example, I will give a screenshot of the income of some of my sites (I started doing the screenshot - I saw that the site alone banned - eh ...):

In general, the number of sites is important. At this stage of development of search engines, I personally have income from this type of earnings seriously asked. Now I do not make a bet on him. Here is a screenshot of the dynamics of income over the years of one site. In principle, for all sites.

Another minus such an earnings - after such a monetization, the site can be thrown into a landfill. And while it is monitored in this way, a large number of traffic for other ways to earn money. Therefore, this method of monetization is suitable if it is impossible to earn another "cleaner" way.

At the time of 2019, I sold almost all my sites due to low income. We can say that this species Earnings no longer works.

17. Investing money in applications for phones (Android, iOS)

In principle, a normal topic, if you know how to earn it. The easiest to make money on simple applications that can somehow help in life. Or applications that aggregate useful information In one place on a specific topic, or free applications that are suppressing something during use. Such on the freelanse can be collected for 30,000-50,000 rubles. In companies, naturally, more expensive. In this form, the idea of \u200b\u200bthis application is important. God forbid you try to repeat the success of any angry birds (by the way the company that made this game released a few hundred! Unpopular games) - first, it is a lot of money, and, secondly, if The idea will be failed, you will lose a lot.

18. Investing money in various publics on social networks

My experience in this sphere is unsuccessful, i.e. The money for the development of a public has gone more than he brought. Naturally, I am everything outsourced, and he himself did not touch him. Earn with publics in principle, it is very good, but we need ideological active performers (in case of outsourcing), if you are, then for you this kind of earnings can be very promising. Large investments do not require - mostly only at the initial stage, then you can catch the subscribers by exchanges. Very important quality content dibble.

If you choose the topic of public, then the most popular for a wide audience - then you will have the maximum number of advertisers who want to advertise. The most monetized and popular publics are about success, psychology, relationship, money. By the way, on the basis of a popular public, you can set a good sales channel for your business, but only provided that your product for wide masses and low-medium check (for example, telephone covers, T-shirts, small jewelry, inexpensive children's clothing, etc.) .

19. Investing money in its own development

The most important thing left at last. Investing money in yourself - the most super important solution in your life, with which you can always earn. Develop, read, visit seminars, buy info products, go to trainings, and most importantly, try, try, try to realize what you have been trained there - a clear thing is not everywhere teach effective things - your task is to drag nonsense and embed effective skills in one or another sphere. You will develop in yourself the skills that will always be yours, no one can take them away.

This is the most risk-free investment and the most profitable one is just a dream of an investor, which is low-cost and is available to everyone.

Without investing money in its development, everything else is almost meaningless. Contribution to yourself is like a powerful catalyst in a chemical reaction (I hope, remember a little chemistry).

I will be glad to comments on the article :) Good luck to you!

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Investing even small sums It can effectively increase money. Many people are not solved trying to try this kind of earnings, referring to their incompetence in this matter, as well as in the absence of many thousands of starting capital. Although such indecision is actually the main obstacle to success, because today it is possible to start making money on investments and with $50 in the pocket.

The idea to make money work instead of yourself is really good, but how to implement it, where to start investing a newcomer and how to choose the perfect option? About this and others in detail below.

Why do you want to invest today

The moment will comewhen you do not want to go to work at 7 am, or leave for a month on the journey, but will you allow you to work? And if you get sick and you can not go and make money? In order not to be a slave yourself, it is better to start investing today.

Why is it profitable? The best answer to this question is given Western financiers. They brought the following golden Rule:

A person can not work 24 hours to make money, while money can work on it all 24 hours a day.

And without vacations, sick leave and weekends. Money is working constantly in mode 24/7/365 Therefore, a priori are the most efficient employee.

Many folk investors believe that bank deposits are not an investment, but let's consider an example of a contribution. 1000 rubles under 12% Annual on 50 yearsHowever, all profits will reinvess:

  • After a year - 1400 rubles.
  • After 4 years - 1570 rubles.
  • After 10 years - 3100 rubles.
  • After 20 years - 9640 rubles.
  • Through Z0 years - 29 960 rubles.
  • After 40 years - 93 050 rubles.
  • After 49 years - 258 040 rubles.
  • After 50 years - 289,000 rubles.

After 50 years awaits you 28900% profit. Let's go on. If under the same conditions we will put $1000 to the securities market, where average yield 20% per annum, then after 50 years we are waiting for us $9 100 440 . If we decide on $ 1,000 monthly, then the result will be $40 000 000 .

If you take as a basis 10 yearsthat is not much ( for example, your child will not have time to grow), and insert $ 1000 under 50% per annum (average percentage of profit c) with reinvest, we will get such a picture:

  • 1 year - $ 1,500
  • 2 year - $ 2,250
  • 3 year - 3 $ 375
  • 4 year - 5 062.50 $
  • 5 year - 7,593.75 $
  • 6 year - 11 390.62 $
  • 7 year - 17 085.93 $
  • 8 year - 25 628.90 $
  • 9 year - $ 3843.35
  • 10 year - 57 665.03 $

Everyone has their own opportunities, but imagine if you initially invest a little more, and you will report money over the investment period, the results will grow in geometric progression.

How to start investing from scratch

Before moving directly to investments, it is necessary to clearly decide on the estimated period available to the budget, goals how much money you will take, and how much to reinvest.

Since the article is not written for oligarchs or professional investors ( they all know), I will make the focus on start from scratch. First of all, it will be necessary to start with the theory - to study and, if possible, relieve the experience of other well-known investors:, etc.

How to start investing from scratch? - First of all, you need to choose a suitable tool. You can allocate the following list:

The appropriate option must comply with both financial capabilities and expected profitability. For example, investing in real estate or land involves a long term and existence of a significant amount, and investments in may require everything 45 dollarsBut in any case it will take a certain starting capital, which should be taken from free money, that is, without loans, not from money on food or payment of bills, without worsening your standard of living.

For beginners with minimal capital, it is better to start with investment in PAMM accounts and. At first, it is beneficial because money simply will not lie idle. Also should not be bypass.

So we came to risk diversification: Try never to put all the eggs into one basket, no matter how the tool has been profitable. If you decide to earn a percentage of bank deposits, then put all the money for one account in one currency in one bank.

An advanced option of how to start investing with minimal risks, this is the compilation of your own investment portfolio, that is, the distribution of its money between different assets. It can be a purchase of shares of companies from various industries, the acquisition of real estate of various purposes, etc., the main goal is to balance the risks. If several options give a loss, then the profits of the rest will block minus and bring you into profits.

Where would you like to invest money?

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    In trust management 5%, 170 votes

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What amount to start investing

The amount of investment can start literally with $10 B - what is available to everyone. However, the return on such a sum will be very low, so it is better to prepare a more solid contribution.

According to the majority of financiers, the optimal amount for the start can be considered $500 . President Investment Giant Capital One Investing Ivette Butlerit believes that this figure is not taken from the ceiling.

Such money forces to collect everyone - from adolescents who receive pocket money from their parents, and family people of middle wealth, which will simply postpone $ 5-10 a week without much harm for the family budget.

At the same time, the return on a successful contribution will be tangible. Confirms her words and the fact that a very large number of brokers prescribe the minimum bar just in the area $500 .

Solidarity with such an opinion and co-founder of the project on microenvestia Robinhood. Vlad Shane. He has a success recipe for a beginner looks at all easy - to find 500-1000 dollars, buy some inexpensive shares on them from " blue chips", eg, Starbucks.and patiently wait for the first dividends for further investment.

You can start investing with almost any amount, as there are both corded on the market and also brokers offer a purchase and from 10 dollars.

CFD and options This is another opportunity to make a profit on stocks, and the second option - also quickly, because each option has a validity period, for example 10 or 15minutes. If in terms of the transaction you will specify the growth of stocks and when closing the option, the promotion will cost more than when buying, you will receive 79% profit.

Look below as we earned on Tesla shares.

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{!LANG-7de316897b835af5e8837b90b80ce5aa!} {!LANG-9b978ea5239465e112e952e0439bb62f!}{!LANG-c9d09dca93ce008a462ce1d707bdb96f!}




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