
PFR life insurance. PPF Life insurance: pros and cons, programs and customer reviews. Additional PPF Options Life Insurance Pay a Contribution

Company " PPF insurance life appeared on russian market More than ten years ago and over the years, firmly settled among the giants of the insurance business. The results of the work by 2013 are very impressive: the company takes the thirteenth place of life insurance and the second person in personal insurance.

And if many in Russia have heard of this company, and someone used its services, then for Western Europe PPF Holding is a parable in Languages.

Back in 1827, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has formed a society that is at home, and including wooden huts, from fires.

Over the past two centuries, the company's homeland has experienced a few shifts of political regime, war, cataclysms, and all this time, in spite of everything, the PPF holding continued to fulfill its obligations.

In Russia, the company PPF Insurance LLC offers several types of life insurance programs to protect your standard of living:

  • "Premium - Protection and Accumulation",
  • "Sun - insurance for children",
  • "Gardia - Maximum Protection"
  • "Optim - guaranteed accumulation."

The PREMIUM policy makes it possible to insure your life and at the same time accumulate funds.

This is a universal means of financial planning, insurance cases of which are the end of the term specified in the contract (from 5 to 30 years in increments of 5 years) or premature leaving life.

The program allows you to connect many additional options at the request of the client, for example, in case of deadly diseases or accidents.

The undoubted advantages of this tariff include indexing income, which levels losses from inflation.

Insurance program "Sunny" is one of the most sought-after company products.

All those who have children are confronted daily with such problems as broken noses and knees, cuts, bites and other troubles.

The Insured Tariff "Sunny" allows you to safely accumulate cash By a certain period, and in the case of unforeseen circumstances - to obtain material support.

It should be noted that this program It takes into account the specificity of the age of their wards, so it is possible to connect to the policy of an additional option, which is even the smallest corporal damage.

It is possible to make the beneficiary in this tariff.

The insurance cases of the base tariff "Sunny" (without additional options) include: the end of the insurance period (from 5 to 24 years) and premature departure from the life of the child himself and the parent, insured by this program.

"Gardia" is a life and health insurance package that includes an extended risk set.

His main dignity is the financial protection of the family in the case of the onset of deadly diseases or accidents.

Also, for this program, in the event of a survival until the end of the term, it is possible to return the percentage of the amount of the paid insurance premiums.

The size of this percent depends on how long the life insurance contract was concluded.

And the last product insurance line products is "Optim", aimed at accumulating funds.

This tariff is intended for people who want to accumulate money for a meetingful old age, so so as not to lose inflation.

Well, of course, get a pleasant bonus - financial protection in case of premature leaving of life.

This rate of cumulative life insurance allows you to connect additional options, but its main advantage is the indexation of postponed funds.

Thus, the insurance of life from the company PPF includes several products intended for people of different ages and lifestyle, depending on their needs.

In order to evaluate how well they are implemented in practice, consider reviews of actually existing people who used the services of this company.

When analyzing the statistics of the opinions of people expressed on various sites, it was revealed that approximately half of the consumers were completely satisfied with the services provided by the Company.

A quarter of customers believes that there are disposable flaws, and many more people are frankly disappointed.

Opinion of one of the clients about the work of the company at the Tariff "Sunshiko":

I am insured in this company since November 14, 2013. Designed the program "Sunny" for his granddaughter.

My girl had two unpleasant situations with my girl: a dog was bitten in the yard once, and the second time in the camp accidentally shouted a little higher eyebrows, even the scar was near a centimeter.

I received two payments for these cases, simply by taking reference from the clinic and filling out the statement.

Money both times returned a little more than a week without any delay. He would not believe it, but everything was it.

Opinion of one of the customers about the work of the company at the Premium tariff:

Thank you very much "PPF Insurance." I gave me a spouse of the premium polis 7 years ago.

To be honest, he was very angry, as the insurance companies never trusted, but still began to pay contributions.

And recently the case: broke his leg. I took a certificate in the hospital, and, without hoping, I swallowed into the office. There I was given to fill out a statement.

I must say, the service was very polite. A week later I received money, the speed just struck me. It remained quite satisfied with their work.

Opinion of one of the customers about the work of the company under the program "Gardia":

PPF Insurance keeps her word before us, customers! I trusted her and did not regret it.

I am just a year as insured, and I have already had two cases of appeal to them. The first case I had a very strong hand, I had to even sew the wound.

And the second case has occurred in January 2013, I fell on the ice and got a concussion. I am very pleased, everyone work nicely and fast !!!

Work perfectly, well done !!!

I wish everyone health, but do not forget about insurance! It is important!

Negative opinions about the work of the Company are associated with life insurance on loan agreements.

In all reviews, it is indicated that the insurance contract at the signing of documents at the Bank clients were not read, and it is also necessary to take into account that the risks of the bank are insured, and not the client.

You can only sympathize with people who do not read credit agreements When signing them.

Opinion of one of the clients who arranged life insurance on a loan agreement:

In 2012, he took a loan of 66.000 rubles for 2 years with life insurance. It happened that in six months I got sick oncology, and as a result, I gave the second group of disability.

Colmia required documentsI sent them at the specified address, and after a month I received a letter about the recognition of my incident.

I paid 100% insurance payment. I extended the balance of the loan, and the remaining money spent on the health amendment.

I got a positive experience with this company.

Thus, the company "Generally PPF Life Insurance" has not only a bright history and a wide range of products, but also an excellent practice of fulfilling its obligations.

Customer opinions about the work of the company clearly demonstrate the quality of insurance services, and therefore it can be safely applied to the financial protection for himself and his family.

PPF "Life Insurance" has been working since 2002. The company is engaged in cumulative and pension life, as well as life and health insurance.

Payment of PPF "Life Insurance": where to perform more efficiently?

Addressing the company, you can not only choose the type of insurance you are interested in, but also yourself choose the method of payment:

  • bank transfer direct or electronic;
  • in the office of Russian Post;
  • terminals "Elekneyn", "qiwi";
  • nonsense in rapida;.
  • bank card, including jcb.

Most companies prefer bank transfer as the most reliable and fast. Store checks about the perfect transaction must be necessary. If the loss of the receipt happens, you recreate the payment history at the checkout or the remote office of the financial institution.

What is needed in the PPF "Life Insurance" Personal Account?

On the website of PPF "Life Insurance" personal Area Easy to each user. Here you can choose the optimal program and control the payment schedule.

Main types of product:

  1. Premium / Optima. Implies protection against disability, death and includes a flexible accumulation program. Term up to 30 years. Age limit 55-65 years.
  2. Sun. Polis for children from six months. Valid for 5-24 years,
  3. Gardia. Insurance from death. Provides payment of 150,000 - 10,000,000 rubles. Contributions can be decorated in installments.
  4. Gloria. Insurance for women involving the risk of cancer.
  5. Pension accumulation. Term of implementation up to 20 years. The contract is in an exclusive basis.

You can expand risks, including hospitalization costs. Customers participating in various tours, foreign trips are exhibiting the greatest interest in the insurance service.

PPF "Life Insurance": Official Website and Technical Support

You can choose the view of the PPF Life Insurance Protection PPF. The official website has a convenient calculator for ease of calculating a compulsory contribution.

Criterias of choice:

  • risks;
  • compensation;
  • dangerous hobby;
  • health level.

Tip from Compare.ru: Remember if the insurance is drawn up for a short time, it is necessary to make the entire amount of payment one by one, in the case of a long-term contract - established parts.

Introduction of new legislative acts relating to legal and economic problems Insurance, certifies the increased interest in the insurance market for the Federation of Federation.

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He acts as the most important element market economy, therefore, the issues related to various species and insurance forms.

IN last years Citizens of the country, seeking to protect themselves from all sorts of unforeseen situations, are increasingly turning to insurance companies.

Briefly about the company

IN Russian Federation The company "PPF life insurance" was founded in 2002. At first, it firmly ranked its position in the field of insurance business and gained popularity with its versatility, high quality service.

The company is developing dynamically, improving the proposed programs and mastering new ways of service with the application of information technologies.

Insurance programs, it implements through brokerage firms, banks, retail chains and agency channels. The authorized capital of the company at the beginning of the year is 240 million rubles.

The main activities of the company for January 2015 were:

  • in case of coming death, live to a specific age;
  • with regular insurance payments as an increase, the possibility of participating in obtaining investment income of the insurer;
  • in case of accidents occurred, on rehabilitation after suffering from the disease;
  • in case of retirement.

The own network consists of local branches of the company, which in the country there are about fifty.

What are the advantages

The main advantages of the insurance company include:

  • security financial protection Life and health. Company produces insurance paymentsstipulated with the insured promptly in accordance with the terms of the contract;
  • accumulation of means of software that allows you to get guaranteed payments after the expiration of the deadline together with the additional investment income accrued by the Company;

The program ensures the formation of capital in the form of additional pension paymentsresulting from the company's activities. The insurer independently sets the size pension savings During the design of the contract.

  • payment in excellent insurance contributionsallowing you to cover the cost of treatment, rehabilitation, loss wages During the disease;
  • providing a guaranteed insurance amount of risks arising in the event of an impact of accidents, hazardous diseases without reducing the main insurance amount. It is paid upon time of the insured to noted in the term insurance contract;
  • getting rid of payment of contributions if the insured lost completely ability to lead labor activity, he is exempt from paying contributions in the future, although the contract will be valid until the deadline marked in it;
  • comforting a comfortable contribution, that is, its payment can be performed by parts - every year, once every six months, every quarter is either immediately. The policyholder has the ability to systematically form capital without difficulty;
  • exercise tax deduction, conclusion of the contract by the insured period of at least 5 years, allows him to receive social deduction with NDFL tax in the amount of 13% with the amount paid amount of insurance premiums;
  • committing the preservation of funds that are not subject to confiscation, arrest, cannot be divided when the policyholder is divorced;
  • the special order of inheritance, when leaving the policyholder, the payment is made by the person appointed in the contract or his heirs. It should be noted that the payment is subject to payment insurance amountwhich intended to receive the insured after the expiration of the term;
  • making an accelerated payment procedure, if the policyholder left his life, then, when granting a package of documents in the insurance company, insurance fees is carried out in a continuation of 14 days;
  • investments of funds allowed to profit, as the company's activities are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then the possibility of bankruptcy is excluded.

Insurance reserves posted in securities, Delolate reliable, guaranteeing stable income.

Programs "PPF Life Insurance" for individuals

Several options for programs developed in the insurance company "PPF life insurance" specifically for your potential customers. They allow them to protect the high level of life of the policyholder.

LLC PPF Life Insurance LLC is the average for the size of the fees, which specializes in life insurance. The main owner is PPF Group N.V. - Key holding structure of the international investment group PPF. At the end of 2017, the company ranked 44th in terms of the assembled insurance premium and the 15th place - among life insurers. IN insurance portfolio Companies in 2017 the main fees of the awards fell on life insurance (81.51%) and pension insurance (15.2%). The company has its own agent network consisting of 85 agencies and almost 5000 financial consultantsworking throughout the country. The head office of the company is located in Moscow.

The company "PPF life insurance" was established in 2002 as Czech insurance Company And he was one of the first "daughters" of foreign insurers in Russia. The founders were the largest Czech insurance Grouppart of the top ten largest insurers in Eastern Europe - Ceska Pojistovna (49% of the shares; together with the bank HOME Credit entered the Czech financial group PPF Group) and Russian consulting company "Financial service" (51%; on the market it was believed that the Czech insurance company is fully controlled by Ceska Pojistovna, and the Russian founder appeared due to restrictions on the activities of foreign insurers in the country's territory).

The company has actively developed banking insurance, insurance of life and health of loans borrowers, while the main focus was made on classical long-term life insurance. At the end of 2007, the company ranked 34th in Russian insurance market (3.3 billion rubles collected insurance premium). By that time, Ceska Pojistovna became the owner of 100% of the Shares of the Czech Insurance Company, bought from the "financial service" of his share (since 2004, all legislative restrictions on the activities of European insurers in Russia were removed).

In 2007, the PPF Group and one of the largest European insurers - Italian Assicurazioni Generali agreed to create a joint venture controlled by Italians (51% of the Company's shares). As a result, in 2008, Generali received an insurance business PPF Group, including Russian insurance assets of the Group. Czech Insurance Company and Financial Services, which entered the joint Italian-Czech enterprise Generali PPF Holding (a share of 51% of shares in the joint venture cost GENERALI in 1.1 billion euros). GENERALI PPF Holding also included all the insurance companies in Eastern and Central Europe, owned by the PPF Group and Genreali.

In the spring of 2009, the Czech insurance company began working under the new brand - "Generally PPF Life Insurance", which focused primarily on the rapid and innovative development of the product line and improving the client service. As a result, in 2010, the company entered the top 20 largest Russian insurers, and the number of the company's regional network by then reached 38 agencies operating throughout the country. At the end of 2012, "Generally PPF Life Insurance" held the 13th place among all Russian insurance companies (the amount of the collected award - 15.4 billion rubles) and the first place on the market among life insurers, while the main part of the company's fees accounted for borrowers insurance Credits from an accident (mainly customers of the bank "Home Credit End Finance", another Russian "daughter" PPF Group).

Since March 2013, after the PPF Group for 80 million euros bought out Russian companies from the Generali PPF Holding (GPH), including "Generally PPF Life Insurance", including the company received a new name - "PPF Life Insurance" and concentrated On the development of business not related to insurance of bank borrowers.

Currently, the "PPF life insurance" is a specialized life insurance company. Priority activities - cumulative insurance Life, Pension Insurance, Insurance against Accidents and Diseases.

The company is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and Association of Life Insurers.

The only member of the Company is the public Limited Liability Company "PPF Group N.V.", (PPF Group N.V.) is the key holding structure of the international investment group PPF *. The majority shareholder and the final controlling Party of the PPF Group was Peter Kellner (98.92% of the PPF Group shares).

In 2012, the company took the 13th place in the renking of insurers (the best result), collected 15.44 billion rubles of the insurance premium against 8.27 billion a year earlier (+ 86.74%). In the next two years, the company's activities are marked by a sharp reduction in fees - by 44.93% in 2013 and 68.45% - in 2014. According to the results of 2015-2016, the insurer showed an increase in income by 4.38% and 5.23%, respectively.

At the end of 2018, the volume of the collected premium PPF life insurance amounted to 3,642,977 thousand rubles, the total amount of assets as of December 31, 2018 - 12,599,840 thousand rubles, insurance reserves - 9,793,660 thousand rubles. The company's fees in 2018 rose by 13% compared with 2017. In 2018, the company carried out over 26 thousand insurance payments totaling 1,141,292 thousand rubles.

Guide: Sergey Pereliagin ( cEO), Vit Sedlachek, Stefan Vanchek, Dmitry Dubina, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritsky, Sergey Ovcharenko.

Board of Directors: Vit Sedlachek (Chairman), Stefan Vanchek, Sergey Perelygin, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritseva.

Among the largest clients of the company - Philips, Toyota, Heineken, Eldorado, Lenovo, etc.

Partners of the company:

Banks: Home Credit End Finance Bank, BCS - Investment Bank JSC.
* PPF Group is an international investment group that invests its funds in a number of sectors of the economy, such as banking and financial services, telecommunications, insurance, real estate, energy, mining, minerals, agriculture, retail and biotechnology. The structure of the group includes such financial sector leaders as: PPF Life Insurance, Home Credit, PPF Banka, Air Bank. The PPF Group operates in 16 countries, including Russia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, China, Netherlands, Philippines, Slovakia, USA. The number of clients of the group exceeds 33 million. The amount of assets of the PPF group as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 27 billion euros; equity reached 6.76 billion euros, net profit - 1.115 billion rubles.

PPF Life Insurance - russian companywhich is part of the holding of the international PPF group specializing in insurance protection and management financial assets.

Reviews of the company PPF Life Insurance

PPF Life Insurance Reviews has ambiguous. There are grateful clients noting european level The services provided and the rapid and high-quality settlement of insurance claims.

But there are also dissatisfied users who received the refusal unreasonable in their opinion. They recommend to carefully study the contract and the conditions for which PPF fulfills its obligations. If all of them is to provide and act according to the contract, there should be no refusal.

Is PPF Life Insurance Pyramid?

Some users even argue that PPF life insurance is a pyramid in which you invest money and do not get real compensation. However, PPF activities are confirmed by the presence of such large customersAs Microsoft, Cocacola, Siemens, Philips, Adidas, UniCreditbank, Russian Post. In addition, international and Russian rating agencies Confirm the level of reliability PPF. The company reinsure its risks in a large reinsurance organization SCOR, which also increases the level of confidence in it.

Types of policies in ppf life insurance

Despite the insurance of customer reviews left about PPF, the company is aimed primarily on the protection of the most important risks, therefore it operates on products such as pension insurance, life insurance and accidents.

Pension programs allow you to increase the size of the future pension by receiving payments during a certain period. The accumulation period is established at the choice of the client (5-30 years or before the retirement age), and it is possible to receive a pension from 5 to 20 years.

Registration on the site PPF Life Insurance Policy from Accident

PPF Life Insurance, on a website of which can be issued a policy of security from an accident, offers such programs:

First option.

Covers death risks from an accident or an unforeseen case, disability for the same reasons and injuries from an accident. You can also include in insurance the possibility of temporary loss of performance. Policy is drawn up for one year, payment in installments is not provided

Second option.

Different with the possibility of selecting parameters:

  • progressive payment method for hospitalization (the amount of payments will increase with each day of their stay on treatment);
  • It does not have restrictions on the classes of the Client Sport;
  • in case of accident, The amount of payments increases by 50%.

Third childhood option.

For a child from 2 years in risks, bodily and / or grave damage. Additionally, it is possible to include in the program the possibility of temporary performance loss due to hospitalization.

Optimal Life Insurance Program in Generali PPF

GENERALI PPF Life insurance for a premium product, which is universal with life insuring, allows you to cover such moments:

  • Logging to the term appointed by the client;
  • death due to any reasons;
  • accident;
  • fatal disease;
  • Disability (with its occurred contributions to pay anymore no longer).

The last three conditions are not included in standard packageThey can be supplemented with their policy, if desired. For customers, there is a restriction by age: up to 65 years (up to 55 years for the last three). The term for imprisonment is 5-30 years.

Choosing a life insurance program in a personal account on the site

On the website PPF Life Insurance Personal Cabinet makes it possible to arrange the required policy and control the frequency of contributions. When choosing, it is better to learn all the programs to determine optimal for yourself. In addition to premium, there are such:

  • Gardia. From death, the insurance coating is provided for from 150 thousand rubles and up to 10 million rubles. Contributions can be paid in installments.
  • Comfort. As a result of the death of an accident, a double-size payment is provided. Insurance coating can be appointed in the range of 400 - 1000 thousand rubles, the term is 15-25 years.
  • Gloria. The program for women provides for the risks of oncological female diseases, eliminates diseases that are often characteristic of men.
  • Sun. Children's complex of insurance from death, as well as from death or to live an adult. For children from 6 months. Validity of 5-24 years.

Program for paying accumulations in PPF life insurance

In PPF Life Insurance Payment of the Program Optim allows accumulation with minimal risk package (death and survival). The program takes into account inflation, therefore the accumulated amount has been indexing annually and, if necessary, an additional agreement with a modified contribution amount is drawn up. The period of action is 5-30 years or from a certain age (55-65 years).

PPF life insurance payment on the site

It is allowed to expand risks: from an unforeseen case, injuries, hospitalization, disability.

Calculation of the cost and payment policy in PPF Life Insurance

  • coating amount for each case;
  • profession, position;
  • Hobbies associated with immersion in water, horse riding, sports;
  • Health condition (not for all policies).

Generali PPF Life Insurance

Payment is made in drawing up the contract. In terms of insurance, which act several years, is provided for payment by parts: once every six months, annually, quarterly. For the insurance for a period of one year, the payment will be required by one payment.

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