
Actions when the insured event occurs on the CASCO. Insured Casco Case without an accident. Insurers will require availability

Depending on the insurance company proposed by the Treaty Total Type of Treaty and Local Casco Tariffs, the list of insurance cases may be varied. In the main list of risks, three groups of such cases can be distinguished:

  • hijacking or theft ();
  • damage;
  • accidents.

Under insurance cases, there are situations, in which, under the terms of the contract, the Insurer - an insurance company is obliged to make payments to the insured - the customer of the insurance company.

The list of insurance claims includes all situations prescribed in the execution of the policy. Consider in more detail what particular cases are combined in the above groups.

Terms of consideration of the insured event

At the legislative level, these timelines are not regulated, so insurance companies independently determine the periods during which they are conducted by checking an insured event on CASCO. It is desirable to register these deadlines in the contract. Also, clear, during which the insured is paid compensation.

Many companies additionally prescribe in the contract that the timing of the verification of documents provided by the client and compensation for damages may be extended if the situation requires.

In some cases, the above amendments in the contract allow insurance companies to delay the timing of the payment of compensation. In such cases, the insured can only receive its funds. For example, drawing up in the SC or turning to court (about timing of limitation Read).

What if I got into an accident?

Depending on which the insured case is, the owner of the CASCO policy will need to follow a particular action algorithm.

You can easily solve the problem with obtaining compensation if the car suffered as a result of an accident with any number of participants (more on the design of the accident on the CASCO you will learn).

In this case, the following steps must be performed:

    immediately after what happened, call the traffic police officer to fill an act. This must be done regardless of the number of participants in the accident. Even if it happened due to the fault of the TS owner, the traffic police are called.

    Carefully monitor the form that happened to the protocol. Everything should be clear, clear, in the case. Dual interpretations and uncertainties are not allowed. You can and you need to independently fix damage to the video or photo.

    Notify the insurance company about what an accident occurred as a result of the incident on the road. You should transfer information about the car, the number insurance contract And personal data of the client or face inscribed as a driver having access to the control of the vehicle.

    Get a certificate in the traffic police department about the accident.

    Visit the insurance company and write a statement on a special form. About the timing and rules of application of the application, read. Also necessary to make the necessary. After the assessment of damage and verification of the documentation provided, the company pays for its compensation.

If there are the consequences of an accident, causing damage from third parties (for example, someone) or other insured event with the exception of the hijacking, the principle of receipt of the payment will coincide with the previous one with the difference only.

Instead, the traffic police officer will need to call a representative of the district police. When an accident caused bad weather, an additional certificate will be required from the weather service on the state of the weather at the time of the incident.

If the car was pregnant, regardless of how quickly it was discovered, it is necessary to immediately inform the police about the fact of theft.

Immediately after this or even before, you should contact the insurance company and also report the fact of theft.

Moreover, it is very important not to pull with the process, since the deletions of this kind will not be well perceived neither by the police or the SC.

After that, visit the insurance company in which the CASCO policy was drawn up, not forgetting to take there:

    all the documents remaining on the car;

    a certificate that the police filed a statement and an investigation began;

    the keys to the car along with the keychain from the alarm;

    coupon about passing;

    driver's license;


Important! In the case of hijacking it is necessary to immediately get acquainted with the conditions insurance Polisa. Casco. The fact is that some companies can register in the contract the need to visit an office during the day after the detection of the hijacking (more complete information about the peculiar features of the hijacking you will find B).

What enters insurance cases without an accident?

As mentioned above, insurance cases on CASCO can be divided into several groups. The hijacking and theft, for example, do not belong to the accident. Also in the list of cases without accidents include:

Bumper Damage at Casco

In some cases, car owners who made the CASCO policy have to deal with small accidents, such as bumper damage in the parking lot. Sometimes it occurs because of the driver itself.

With this situation, the advantage of the Casco Premium Polis is the advantage, since the insurance company is interested in servicing such customers.

For this reason, with them, in most cases, confirmation documents do not even need. If the car owner is a happy owner more, it will be necessary to provide papers under which the insurance company will have to perceive the existing problem as an insured case and issue compensation.

What cases are not insurance?

Not all situations can be included in the insurance contract, and the set of non-insurance cases may differ in different insurance companies.

Most often here include:

    the consequences of the negligence of workers communal services. For example, a non-shot icicle fell on the car, which was to remove employees of utilities in a timely manner.

    If the auto owner, who concluded an insurance contract was in a state of intoxication during an accident.

    If the car drove a person who was not included in the list of the insured vehicles admitted to the control of the insured vehicle.

    If there are problems with driver's license. For example, when the rights were withdrawn, their validity period was over, the TC category does not correspond to the category indicated in the driver's license.

    If no significant changes were made without appropriate permission internal organization The car that broke its "performance".

    If damage was obtained because the car was not supplied on the handbrake.

    There is intentional damage to obtain compensation under the CASCO Agreement.

Insurance cases are the determining unit of the CASCO insurance program. Depending on how many risks will be included in the contract, its cost and reliability for the insured is changing. Therefore, to lists of insurance and non-insurance cases of any company should be closely related to clarify any information from employees and know the laws in case of misunderstanding.

The main purpose of buying the CASCO policy is to protect yourself and the car in case of a traffic accident. But an accident is not the only insured voluntary insurance case. The contract indicates a very wide list of situations in which the policyholder has the right to compensation. Insurance also covers the damage that was caused by the car and without direct accident.

In occupational cases include any circumstances in which the insurance company should compensate losses on the CASCO. The full list and reimbursement conditions are indicated in the contract.

The risks from which the machine is insured is divided into two groups: those that are the result of an accident and those that are not the result of the accident. The insured event without an accident involves the damage to the car not as a result of an emergency.

The list of such risks is also listed in the contract, and the insurance company in this case has no right to refuse compensation.

List of possible situations

Insurance cases without an accident involve damage to the car owner and car.

These may include the following situations:

  • Illegal coverage of the machine and other illegal actions of third parties in relation to transport.
  • Hyd or theft of the car.
  • Natural disasters. These include various natural cataclysms: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.
  • Fire, burning or self-burning.
  • Fall on the car of animals.
  • Falling on the car items that can damage it (stones, icicles and so on).
  • The explosion is regardless of its reason.

In these situations, the insured has the right to receive compensation. The insurance company cannot refuse to cover the damage subject to the car owner of all conditions of registration of the insured event.

How to arrange and get insurance?

If accident happened, then everything is so clear. It is necessary to immobilize the car and fix items that are related to the accident.

With the insurance case, without an accident, you first need to apply as soon as possible with the competent authorities - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the police. Also immediately need to call the insurer on the telephone indicated in the contract and report what happened.

The insured event should be issued within three days. The next step is to prepare documents. In the absence of an accident, the protocols on violation, ruling, numerous references, and so on.

For proper design Such an insured event needs the following papers:

  • passport of the policyholder;
  • photo and video from the scene;
  • passport vehicle (should be the owner) or a copy of the certificate of registration of the car;
  • cASCO insurance policy (issued at the conclusion of the contract);
  • application for compensation for damage.

In some cases, other documents can be needed.

With a natural disaster, a certificate of meteorological service will be required, when you fire a car - from the fire service, when the car is embezzlement, you will additionally need to provide keys, alarm keychain and chip.

An insurance company employee can remove copies of documents, as the originals may be required in other instances. The procedure also implies the transfer of documents to the partition of the employee of the SC. The insured remains a list of documents with the signature of the agent and the seal of the insurer.

If the insurance company, due to some reasons, refuses to accept documents, can be sent by them by registered letter, where the inventory and the requirement of response in writing will be invested.

It is important to make a statement correctly. This is done in an arbitrary form or is filled with a special form offered by the insurance company. The insurer document is positive. The underlying condition is the availability of all the necessary information on the share of the insurer of the Straceal Case.

The application must contain:

  • company name (insurer);
  • Applicant's phoe;
  • contact information;
  • casco's policy number;
  • information about the car;
  • the request to accrual funds.

It is important that all the details of the insured event are described in the document: time, place, causes of the offensive, participants - if available. It is also necessary to indicate damage to the machine and the requisites of the applicant, if an accrual of compensation with payment payments is assumed. At the end of the application, the insured must specify the date and sign.

After submitting documents, you need to provide a vehicle of an insurance company for its inspection. Conduct it can emergency commissioner or autoexpert. If the applicant does not agree with the conclusion of inspection, he must write about it in the act, clearly indicating the causes of this. After the examination, the insurance company should issue a corresponding document that confirms the amount of damage.

There are two insurance methods for insurance:

  • Financial compensation. Possible with the hijack or complete death of the vehicle. The amount of damage is assessed by the examination. The amount is translated by the insured by the specified details of the method chosen by it. Covering expenses for third-party services is usually also considered a cash payment.
  • Payment for restoring the machine. In this case, representatives of the company will take the car to the station maintenance station, where it is restored and transferred to the owner. The insurer pays bills for services rendered.

The terms of compensation are indicated in the insurance contract and may differ depending on the particular company. On average, they make up 15-30 days.

Large insurers usually produce payments within two weeks. The companies are less than this for a month. It is also worth considering that there are cases when the insurer will pull the time until the client becomes reimbursement in legal order.

When is it possible to refuse to compensation for damage?

Not every case falls under the concept of insurance. The insurance company has the right to refuse to compensate for damages in the following situations:

  • If the driver himself is to blame for intentional causing the damage car in order to obtain insurance for insurance.
  • If he managed the car in a state of alcohol or narcotic intoxication, without right or with their inappropriate category.
  • When violating the driver's rules. For example, if he did not cause employees of the relevant services, provided about inconspicuous information or was written by a receipt that claims to participants of the accident He has no.
  • If the car owner allowed maintenance disorders that led to critical changes in the work of important vehicles.

An additional reason for which the request may be rejected are ambiguous formulations, among which are the following:

  • the abduction of the car instead of its theft (these are different concepts);
  • if the policyholder did not attempt to minimize damage;
  • when the driver changes the storage conditions of the machine without notifying the insurance company;
  • if the damage was caused due to burning or explosion of a car located nearby;
  • when conducting special works that provoked the defects of the car due to a similar location to it.

Often controversial situations arise without road accidents. To achieve a favorable outcome for compensation will help attentive analysis of all points of the contract before signing it, refinement of incomprehensible wording and compliance with all rules for contacting the insurance company.

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Let us list the main insurance cases on the CASCO. We find out how the incidents are made in accordance with the agreement, which time considers the applications of the Insured and what features should be considered when paying compensation.

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CASCO is a voluntary insurance of road transport. If there is such a policy, the driver protects itself from any problems with the machine, even in cases where he himself became the culprit of the accident.

Consider the Features of Casco Insurance, or rather the insured cases that are included in the contract.

What it is

Possible in the list of insurance cases of such a plan:

  • road traffic accident;
  • theft of vehicles;
  • damage to the machine or its additional equipment (indicated in the contract) at the occasion of obstacles, or in the unlawful actions of a third party, actions by negligence;
  • the complete death of the car due to the fault of natural disasters (except for force majeure situations), the illegal actions of a third party.

Insurance cases on Casco (not accident):

  • hitting the barrier (parking columns, fences), when the health of citizens is not harmless;
  • the death of the transport, when there is no second involved car (for example, you damaged the car coating objects, punctured the tire, etc.);
  • bearing damage, windshield chips from flying coating on the road.

Insurance cases without documents may be non-serious damage, which should be fixed during the examination.

In some cases, the discharge of minor is attributed to painting, if there are no consequences of a collision with a different car.


The terms of consideration of the insurance situation for insurance companies is not established. Therefore, the SK is entitled to determine if and how to deal with the settlement of issues.

The deadlines may be extended, and the damage compensation procedure becomes protracted.

About the period of consideration of applications of clients Insurance organizations undertake to notify the insurers at the conclusion of the CASCO Agreement. It is confirmed by the fact that the person familiarized himself with such periods, signing the owner of the vehicle.

The insurance company has no right to extend the application for consideration, if it does not have grounds.

The process can be delayed if:

  • the client will present not all the necessary references;
  • experts did not consider all the features of the case.

Few of the insurers says the CASCO buyer about the responsibility that occurs in the event of a delay in payments for insurance cases.

The judge recognizes the term of consideration of the case by illegal, if the driver filed documentation, and notifications about the missing reference immediately were submitted by the insurance organization. Otherwise, the owner of the car may submit a claim by an insurance company.

Payment is made on the same deadlines that they are discharged for consideration (usually 15 - 30 days). Calculate funds based on conditions reflected in the contract.

Insurance companies are committed to referring to different conditionsTo delay the payment. It is possible to reduce the amount of enumeration or refusal in this at all.

When submitting all references with a member of the accident, the SC pays money within 2 weeks.

It is possible to establish and otherwise, but it should not exceed 3 months. When delaying the insurer with payments, the client may submit statement of claim In court court.

Rules when delaying the payment:

  1. If the firm evades the transfer of compensation Sumy, contact a court that imposes a fine.
  2. The affected person may impose claims for compensation for violation of consumer rights.
  3. It happens that the SC pays the amount of the fine for a violation of the term of fulfilling its duties in accordance with the Treaty.

About the timing of the work of payments, the company must notify the client when signing the contract. The same information should be placed on the official portal of the insurance organization.

What to do with the insurance case by Casco

It is worth considering such features:

  1. In the presence of the CASCO policy, compensation is paid in case of any damage. It does not matter the conditions of damage to the vehicle.
  2. Firms are not entitled to refuse to enumerate, assuring the applicant's guilt.
  3. Monetary amounts are issued if necessary to carry out repair work.
  4. After the occurrence of the insured event, the car is inspected by a specialist.
  5. Until the insurer appeals to the insurer, it is worth collecting all the necessary references.


At the occurrence of the insured event, you need to prepare:

  • passport;
  • driver's license, registration documents for vehicle (TCP, inspection coupon);
  • the contract itself voluntary insurance, and also (it is checked what time it has);
  • the scheme of the accident that the inspector will assure;
  • with theft, keys, chip, alarm keychain, as well as a sample of the application for the initiation of a criminal case are presented.

The insurance company remains the right to request additional documents.


Application Structure:

  • cap (the appeal is indicated by the applicant);
  • document's name;
  • the main text (the incident describes the request for compensation);
  • date and signature.


Now find out how to act in the event of an insurance occurrence.
First reread the contract, disperse with your rights, calculate the amount that can be paid. After all, many insurance is looking for ways, how not to pay compensation.

  1. Call a traffic police representative or emergency commissioner. They will fix an accident. It is not worth a hurry with the challenge of the Commissioner, if there is no wine, since paying his services will be a person who causes it.
  2. In the mandatory case, take a picture of the car damage, its location on the road relative to the second participant.
  3. The representative of DPS will establish a culprit, after which the certificate of the accident and the protocol on the violation of the administrative plan will be issued. In case of passing a medical examination, you should take a certificate confirming this.
  4. If you consider yourself innocent, you do not need to start the process of registration of the incident as a case of CASCO. When purchasing the following insurance, the tariff will be raised with each subsequent appeal. If you can use OSAGO, it will only be on your hand.
  5. Emergency Commissioners hand over the accident scheme with the signature of each participant in the law enforcement branch. To get and surrender the documents in the SC, the participant of the road accident itself is.
  6. Drivers can themselves make an accident scheme if there are no disagreements.
  7. The notification by the customer of the insurance organization about the incident is carried out within 3 days. The company is worthwhile by calling the phone number prescribed in the contract by sending a message by email.
  8. It is worth representing the CU for inspection into the insurance company. During the examination, it is necessary to be present. Then you have to write a statement, submit documents on an accident.
  9. In the CX deadlines specified in the contract, will give a direction to a hundred or monetary compensation. If the expert's decision is not consolation, it is issued a refusal to make compensation payments.

Registration of the insurance case on a hull without an accident (for example, when embellished), it implies an appeal not to the road-patrol service, but to the police. Submit to law enforcement agencies, after which there will be a coupon of registration of a violation of legislation.

Based on such a coupon, it will be possible to apply to the insurance organization.

For 2 days the applicant will invite the investigator who will take the testimony. He also polls witnesses, issuing a certificate about the fact of theft.

After 2 months, all documents required for presentation in the CC will be ready. After another month you will receive compensation, and in case of failure, a substantive document.


Find out when an insurance company may refuse to pay. These are such cases:

  1. There is a serious violation of traffic rules if the perpetrators are the insured person. For example, the accident occurred due to exceeding the speed, controlling the vehicle in a drunken state. It will not be made to pay if the driver was driving a faulty car and did not pass the inspection timely.
  2. After an accident, the insured after the accident did not adhere to the rules established, which are mandatory for execution upon receipt of compensation.
    • the person wrote a statement that he had no complaints to the second party. That is, the culprit will not be determined. And the insurance organizations have the right to recover the damage from the perpetrators. And if there is such a statement, it will not have the right to subrogation;
    • the insured face did not cause the traffic police representative or submitted information about the accident. Insurance organization can declare the discrepancy of damage to agreed circumstances;
    • the car is renovated (fully or partially). You should not be repaired before the appraiser examines the vehicle and gives the appropriate act.
  3. In the Polish there are double points.
    No compensation is relying in such cases:
    • Damage in the explosion, the ignition of the second transport, which was nearby.
    • TC is damaged during a number of cleaning, loading work.
    • The insured did not take measures to minimize damage.
    • The car is not pregnant, but stolen.

To get compensation, follow these recommendations:

  1. Immediately after the incident, call representatives of the authorized body.
  2. Do not move the car.
  3. No need to negotiate with the second participant, otherwise your actions will be regarded by the insurer as a deception.
  4. Re-read the protocol. Check if there are errors in it relative to the details of the accident.
  5. Tighten it with the notification of the Insurer about the incident.
  6. When submitting documents in the SC make a photocopy. Make sure the Insurance worker put the mark on the reference date.
  7. It is worth providing access to the appraiser to the car.
  8. When making a statement by the Insurer, find out when your case is registered, which number it has.
  9. Follow the course of the case - call, go to the company's office.

If you refused to pay, you can challenge the insurance company to challenge in court. When the payment is delay, first should turn with the claim in the SC, then in court or in higher organ. In disagreement with the amount of payments it is worth conducting an independent examination.

Compensation can be carried out in such ways:

  • the amount is paid for repair;
  • repair at a hundred, which is a partner of the insurer.

When purchasing Casco remember simple rules: Choose an insurer who has a good reputation, re-read the terms of the contract, proceed correctly at the accident.

The main thing at accident is not to panic and do not try to resolve all the questions with the second participant in place. Otherwise, your insurance will be useless and your appeal to the insurer will not bring the result.

Video: Casco Rules - Documents necessary to prove the insured event.

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

Many car enthusiasts, having received the Casco Policy, mistakenly believe that from now on the car is insured for any case, and the damage in any form and the amount will be reimbursed by the insurance organization. But in reality, the situation is different, and the SK may well refuse to pay on the legitimate basis.

Events recognized as insurance cases on CASCO are necessarily negotiated in the insurance agreement and applications to it, and with their occurrence of the insurer an obligation arises to reimburse the damage caused by the insured car.

Therefore, before making an insurance transaction, it is important to carefully examine the text of the agreement and the rules of insurance of a particular organization to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises In case of accident.

Events related to insurance situations

Payment of compensation on the CASCO policy is provided in the event of some events ranked in the insurance, including:

  • road traffic accidents (collision or hitting, falling or tipping);
  • hijacking / theft of car;
  • damage from illegal behavior of other persons or as a result of damage by other persons by negligence;
  • damage from natural disasters (hurricane, landslide, flooding, zipper, explosion);
  • damage from collision with birds, animals;
  • random hit by heavy items;
  • mechanical damage caused by the vehicle while in the garage or in the parking lot.

When making insurers of vehicles from the embezzlement, it is recommended to provide a risk of risk not only of hijacking, but also other types (scan, theft, robbery). If the document shows only the hijacking, and when the insured event occurs, a criminal case on theft of theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), insurance organization It has good grounds For refusal to pay for compensation.

It is necessary to prescribe in detail in the agreement and other possible risks. In different SC, the risk of fire damage can be considered an insurance case only in arson, self-burning from a fault of an object or, regardless of the cause of fire. The risk of damage from other persons can be associated with negligence or only with intent.

Non-break sites on Casco

The list of non-insurance cases may be significant and differ in different insurance organizations that are entitled to establish their own criteria for assessing accidents and attribute them to insurance situations. An exemplary list of options may include:

  • the embezzlement of the insured vehicle in which documents on the vehicle (passport, registration certificate) and / or ignition keys are left;
  • theft of automotive wheels from the insured object and / or caps (decorative);
  • minor damage or chipping (paintwork) without damage for the node;
  • damage to wheels on wheels, tires, which is not associated with damage to other nodes and TC aggregates;
  • driving a car in a state of any type of intoxication (narcotic, alcoholic or drug) or without driver's license at the driver;
  • tC movement in areas that are not composed element (part) of the road (on the shore, on ice);
  • obtaining damage to the car due to the independent start of the movement due to lack of fixing with manual brake;
  • changes and adding to nodes and system elements of the vehicle (engine, brake system, fuel system, steering control), to which there is no resolution of the traffic police;
  • similar causing harm, aimed at obtaining compensatory payments on CASCO.

Documents for referring to the CC for Casco Reimbursement

Insurers often provide for any type of insured situation a separate list of documents required for registration of an insurance case on CASCO when considering the issue of obtaining damages.

When accidental traffic accidents are required by the traffic police officers, the TS inspection protocol indicating the damage obtained (damage), the Protocol and the Resolution on the offense, the definition of the initiation of the case (if available).

If there was a hull insurance case without an accident, but with damage from unlawful actions of other persons, then certificates from territorial ATS are presented: a decision on the initiation of the case, a list of damage to the vehicle.

When fireing a car, fire-fighting workers issue an act of fire and the conclusion of an examination, and the Department of the Department of Internal Affairs is the decision to initiate a case or a refusal to initiate it.

If the vehicle received damage as a result of the impact of natural disasters, a reference of Roshydrometrocerer will need to confirm the fact of the specified natural manifestations on a specific territory.

Documents prepared by the Client together with a statement about the insurance case on CASCO for the developed SC form are transmitted to the insurer. The text of the application should describe in detail the data on the owner and the damage to the vehicle, the types of damage, place and circumstances of their receipt, which state structures Notified about what happened. Additionally, the desired forms of receipt of payment (in cash, at the current account) are indicated.

With an example of a sample application for consideration of the insurance case on CASCO, you can read

When submitting an application, it is additionally required to provide the CASCO policy, passport (civil) applicant, driver's license, documents for a car, a power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the beneficiary (if available).
Next, we should expect the result of studying the situation and documents by the insurer. With a positive solution, the compensation of the insurance case on CASCO can be paid to the account of the service company with which the insurance organization has concluded a cooperation agreement for the repair of a damaged vehicle.

Another option is the payment of insurance compensation in the form of cash to the client. In this case, the amount of damage can be calculated according to the independent examination, according to the calculation, drawn up by the insurer or the client provided.

It is less likely to use the vehicle repair at a hundred customer selection. Accounts for payment for services are sent to the insurance company, cash issuance is not made.

Casco is a voluntary type of insurance, and the list of risks on it is established by the insurer on their own. Therefore, there may be no risks in the insurance contract, apparent in the client's opinion, but not stipulated by the IC insurance rules. To avoid losses or minimize them, it is important not only to take care when making an insurance transaction, but also clearly present your own actions when the insurance situation is on the occurrence.

Since the introduction of Avtnitrolov, a lot of companies have appeared that offer their services in this field. At the same time, CASCO, which enters the embraid case, describes very foggy, and the input insurers are very different from each other.

The controversial moments associated with this lead people to court, where the proceedings can delay for a long time. On our experience, we know what insurance cases are included in CASCO insurance, and for how you may refuse. It is recommended to pay attention to the additional options, significantly increasing the attractiveness of insurance.

What is included in the car for cars

The insurance system is quite complicated and has a number of certain subtleties. Most companies offering such services enable the client to choose to independently, assuming a specific percentage of reimbursement of one or another damage. That is why the insurance contract must be approached very responsibly, even if it is the so-called "full chamber". It can have his additions missing in such documents of other companies.

All that is included in the CASCO for cars can be submitted as a specific list. However, it is necessary to remember that there are several insurance programs even by one company, and therefore some items may vary or absent.

  1. Road traffic accident (accident). it general conceptwhich considers a specific situation. Some kinds of damage for the accidents are specifically carried into separate items, since other insurance cases occur on them.
  2. Collision with another car. We are talking about road participants on vehicles of different types.
  3. Suggest or hit the object that can be both in a static and moving condition. This item also includes animals and birds.
  4. Tipping the car. Separate insurance item involving a specific type of damage for an accident.
  5. Fire. Under this item there is even a fire as a result of an accident.
  6. Falling objects on the vehicle. There are trees, ice, snow, etc.
  7. Failure under the ice.
  8. Fall in water.
  9. Emission gravel. A separate type of damage resulting from rocks or other objects from under the wheels of another car.
  10. Unlawful actions of third parties. Asking the question of what is included in the Casco for the car, this item is interested in people most. It includes a number of actions that can be regarded as illegal or violating private property rights.
  11. Explosion.

Important! It should be noted that all these items usually have a standard contract. However, their presence and the percentage of compensation must be styled separately, so that later the controversial moments arose.

What is not an insured event

In order for the program to start working should come an insured event. There are a number of factors that correspond to the type of damage, but at the same time, money is not paid for them. They should be considered separately.

Cases of embezzlement

  • theft of the radio or its damage;
  • theft of license plate, also its damage;
  • lost or theft of additional equipment located outside the car;
  • car theft at open doors, windows and deactivated alarm;
  • theft of vehicle with documents, ignition keys, alarm key chains.

No harm to the car

  • spacing paintwork damage, they include small scratches and chips;
  • damage to the tire, decorative cap;
  • theft of any type, if the car does not affect;


  • breakdown of parts of nodes and aggregates;
  • identifying a factory marriage;
  • malfunction of electrical equipment;
  • the failure of the brake system.

External factors

  • fraud or extortion;
  • impact of nuclear explosion or radiation;
  • military actions;
  • non-return from leasing or lease.

The negligence of the policyholder

It is this item that is very important to take into account, studying what is included in the insurance of CASCO.

  1. Use of vehicle outside the insurance area.
  2. When using fire for heating a machine or engine.
  3. Damage caused by the transport of dangerous goods, if it is not about special technique.
  4. Use the car in races, tests, competitions, or when teaching driving.
  5. Damage as a result of loading or transportation by other means.
  6. Careless handling of fire or cigarettes, which led to damage to the cabin.
  7. Applying intentional damage, both the driver and passengers.
  8. Control car in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  9. The transfer of the vehicle to a third party that is not included in the policy does not have a driver's license of the corresponding category, manages the machine illegally (without relevant documents).
  10. When leaving the scene of an accident.

Additional options Casco

Considering what enters the insurance of CASCO, it is very important to take into account and additional advantages certain programs offered by the company. Some of them simply increase the attractiveness of the proposal, but there are also such, whose presence is sometimes considered to be mandatory.

Additions can be attributed to: services of the tow truck, roadside assistance, document collection and references, a valued car, for repair from an accident, delivery of directions for repairs, free taxis, 5% of payments without references, replacing glass and headlights without references and much more. Each option has certain conditions of use and is selected individually.

The process of registration of Casco looks pretty simple. However, there is a lot of subtleties, additional options and other factors that not only complicate the choice of a particular policy, but also increase its value. Therefore, sometimes it is better to take advantage of the services of professionals who will be prompting as profitable and easier to purchase necessary for your goals.

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