
Where to rent a room in. How to remove the apartment or room correctly. Step-by-step algorithm for finding an apartment and registration of a hire agreement. The right lease agreement

Rent a room in Moscow is not as easy as it may seem. Rooms in the center sometimes more expensive apartments on the outskirts. At the same time, a good combination of prices, owners, neighbors and housing conditions must still be searched. And yet the chances of finding a dream room are quite good.

What to look for?

There are three options for rent: in a communal apartment, in the apartment with the owner and in a separate apartment, which will be removed by exploit.

In the communal, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the tenants and the state of the apartment. In the apartment with the owner - actually, on the owner and his rules of residence: will he violate your personal space, watch how much you pour water in the soul and how late come home.

The room in the communal is good because everyone has their own space and their own life. A good communal is a diplomacy and atmosphere. Good neighbors and for the child will look at and post assistance will be. But the composition of tenants may be anyhow. And one more question - how the common life is organized. Immorted light in the bathroom, a non-vocabulary plate or a blurred floor in the corridor cause a negative reaction and risk turning into a protracted war.

On the other hand, life in the master apartment can also be not the most comfortable. If you do not like conversations "for life", constant control and unandoned councils, you can hardly take a room in one apartment with the owner.

The third option is, in fact, also communal, but for its own, where the tenants themselves establish the rules for the conduct of life and coexistence. Such a lease method is popular not only among students, but also in young specialists, the salary of which does not allow them to claim a separate apartment.

Where to looking for?

The easiest and usually the most reliable way - rent housing through acquaintances. You can call friends, ask your parents or colleagues. The rental of the room "At your" is good because you do not need to pay the commission agent and there is some kind of guarantee that everything can be agreed and you will not be sent in a couple of months.

Practice "I am looking for a neighbor" - quite ordinary, other residents are more convenient to find the person with whom they will live in the same apartment. And on such ads, perhaps, it is worth paying attention to the first place if you are looking for a room.

The most common option is to search for ads. Get ready for you to spend a lot of time to call and view options. And many ads will not directly from the owners, but from real estate agents.

Help the hall

And finally, the most conservative way to rent a room in Moscow is to contact the real estate agency. Try to communicate with representatives of large agencies with a good reputation. But a private broker is suitable, recommended by friends. The main minus of this method is the financial costs. Get ready for the fact that in addition to rent, you will have to pay the Agency Commission and a pledge for the safety of property. But renting through the agency is more reliable, and you do not have to find out the options yourself.

How much is?

The rental price of the room depends on the area, transport accessibility, remoteness from the subway (the farther from the subway - the cheaper), the availability of the necessary infrastructure, type and age of the house, floor, the number of neighbors. There is still a lot of nuances, but they are strictly individual. average price Rooms in Moscow varies from 12 to 25 thousand rubles. Remember that the room in the center can not cost cheaply, and a cheap room on the outskirts is unlikely to be exemplary. All other difficulties are solved.

How to choose?

Experienced realtors say: if you are comfortable and comfortable in the apartment, then this is half success. If you don't like the apartment, it is better to see something else. Because the first impression is rarely erroneous. The second step is to familiarize with future neighbors or with the owner of the apartment.

Third step - check of technical equipment. See how the stove works in the kitchen, whether the taps do not flow, in order whether the battery is fine, plumbing condition, appearance Rooms. Be sure to see if the ceiling does not flow and what the furniture looks like. After the conclusion of the contract, all these problems will immediately become yours.

Check documents

Removing the room, make sure the owner gives it, and not outsiders. Ask a person showing the room to you, to present a passport, guidelines and eliminating documents: the contract for the sale of the room (documents on inheritance or donation) and the certificate of ownership. It should be originals - no copies or illuminated documents should be. Compare the passport details and data specified in the property certificate. They must coincide. If the owner of the room says he did not take with him the documents or showed copies, this is a reason to alert. In this case, it makes sense to negotiate a re-meeting and be sure to see the originals.

If the apartment in which the room is rent is divided into shares, the owner of housing should have a notarious consent of all other owners, or they must all come to the transaction.

Caution - Fraudsters!

In the metropolitan rental rental market there are several popular fraudulent schemes. The first scheme is the provision of information services for money. It is such companies that place ads type: "Rent a room on a China city for 6 thousand rubles." In reality, it turns out that for this money, unclean agents sell you a printout with the owners of the owners of rental rooms. After the call, it turns out that the room listed in the printout or already handed over, or do not give up in principle. Sometimes a lucky one is called to the owner and negotiate the next day. Only neither the agent nor the master to meet is. If the tenant is trying to download law, it shows the point of the contract from which it follows that he has bought some information for his money.

The advice here is simple - do not pay money and do not leave any advances before signing the contract. And before signing it, carefully read all items.

The second scheme is the delivery of the room at once several tenants. Such a situation can happen to those who agreed to remove housing after the provision of photocopy of shutdown documents. In this case, the owner of the room does not give the keys immediately after signing the contract, but suggests a few days later. You will meet or closed door, or comrades in misfortune.

Another option is unclean the owners of housing, which, after receiving the money, create unbearable conditions for the new tenant.

"I was immediately forbidden to use the washing machine (pulled the tray for the powder), come after 23.00 (they closed the door to the lock and did not open), to use the bathroom more than once a day, finally led two dogs. In addition, the owner of the apartment arranged drunken disassembly with her son, "he writes one of the visitors to the forum dedicated to the problems of tenants.

You can avoid such a scenario by speaking all the agreements with the owner in the contract, and in the case of an attempt to evict, submitted to the court.

Anton Sveshnikov


  • Bad version - Uncomfortable apartment, or something in it is not so.
  • Cool option - What you are looking for. Satisfies your requests.
  • Another browser - Additional web browser that is not used for work or entertainment and will be discussed only to search for apartments.
  • Adequate neighbor - The person with whom you can comfortably live in the same apartment.
  • Source of ads - Resource, which publishes ads from owners.

Basic observations

  • Almost the entire center is the old fund, so a lot bad versions. Search from two weeks to a month cool option - this is normal.
  • Cool options Can be found without agent.
  • At the time of the search you need to track all new options every day to cool option Not passed by.
  • Everything sources of ads need to bring B. another browserTo check every time only one place. So you do not mix the search for apartments with work or other affairs.
  • Check another browser It takes about twice a day: from 10 to 11 am and at 14-15 hours.
  • If the main task is to live in a classroom, you can consider not only odnushki, but also rooms or two-hot rooms, as you can always find adequitable neighbor.

My source data

1. Only the center to the bridges and not very far from the Nevsky Prospect.

2. Walk to the metro 10 minutes.

3. for comfortable accommodation Two people.

4. Good accurate repair or the possibility of independent improvements of the apartment at the expense of the landlord.

5. We consider the following options:

  • odnushka from 35 square meters. m;
  • studio from 30 square meters. m;
  • two-sq. m;
  • room from 20 square meters. m in a two-room or maximum in the treshka;
  • trejc from 70 square meters. m.

Scheme of action

  1. Find all sources of ads.
  2. IN another browser Create tabs with customized sources .
  3. Open another browser several times during the day by browsing each tab with ads.
  4. If the applicant comes across cool optionthen immediately contact the contact person and negotiate.

On my experience in St. Petersburg, the source rating is as follows:

  1. Thematic groups in vk.

Setting sources of ads in another browser

In my case, the main browser is Google Chrome. therefore another browser will speak Safari. In it, you need to configure all the necessary tabs that are loaded when the browser is opened. You need to close the browser only using CMD + Q. To each new opening, all tabs have opened, you need to set the parameter settings Safari Opens With. point ALL Windows FROM Last Session.

1. AVITO.ru.

In St. Petersburg, AVITO is the largest provider of normal ads, but it will be useful only when setting up all filters.

Configure Filters for Apartments:

1. Go to the branch: All ads in St. Petersburg / Real Estate / Apartments / Rent / For a long time.

Tab 1. Odnushki up to 30 thousand rubles

Tab 2. Studios up to 30 thousand rubles

Tab 3. Doubles up to 40 thousand rubles

Tab 4. Treople up to 40 thousand rubles

Configure Filters on the Rooms:

1. Go to the branch: All ads in St. Petersburg / Real Estate / Rooms / Rent / For a long time.

2. Select the desired metro stations (in my case it is 16 metro central stations).

3. On each tab, configure the following filters:

4. After pressing the "Find" button, activate the "Private" button.

Tab 5. Double room

Tab 6. Room in the trick

In the end, we get six tabs of customized filters.

2. Thematic groups in VK

"VKontakte" There are a lot of groups in which real ads will be fasting, so you first need to find such groups, and then reduce all ads from them into one tape, so as not to check these groups separately.

Even before the accuracy of renting a room that meets your requests, you must realize what it will be a challenge. First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that equal in the room area are not at all equal to payment, if one of them is in the center of the capital, and before the second from the Kremlin will have to get a few hours.

But you should not despair, there are always chances, you need to miss them.

Choosing a room for rent, you need to look for something specific

The room can surrender in three versions. It can be a separate room in a communal. You can stay in a separate room, and the neighbors will be the owners of the apartment. You can find friends who will agree together with you to rent an apartment from several rooms.

What should pay attention to immediately

The communal apartment is terrible with its tenants, they will be your neighbors, find out about these people more, and only then alternate. In the communal service, life is built according to the rules of the dormitory, so it is best to learn to diplomazically bypassing problems, without bringing to the scandal about the unlucky crane or smoking in the kitchen.

There is the concept of "killed communal", it is not uncommon. It is important that you then have not made claims that you "killed" it. You need to inspect everything, to make a photo of "amenities", kitchen, walls, balconies on a smartphone, then you will not regret.

The owner who surrenders the room can also show himself not from the best side - hover the help from the neighbors on the site. There are owners who sharply oppose guests, friends, animal, increased water consumption and electricity. A lot against what the owners are performing, but nothing can be said - these are their apartment.

The most optimal option is when several young people agree to unite finances for rent a large apartment and live each in a separate room. In this case cohabitation It begins with the development of a peculiar statute, residence standards. Such peculiar communal apartmentThe neighbors in which can be pre-pick up, and approve their composition only after that.

Where can I find an apartment for rent?

Most. the best option The search has long been recognized by the one when you rent a room from your relatives, friends or employees. First of all, you avoid payments to the Rental Commission. Additional advantage There will be something that you will not be evicted due to an overdue rental payment, you can agree on a cup of tea or other drink.

Relatives, friends and colleagues did not help - place ads of the appropriate content in social networks, it will help to cover a significant circle of unfamiliar to the owners of apartments. Those who will soon eat from the rented room will respond. Residents of apartments, pick up their neighbors for the joint rental of the apartment.

"I am looking for a neighbor" - so appeal to potential neighbors, and such ads need to be considered urgently. After all, it will be about renting a room, and there is a possibility that you are not enough for the full filling of the planned apartment.

Help special agency

Appeal to the real estate agency - a very popular way to solve housing problem. It is important not to get into the bait of fraudsters, and, it means, you should choose the agency with an unreplicated reputation. This is a reliable way to find the necessary housing.

In addition to the agencies, Mackers are working with owners of housing, you can also contact them if there are recommendations from friends and good acquaintances. Services intermediaries must be paid, sometimes very generously.

The first contribution includes except for rent for a certain period (sometimes 6 months) commissions, a deposit for saving the living space in good condition.

The cost of monthly accommodation

How much will have to pay monthly, depends on many factors. First of all, there is a direct dependence on the remoteness. The farther from the center, the cheaper the room. Many mean the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the number of neighbors, distance from the transport junction and other housing parameters.

Speaking about specific prices, you need to specify the average cost of the average room: 12-25 000 rubles. In any case, it is necessary to understand - the room in the center of Moscow cost cheaply, and at a low price you can only take off the "killed" room or pressure to the problem neighbors.

What to pay attention to when choosing a room

You will have to live in a leased room, so it is better to abandon uncomfortable housing, look for another. After all, always the most loyal impression is the first.

Take the final decision only after acquaintance with the owners and neighbors.
After dating, be sure to check the technical condition of plumbing, water pipes, heating. If the neighbors poured the room, it will be visible immediately. Otherwise, there will be the likelihood that you will be forced to pay for the repair.

Important part - verification of documents

You need to start the final conversation only after checking the documents, otherwise you risk paying for someone who just wipes flowers at the request of the owners.

It is necessary to check: passport, certificate of ownership, the right-pointing documents - the contract for the sale and sale of a room, a document on inheritance, donation.

Copies or documents in the film can be fake, browse the originals.
Check whether the passport is originally from the one who called the owner, do not trust copies. If you say that you forgot the original, repeat the meeting.

Keep in mind that if the owners of the apartment are several, they all have to agree to your accommodation, otherwise you will be able to evict you at the request of one of the apartment owners.

How to deceive spaces?

The easiest and most effective way is to trade with free housing. Per small amount Fraudsters sell a database posted by other agencies in free ads newspapers. By phone numbers from this base, it is impossible to call or the room already handed over. The appeal to the police will not give anything - in the signed contract it is indicated that the money is charged for "information", and not for a particular phone, the address of the free room.

Sometimes a meeting come to the meeting some wishes to rent a room, these are fake persons depicting an attachment demand for the room. The applicant take an advance to "hold" the room, and disappear. Require a person who "gives his room", first of all, documents with registration, documents for ownership.

If you believed the photocopies of the right-point documents and paid money, the "hosts" will be offered to move in a couple of days until they take out their furniture, personal belongings. Meanwhile, they themselves will disappear with money. These scammers are rented for a short time (day or two) apartment, get the keys from the owners, place an advertisement for renting the room. Fake copies of the right-laying documents are made in advance and rent a room, it seems to be in their apartment.

Deceivers can sign a contract, take a prepayment and start specifically to mock the tenant - change the castle, prohibit the use of household appliances, etc. Severed - only part of the money will give, the advance will be taken away, this is indicated in the contract. And other rules are not prescribed.

Read carefully all that is going to sign!

Would you like to save on housing? Consider the subsidence. In this case, you will live with the owners or neighbors who are already removing some of the apartments.

What is the subsidence and for whom it fits

Subtle - a budget option Hiring housing. A distinctive feature - the presence of common areas in the apartment for several residents and individual space, limited to a room or a bed-place.

Subtleties are popular with:

  • nonresident students of full-time and absentee branch. Less often the rooms take off residents of the city;
  • young couples without children: the room is the starting option for cheap living together;
  • people who build a house or make repairs in the apartment.

The room for the subsidence will cost cheaper than the hiring of a full-fledged apartment. Even modern renovation and location do not increase the price. Compare:

The price for renting a separate living space is often biting

The room is noticeable cheaper, and repair is even better

Pluses and conssertive

Pros and minuses in the case of subsidence - a floating concept. Take care carefully to the selection of the room to avoid negative moments associated with joint residence.

To the pros, it is customary:

  • hiring cost: room price is 2-3 times compared with individual housing;
  • the owners allow for a short time: some experts consider a way to pass housing as a part-time job. Full apartments prefer to pass for a long time;
  • you probably save on household facilities (cleaning gels and powders, mops, sponges, etc.), and exactly on communal services. In the first case, it all depends on the agreement with the tenants, in the second, the separation of bills for light, gas and water is provided for by the employment contract.

Cons characterize the degree of comfort of accommodation:

  • you can not choose a neighbor;
  • with the discrepancy of views on the management of life, scandals with owners or other tenants arise;
  • possible theft of property, if there are rooms without locks;
  • accommodation with the owners almost always implies the presence of a schedule of arrival and care: removing the room from the elderly, be prepared to adjust the mode of sleep and wake.

What subsidence is better: with apartment owner or neighbor

As practice shows, it is more profitable to choose the subsidence with tenants. You can set a cleaning schedule at a convenient time for the parties. Housing owners require compliance with many years of considerable graphics. They are zealously belong to the accommodated property. During cooking can stand behind the shoulder and watch, whether you use the kitchen stove correctly. Careless action will be immediately commented not in the friendly tone.

If it is not difficult for you to find a common language with a person of every warehouse of character, the disadvantages of the room with the owner will seem insignificant. Otherwise, believe the equal neighbor. Living with the owner of the apartment, you will always be on the seeming positions.

Opinions about accommodation with the owner of the apartment will vary: check out who you can right on your own experience. But do you need it?

Rules for accommodation in the apartment with subsidence

The rules of behavior in the premium rooms repeat the rules of municipal residence, which are approved by the legislative:

  • you must keep silence. Send a request to the city administration to find out the time frame installed in your region. If the neighbors or owners of the apartment are noisy, you have the right to cause a police outfit: a violation of silence administratively punishable act;
  • public places used and removed together. In the case of lease, this moment is not regulated by law. You can set a specific area for storing dimensions (stroller, bike) in the employment contract;
  • you have the right to invite guests at any time and day, however, to avoid conflict, agree with other tenants. Guests can not live with you, littering or spoil property. For the consequences of the incorrect behavior of third parties you are responsible;
  • the decision on smoking areas must be taken together with other tenants. If the smoking is already there, but it is difficult for you to attend it, offer your own option: a safe and non-violating right of tenants;
  • repairs common premises carried out joint forces. Here there are the same rules as when hiring a separate apartment.

Rules for concluding an agreement for subsidence

The contract of hiring room is almost no different from the standard. Download the sample in the TXT format by reference.

Apply the act of acceptance and transmission to reflect the number and condition of the property transmitted to use.

What to remember

  1. The room is 2-3 times cheaper with hiring room than the apartment.
  2. It is possible to hire the subsidence for a short time (1-6 months): most owners consider the delivery room as part-time.
  3. For the subsidence, conflicts on household soil are characteristic: choose an apartment where the neighbor will be the same apartment. This will ensure equality.
  4. For subsidence, there are rules for accommodation in a communal apartment.
  5. Develop a hiring contract and acceptance acceptance. You can download on our website.

Is it possible to remove a separate angle in the apartment? Easily. Quite often, it happens: in the same apartment lives master, in the second - selfie. Or surrendered in general only one room, all other locked. It is possible to remove the individual room by contacting:

  • realtor agency;
  • familiar;
  • directly to the owners.

Is it possible to rent stop in the apartment? Can.

The owner of housing or part of it has the right to dispose of its meters, as he wants, but according to Civil Code (Art. 246 and 247), he is obliged to enlist written consent of all residents of the dwelling.

Or, if such failed - by a court decision. Because if you offer such a thing, how to hire a stake in the apartment, be sure to ask the documents that give the right to the owner dispose of its part.

If they are not (or in a common tradition, you decide to do "without papers", purely at the agreements), then the rest of the household will simply cause police outfit and - neither money, no roof over their heads.

Risks and how to protect yourself

Here everything rests, unfortunately, in the credibility of Russians and lack of legal literacy. But these "pitfalls" can be circumfected if you follow the rules:

As you can see, take housing in the hir is not so difficult. And it is categorically not the case when it makes sense chase for cheap. Yes, the services of an intermediary must be paid, but appreciate their capabilities - isn't your calm life and guarantees to preserve the rights not more?

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