
Instant withdrawing Webmoney. How to withdraw money from Webmoney without commission: reliable ways. Through exchange offices and WebMoney dealers

Earnings on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, and therefore no one will not surprise the salary, which is not given to the hands, but list on the electronic wallet. Webmoney is considered the most popular service for this, but not all users know how to cash out electronic money. How to bring money from WebMoney?

The service offers several ways, calling them safe. This list includes the withdrawal of funds to a bank card, transferring a bank or ordinary money transfer. It is also possible to withdraw cash in the special items "WebMoney" or official service dealers.

In addition, they offer to make a special card to which you can also withdraw money. Or means can be displayed on a virtual card. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that, regardless of the output method, the Commission will be withdrawn.

However, the most burning question is how it is still to make virtual money real and get them in hand. How to display funds with WebMoney?

Possible output directions

First, it is possible if you make output with postal money transfer.

Secondly, its services offers an intermediary between the user and the electronic wallets service - Excherger.ru. In large cities, in addition, you can use cash withdrawal in exchange offices. You can also place a translation of "Western Union" or just withdraw Webmoney on the map.

One more seemingly simple and convenient way - Pick money through an intermediary. However, in this method there are two nuances. First, the Commission for performing the operation is not less, and often more than 5 percent, in addition, a great chance to be robbed and stay at all without funds. Therefore, the optimal options will be the options that the service itself offers. How to withdraw cash with WebMoney?

Postal transfer

First of all, you need to stay on the method that takes the maximum amount of time compared to others is a postal transfer. But the service is available not only in megalopolis, but also in small towns. In this case, it will cost 2% translation. The minimum amount requested by Russian Postal Services is 40 rubles.

So, transfers are less than 2 thousand rubles, turn out to be not too profitable. However, it is worth considering the commission of the electronic currency service, which varies from 5 to 8 tenth of percent. Making simple mathematical operations, it can be understood that cash losses will make up at least 3.3 percent. Money will be on the hands of at least 2, a maximum of 5 business days.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving funds through Russian Post Office

How to bring money from WebMoney by means of postal translation? To cash out electronic savings in this way, it is necessary to commit the following:

1. Confirm your personality, or, expressing the terms of service, issue a certificate. To do this, in a special service it is necessary to send a photocopy of its main document, that is, passports. To do this, go to the Passport.Webmoney.ru section. And pass authorization. The page is opening where and you should add your data and click "Send". In the lower left corner after that there will be a sign, which says "Get a certificate". You need to click on it. Below will be the window to download your documents. After making this operation, photocopies are sent to the server.

It is important to indicate exactly your passport data without attracting friends or relatives. Otherwise, to get the translation, you will have to take with me to mail at the post office that the certificate is received.

3. The service will be discharged for the service, paying which follows no later than 3 days, otherwise the money will not be sent and have to undergo a re-procedure.

We get money through the terminal

In addition to postal translation, it is possible to cash with terminals. They are located in many cities of Russia. On the service site you can find their full list. By the way, this is the fastest and easiest way to receive money on hand. However, those who live in places where they have not yet appeared electronic systemsYou will have to use in other way.

How to withdraw webmoney on the map

With "WebMoney" you can withdraw money and through a bank card. For this, as in the case of postal transfer, it will have to make a certificate. Application for the withdrawal will be considered within 24 hours, after which its owner is subject to. When the latter is paid, the money is transferred to the bank to which the card belongs, and after checking these tools is available to the cardholder. For the implementation of such a procedure, the Commission is about one and a half percent.

For all of Russia, it has not been a secret for all, how to bring money from Webmoney, having them in the virtual world. Of course, you can take advantage of a relatively new, but already all the known method - transfer to the bank card. To carry out this operation, you will need to use a mandatory tool - WebMoney's electronic wallets system, which is becoming increasingly popular every day. So, you have a WebMoney wallet. How to bring money?

This system is available absolutely to everyone, but not everyone wants to use it because of difficulties in working with the system and fear of risk. But with all these difficulties, users occur only at the initial stages, and then in the process of familiarization with the system, everything becomes clear and not so confusing. The webmani service has its own goal - to ensure the security of virtual money, which is why the fear of using this service should not arise.

How to attach a map to the WebMoney wallet

In order to attach bank credit or debit card To a specific wallet, you need to turn on Keeper. After that, open WebMoney-Passport. Then on this page, open the "Certificate Control Panel", the following action will be the selection of the "Your Bank Card and Accounts" tab. A template appears on the screen in which you need to fill in all fields, be sure to indicate: the name of the bank, the calculated and correspondent accounts, personal informationwhich should coincide with the one that is in the WebMoney certificate, as well as the Inn.

Even before the attachment procedure, you need to have colored photocopies of the card and the Inn, passport pages, so it is desirable to make them in advance.

On the "Certificate Control Panel" tab, namely "your documents", screenshots must be loaded. Photo Inn is not necessarily. Although it should be in case any of the Webmoney services ask him.

During the day, the sent template will be checked, after which it will be possible to safely use the service and transfer money to the card at any convenient moment.

Perhaps when looking at the template for the first time everything will seem difficult and completely incomprehensible. But if you know which photos need to be sent and what exactly indicate in the template, the procedure will be quite simple.


How to display funds with WebMoney? You can do this directly on the WebMoney page when using the Kiper Light or Kiper Mini. Additionally, the "Conclusion" tab will need to be opened in the Cyper Classic.

On the "WMR output methods" screen, you should open a "bank transfer", after which the captcha will appear that you want to fill in to go to the required page.

According to the first conclusion, the template will be filled with information that was transferred when attaching a map, in the future it will also be filled. After that, you need to click on the "Next" button.

The window on the top contains the sum for the output, while the lower window is the amount that the commission should remain after the deduction of the Commission, which is 0.8 percent. This amount will be listed directly on the card.

Agreeing with the output, update the page of the wallet, and also confirm the account with the specified amount. One day, the money will be on the card, and they can be freely removed, but for services a certain amount of commission is removed, which depends on the bank. For example, the VTB-24 Bank needs to pay half a percent for the operation, and other banks need to give a percentage when removing money in an ATM.

Cobrand maps

Cobrand cards are cards with images of logos and bank, and Webmoney. To issue such cards, banks conclude an agreement with WebMoney. Now it is "Russian Standard" and "Opening". In order to bring webmoney to the card, it does not need to be attached to the electronic wallet, you can open right in the bank. These cards have many advantages, since with their help you can make money very quickly, returning 1%. The same card makes it possible to have a conventional attached to the wallet.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney through Alfa-Bank? This bank with WebMoney also cooperates, but a little different. To attach a card to an electronic wallet, you need to make a binding with the help of an Internet bank, there and specify the wallet number. Alfa Bank removes money as a commission in the amount of two percent, which quite a lot. If you are a Sberbank client, then you can immediately withdraw Webmoney on a Sberbank card.

Whether the obligation to pay taxes in the amount of removal

Nowadays, such operations as translation of funds are very interested. tax inspections. Information on these translations is not sent to the FTS. But subject to registration individual entrepreneur And unspecifies in the further receipts of accounts will need to pay the tax or a penalty for its non-payment.

In general, WebMoney service is a very necessary and convenient discovery. Now and virtual money you can find your worthy use in the form of cash, namely, this service guarantees full safety and lack of any risk. A bit spent time to familiarize yourself with Webmoney nuances - and in the future it will take a couple of minutes of work.

How to withdraw webmoney without commission

For many working with the help of the Internet, the problem to translate virtual funds into cash is relevant. Most often output from WebMoney, as this is the most popular service. With the withdrawal of funds, some Commission is most often charged, which I don't want to give oh, Ideally, I would like to withdraw money without commission.

It is amazing, but this is possible! Immediately a reservation - here it is not about the commission of the WebMoney system itself for the translation, it is 0.8%, it will be removed anyway. This output procedure is possible only for WMR signs, this is an analogue of the ruble. In the event that money is saved in another currency, you can exchange them on rubles in the WebMoney system itself or in any online exchanger.

Step-by-step instructions for interest-free

So how to withdraw cash without commission? First you need to order a CAR card TKS.

You can order a map online (on the bank's website), it's free, and after a couple of days you will send it by mail.

The card itself is a credit, on which some funds will already be present, but you can use them at your own discretion, or do not use it at all.

When you already have a card, you just need money with WebMoney to withdraw on QIWI at the same time one to one. You can start a wallet in this system on their website, you must specify the mobile number, which will be the number of your QIWI wallet.

When the QIWI wallet will fall money, you need to withdraw them to the TCS card without any commission. The output occurs instantly. You will have no more than twenty-minute surgery, and you can run cash in the nearest ATM.

This is the optimal way of instantaneous withdrawal Webmoney without a commission. It may be incomprehensible why online exchangers make such an equal exchange 1: 1 currencies? Everything is simple here: a huge number of simple users buy on the Internet with a QIWI wallet.

This is the simplest, understandable and user-friendly online payment system. In addition, the presence of a large number of terminals in the CIS and in Russia and makes this service unusually popular. It is completely easy to replenish or withdraw money from the QIWI wallet, it is also available to a child.

At the same time, not all online stores work with QIWI, while Webmoney money is accepted without problems, and you have to share your money in online exchanger to exchange money in QiWi, losing interest. All because the demand of users on Webmoney today is higher than on QIWI. It turns out that in online exchanger an excess QIWI, but the lack of WMR, because of this, they will gladly change the WMR on QIWI without percent, and it is beneficial to us.

It is worth clarifying that the withdrawal of QIWI funds for the TCS bank card is interest-free only four times a month and no more than 15 thousand rubles at a time. That is, it is advantageous to bring WebMoney in the amount of no more than sixty thousand rubles per month in total. All that is more, will be addressed by the commission - 2%. But if we count on average, the amount of sixty thousand rubles per month is quite sufficient for the Internet work.

Read 6 min. Published 01/18/2015

For those who earn online, the issue of output electronic money Webmoney is very relevant. Why spend all earned funds for mobile accounts and communal services Online, buy clothes only over the Internet when you can receive salary in cash. But how to make money from the WebMoney wallet, if their direct conclusion is impossible, since it is not a currency in the usual understanding?

Cash through virtual money is not so difficult, and for this there are various ways.

Money output methods with WebMoney

What is needed to withdraw webmoney on a Sberbank card?

Cash with money transfer Golden Crown or Unistream

One way to convert virtual money to cash is Conclusion WebMoney through the Golden Crown, Unistream (Systems money transfers). This gives certain convenience for those users who have an electronic wallet only a formal certificate. For translations, however, the SIM card of the mobile phone operator will be required (you can MTS or MegaFon).

The procedure for the withdrawal of funds

  • We go to your personal Area On WebMoney website.
  • Select the section "Replenishment of a mobile phone balance".
  • We enter your Beeline number there (money almost immediately goes to the SIM card balance).
  • Go to the Beeline website to your personal account and press the "output of money through the Unistream system" (or the golden crown).
  • On the mobile phone Code comes, which should be entered on the Beeline website.
  • There, you should also specify the passport details about the sender and the recipient of the translation, the summary sum and click "send" (the amount of the translation must be at least 100 rubles. And not more than 15,000 rubles).
  • After confirming the translation through SMS we get secret codewhich will be required when receiving money.

Specifying on the official website of UNISTRIE The address of the nearest point of issuing translations, after a couple of hours you can go for money, capturing a passport and secret code with you. The Commission is usually 1.2-1.3%.

When transferring funds through the Gold Corona system, cash can be obtained in biline. The Commission does not exceed 1%.

Output of money on a webmoney virtual card

Fast and easy whether to display webmoney can also be on a virtual map. intended for safe calculations on the Internet. It opens for free, the commission is missing for its service.

Such virtual card You can pay for goods in all online stores, payment is made in the same way as with a regular bank card.

The difference consists only that in real stores such a card for payment is not taken (it does not have a physical media).

Through exchange offices and WebMoney dealers

it the easiest way to cash out electronic money . How does the translation be translated in this case?

+ 'Of the advantages of this method, you can note the speed of conversion of money, from the minuses a mandatory commission, which can reach from 1 to 4%.

On the webmoney card ordered through the service

Ordering a map through the WebMoney.cards service , It is enough to have a formal wallet certificate. At the same time, the WMZ / WME wallet is easily tied visa cards or MasterCard of any bank and can be replenished with a WM wallet. The transfer of funds is carried out almost instantly, the Commission is 1-2%.

Also on service you can order a map for translations from WMR wallet . For the translation, the commission is charged 1%, the use of the card is available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Withdrawal with the help of bank transfer to the account

If the webman's payment system user opened an account in the bank
(Or he is going to open it), then electronic money can be translated directly to the bank account. The receipt of funds is carried out within 3-5 banking days. A small percentage is taken for the translation. With WMR wallet, money can only come on a ruble account, with WMZ to a currency account in a bank. Means from the webmoney wallet are displayed only on a personal account.

Bring money to another electronic money system

To exercise money Transfers from WebMoney Wallet to other payment systems, for example, Yandex.Money or Kiwi You must associate wallets. At the same time, the personal data specified on both services should be similar. An important condition for users is also:

  • The presence of Russian citizenship.
  • Identification in the Yandex.Money system.
  • Formal level of certificate on webmoney.

What needs to be done to bind wallets?

Immediately after that in the "Wallet Management" section will add the WebMoney button . Simultaneously with this WebMoney website in the "Wallets" section there will be a sign with Yandex.Money. Now the transfer of money from one system to another can be carried out in several clicks, paying 4.5 percent of commission. The limit of translated funds is up to 15 thousand rubles per day and up to 300 thousand rubles in 30 days.

The Internet gives us limitless online earnings: investment, copywriting, own sites and projects. All calculations can be conducted through electronic wallets, such as WebMoney wallets. Nevertheless, the real paper money has not yet been canceled, so it becomes relevant periodically the question of the misstiveness of WM. Let's see what kind of WM output is the easiest and most profitable.

Where to begin?

Immediately I want to notice that this operation will require at least a formal certificate. If you currently do not have it, then it's time to arrange. The procedure is very simple, but if you have any questions - you can find a detailed description with step by step instructions In my previous article ".

Each certificate has its daily and monthly limits of the output of funds, therefore immediately evaluate the feasibility of passing a particular verification (data personalization).

What criteria will we evaluate the output methods?

  1. The method of obtaining (card, cash).
  2. Currency.
  3. Speed.
  4. Benefit (loss, commissions).

Approximately the same criteria for the webmoney service itself describes each way on this page.

All WMR output methods?

Since initially we set out to cash out, and not exchange or translate electronic money (I told in detail in the article ""), then we draw attention to the following options:

  1. Postal transfer.
  2. Remittance.
  3. Bank card.
  4. Bank transfer.
  5. Exchange items.

Postal transfer. Official information.

We pay attention to the commission - 0.8% (max. 1500 WMR) + system of the system 0.5% + 2% (at least 40 rubles) \u003d 3.3% and the term of crediting 3-5 days. I evaluate the option on the troechka.

Remittance. Translation services and official information.

The commission is more attractive - 0.8% (standard for webmani) + 0.3-1.5% (depending on the payment system) \u003d 2.3% maximum. The receipt time is quite acceptable - a maximum of 3 hours. I see two disadvantages - you will have to go to the post office to get a translation, and carry out this translation can be exclusively in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Bank transfer. Official information. The option is more interesting in all respects, but will require a little time to deal with the registration of an extract. In the future, when using a similar service, the details will not be added, they will be saved automatically. An example of the proper filling of the statement.

The Commission is only standard 0.8%, the receipt period is a maximum of 1 day (usually requests are processed quite quickly, within a few minutes).

Definitely profitable and quickly. You can check the account status as directly in the bank and using Internet banking (if the bank system allows).

Bank card. To fulfill the translation, not only the card itself will be needed, but also documents confirming that it is yours, for example, an extract or contract. Initially, it is necessary to attach it to the R-wallet. The procedure is simple, but it can take a couple of days (the time for checking documents on the webmoney service and the translation of the first test payment).

Usually all payments come instantly after registration of the application, the Commission is floating. The size will vary depending on the conditions of a particular bank + all the same 0.8% system of webmoney. Official information on banks.webmoney.

You can get additional benefit by choosing a bank with interesting conditions and bonus programs Return of used tools, for example, as here.

Output order simple:

  1. We consider the proposals of the webmoney service for Russia on WebMoney.ru and for Moscow on Geo.Webmoney.ru.
  2. Given the fact that the lists are practically endless, we look at statistics, for example, on top.owebmoney or other monitoring. Another option is Bestchange.ru.
  3. We choose the most reliable, with regular activities for a long time, with a normal amount of the reserve, with a profitable percentage of the Commission and the exchange rate.

I repeat, pay attention not only for the conclusion rate, but also on the commission! Sometimes it is more profitable to cash out at a smaller rate, but also with less extra charge fees.

For timing, options are possible depending on the form of receiving money. When transferring the card is usually instantly, and if cash is needed - with a personal meeting at the agreed time. Standard Commission Size from 1 to 5%. Convenient, as quickly as possible, but not always beneficial.

How to withdraw WMZ?

With direct output or subsequent conversion to the required currency can be performed as follows:

  1. Bank card.
  2. Bank transfer.
  3. Exchange items.
  4. Western Union.

The principle of cashing is similar to the conclusion of rubles. I will show links for registration:

  • bank transfer application - banking;
  • card attachment options to the Z-wallet - cards.wmtransfer.

Before spending time and means to attach a map, calculate what amounts you plan to output. The Commission for this service is 0.8%, but, not less than 8WMZ, therefore, if the standard volumes fluctuate, say, within 100-500 WMZ, then the costs will be significantly overestimated. Select another way.

Western Union. The output is carried out through the ECURRENCY.EXCHANGER service, where a kind of exchange between the participants of the system is performed. Commission - 0.8% + 2% of the amount is charged with the initial design of the transaction as insurance Polisa. and returns to the completion of the operation.

Exchange rate cash It is established by the participants of the section, the speed depends on the time you choose the appropriate application or approval of your application, the distance of the location of the participants from the Western Union separation and the efficiency of their actions.

You can view all available applications and familiarize yourself with the conditions of the system on the Cash.Exchanger.ru page.
The guarantor of the design of the transactions is the service of webmoney.

Here, in principle, all the ways. And how do you withdraw webmoney? Let's share your experience.

Webmoney is a system that allows you to work with virtual money. We can carry out different operations with the internal currency of WebMoney: calculated by them for purchases, replenish the wallet and remove them from the account. This system allows you to withdraw money the same ways as to introduce them to the account. But first things first.

There are quite a lot of ways to remove money with WebMoney. Some of them are suitable for certain currencies, and others for everyone. Almost all currencies can be displayed on bank card And at the expense in another electronic money system, for example, Yandex.Money or PayPal. We will analyze all the ways available today.

Before performing any of the ways described below, be sure to log in in your webmoney account.

Method 1: on a bank card

Also in the webmoney system there is a so-called TelePay service. It is also designed to list the money from the WebMoney wallet on a bank card. The difference is that the Translation Commission is more (at least 1%). In addition, Telepay employees do not conduct any checks when the money is derived. You can transfer money to an absolutely any card, even one that does not belong to the webmoney wallet owner.

To take advantage of this method, you need to do the following:

Ready. After that, the money will be listed on the specified card. As for the deadlines, it all depends on the specific bank. In some banks, money comes within one day (in particular, in the most popular - Sberbank in Russia and PrivatBank in Ukraine).

Method 2: on a virtual bank card

For some currencies, a way to display a virtual, not a real map is available. From the website of WebMoney is redirected to the purchase page of such cards. After purchase, you can manage your purchased card on. In general, during the purchase you will see everything necessary instructions. Subsequently, you can transfer money to a real card or to withdraw them. This method is more suitable for those who want to safely save their funds, but do not trust banks in their own country.

Follow the instructions shown on the screen. Again, depending on the specific card, these instructions may be different.

Method 3: Money Transfer

Method 4: Bank Transfer

Here, the principle of action is exactly the same as in the case of monetary translations. Click on the item " Bank transfer" on the . You will be taken to exactly the same Exchanger service page, as for remittances through Western Union and other similar systems. There will be all the same - choose the right application, follow its terms and wait for the credentials of funds. You can also create your application.

Method 5: Exchanges and Dealers

This method allows you to withdraw money in cash.

Method 6: QIWI, Yandex.Money and other electronic currencies

Means from any WebMoney wallet can be translated to other electronic money systems. Among them QIWI, Yandex.Money, PayPal, there is even Sberbank24 and Privat24.

Method 7: Mail Transfer

The postal transfer is characterized by the fact that money can go to five days. This method is only available for the withdrawal of Russian rubles (WMR).

Method 8: Return from the Garant Account

This method is available only for currencies such as Gold (WMG) and Bitcoin (WMX). To take advantage of them, you need to perform a few simple steps.

Then you will be redirected to Keeper to enumerate funds in the standard way. Such a conclusion usually takes no more than one day.

Also, WMX can be displayed using. It allows you to translate WMX to any other currency webman. Everything is happening in the same way as in the case of electronic money - select an offer, pay your part and wait for the funds to enroll.

Such simple actions make it possible to bring money from your account webmoney in cash or other electronic currency.

In May 2018, Petro Poroshenko issued new lawin which sanctions are imposed on WebMoney. Millions of people now cannot withdraw money from the payment system. After reading this article, you will learn how to withdraw money from Webmoney in Ukraine.

Alas, WMU wallets are frozen during the actions of the sanction (3 years). So no plans for this money in the near future do not build. You will not receive them. The output of money from webmoney is impossible after blocking!But it applies only to the hryvnia. If you need to withdraw rubles or dollars, then you can make it you can using one of the methods provided below.

Users assure that frozen funds can be used after the end of the sanction. WebMoney also hopes that this will happen even earlier and calls people not to stop using WebMoney Transfer services.

Surely, many noticed that now it is impossible for the standard method to obtain the payment of the Ukrainian bank card. But this unpleasant situation can be easily bypass using subsidiary services. We will help simple exchanges. Yes Yes exactly!

How to bring money from webmoney to PrivatBank

Through Internet exchangers

There are many information on the network as to how to conclude webmoney to a card in Ukraine. Recently, we needed to withdraw money ... so do you think? Following the instructions from other sites, the money failed to withdraw. Everywhere hits a mistake:

It is necessary that your card is attached to the webmoney, otherwise you will not work. If you attached the card earlier - you are lucky! If not, then there will be no such operation. Attach the Ukrainian Bank's card on this moment It is impossible. Well, if you try - then we get the following error:

Through other payment systems

But after all, it was necessary to transfer money from Webmoney to another payment (such as: PAYEER, QIWI, etc.) and from there you can already spend them there, where it raises.

Exchange money of another wagon on the nominal in PrivatBank can be using those de exchangers.

Need to choose correctly payment system! And what if your new electronic wallet also got under some kind of ban? Before registration, be sure to check it out.

Comfortable ward for such guides https://payeer.com/ and https://qiwi.com

Attention! For money output, passport data may be required.

Using P2P.

Webmoney itself offers its users to use the P2P card withdrawal.

In a nutshell - this is a kind of money exchange exchange from webmoney to the card, but exclusively between users. Also, with such an exchange, the WebMoney Transfer system's commission will not be recovered, which helps the user to save.

On Privatbank website

Previously, on the official website of Privatbank was the option "Work with e-currency: Input and output of funds "At the time of this article, this service has been unavailable.

In the network, nothing intelligible to discover failed, and the support is simply silent. It is logical to assume that such an opportunity was simply closed in connection with the current ban on Webmoney.

Through Webmoney Russia

Expensive, but working way. You can make a transfer by reference: https://telepay.wmtransfer.com/ru/cards

Everything is simple: fill out the data, click "Continue" and bring payment to a logical completion.

Attention! Payment will be processed within 5 business days!


As you can see, bring webmoney to the Ukrainian map completely easy. All restrictions can be circumvented.

You can transfer money to your bank card in any way if the card for which the transfer is attached to your webmoney wallet is attached to your webmoney.
If not attached - only the second way will come true.

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