
Get a debit card World in Sberbank. Where and how to get a "World" Card Sberbank: Step-by-step instructions and necessary documents. What documents are needed to get and issue a map of Sberbank

The first national Russian plastic cards were released back in December 2015. However, it is still unclear where to get a national payment card "Peace". Defend this article to the expanded answer to this question.

About the map "Mir"

Maps ") was created as a response to malfunctioning" Visa "and Master Card" in 2014, which was the reason for the introduction of sanctions against Russia. The tasks of the NPC are simple and meaningful at the same time:

  • Uninterrupted processing of cards of foreign payment systems in Russia.
  • Creating a national payment card "Peace", which would give its owners 100% confidence that the foreign policy situation will not affect their access to their savings.

With the help of the "Peace" plastic, you can implement the following:

  • Make and remove cash In ATM.
  • Translate savings from the "World" to another card or bank account.
  • Payment in terminal, online banks, mobile applications of any goods and services.
  • List funds for all existing e-wallets.
  • Shopping online.
  • Pay for services and goods abroad (if you have a cobejjing card - with a "world" logo and a different payment system acting at the place of your trip).

The creators took care of the guaranteed security of their product and one hundred percent protection of his fakes, so the increasing number of citizens is interesting, where to get the map "Peace" national System. Protection elements include:

  • Modern chip, reliably keeping information about the owner.
  • Branded hologram "Peace".
  • The sign of the ruble, visible on the map in ultraviolet glow.
  • Card holder signature on the back.

Card takes 1.5 thousand ATMs and more than 100 thousand terminals throughout the country. Almost every trading point is already possible to pay with its help. And after 2-3 years, the creators plan to bring their product to the global market.

Pros and cons

Before telling where to get a "world" map, introduce you to its main advantages and disadvantages.

pros Minuses


In a number of credit institutions, a small fee for the service "Mobile Bank".

Wide prevalence of service points - including in the Crimea.

Independence of access to their money from a foreign policy situation, sanctions, etc.

Map maintenance does not go cheaply by the same "visa" or "Master Card", and in some banks - even more expensive.

Not in all settlements there are ATMs receiving a card, and shopping points, ready to take it to pay.

In addition to cobejiggy, the rest of the cards are useless abroad.

The currency in which the accumulation is stored - only ruble.

Reviews of many users suggest that the system is still a few "raw" - not all ATMs take a card, a failure may happen, service error, etc.

We will talk a little about the prospects for the development of the national payment system.

"Peace" in the future

In the near future, NPCs plans the following:

  • Integration with leading banks of the CIS countries.
  • Global expansion of reception and mapping points on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Release of credit cards.
  • Free service salary cards.
  • The ability to order plastic over the Internet.
  • The launch of a special affiliate program - for attracting a new holder the owner of the World Map will be charged certain bonuses.
  • Introduction of 3D-Secure technology to pay virtual purchases.
  • Implementing the option "Cashback" with a return of 10-15% of the purchase amount on the card.
  • Access to the international market.

Types available for today

Often, where to get the MIR system maps will tell you what kind of types are available for registration for today:

  • Debit: may be both prepaid and just debit. Operations are performed only in online mode. If desired, you can order an "impersonal" version (without instructions of the information about the owner).
  • Classical: Together with a standard version, "Privilege" and "Privilege +" is available. The owners are open a complete package of operations, including shopping in stores and Internet markets.
  • Premium: besides access to your monetary accountsThe ability to make purchases in ordinary and virtual markets, the owner also receives an impressive amount of privileges - caches, additional bonuses, free SMS notification, personal support.

Pension, individual (with a monthly accrual interest on the residue is also drawn up.

At points where you can get a "Peace" card, it is also possible to order her cobejijing version issued in collaboration national with any international System. Such cards allow you to pay freely abroad. Currently available options with:

  • UnionPay;
  • Master Card.

Where to get a "Mir" map: List of issuing banks

Today issues and serves the "world" 131 russian bank. Among this number:

  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • "Tinkoff";
  • "Uralsib";
  • "Alfa Bank";
  • and development ";
  • "UniCredit";
  • "Mail Bank";
  • "BINBANK";
  • "Home Credit";
  • Snezhinsky;
  • "Opening"
  • "VTB 24";
  • Gazprombank
  • "SMP-Bank";
  • MTS-Bank;
  • "Sovcombank";
  • "Svyaz-Bank";
  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • Rosbank;
  • "Raffaisenbank";
  • Promsvyazbank and MN. Dr.

The participating banks of the World Program (serving national cards) today 356, which is just less than 60% of their total number.

Consider the conditions and procedure for receiving the card using the most common example - Sberbank. In other credit organizations The described proceeds in a similar way.

Conditions for receiving a map in Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank is one of the credit institutions where to get the Mir payment card is easiest. The future holder must match a number of simple requirements:

  • Be older than 14 years old.
  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Foreigners can also become the owners of the card, but statements from them are considered individually.
  • Have permanent registration in Russia.
  • When making a social card for receiving a pension to have relevant documents.

So, where to get the National Card World? This can be done in the nearest branch of Sberbank of Russia.

Order of receiving a map in Sberbank

As we have already mentioned, the procedure for obtaining is similar to the algorithm process in all issuers' banks. After you have decided where to get the World Map, you need to take the following:

  1. Contact a bank branch with a passport. If you need a social card, then you will additionally have a certificate of paying for pension provision.
  2. According to this, the employee will make and print a statement. The client's task is to check the correctness of the data entered and assure it with your signature.
  3. Map making is just 1-3 days. About her readiness of the future owner will notify the SMS message, which will be directed to the mobile number specified in the statement.
  4. The SMS will indicate the date when the card will be delivered to the bank. This usually happens after 3-7 days.
  5. In the marked day you need to come to the bank must with the passport.
  6. Be prepared to come up with a PIN code - it will need to be entered when the map is activated. Be sure to remember these numbers well. We do not advise them to record them somewhere, and even more so to report to third parties - even employees of the bank branch!

If you ordered the manufacture of the card via the Internet, then you need to follow the algorithm given from the third item.

Service Tariffs in Sberbank

Imagine in the table Highlights concerning the maintenance of ordinary and social maps "Peace" in Sberbank.

Name of service For a regular map, rub. For social card, rub.
First year of service750 Without fee
Subsequent years of service450 Without fee
Daily removal limit150 000 50 000
Monthly removal limit1 500 000 500 000
Cash reception

In ATMs Sberbank - free.

In other ATMs - 1.25% of the amount.

Cash issuance

Before exceeding daily limit - is free.

If the limit is exceeded - 0.5% of the total amount.

Removing in other ATMs - commission of 1% of the amount (for social cards is impossible).

Reissue due to the wine owner150 30
Account statement15 Without fee

Where to get a "world" card? In one of the 131 banks of the Russian Federation. Each month their quantity will increase. Also becoming the owner of the card can be in any branch of the most common "green bank".

The world is a national Russian payment system, which is an alternative to Visa and MasterCard.

Some have already managed to evaluate the advantages of the card, others are interested in the terms of its service. There is also a question of how to issue a world map in Sberbank online.

Payment system The world is russian systemwhich appeared back in 2014. The purpose of such a development is the security of customers and uninterrupted operation; The ability to process all operations on a map in Russia, and not abroad. The founder is central bank Russian Federation.

The presence of such a card will provide the opportunity to people do not depend on adverse foreign economic and political factors.

How to become the owner of the world map in Sberbank?

For its design, you need to contact the Bank's office with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and write a statement. Card tariffs are somewhat different from the tariffs of other debit cards.

If necessary, the employee can request a SNILS or pension certificate. The deadline for making a card can reach two weeks. Get it you need in the same department where the statement was signed.

Can I order a world map via the Internet?

Customers have the right to file online applications on registration card. For this you need:

After actions, the online application is filling. Filling in three stages. First of all, you must specify your personal data:

These will be:

  • place of Birth;
  • date of Birth;
  • telephone number;
  • e-mail address;
  • citizenship;
  • surname Latinitsa.

After sending a request with a client, a bank employee will contact and clarify the meeting time with the manager in order to pick up the map.


Sberbank of Russia invites people two types of cards of the Patriotic Payment System World:

  • social;
  • classic.

Both cards are produced for 36 months. After that, automatic mode is reissued for a period of another 36 months. To reverse the card will be until the user writes the refusal. The account can only be ruble. You can get cash from the card in any country ATM.

The cost of servicing the classic card in the first year is 750 rubles and 450 rubles from the second year of use. Additionally can be connected Mobile Bank. Card release is free.

During the day, the client can take up to 150,000 rubles. If you need to remove great amountThe Commission in the amount of 0.5% is taken.

Who can arrange a map?

Map The world can issue any bank client aged from 14 years. It is necessary to have a general passport. Social card Only that client who will submit the relevant document may be issued.

The map is possible foreign citizensBut this is done on a special application.

Tariffs on the map

Service Cost (in rubles)
Card "Classical" Map "Social"
1st year of service 750 0 rubles
Further service 450 0 rubles
Transfer due to the wine owner (loss, changes in pin-code, full name) 150 30
Cash reception in the bank branch Free on the territory of living

In another ter.Bank - 1.25% of the amount (at least 30 rubles. And not more than 1,000 rubles)

Limit amount of receipt per day (through the bank manager) 10 million
Cash receipt in the office As part of the day limit - 0 rubles.

In other banks - 1% (minimum 150 rubles)

As part of the daily limit - 0 rubles.

Over the daily limit - 0.5% of the amount of exceeding.

In other banks - not produced

Getting cash at ATM (USA) Sberbank's mustache - 0 rubles

So different bank - 1% of the amount (no less than 100 rubles)

Sberbank's mustache - 0 rubles

In the order - not produced

Daily limit 150 000 50 000
Monthly Limit 1.5 million 500 000
Balance request at another bank ATM 15 Not provided
Mini-extract 15 0 rubles
Unresolved overdraft 40% per annum
Use of Sberbank-Online 0 rubles

Advantages and disadvantages of the world map

The card has a number of pluses:

  • it is possible to connect the bonus program Thanks from Sberbank;
  • pretty large cash removal limit;
  • you can remove a large amount than the set limit;
  • large network of bank ATMs;
  • it is possible to receive a pension on the card;
  • high degree of card protection.

Despite its advantages, the card has a negative side. The disadvantages include an increased cost of service. Many banks offer free service. Also in many terminals there is no possibility of contactless payment.

The map is very popular among those who do not plan to leave the country. It has all the advantages of ordinary cards, but is distinguished by an increased degree of security. To issue a map will not be any difficulty, and this can be done both in the bank's office and on the Internet.

Card manufacturing time

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and others major cities The card will be ready in 2-3 business days, in the areas. Manufacturing and delivery will take from 3 to 10 business days. For shipping to remote settlements May be required up to 15 business days. Exact time can be.

When the card is released, only working days are taken into account. If you order it in the evening on Friday, the production time will be considered from Monday.

Whether the map is ready and when it will be delivered to the office, you can go to Sberbank online in the "Maps" section.

What documents are required to get a card?

To pick up the map, take a passport with you or another document that was used to submit an application for a card. To get a map for another person, you need a notarized attorney.

I am 14 years old. Can I open a map on your own or need a statement from my parents?

Yes, you can independently. You only need a passport, no application from parents. Card can be issued from 14 to 25 years. It is more convenient to order a youth map online.
Fill out a simple questionnaire and wait for an SMS card readiness and an address where it needs to be taken. Then come at a convenient time to the bank and do not forget to capture your passport.

How much is Youth Card.?

The cost of the card is 150 rubles per year. The commission for the first year spikes only after receiving the card. It is issued for three years, so every year the bank will write off the commission of 150 rubles. You will learn about payments from SMS notifications.

Can I choose my card design?

Yes you can. Upload your image, photo, choose ready option or draw your own. Submit your application . The service costs 500 rubles, the fee is charged upon receipt of the card and reissue. Carefully read when you start upload images, because there are limitations.

I have already been 27 years old and I have a valid youth card. What are the conditions I can use it?

You continue to use the card under the same conditions as before.

Where can I arrange a youth card?

You can make a map on Sberbank's website by filling out a simple application, or in the bank office. If you are already our client, you can order a map in Sberbank online.

How to start getting bonuses thanks?

After receiving the card, you must register in the program "Thank you from Sberbank." The easiest way to register is: send SMS to number 900 with the text Thanks 1234, where 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.
You can also register in the program in personal Cabinet Sberbank online and in a Sberbank ATM - find the section "Thank you from Sberbank" and follow the prompts.

Bonuses are accrued automatically when paying by the card - their number depends on the level of privileges.

It should be remembered that the bonuses are accrued only when paying for goods and services. This does not happen when cash with cash in ATMs. But when paying purchases remotely in online stores, bonus thanks are credited to the bill.

How can I find out the details of your card?

To find out the details, in mobile application Sberbank online Find the desired map and click "Show details".

Another way: in the Sberbank Personal Account online, go to the "Maps" section and find the card you want, then "Map Information" → "Requisites for the Card Account".

Banks produce Visa, MasterCard cards, replace them in a timely manner, provide cash, customer access to the card account. Main role Under mutual settlements with plastic, payment systems play.

Management of the Visa Companies, Mastercard is located in the United States. Sophisticated international relations made unreliable use of their products in the Russian Federation. There was a need to organize the work of cards on its own.

The Russian system was developed and launched at the initiative of the government. There are serious tasks in front of it:

  • provide non-cash payments;
  • become attractive to customers;
  • create an alternative to a visa, mastercard.

Read S. payment card The world of Sberbank, we learn how the tasks are solved.

Russian payment system

Some of the first foreign sanctions in 2014 concerned bank cards. They stopped working on the territory of Crimea. In the same year, work began on its own payment system. Everyone who wanted to contribute and expressed their opinion on the name and logo. In December 2015, the first were released and began to work russian maps PEACE.

Plastic of the national system operates throughout the entire Russian Federation, including Crimea. Outside of the state, the world is problematic, most countries are not accepted.

Despite the more modest functionality compared to international cards, the world:

  • is a payment facility that will continue to work even in case of refusal to maintain Visa, MasterCard;
  • make irrational sanctions against international plastic, indirectly ensure its stable operation.

What is this card and why do you need?

The main stream of customers The world is pensioners, servicemen and state employees. Since 2017, the replacement of international cards on Russian started. By federal law Money from the budget can no longer receive with the participation of foreign tools. The exception is made for pensioners: they can go with Maestro with a scheduled reissue, up to mid-2020.

Measure provides:

  • independence of pensions and salaries from solutions of other states;
  • a decent client base of a young system that would not stand market competition.

What looks like

Plastic map The world of Sberbank standard sizes. It causes her room, surname, the name of the holder, the validity period, the electronic chip is built into. On the back of the side there is a magnetic tape, a strip of high-strength paper for the holder signature, CVC code.

The design is performed at the discretion of the bank, periodically updated. Mandatory condition is the presence of a logo in white-green and blue color. With a quick look, the distinction of plastic from the international is unlikely.

Card number

16 digits on the front side are the card number. Do not confuse it with the counting number. It is in details that can be obtained in a bank or find out in the personal account of Internet banking.

What time is the term

The product is valid for 5 years. Developers declare its increased strength and protection against fakes.

What is different from other payment systems?

Differences are essential:

Zone of actionAll Russia, Armenia. The rest of the countries are only on cobejigging cards.All countries, including Russia. The exception is the territory of the Crimea due to sanctions.
CurrencyRubleRuble / euro / US dollar
Validity5 years3 years
Ability to use in salary projectsFor allOnly for employees of commercial organizations
For pensionsSuitableDoes not comply with the law
Technical failuresFrequentRare
Dependence on foreign policyLowHigh

Where you can pay

MIR accept:

  • all Russian retail stores (required from October 2017);
  • utility service providers;
  • state and municipal institutions accepting payment on the map.


  • not all online stores can pay, especially with the participation of foreign companies;
  • no opportunity to use abroad.

Is it possible to pay abroad?

Plastic works in Armenia. In other countries, the world is not accepted. Negotiations are underway for admission to EurAsEC countries, Turkey, UAE, Thailand and other popular resorts. So far, the agreements are not achieved.

  • cashless payment;
  • obtaining cash in ATMs and cash desks;
  • departure and receiving translations, including payments from the budget.


Having understood that for the world map from Sberbank and why it is necessary, it is useful to learn about its additional features:

  • access to remote services;
  • replenishment of cash and non-cash transfers;
  • connecting auto-plates to pay for cellular communication, communal and other services;
  • transferring money to a separate customer account with comfortable amounts automatically (service Piggy Bank).

Cobejding Card Sberbank World

Two or more payment systems may agree on working together. The same plastic will be served in different territories in different systems. Such a service is practiced in the absence of technical support Individual companies in some states are called Kobejing.

The world has concluded agreements with MasterCard (Maestro), UnionPay, JCB. Some banks began the release of cobejigging cards. Due to low demand, it is impossible to use them as salary and pension - Sberbank is not engaged in their release.

What categories are the world maps

On the official Sberbank website, three types of carriers are offered: classic, gold, social / retirement cards. In the premium segment, individual offers come participants in salary projects.


The product implies the provision of the Client to use some amount that is available through payment by card or withdraw from it. For the use of funds, the Bank charges the Commission. With cashless payment acts grace period From 20 to 50 days, when the client can replenish the balance of the card, without paying interest.

Russian system is young, and for 2018 Sberbank does not offer credit cards PEACE.


Basic set of functions whose task is to replace cash in the ports of the client. Map allows you to:

  • deposit cash on it;
  • receive, send translations;
  • pay at the checkout, presenting plastic instead of money;
  • if necessary, remove funds in an ATM;
  • use remote bank services.

Sberbank produces the most common variety of plastic - debit without overdraft. They look like international ones.


Used mainly as salary for civil servants and other state employees. Holders in this case are free.

Plastic provides a complete functional debit card. Limits for cash receipt, cachek are the same as international standart.


Daily cash removal limit is set 2 times more compared with a standard product.

Increased bonuses are accrued with cashless payments in the previous month in the amount of over 15,000 rubles.

Receiving payments from the budget. However, due to the high cost of the organization, it is refused to contain it. Optionally, you can pay annual service yourself, saying details for enumerations.


Preferential product. Provided by confirming its right to receive payments from the FIU and other pension bodies, as well as those who go with the Maestro Social.

From you can refuse, choosing a different method of obtaining payments: on a deposit account in a bank or cash via mail.

Other varieties

The press regularly appear announcements about the upcoming start. But until the end of the first half of 2018, the premium and credit cards world in Sberbank in free access never appeared.

For a personal offer, some participants are offered to obtain debit premium or premium +. There is no accurate information about tariff conditions and service conditions. There is a message that products are similar to Platinum and Infinite.

Premium international plastic provides elevated cash limits, increased bonuses Thank you, VIP service, Infinite - Additionally free extended travel insurance.

Service cost

Service cost750 rub. in the 1st year, 450 - each subsequentIs free3000 rub. for each code
Reissue fee for reasons depending on the holder150 rub.30 rubles.Is free
Daily limit for cash without commission, thousand rubles.150 50 300
Monthly Maximum Clearing without Commission1.5 million500 thousand3 million
Accrual interest on the residue3,5%
Mobile Bank60 rub. / Month.30 rubles / month.Is free
BonusesAccording to general rulesThe ability to get elevated

How to get a?

  1. Apply, report passport data.
  2. Wait for SMS on card readiness to issue. This stage lasts from 2 to 14 days in different regions. Making often happens in another city, it takes time to deliver.
  3. Place your passport, get a map.

Ways to get a map

Issuance is always in the office of the bank. You can order there or via the Internet.

Conditions and requirements

To obtain classic and gold world:

  • age of 14 years;
  • permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

In confirmation, present a passport if the registration is temporary, as well as evidence.

Compliance with the requirements required for issuing a retirement card:

  • citizen of any state and stateless person;
  • under the age of 18 years;
  • with constant or temporary registration in Russia;
  • confirmed right to receive a pension from departments in the Russian Federation.

Relevant documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of receipt of a pension with blue seal;
  • if there is a temporary registration certificate.

In the department

Contact your bank employee by using e-queue. Passport and inform your desire to get plastic.

The employee will tell you about the product, you can ask for written rules, tariffs, familiarize yourself with them. Ask the questions you are interested in, the manager's responsibility includes an explanation of all the ambiguities to the client.

Fill standard application. An employee will report an indicative time delivery time.

Through the Internet

Online application is available on the Bank's website. Go to the information about the map you are interested in, click on the design button. The algorithm will be different from the current customer or new. In any case, in the menu that opens, fill in the corresponding sections. The Bank will consider the application, within 2-3 days notify the result.

From the employer

Participants in salary projects can receive plastic at work. However, this is an opportunity, not a commitment. If you wish, you can pick up the map in the passport department, without waiting for delivery to the enterprise. You can also refuse, saying in accounting any other convenient way receiving money:

  • through the cashier;
  • on a deposit account;
  • at the expense of another card.

Is it possible to release to the main additional card?

The ability provides only Gold. The cost of additional plastic is 2500 rubles per year. The classical and pension world do not provide for the release of the second card to the account.

Card Management

Get the information you are interested in, perform operations. cashless payment and translations can be in several ways:

  • bank office;
  • aTM;
  • personal Computer;
  • mobile app.

Facial account card

Money is stored on the bank account. If you have reported to list the funds of the account details, when replacing the card, the money will continue to be unhindered. If you gave someone a card number for transfers, the data must be updated after reissue.

Sberbank Online

Remote service allows you from any computer or phone that has access to the Internet, use and manage your accounts in Sberbank. With it, you can:

  • receive information about the movements of money on accounts;
  • pay housing utilities, taxes, cellular communication, penalties and other accounts for details;
  • transfer money to individuals and legal entities.

What if not displayed in the office?

Contact the Bank's Office, or call technical support at 900.

Causes are different, the most common are associated with the design:

  • typo when making client data to the database;
  • unsuccessful data exchange when opening cards in different compartments.

Mobile Bank

The full package of remote service allows you to receive on your phone:

  • notifications of write-off and enrollment;
  • passwords to confirm non-cash operations;
  • information on loan debt;
  • bank offers and other useful information.

Depending on the tariff, the service costs from 0 to 60 rubles per month. All customers are available free economical package, which allows you to receive all the information besides the receipt and consumption of funds.

What if you can't pay?

Terminals regularly refuse to accept plastic to pay. This happens in retail, online stores. Possible reasons:

  • incorrect PIN;
  • expired;
  • the map is inserted by the erroneous side;
  • error when entering data cards (Internet);
  • plastic is damaged;
  • insufficient funds;
  • the terminal is faulty;
  • the seller incorrectly executes the operation (for example, intern);
  • failure in the payment system.

What to do:

  • make sure the correctness of your actions will try to pay out;
  • try to make any operation in another terminal;
  • if unsuccessful attempts in different terminals, contact your bank.

Discounts and bonuses

Maps world allow you to connect bonus program Thank you. Points in the amount of at least 0.5% of all purchases will accumulate on a separate account. Sberbank partners are charged with an increased cachek, which sometimes reaches 30% and higher.

Many of them also accept bonuses to pay. The list of participants and their conditions are constantly updated, displayed on the bank's website in the Thank you. Check out current information.

The world proposes to register a map on its website and participate in the cachek program. The feature of the service is that it is not possible to get bonuses in all regions of Russia.

Practical jokes

The world encourages payments for payments. The action regularly passes through which customers:

  • registered plastic on the website of the payment system;
  • pay in stores world;
  • all purchases from 500 rubles participate in the raffle of valuable prizes - amounts to 1 million rubles, cars.

Pros and cons cards

Benefits Map World from Sberbank:

  • the ability to receive payments from the budget for plastic - the main dignity;
  • availability of free offers;
  • wide network of ATMs;
  • attractive loyalty programs from both the bank and the payment system;
  • ability to use in the Crimea.

There are serious shortcomings:

  • the system is new, its work sometimes fails;
  • serious restrictions when paying abroad;
  • lack of credit products;
  • the only bill currency ruble;
  • not all online stores take the world;
  • imposing contactless payment features;
  • service price is the same as international products, quality is inferior.

Video: On the creation of a national payment system


Assessing the product Map World from Sberbank Pluses and Cons, many make a choice in favor of international competitors. We can still use a visa and mastercard at your own expense. There are no obstacles to shoot, transfer the salary or pension from social, salary plastic to another.

However, the world is an important stage in economic Development Russia. The state has created a national payment SystemAnd contains it: cards are free for payments, but the budget pays for their service. Those the most money that went to foreign companies Visa, MasterCard.

The system has great potential. How correctly it will be implemented, we will find out in a few years.

The payment system of the world began working in 2015 as the Russian alternative to Visa, MasterCard. Its main advantages over international services:

  • work in the Crimea, where American competitors are not serviced due to sanctions;
  • the ability to receive pensions, wages to state employees and military on bank card; Since mid-2017, such payments on the law are possible only without the participation of foreign organizations.

The number of clients of the national system is rapidly increasing. Pictures of popularity comes on vacation seasons. Together with the search for hotels and apartments in Crimea travelers are looking for how to order a map of the world in Sberbank online.

What you need to get a map

Classic plastic is issued to customers from 14 years old, gold - with 18. For registration requires constant or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

Prepare documents:

  • passport;
  • if registration is temporary, evidence.

Select the type of media


  • make payments in Russian retail stores, Armenia;
  • send and receive translations;
  • pay utilities, taxes, phone and other;
  • receive salary in any Russian organization;
  • use the score via the Internet from any computer, phone;
  • run the accumulation of bonuses thanks.

Currency accounts - ruble. Increased strength plastic card Provides its life for 5 years. Plastic allows you to conduct contactless payment. Individual design service is not provided.

The most common classic world, it is issued free of state employees as a salary. With an independent choice, it is advisable to figure out what the difference between it and gold.


Service in the first year costs 750 rubles, for each subsequent - 450. Additional map is not issued. Holder pay 150 rubles. For early reissue when changing the surname, loss card or pin. In cases of card malfunction, a new adventure is made without a commission. Connecting a full package mobile Bank It costs 60 rubles every month, the economy package is free.

  • cash loss per day through Sberbank - 150 thousand rubles;
  • cashing a month through Sberbank - 1.5 million;
  • cash reception per day - 10 million;
  • payment on the card is not limited;
  • obtaining cash in third-party credit organizations Sberbank is not limited, but the Commission is held from 0.5 to 1%.


Service in the first and every next year costs 3000 rubles, it is possible to release an additional card with an annual payment of 2500 rubles. The benefits of the product in front of the classic are in elevated limits and free options.

From the holders of the Golden World, the Commission is not charged:

  • for reissue, regardless of the reasons;
  • for a complete package of a mobile bank.
  • you can remove through Sberbank to 300 thousand per day, up to 3 million per month;
  • replenishment up to 10 million daily;
  • in third-party banks cashlessing without restrictions, but with a commission of 0.5-1%.

If in the previous month the amount of payment exceeded 15 thousand rubles, customers get elevated bonuses thanks:

  • in restaurants 5%;
  • in supermarkets 1%;
  • sberbank partners up to 20%, sometimes more;
  • for all other purchases of 0.5%.

We draw up in the bank's department

  1. Take a passport with you; In case of temporary registration, also evidence.
  2. Present documents to the Bank employee, report the intention to open the world map.
  3. Check out the terms of service. You can ask for a written contract, service rules, a tariff plan for hands, study the nuances. If something is not clear, ask the manager, making your application. His responsibilities include explaining all questions.
  4. The employee will fill out a plastic application, carefully check the document if all information is correct, sign. The application is filed.

We order through Sberbank online

  1. From the main menu of the personal account, go to the map section.
  2. Click on the link of the debit plastic.
  3. A page will appear with all available products, under each of them 2 keys: order, details.
  4. Opening detailed information about plastic, you will familiarize yourself with tariffing. At the bottom of each page with the cost of reference services to the Offer documents.
  5. Selecting the type of plastic, go to the order by clicking the corresponding button.

In automatic mode, fields with name and telephone will be filled. You will be asked to choose a mobile bank service package, a department of issuing a map. You can also manually change the writing of your name in Latin.

If you wish to bind the world to the new number, contact your passport to the office, through Sberbank-online technical feature is missing in order to avoid fraud.

  1. Having completed data entry, click "Embosses".
  2. Check the correctness of the application. If the corrections are not required, confirm the application by pressing the corresponding button.

We order from the site

If you do not use Sberbank online, you can order a map of the world via the Internet from the site without authorization. With independent fill, carefully check the data. In the case of an error assumes, it is possible to abandon the card without paying for it. But your banking history is spoiled, in the future you will be more difficult to get some services.

We order via the Internet step by step:

  1. On the Sberbank website, click on the link with the card you are interested in.
  2. Check out the product information. The page is summarized the main conditions, they wear an advertising character. The description is the description of the description:
  • banking service agreement;
  • terms of Service;
  • tariffs;
  • memo.

The listed documents are an official offer, have legal force.

How to find out whether the card is ready?

When making an application, the site or bank employee will report the estimated delivery time of finished plastic. But you can also track the status of manufacturing and delivery by phone. hot line - 900 (number), in a personal account or contacting the office with a passport. On the day of receipt of the card to the issuance office you will receive an SMS notification.

Through the Internet

Sberbank clients via the online service see the map in the Personal Account as soon as the card account is headed. The product is not reflected only if the error assumes when designing.

Opposite the card label will be indicated by its status at the moment (manufactured, released, delivered), as well as an indicative date of arrival in the issuance department. If plastic is already in the office, the status will be "ready for extradition."

Not having access to Sberbank Online, You can get information about making a map through the feedback form on the bank's website. Link to it there is at the top of any page. Fill in all fields of handling, click the "Send" button. Wait for a response through the selected connection tool.

Manufacturing time

The Bank processes applications for debit cards within 1-2 days, immediately produces plastic. The rest of the time goes for delivery. In some regions, it takes 2-3 days, in most cities get a map of the world in Sberbank within 2 weeks.

Where to get

The issuance occurs in the separation selected when designing:

  • when submitting through the office, a card with a PIN envelope will be delivered there;
  • Sberbank-Online default indicates a compartment in which one of your accounts is opened;
  • the site offers to choose a department, pre-specifying the region, district.

When receiving plastic ordered through the site, you will be asked to present the documents specified when submitting an application. In other cases, enough passports.

How is the retirement card

Conditions for issuing:

  • age from 18 years;
  • permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
  • the right to receive a pension in the Russian Federation;
  • the citizenship of the pensioner does not matter.

Documents will be required:

  • passport;
  • certificate of registration if available;
  • certificate of payments; If your pension enters the contribution or other card in Sberbank, the certificate is not required.

Present documents, make an application for receipt. Wait until I am inviting to get the world map in Sberbank. If SMS does not come within 3 weeks, ask about the manufacture of the Bank or by phone 88005555550 or 900.

Having received, you can write an application for transfer to her pensions. If you wish, do it later, ask the details card account. You can transfer a pension to a card through MFC, FIU or any branch of Sberbank. Required:

  • passport;
  • fill out an application;
  • specify details for enumeration.

Features Getting a salary card

Traditionally, plastic is drawn up by accounting forces, at the expense of the enterprise. The employee is proposed to issue a map, with agreement its data is transferred to the bank. After some time (usually up to 3 weeks) comes to the organization, an employee without separation from production is issued. This is the most common way, because it is quite convenient for all interested parties. There are alternative options:

  • the employee has its own card similar to those issued by salary project, it is possible to report details of the accounts to the accounting department for binding to the Agreement of the Organization with the Bank;
  • there is a map suitable for the conditions for obtaining a salary, but its status does not correspond to the corporate (for example, a state employee has its own golden world); An employee can tell the account details, independently paying the content of the card;
  • employees do not need to wait for the delivery of plastic to the workplace; Having learned about his readiness for extradition, you can contact your passport to the receipt department.


Sberbank made cards with a convenient wide range of target audience:

  • experienced Internet users with comfort are ordered from home;
  • supporters of traditional methods opened a wide network of offices.

On its website, the Bank informs that in the future the delivery of plastic will be possible through the courier. Now the receipt is happening exclusively in the departments.

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