
Loans BPS Sberbank to individuals. Credits for housing BPS Sberbank. Online booking card order

Maxim Demchenko

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BPS Sberbank offers loans for individuals to consumer needs and training. The bank issues loans both without collateral and with the provision of a deposit, real estate, car or under guarantee.

BPS Sberbank issues consumer loans for three programs. The borrower can get a loan for shopping or learning.

"It's time to act with Sberbank!"

This option is suitable for borrowers who can provide security in the form of a deposit, real estate or transport.

"Learning together"

This loan can be obtained to pay for the training of relatives in the Republic of Belarus. At the moment, the loan is not issued.

Lending terms

The credit institution issues loans, both without collateral and with the provision or guarantion. As a collateral, you can provide real estate, transport or deposit. The conditions for issuing a loan differ depending on the purpose and credit rating.

General terms

BPS Sberbank issues all loans at a rate of 15.8% per annum. The bid of loans floating and depends on the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The loan period depends on the selected option. Loan for consumer purposes can be issued for up to 5 years. To calculate the available loan amount, you can use an online calculator on the bank's website.

The client is obliged to pay a loan on the bank established by the bank. For violation of the repayment time, a credit institution takes a fine. The size of the penalty is 0.3% of the amount of debt per percent for each day of delay and 10% amount of debt over the body of the loan.

Features of the provision of a loan

The loan "Learning Together" is issued in the form of a non-renewable credit line. The maximum amount of the loan in the framework of the training contract is 50 000 BYN. The prerequisite for this loan is the presence of one or two guarantors.

The Bank establishes a minimum loan rate for customers who insured against an accident or severe illness. On similar conditions, the COMPASS card holders can be issued for various categories that sent a credit application through Sberbank online systems or a "partner online".

Requirements for the borrower

BPS Sberbank makes requirements for the age and citizenship of the client. In addition, the value has a permanent place of residence and employment. It is desirable that the borrower had a positive credit history.

A general list of requirements for potential borrowers:

  1. Age - 18 years to 65 years.
  2. Citizenship is a RB citizen who has a residence permit permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
  3. Availability of registration in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. The minimum experience in the last place of work is at least 3 months.
  5. Officially confirmed income on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
  6. The category of the borrower is a working or pensioner.

Required documents

To make a decision on the issuance of a loan, BPS Sberbank requires a customer to confirm social status. When issuing a loan, documents confirming citizenship and income information will be required.


The list of compulsory includes:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit.
  2. On income for 3 months (the amount of the retirement received, income of the IP).


List of additional documents:

  1. Military card for men of recruiting age.
  2. In case of non-cash transfer - an invoice and / or sale agreement.
  3. Treaty for training.

The bank can request other documents if they are required to make a decision. These may be certificates of ownership, insurance policy or a document confirming additional income.

Methods of registration

You can make a credit application with one of two ways - via the Internet by sending an online application, or by visiting the Bank's Office.

Through the Internet

The credit application can be quickly applied on the BPS Sberbank website. To do this, select a credit product and click on the "Online Application" button. Next, you need to select the type of product and fill the fields of the questionnaire. To apply, you need to click "Send to Bank".

BPS Sberbank will consider the request and report deciding within 2 days.

In the office

To find out where the nearest bobs of the Bank is located, you need to go through the link "Divisions and ATMs" in the header of the site. If you specify the city and choose the "Divisions" tab, the service will show the nearest branches on the map or list.

Methods for getting

Get a consumer loan in the BPS Sberbank can be only non-cash. The credit organization issues it with a single amount by listed:

  • on an open card bill account;
  • at the expense of a third party.

If you need to get cash, then they can be removed from the card or bank account. Commission for cash withdrawal in another currency is 1.5%.

On the loan, "Learning Together", the Bank opens up a non-renewable credit line. After setting the account with an educational organization for the period of study, you can pay for their studies from credit funds.

Methods of repayment

BPS Sberbank demands to repay the debt on the body of the loan and interest in the scheduled time. To pay a loan on time, you must choose the way to repay.

Without commission

C Commission

From these options, you can choose any convenient way to repay a loan in the BPS Bank, suitable for a term and cost. It is important to remember that for delaying payment, the credit organization charges penalties.

BPS Sberbank offers to individuals several consumer loans. Each product is suitable for solving certain financial tasks. The program "It's time to act with Sberbank!" Helps quickly get the right amount for the purchase. According to the "classic" loan, you can get a large amount on bail. If money is needed for training, it is convenient to place a credit line "Learning Together".

BPS Sberbank OJSC is considered one of the oldest and largest credit institutions in the Republic of Belarus, which was founded in 1923. Customers are available all kinds of banking programs. Loans are provided in different currencies to choose from favorable conditions, a convenient repayment scheme, a flexible approach to the selection and assessment of the collateral. Today, individuals, small and corporate business BPS Bank offers loans for the purchase of housing, cars and any other goals.

BPS Bank Credit for real estate of any species issues for a period not exceeding 20 years with the smallest size of the initial contribution of -10%, but if desired, you can make more.

At the same time, the borrower is available to buy an apartment on the primary and secondary market, construction in an apartment building, as well as the construction or restoration of residential premises in an apartment building, a residential block or single-headed house according to a subsidy granted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 240 of July 4, 2017.

The minimum loan amount is 5,000 rubles, and its maximum size affects the method of fulfilling liabilities:

  1. If the borrower will attract from 2 to 5 guarantors, it will receive up to 90% of the cost of the home, but not more than 150 thousand dollars.
  2. If a warranty deposit of funds in the Belarusian / foreign monetary unit is open - 80%.
  3. If property rights are transferred to the deposit of the ultimate or purchased dwelling with further transfer of real estate, the car of the borrower or a third party is 70%.

Note! When calculating the maximum amount of the loan, not only the income of the borrower, but also attracted family members (wife / husband of the borrower) or the closest relative.

Credit funds are provided with a one-time payment or non-renewable credit line by crediting money to the seller's current account.

Making payments on the payment of the principal debt and interest is always carried out up to the 20th, and the repayment of interest rates begins the next month after the signing of the loan agreement.

Interest rates

The amount of interest rate for the use of borrowed means for each banking program is different and depends on certain factors:

The refinancing rate of the Republic of Belarus from February 14, 2018 is 10.5%. When it changes it will decrease or increase the percentage of all credit products.


BPS Bank approves loans at housing borrowers, corresponding to a number of requirements:

  1. The presence of Belarusian citizenship or residence view.
  2. Minimum age at the date of concluding a contract - 18 years.
  3. The maximum age on the day of making the latest payment is 75 years.
  4. Official employment from 6 months at the current place of work (under the construction program and the reconstruction of housing using subsidies is enough 3 months).

Guarantors or co-workers should also fall under these conditions.

Required documents

For consideration of a loan application, a borrower (guarantor), it is necessary to apply a predetermined package of documents to the application-questionnaire:

If the borrower wants to take into account the salary of the spouse / spouse or a close relative, then they must give written consent to this written consent. Also, the bank will need a document indicating the cost of the object of pledge and confirming that it is owned by the applicant.

Online application application process

You can send a request to the BP- Bank for the construction or purchase of housing both in the institution's office and on the Internet. The second way is much more convenient, as the process is significantly accelerated, and the borrower will not spend an extra time on the road to the banking institution. The application of the online application is simple, and even inexperienced PC users will be able to do it. For this you need to perform several steps.

The emergence of a problem financial situation is characterized by every person without exception. In such cases, the only way out of the current situation is the issuance of a loan in the BPS Bank, where loans for consumer needs are issued without confirmation of their targeted use.

Get urgent loans can every adult citizen of Belarus, which meets certain creditor requirements.

As for crediting conditions, in relation to each client they are individual, which depends not only on the level of its material well-being, but also from the lending program.


Receive a loan in the BPS Bank in the framework of this program. Individuals can only be provided with the provision of collateral in the form of real estate. The role of a loan may be the guarantee of a third party or the opening of the warranty deposit in this financial structure.

  • annual interest rate:
    • the minimum mark is 15.8%;
    • the maximum mark is not indicated, it may be higher than indicated, which depends on the diverse changes and innovations of the National Bank.
  • the term of using cash borrowed funds:
    • from 12 months (1 year);
    • up to 60 months (5 years).
  • consumer loan size in BPS Bank:
    • 300 Belarusian rubles, at a minimum;
    • the maximum amount is not indicated, it depends on the level of solvency of the borrower and the size of the monthly income.

"It's time to act with Sberbank!"

Thanks to this tariff, take the consumer loan there is an opportunity for both individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

Moreover, a considerable amount of money can be obtained without a certificate of income and guarantors, the main thing is responsible to refer to the lending process:

  • interest rate:
    • the minimum rate is 15.8% per year;
    • the maximum rate is not indicated on the bank's website, but it is specified that the mark may be higher than the specified one.
  • the period at the end of which the loan must be repaid in full:
    • 12 months, not less;
    • 60 months, no more.
  • the amount of money debt:
    • from 300 Belarusian rubles;
    • up to 5 thousand Belarusian rubles without providing income certificates;
    • up to 100 thousand Belarusian rubles with the provision of certificates of income and other documents confirming the solvency of the borrower.


In order to get a loan in the BPS, it will be necessary to visit the department of this financial structure and contact the employee for work with individuals. During a conversation with a specialist, it will be necessary to voice the desired amount, after which the client will be selected and the most advantageous offer is presented.

You can make a loan online, for which it is enough to visit the official website of the bank and apply for money debt.

Requirements for individuals

The lending process cannot be submitted without providing borrowers a specific package of documents. Also, to obtain borrowed funds, every citizen without exception will have to correspond to a minor list of requirements:

  • customer age:
    • at least 18 years at the time of registration of the debt;
    • not more than 65 years at the time of the full repayment of debt before the BPS Bank.
  • citizenship is the Republic of Belarus (citizens of other countries loans are also issued, for which it is enough to have a residence permit, the remaining conditions for issuing a loan can be found by contacting the financial structure directly);
  • labor experience - 3 months on the last (current) place of work, at a minimum.

Required documents

The last thing that will be required from the borrower is to provide an employee to work with individuals a certain package of documents, which would be able to confirm not only the personality of the borrower, but also the level of its solvency:

Individual entrepreneurs can provide an extract on a bank account or financial report over the past year - these securities will be enough to assess the financial position of the individual. Pensioners will suggest a certificate from the state body about the amount of the monthly pension monthly.

Credit online Calculator BPS Sberbank Provides you with the opportunity to calculate the costs associated with the payment of credit loans. With this convenient tool you can calculate not only the amount of the loan, but also the amount of overpayment and other parameters

BPS Sberbank offers its customers credit "For consumer needs". The loan rate is 44% per annum. Money can be obtained in cash or bank transfer to your cardschet. One of the mandatory conditions for obtaining a loan is the presence of a guarantor and providing a certificate of salary for 3 months from the current place of work. The loan period can be from 2 to 5 years. It is important that early repayment occurs without fines.

If you have an urgent question, you can always contact the hotline Call Center specialists.

Location of the Head Office: Minsk

Consumer Credit Consumer Credit Credit Sberbank

Rub. $ euro cu

1.5 years \u003d 18 months, 2 years \u003d 24 months, 5 years \u003d 60 months

Housewarming with Sberbank

  • a questionnaire;
  • passport;

Construction and reconstruction of housing with subsidies

Credit for any purpose

"It's time to act"


  • application form in the form of a questionnaire;
  • military ID;

Car loans

  • new vehicles;

Credit card

Real credit card

  • minimum set of papers;
  • profitable rate.

Present credit card with Grace period

Overdraft on credit card

  • rational interest rates;

Refinancing loan

"It's time to act"

Credit on education

"We learn together"

  • the rate is 16.3%;

Credits for consumer needs in BPS Bank

BPS Bank is the largest bank of the Republic of Belarus. Since 2009, the joint-stock company Sberbank of Russia is part of the joint stock company.

Consumer loans BPS Sberbank

The bank offers the choice of consumer loans (the currency is indicated in Belarusian rubles):

Classical - For any purpose, from 15.8% per annum, from 300 rubles. From year to 5 years. The maximum size is calculated on the basis of the solvency of the borrower. Income certificate is not required (except for IP owners). The rate depends on the size of the loan. The period of consideration of the application is up to 10 days.

It's time to act with Sberbank - For any purpose, 300-100,000 rubles, from year to 5 years. For loans up to 5,000 rubles, no certificate of income is required. The term of consideration is not more than 2 days.

Learning together - Loan on the payment of training, 15.8% per annum, 300 - 50,000 rubles (the amount issued cannot be higher than the amount of the training value). The maximum period is not more than 11 years. You can pay for your training, as well as the training of relatives. Suitable for basic and additional education. It is necessary to provide documents confirming training and ending learning. The loan is issued under the guarantee (more than 10,000 rubles need 2 guarantors). The time consideration of the application is 2 days.

It's time to act with Sberbank - on refinancing. From 15.8%. The minimum amount of 300 rubles, the maximum is calculated from the solvency of the borrower and the amount of loans repaid. Period up to 84 months. Suitable for refinancing consumer, auto, overdraft loans, but not more than 5. See also: how much time Sberbank considers applications for a loan.

You can also make credit cards:

  • Map FUN with installments up to 1 year in partner stores, with cachekack up to 1% and Visa Klassik to pay for goods and services
  • This credit card is up to 5,000 - 10,000 rubles for a period of up to 60 months. Minimum rate 15.8%.

Credit registration in the BPS Bank

You can apply for credit on the BPS website. It is necessary to choose the view and purpose of the loan, confirm age, registration, the presence of permanent income and the absence of overdue on loans.

After submitting an application, you must wait for the answer to the bank manager. You can make a loan in any branch of the bank. The consideration time depends on the amount and conditions of credit. See also: reviews of Alpha Banks.

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Period of work in the current place - over 3 months.
  • Age from 18 to 65 years.
  • Passport citizen of Belarus.

To calculate the loan, it is convenient to use a credit calculator on the bank's website.

BPS Bank: Credits for consumer needs

The company BPS Sberbank is in favor of the largest and most common organization in the Republic of Belarus. Her story leaves back in the distant times of the USSR. In general, it all started since 1923, when this institution performed as a sectoral building structure. And when reforms in the banking sector of 1987 occurred, industrial and construction bank of the USSR was formed at its base. In 1991, the establishment of a joint-stock commercial institution of the Belarusian Industrial Construction Bank was established.

In 2009, a large strategic investor was attracted to the company. Since then, the management of the Savings Bank of Russia, together with the Belarusian government, decided to agree on the purchase of "Sberbank" of shares in the amount of 93.27%. An investment agreement on the long-term development of this organization in Belarus was also concluded. In 2011, she was renamed the existing name.

To date, the organization boasts an extensive branched network of branches. In addition to the central apparatus, it includes as many as 6 regional levels, as well as 59 additional offices. The bank owns its own representation in Warsaw. Historically, such a picture has developed that state institutions act as clients of the organization, as well as firms operating in basic economically industries. The bank is universal and engaged in the active development of retail service and business programs.

We are interested in the bank loans for consumer needs from "BPS".

Lending to the population in order to buy housing is one of the most common programs of this organization. You can select several directions, each of them includes special conditions.

This loan is issued for the purchase of finished housing or to build from scratch. In order to count on borrowed funds, the borrower must be in the age range of 18-75 years. From the documents will be required to provide:

  • a questionnaire;
  • passport;
  • documents indicating income receipt;
  • paper related to ensuring loan obligations.

Loan rates from 16.3 to 16.8%, depending on the conditions you can find on the site.

This program allows you to build a dwelling (single-headed individual house or apartment) or improve its appearance. The minimum amount is 5,000 Belarusian rubles, and the maximum value should not exceed the maximum price of the residential structure, which is determined on the basis of the decision of the Executive Committee. The provision of borrowed funds is 20 years, while the borrower will require a guarantee in the form of a pledge and guarantee.

Real estate financing "Novosella" with Sberbank and Scyth

For a loan can be calculated by the faces of 18-75 years. If we are talking about a able-bodied part of the population, it is important that the borrower worked in the last place for 6 months and had a stable income. A set of documents is determined individually for each borrower, although in general it is considered universal.

Loans "BPS" of the Bank to individuals for the purchase of housing is diverse.

Within the framework of this program, the consumer can count on obtaining loan funds by the amount of up to 100,000 Belarusian rubles. Since the program assumes any goals, the borrower is not obliged to report to the bank in terms of costs. In addition, if the borrower does not want to make a certificate of income or cannot do this, it can count on receiving the amount up to 3000 rubles. The rate is from 16.3%, and the term is up to 5 years.

The potential bank client may submit an online application for a consumer loan called "Classic". The rate is equal from 16.3%, and the term is 1-5 years. From the documents will have to bring the following set:

  • application form in the form of a questionnaire;
  • document certifying your identity;
  • military ID;
  • reference materials from the place of work on stable income and experience.

The age of the borrower should be in the range of 18-65 years. In the last place of work, you need to work from 6 months.

Automobile lending programs in this financial institution are particularly popular. The Financial Institution has the "Main Road" program, within which the loan is provided for purchase:

  • new vehicles;
  • cars, used (key requirement - age should be not more than 10 years by the time of the conclusion of the agreement).

The bank's credit application can be considered even if the client does not bring a sales contract. You can take a loan in the "BPS" bank to buy your own car in the amount of 100% of the cost of the vehicle. The price determination is carried out depending on which method of fulfilling the obligations will be selected. % Rate - from 16.3, and the term is up to 7 years.

Plastic cards that borrowed credit accounts are attributed to, recently gain popularity, and BPS, followed by the West example, has developed unique and profitable programs.

This card can be used for anything. Want to go on a journey or make shopping? Or maybe make a useful and pleasant purchase? Then this opportunity is for you! This credit card has many significant advantages:

  • convenient return period of credit resources - 36-60 months;
  • the ability to receive a loan to 3000 p. without the need for references;
  • the efficiency of consideration of the application;
  • minimum set of papers;
  • profitable rate.

Under this time period is understood by the interval, within which it is possible to use loan funds at a rate of 1%. It is 50 days. A credit card, like the past product, has convenient repayment opportunities, including a period of up to 5 years. The application is considered quickly, and only the minimum package of documents will be required to obtain the desired amount.

After placing an overdraft once, you will get constant access to financial resources. Moreover, the loyal program offers customers a lot of opportunities:

  • convenient repayment period - up to 12 months;
  • limited consideration framework;
  • providing a small packet of papers;
  • rational interest rates;
  • selection of cards of any categories and payment systems.

As you can see, loans for consumer needs "BPS Sberbank" offers large quantities.

If you have accumulated debt in other financial structures, you can easily repay them by using one of the refinancing programs.

When refinancing a mortgage, the bank issues a loan from 5,000 rubles, and the maximum value has a dependence on the creditworthiness of the applicant. But it should be no more than the balance of the principal debt. Term - up to 20 years.

If you need to combine several credits in one and make a schedule of payments more rational, then this feature is what you need. The maximum amount comes from the applicant's creditworthiness and includes the balance of the principal debt and an additional amount (if desired and necessity). The amount is from 300 r., The rate is 16.3%, a period of up to 7 years.

Another common variety of loans offered by this organization for individuals is a loan for education.

This is a consumer loan that allows you to get an interesting education by laying the foundation of the future today. The company offers the most attractive conditions for such lending:

  • the amount is the full cost of learning;
  • the rate is 16.3%;
  • the term is the time of study + 5 years, but the total period cannot exceed 11 years.

The number of loans and programs offered by Sberbank its client is considerable. Download a certificate of salary on a loan "BPS" of the bank you will not be much difficult.

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