
Children's card how to find out. Maps "Children's" and "preschool". Package of documents for the design of the social card

Residents of St. Petersburg, raising children, supported by the city authorities. The basis for holding relevant activities is the Social Code, approved on November 9, 2011 (No. 728-132). Parents falling under a certain category are issued a social children card. It is listed for target budget funds, spend which can be spent in certain outlets.

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Registration of a children's card in 2019-2020

There are two types plastic cards For families with children:

  1. "Children's", the basis for which is the right to receive:
    • one-time baby's birth allowance;
    • monthly payments up to one and a half years.
  2. "Pre-school" is issued by families receiving preferences for children from one and a half to 7 years 6 months.

The banking plastic card is provided to citizens who had a child. It is issued when appointing one of the types of benefits associated with the appearance of kids.

Important: The size of the budget subsidies to one and a half years is calculated on the basis of the family's income for the preceding period (3 months). It is recommended to apply for its appointment early so that the amount of earning amounts come to the registry.

Children's card is issued on the following conditions:

  1. The applicant is obliged to constantly reside in St. Petersburg from the moment the child appears to the light.
  2. Confirm what appealed to women's advice before the 20th week of pregnancy.
  3. It is appointed on legal grounds one or more types of benefits.
  4. A citizen declared the desire to receive a card into a term-specific deadlines.
For reference: Social cards in St. Petersburg issues a banking institution defined in the process of holding a competition. Currently, this work is entrusted by the Bank of St. Petersburg.

The size of payments for a children's card

The plastic carrier lists the amount of budget subsidies specified by Articles 18 and 19 of the Social Code. The size of these payments falls under the annual indexing. In 2018, such values \u200b\u200bof benefits were recorded when children appear (adoption) of children:

  • for the first - 28,257 thousand rubles;
  • for the second - 37.678 thousand rubles;
  • for the third and follow-up - 47.096 thousand rubles.
IMPORTANT: When the twelf extraction is adopted or adopting the adoption of the twin, separately.

Handbook at birth (adoption) children are independent of other circumstances. All families can be applied at him, which cannot be said about subsidies for children up to one and a half years.

Monthly allowance for a plastic card in St. Petersburg

Family support from the birth of a child up to one and a half years is differentiated. This means that the right to do it:

  • families recognized by poor on the basis of the counting of average income per member. This indicator should be below the semi-trial size. subsistence minimumestablished by the Government of St. Petersburg to the previous quarter of the Quarter's appeal;
  • separate categories of citizens, including:
    • afraid disabled child;
    • families in which parents are disabled;
    • large families;
    • members of incomplete families;
    • caring for a HIV-infected child;
    • mining needs a specialized milk-containing nutrition in medical testimony;
    • family of the serviceman.

Today on social Map The following benefits are listed "Children's":

  • one-time compensation payment at the birth of a child;
  • monthly allowance for a child aged from birth to one and a half years;
  • monthly allowance for a disabled child from birth to one and a half years;
  • monthly allowance for a child from a family where both parents (legal representative), the only parent (legal representative) are disabled I or II group of disability aged from birth to one and a half years;
  • monthly allowance for HIV-infected child aged from birth to one and a half years.

For 2018, the amount of benefits up to one and a half years listed on plastic cards was approved at the level:

  1. At the first kid - 3,145 thousand rubles.
  2. On the second and follow-up - 4,058 thousand rubles.
  3. For families, with a parent serviceman or incomplete:
    • when the first baby appears - 3,552 thousand rubles;
    • on the second and the following - 4,058 thousand rubles.
ATTENTION: If a child appeared in the family with health restrictions, the allowance is paid to one and a half years in an increased amount (as for incomplete society cells).

Benefits listed on the "preschool" card

Some families living in St. Petersburg continue to pay benefits after reaching young one year and six months.

These include:

  • low-income;
  • large families;
  • families raising children with disabilities;
  • families in which both parents are disabled;
  • incomplete cells of society in which the child is raised up to 3 years;
  • if a child for medical reasons is needed special milk-containing nutrition.

The size of the accruals in 2018 was:

  • 913 rubles. - for all;
  • 1318 rub. - For children of military personnel and incomplete families.
Important: The process of registration of the crew "Children's" "pre-school" is identical. In addition, the rules for using funds are the same.

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How to get a social card

You can arrange a plastic social card in two ways:

  • personally by visiting a multifunctional center (MFC);
  • remotely, through the Public Services portal.

ATTENTION: You can get a copyright in St. Petersburg from one to three months from the date of handling:

  • one month is given to data processing and the release of a plastic card;
  • two more she is waiting in the applicant's IFC.

If a citizen does not take a card in the marked time, it will be returned back to the banking institution. For registration of a new one will have to submit a separate statement.

This method is ideally suitable for lonely mothers and dads, as it does not require a hike to the city with a baby whom not to leave.

The algorithm of action is simple:

  1. Sign up on the portal of the State Service St. Petersburg.
  2. Go to your personal account and select the desired section (by the name of the service).
  3. Carefully make all the required data in the application form.
  4. Download scan copies of documents.
  5. Send an application for consideration.
  6. Get a notice that it is accepted.
  7. Wait for further instructions and perform them.
ATTENTION: Card can only be obtained personally in the nearest MFC. This will require a passport.
Package of documents for the design of the social card

Social card is issued along with the appointment of a certain type of benefit. Preferences associated with the birth of a child are based on the following papers:

  1. a copy of the passport pages (with photos and registration);
  2. certificate from female consultation that accounting is issued up to 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  3. confirmation of the registration of the kid on the place of residence in St. Petersburg;
  4. certificates:
    • about birth;
    • on registration or termination of marriages;
    • on the establishment of paternity;
    • on the adoption of the kid to six months;
  5. other documents in exceptional cases.
IMPORTANT: You can apply for this type of manual until the child has achieved a child of one and a half years.
Documents for assigning monthly payments

Some categories of citizens are eligible for additional budget support. To do this, it is necessary to submit such papers:

  • copy of passport pages (with photos and registration);
  • information about the income of all family members;
  • certificate of:
    • the appearance of the baby;
    • conclusion or termination of marriages;
  • additionally, if available:
  • identity of a large family;
  • certificate of medical and social expertise on disability;
  • medical information:
    • on the need to obtain a specialized milk-containing nutrition;
    • on the diagnosis of HIV-infection child.

Family with one parent is required to provide one of these papers:

  • certificate that information about the Father is listed into documents from the words of the mother (issued by the registry office in form No. 25);
  • evidence of the absence of one of the parents:
    • certificate of death;
    • judicial decision:
      • recognition is missingly absent;
      • about the deprivation of rights to raising the child.

Attention: Families of the military are required to attach the relevant document on the passage of the service:

  • contract;
  • urgent.

Step-by-step instructions for the appeal for the social card

Algorithm for receiving a plastic card as follows:

  1. Collect everything required documents, Including confirming the preferential category.
  2. Select a convenient handling option:
    • portal State Service St. Petersburg;
  3. Make appropriate copies.
  4. Contact a specialist in the selected way.
  5. Carefully fill out an application that has an established form.
  6. Attach copies of documents.
  7. Wait until the specialist checks everything.
  8. Get a notice that the application is accepted.
  9. Check the date and list of attached papers so that there are no errors.

ATTENTION: Failure to issue a card receive citizens:

  • not provided the necessary documents;
  • unable to help;
  • deathing GosOrgan.

Terms of Use of Social Card

The control and distribution of budget funds allocated to ensure social benefits at the subordinate territory, the Government of St. Petersburg is engaged.
Its function includes a definition:

  • banking institution financial operations with cards;
  • enterprises hosting them to pay for children's goods;
  • citizens - beneficiaries benefits.

The rules for using cards found that:

  1. all calculations are held in non-cash form;
  2. the Bank issues a card and enrolls funds for them within one day from the date of admission to the establishment of the necessary information;
  3. for service socialcart fee is not charged;
  4. the map is used from the date of receipt by the end of the month of completion of its operation.


  • take attempts to cash out social benefits;
  • replenish the balance on the map with personal money;
  • transmit social card to another person;
  • paying for these means of buying that are not children's goods.

Additional services of the bank

If a citizen has lost or spoiled a card, it can be replaced.
The service costs 60 rubles. The new carrier is issued by a banking institution within five working days. Remissions are subject to monthly interest calculation at the rate of 1.5% per annum. The operation is carried out on the last day of the month.

Attention: if money on the map remained after the deadline for its use, they do not disappear:

  • with "Children's" can be translated into "preschool";
  • otherwise, it is allowed to release the entrusted card (for a period of 3 months) to use the remnants of money.

Balance Information Balance

Information about the remainder and movement of funds on the account is available:

  • in a banking institution;
  • in personal Cabinet "Internet bank";
  • through the services of the autoinformer (by phone).
ATTENTION: All purchases through the copyrights are issued by check (paper or electronic). This document contains information about the balance of the account.

ATTENTION: The Bank is verified within a month. The results informs the applicant.

What and where you can pay for a children's card in St. Petersburg

The Government of St. Petersburg is held annually work on the selection of organizations implementing high-quality children's products.
Its order, as well as a list of goods permitted for the purchase for budget money, is contained in the ruling of the city government of 05.22.2013 No. 343.

To participate in the competition allow:

  1. Legal entities working in St. Petersburg selling goods corresponding to the list:
    • providing innovative non-cash;
    • having outlets in the city;
  2. Remote organizations whose warehouses are:
    • located within the city;
    • have an area exceeding 300 square meters. m.
In 2018, in St. Petersburg, children's cards accepted 35 organizations implementing trade activities in 200 stores. Their number includes 6 online stores. Download for viewing and printing:

Approximate list of goods purchased by children's card

The copper is allowed to pay for food, namely:

  1. breastfeeding mixtures (milk substitutes);
  2. porridge and milk;
  3. dairy products, including:
    • yogurts and kefir;
    • curds for children's dust;
  4. a variety of mashed potatoes;
  5. drinks fruit and water for youngsters.

A group of non-food products includes:

  • furniture for kids;
  • strollers and other devices;
  • bedding only from natural fiber;
  • clothing items for small, including socks and tights;
  • accessories (caps, scarves, scarves and other);
  • footwear;
  • pacifiers and other specialized devices;
  • dishes, including nutrition heaters;
  • diapers, baths and the like;
  • diaper;
  • children's cosmetics;
  • games developing (age group from 0 to 7 years);
  • sports inventory for kids, including bike.
Important: goods paid by the card are subject to return in accordance with the legislation. At the same time, funds are returned to the account in non-cash form.

For reference: in 2018, such merchant points of St. Petersburg were admitted to the sale of children's goods through the copyrights. Child's world, Tape, okay, childhood world and others. Pharmacies: violet, ocean. Online shops: Vallo, Varna, Yulmart.

The birth of a child is a real happiness in every family. If you have already happened to get gifts from friends and relatives, it's not limited to this moment. After all, you are waiting for a children's card that serves as an excellent tool for paying various goods for kids and mothers. It is only worth collecting all the necessary documents and go to specialized bodies for obtaining this card. After a month, this card will appear in your pocket. This material will be covered by several common questions, in particular - how to check the balance of a children's card.

Traditionally, such maps are presented in two variations. According to the legislation associated with the support of families in which there are children. Maps allow to receive profitable discounts And bonuses at different child destinations.

Features of the balance sheet

As soon as the personal children's card is released, it already lies listed manual. Its dimensions may vary depending on how the number of children is in your family. There are several actual ways to obtain information about your card balance.

  • Use of an ATM service;
  • connecting Internet Bank service and use online features Balance checks from phone, tablet, smartphone or personal computer;
  • calling a call at the telephone number 329 50 12 and the application of the automatic computer player;
  • inspection of the check document after making a purchase.

All these methods allow you to check the status of the balance of the card after making each purchase. In the same way, you can carry out verification events on the "Plantain" map, in more detail with this process can be found.

Additional options and opportunities

In the envelope from the paper that you received in the center of the card acquirement, is your card. There is also there additional Informationcontaining a list of pharmacies, store institutions that accept payment by the children's card. As in the case of conventional cards, PIN is widely used here for payment of commodity positions at the store checkout for successful confirmation of certain operations.

Features of banking connection

Since ATMs are not always there, it is necessary to have constant access to the Internet and banking for the balance sheet. Employees of the relevant bank can assist in its connected. In general, the operation involves the implementation of only three operations.

  1. Appeal to the Bank's office in order to get a login and password for the registration process. These information will go to your phone as a SMS message. The same procedure can be performed by the transition.
  2. After that, you need to transfer to the banking site and enter the necessary data. After that, the code will come to the SMS. If the password is entered incorrectly, the system will be temporarily blocked by the possibility of login on the site. At the end of this process, everything is repeated.
  3. Next, the code received is entered and the "Login" key is pressed.

The process is considered complete, the user can change the password and introduce a more familiar and memorable value.

It's important to know!

  • If your family is recognized as low-income, you will receive not only one-time payments, but also monthly benefits;
  • the money that is available on the map can be fully spent before the toddler execution of one year and nine months;
  • for funds that were not spent, the bank is accrued with 1.5% per year.

Children's social card is profitable, therefore, the rational use of a children's card will contribute to rational use. money.

Congratulations on the birth of the baby! You have already received gifts from your family and friends. But you are waiting for another - a children's card. With it, you can pay products for kids and mothers in many stores of the city. But it is impossible to remove or replenish the means. Collect the list of documents ( full list is on the sitegU.SPB.RU.) and submitting them to MFC or to Social Protection Department, about a month later you can get your social card there. In this article, we will cover the following questions: how to find out the balance of a children's card, which types of maps come from where funds are taken on this map and how they can be used.

What is a social card?

There are two types of cards: "Children's" and "preschool". Within the framework of the law "On the social support of families with children", is engaged in the release and maintenance of these cards "Bank" St. Petersburg ".

How to check the balance?

As soon as your personal children's card released, on a children's card already listed the listed manual. Its size changes in accordance with the number of children in your family. In order to find out your balance on the map, there are several ways:

  • with the help of an ATM "Bank" St. Petersburg "
  • connect the Internet Bank and view online with a smartphone, tablet or computer
  • make a phone call 329 5012 and use the autoinformer service
  • after the first purchase, looking at the check in the Count "Affordable Residue"

With these four ways, you can also check the balance after each purchase and accrual.

In a paper envelope issued to the MFC or the social protection department, there is your card, additional information with the list of stores and pharmacies in which you can use it and. As with the usual bank card, pIN-code is needed to pay for goods at the checkout when the operation is confirmed, and also if you want check the Balance of the Card in ATM.

How to connect an Internet bank?

As the ATM is not always there, it is convenient to master the Internet bank to be able to always be aware of the balance on the map in the presence of Internet access. Connect online bank You will be helped at any office "Bank" St. Petersburg ". For this you need only three actions:

Everything is ready, you can now change the password to the more familiar and memorable and use it in the future. If suddenly, forget, restore it is possible through the bank's contact center.

In this way, you can find out the balance, instantly block or unlock the card, see the list of operations made for the selected period, change the PIN code.

How to find out the balance on the phone?

If you are convenient claring balance by phone 329 5012, Keep the card at hand, because when I first call, the robot will require enter the card number, and come up with a four-digit codeto remember. This is how the registration procedure looks like. After that, you can call back as a registered user confirming the registration selected secret code. On this phone, information on the balance of the card is available, as well as the possibility of urgent blocking.

pay attention to important moments!

  • If your family is suitable for a category of low-income, you will receive monthly transfer to the children's card, and not just a one-time payment upon receipt. The size of the enumerations depends on a number of data that you report when applying for a map. Children's card listings are carried out before the performance of 1.5 years your child
  • Money on a children's card must be fully spent until the child is 1 year 9 months. After that, the residue will be inaccessible
  • On not spent money bank charges 1.5% per annum

What is the "preschool" map different from "Children's card"?

Map "Preschool" is the same social program as "children's", but it is issued only to those citizens of St. Petersburg who have family's income is not higher than half a two-way subsistence minimum per family member. The map "Pre-school" is issued on the same algorithm in the MFC or the Departures of the SOC. Protection of the population when submitting a specific set of documents. Accruals on the map are made monthly until your child reaches a seven-year-old age. Card can be obtained on eVERY Child. If unused funds remained on the "children's" map, they will be translated On the "pre-school" card and are available for future use.

Above, we considered in detail how to find out the balance of the children's card, on the map "Pre-school" you can use the same four ways.

Funds on the "Children's" and "preschool" maps can be used to acquire a variety of children's goods, like everyday small shopping (children's hygiene, toys, clothing, dishes, etc.) and large acquisitions (children's furniture and educational goods, Quality goods for mothers). A complete list of shops, online stores and pharmacies are attached to each card, and also available on the Internet on the official website.

This type of card provides for payment for products in specialized outlets. This type of map is available to residents of St. Petersburg with compensation payments.

With this discount, you can pay for children. The removal function or replenishment of this plastic is not available.

At the moment, two types of plastic are considered, which were developed in accordance with the law related to the support of families in which there are children.

Having received its first card on the child, it will already be on the sum of the one of the listed benefits.

The size of this amount will change taking into account the number of kids in the family.

What methods can be used to clarify the balance sheet:

  1. through the banking device - an ATM;
  2. connecting Internet banking or through a mobile, computer or tablet online;
  3. call by number 329 5012 and accept the help of the autoinformer;
  4. after payment of the first purchase, the amount of the available balance will be marked in the check.

Any of these methods will allow you to control the balance of funds after payment and accruals. This card is awarded in the social protection authority of the population or in MFC.

Together with the card, the necessary information about places in which the action of this card is available, as well as the PIN code.

The digital combination is necessary when making a cash payment or when checking the balance.

Internet banking connection

The ATM is not always in convenient intimacy to find out the balance of funds, so the Internet connection will help to be aware of the presence of a financial residue.

What actions need to be done when connecting internet banking:

  1. Go to the bank office to receive a password and login, for the registration procedure in your office. A certain type of information will come to mobile in the form of an SMS notification. This procedure is available at home when following the link to the company's website.
  1. By entering the required information into the appropriate columns, another code will arrive on the mobile.

IMPORTANT: In case of erroneous input of the login password (for three times), the input will be blocked at some time. The time of such locking will be indicated on the screen. After this time, the registration procedure can be tried again.

  1. To re-enter a new password to the appropriate window and press the corresponding button to enter.
  1. Now, you can use the case and change the password to the usual one for yourself. Which will be convenient to use in the future. Using the Contact Center service, the forgotten password can always be restored.

These ways make it possible to receive informs:

  • on the presence of a balance sheet;
  • instant lock card or unlocking it;
  • check the operations carried out for a certain time;
  • conduct a change of pin-code.

Balance card via mobile

For such awareness about the existing balance on the balance sheet, it is enough to dial number 329 5012.

Such is the registration by phone. Having finished this procedure, it will be possible to call back as a user.

Confirming your registration with the help of a conceived code, you can get all the necessary information about the presence of a balance sheet, and there is also the possibility of urgent blocking card.

Important information:

  1. Referring to a low-income family, the corresponding enumerations will be applied to the card (concerns not only one-time receipt of payments). Receiving funds will occur in the amount in accordance with the information that is transmitted when plastic design, as well as before the occurrence of a child of 1.5 years.

  2. The amount received on the card should be completely spent before the execution of the child of the 1.9-year-old age. After this period, the residue becomes inaccessible. 3. On the balance of funds occurs 1.5% per annum.

Differences "pre-school" card from "Children's"

The "pre-school" card is the action of the same social program as in the "Children's" case.

The residents of St. Petersburg can get it with family income no more than 1,5-fold subsistence minimum per family member.

The issuance of such a card corresponds to the "Children's" issuance algorithm. The enrollment of funds occurs until the child achievement of the age of seven years.

Plastic is available for each kid. With the balance of funds on the plastic "Children's", they will be translated into "preschool" and will also be available to further use.

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