
Find out the balance of children's card by phone. Gift cards Children's world, all about the map. Is it possible to put money on the map

Congratulations on the birth of the baby! You have already received gifts from your family and friends. But you are waiting for another - a children's card. With it, you can pay products for kids and mothers in many stores of the city. But it is impossible to remove or replenish the means. Collect the list of documents ( full list is on the sitegU.SPB.RU.) and submitting them to MFC or to Social Protection Department, about a month later you can get your social card there. In this article, we will cover the following questions: how to find out the balance of a children's card, which types of maps come from where funds are taken on this map and how they can be used.

What is a social card?

There are two types of cards: "Children's" and "preschool". Within the framework of the law "On the social support of families with children", is engaged in the release and maintenance of these cards "Bank" St. Petersburg ".

How to check the balance?

As soon as your personal children's card released, on a children's card already listed the listed manual. Its size changes in accordance with the number of children in your family. In order to find out your balance on the map, there are several ways:

  • with the help of an ATM "Bank" St. Petersburg "
  • connect the Internet Bank and view online with a smartphone, tablet or computer
  • make a phone call 329 5012 and use the autoinformer service
  • after the first purchase, looking at the check in the Count "Affordable Residue"

With these four ways, you can also check the balance after each purchase and accrual.

In a paper envelope issued in the IFC or the social protection department, your card lies, additional Information With the list of stores and pharmacies, in which you can use it and. As with the use of a regular bank card, pIN-code is needed to pay for goods at the checkout when the operation is confirmed, and also if you want check the Balance of the Card in ATM.

How to connect an Internet bank?

As the ATM is not always there, it is convenient to master the Internet bank to be able to always be aware of the balance on the map in the presence of Internet access. Connect online bank You will be helped at any office "Bank" St. Petersburg ". For this you need only three actions:

Everything is ready, you can now change the password to the more familiar and memorable and use it in the future. If suddenly, forget, restore it is possible through the bank's contact center.

In this way, you can find out the balance, instantly block or unlock the card, see the list of operations made for the selected period, change the PIN code.

How to find out the balance on the phone?

If you are convenient claring balance by phone 329 5012, Keep the card at hand, because when I first call, the robot will require enter the card number, and come up with a four-digit codeto remember. This is how the registration procedure looks like. After that, you can call back as a registered user confirming the registration selected secret code. On this phone, information on the balance of the card is available, as well as the possibility of urgent blocking.

pay attention to important moments!

  • If your family is suitable for a category of low-income, you will receive monthly transfer to the children's card, and not just a one-time payment upon receipt. The size of the enumerations depends on a number of data that you report when applying for a map. Children's card listings are carried out before the performance of 1.5 years your child
  • Money on a children's card must be fully spent until the child is 1 year 9 months. After that, the residue will be inaccessible
  • On not spent money bank charges 1.5% per annum

What is the "preschool" map different from "Children's card"?

Map "Preschool" is the same social program as "children's", but it is issued only to those citizens of St. Petersburg who have family income is not higher than half and a half subsistence minimum on one family member. The map "Pre-school" is issued on the same algorithm in the MFC or the Departures of the SOC. Protection of the population when submitting a specific set of documents. Accruals on the map are made monthly until your child reaches a seven-year-old age. Card can be obtained on eVERY Child. If unused funds remained on the "children's" map, they will be translated On the "pre-school" card and are available for future use.

Above, we considered in detail how to find out the balance of the children's card, on the map "Pre-school" you can use the same four ways.

Funds on the "Children's" and "preschool" maps can be used to acquire a variety of children's goods, like everyday small shopping (children's hygiene, toys, clothing, dishes, etc.) and large acquisitions (children's furniture and educational goods, Quality products for mothers). A complete list of shops, online stores and pharmacies are attached to each card, and also available on the Internet on the official website.

The birth of a child is a real happiness in every family. If you have already happened to get gifts from friends and relatives, it's not limited to this moment. After all, you are waiting for a children's card that serves as an excellent tool for paying various goods for kids and mothers. It is only worth collecting all required documents And go to specialized bodies for obtaining this card. After a month, this card will appear in your pocket. This material will be covered by several common questions, in particular - how to check the balance of a children's card.

Traditionally, such maps are presented in two variations. According to the legislation associated with the support of families in which there are children. Maps allow to receive profitable discounts And bonuses at different child destinations.

Features of the balance sheet

As soon as the personal children's card is released, it already listed the allowance. Its dimensions may vary depending on how the number of children is in your family. There are several actual ways to obtain information about your card balance.

  • Use of an ATM service;
  • connecting Internet Bank service and use online features Balance checks from phone, tablet, smartphone or personal computer;
  • calling a call at the telephone number 329 50 12 and the application of the automatic computer player;
  • inspection of the check document after making a purchase.

All these methods allow you to check the status of the balance of the card after making each purchase. In the same way, you can carry out verification events on the "Plantain" map, in more detail with this process can be found.

Additional options and opportunities

In the envelope from the paper that you received in the center of the card acquirement, is your card. There is also additional information containing a list of pharmacies, store institutions that accept payment by the children's card. As in the case of conventional cards, PIN is widely used here for payment of commodity positions at the store checkout for successful confirmation of certain operations.

Features of banking connection

Since ATMs are not always there, it is necessary to have constant access to the Internet and banking for the balance sheet. Employees of the relevant bank can assist in its connected. In general, the operation involves the implementation of only three operations.

  1. Appeal to the Bank's office in order to get a login and password for the registration process. These information will go to your phone as a SMS message. The same procedure can be performed by the transition.
  2. After that, you need to transfer to the banking site and enter the necessary data. After that, the code will come to the SMS. If the password is entered incorrectly, the system will be temporarily blocked by the possibility of login on the site. At the end of this process, everything is repeated.
  3. Next, the code received is entered and the "Login" key is pressed.

The process is considered complete, the user can change the password and introduce a more familiar and memorable value.

It's important to know!

  • If your family is recognized as low-income, you will receive not only one-time payments, but also monthly benefits;
  • the money that is available on the map can be fully spent before the toddler execution of one year and nine months;
  • for funds that were not spent, the bank is accrued with 1.5% per year.

Children's social card is profitable, therefore, the rational use of a children's card will contribute to rational use money.

Choosing a gift to the child, you need to manage, and please not only him, but also to parents. Gift cards of the children's world decide this task.

They give the baby a chance to choose a toy. Therefore, you do not need to break your head, and spend time on the study of high racks. Moreover, in general it is not necessary to walk somewhere.

Features and advantages of gift card Children's world

You can arrange a gift card in the online store Children's World. The only nuance is not similar to ordinary gift certificates. Therefore, that the recipient does not throw a gift, and he could easily use them, it is worth understanding themselves. And if necessary, help you closely apply the capabilities of the card.

Gift card - what it works and how

Gift card (Certificate) is a paper, cardboard or plastic card, which has the installed, usually fixed value. They are packaged in beautiful envelopes or postcards so that the card is a relevant gift for any holiday.

Specific congratulations (with the mention of the name of the holiday) on the packaging, as a rule, are not applied. Instead, they leave free fields so that the buyer can independently write his wishes.

Gift cards and certificates operate on the advance payment method. This means that the client, buying a card, the advance is calculated for the goods that are presented in the store assortment.

Main features of gift cards:
  1. Due to the fact that the cards and certificates have a certain value, they are considered an independent product. They can be exchanged for one or more other goods within a certain period.
  2. Gift cards can be freely transferred to each other with unconditional use.

By the way, maps and certificates are useful not only to customers who cannot decide on the gift. For retail chains, they are also beneficial.

Since the sum of the implemented gift cards is a kind of interest-free loan issued by the Company's customers.

In order to motivate buyers to purchase this particular product, the firms are developing individual conditions and features of gift cards.

Gift Card in the Children's World: Features

By appearance Gift card is more like a bank card than a discount or bonus. She, like the usual payment card, produced from plastic with a magnetic strip.

The only difference is a fixed state of the account. You can pay the card, but you can not replenish.

There are still some rules regarding the Children's Gift Card:
  • The cost of a gift card is equal to the amount of prepaid goods (advance value or nominal).
  • To use the card, you need to activate. Activation is made by the seller after making the buyer of the full amount of the advance.
  • Activation is carried out without documents. Term - 24 hours, after which the card will become available for writing off means.
  • The map is intended for repeated use.
  • Funds from the balance card can not be cash.
  • If plastic was lost, broken or damaged, it is impossible to restore it or replace it.
  • The period of the map is 1 year.

You can buy a gift card in any store children's world, regardless of its format and location. Most often, they are presented in various nominal at the cash desk.

Electronic gift certificate in the children's world

Not always close people live next to each other. But this is not a reason to not give gifts. After all, buy children's gift certificate in the online store, and transfer it to the owner to anywhere in Russia.

Electronic gift certificate is a virtual equivalent of a gift card. It can be bought on the site https://www.detmir.ru/ And transfer to any person through an e-mail message.

The addressee will receive his gift instantly, despite the fact that he is in this moment.

Advantages of the electronic version of the certificate

  1. Individual design;
  2. Fast design and purchase;
  3. Setting any delivery time;
  4. The ability to send several certificates at once to different recipients.


  • Long activation period - 3 working days;
  • The impossibility of repeated use;
  • Disadvantage of calculations.

So far, the system of working with certificates cannot be called perfect. Buy a gift certificate in the children's world is much easier than to use it.

It is impossible to spend on the online platform, but it is necessary to print it on the place of goods.

Key features are more detailed in the Rules on the Gift Certificates of the Children's World:
  1. Previously before payment of goods, an electronic certificate is subject to activation, the period of which does not exceed 72 hours.
  2. The nominal certificate is equal to its value. It is impossible to replenish the balance throughout its validity period.
  3. The owner can spend a gift certificate exclusively in children's stores Children's world.
  4. You can pay for the goods as a certificate only 1 time.
  5. To use a gift certificate for children's goods, you need to print it and transfer to the cashier. After reading a unique barcode, the buyer must also inform the PIN code specified in the e-mail message.
  6. Cash certificate can not. And returning or exchanged goods paid by the virtual card, where the purchase was performed.
  7. The term of the electronic certificate is 1 year.

You can read the rules for more details. Site.

Not only on the official website of the store you can buy a Gift Certificate Children's World. Educational centers, manufacturers of goods for children and other network partners can also be distributed. And none of them can make a margin for selling certificates.

Everywhere the cost of the gift card should meet it with raid.

In addition to buying or receiving as a present from relatives, the owner of a cherished letter can also be in another way. For example, win a gift certificate in the "Children's World" store in social networks.

Almost every week, the trading network holds interesting contests, where the winner can get valuable gifts.

How to activate the gift certificate of the children's world

According to the rules of the trading network, activation certifies the moment of concluding an agreement between the company and the buyer. Under the conditions of the public contract, the seller or his representative is obliged to transfer the goods to the buyer (or another person who presented an electronic certificate) products worth the nominal value of the gift certificate.

When buying a card at the store checkout, the seller activates it yourself. But purchasing it in the online store, it is not clear where to activate the gift certificate of the children's world.

In fact, everything is simple.
When applying, the buyer fills the standard shape that looks like this:
It takes not only to fill all the fields, but also put a tick as an agreement with the Public Offer Treaty.

On this basis, the electronic certificate is registered in the system. That is, activated offline, which in general takes about 3 days. The recipient e-mail with a gift certificate does not need to leave any personal data anywhere or personal information.

Maps and certificates are served on the principle of "on the bearer".

The client should only print the letter, transfer it to the cashier and pronounce the PIN code. After that, the certificate is accepted in the credit and is withdrawn from the bearer.

Varieties of denominations

Gifts are chosen depending on financial opportunities and the degree of importance of the holiday. For example, an Easter is suitable a symbolic present worth no more than 1000 rubles, but for the first birthday of the child, I want to give something more solid: an electric vehicle or a big game set. Therefore, in the children's world, the nominal gift cards differ in their diversity.

IN Types of gift cards:

  1. With a fixed face value in sums from 300 to 5000 rubles.
  2. With a flexible face value.

Check the nominal of the Children's World Gift Card with a fixed balance is very simple. It is indicated on the front side of the plastic.

A more interesting situation with a flexible nominal card. They can be decorated for any amount of 300 to 50,000 rubles, with an accumulation step of 100 rubles.

Naturally, on the front side of the plastic there is no information about the size of the nominal, since the buyer determines it independently.

Map of a flexible nominal is better to give together with a check on her purchase. First, it will eliminate a person from an unnecessary problem, how to find out the nominal of the children's world gift card.

And secondly, when demaging or damaged a card, the check will be a confirmation of its real nominal value.

Otherwise, the rules for the purchase and use of cards with flexible balance are not different from the same cards with a fixed face value.

FROM virtual cards A little different situation.

In the online store Children's world, gift certificate ratings are only fixed in the amount of from 300 to 5,000 rubles.

The size is selected by the buyer independently when filling out the form on the site. The recipient of the present immediately recognizes the denomination of the gift certificate of the children's world from the letter in which he will be expelled.

How to find out the balance of the gift card?

The rules and functionality of plastic cards provides for the possibility of their reusable. Because of the gift cards of a large nominal value, do not less demand than certificates for 300, 500 and 1000 rubles.

For those who are not used to spending all the money at once, it is important to learn how to check the balance of the children's world gift card. After all, with a long interval between purchases, you can easily forget the current account status.

Balance of the Gift Card "Children's World" can be checked in 2 ways:
  • Clarify at the checkout in any brand store;
  • View online on the site.

In the first case, to plan your purchases, you need to go to the store with a job to get information about the remaining of funds that is quite uncomfortable. Especially if the closest store is far from home.

It is advisable to take advantage of the second way and save your time.

Check online

Checking the balance on office: instruction, go on main page Site.
Scroll down the page down to the "Buyer Services" section, and click on the link to the page to check the balance of the gift card.
Here in the fields you need to enter the card number and verification code from the image
Click on the "Login" button.
Balance of the "Children's World" card is located immediately under the status bar.

This service opened round-the-clock access, so you can see the account balance at any time.


Check the balance of the gift certificate of the children's world on the service is impossible.

Electronic certificates are designed for one-time payment of goods.

Therefore, when using the entire amount of the certificate, its residue burns

If you carefully examine the gift card check service, you can see that there is not only the balance of the funds, but also in the account. Therefore, if information in the check and on the monitor screen diverges, you need to contact a single reference service and clarify the reasons.

Contact center number 8 800 250 00 00.)

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