
Registration and receipt of a bank card. How to get a payment card world from Sberbank

Today, Sberbank customers have the opportunity to get a plastic card of any functional. This includes credit, salary, social and cards of many other formats. Obtaining almost any Sberbank card implies a series of conditions. At the same time, they do not always have the same tasks.

Requirements for the recipient of the Sberbank card

A person who satisfies the following requirements can get a Card Bank of Russia:

  • the presence of Russian citizenship (the receipt of the map by other persons is not provided, but exceptions are possible);
  • the presence of constant (non-temporary) registration in Russia;
  • appropriate age - from 18 to 65 years (some bank products can be issued from 14 years, and credit cards only from 21 years);
  • the presence of experience (at least 1 year) confirmed by the relevant documents.

After studying the requirements of any client, the question arises, how to get a Sberbank card? But before, everyone must decide on its format, since the bank offers an abundance of various favorable products.

Varieties of cards in Sberbank

For the convenience of its customers, Sberbank has developed many cards. After studying the functionality, each person will not have a question, which product to choose him.

Credit and debit cards today are presented in a savage in two categories:

  • Universal . These cards are standard. They produce them either in classic or in a gold or platinum version. There is no specific service cost, it is defined for each card separately. If the contract does not provide for a specific currency, then the map can be stored and rubles, and euro, and dollars.
  • Partnerships . This includes special cards that are aimed at meeting the non-standard customer needs. At the same time, the banking product is issued in collaboration with other organizations. Each type of cards has its own. So, today there are MTS cards, Aeroflot and many others.

Cards with free maintenance

Many are wondering, how to get a Sberbank card for free? Indeed, such an opportunity exists. Moreover, their further maintenance is not worth a penny. Among such cards there are credit ("Momentum", for example) and debit ("Social, designed specifically designed for pensioners).

Another opportunity to get free map Bank - Take advantage special offer. These shares include MasterCard, VisaStandart and some others.

About premium maps

Premium cards call a special type of banking product. Moreover, not only debit, but also credit cards can be treated. They provide an individual approach to customer service.

You can not get a similar card in the usual compartment. They are issued only in specialized offices specializing in the "Premier" service.

The recipient of such a card receives a lot of discounts and various privileges. There may be various discounts, special rates, support abroad and other possibilities.

Such cards have a fairly high cost of service in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles annually.

Where to get a Sberbank card?

If we are talking about getting conventional cards (not premium), then the question where the Sberbank card is received, to answer easily. This can be done in any convenient branch of Sberbank.

Many customers are wondering, and what documents are needed for registration of a Sberbank card? To get any card, you must take with you:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. appropriate statement.

In some cases, additional documents may be required. For example, for credit card You will need a certificate of income.

You can apply for a card on the Internet, authorized in the system. It is important to specify your contact details in it so that the bank's employee can contact the client.

Bank specialists are considering an application for the issuance of a map within a week. The exception is instant banking products outstanding immediately.

How to get a Sberbank card if approved it?

If the application for receiving the Card was approved, then you need to re-apply to the Bank's Office. There will have to sign the appropriate contract.

Many cards can be obtained only after making initial contribution. Personal cards are issued after 1-2 weeks after signing the contract.

It is impossible to use the card immediately after issuing - it is activated only the next day.

Why can not approve the application for a card?

It is not always possible to get a map. There may be several reasons for any:

  1. Failure to comply with the conditions presented to a potential card holder. Therefore, you must first carefully study the requirements and choose only those that are really suitable. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the category of citizens is made by the issue of cards.
  2. Invalid data on a potential recipient. So, for example, the client may incorrectly indicate information about himself. If he is already the holder of the Sberbank card, then the data will be drilled with newly received.
  3. Too large number of maps from the client. At the same time, their maximum value is established individually. It also addresses the history of other cards.
  4. Finding a potential recipient in the black Sberbank list. In this case, the client fails automatically. Therefore, it is very important to pay the debt in a timely manner in order not to be in a similar list and be able to receive Sberbank cards.

These are not all possible reasons, but the most common.

Now every potential card holder has become known which requirements are presented to customers what needs to be done for registration. Before submitting an application, it is necessary to explore the conditions and functionality of a specific banking product so that later not to get another card. Do not forget about applying directly from home through a personal account in the system.

Surely in your wallet "hiding" a few plastic cardsglasses. Have you thought about how much their service do? If you count, then on average, a person pays for a standard set of bank payment instruments (salary project, credit plastic, social program, etc.) from 5,000 per year. Agree the amount is quite impressive. Sberbank cares about its customers and offers them a plastic product that will cost a person completely free. Are interested in? Then let's figure out how to open a Sberbank card for free.

Sberbank trust millions of citizens of the Russian Federation

What cards can be opened for free in Sberbank

Savings Bank of Russia occupies a leading position among financial institutions in the country. It is not surprising, because millions of citizens trust this bank. Attracting customers and creating a reputation, Sberbank offers the population a number of plastic banking products with free maintenance. Consider some of them.

Momentum instant issuing card

The MOMENTUM payment tool is not a nominal card produced according to the standard of international sample. You can get it in just 15 minutes. In any currency (rubles, euro, dollars).

With Momentum you can make any bank operations and use the client-bank.

Issued this species Plastic from 14 years old. Proven customers bank offers credit Momentum with preferential period Use money up to 50 days.

Social Maestro.

The name speaks for itself, this is a debit card, outstanding for receipt of pensions, compensation, benefits. It has all the basic payment opportunities and serviced for free. 3.5% per annum is accrued to the balance of funds on the account, which gives the Cart holder to earn small amount. Maestro is issued to persons from 18 years.

Bank card world from Sberbank

NEW banking system Russia is a national world card. Holders of such a payment instrument receive a full package of services, which works only on the territory of the Russian Federation. Free bank card in Sberbank is issued under salary projects, pensioners, for social enumerations.

World - National payment system Russia, which issues payment instruments for use within the country since 2015.

VIP Customers Sberbank can offer cards GOLD cards for free

Who opens cards in Sberbank for free

In reality, you can open a card in a savings bank for free. It will be Electronic tool Maestro or Momentum. For other products will have to pay. Special customers (VIP) Bank may offer free such programs:

  • premium debit card "Sberbank Premier";
  • credit card Visa Gold;
  • masterCard Gold credit card.

Usually the possibility of obtaining a privileged card for free, notify the bank employees via SMS.

What documents are needed to open a Sberbank card

The opening of the card in Sberbank involves the provision of the next package of documents:

  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document certifying the registration of the client in the service area of \u200b\u200bthe Sberbank branch.

Also need cash For the first installment. If issued credit card Sberbank, then additionally may require a copy of the certified labor book (certified by the employer) and income certificate.

How to open a Sberbank card for free

Now let's tell you how to open a card in Sberbank for free. Initially, the client must decide on the type of payment tool that he needed. Next, with a package of documents, a person appeals to the nearest branch Savings bank Russia, where the contract for maintenance of the map is signed. In case of receipt social cardAdditionally, a pension certificate is provided. Now there are two scenarios for developing events.

Today, Sberbank offers its customers a wide range of bank cards. They differ in price, functions, service conditions, limits, etc. Special place in the system is occupied by debit cards of Sberbank with free maintenance. Despite them limited opportunitiesThey are popular among bank customers. Now Sberbank releases two types of free cards - Momentum and Maestro "Social" (pension).

Maestro "Social"

The free banking product Maestro "Social" differs not only in the lack of fee for annual service, but also the presence of a deposit function. The money stored on the account is accrued every three months of 3.5% per annum. Get a Sberbank Card for free for individuals Can pensioners, as well as other customers for accrual social paymentswho have reached the age of 14. You can open an additional card on your face from 7 years.

The main advantages of the product include the following features:

  1. Free use, design and reissue. The bank will take the commission for reissibration only due to the change of FULL NAME, the loss of plastic itself or the PIN code.
  2. Plastic produced with chipThat allows you to quickly pay for goods and services, both in Russia and in other countries. Thanks to the creation code of CVC2 / CVV2, the purchase can be performed on the Internet.
  3. Cash withdrawal in the ATM Sberbank, as well as through the cashier for free within the limits of the limits. On a day without a commission, you can cash 50,000 rubles. There is no restrictions on the replenishment.
  4. When registering in the Sberbank system online open the ability to connect bonuses "Thank you" For non-cash spending.
  5. The first two months fee for mobile Bank Not charged. When leaving the service is paid monthly only 30 rubles.

If it is necessary to open a Sberbank card for free to take into account a number of restrictions on its use. These include:

  • cash removal is available only in Russia;
  • with exceeding daily limitThe removal is allowed with the payment of the Commission in the amount of 0.5%.
  • no possibility of salary accrual;
  • the card number consists of 18 characters and can not be taken in all online stores due to the installed 16-digit system.

Despite some restrictions, Maestro Social is perfectly replaced with a savingsbook, provides access to cash without visiting the departments of the bank, and accrued interest can cover small costs for SMS notification.


Studying how to start a Sberbank card for free, it is worth considering that Momentum produces two types: Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard Momentum. Map is not a nominal.

Of course, this product also has its own characteristics. It should be noted here:

  • free design, annual maintenance and replacement of Momentum;
  • the possibility of connecting K. bonus program and cashless payments in stores and organizations;
  • the issuance of plastic takes place on the day of appeal to the bank branch;
  • it is issued for 3 years in rubles, dollars or euros.

The lack of the name of the owner on plastic eliminates the possibility of using a map in other countries and subsidiaries of Sberbank. The following limitations are also installed:

  • the limits on the removal of cash per day are 50,000 rubles, 1600 dollars and 1200 euros.
  • no cash receipt is allowed in other countries;
  • not provided for the release of an additional card.

Registration and receipt of a free card

If you have an issue, how to issue a Cancer Cancer for free, you need to personally contact the Bank's Office. The procedure is not carried out online and by proxy. With you, you need to have a passport with constant or temporary registration. Get plastic can:

  • russian citizen;
  • foreign citizen;
  • a stateless person.

In the separation from you will be a signed application for release. If a map of type Momentum, then plastic will be issued immediately with all details. In the case when a free Sberbank card will be used to accrual a pension or other social benefits, it will have to wait up to 10 days. If you leave your contact phone in the bank, then at the time of delivery to the department, you will receive a message about it.

Get Maestro "Social" personally owner or a representative of a notarial power of attorney. A power of attorney must reflect the right to receive a map and an unborn pin-envelope.

Sberbank did not adopt his attention and young people. You can become a client and at age 14, issued a debit card "youth". Its cost - 150 rubles. in year. This is a full banking product with all the capabilities. And if there are 21 years old, you can apply for a credit card.

Sberbank has not only a reputation of a reliable bank, but also a wide range of banking products. There are among them and "youth" card. This is a whole line of 3 products: 14+, 18+ and 21+. The first two are debit, the third is credit. The "youth" Sberbank card differs from the usual the fact that each product is drawn up from a certain age, it is indicated in the title:

  • from 14 to 25;
  • from 18 to 25 years.
  • from 21 years to 30 years.

Debit cards on tariffs are no different from each other. They are also similar to the conditions. The only difference is the age of the owner.

Debit "Youth"

It is needed for storing customer funds. To use the product, you must first replenish the bill. How much is the "youth" map of Sberbank? Just 150 rubles.


  • service 150 rubles. per year, few banks are ready to make such a proposal;
  • the choice of payment system - Visaili MasterCard;
  • connecting to the program "Thank you from Sberbank", which allows you to save bonuses for purchases;
  • connect K. mobile bank;
  • duration - 3 years.

"Youth" card can only be the main one, extra are not released. For registration of parental consent is not required, you need a passport.

Comparison with other banks

However, Sberbank is not the only bank that releases cards for young people. There are such products and other credit institutions. For example, Rosbank. However, that's financial institution It offers only debit products.

Sberbank of Russia is currently deservedly considered the undisputed leader of the domestic financial sector. This applies to almost all types of banking Service, including registration and subsequent maintenance of a variety of plastic cards. It is quite natural that in accordance with the modern requirements of the Sberbank market, several different cards are released at once, distinguished by both the conditions for receiving and use and the design. In this case, the client can use one of two options to issue plastic: either with a personal visit to the department credit organizationor on the Internet.

Make a card savings bank online

Registration of the Sberbank of Russia online is one of the most convenient and comfortable services for the customer services provided by the country's leading bank. To start the procedure, it is enough to go to the official Internet page of the organization, go to the section "Bank cards", after which fill out the questionnaire. Of course, it will have to choose the appropriate type of map from a variety of options offered to the potential client. These include both traditional debit and credit plastics and recently appeared. virtual Card. Sberbank, which can be used to calculate the Internet.

Registration of the application

The most simple design procedure online applications On the Sberbank card will be in the event that the applicant is already a client of a credit organization and uses personal Area Online. In this case, the Bank has basic information about it, so it is not necessary to fill out the questionnaire, it is enough to go to your personal account and choose the desired mapBy sending the appropriate application.

In case the applicant is not a Sberbank client, you must use the site service, after going to the "Bank cards" section. Then you need to fill out the questionnaire by specifying the data on the selected form of plastic, the name and the place of residence of the applicant, as well as its passport data and contact telephone for communication. After that, the application is sent to the bank by pressing the "Order card" button.

On another person

Currently, there is only one possibility to order a map on another person - if we are talking about a member of the Sberbank Customer's family, already having its own plastic. In this case, an additional card is drawn up to an existing account.

On the child

Sberbank provides the possibility of making a card to a child one of two possible options. In the first case, when the 14-year-old age is reached, the young person can get the "youth" plastic. The second way provides for the release of an additional card to the already existing family member. In this case, debit plastic is drawn up with a limit of funds, and he can get it a child who has been 7 years old.

What will required?

To submit an online application application, it is enough to fill out a questionnaire by providing the necessary data on the potential client, select the appropriate type of plastic, after which you send the specified information to the bank.

How to choose a map?

Today, Sberbank produces several types of cards that differ significantly as appearanceand under the terms of the design and subsequent maintenance. Moreover, there is an opportunity to order an individual card design, which will cost the client in 500 rubles.


Visa is one of the two most popular payment in the world. non-cash systems. This was the result of wide functionalityIt provides customers. Currently, almost all the main banking products associated with maps are manufactured in two types - Visa and MasterCard.


Almost everything that has been said about the Visa payment system is true and in relation to MasterCard. This is an equally widespread type of bank cards that are actively used worldwide.


Maestro series cards act as a slightly truncated version of the more functional VISA plastics. They are most often used to design salary or social cardsBy providing advantageous owners, but narrowly specialized banking services.


The domestic payment system, the decision to create which was made after Visa and MasterCard participated in sanctions against Russia after the accession of the Crimea. Currently, the system of the world is actively developing, constantly increasing the number of serviced bank cards.

Sberbank card making time

The time you need to employees of Sberbank for consideration of the application and registration of the map depends primarily on the type of plastic. If the client is desired, it may be made for 10-15 minutes. Name debit card It is drawn up within 2-3 business days, and the issue of credit can stretch to 2 weeks.

How to find out whether the map is ready

The term of making cards, as well as the place of receipt, is brought to the client at the time of the approval of the online application. To confirm the availability of finished plastic, it is enough to contact the manager by phone or call the 24-hour reference service Sberbank of Russia.

Procedure for obtaining the product

Despite the fact that the application for a credit card may be filed online, for obtaining plastic, a personal presence in the bank separation is necessary. At the same time, the client himself chooses the most convenient office of the credit organization, pointing it in the application. When receiving a map, you must have a passport confirming the identity of the plastic owner.


The bank card decorated by the client is activated automatically the day after receipt. If you wish, forced activation is enough to perform any action using an ATM requiring mandatory administration PIN code, such as checking the card balance.

How much is it worth making a Sberbank card?

The cost of registration of the Sberbank card is determined based on its type. Some types of plastic are made free of charge, for example, Maestro and Visa Electron instant cards. It is quite natural that the most expensive will cost them owners. premium cards From the Platinum series, since the cost of their manufacture is up to 10 thousand rubles.

Cards with free maintenance

The most popular card with free maintenance is "social". It is produced completely free. Moreover, the maintenance of plastic is also worth nothing to the client. Other options for such cards - already mentioned plastics from the Momentum series.

Fee for the first year of service

For some types of cards, service in the first year of use is available to their owners for free. Speech in this case goes about such types of plastic as Visa Classic. And Gold, as well as MasterCard Standard and Gold. From the second year, the service fee is charged in accordance with the tariffs.

Other species

The cost of making other types of cards can change sufficiently and is ranging from 0 to 10 thousand rubles. Most expensive will cost the client plastic design Visa Gold. "Give life", the cost of the release of which comes up to 15 thousand rubles.

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