
100 days without interest on credit. Alfa-Bank has improved the conditions for credit cards "100 days without%. Maximum grace period without interest

Alpha Bank rightfully won the status of a prestigious and reliable banking institution. Today, customers can take advantage of the financial proposal for themselves - the Alpha Credit Map of 100 days of installments without interest, having received the maximum preferential term on the loan that reaches a hundred days. Plastic owners make purchases, remove money without interest accrues, transfer money for free money and more. What does the concept of a grace period mean? What scheme is the proposal? What advantages get a client and which information should have? This is today's review of this financial productwhere everyone explains in detail on the fingers.

What is the map represent

  • you can use a credit card for the purchase of goods, cash removal and do not pay interest at the same time;
  • after the disclosure of the debt, the grace period is renewed again;
  • monthly percentage of debt;
  • when removing cash to 50 thousand rubles. During the month, the commission is not provided for (the rate of from 3.9 to 5.9% is only the amount that will be more than 50 thousand rubles;
  • if debt is canceled until the end of the grace period, interest accruals are not provided;
  • credit registration is free;
  • annual maintenance of a classic card per year - 1190 p.;
  • the magnitude of min. payments per month should be at least 300 p.;
  • highlighted monetary limit associated with the status of the card;
  • PP under the contract with the banking structure - 20 days;
  • in case of non-compliance with PP, penalties in the amount of 1% of the debt are envisaged;
  • replenishment is carried out without commission.

As you can see, the use of money for three months does not cause accruals, in other words, Alpha Bank gives us the right to an interest-free loan for 100 days. The validity period begins after the first payment.

Alpha Card Conditions Bank 100 days without interest

Terms of receipt and requirement for the client

Those who decided to use the service, do not even know the conditions for obtaining a credit card Alpha Bank 100 days without interest offered to the user:

  • accommodation or location where there is a representative office of a credit structure or not far from it, no more than 200 kilometers;
  • age Frames are at least twenty-one;
  • russian citizenship;
  • regular income more than 9 thousand rubles. (for Muscovites) and more than 5 thousand rubles. (inhabitants of other regions);
  • phone for contact;
  • check in;
  • the ability to communicate with accounting or personnel department at work.

The credit institution makes pretty simple requirements for obtaining a credit card. It is almost small to have it under power, only small formalities should be taken into account. If the client is ready to fulfill them, can safely apply for an application on the Internet.

What should be solved for yourself

  • The type of system on which payments will be made.
  • Category (Classical, Golden or Platinum). From the selected category will be given a variable limit on the loan (respectively: 500 thousand rubles, 700 thousand rubles, and 1 million rubles) and the cost of service per year (respectively: 1190 r., 2990 r. And 5490 p. ).

The credit card is produced completely free. If the borrower only plans to make payments and remove the cash, it is quite a classic card. If the plans to use additional privileges should be understood that they are given by Gold and Platinum categories. Becoming them with the owner, the borrower has more expanded opportunities.

What documents are needed to get

  • personal document (passport);
  • at the discretion of the borrower: driver's license, policy, abroad passport, test certificate, another bank credit card;
  • to increase the chances of receiving a positive response, it is recommended to provide: a copy of the passport, where there is evidence that the client went beyond the country in the last 12 months, a copy of registration personal transport (transport no more than four years), the policy of voluntary medical insurance (insurance) (issued or at work, or independently for additional funds), account data (the residue must be at least 150 thousand rubles), document in form 2-NDFL (issued for the last 90 days or completed according to the proposed form) . We should not forget that the certificate of income and employment is valid for the month.

For registration of the card, guarantors will not need, there is no need to make the execution of the collateral. It should also be remembered than more documents will be provided, the higher the chances of approval by the credit institution. Policy DMS., abroad passport or PTS is given to the client immediately after making a copy of the banking structure.

Terms of use of the card

Despite the fact that a pleasant preferential period is provided, it is necessary to submit the terms of use of the Alpha Bank 100 days without interest. This will allow users to prevent missions. So let's see how to use the card correctly.

What is a grace period and how it works

  • The grace period - the bank set by the bank for which the borrower's selected credit means gives for use of the borrower to free use.
  • The client must fully repay the amount spent during the term provided. In this case, the interest rate is not numbered. If the replenishment is not complete, the bank perceives it as non-fulfillment of obligations from the user and begins to make interest for the use of credit funds.
  • The beginning of the grace period begins from the moment the first operation was carried out. Subsequent acquisitions have respectively less time to repay without%. Thus, if the write-print happened, for example, three months after the first purchase, only ten days remain on the closure of debt.
  • the grace period will resume immediately after the repayment of the previous debt.
  • Even in the case when spending fit into the grace period, the user must make a minimum payment every month (5% of the entire amount of debt).
  • For LP follows. Diagram of relations between each banking organization And the borrower is different.

If you did not meet the grace period

  • It is possible to make the entire amount of debt within twenty days, as well as accrued interest.
  • You can repay the whole amount immediately or make payments partially. When paying minimal payments, interest will be removed each time. It should be remembered.
  • If the payment period is overdue, and the required amount is not made, the credit holder is waiting for penalties and additional accruals. Such a state of things negatively affects the credit history of the borrower.

From the above, the logical conclusion follows that the card that provides LP in the amount of a hundred days should be carefully monitored by the owner. This will make it possible to prevent incorrigible situations.

How to carry out regular account control

  • in the bank;
  • in the LC;
  • email;
  • in the telephone mode, making a call to the hotline;
  • using mobile Bank.

The relationship scheme with crediting institutions is pleased to be simple. If the borrower at the initial stage is familiar with the principle of accrual interest on debt in the case when it is impossible to make a calculation in the established Grace-period, controls the size and timing of payments, unpleasant surprises do not expect it. It is also important to learn, in which case the penalty is charged for the removal of funds and what is its value. In case of cashless calculation, no commission is threatened.

How to issue a map

The banking structure offers credits in three versions. At the same time, they differ in the restriction on cash removal, the cost of service for the year, the amount of interest accruals and some other features. Consider all three options in more detail.

Types of credit cards

Classic (Visa Classic)

  • for the issue of money is not removed;
  • service during the year - 1190 p.;
  • payment for add. Map - 1190 r.;
  • the interest rate is determined individually and depends on the information provided (at least 11.99% per annum);
  • for removal - 5.9% (minimum 500 p.);
  • restriction on the allocated funds - up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • allocated credit limit - up to 500 thousand rubles;
  • free replenishment.


  • free release;
  • service during the year - 2990 p.;
  • restrictions on the allocated funds - up to 70 thousand rubles;
  • min. Rate - 11.99%;
  • for removal - 4.9% (min. 400 p.);
  • it is allowed to shoot no more than 120 thousand rubles;
  • allocated limit - up to 700 thousand rubles;
  • free replenishment.


  • free release;
  • service per year - 5490 r.;
  • credit rate - from 11.99% per year;
  • for removal - 3.9% (min. 300 p.);
  • it is allowed to shoot no more than 200 thousand rubles;
  • allocated limit - up to 1 million rubles;
  • free replenishment.

What design options exist

  • Collect all the necessary documentation and personally visit the bank. For a while will be considered the question of deciding. In the case of a positive solution to the issue, plastic is produced, which is issued in the banking structure personally to the client.
  • Send a completed application via the Internet and attach the necessary scans. If the question decides to affirmatively, the originals are considered directly in the bank and plastic issued.
  • In the telephone mode, calling the number 8 800 100 20 17. Report the necessary information. If it arranges a banking structure, deliver the required originals and copies. The question of receiving plastic is also solved in a few days.

How to order a credit card without leaving home

  • we visit;
  • fill in the application where the requested data is submitted;
  • we learn about the result;
  • subject to the bank and take plastic.

As can be seen, everything is very fast and easy. After filling in the questionnaire, the decision will be made very quickly. However, you need to not forget the fact that the credit institution can give a refusal of the applicant. Causes are different: small customer income, many previously taken loans, previous delay in payments. Before reading the final result, the information is carefully checked.

Cash removal from Alpha Bank 100 days

Check out the options for cash withdrawal through your ATMs and third-party banks.

Cash withdrawal without commission

The process of removing cash from a credit card Alpha Bank 100 days without percent is very simple. There are several options:

  • "Native" ATMs;
  • in the jar or offices of the affiliate network;
  • aTMs of other institutions.

How to make money not to spend extra money? Today it is allowed to take money within 50 thousand rubles. a month without additional fees. To do this, the user must use the "native" ATM. If the set limit is exceeded, the magnitude of commissions is 5.9%. For example, the client received 54 thousand rubles. within a month. In this case, he will pay a commission for only 4 thousand rubles. If there is no opportunity to receive cash in the desired ATM, it is worth contacting partners. There are many of them, which delivers additional amenities to the borrower. Partners sometimes make their changes and restrictions, so it is better to specify all moments in advance. You can decide in the departments. It is enough to present documents. The limit on the removable amount is the same. In the case of personal cash savings there are no restrictions.

Cash withdrawal with the Commission

It should be understood in what points the client will have to pay additional funds.

  • First, if you contact not affiliate structures. In case of receipt credit money The fee for removal is 5.9% (min. 500 p.) In favor of Alpha Bank, regardless of the amount of cash removable, plus the structure through which the money will receive. Upon receipt own funds, the collection is only 1.5%.
  • Secondly, if it is not possible to get cash in a "native" ATM, you can avoid paying high percent third-party credit institutions. For this use money transfers. That is, send money to yourself. Transferring to itself through remote translations is much cheaper than cash withdrawals in other organizations. The scheme is quite simple: visit the site of the company, go to translations, specify the data, write a credit card, the desired amount, confirm the operation, get money. The commission's size is much less, no additional costs.

As we see, if you carefully approach the conditions of obtaining in the "native" ATMs, partner organizations and third-party structures, you can not allow missions and not overpay. There are cases that the client receives a refusal to receive credit money. As a rule, this happens when there is a long debt, a common limit has been exceeded, there are no documents or a credit card itself.

Underwater rocks

Undoubtedly, to become owners of a credit card from Alpha Bank want many. It also attracts the opportunity to use for a hundred days in cash completely free. Many may realize their needs during this period, make the necessary acquisitions. The limit is usually enough for it. A fully logical question arises in a similar situation: is there an Alpha Bank's underwater stones 100 days without percent? At what points it is worth focusing before the acquisition of plastic and is there any trick? Let's try to figure out.

  • The card is decorated and activated. It immediately spikes the amount for annual service. After that, the countdown of a hundred days at a preferential period will begin.
  • After the first acquisition is made, the grace period begins. When making further purchases over weeks, days, months must be calculated with the bank in the established LD.It turns out that the repayment period of debt with each subsequent acquisition becomes less. For example: The first purchase is made on the first day in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. And following the 90th in the amount of 40 thousand rubles. In any case, for repayment of full debt, the payer remains only 10 days. For this reason, you need to try to cover the debt without finding. As soon as the debt is closed, a new LP begins.
  • The monthly payment will not be avoided. The client will have to make a minimum payment in the amount of 5% of the existing debt or 320 p. For example: if, for example, your debt is 20 thousand rubles, then the amount of payment will be 1 thousand rubles, debt - 2 thousand rubles, it is necessary to make 320 p.
  • The interest rate may vary from 11.99 to 23%. As a rule, the value is established individually. Practice shows that the maximum indicator is most often taken - 23% (in the case of providing all documents, the rate can be reduced, but insignificant). Preferential offers are provided by the owners of salary cards, as well as employees of the partner network organizations.
  • The new LP can only be started after the previous debts are fully settled. Exceptions can not.
  • For additional service through SMS and Mobile Bank, the client does not pay only the first month. The rest of the rest is expected to pay - 59 p. In case of reluctance to overpay for additional servicesYou can use the services of the LCs that are provided completely free.
  • If you have not invested in LP, be prepared to pay the penalties accrued for the entire Grace period. Crushed, for example, for 6 days, pay the percentage of each day from the amount of payment.
  • At the initial stage, a slight monetary limit is provided (approximately monthly or two-month earnings of the applicant). At the subsequent stages, the amount increases. Not everyone can cope with repayment on time and will be elected into debts, which is fraught with significant additional costs. To avoid a similar situation, you can independently adjust the limits in the LC.

As you can see, the underwater stones are and you need to know about them. If at the initial stage carefully examine the terms of the contract, to track the deadlines for making payments, measure their desires and opportunities, you can avoid unpleasant moments and comfortably use plastic.

Pros and cons

Stepodally studying all the nuances of lending, it is necessary to take over all the pros and cons of the Credit Card Alpha Bank 100 days without percent. Informed, it means, warned and protected from possible unforeseen turns.

Positive sides

  • quite an impressive use of the allocated funds without paying interest;
  • removing money within the framework of the established limit (50 thousand rubles) without percent during the LP;
  • free plastic release;
  • rapid decoration with a minimum number of documents;
  • loyal attitude of the bank in granting a loan;
  • grace-period acts immediately as soon as the first purchase is performed, which delivers additional amenities to the consumer;
  • if it is impossible to close the debt during the LD, lending begins at a standard rate (it is established individually and ranges from 11.99 to 23 percent);
  • the presence of the chip makes the plastic safer in the implementation of settlement operations (serves as a significant factor for many users);
  • security of payments on the Internet due to the alert that comes to the mobile client;
  • the ability to pay for the purchased goods by contactless way thanks to PayPass and PayWave technologies;
  • five percent mines from debt (minimum 320 p.).

Negative qualities

  • the presence of restrictions on cash transactions in the amount of 50 thousand rubles;
  • commission for removing funds in case of exceeding the established framework;
  • considerable cost of annual premium class maps;
  • penalties for non-compliance with debt obligations;
  • lack of cachek for shopping on the map.

As you can see positive moments much more. Everyone has the right to independently make a decision on the need to obtain plastic. It can be said unambiguously, if all the requirements, regular payments, fulfillment of deadlines and established limits, the user has a lot of advantages. No underwater reefs are terrible.

How paid debt

To understand to the end, how to pay the debt on the Alpha Bank 100 days without interest, at the initial stage it is necessary to submit a procedure for calculating the banking structure and follow it. She is pretty simple. Suppose the contract is concluded on October 23. LP in this case lasts until February 10 and min. The payment is made twice within 20 days from the 23rd of each month. That is until December 12 and January 12th. Until February 10, all debt is paid. After that, you can start using a new LP. Simple mathematics. Very available and transparent. The main thing is to track the deadlines and control the debt. If the entire amount is not submitted before the end of the LP, the accrual process will begin. Find out accurate information about the desired amount is always possible directly in the institution or in your personal account.


Despite the fact that the Alpha Bank's credit card is 100 days without interest has a lot of positive, different opinions are found different. Some are not satisfied with the provided limit, others collided with significant penalties. By signing a contract with a credit institution, we deliberately agree with all the conditions and expect not to violate them. Attentive attitude to the use of funds provided, responsibility and regular control, the ability to commend the desires and opportunities is the guarantee of the comfort and tranquility of the client. Do not satisfy tariffs? Read the contract carefully at the initial stage and make a decision. High penalties? Stay in the LD and there will be no need to overpay. Discontent about the Commission when removing funds in an ATM? Do not go beyond the proposed limit and give preference to ATM Alfa Bank and its partners. The banking structure allows the borrower to use money and is configured to long-term decent relationships. That is why the proposal of Visa Classic Alpha Bank 100 days without percent is very popular and in demand among the population.

Alpha Bank bank card 100 days without percent It is today the absolute record holder on the duration of the grace period (100 days is such a LP for the entire validity of the card). How to use it with the greatest advantage, and whether there is a catch of this card, we will analyze its opportunities in the review.

We define it immediately that the variations of the credit cards "XX days without percent" among Alfa-Bank provides enough - the main thing, in this journey to find the necessary for us. So, for example, there is another card "60 days without percent" - it costs a little cheaper than "100 days", and the minimum interest rate is higher. I will not surprise anyone in a grace period in 60 days, so we will tell you about the card with a 100-day Grace period.

The main advantage of the card lies in its name:

The map really can pay any purchases and even remove cash, and when the debt is quenched for 100 days, not to pay anything to the bank.

It turns out, the card can be used both both a regular credit card for shopping and a kind of "consumer loan." We will tell you more about the 100-day grace period, in short, in the meantime, you will get acquainted with the categories of the card issue.
The card is available in several versions:

"Classical" - Map category MasterCard Standart / Visa Classic:

  • maximum credit limit - 300,000 rubles;
  • service cost primary name card - 1290 rubles a year for maps decorated in normal order and 990 rubles per year for maps issued on the Bank's credit proposal;
  • the cost of servicing an additional card is 990 rubles per year.

"Golden" Mastercard Gold / Visa Gold:

  • maximum credit limit - 500,000 rubles;
  • the minimum credit limit is 10,800 rubles for the Moscow region and 5,000 rubles - for other regions of the Russian Federation;
  • the cost of maintenance of the main nominal map - 2990 rubles per year for cards, decorated in normal order and 775 rubles per year for maps issued on the Bank's credit proposal;
  • the cost of maintenance of the main nonien card - 625 rubles (can only be released on the bank's credit proposal);
  • the cost of servicing an additional card is 2490 rubles per year.

  • maximum credit limit - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • minimum credit limit - 150 001 ruble;
  • the cost of servicing the main nominal map - 6490 rubles per year for maps decorated in the usual basis and 4990 rubles per year for maps issued by the Bank's credit proposal;
  • the cost of maintenance of an additional card is 4990 rubles per year.

We no longer wrote that the actual difference between the categories of Standart categories (Classic), Gold or Platinum - no.

Therefore, if you are enough credit Limita Up to 300,000 rubles, we recommend issuing a "classic" card for 1290 rubles per year. Its opportunities will be enough to make any operations.

The card can be released with a contactless payment module PayPass / PayWave, however, whether the map will be actually equipped with this module - it is unknown, the bank decides on its discretion, while the presence / absence of a module for the service cost does not affect anyone. But regardless of whether the card is with PayPass / PayWave or not, the map can be added to Samsung Pay / Apple Pay. / Android Pay and use the contactless card with a smartphone.

A loan offer from the bank is a proposal in the form of an SMS or an email, which can be sent on behalf of the Bank to any operating or former client of the bank or any other uncertain circle of persons - all at the discretion of the bank. In case you received such a proposal, it is enough to show this SMS in the office or the printed version of the email. If you do not have such a sentence, the card is issued as usual.

How to issue a card 100 days without percentage of alpha-bank

Application for the release of the card is issued on the official website of Alfa-Bank:

In total, we will need to pass 6 simple steps to make an application, and you will receive a preliminary solution for a few minutes after completing the application.

Than more information About me and documents confirming your income you fill out, the higher the probability of approval of the application and precisely with the credit limit that you specify.

The bank may refuse to design a card or provide a credit limit that does not correspond to the requested.

At the same time, the bank may not disclose the reasons for refusal, but most often such a reason may be bad credit history. How to fix this drawback, we have already written in a special review dedicated to credit stories.

Once the card is ready, you will be notified by SMS and are invited to the nearest office to you to receive a map.

How the 100-day grace period works

100 days of Grace period applies to any shopping on the card, as well as on cash withdrawal operations.

If you return the bank the entire amount of debt within 100 days from the beginning of the grace period, the bank does not accrue interest. Those. You use money for free. Agree, 3 more than a month of interest-free "scrolling" of money - the offer is very attractive.

The first grace period on the map begins to act from the date following the first day of committing the first consumables On the map and lasts until the day, when all the debt on the map will be repaid, but not more than a hundred days.

Explaining the example:

You received a map on November 22, and on November 28, you made the first purchase on the map. So, from November 29, your first grace period is valid. You can continue to make purchases on the map, but you will need to repay all the debt "in zero" until March 9 - this day will be the hundredth on November 29:

But to rejuvenate all the debt by one payment, say, March 8 - the day before committing a grace period - will not succeed.

Throughout these three months, the action of the Grace period you will need to make a mandatory monthly minimum payment.

The bank will post this payment monthly at the date of receipt of the card (in our example it is a 22th number) in the form of SMS, as well as in the Alfa-Click Internet Bank and Alpha-Mobile. Every time you will have 20 days to make this money to the card account - the so-called " payment period" In our example, it will end the 11th day of each next month.

The minimum payment on the map "100 days without percent" Alfa-Bank is 5% of the amount of debt, but not less than 320 rubles.

Disgusting monthly minimum payment No matter how "makes you show your solvency in front of the bank.

Of course, making a monthly payment goes to debt gation. In other words, the division of a monthly payment reduces the amount of your debt. Your monthly payment It may not coincide "penny-in-penny" with the bank exhibited - you can make much more or even to tick the entire amount of debt - the main thing is that the amount contributed is not less than specified in SMS.

If you do not make a minimum payment within the allotted period, the bank will write a fine of 1% of the amount of debt for every day of delay:

"To pull" with debt quenching optional until the last day of the grace period: you can nourish all the debt at any time when it is convenient for you - for example, even the day after the first purchase. The grace period ends the day when the entire amount of debt was repaid. The new 100-day interest-free period begins a day, following the end of the previous one. Etc.

If you do not have time to pay off all debt on the card in a 100-day period, then the grace period will be completed, and on the entire amount of debt will be accrued daily from the moment of the operation.

This percentage is set to each card holder individually, but not less than 23.99% per annum and no more than 39.99% per annum, regardless of the Card category:

Removing cash from the "100 days without percent" card Alfa-Bank

From July 6, Alfa-Bank improved the conditions on the "100 days without%" map: now the removal of cash due to the credit limit of the card in Alfa-Bank ATMs and ATMs of partner banks in the amount of no more than 50,000 rubles - free:

And only if the amount of removal per month exceeds 50,000 rubles, then the Commission will additionally be held:

These changes make cards even more attractive, because in fact, now, the card is also the "hook" on the "black day" in the amount of no more than 50,000 rubles!

Therefore, conditionally, but this card It can be perceived as a cash loan, and the Commission of 5.9% can be considered a commission for issuing a loan.

We recommend removing cash from the "100 days without percent" card by Alpha Bank only in the most critical, emergency situations. Use the card only to make purchases and do not forget to extinguish everything in Grace.

Calculation of debt on the "100 days without interest" Alfa Bank

You can exhaust debt by any convenient way:

  1. with the help of the Alpha-Click's Internet bank from the map of another bank or another account, open in Alpha Bank;
  2. with help mobile Bank "Alpha-Mobile" in the same way;
  3. interbank transfer from the card or account of another bank;
  4. through the cash regulations of the alpha bank;
  5. using ATMs with the function of receiving cash Alfa-Bank, Moscow credit Bank, Binbank, Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Gazprombank.

Alpha Check, Alpha Click, Alpha Mobile

The SMS service service for all operations on the Alfa-Chek card is paid and costs 59 rubles per month, but the first month is working for free:

Alfa-Click Internet Bank and Alpha-Mobile mobile Bank are always provided for free, very functional and more than once fell into the category of the best Internet banks in Russia:

Unfortunately, there are no bonus or cachek programs. We will consider a 100-day interest-free period with one big bonus.


Now that the map is disassembled atoms, you can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the card:

+ long grace-period, ongoing up to 100 days;
+ grace-period applies not only to purchases, but also for cash withdrawal;
+ ability to design an application for a map without visiting the bank office;
+ system-valued bank with a wide service network;
+ high credit limits - up to 1 000 000 rubles;
+ understandable I. simple scheme Grace-period work;
+ Free use of mobile and Internet bank;
+ Many ways to quench debt on the map;

high Cost Service Cost - from 1290 rubles for the Standart card, executed on the general conditions up to 6490 rubles per year for the PalTIunum card;
+ High Commission for Cash Removing - 5.9% of the amount of removal, but not less than 500 rubles; From July 6, with the amount of removal up to 50,000 rubles, no commission! These changes translate this "minus" cards in Plus
- a big percentage on purchases and cash withdrawals outside the grace period - 23.99 - 39.99% per annum;
the likelihood of refusal to issue a card from the bank without explaining the reasons.

What conditions can I get the card "100 days without percent"? How to order a credit card in Alpha Bank? What is the grace period of the card "100 days without percent"?

Hello everyone! In touch again, I, Alla Visukov, a bank specialist with experience!

It happens, you go to the store: here it is, your dream - fur coat, handbag, telephone or book reproduction Caravaggio! However, there is no money at all, or there is, but not enough. The most offensive thing is that in a week the desired amount will be, but the object of desire may already be and not to be.

Do you know this? And what do you do in this case?

Personally, I believe that dreams should come true! Therefore I use alpha Bank credit card "100 days without%". Convenient, profitable. I have time to pay off debt while the grace period is not overpaying, as if it were my own money.

Want also - read my new article! In it, I will teach how to choose and quickly get a credit card "100 days without percent".

1. Map of Alfa-Bank "100 days without%" - 3 months of free

Alpha Bank is among the leaders of the Russian financial market. A lot of money and efforts the organization spends on the development of new services / products for individuals.

Russians are particularly popular with credit cards of this financial institution. It was here that appeared first banknotes with a 100-day grace period.

"Super. For more than 3 months, I can do not deny anything, while still not pay. Freebie!" - Many will say.

I propose to find out together whether the credit card is really "100 days without percent" is so good, and there is no trick here.

Let's start with the advantages:

  • long annual grace period;
  • cash withdrawal 50 thousand rubles. Monthly with the Commission 0%;
  • 5% minimum payment (≥ 320 rub. );
  • free release;
  • acceptable% rate (from 23.99%);
  • cheap service (depending on the type of map) with good service.

Private plus - card safety. In the media and on the Internet with enviable constancy, reports of fraudulent actions with bank cards appear. Of course, in such a situation, I want to maximize to secure.

For these purposes, Alpha Card Product "100 days without%" released chipped. To take possession of the data with such protection is not easy, and therefore the risks of the owners are declining at times.

To enhance the protection of this financial instruments The 3-D Secure technology is used - confirmation of payments on the Internet via a phone attached to the card using SMS messages with a special code.

The contactless payment is another "chip" from Alpha Bank. It has become possible due to the application pAYPASS technology and paywave.

Now you do not need to enter data into payment terminals, to transmit information to anyone. It is enough to bring plastic to the reader. Quickly, comfortable, reliably!

The following is the following:

  • frequent failures in extradition;
  • requires discipline and attentiveness from the holder.

It would seem that everything is super: more advantages than flaws. Everything is so but be vigilant with a grace period. Do not forget that during his action you need to pay minimal obligatory payments every 20 days. Forgetfulness is expensive!


Vasily received a banknote "100 days without%." He clearly remembered the main thing (as he thought): 100 days you can use the creditor's money for free.

He did not even remember about the mandatory minimum payment. Therefore, Grace-period for Vasily ended, barely started. I did not have time to enjoy, but the penny "earned".

Merry thematic video from Alpha Bank!

2. What are the varieties of the card "100 days without%"

Credit card "100 days without%" produced 2 visa systems And Master Card, 3 categories: Classic, Gold, Platinum.

Basic characteristics of all they have the same:

  • interest-free fittings;
  • % rate from 23.99%;
  • zero% for cashing.

They differ mostly only a limit amount, service cost and a set of bonuses. To facilitate comparison and choices, I imagined them in the same table.

Conditions on the cards "100 days without%":

SystemCategory% rate OT.PreferentialLimit

up to thousand rubles.

For removal


Service cost per year (rub.)
1 Visa.Classic.23,99 100 days300 0 1190
2 GOLD.500 2990
3 Platinum1000 5490
4 Master CardStandart.300 1190
5 GOLD.500 2990
6 Platinum1000 5490

3. In which ATMs can be removed in cash without commission

All credit plastic holders are usually interested in questions "Is it possible to remove cash?" And "Where to shoot them without commission?"

Alpha Bank gives bills not only through own ATMs, but also through partnerships. 7 well-known and reliable partners are always ready to serve users throughout the Russian Federation.

Alfa Bank partner banks

In partner devices, it is possible to obtain denucleists on conditions similar to Alfa Bankovsky. Making cash, always remember the Lyer 50 000 rub. a month on their interest-free removal.

In order to do not waste time, find out exactly the location of the necessary ATM on your finachery site. We go to the "ATMs" section on the Alpha Bank Internet portal. Choose the city, type of service, currency, recipient category.

Learn with the help of the Internet service mode of operation in the selected branch, the advantages of the bill that the device is ready to give at the moment.

4. How to get a map of Alpha Bank "100 days without percent" - 3 simple steps

Want to use the product "Alpha Bank card 100 days without percent", but do not know where to start?

Read carefully mine step by step algorithm. With it without much effort, any can cope with the task.

Step 1. Apply

The first thing to be done to obtain plastic is to form and send an application.

"Alpha Bank credit card online application"- A similar request is gained in the search engine those who want to quickly get the cherished finprodukt.

Indeed, in such a way, it is easily on the portal of a credit organization, a preliminary on this financial instrument is issued.

The applicant sufficiently make information in a special form:

  • address;
  • passport data;
  • information about work;
  • income information;
  • documents provided, etc.

It takes about 12 minutes.

There are 2 more ways to submit an application:

  • personally, by visiting the finacheance;
  • by phone in the contact center.

I have familiar with the experience of filing and online, and offline (with a personal visiting office).

Some of them 2 options like more: the consultant immediately checks all the documentationrequired for final approval, which means, waiting for the result of the preliminary consideration, have time to correct all the revealed flaws.

Step 2. Expect decision making

Do not forget that the submitted application is preliminary, and therefore the decision will also be preliminary. It may take up to 5 days. Be patient.

If in the end it will approve it, you will call, will communicate the result and advise on further actions.

If the application fails, the corresponding SMS message will come. The bank does not explain the reasons for refusal. Re-execution is allowed only in 30 days.

Step 3. We conclude a contract and get a map

Alfa-Bank concludes credit agreement with customers. It has other acceptance Form.

Signing a questionnaire application, client gives consent to joining General conditions credit card lending. The document is in free access on the bank's website.

Here are the main of them:

  • read attentively;
  • find out the incomprehensible moments immediately.

If, for example, you take a regular loan, then first send the application, then get acquainted with the contract, sign it and get money.

Making a card product, you should first carefully examine the conditions and only then make an application for issuance.

After the release and delivery of the card to the office that you specified in the application remains only to get it and activate.

To order a map right now, use the active button:

5. Why may refuse the card design - 3 the main reasons

It is the opinion that the cards give out everything in a row, but it is not quite so, but rather not at all. There are reasons for which finacheman refuses to issue many applicants.

Consider 3 the most common.

Cause 1. Borrower less than 18 years

The first thing that the creditor is noted is the age of the borrower. Alfa Bank credit card has the right to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years.

The application will be rejected if the borrower is younger.

Cause 2. Borrower's income less than 5000 rubles

It is important to the lender and the income of the potential borrower. 5 thousand rubles. - minimum from which credit organisation Ready to begin consideration of the application for regional customers. For the capital applicants, the minimum earnings level above - from 9 thousand rubles.

Officially confirming income bank does not require. However, the provision of reference 2-NDFL is capable of increasingly installed individually credit limit.

If income does not comply with the stated requirements, wait for the refusal of the application.

Cause 3. The Bank's client operates in one place less than 3 months

Customer experience is the following factor affecting the decision on extradition.

In the list mandatory documents Not included paper, confirming it. Nevertheless, if the term of work for the applicant is less than 3 months in one place, it will not work.

I do not advise you to specify unreliable data. Banking institutions have a perfectly debugged system for checking all incoming information.


My neighbor Irina issued an application for a credit card. At the meeting, she told me that he pointed out the salary 2 times more actual. She was sure, once it was not necessary to confirm the income, then everything will go smoothly.

I advised her not to be so confident. Trantry specialists can compare the specified labor payment with the average for this enterprise, easily determining the catch.

Then, 2-NDFL reference will then ask the decision. Of course, to provide her Irina does not make sense, since the data does not coincide with the application.

So everything happened. Irina's card did not receive.

6. How to use the credit card "100 days without%" - 3 useful advice

Get all the benefits from the card and avoid unpleasant moments, you can only know how to use it correctly.

Catch 3 useful advice to help!

Tip 1. Connect the SMS information service

SMS notification - the desired and useful service.

With its help the borrower will be able to:

  • exclude unauthorized access to funds;
  • control the balance of the account;
  • get a reminder of the sum and date of the upcoming payment;
  • send various requests with specialcodes (for example, about the lock card);
  • learn the amount of bonuses and cachek accrued for the month;
  • receive important newsletters from the lender.

There are 3 ways to connect services:

  1. In the office of the institution.
  2. Through an ATM.
  3. By phone through the operator.

Most problems when using a credit card happens due to the misunderstanding of the rules for using a grace period.

See the picture. It is easy to deal with the essence of the process.

The scheme will help you correctly calculate the grace period.

Be sure to monitor the end of the next Grace period. Do not forget about minimum payments.

Tip 3. Refuse unnecessary paid services

Employees of banks serving customers must be engaged in additional sales. It enters their job duties.

For example, you make a credit card. The employee offers as if by the way insurance, a mobile bank or something like that.

Before agreeing, decide - do you need it? Refund categorically from what is not interesting.

So you will save your funds. You will not need to spend time, dealing with these services. You will not fall under additional fines and penalties.

7. Real reviews about the credit card "100 days without percent" + my experience

8. Conclusion

"Alpha Bank card 100 days without percent" is a loan offer by demand throughout the Russian Federation.

The annual period of without%, cashing within the limit without a commission is the main advantages of this credit card. Try and see for yourself!

Question to readers

What is the characteristic for you the most important when choosing a card product?

We wish to always stay in a grace period, success to you and prosperity! Specify questions on the topic! Comment! Like! It is important to us the opinion of our readers!

The most important condition in order not to pay interest for the spent borrowed funds For 100 days, it is timely making a monthly payment, which is 5% of overall debt on the map. This payment It is required to pay every month during the payment period, which lasts 20 days from the beginning of the month. In fact, it looks like this: at the end of each month, or as elsewhere they call each reporting period, you will receive an extract on the account of the card, where the size of the minimum payment is indicated, as well as the timing of its payment. After receiving this extract, you will have 20 days to make money on the bill card.

It is important to know that if you at least once have made a minimum payment on the card on time, then you are accrued interest for the full period of use of bank credit money, that is, as if there was no preferential period.

However, the plus is that the removal of the means enters the grace of the period, it is not in many banks. True, the bank establishes the removal limit - 60,000 rubles per day.

There is also a banknotes of the Bank of Avangard with the first Grace period of 200 days, and it is very important to understand that only the first interest-free period will last so long, but the subsequent only 50 days. And, by the way, the bank begins to count down the first grace period not from the moment of your first purchase, but from the date of registration of the map. The main condition for the action of such a long grace of the period, as well as in Alpha Bank, is the timely introduction of a minimum monthly payment, which is 10% of your debt. The offer with a grace period in 200 days is distributed only for new customers of the Bank and exclusively on the MasterCard payment system card.

Commission for the cashing card in avant-garde ATMs or through the Bank's cashier is only 3%, which is much more profitable than in Alpha Bank. However, the minus is that the interest-free period does not act on cash withdrawal, although this restriction can be circumvented, we have already written here. According to the experience we can say that the credit limit in the Bank of Avangard on a map with a long grace period is established usually in the amount of the average monthly income of the client. The advantages of the card is free SMS alert and Internet bank.

And summary it can be noted that cards with a long interest period may be a good alternative to the usual consumer credit. However, it should be noted that it is not worth skipping a single minimum payment, otherwise you have to pay interest for the entire use of borrowed money. Also, interest on the removal of money is quite large, which causes a person several times to think before you take money from the card, but ideally use such cards is better only for non-cash payments.

Among the largest Russian banks are to allocate Alpha Bank, which has been issued payment cards for many years.

The duration of the preferential stage is just over three months. Among the advantages of a similar card compared to other payment cards, it is worth highlighting a greater grace period.

Annually, the products of Alpha Bank becomes much more interesting. Today everyone more people Make sure that such a map is considered a more profitable and interesting proposal compared to the rest of the banks.

This article will describe in more detail the features of this card. Also from this article readers can learn about some important nuances.

Features of this map

Alpha Credit Map 100 days offers the following conditions. Thanks to the credit card visa classic a hundred days, the user can get 0% on lending to any purchases made over several months.

When the user takes off cash, the Commission is not charged from it. The amount of credit limits is three thousand rubles.

Also, the client can replenish the balance with cards of any banks.

The size of credit limits on the Card Visa Gold interest-free "One hundred days" is five hundred thousand rubles. If the user takes off cash, the Commission will not be charged.

Also, the client is offered zero percent on the loan taken to any purchase, perfect for a hundred days.

Important! The main advantage of the candidum visa card is the presence of interest-free hundred days. This feature is free to replenish the card with a special card of any bank.

The size of the credit limit is a million rubles. When removing cash from the user, the Commission is not charged. The user can also get zero interest on a loan for any purchases made for a hundred days.

Is it profitable to acquire a hundred days old-day credit card?

Here are the main reasons why the alpha credit card is beneficial for 100 days:

  1. For early repayment Credit does not need additional statements. Just make the required amount on credit card.
  2. It is also convenient that if the payment period ends into one of the non-working days, it is automatically transferred at the beginning of the week.
  3. To get a credit card from Alpha Bank, you can not provide a document for 2 ndfl. A small loan can be obtained without it. Just provide a passport and INN or SNILS.

To confirm solvency, it is enough, for example, certificate of ownership by car.

Credit Card Options

Also Alpha Bank Credit 100 days makes it possible to obtain such conditions. Adult citizens of Russia living in one of the regions can be able to get a similar credit card, where the nearest banking department is located.

Such a payment card will be impossible to get individual entrepreneurs and private lawyers. Also, such a credit card is not issued by notaries, as well as people who live in a hostel. If the client wants a more profitable interest rate, he should provide a copy of the outside insurance Polisa. from DMS.

Important! You can also apply for receipt bank card Online going to the official website of the bank. The user will receive a notice of the decision in one day, and to pick up the ready-made map he can five days later by visiting the banking department with the necessary documents.

It is worthy to give a few useful Soviets Users who have decided to make their choice in favor of one of ALFABANK's credit cards a hundred days without interest.

For example, users should control themselves to return spent cash during.

If you want to get such a credit card, you should not be lazy, and fill out the questionnaire. In it, it is necessary to correctly indicate all the necessary information - the number of the SNA and Pension Certificate.

By the way, it is better to use another card with a standard grace period for minor expenses.

Important! It is impossible not to say about the operation Manisend. The essence of it in the binding of the AlfaBank card 100 days without percent payment system MasterCard. Thus, you can completely freely replenish the card, provided that a similar transaction is regarded as a purchase.

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