
The minimum salary size. Minimum salary size What is the size of the minimum wage in

Currently, two concepts of the minimum wage (minimum wages) are currently established in the Russian Federation:

    federal Marot I.

    regional minimumss.

Articles 133 and 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (ed. Of 18.06.2017), there are two concepts:

    the minimum amount of remuneration, which is established by Federal Law throughout the Russian Federation (federal minimum wage), and

    minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation (regional minimum wage).

From July 1, 2017, federal minimum wage was elevated. Now the federal minimum wage is 7,800 rubles.

The increase in the minimum wage amount of 300 rubles (from 7500 to 7800 rubles) occurred in accordance with the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 N 460-FZ "On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ" On Minimal The amount of remuneration. "

"Article 1. To establish the minimum wage from July 1, 2017 in the amount of 7,800 rubles per month"

Federal Marlet establishes Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 133. "Setting the minimum wage":

    The minimum wage amount is established simultaneously throughout the Russian Federation by federal law and there can be no lower than the subsistence minimum of the working-age population.

    The minimum wage set by federal law is ensured:

      organizations funded from the federal budget, at the expense of the federal budget, extrabudgetary funds, as well as funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

      organizations funded from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, extrabudgetary funds, as well as funds received from business and other income-generating activities;

    The monthly salary of the employee who fully spent the norm of working time and fulfilling the norm (labor duties) cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

Article 133.1. "Establishing a minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation":

    In the subject of the Russian Federation, the regional minimum wage agreement may be established by the minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation.

    The size of the minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation may be established for workers working in the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, with the exception of employees of organizations funded from the federal budget.

    The size of the minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation is established taking into account the socio-economic conditions and the magnitude of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation.

    The size of the minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.

    The size of the minimum wage in the subject of the Russian Federation is provided:

      organizations funded from the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the funds of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, extrabudgetary funds, as well as funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

      organizations funded from local budgets - at the expense of local budgets, extrabudgetary funds, as well as funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities;

      other employers - at the expense of their own funds.

    The development of the regional minimum wage agreement and the conclusion of this agreement is carried out by the Tripartite Commission on the regulation of the socio-labor relations of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the manner established by Article 47 "Procedure for the Development of the Project Agreement and Conclusion of the Agreement" of the Labor Code.

    After the establishment of a regional minimum wage agreement, the head of the authorized executive authority of the Directory of the Russian Federation offers employers engaged in the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation and not participating in the conclusion of this agreement, to join it. This proposal is subject to official publication with the text of this agreement. The head of the authorized executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation shall notify the publication of these proposals and agreements a federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of labor.

    If employers operating on the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, within 30 calendar days from the date of the official publication of the proposal to join the regional minimum wage agreement did not submit to an authorized executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, a motivated written refusal to join him, the specified agreement is considered Completed on these employers from the date of the official publication of this proposal and is subject to compulsory execution. The indicated refusal must be attached to the Advice Protocol with the elected body of the Primary Trade Union Organization, which unites the employees of this employer, and proposals to increase the minimum wage of workers to the amount provided for by the specified agreement.

    In case of refusal of the employer, join the regional minimum wage agreement The head of the authorized executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to invite representatives of this employer and representatives of the elected body of the Primary Trade Union Organization, which unites the employees of this employer, for consultations with the participation of representatives of the Parties to the Tripartite Commission for Regulation Socially -tore relations of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the employer, representatives of the elected body of the Primary Trade Union Organization and representatives of the specified trilateral commission are obliged to take part in these consultations.

    Copies of the written refusals of employers from joining the regional minimum wage agreement are sent by an authorized body of the executive authority of the Directory of the Russian Federation to the appropriate territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise the federal state supervision of the observance of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards.

    The monthly salary of the employee working on the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation and in labor relations with the employer in respect of which the regional minimum wage agreement acts in accordance with the parts of the third and fourth Article 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or on which the specified agreement is distributed in the manner. The specified parts of the sixth - the eighth of this article cannot be lower than the size of the minimum wage in this subject of the Russian Federation, provided that the standard of working time is fully worked out for this period and labor standards (labor responsibilities) are fulfilled.

Based on the federal legislation (Articles 133 and 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), most of the subjects of the Russian Federation in their territories introduce their own regional minimum wage, which exceeds the minimum wage elected at the federal level (federal minimum wage).

The minimum wage in Moscow and the Moscow region depends:

    from the subsistence minimum in the region

    as well as from federal minimum wage.

Since the amount of the subsistence minimum in these regions is revised quarterly, and from July 1, the federal minimum wage was raised, the minimum wage in Moscow and the Moscow region from July 1, 2017 also changed.

Minimum wage (minimum wage) from July 1, 2017 in Moscow

In Moscow, the magnitude of the minimum wage depends on the size of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population.

Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018. from 12/15/2015.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is approved once every three months. With an increase in the subsistence minimum, an increase in regional minimum wage. The new minimum wagon in Moscow begins to act from the 1st day of the month following the month of entry into force of the next resolution on the subsistence minimum. But if the cost of living has not changed, or even decreased, then the minimum wage remains the same.

In the 4th quarter of last year, the subsistence minimum in Moscow was reduced to 17,487 rubles from 17,561 rubles in the 3 quarter (?). Therefore, the minimum wagon in Moscow did not change and amounted to 17,561 rubles from January 1, 2017.

From July 1, 2017, he grew up to 17 624 rubles per month (with prizes and premiums). Such a subsistence minimum for the working-age population was established by the Moscow Government.

Resolution of the Government of Moscow of June 13, 2017 N 355-PP "On the establishment of a subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2017"

The new minimum wage in Moscow in the amount of 17,624 rubles is valid from July 1, 2017.

Salary of employees with prizes and premiums should be not lower than this level of minimum wage. Therefore, metropolitan companies need to raise the salary of employees to 17,624 rubles per month if they are lower.

You can abandon regional minimum wage and adhere to federal minimum wage. Motivated failures should be sent within 30 calendar days from the date of the official publication of the Resolution of the Moscow Government on the new subsistence minimum. To send the refusal to the Moscow trilateral commission.

If the company has not officially abandoned regional minimum welfare and does not comply with it, then the employer may bring liability in the form of fines:

    fine for organization:

      can range from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles,

      and when re-identifying this violation - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles;

    penalty for director or chief puboch:

      with primary violation - can make a warning or write a fine from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles,

      when re-fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. Moreover, they can disqualify for a period of years to three.

Part 6 of Article 5.27 "Violation of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law" of the Codex of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)

Minimum wage (minimum wage) from July 1, 2017 in the Moscow region

From January 1, 2017, the minimum wage in the amount of 13,750 rubles operates in the Moscow region.

Agreement of November 30, 2016 N 118 "On the minimum wage in the Moscow region between the Government of the Moscow Region, the Union" Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union organizations "and the associations of employers in the Moscow region"

In 2016, the minimum wage was changed only once, so it was possible that from July 1, 2017, the minimum wage in the Moscow region will be revised. So far, the current size of the minimum wage in the Moscow region is 13,750 rubles - all employers of the Moscow region are used, which in January 2017 did not move to the use of federal minimum wage.

For all employers who have abandoned the regional marrow values \u200b\u200bon time and switched to federal minimum wage, Moscow and Moscow region from July 1, 2017, a minimum wage will be 7,800 rubles.

The salary of employees cannot be lower. Otherwise, the employer will attract responsibility for violation of the labor rights of employees.

How wages have changed in Moscow and the Moscow region

Moscow employers have the basis of raising salary. Moscow last year has shown the increase in all sectors:

    maximum increase in financial companies - plus 18.5 thousand rubles,

    the least average wage was added to the branches of the "hotels and restaurants" - plus 906 rubles.

Moscow region companies can afford to reduce wages to their employees.

In the Moscow region in 2016, average salary indicators decreased in most industries:

    the greatest increase occurred in the state administration - plus 2.3 thousand rubles,

    trade workers - minus 9.2 thousand rubles lost more.

In this article, we will consider the minimum wage (minimum wage) in Moscow. We will deal with the Marot table in Moscow for wages by year. We learn whether there is a salary or salary to be less than minimum wage.

Mrometa (minimum wage) was approved at the legislative level in order to:

  • ensuring regulation of wages;
  • calculation of vacation, hospital and other monetary benefits to employees of organizations;
  • organizing the social insurance system.

Citizens of the Russian Federation expected to increase the "minimal" from January 1 of the current year, but the event was postponed for six months. Mrots will be indexed only in the middle of summer and only 4 percent.

Why are two different minimum wage in Moscow?

It is known that in the capital of Russia, the Mroth is not one for all residents, there are two different levels of minimum salary. This fact is associated with the fact that Muscovites serve in those institutions that receive funding from the federal budget, the minimum salary is not related to the subsistence minimum.

This means that there will be only a change in the big side of the Mrots from July 1, by that time it will be 7800 p. (approximately 70% of the subsistence minimum). The minimum wagon over the past two years has increased by more than one and a half thousand rubles: at 1.01.2015. It was equal to 5965 r., in a year increased to 6204 r., and as of July 1, 2016. reached 7500 p.

The authorities of the capital, the association of employers and trade unions made a joint decision on the recalculation of the minimum wage in each quarter, based on the subsistence minimum:

  • if it changes in the big face, the "minimum" is also raised;
  • if it decreases, the minimum wage is left unchanged.

As a result, the minimum salary may not change at all throughout the year, and can undergo changes up to four times. Of the advantages of the annual increase in the minimum wage and its dependence on the subsistence minimum, you can allocate the fact that the accrual of hospital, vacation and other payments to employees is based on these values.

The disadvantages of the above circumstance is that the increase in the minimum wage provokes inflation In connection with the increase in demand for goods in stores and the subsequent increase in prices for them. In addition, the minimum wage level affects the size of the insurance deductions of the IP, which means the growth of the minimum wage leads to additional financial stress on entrepreneurs. In order not to observe the reduced enthusiasm of the SP to conduct their activities and refuses to register new entrepreneurs, discussions are underway to fix for the next 2 years of the values \u200b\u200bof the insurance payments of the IP at the level of 2016.

Mrots in Moscow from January 1, 2017

In Moscow, the size of the minimum salary may change 4 times a year, since it is influenced by the subsistence minimum, which in turn is approved again quarterly. When it grows, the minimum wage also increases when it reduces it - the minimum payment of labor does not change.

The nearest to January 2017. The change in the level of the subsistence minimum occurred in November of the previous year: its size was reduced to 17487 rubles (earlier its value was 17561 ruble). As already mentioned, with a decrease in the size of the subsistence minimum, the minimum wage is not subject to change, which means that the next quarter in March 2017 will remain unchanged.

The minimum wage from January 1 of this year is 17561 p., In the amount included all premium payments and surcharges. The tenants of various enterprises of the capital should take into account the minimum wage when calculating the salaries of their employees, less than this amount, it is impossible to establish monthly labor.

Minot raising in Moscow in 2017

The minimum wage in Moscow is equal to the regional subsistence minimum. It is subject to revision every quarter. This sum includes not only the remuneration of the employee, but also premium payments and various surcharges. Such an order was approved by the Moscow Tripartite Agreement, which entered into force from December 2015. Now the minimum wage must coincide in the amount with a relevant subsistence minimum calculated for the working bodies. Previously, the minimum salary was prescribed to special. Mroth Contracts.

Each new minimum wage indicator is made by employers from the first day of the month following the one in which the decision has entered into force on the approval of the next subsistence minimum. If its value is lower than the previous amount, the minimum salary will not change. The new magnitude value will be exactly the cost of living.

Moscow enterprises will retain their right to refuse regional minimum wages in favor of the Mrometa approved at the federal level. But it is necessary not to simply neglect with new regulations, but to form a refusal in writing, to motivate it and send to the Committee of Public Relations. This is given month from the date of the official publication of the decision of the authorities to establish the level of the subsistence minimum.

Marot table in Moscow for wages by year

The minimum wage on the regions is approved on the basis of an agreement between representatives of the employers, the executive bodies of the state. The authorities and employees of organizations starting from early September 2007. This does not apply to employees of those institutions whose source of funding is the federal budget.

The magnitude of the minimum wage in the regions should not be below the level of the minimum wage approved at the federal level.

The table indicates the magnitude of the minimum wage:

Date of marrota approval Type of enterprises Value (rub / month)
day month year
1 october2016 Employers of the city of Moscow17561
1 november2015 17300
1 june16500
1 april15000
1 january14500
1 june2014 14000
1 january12600
1 july2013 12200
1 january11700
1 january2012 11300
1 july2011 11100
1 january10400
1 may2010 Commercial enterprises and budget institutions (with the exception of those receiving funding from the Fed. Budget)10100
1 january9500
1 september2009 Commercial / budget, receiving funding from the Moscow budget8700/6325
1 may8500/5855
1 january8300/5420
1 september2008 7500/5020

Mrots in the Moscow Region from January 1, 2017

The first period of last year was recorded the growth of the minimum wage in the Moscow region, it happened for the first time in 2016. The amount increased from 12,500 rubles to 13750 . Change information was officially published on 12/21/2016.

In order to pay employees of the salary, relying on the level of federal minimum wage, the company should notify the competent authority on this. Enterprises had a month of time (until 01/19/2017) for making a refusal to indicate its grounds and send it to the Ministry of Soc. Development of MO.

If the salary is less than the minimum wage in Moscow and the Moscow region

For violations of payments to employees of enterprises, Rostrude has always followed strictly, but earlier the low level of salaries in the organization provoked only the conduct of unscheduled documentary inspection. Not all inspectors received the approval of the on-site check by the prosecutor's office - had to be limited to watching papers. According to the new rules, coordination with the prosecutor's office of intentions for exit management of organizations is not required. Therefore, as soon as the Trudine Speaker reaches information about the intentional decreasing payments of the employees of any company (information can come from tax authorities, funds, articles in the media, complaints of employees), it has the right to organize a viscation.

In order not to bring trouble to your company, it is always necessary to ensure the regional minimum wage and adjust wages and other employee payments in accordance with it. The low salaries and not on time paid salaries and benefits will be the basis for the visit to you inspectors of Rostrud. It is worth noting that more than 3/4 of all the checks conducted by them ended with the detection of disorders and imposing fines.

For unpleasant requirements for minimal wages, officials can not only impose a fine, but also attract the company's head to criminal liabilityIf it is discovered that the salary in his company has been lowered for more than 2 months. For re-violation, the controlling authorities have the right to disqualify an official for up to 3 years.

In addition, if the payment of employees turns out to be lower than the minimum wage, this is recognized by violation or failure to fulfill the conditions of the collective agreement, for which it is necessary to submit a warning first, and then prescribe a penalty (3-5 thousand rubles).

The dimensions of the fines for the remuneration of employees below the minimum wage

The table shows the dimensions of fines:

Officers Ltd IP
First violation
10-20 thousand30-50 thousand1-5 thousand
Repeated violation
20-30 thousand50-100 thousand10-30 thousand

Penalties can be appointed not only by the workman, but also by the court decision. The companies paying for their salaries less minimum wage will not have to make surcharges in tax budget and contributions, but the tax authorities have the right to inform the violations of Rostrud.

But no longer-indulgent salaries, as well as compensation for the law, can be requested by employees of enterprises. And the Organization will need to pay extra amounts of funds for the full period of the employees plus compensation for not on time paid money.

Mrots for taxes, fines and penalties

When it comes to the marrow indicator, used in order to calculate taxes, penalties and fines, is not due to the regional and non-federal minimum wage. The law establishes the calculation of the amounts of fines, penalties and tax fees on the basis of the magnitude of the Mrots, starting since 2001. But under the minimum wage is understood as the amount approved by a separate regulatory act that is not related to the minimum wage taken to calculate payments to employees of organizations. Federal Law of 19.06.2000 NO 82-FZ launched a minimum end for the purposes of payment of fine, penalties and tax in the amount of only 100 rubles. This amount to this day is accepted for the above purposes, for example, if it is written that the amount of the penalty is 5 minimum wages, it means that the company must list 500 rubles to the budget.

Refusal to apply new minimum wage in Moscow

If you do not take any action after the indicator of the new minimum wage was announced, it will be considered that the employer recognizes the provisions of the trilateral agreement and undertakes to calculate the salaries to their employees to focus on the current minimum wage.

If it is decided to try to get permission to establish a wage below the minimum wage, you need to justify the causes of disagreement from the value of the new minimum wage. Weight arguments will be recognized:

  • significant impact of the economic crisis in the country on the company's activities;
  • insufficient to obtain an opportunity to increase salaries to the number of orders from customers of the company;
  • the risk due to raising the level of wages to come to the need to dismiss the large number of employees.

It is necessary to make a refusal to the employer from following the new minimum wagon in writing and send it to the Committee on Labor and Employment within a month from the date of the publication of the text of the process of recalculating the minimum wage in the regions.

Can a salary or salary be less than a minimum

The salary for the month of work of the employee should not be lower than the level of the Fed. Mrometa, in case:

  • he worked at the full rate and worked out all the laid hours;
  • he did not violate his work duties.

It is also possible to approve another scope of minimum wage for regions by adopting a regional agreement. And even when calculating payments, employees need to take into account district coefficients and surcharges for labor in unusual conditions.

As a result, when calculating the size of salaries of employees, three factors are taken into account:

  • mrot Index;
  • increasing the coefficient of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of premises for the work of the employee in special conditions.

However, it happens that the salary size turns out to be lower than the level of the minimum wage, but this may occur if there is only one legitimate basis - the employee every month receives some amounts of money as an incentive to work, it can be award, for example. Therefore, if the total amount of payments in the account of the premium and the main salary is obtained equal or exceeding the minimum wage, the requirements of the law are not violated.

But the salary of employees may be lower than the level of the installed minimum wage in three reasons:

  1. The size of the salary is actually not lower than the minimum wage, but payments for the month turn out to be less than the dimmer of the minimum wage due to the employer of the NDFL, laid for transfer to the budget.
  2. The salary really turned out to be less than minimum wage, since the employee was accepted for part-time work.
  3. Finally, the payment of labor may not reach the magnitude of the minimum wage due to the fact that the employee combines several work at once.

Federal Mrots from July 1, 2017

The increase in the federal value of the minimum wage was officially postponed until July of the current year. The new minimum end of the federal value will be 7,800 rubles instead of 7,500. The change will affect:

  • Wages of employees of enterprises.Employees at a complete rate will pay at least 7800 rubles per month of work, if the minimum wage is not superior to the federal minimum wage. As for payments for June, it does not matter that they will be issued next month, at that time will continue to act minimum payment in the amount of 7,500 rubles.
  • Accrual benefits.The amount of monetary benefits on temporary disability, as well as children's benefits should not decline below the amounts calculated on the minimum wage. In cases where the working experience of the employee was less than six months, the monthly allowance will not exceed the level of minimum wage.
  • Payments due to the onset of the insured event.Since July, employees earnings for calculating the size of benefits must be compared with the new value of the minimum wage. That is, the minimum earnings for the period will be (7800 rubles * 24 months) 187,200 rubles. The lowest day revenue will be equal to (187200/730) 256 rubles and 44 kopecks. If it turns out that the actual revenue of the employee below "minimal", the amount of the benefit must be determined through the minimum wage. Read also Article: → "

What kind of minimum wage approved from July 1, 2017 in Russia? How will the new minimum end affect benefits and salary? Will the sizes of benefits change from July 1, 2017? The new size of the minimum wage you will learn from this article.

Mrots from July 1, 2017

From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Russia increased and its size is 7,800 rubles. This is provided for by the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 460-FZ
"On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law" On the minimum wage ".

Note that the last time the Marot increased from July 1, 2016 to 7500 rubles (Federal Law Article 1 of the Federal Law of 02.06.2016 No. 164-FZ). We give a table with an increase in the minimum wage:

Mrots from July 1, 2017 and salary

Marlet is the minimum earnings that the organization or IP (employers) must accrue employees for a completely spent month (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, keep in mind that "in the hands" an employee can get less than a minimum range - minus NDFL and other retention, for example, alimony. Accordingly, from July 1, 2017, it is impossible to pay less than 7800 rubles.

It should be noted that the salary of workers from July 1, 2017 can be less than 7,800 rubles. After all, less minimum wage cannot be a common salary, which includes (Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • remuneration for labor;
  • compensation payments, including surcharge and surcharge;
  • stimulating payments (premiums).

The minimum wage is established both in Russia as a whole and separately in the regions, taking into account the local specifics - the standard of living, prices for goods and services, the size of the subsistence minimum. Moscow turned out to be one of the regions where regional minimum end was established by a three-way agreement, which, unlike the federal, has not changed for more than a year.

We will tell you more, what is the current minimum salary in Moscow in 2018 from May 1 and what factors affect its magnitude. Immediately, we note that the Mrots in 2018 from May 1 in Moscow is the highest in Russia.

Meaning and application

The minimum minimum range is the legislative amount of money remuneration, below which there can be no earnings of a person, fully fulfilled the position of the responsibility provided for by him. For non-compliance with the requirements of legislation, the employer threatens an administrative punishment under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Code.

Size, the procedure for determining and scope of the application of the Mrots is spelled out in the Federal Law No. 82-FZ "On the minimum wage" of 19.06.2000.

Depending on the source of funding in the calculations with employees of the company and the organization are obliged to take into account one of the types of minimum wage:

  • approved by federal law. Applies to employees of enterprises financed from the federal budget;
  • regional - the size of the minimum wage in Moscow and other subjects is recorded in agreements concluded by local authorities, representatives of employers and trade unions. Mandatory for the extrabudgetary sector of the economy.

An indicator is used to calculate:

  • the size of taxes, fines and fees;
  • payments for child care and "maternity";
  • the magnitude of the benefit is temporarily disabled.

What includes?

Prescribed in the normative acts amount is the lower limit of wages. At the same time, after all holds (income tax, mandatory contributions, alimony), actually paid earnings may be below the established size - the legislation requires the compliance of the minimum wage compliance (before the deduction of NDFL).

What are the components of labor, clarifies Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • salary;
  • surcharges and surcharges;
  • prizes.

In some regions, only the salary of the employee is taken into account when calculating the minimum wage. Mrometa in Moscow, as well as the basic - federal, includes additional payments.

According to Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment for the work done cannot be lower than the approved amount if an employee:

  • worked for a full month;
  • performed relevant qualifications and positions.

Part-time and part-time work is received in proportion to spent time spent: so, the minimum size for the salary of the employee decorated in Poltavka is 50% of the minimum wage.

Marlet and subsistence minimum

Labor legislation prescribes when approving a minimum wage to rely on the subsistence minimum - transferred to the cash equivalent of a consumer basket (necessary for maintaining human life and human health products, non-food products and services).

The subsistence minimum is calculated separately:

  • for children;
  • on pensioners;
  • on able-bodied citizens.

At the same time, the age needs of the body and the socio-economic activity of each group are taken into account. The highest value is set for workers, it is a reference point when determining the minimum wage.

However, contrary to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 133), at the beginning of 2018, the minimum wage in Russia lagged on the size of the subsistence minimum of a able-bodied person (respectively 9,489 rubles and 11,63 rubles). Equalized the indicators (subsistence minimum and minimum salary) from May 1, 2018, when the amendments were entered into force

Planned revision of the federal minimum wage - from January 1, another year. The legislation stipulates the conditions for making adjustments - an increase in the subsistence minimum of an adult for April-June. It will not be difficult to decline the minimum wage.

On March 28, 2018, the Communist Deputies team proposed to raise the minimum wage to 25,000 rubles from January 1, 2019 (the registration number of the draft law - No. 427393-7). According to the authors of the initiative adopted measures to increase the minimum wage (to the subsistence minimum for the second quarter of the previous year) is not enough to improve the quality of life of busy citizens.

Mrots size in Moscow

From January 1, 2018, the minimum salary of employees of metropolitan enterprises and organizations is 18,742 rubles. At this level, the minimum wage in Moscow is held since October 2017. The previous value of 17,642 rubles acted only three months - from July 1 to September 30, 2017.

Mrots is revised once every three months, after updating the data on the subsistence minimum. The quarterly actualization of the indicator requires the Moscow trilateral agreement concluded at the end of 2015 for 2016-2018. This document dictates the procedure for determining and approves the size of the minimum welfare, contains requirements for the payment of output benefits and compensation when salary delay. According to the agreement, after an increase in the subsistence minimum of a able-bodied Muscovite from the first day of the next month, a minimum wage increases.

The minimum wage in Moscow from May 1, 2018 (18,742 rubles) is higher than the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population, which is 17,990 rubles. There are no grounds for changing the Mrot: the minimum salary in Moscow from July 1, 2018 remains at the same level of 18,742 rubles.

Companies, not agreeing with the provisions of the contract, follows in a 30-day period after the publication of new data on regional minimum wage to provide a motivated refusal (financial inconsistency or another value) from joining the agreement.

MINTRUD introduced the draft law on improving the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum. "Now the law on the increase in the minimum wage is made by the Ministry of Labor into the government, so we will discuss it now," the Vice-Prime Minister Olga Golodets said to journalists.

The head of Mintruda Maxim Topilin explained that it is assumed to increase the minimum welfare in two stages: from January 1, 2018 - up to 90% of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population, from January 1, 2019 - up to 100%. For the implementation of the first stage in 2018, 25 billion rubles will be required for government agencies from the federal budget.

"If you go to 90% since January 1, 2018, the federal budget is 25 billion (rubles) for federal institutions," Topilin said.

Business expenses at the first stage, MINTRRU estimated at 43.9 billion rubles. Almost 56 billion rubles. It will be necessary to allocate from regional and municipal budgets.

"Expenses of employers in the real sector of the economy are projected at 43.9 billion in 2018," the press service of the Ministry of Labor is said.

"Funds from the budgets of all levels will be required to increase the minimum. If the bill is adopted, additional costs of increasing the minimum wage, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, will be in 2018: for employees of federal state institutions - 24.6 billion rubles, for employees of state institutions of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions - 55.7 billion rubles. " - noted in the department.

The Ministry of Finance, which began to prepare the draft federal budget for 2018 and 2019-2020, promptly at the request of "Gazety.Ru" did not answer.

Order to prepare a draft law on improving the minimum wage to the subsistence minimum of the working population Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave the heads of ministries of labor, finance and economic development at the beginning of May, following the results of the discussion in the State Duma of the report on the results of the Cabinet in 2016. Later he confirmed that this task should be performed.

"In the next two years I set the task, now the project is preparing, we are with a fully minimal wage to the level of subsistence minimum. It is necessary to do this, "said Medvedev at a recent meeting with employees of the Nevsky Plant in St. Petersburg.

From July 1, this indicator rises to 7.8 thousand rubles. In April, the government has established a subsistence minimum amount at the level of 9691 rubles. In particular, the amount of the subsistence minimum of able-bodied Russian was established at the level of 10,466 rubles, pensioners - 8 thousand rubles, for children - 9434 rubles. Over the past two quarters, this figure decreased by 265 rubles., Or 2.7%, despite the price increases all this time did not stop.

Since the beginning of this year, the provision of poor Russians has repeatedly expressed the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets.

According to Rosstat, the number of people with cash income below the subsistence minimum in 2016 amounted to 19.8 million, that is, 13.5% of the total population of Russia.

Medvedev earlier called the raising of the minimum wage to the subsistence level of the task of the next few years. Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin also argued: in order to equalize the minimum wage and the cost of living, it may be necessary for about three to five years.

A salary at the level of the minimum amount of wage is obtained in Russia in Russia, about 5 million people reported in February Vice Prime Minister Olga Golodets. According to her, the low level of wages is associated with business reluctance to invest in innovative technologies.

The level of poverty in Russia has grown in recent years. In total, according to Rosstat, incomes below the subsistence minimum in 2015 had 19.1 million people, or 13.3% of Russians, is a record amount since 2006.

According to the Hungts, about a quarter of all poor Russians, 4.9 million people are busy people with a very low salary, which is actually impossible to live.

The magnitude of the subsistence minimum is established quarterly, according to the results of the last period and varies from the region to the region, where it is calculated, in turn, on the basis of the subsistence minimum established in Russia. The cost of living is also different for three groups of the population: able-bodied population, children and pensioners. In general, in Russia, per capita in the third quarter of last year, it amounted to 9.9 thousand rubles.

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