
Uber comes to Belarus. Will innovative service replace ordinary taxis and personal transport? What is uber and how it works

As the site has become known, the innovative service of Uber will come to Belarus very soon, which is also called "future urban transport". We met with the regional representatives of the company to find out what features Uber will have in Belarus, what are the benefits of his competitors and whether the service can replace private cars to be replaced by Belarusians.

What is Uber and how does it work?

Uber tied to a mobile application. The program defines your GPS location and automatically selects the nearest driver. The machine will arrive, even if you do not know the exact address.

Immediately after ordering, the system picks up the car and shows its location on the map. When the car arrives, you will receive a notification. The application will show the car data and the driver name, which, if that, you can send a message or call.

Through the application, you can find the tariffs for a particular city. If you specify the initial and end of the trip, then the estimated value will be calculated. As soon as you get to the destination, the cost of the trip (calculated by the system) automatically sprinkles from a previously tied card. And the receipt for the trip will be sent to the mail.

What are the benefits of Uber compared to ordinary taxis?

- Uber grows very quickly, faster than Facebook and Google, - told us in the company. - Over the past few years, we have grown on 150 new cities. Our idea is to make transport available and reliable.

Representatives of the service are confident that Uber has the advantages that has no existing taxi service in Belarus:

Secondly, with Uber you can easily separate the cost of the trip. If you are traveling with a company that has uber accounts, it is done in two clicks.

Thirdly, this is pricing availability. The Uber is removed by the intermediate link of dispatcher, which allows the passenger to pay less, and the driver, on the contrary, earn more (until we revealed the cost of a kilometer of a trip to Minsk, but they promised that it would be quite affordable. - website).

Fourth, the optimal distribution system of orders. With Uber, the car comes as fast as possible. Even in Moscow, the average deadline for the car is 3-4 minutes.

Fifth, this is a rating system. After each trip, the passenger must evaluate the driver. Drivers with a rating below 4.6-4.7 (in different cities in different ways) are simply disconnected from the system, which stimulates them to be as correct and polite. Similarly, drivers value passengers, and if you repeatedly behave inadequately, you have to call usual taxis - you will be blocked in Uber.

At the same time, schitrate and try in any way to deceive the rating system and comments, including financially, drivers or passengers will not work, told us in the company. In Uber, a whole well-established anti-food system (combating abuses), which will not allow this to do, including based on tremendous experience in the largest cities of the world.

The emergence of controversial situations will also be solved very quickly - this will be engaged in the Russian-language support service. According to Uber, almost 100% of passenger issues and drivers are solved after the first letter (the embedded option in the Appendix).

"Thus, the Uber is a self-regulatory system in which the passenger and the driver is protected.

What are the features of the work of Uber in Belarus?

- In Belarus, we plan to implement exclusively licensed services, such as UberBlack (representative class cars, more expensive tariffs) or Uberx (ordinary cars, available cost).

We were told that the partners of the Uber will be only legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who have an appropriate license for passenger transportation.

- Payment will be made, as in other cities where Uber works. You download the application, register your bank card there, and payment is made automatically at the end of the trip.

If there is no money on the card (for example, you have forgotten what they spent the money), then the driver is still compensated for this trip, and the user account is temporarily freezed before enrolling the means and subsequent receipt of payment.

Cash payment will not be that in Belarus, in general, is not a serious disadvantage, given the level of penetration of bank cards.

At first, Uber will work exclusively in Minsk. Companies are interesting cities with a population of Halmillion and more people. However, it is possible that in the future the service will appear in regional centers.

About negative

- for Uber in lately The negative loan stretches, some incorrectly filed information, first of all, concerning how the company works, the company's representative notes. - For example, Uber had such a sheering (sharing) product like Uberpop, which is no less innovative than airbnb. In many countries, he developed perfectly, but in France, and in the end, the law was adopted there, which made Uberpop illegal.

Photo: Reuters.

Uberpop is now a non-working machine for ordering machines with non-professional drivers, often not licensed. The cost of a trip at the same time was much lower than in a traditional taxi, is a kind of Loauser Uber.

- I want to add right away that there will be no uberpop in Belarus. We start with an exclusively licensed product, we will have partners - individual entrepreneurs or legal entities who received licenses that will pay taxes in accordance with the legislation of the country, "the company spokesman said.

In Uber, they argue that the company is so rapid and innovative that it causes an extremely unfavorable attitude from competitors. The bloated scandal with the Uberpop, the urinous attitude towards each negative occasion associated with Uber, is accustomed to this in this company.

And competitors in Belarus

After at the beginning of the year about the imminent arrival of Uber, the taxi market players moved. In the country of service Saytaxi, many taxi services by mobile applications designed to simplify the call challenge. How will Uber fight with them?

- Uber does not fight with anyone. We have no task to squeeze someone from the market. We are an addition to the current transport infrastructure of the city and provide an additional choice to users.

There is an incorrect view that we take the market in taxi services. This is not true. In San Francisco over the past four years, the number of taxis has not been reduced, and the Uber machines have become several times more than a taxi. That is, we can say that an alternative market is created.

Photo: Wikimedia.

City transportation of a new generation?

"Now we have a taxi in Belarus only in case of extreme necessity, they are confident in the Uber. - If there is at least the slightest opportunity to abandon a taxi, we do it. And the point is not only in money - the case in the potential annoying communication of the driver, the chance, possibly unpleasant smells in the cabin. In addition, you often do not know how much your trip will cost: if the taxi driver will include a meter or not, as and how much he will find a trip without a counter. In the Uber it will not be.

- We see how the transport system is changing in major cities, People are often easier and cheaper to refuse their own vehicles in favor of Uber. Perhaps so someday will be in Minsk, - the company's representative was optimistic.

Did you have experience trips with Uber in other countries? Write about it in the comments.

A service taxi Uber has appeared in Minsk. Old taxi drivers are afraid of him, but young people actively use: Some hope to earn, others ride cheaper.

Illustrative photo wikimedia.org.

What is uber.

Mobile application to search for a taxi or a suspicion of people for money. His created international companyBased in San Francisco (USA). Today, the application is available in 375 cities of 68 countries.

Everyone can see the driver's profile, the brand of his car and their rating that customers put. In this case, the rating is of great importance, since if the driver is very low, Uber is terminated by the cooperation agreement.

This is a new technology - people "share services." It is predicted that there will be more such networks more and more.

How it works

If you have a car and required documentsYou can become a driver of the Uber and get 80% of the price of each trip, 20% is Uber-y. If you are a client - choose the car closest to you.

You can only pay for the services of Uber cars only by a bank card.

To enjoy, you need to download the mobile application - under Android or iOS. After you need to register: enter the contact details and the bank card number.

Money will be charged with an account when using, to have a card with me. To call a taxi to work the Internet. Your location is determined automatically. You ask the address of the arrival and choose the class of the car: in Belarus it is Uberblack (representatives of the representative class) and Uberx (Comfort Class cars).

Before ordering a taxi, you can see the approximate cost of the trip, as depending on the car class there will be relevant tariffs. The price is calculated approximately: depending on the traffic, the state of the weather and other factors, the amount can fluctuate.

After the application, I wanted drivers nearby, you can choose a taxi driver and wait for his arrival. Upon arrival with your card, the amount of travel will be thrown. The account will come to email.

If you are a driver

If you have your own premium or comfort class, you are a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - You can become a driver of Uber "or. For this you need:

If the Uber requirements are reality, an partnership agreement will be signed. Each driver can set its own work schedule or work in free from work. From each trip, the driver will receive 75%. At the end of each trip, the driver must write out the order-outfit vehicle For the transport of passengers. This document is associated with the law "On road transport and road transport", which says that "car transportation of passengers in regular communication is carried out under the contract for the automotive transport of passengers, and in an irregular message - under the chartering agreement for the automotive transport of passengers or under the contract Transportation by passengers by car-taxi (paragraph 29 of the rules for the carriage of passengers).

In fact, the Uber in Belarus does not differ from the usual taxi service, since only in some countries the legislation allows the Uber to sign contracts with individualswho have cars below comfort-class. Only registered taxi drivers are entitled to private workers in Belarus.

Cheaper than usual taxi?

Many of the users say that a taxi cost them about the same or cheaper than usual. Is it true?

Uberblack (Premium Class cars):

Auto feed - 45 000 rubles

Kilometer trip - 7000 rubles

Taxi "Friday" (Premium Class cars):

Auto feed - 60 000 rubles

Kilometer trip - 8500 rubles

Uberx (Comfort Cars)

Auto feed - 27 000 rubles

Kilometer trip - 5700 rubles

Taxi "Diamond"

Auto feed - 18,400 rubles

Kilometer trip - 5,500 rubles

Despite the numbers, Uberx guarantees comfort class machines, such as Skoda Rapid, Kia Rio, Volkswagen Polo, Hyundai Solaris under 5 years old.

Protests in Europe

The activities of the service caused conflict situations and protests in a variety of countries, including France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands. In some countries, Uber received fines, some or all its services are prohibited in others. The problem is related to the inconsistency of the rules for the service to legislation in a number of European countries (where the license is necessary for the transportation of passengers). Old taxi drivers also disturbed low rates.

Protests in France:

In Moscow, taxi drivers also expressed dissatisfaction with Uber, in particular, calling the company "the largest illegal carriers". Moscow Department of Transport and Uber agreed to sign a special agreement restricting the company's services only by legal carriers.

Minsk also recently gathered a natural meeting of taxi drivers.

Pros and cons

  • taxi order simplification
  • you can calculate the cost of the trip,
  • you can choose a taxi class
  • cashless payments,
  • you will not be able to deceive at the price,
  • you can use abroad.
  • belarus works so far only in Minsk,
  • small number of cars and drivers,
  • Uberpop (the cheapest taxi class) due to legislation will not be able to work in Belarus.

In order to figure out more accurate in the features of the work in Belarus, NN talked with Vadim Mozheiko, an expert of the "Liberal Club", who after the arrival of Uberx in Minsk completely refused other taxi services.

NN: Why did you switched completely on the Uber? What was the motivation?

VM: It is convenient and high quality. No incomprehensible negotiations with the aunt on the phone, no "wait, I am looking for a car." Everything can be seen on the map, transparent. Cultural drivers, no boys in breakers with chansonchik. Calculation of the card, which is not even needed to have, with you, no other taxi service can offer. It's great that there is no point in the calculation when you will see you with an inconquent meter, and it is necessary to somehow solve it - whether to quarrel, or overpay. And here everything is automated, no subjective factor. In addition, I travel a lot, and a taxi call in the new city for incomprehensible tariff is always a headache. And with Uber I opened the usual application in Berlin - and immediately saw 4 different taxi options, with clear prices.

NN: Is the difference between our Uber "Om and abroad?

VM: Abroad, you do not write off the piece of paper after the trip, I just said goodbye and left. Our Uber works under the Belarusian legislation.

NN: Many of the users complain about a small number of drivers in Minsk. Have you come across such a problem?

VM: No, drivers usually grabs. However, if there is a lot of demand - they will not be hired, of course.

NN: Recently, taxi drivers stated that Uber is the last drop. Does there really have a certain threat to them in Belarus?

VM: Taxi drivers are afraid of competition, since the individual driver will never be able to build such a model as a world company. However, you can go to work in Uber, but not all are capable of it: not enough culture, nor the quality of the car. Uber globally changes the market, and of course it does not like those who feel: he will not be able to adapt to such changes.

However, it is not necessary to panic: Yes, Tesla I Uber will certainly win in the future, but the next few years in Diamond taxi on Lada will also be popular in a specific audience. At a minimum because not everyone used to use mobile Internet And have good smartphones. Therefore, it would be better if the protesters of taxi drivers worked on their own quality, learned to switch music for customers and not to flush with a meter, and not frightened Uber "a.

Nikita rewarded

The other day in Minsk there were serious changes in the field of passenger traffic: the transition of two major services - Uber and Yandex.Taxi - to a single platform for drivers based on Yandex.Taxometer. Customers can continue to enjoy the application and the service that it is more convenient. Passengers promised a reduction in waiting time and other benefits, and drivers are less idle mileage. Although so far everything works not so clearly, as I would like.

Many of our readers, users of these applications, report that in recent days, services work with failures. In general, all similar problems.

Passengers: Uber does not want to accept payment from a tied bank card, drivers require cash

Uber has an important innovation: now the client can pay for a cash trip. "Cars performing orders Uber and Yandex.Taxi must be equipped with cash registers in accordance with the requirements of the legislation so that users can pay for the trips not only by the card, but also in cash.- explained earlier in Uber.

In practice, the system works until unstable. Readers complained to the correspondent onliner.by that the application leaves no choice.

- The payment option on the map does not work, the application automatically translates cash. This is a problem, since I often do not drive with me money - only a map. I have not met the terminals in the Uber machines. An unpleasant surprise when, after completing the trip, the driver begins to demand the money that you have no! - Malled our reader.

Another user told that he also turned out to be in such a situation.

- I asked the driver if a check was received from him. He replied that cash register He does not have yet. What payment of cash can we talk then? And why should it be my problem? If you want cash - issue a check. Otherwise - write off the cost of the service from the card, - Passenger said.

Those who are paid by the bank card pay attention to the fact that the amount is written off when the trip just started, and not after its completion.

- Today, I could not make money from the card today, even though they were there. And also changed cash to cash. And there was no money with you. So the driver agreed to go further only if he arrived in an ATM - there was no banking terminal in the car. I specifically call Uber, hoping to pay the card. And they forcibly change the payment method - and twist as you want, - Another customer service complained.

Uber answer

"From June 27, a new version of the application is available in Minsk to make trips, you need to take a custom agreement. When the first order occurs, a certain amount is unlocked on the map and immediately unlocked a certain amount to test the card performance. This is the usual practice of all mobile applicationsthat are associated with financial transactions and bank cards. If the system did not authorize the card, then the automatic switching to cash is required. If a money The account is enough, and there is a switch to pay for cash, then you need to contact the support service by sending a request in the application itself or in social. networks. This information goes promptly to developers. It is important for us that the application is comfortable.

The client as before, can order Uber at favorable rates, but the cost of the trip depends not only from them. In some areas, the number of orders may exceed the number of cars operating on line and ready to perform trips. In this case, the algorithm automatically generates an increase in the coefficient is a forced measure that helps to take advantage of the taxi to those who are important to leave the most urgently, even during periods of high demand. "

Answer Yandex.Taxi

"Card terminals are not all drivers" Yandex.Taxi ". Currently, the possibility of paying a trip with help is tested. bank cardattached to the application "Yandex.Taxi". When the option is ready for a full launch, we will not be informed about this. "

Passengers: the machine waiting time has increased

Other customers complain that the car's waiting time did not decrease as promised, but, on the contrary, increased. At the same time, some drivers behave not quite correctly in relation to customers.

- ordered the car through Uber, confirmation came, the waiting time is 8 minutes. Ok, it suits me. Suddenly the call: "Hello, this is the driver. I apologize, but I can be not earlier than half an hour. It suits you? If not, cancel the trip, " Teld the reader to the correspondent onliner.by. - What was it all this? Well also that called back at once: I was able to cancel the trip without consequences and did not pay for the cancellation of the order. Having called another car, but I think myself: "Where is I scrolt?"

Another user fell into another curvature situation.

- The driver accepted the order, and then drove to the refueling. In general, the waiting time from 4 minutes increased to 18. Probably, this is my last trip with Uber.

Many noted that it became much more difficult to call the car, both through the Uber and using the Yandex.Taxi service. The expectation of confirmation at least from some driver takes 15 minutes.

Uber answer

"The average car feeding time over the past two days of work of the new Uber application was no more than 7 minutes, we expect that in the next few weeks this indicator will be even less. As for the case described, the driver should not have taken an order if he had to fill the car. If this happens, we recommend writing to support service. "

Answer Yandex.Taxi

"Now all drivers connected to Yandex. Taxi and Uber receive orders of users of both services. Of course, now many rushed to test the work of applications after combining platforms - therefore, it sometimes falls longer. In addition, organizational and technical processes continue. Soon everything will work out. "

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