
Certificate of income IP (individual entrepreneur). Income certificate for social protection: sample

Certificate of income for social protection will be required to be an employee in case he needs to provide information on its income for evaluating social protection authorities financial state his families for further purpose social benefits and benefits (for example, payment benefits communal services), in case of attributing his family to low-income families (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.08.2003 N 512).

Help is issued an employee at its place of work no later than 3 working days from the date of treatment (Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). No income certificate form for social protection by the legislation of the Russian Federation is not established, so the certificate is issued in an arbitrary form, or by the template, independently developed and approved by the Organization. To learn about the necessary details of the certificate of income can be directly in the territorial department of social protection.

As a rule, the social protection bodies require that the income certificate indicates the following data (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 04/30/2013 N 182n):

  • details of the organization (name or FULL NAM, INN, CAT, OGRN or OGRNIP, address, telephone);
  • name of the document, its registration number and date of registration;
  • employee data (name and position), which is issued a certificate;
  • signatures of authorized representatives of the organization (IP) - Head, Chief Accountant, who signed a document with the decoding of FULL NAME and the indication of their posts;
  • the magnitude of the employee's income in the last three months preceding the month of appeal to certificate.

Sample income certificate for social protection can be downloaded at the end of consultation.

Help of income IP

Individual entrepreneurs depending on the tax system used can confirm their income different ways.

Entrepreneurs on the general taxation system (AUD) can confirm their income, submitting a certified copy of the income tax declaration (3-NDFL form) over the past year (Art. 229 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Entrepreneurs on a simplified tax system (USN) or on a special system providing for the payment of a single agricultural tax (ECHN), to confirm its income, a certified copy of the tax declaration over the past year (Article 346.10, Article 346.23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax Declarations at ASN, USN and ESHN will confirm the income of the entrepreneur for last year (Art. 229 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 346.10, Art. 346.23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If it is necessary to submit information about income for a shorter period (for example, over the past three months of the current year for social protection bodies), the information specified in these declarations will not suit.

Entrepreneurs on the patent system of taxation confirm their income to the tax declaration will not be able in principle, since it is not submitted to the tax inspectorate when applying this special system (Article 346.52 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The entrepreneur on the patent reflects its income in the book of income of the IP (paragraph 1 of Art. 346.53 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, they will not be able to confirm their income to the tax return and entrepreneurs on the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UNVD), as they declare quarterly imputed income (that is, a potentially possible income), and not real (

Every person leading labor activity, sooner or later faces the need to obtain a document confirming the amount of income for a certain period of time. Such a need arises when making a visa, social benefit or loan in credit organization. As a rule, the company's accountant is engaged in the design of this document. . In the case of an IP, the procedure for obtaining an income certificate is somewhat different from the generally accepted procedure. In this article, we propose to discuss where to take an IP certificate of income.

Help is issued to a physical person - a citizen Russian Federation In order to display information about its income during a certain period

Income Help: General

The certificate of income is an official document. Many banking organizations We ask our customers to provide this document when making a loan. This certificate may also be required to obtain social benefits and financial loan. Each citizen of the Russian Federation has a legitimate right to request the form considered at its employer. The content of this document lists the employee's income obtained for a certain time interval.

The income discusses all funds paid by the employee for the implementation of contractual obligations.

It is important to note that the document under consideration is fundamentally different from the tax declaration. The last type of documents is made up by employers acting as taxpayers for the personnel of the company. According to established rules, for certificate of income is used unified form, called "2-NDFL". On the twenty-third of June, two thousand fourteenth years, the presidential decree introduced new forms of references, which are issued to government officials. As a rule, this type of forms is used in relation to persons holding positions where the likelihood of corruption is high.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that in the case of private entrepreneurship, it is necessary to use a completely different method of registration of the document under consideration. In this case, the entrepreneur cannot use the form "2-NDFL". As practice shows, the order of reference to the certificate itself has the features that we suggest to consider below.

Features of the preparation of the document on the IP

Before proceeding with the development of a document, an entrepreneur needs to carefully examine the specifics of his business. To date, there are two types of blanks confirming the amount of income of private entrepreneurs. The order of use depends on which the tax system applies a businessman.

Income certificate, submitted by IP on itself, is fundamentally different from the declarations compiled tax agents, tax payers on their employees

Work on the floor

In this case, the tax return is used to confirm the amount of income received during a certain period of time. This act is compiled in the form "3-NDFL". Each entrepreneur is obliged to prepare such reports at the end of each reporting period. The finished document is transmitted to the tax service. Experts in the business sector recommend newbies to prepare several copies of this form. The tax declaration containing the signature of the inspector of this service can be used as a certificate of income.

The entrepreneur may also apply for the FTS asking for a certificate containing all the necessary information. This application is drawn up in the number of two copies, one of which remains at the businessman himself. On this form, the tax worker must put his signature and specify the incoming document number. The term of consideration of the application is one month. It is important to note that tax workers may refuse the design of the form on legal grounds.

Calculations on USN

In this case, the entrepreneur needs to perform the procedure for action is completely identical to the above-described process. The only difference is the fact that in this case, an income accounting log is used to generate a document. The form of the form depends on how purpose the applicant draws up a document. As a confirmation of income size, the book of income and expenses can be used. The copies of this registry need to make original copies of checks and bank payments.

ENVD system

Help IP about income itself when using the ENVD regime is formed on the basis primary documentation. However, according to the current laws, entrepreneurs working on this system are not obliged to engage in primary accounting. From this we can conclude that the refusal to maintain primary documentation can complicate the process in question.

Despite the aforementioned rules, an entrepreneur using UNVD is obliged to conduct documents that are used to calculate the taxable base. These documents must reflect information about the income received for the entire reporting period. Many experienced businessmen using the registered mode form all source documents, including various tables, overhead and payments. In addition, at the end of each quarter, the IP must submit an interim report. All the above acts can be used as a rationale for the amount of income received.

As practice shows, when using ENVD, the entrepreneur is a certificate of income in free form. In most cases, the content of the form is agreed with the management of the company where the document is transmitted. As a confirmation of income sizes, photocopies of primary documentation can be used. It is important to note that some banks denied the reception of this form when making a financial loan. but state structures Rarely refuse a businessman in the reception of documents. Such a policy is explained by one hundred ninety-ninth article of the Criminal Code. According to this act, each person who provided false information about the amount of its income can get penalties in the form of a cash fine or deprivation free.

Varieties of certificates of income on IP

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the form of a form, as well as its content, depends on the purpose of further use of reference. Below we suggest considering sample documents that are most often used by private entrepreneurs.

For lending

In the content of this form indicates information about the amount moneyobtained for six months or three quarters. Before proceeding with the formation of this form, you need to get advice from representatives financial structurewhere the loan is planned. Most banking institutions independently develop blanks for individuals and individual entrepreneurs. Certificate of income from IP, the sample is as follows:

Income certificate for IP employees is filled with a standard form in form 2-NDFL

Visa application

As an act confirming the amount of income obtained for a certain time segment, a tax return can be used. The following documents must be attached to this form:


All of the above papers must be certified by a notary.

Many specialists recommend entrepreneurs to pay increased attention to filling the "Blanca" cap. At the top of the document it is recommended to specify the CIFR INN, bank details and registration certificate. As for more information You can use the address of the company and contact details. To make a reference, it is best to use a corporate form. When drawing up a certificate to obtain a visa, a fully prepared document should assure your own signature. Such a form can be used not only for visa design, but also for obtaining child manual. This suggests that the procedure under consideration allows you to create a multifunctional act.

Another way to confirm information about the amount of income is to receive a certificate in the tax service. However, it is quite difficult to arrange this act. In the case when the declaration indicates an insufficient amount of means for registration of a visa, it is recommended to prepare banking extract. As a rule, the visa is sufficiently discharged about the status of the account. However, in some cases it may be necessary detailed information about all financial OperationsConducted for six months.

For individual entrepreneur certificate of income on itself, compiled in the form of 2-NDFL, is absolutely not suitable

Obtaining social perception

By issuing a form for social protection, the entrepreneur needs to take into account several important requirements for this instance. From the size of the profits obtained during the specific time interval, it is necessary to subtract all costs associated with doing business. All tax payments and contributions to the cost of expenses various funds. In some cases, social services employees may require the IP provision of primary documentation.

An entrepreneur who works in the framework of special tax regimes, as a certificate of income can use its income declaration, compiled in the form of 3-NDFL

For granting

In the interaction of S. judicial bodies, private entrepreneurs need to use tax Declaration. In the case under consideration, this act is the only official form confirming the amount of income received. Receive this certificate from representatives of the tax service is quite difficult. To do this, you need to make a request by specifying the purpose of using the Declaration. Such an application can be compiled in free form or in accordance with the requirements of the Court.

As an income certificate, an individual entrepreneur can use the income declaration submitted to the Tax Inspectorate

Whether a certificate is needed for citizenship

To obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide evidence of financial independence. The income of the entrepreneur should not be below the level subsistence minimuminstalled for a particular region. It should also be noted that if the entrepreneur has several juvenile children on dependency, it will take confirmation of the presence of larger income. According to the established rules, the following documents can be used to confirm the amount of income:

  1. Form "2-NDFL" and labor book.
  2. Certificate of receipt of inheritance.
  3. Certificate of obtaining alimony.
  4. Certificate of receipt material assistance from social protection organs.

In addition, you can use other documents that indicate the receipt of legal income. It should also be noted that the amount of funds stored on the bank account of the entrepreneur should be equal to the volume of the subsistence minimum, multiplied by twelve months.

Details of the document

Having considered the question of how to get an IP input certificate, it is necessary to mention the timing of this document. According to the established rules, the form considered does not have the regulated validity of the action. but financial institutions And government agencies can establish their own rules regarding the documents of this type. Before preparing the form, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular instance, whose representatives will be transferred to the filled form.

Conclusions (+ video)

As practice shows, many entrepreneurs are experiencing difficulties with the formation of a form confirming the amount of income received. When creating such a reference, it is necessary to take into account the chosen tax payment system. The structure and content of the act depends on the requirements of the instance that the finished document will be transferred.

One of the conditions for business entrepreneurial activity is to receive income. And important components are the responsibility of the IP to confirm its income. How this is done and with the help of which documentation, we will look at further.

The need to confirm income on the USN

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses most often choose a simplified system as a tax regime (find out). According to it, tax and accounting is carried out in a simplified form, you can choose a taxable object, several taxes are replaced by one, and the declaration is replenished and filled once a year.

The peculiarity is only that IP itself chooses the object of taxation on which he wants to work. It can be:

  • Revenues (6%) - Under it, the tax is paid with the amount of income, any decline in this rate is not provided for and no benefits are provided. Payment is as follows: When calculating payments for the 1st quarter, appropriate costs for the 1st quarter are taken and so on.
  • Revenues minus expenses (15%). In this case, regional rates may be established that may vary.

According to the norms tax legislation Taxpayers in their entrepreneurial activity undertake to keep records of income and expenses in the relevant book, in order to calculate the tax base.

When determining it is taken into account:

  • revenues that are obtained from the sale of goods, works, services. They can be like own productionand acquired;
  • nonealization revenues are taken into account when calculating tax, but are not directly related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities (for example, from free property received, from leasing property.)

So, the documents confirming the income of the PI includes: Book and Primary Documents - contracts, accounts, invoices, commodity checks etc.

When registering, it is necessary to keep in mind that the date of receipt of money for the current account or will be considered a date and period in which income received. Costs must be confirmed if the second option is applied above.

Is it always necessary to keep the book of income and expenses

It depends on the regime of the taxation system that you have chosen. And if you are an IP, which is located on the USN, then, according to the order Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation №135N Of October 22, 2012, your received income and spent expenses are reflected in the relevant book. In it, IP in order of priority on the basis of primary documents (by date, which is on them) reflects the positional way (every action with a new line) economic operationsfrom which the tax for the reporting (tax) period will be paid, i.e. IP confirms its income.

The procedure for maintaining the book is simple. It can be filling in paper or in electronic format With the subsequent printing on paper medium. It should be numbered and laid, certificates in the tax authority does not require. If you find any errors in the process of keeping a book, then in the paper version they can be corrected with a new line with the comment of the "Fixed to believe", and in electronic form - simply incorrect information can be removed by writing correctly. There are opinions on the formal nature of the implementation of the above book, however, so it will not seem to the representative tax Inspection When checking.

The code provides a penalty for the lack of a book or maintaining it with errors. At the UTII, the maintenance of the Cudir for the IP is not provided.

Whether statements are required from the current account for the Declaration

IP, using USN, must be taxed every year to report on how the fiscal year has passed. For this, to the tax, where the individual entrepreneur at his place of residence was registered, on April 30, a declaration on USN was submitted for the reporting. Often in practice the question arises, the wrong decision of which can lead to sanctions, on the need to submit a declaration if the IP actually did not lead activities. In this case, served zero declaration USN If you decide to close your IP, then it is necessary to submit a declaration for a worked year, which may be incomplete.

For Usn income It is recognized that actually entered the cashier and at the current account (cash transmission method). So, and to fill the declaration requires discharge from the current account. However, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, one declaration is rented in the tax authority (one document without additions), which takes into account the amounts specified in the extracts from the CP account. The statements themselves make it necessary for the control unit only when checking.

Notice to entrepreneurs!

For beginners, we can offer material about. As well as actual information About what to do immediately after the opening of the IP.

What is responsible for incorrect data in the Declaration

Above, we looked at how IP confirms its income. Next, let's talk about the responsibility that an entrepreneur is borne for making erroneous data into the USN Declaration.

Options are possible here:

  • If the payer itself discovered the error and the deadline for reporting is not expired, it has the right to submit a refined declaration.
  • If the payer itself discovered the error and the deadline for submitting the reporting expired, then it is necessary to pay the necessary tax and penalties before serving the clarifying.
  • If the control unit has discovered an error, then in Art. 120 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a cash fine is registered. It is charged for violation of the procedure for maintaining income and expenses. It may be lack or maintenance with errors of primary, accounting documents or tax accounting, as well as the reflection of cash is incorrectly or with a violation of the deadlines.

IP for yourself is both employers and tax agents, which complicates the process of income confirmation. They, as well as employees, are often faced with the need to confirm income in different organizations. For example, in a bank, issuing a manual, subsidy, any benefits, making a visa for a trip abroad, you must provide information about your income. Working on hiring, you get the right to receive a certificate from the employer, individual entrepreneurs need to confirm their income on their own.

How to confirm the income of the IP operating on the basis of

Individual entrepreneurs using general System Taxation, can confirm their income to a declaration of 3-NDFL form. Entrepreneurs working on USN confirms the income to the declaration provided in connection with the application of this taxation system. However, sometimes entrepreneurs at ASN can additionally request a book of income and expenses. Since IP on USN is obliged to conduct this book, it can be copied if necessary. Copy is provided at the request.

Declarations will be needed with the Tax Inspection Print. Copies certified by the entrepreneur's signature have no legal force. Therefore, when granting tax reportingIt is worth asking the inspector to put a stamp on making a declaration at once on several copies.

How to confirm income if IP applies UTII?

Entrepreneurs using ENVD, when confirming their income, cannot take advantage of the tax declaration on this tax regimeSince it does not contain data on real revenue, but only the estimated income. Also, entrepreneurs on the UCND are not required to keep records of their income. This greatly complicates the income confirmation process. Entrepreneurs on UNVD in order to confirm their income may own initiative keep records of income or confirm its primary documents. At the same time, income accounting should be issued documented, that is, the accounting document must contain the following details: Inn and the Name of the Entrepreneur, its registration number, name, place and date of compilation, signature and print when presented. Such accounting document Must contain information that the economic operation was produced, the amount. Since when undervd. Entrepreneurs are reported quarterly, the results in the account document should be summed up quarterly, separately highlighting the annual result.

As a rule, the certificate signed by the entrepreneur himself does not accept, but exceptions are possible. Then additionally, a document confirming the registration as an individual entrepreneur, as well as documents that confirm receipt of income, such as the book of income and expenses or the accounting document in free form.

Obtaining certificate in tax authorities

Organs tax control Do not have the duties to issue certificates of income IP. However, some regional tax Services Go to the meeting of businessmen and prepare documents of this kind for the IP applications. In order to get a certificate from the tax, you need to submit to the inspection at the place of registration the corresponding request. Request form arbitrary. Issuance of reference or decisions to refuse to occur within 30 days. Refusal to issue such a certificate does not make sense to challenge, because no one regulatory document The obligation of the tax authorities to issue such documents is not fixed.

Sample certificate of income IP

The period during which the certificate of income IP

Certificates of income of entrepreneurs do not have established period actions. Various state bodiesBanks and other organizations impose their requirements for the deadlines of documents confirming the income of the individual. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the validity period in the organization where the certificate will be provided.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the most correct way to confirm your income for IP is the provision of a declaration in the form of 3-NDFL, with the mark tax author obligatory. When using USN, you should use the Declaration on this tax. However, in the absence of a declaration or at the request of the instance in which it is necessary to confirm its income, it may be necessary to provide either documents for accounting for income or primary documents confirming the fact of receiving revenue. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct documentary accounting of income from business activities, regardless of the applied taxation system, as well as to keep all primary documents, following their proper design.

Income certificate for SP for social protection is considered a dominant document that is often requested. The main task of such a document is to obtain the desired need for a preferential basis from the state.

The certificate of income of the IP confirms the platform of the business owner. Such a document proves the stability of wages. Stable yield is the main criterion for obtaining government compensation and preferential payments, loans in the bank, visa visas from the country. The meaningful base of certificates is the guarantor of confirmation of the income part of the entrepreneur, increases the chances to get the desired need.

Life circumstances often lead to the business managers, a package of documents may be required to confirm their income.

Consider situations when it is required:

  • when designing credit application to the bank;
  • when issuing social assistance;
  • when making subsidies in the social protection department;
  • when making a child care allowance;
  • when making a visa to another country;
  • for trial.

Legal system Help for IP of income is not legally developed, there are no official forms.

Reporting for the tax is recommended to show a declaration in the form of 3-NDFL. Requested in the inspection when necessary. A copy is made in three copies and is assigned by the FTS inspector. Filling information by an entrepreneur in the declared documentation shows a valid picture of its profitability. For the distorted data, the PP is responsible.

Many institutions make a certificate of income in free form in the IP.

  1. Full Name.
  2. Legal coordinates of the entrepreneur.
  3. Identification number (INN).
  4. Main State Registration No. (OGRNIP).
  5. Certificate number.
  6. Cell or urban (with the city code) telephone.
  7. Help assignment. For example, to provide subsidies to the department.
  8. Specifying the passport data of the entrepreneur.
  9. Proceeds for settlement period (from 3 to 12 months).
  10. Enumeration of the registry of documents.
  11. Number, signature (decoding).

If IP needs a certificate, then instead it is necessary to submit a tax declaration. But still you can arbitrarily compile a certificate, if it is approved by the organization in which the document is given.

Income certificate issued in free form The sample from the PI may look like this:

Andrei Petrovich Kuleshov

R / score number 4063336780000000045

I, Andrei Petrovich Kuleshov, I am an individual entrepreneur.

I confirm that my income, less taxes, for 2015 amounted to 720,400 rubles 00 kopecks.

Appendix: Declaration in form No. 3-NDFL for 2015.

Chief Accountant A.P. Kudryashova

Income IP by type of taxation

Types of confirmed income of the merchant may differ by temporary periods. It depends on which organizations require the required paper.

Show income follows from documentary sources:

  1. Confirmed entries in the declaration witnessed in the IFST seal.
  2. Standard accounting books on income and consumption.
  3. Primary cash registers.
  4. Certificates of free form of profitability.

In the instance, the required type of confirmation of profitability is specified. Each entrepreneur itself chooses the tax system and works on it.

IP, working on USN or OSN, confirm the yield can be a declaration. A copy assures a tax representative in two copies and makes instead of reference.

For simplified system Shows annual yield. Revenue can be requested from three to six months, in this case the declaration will not need.

Income information takes from accounting books on income and consumption. Accounting cash cash The entrepreneur behaves independently to determine profits. Such books are entrepreneurs working on a simplified or patent basis, registration journals approved legislatively.

In situations where required, income is confirmed by primary data from the documentation:

  • extracts from the bank, where the cash flow is shown;
  • paristers cash holders;
  • prisoners.

The books define the income of the entrepreneur. Original books are desirable not to lose, they are an evidence base.

IP, working on PSN revenues do not declare. When working on UNVD, there is no real income, the declaration reflects the taxable base of the entrepreneur. The actual income will be different.

The rationale for income in the declaration is not objective. The yield is proved by the documents where the Economic operations of the PI are reflected. Reports are surreated quarterly. Periods on references are requested from three to six months.

With the imputed system, the regulatory books are absent. The Ministry of Finance proposes to confirm the profitability of cash documentation, namely the receiving cash orders, settlement payment Vedomosti.

According to the primary documentation, out of the above, a document for IP on income for social protection, banks and other institutions is drawn up.

Our state offers a list of all sorts of benefits for citizens. The amount of benefits is varied and it depends on the level of income individual, confirmation is a certificate.

Consider a sample:

Certificate of income of an individual entrepreneur

I am an individual entrepreneur Anton Pavlovich Alekseev, OGRNIP 134365870921534, TIN 155347698027, registered as a taxpayer in IFTS №2 Moscow.

Data about income per 3 month:

For June 2015 - 20 000 rubles,

For July 2015 - 9,000 rubles,

In August 2015 - 13,000 rubles.

Total: 42 000 rubles.

This certificate confirm that all information is true.

Individual entrepreneur A.P. Alekseev

IP income certificate or a completed sample for social protection can request the Committee of Social Support of the population for making a child benefit or to recognize the status as low-gloring family. If the family is recognized as poor, the state such a family offers preferential conditions.

Consider the types of benefits:

  1. Compensated for payment for kindergarten.
  2. Provided preferential passage in urban transport.
  3. Social assistance (drugs, food, clothing).
  4. Communal payments are paid on the preferential scheme.
  5. Profitable terms on the mortgage.
  6. Provided land.
  7. Monthly payments for childbirth.

The Committee of Social Support of the population requests information about the income of the entrepreneur over the past three months. The certificate is allowed deduction income tax. Calculated middle earnings For a month, the average daily salary, then it is indicated every month, the final amount. In the original document, articles of premium payments are welcomed, compensation for travel, surrenders for overtime processing. Such reference information Every employee can take on the basis of an application, working for hiring from a private entrepreneur, as well as an entrepreneur himself. If it works part-time in another organization, you will need to reference from two places.

Consider an example of certificate from IP for workers:

Individual entrepreneur

Andrei Petrovich Kuleshov

118000 City Moscow Street Vasiltsova, D.99 sq.12

Certificate No. 55667890789056780 dated 09.12.2015

OGRNIP №1118567890438990345, telephone +7 985-441-77-88

R / score number 4063336780000000045

Inn 78577788855566664 in Alfa Bank JSC Moscow

Cor / score №30101810200000000593, Beach 044525593

Help No. 343.

Andrei Yuryevich Antipov was issued, in the fact that he works in the position of the recruitment manager from 12/15/2013 at the individual entrepreneur A.P. Kuleshov. Works on the employment contract and on the terms of the TC RF. 8 working hours per day, 5 days a week. Works to the present.

Its s / n for 3 months is:

The average daily rate amounted to: 1821,43 rubles.

Average monthly s / n: 25000 rubles.

Help is issued on the basis of personal accounts.

Individual entrepreneur A.P. Kuleshov

Chief Accountant A.P. Kudryashova

An entrepreneur can request data from accounting accounting for a bank, visa to another country, citizenship. A number of banking certificates will be required to design a visa. The Bank provides the requested materials. This paper is assigned to print and signature a bank employee.

Information information in the reference documents for visa centers different countries Presented individually.

For the US or Italy, information is requested for six months on accounts. For a number of countries, there is enough account balance. Visa centers require a certificate of registration and an extract from the Unified State Register of the Individual Entrepreneur (Jarip).

The standard form of reference 2 NDFL entrepreneur cannot be presented.

Most people make out a Schengen visa. For this, an obligatory requirement is the stability of income. Required amount of income from 10,000 and higher.

A package of documentation for visa centers is handed over to the MFC, the service is performed quickly and without red tape.

IP may write a certificate for yourself, but cannot sign it. In such cases, the signature puts a deputy or personnel officer. The certificate follows.

There are no standard regulatory reports on income. Allowed arbitrary writing.

Income certificate is issued for the IP of the enterprise personnel department, except the business of business, it works on the employment record.

We give an example for visa design:

Limited Liability Company "Tourist Plus"

107078 Moscow ul. Calanevskaya d.27.

101000 Moscow ul. Zabelina d.3 p.1 square. 58.

Alexey Petrovich Romanova was issued in that he was working in Tourist Plus LLC from November 12, 2013. as director general.

Works to the present.

Average month wage is 200 000 r.

At the time of staying in the US, from May 18, 2017 to June 3, 2017 A.P. Romanov has another paid vacation. During his absence, his preserves workplace.

Help is issued to the US Consular Division.

Field of activity of LLC "Tourist Plus" provision of tourist services for the population

CEO LLC "Tourist Plus" A.P. Romanov

Chief Accountant LLC "Tourist Plus" O.N. Martynova

Place of seal

Standard forms of reference are not legally approved. They are written in free style. The certificate should reflect the basic essence of the information, from the requested institutions, to fulfill their demands on request for income.

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