
ISNS Kov Bai. Electronic services of tax authorities of the Republic of Belarus. Services for individuals

Electronic services help in solving many problems. Many payers found convenient to use personal Area Gov Bai to learn and calculate the tax. After that, you can pay off your debt before the budget and not have problems with fiscal bodies. Consider the key features of the Personal Cabinet.

Opportunities that OPEN Personal Cabinet Gov Bai

With the help of a personal cabinet Kov Bai you can:

  • to monitor the status of calculations with the budget;
  • to fulfill the payment of tax obligations through the Internet banking of Alfa-Bank, Prior-Bank, Belarusbank, Belinvestbank and Belgazprombank;
  • to record on the reception to the inspector at the place of registration without a personal visit to the tax service;
  • obtain accurate information about the magnitude of the accrued and paid fiscal payments, the presence of overpayments, as well as tax debts before the budget;
  • receive and print notifications on the payment of real estate tax and land tax with physical, as well as income tax;
  • fill out the declarations and send them to the tax service in in electronic format. The document must have an electronic signature of the payer.
  • Log in Personal Cabinet Kov Bai Tax You can the following methods:

  • By key electronic digital signature. The Certificate of the open key of the EDS verification, it draws it up with a certifying center, which has a special accreditation in the state system of managing the open keys of the Republic of Belarus. The digital signature is stored on the USB media.
  • By login and password. To obtain them, it is necessary to personally visit one of the inspections (the place of registration does not matter). The tax service should provide a document that certifies the identity.
  • Before using the personal cabinet of the Kov Bai tax, you must register.

    Services for individuals

  • Receiving documentation:
  • Information about overpayments, arrears and foam
  • About credits
  • Message about the payment of land tax and real estate tax
  • Certificate of calculations with the budget
  • Register of payments
  • Extracts from personal accounts
  • Record on the reception to the management of the tax service
  • Payment of taxes in the "Personal Account" with the use of Internet banking
  • Visualization of electronic document
  • Making information in the Declaration:
  • By income tax with Fizlitz
  • On income tax with individuals from the income of taxpayers who are not recognized tax residents The Republic of Belarus
  • Direction of notification of activities to calculate a single tax
  • Notification to payment:
  • land tax with physicals;
  • real estate tax with physical;
  • income tax with physicals.
  • Changing the personal data of the taxpayer
  • View notifications that come from tax inspection
  • Preliminary registration on the receipt of tax electronic queueView information about the number of people in the queue and the capabilities of the service quality
  • Ability to evaluate work tax authorities With the help of the "Question"
  • Personal Cabinets for Jurlitz

    The service allows us to apply for such documentation:

  • Interpretation data, foam and arrears
  • Extract from bank accounts
  • Register of payments
  • Certificate of calculations with the budget
  • Conducting tests
  • Message about the payment of real estate and land tax tax
  • Decisions on the suspension of accounts on accounts and their cancellation
  • Also, the service provides the ability to download documents in PDF resolution, view them and save to the desired folder. With it, you can view personal information and the history of work with documents.

    The user can fill in the declaration, after which to submit a document in tax inspection According to such types of fiscal fees:

  • Income tax
  • Single tax for agricultural manufacturers
  • Simplified taxation system
  • Single tax with IP and other physicals
  • Profit Tax
  • It is also possible to download a document in the XML resolution from the computer to use it on the portal. With digital version you can perform various operations: additional information, sign and send.

    So, the page tells with which cars you need to pay a luxury tax. It will be useful to individual entrepreneurs. It tells in detail about the taxes that they need to pay. We hope that this and other information of our site will be useful for you.

    18.10.2016 On the use of electronic tax authorities services

    The Ministry of Taxes and Collections of the Republic of Belarus in order to implement the concept of the development of tax authorities based on expanded interaction with payers in electronic form is active on the creation, implementation and further promotion of electronic services provided by the tax authorities.

    So, for the convenience of electronic interaction of tax authorities with payers, electronic service "Personal Account" was made to the main page of the official Internet site in the form of references to "Personal Cabinet legal entities and IP "and" Personal Cabinet of an individual "located on portal.nalog.gov.by.

    In order to activate the use of the electronic service "Personal Cabinet of an individual", the project "Available on taxes" of the OTT channel has created a number of plots about its capabilities that are posted on the MNC website and in official accounts social networks (Links are posted on main page site).

    Currently, MNFs together with the OTT TV channel are held for the project specified above about the possibilities of all electronic services (their functional purpose and the procedure for their use) provided by the "personal account of legal entities and IP", which are planned for weekly exit in October-November 2016. Subsequently, these videos will be posted on the IMA website ("Personal Cabinet of Legal Entities and IP") and in official accounts of social networks.

    The introduction of new forms of serving payers in the form of providing electronic tax services contributes to an increase in the available, open and timely awareness, which, in turn, will entail the creation of favorable conditions for the voluntary execution of tax liabilities.

    Electronic Services of Tax Authorities of the Republic of Belarus

    Life in modern society is inextricably linked with information technology. Computers, Internet, various gadgets rapidly entered our lives. The success and competitiveness in the professional sphere and business in many ways depend on the ability to effectively use informational resources and information communications tools.

    The level of development of information and communication infrastructure in the field of public administration indicates the level of development of the country as a whole. In the Republic of Belarus, great attention is paid to the development of electronic services of state bodies. Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 28, 2009 No. 113-З "On Electronic Document and Electronic Digital Signature" establishes the legal basis for the use of electronic documents, the conditions for using an electronic digital signature.

    The tax service of the Republic of Belarus began to provide electronic services in 2009 with the introduction of an electronic declaration system. Since then, the spectrum of electronic services has expanded significantly and has become available not only to business entities, but also to individuals.

    Today on the Internet, the Ministry of Taxes and Claims is submitted by the following resources:

    Portal of electronic invoices http://vat.gov.by/mainpage/ .

    Channel MNC on the popular video hosting YouTube.

    1. Electronic services MNC. Website

    A detailed acquaintance with the services of the Ministry of Taxes and the Department of the Republic of Belarus should be started from the site http://www.nalog.gov.by/. Here you can find a lot of useful and interesting information: the structure and mode of operation of tax authorities, contact details and telephones for consultation, schedules of away techniques, explanations of legislation. You can take part in surveys and discussion of draft laws. According to the most demanded topics, rubrics with a selection of all necessary documents are created. It is possible to visit regional pages, including the Vitebsk region http://www.nalog.gov.by/en/imns_vo_ru/.

    Also on the site services are working:

    Tax Calculator - Calculator Calculation of Income Tax C individualswho are not individual entrepreneurs;

    Electronic circulation is the possibility of contacting any tax authority of the republic directly from the site.

    The site contains publicly available information, to access which registration is not required. Most of the electronic services, such as the electronic declaration system and the Personal Cabinet service portal, implies the exchange of electronic documents, the mandatory props of which electronically digital signature (EDS).

    2. MNC electronic services. Connection

    Access to "Personal Account" to individuals is carried out by identification code and password. Service is free. To obtain an identification code and password, you must visit any tax inspection. To have a passport. To save time on making individual details to the database, you can pre-fill out an application for portalHttp: //www.portal.nalog.gov.by/web/nalog/user_registration_form.

    After receiving the identification code and password to access the "Personal Account", mailing notifications to pay property taxes by mail will be terminated. All notices will be sent through the "Personal Account" and, when specifying in the application of the email address, is additionally by email. In addition to electronic notifications, other services will be available.

    3. Electronic MNC services. Reporting

    The service is the most demanded from the business entities - the provision of declarations in the form of an electronic document.

    Accounting workers with great work experience remember the queue towards the tax inspector of the 20th of each month. Now it is in the distant past. To give the declarations, you do not need to go or go to the tax inspection. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day it can be done remotely via the Internet. Declarations in the form of an electronic document can be submitted using the AWP "Payer" program or on the portal of the Ministry of Taxes and Claims using the "Personal Account" service.

    Undoubted advantages:

    Saving time, because There is no need to attend the Tax Inspectorate;

    Simplify the preparation of tax reporting, because Automatic control of the filling of indicators is carried out;

    Operational update of reporting formats;

    Promptly obtaining the results of control of information specified in the Declaration, Tax Inspector; In case of finding errors - the provision of a refined declaration;

    Ability to view the previously transmitted declaration.

    The functions of the AWP "Payer" on the provision of financial statements is wider than the "personal office". Additionally, accounting registers and filling declarations on their basis are provided. In addition to the Declaration of AWP "Payer" allows you to form and provide in electronic form another accounting reporting: Balance, shopping book, profit and loss statement, motion report money, Report on the use / destruction of excise stamps and others.

    4. Electronic MNC services. Providing applications and notifications

    Electronic interaction of the inspection and payer includes not only the possibility of providing tax and accounting reports.

    What if it is necessary to apply, for example, to implement administrative procedures?

    Answer. Submission to the tax inspectorate of various notifications, applications, including administrative procedures, is possible in the form of an electronic document. To do this, you can use already well-known services - either AWP "Payer", or "Personal Account" on the portal of the Ministry of Taxes and Claims. The functionality is available to users with electronically digital signature. The response to the appeal will come, also in electronic form. Answers to applications for administrative procedures will come to the "Personal Account" on the portal, regardless of how the service the user has sent a statement.

    5. Electronic services MNC. Application for documents

    Information about arrears, overpayments and foam on a specific date;

    Certificate of calculations with the budget for the period;

    Extract from personal accounts for the period;

    About speakers for the period;

    Registry of payments made to the personal account for the period;

    Notification for the payment of land tax on real estate on the date;

    Resolution on the suspension of payer accounts for the date;

    Resolution on the abolition of the decision to suspend the payer's accounts for the period.

    The document will be formed automatically and provided to the user, literally, within 2 minutes after the application is issued. The ability to provide all payers with access to "Personal Account", both to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and individuals.

    These documents do not contain electronic digital signature of tax authorities. If legally significant electronic documents are needed, they should be obtained using the electronic declaration system.

    6. Electronic MNC services. Work with Documents EAEU

    The following information will be especially useful to business entities, carrying out foreign economic transactions with residents of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - EAEU).

    To automate the formation of data on the import of goods and pay indirect taxes In order to prepare and submit to the tax authorities a statement that meets the established MNC form payers is offered the software AWP "Payer TC" software. You can download from the site of the MNC, the Software section (http://www.nalog.gov.by/en/arm-platelschik/). There is also a detailed user manual.

    In the section "Working with Documents Documents", the payer is given the opportunity to clarify at what stage of processing in the system (in what condition) are its applications, as well as the statements loaded to the MNC database from the EAEU countries. To search for applications, you must specify the customer country code, registration number, registration date.

    Such services are provided by the tax authorities of other states. For example, on the official website Federal Service Russia, payers are given the opportunity to test their counterparties on foreign economic transactions in mutual trade:

    - "EAEP. Statements about the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes ", http://service.nalog.ru/blrl.do.;

    - "Open and public information EGRN on foreign organizations", http://service.nalog.ru/io-info.do.;

    - "Business risks: Check yourself and counterparty," http://egrul.nalog.ru/;

    - "The system of informing banks on the state of processing electronic documents (311-p, 365-P)".

    7. Electronic MNC services. Additional features of the portal

    This section provides information on the less well-known, but very useful features of the MNC portal:

    Schedule of personal admission of citizens by the management of MNS and regional inspections. Viewing available to all visitors of the site, the possibility of an independent entry for the reception in accordance with the schedule only to the users of the "Personal Cabinet";

    Payment of taxes through the Internet banking of Alfa-Bank, Belarusbank, Belgazprombank, Belinvestbank - Available to Users of the Personal Cabinet;

    Access to a single information database of controlling (supervisory) authorities to view information on the assignment to the risk group on the basis of reproxed criteria for all controlling authorities. Access by the EDS key;

    Providing statements in the MCS in electronic form to obtain a license for gambling business. The statement is signed by the EDS;

    Search in the registry commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs With an increased risk of committing offenses in the economic sphere. Available to all site visitors;

    Search for information from the state register of payers (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) that do not constitute a tax secrecy. Available to all site visitors.

    8. Electronic MNC services. Center informing

    The "Information Center" service is intended to obtain information sent by MNC inspections to email - all payers are available. The presence of EDS is not required.

    This may be distributed information about the innovations of legislation, reports of upcoming seminars, reminders of approaching the timing of the provision of declarations and payments, notification of the direction of communication in the "Personal Account" (for EDS owners).

    To connect to the service, you must provide a tax inspection of an arbitrary form with an email address (e-mail) and an obligation to conduct organizational and technical measures to establish confidence in the MNS postal server (add the email address of the IMC inspection from which messages will come, The list of contacts and, in the case of using your own mail server, add MNS NALOG.GOV.BY to the list of trusted mail servers).

    9. Electronic MNC services. Electronic invoice portal

    The portal http://vat.gov.by/ is designed to work with electronic invoices for value added tax, the mechanism of functioning of which has been introduced from July 1, 2016.

    In addition to the necessary actions to set invoices and managing deductions on incoming invoices, payers are provided by the functional for holding cameral self-control, monitoring transactions.

    The presence on the portal current descriptions of XML documents and XSD schemes allows payers to automate the process of creating electronic invoices in the enterprise's accounting system on the basis of primary documents.

    Payers are also provided by Web services of batch processing of electronic invoices.


    On July 4, 2019, a new version of the Personal Cabinet of the Payer was commissioned, which presents electronic services for all categories of payers, both organizations and individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

    With the successful authorization of the payer in this functionality, those electronic services are displayed in the main menu, which refer to the corresponding category of payers: legal entities or individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

    For organizations, the main menu will be formed with electronic services for legal entities with authentication by EDS.

    For individuals and individual entrepreneurs, a menu will be formed, which combines functional electronic services, both individuals and for individual entrepreneurs, with the ability to authenticate through account and password, EDS or mobile EDS.

    The new version of the Personal Cabinet using the EDS key requires installation at the Internet Explorer Browser User Workplace version 11. The old versions of Internet Explorer browser (version 8, 9 and 10) are not supported in this feature.

    Until the end of 2019, the existing version of the personal account of the organization and an individual entrepreneur will be supported, which will be used on the Internet Explorer browser versions of the Internet Explorer (version 8, 9, 10 and higher) browser at its desire and choice.

    A new version of the personal account of the payer using an account and password or a mobile EDS for such a category of payers as individuals and individual entrepreneurs will be available at the workplace of the user with Internet Explorer version 11. If earlier versions of Internet Explorer browser are used in the workplace. To log in on account and password, or on mobile EDS it is recommended to install other publicly available browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).

    Personal Cabinet of Legal Entities and IP (old version) - For users with physical EDS.

    This service is available only in Internet Explorer browser version 8, 9, 10 and 11.

    Personal Cabinet Payer - for users with logic password, physical EDS and mobile EDS.

    The service is available only in the Internet Explorer browser version 11. MNA recommends updating Internet Explorer browser to version 11. Older versions of Internet Explorer browser (version 8, 9 and 10) are not supported in this personal account.

    For legal entities, access to the personal account is possible only with physical EDS. With Mobile EDS (MCP), a personal account for legal entities is not available.

    For individual entrepreneurs, access to the personal account is possible with physical and mobile EDS. Service for working with Mobile EDS (MCP) is available in various browsers.

    Note! The use of a personal account on the login and password and the MACP is carried out without certified means of protection.

    The portal of the Ministry of Taxes and Collections of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the MNC portal) supports open key certificates issued by the Certification Authority of the Republican unitary enterprise "Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Claims" and the Republican Certicking Center State system Management of open keys to check electronic digital signature of the Republic of Belarus of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Center for Electronic Services"

    Payers using certificates issued by the Certification Authority of the Republican Unitary Enterprise Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Clauses, for the correct display of information on electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as the EDS) of the MNC portal and the inspector, accurate.

    Payers using certificates published by the Republican Certification Authority of the State System of Management of Open Keywords Checking Electronic Digital Signature of the Republican of the Republican Unitary Enterprise National Center for Electronic Services, to submit declarations and applications and for access to the Personal Cabinet.

    1. Electronic declaration Exercised through the software AWP "Payer":

    • software AWP "Payer" - current version 4.4.26 and cryptographic software.
    • AWP "Payer" - " Instructions for installing and updating software and tax declarations for the versions of the receptacle of payer 4.1.18 and above ».

    2. For users - legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals on the Portal of MNS, electronic service "", the entrance to which is carried out after authorization:

    • through EDS. - in the IE browser for users with the EDS key, on which the Cryptographic software of CJSC Avesta is installed for tax authorities;
    • through an account - For individuals who have received a login and password in the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Claims of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the IMNS).

    2.1. For users with EDS, the following set of services is available:

    1) submitting an application for documents from the ISS;
    2) visualization of documents signed by the EDS;
    3) recording on a personal reception to the management of the ISNS and watching personal history;
    4) Preliminary registration in the IMNS;
    5) Filling and submission of the Declaration in the ISMS;
    6) viewing submitted to the ISS declarations;
    7) submission of an application to the IMNS;
    8) viewing submitted in the ISMS (answers from the ISS);

    11) Work with Documents EAEU.

    The data you exchange in the "Personal Account" are transmitted to a safe encrypted connection, and therefore are not available to other persons.
    Please note that to work with the EDS, the service is available only in the IE browser. We recommend using 11 version of Internet Explorer - " PC setup for working with personal account in IE ".
    Users for the first time in the "Personal Account" (with the EDS key) must be configured - "".

    2.2. For users - individuals without EDS, the following set of services is available:

    1) questionnaire;
    2) submission of the application for receiving documents from the ISMS;
    3) visualization of documents signed by the EDS;
    4) recording on a personal reception to the management of the ISS and watching personal history;
    5) Preliminary registration in the IMNS;
    6) representation of the income tax declaration with FL;
    7) obtaining from the ISMS notice to pay land tax and (or) real estate tax;
    8) information on tax objects;
    9) viewing initiative documents from the ISMS;
    10) Payment of taxes through Internet banking CJSC Alfa-Bank, JSC " ASB BelarusBank", OJSC" Belgazprombank ", OJSC" Belinvestbank ", OJSC" Tekhnobank "or OJSC" Prorbank ";
    11) Editing personal data.

    In the section "" the possibility of a payer is provided - to a physical person to apply for an IMNS to receive data for access to the "Personal Account".
    Data for access to the "Personal Account" can be obtained from the personal handling of the ISS.

    Federal tax Service Russian Federation It has several online representative offices that help individuals and legal entities fully obtain reliable information in a timely manner online. You can go to the tax site using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

    Modern tax develops the official website for different purposes, physical and legal entities can take advantage of them, as well as individual entrepreneurs. A given vector on digital promotion in the budget sphere is performed with ahead. Many have already managed to evaluate all the services and functions with which you can work in remote mode without resorting to visiting the branch of the tax inspection.

    Tax official website - FTS of Russia

    The official website of the Tax FNS of Russia is available in 24-hour Internet access at: www.nalog.ru. (Tax RU) is the only representation of the IFNS, which is fully belonging and is controlled by the state.

    It is worth noting a high increase in the popularity of the resource, which is associated with the provision of services in demand for the population in remote mode. Now it is much easier to follow the basic information on the payment of taxes, insurance premiums and receipt of information from the original source about other options that can be obtained online.

    Basic projects:

    1. Tax Ru is a common, information, chief portal.
    2. LKFL (old version) and lkfl2.nalog.ru (New Cabinet) for FL.
    3. Lkul.nalog.ru - for Yul.
    4. Lkip.nalog.ru - for IP.

    WWW NALOG RU (Tax RU): Electronic Services

    This is a central project by visiting which you can define further actions. Immediately after entering the site, it is recommended to personalize the settings for the location region, it can be selected from the left at the top on the main navigation menu.

    Here you can read the news not only taken from the media, but also from the original source about future changes in taxation, the procedure for registering or eliminating legal entities, as well as many additional information for work.

    The main list of services that can be used in remote mode:

    • Registration of legal entities and IP. All allows you to familiarize yourself with full list documents that are necessary for registration and registration of LLC or IP, as well as a guide to the main codes of foreign economic activity.
    • . Service, allows you to learn personal identification tax number According to the passport for 1-2 minutes without a visit to the FTS. All that will be required to enter Full name, date of birth, as well as a series with a passport number and the date of its issuance.
    • Business risks: Check yourself and counterparty. Be confident in the solvency of the supplier or the reliability of the contractor.
    • Pay taxes. The name speaks for itself, here you can pay all taxes for both an individual and legal.
    • The unified register of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship entities - opens access to Inn to the main records in the register of IP and LLC.
    • Online record for reception in the inspection. A very convenient option, without leaving the house will help make an entry on reception to the desired separation and to a specific specialist at a convenient date and time.
    • Frequently asked. You can get answers to most questions in this section.
    • Marking of goods in accordance with state standards.
    • OKATO determination, OKTMO at the address (street, city or index).
    • Formation of payment orders and online filling of documents on the payment of tax.
    • Clarification of tax details according to your TIN. As a result of the request, you will learn how it is correctly called a division where it is located, as well as see the basic contact information and OKPO code.

    Additional features provided by the Federal Tax Service:

    • State registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
    • Register of entrepreneurs and Yul. Single base legal entities in the form of registry. To check it is enough to introduce the full name of the enterprise or the INN.
    • Statistical and analytical materials.
    • Registration for cash register and online cash register.
    • Tax Code and other legislative documents in the modern edition. All documents are constantly updated and edited by materials are published in this section.
    • Tax calendar. Quickly coordinates at current dates for the delivery of tax reporting and other events.
    • Contact information and definition of the displayed version of the site through the cities. When you first visited the project proposes to select the user location automatically, to submit information in accordance with the presence region.

    How to find the right site of the tax inspection

    There are several sites that perform certain functions and intended for different use purposes. For example, there are nalog ru, egrul.nalog.ru, lkip.nalog.ru and lkul.nalog.ru, let's consider each of them in more detail.

    Lkfl.nalog.ru (old version)

    Hot line

    To make timely solving the issues and obtaining highly qualified support of the FTS employee, a multichannel phone has been created for free calls within the Russian Federation - 8800-222-22-22.

    Please note that after connecting to the back of the call, there will be a greeting of an automatic robot with prompts to select thematic sections. If the question requires living communication, it is necessary to wait for the connection with the operator, which in time can be 10-30 or more of minutes due to the large load load.

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