
Treaty - BelarusBank. Cashier service ASB "BelarusBank" Agreement of Complex Banking Services BelarusBank

During the passage of pre-diploma practice in the BelarusBank bank, a complex of services provided by the Bank's operating department of both individuals and legal entities was revealed. The operating department is one of the largest personnel in the bank. It exercises the opening and maintenance of currency and ruble accounts, cash-based cash services. To open the current account, legal entities must submit:

  • 1. Application for opening an account.
  • 2. A copy of the document registration document certified by a notarial or registration authority.
  • 3. Two copies of copies of constituent documents, while at one of them should be affected by the registering organ, and the other is certified by a notarially or registering authority.
  • 4. Duplicate notice to assign a taxpayer accountant (UNN).
  • 5. Help of the social protection of the population of the Ministry of Social Protection on Registration as a payer of mandatory insurance premiums and other payments in the Fund bodies.
  • 6. Card with sample samples and printing, certified notarized.

ASB "BelarusBank" also discovers subaccount, special, charitable, temporary, correspondent, deposit and other accounts.

Settlement and cash services The Bank's operating department exercises on the basis of current legislation and the relevant contract between the parties. His work echoes the lending department, the department for working with individuals and legal entities.

Comprehensive service legal entities. Bank offers the following complex banking products and services.

Opening and maintenance of currency and ruble accounts, customer service and customer service (subaccount, special, charitable, temporary, correspondent, deposit and other accounts).

Cash and cash service is carried out in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and on the basis of a contract between the bank and the client for settlement and cash services in accordance with the current tariffs of the commission's remuneration.

Connect to electronic payment system "Client-Bank". The e-mail network significantly increases the speed of information processing and allows the parties to transmit and accept the following documents:

in the client-jar mode:

payment orders in national and foreign currencies;

application application;

purchase applications foreign currency;

applications for currency conversion;

text documents of any content;

in the bank-client mode:

statements of the client's account state;

foreign currency courses;

information on the current status of the account;

posting archive data.

To identify the transmitted payment documents are used electronic signature Client and a special encryption algorithm that guarantee the accuracy and confidentiality of information.

Deposit deposits of legal entities in belorussian rubles and foreign currency.

Views deposit deposits In the bank - urgent and demand.

The conditions of the deposit are determined by the contract and depend on the amount and terms of placement. At the request of the client deposit agreement Percentage can be provided - monthly, quarterly, as well as at the end of the deposit storage period.

Frequently asked Questions

Where and how can I connect the Internet Banking service?

To connect the Internet banking service, you must contact the Bank's establishment, use the Online Service of the Internet Banking system or register with account MSI.

Registration in the Institution of the Bank:

Contact Opera Head Office, Regional (Minsk) Office, Branch, Office or Center banking services JSC " ASB BelarusBank"(Further, the establishment of the bank) with a certificate document and a bank payment card issued by the Bank (hereinafter referred to as the card);

Sign an application application for client banking using the Internet banking system;

Get a username and password;

When using the Online service, Internet banking system is required:

Apply on Online registration in the Internet banking system of OJSC ASB BelarusBank through the Internet on the Bank's Web site ();

Registration using the MSI account:

To authorize in the Internet banking system, the client needs to be registered in Interbank system Identification (hereinafter MDI) (https://ipersonal.raschet.by) and select the "Register" function.

After successfully identifying the client in the MSI to register in the Internet Banking system. To register in the Internet banking system, the client needs to select the "Disposable SMS code" authentication type and click the "Input via MSI" button.

After a successful registration procedure, the client provides access to the Internet Banking system.

Why during the on-line registration in the Internet banking system, is the message "Contact Bank"?

Information about the client available in the bank does not correspond to the questionnaire data entered during On-Line registration. If all fields are completed correctly (comply with passport data), it is necessary to contact the Bank's amendment to make changes to the personal data stored in the bank. With you, you need to have a document certifying the person.

How to change the password to enter the Internet banking system?

The functionality of the Internet banking system allows you to change the password. To do this, go to the "Personal Settings" section - "Password settings".

Requirements for password for logging in:

1. The password must contain only Latin letters (lowercase and uppercase) and numbers;

2. The password must contain at least 8 and no more than 12 characters;

3. The password must contain at least one capital and at least one lowercase letter, as well as at least one digit;

4. The password cannot contain three consecutive other characters.

Is there a fee for payment in Internet banking, if there is how much?

Payment for payment for services in the Internet banking system is carried out without charging commission, except:

Transfer services money from the card on the card of OJSC ASB Belarusbank;

Making payment for details;

The provision through the system of online banking mini statements on operations performed using the card or its details.

The commission fee for these operations is determined by the collection of remuneration for operations performed by OJSC ASB BelarusBank for servicing the accounts of OJSC ASB BelarusBank, and other operations (sections 7, 8, 9 and 10, http://belarusbank.by/en / DEYATELNOST / 10373/10505).

What is the "calculation" system (ERIP), how and what services with its help can be paid?

OJSC ASB BelarusBank works closely with the "Calculation" system (AIS ERIP, http://www.raschet.by). System "Calculation" - automated information system Single settlement and information space (AIS ERIP), accompanied by OJSC Nankovskaya credit Financial Organization "ERIP". The system is designed to provide comprehensive service Payers on the principle of "one window", reducing the cost of processing operations for payment for services, ensuring the possibility of carrying out services for services through any settlement agent from any region. Banks participating in the "Calculation" system are almost all banks of the Republic of Belarus. The information provided by the "Calculation" system is displayed identically in all terminals of participating banks and cannot be edited and change on the side of the bank.

Most service providers in the Republic of Belarus are participants in the "Calculation" system. Using the "Calculation" system, you can make a payment in favor of any Belarusian mobile operator, for utilities, Internet and much more. Full list Services that can be paid using the "Calculation" system are presented in the Internet banking payment tree in the "Payments and Translations" section - "Calculation system" (ERIP).

To make payments in the Internet banking system in favor of service providers who are participants in the calculation system, it is necessary:

Go to the section "Payments and Translations" - "System" Calculation "(ERIP)";

Press the "New Payment" button;

In the opening tree of payments, choose the area and the city in which services are provided (if the service provider provides its services throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus, for example, Beltelecom RUE, choose the "Social REC";

Select a section with the necessary services;

Select a service provider;

Choose a service for which payment is made;

Select a payment card to which payment will be made;

Fill out all the shape fields;

Press the "Pay" button.

After making a payment on the calculation system, information about it is stored in the Internet banking payment history, and data for re-payment is saved in the "Personal Payments" section of the calculation system and are displayed by the Internet Banking system on Main page Systems.

After making payment on the "Calculation" system, all of this payment can be saved in the Internet banking system (set the name and click the "Save" button on last form) In order to quickly access the payment using the favorite payments service and other services, such as "payment by one button" offered by the Internet banking system.

When you move on the payment tree of the "Calculation" system on top above the table, the Fast Town Transition menu is displayed.

If you could not find the required service in the payment tree to make a payment, use the section "Search for Services" Link to which is located above the payment tree of the calculation system.

All forms and text displayed by the Internet Banking system when making payments on the "Calculation" system are provided to the bank by the "calculation" system and are not subject to editing and change on the side of the bank.

For all questions related to the implementation of payments in the "Calculation" system, you can contact the "Calculation" System Contact Center by phone 141 or E-mail [Email Protected] With payment options can be found at http://www.raschet.by.

How to use the service "payment by one button"?

In order to use the service "Payment by one button" service:

On the main page, select the section "Payment by one button" or go to the "Payments and Translation" section - "Payment by one button";

Choose a map by which you want to pay;

Select from previously stored in the Internet banking system, services that wish to pay;

Press the "Continue" button;

Alternately fill out the fields of payment data;

Press the "Continue" button;

In the "Confirm Payment Data" window, check the correctness of these payments;

Press the "Pay" button.

Payments for the selected services are processed by the system alternately in the order in which they were displayed to the client in the final form.

After payments, a form with the results and details of all completed payments are displayed. Next to each successfully made payment there is a "Print" button for a check of the check. In the case of a successful holding of all payments, one general message "Payment was successful" (green) is displayed. Payments, in the process of payment of which an error occurred is highlighted in red, the "Print" button is missing. Updable payments displays error messages (red) in the "Name of saved payment: message" format.

With the subsequent use of the service "Payment by one button", payments for which payment was made on the previous time will be automatically selected in the form of selection of saved payments.

Is it possible to transfer funds from the card to the card?

The transfer of funds from the card to the card is carried out between the cards issued by OJSC ASB Belarusbank, as well as the transfer to the Visa card, MasterCard of any bank.

How to translate funds on the electronic wallet (Belgi, EasyPay, WMB)?

To carry out the translation, go to the "Payments and Translations" section - "Calculation system" (ERIP) "-" Non-Rosis "-" Financial Services "-" Electronic Money "-" (El. Wallet, Sale EasyPay, WMB sale ( Al. money)) ", choose a card with which the transfer of funds will be transferred and click the" Continue "button. Next, enter the "Wallet number" and click the "Continue" button. Please note that the minimum payment amount is limited, the amount of the restriction is indicated on the payment page.

What to do if, when viewing the balance on a bank payment card, the system gives the message "No data to display on the map"?

This message suggests that the Internet Bankig system fails to get information about the balance of your payment card in the banking processing center due to the problems arising from the interaction of several software and hardware complexes. As a rule, malfunctions are short-term. Therefore, you should repeat the login attempt later.

What if in the Internet banking system when making payments through the "Calculation" system, the ERAP gives the message "Could not connect to the ERIP server"?

This message suggests that the Internet Bankig system cannot be connected to the "Calculation" system (ERIP) servers. As a rule, malfunctions are short-term. Therefore, you should repeat the attempt to make a payment later.

What if in the Internet Banking system when paying a loan issued by OJSC ASB BelarusBank, the system issues a message "No information to display"?

This message suggests that the Internet Banking system fails to get information from the branch in which the loan was issued. As a rule, malfunctions are short-term. Therefore, you should repeat the attempt to make a payment later. Also, for a speedy solution to the problem, you can contact the contact center of OJSC ASB BelarusBank on a short number 147 and inform the number of the branch in which the loan was issued.

What document is the confirmation of payment in the Internet banking system?

After the operation in the Internet banking system, a check with requisites and detailed information About the payment, with the possibility of its further output to print (on the last form when conducting the payment, press the "Print" button).

In the future, the user has the ability to print a check at any convenient time using the History of Payments. Find information about the payment using the search form, select the payment of interest, click the "Details" button → "Print".

According to the Public Offer Agreement concluded during registration in the Internet Banking system, "email messages used in the relationship between the Client and the Bank, successfully confirmed by the Client in the system, are recognized as equal to legal power Relevant paper documents issued when performing similar operations in the Bank's institution personally by the Client, and generate similar rights and obligations of the parties. " In the check, the identifier of the transaction (transid) is given to the system (transid) with which you can unambiguously identify your payment.

In cases of the need to confirm the operation of an operation committed by the Internet Banking system, the client should apply to the Bank's institution where the payment card was issued.

Is the receipt of payment of the loan in the Internet banking system for tax deduction income tax?

In accordance with the explanations of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Taxes and Rabs of the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for submitting property tax deductions is established by Articles 165-166 Tax Code (Special part) dated December 29, 2009 No. 71-s. These articles of the Code provided that the documents confirming the costs of the construction or acquisition of an individual residential building or an apartment, repayment of loans of banks of the Republic of Belarus, repayment from Belarusian organizations and (or) of the loans received from Belarusian organizations and (or) individual entrepreneurs (including interest on them, with the exception of interest on overdue loans and loans, overdue interest on them), actually spent on the construction of an individual residential building on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, or expenses for training in the education institutions of the Republic of Belarus upon receipt of them The highest, first average special or first vocational education, repayment of loans of banks of the Republic of Belarus, loans received from Belarusian organizations and (or) Belarusian individual entrepreneurs (including interest on them, with the exception of interest on overdue loans and loans, overdue interest on them ), actually spent by them to receive the first higher, first average special or first vocational education, these persons must contain information about the name, name, patronymic of the payer, the amount and date of payment, the appointment of payment.

Checks formed when performing an operation to pay for training or repayment of a loan using devices and remote services banking service OJSC ASB BelarusBank (Internet Banking system, payment terminals, ATMs, infocioski, etc.), contain all the necessary information and can be provided by individuals to obtain social and / or property tax deductions.

It should also be noted that these checks are not a copy of the electronic document and do not fall under Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Electronic Document and Electronic Digital Signature" of December 29, 2009 No. 113-З and, therefore, do not require certificates.

In accordance with paragraph 5.10, the provisions on the Ministry of Taxes and Claims of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Taxes and the Department of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1592 (with changes and additions), the Ministry of Taxes and Claims of the Republic of Belarus, in accordance with the assigned on him tasks, conducts explanatory work on applications tax legislation. Consequently, the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Harvest of the Republic of Belarus at the place of your residence is obliged to give you an exhaustive advice on the provision of property (construction or purchase of housing) of the tax deduction. In addition, official advice on income tax individuals You can get by asking a question to the official website of the Ministry of Taxes and Cancellation of the Republic of Belarus (Internet address - http://www.nalog.by).

In the "Mini-extract" menu, I would like to see the movement on the card for any period of time, as well as cash receipts. Is it planned or not?

Information on all cash transfers using a payment card, with the exception of enrollment wages And the advance, you can get in the "Mini-extract" and "Payment History" menu.

The mini-extract menu provides information on the last 10 operations committed using a payment card or its details, but not more than 7 last days.

The "History of Payments" menu provides information on payments to you through the Internet banking system for any time period.

Currently, in the Internet Banking system, the implementation of the "mini-statement" with the storage of data for a longer period is not planned.

The payment card holder is given the possibility of obtaining a monthly statement of account state e-mail. This service can be connected via the Internet Banking system or contact a written application to the Bank's institution, where the payment card was issued.

The commission fee for the provision of mini-extract is determined by the collection of remuneration for operations performed by OJSC ASB BelarusBank for servicing the accounts of OJSC ASB BelarusBank, and other operations (section 7, http://blarusbank.by/en/deyatelnost/10373 / 10505/21060).

Why is the account blocked and how to unlock it?

To ensure safety when using the Internet Banking service and suppress attempts to unauthorized access to personal data of clients of the bank, the Internet banking system automatically blocks the user account after threefold incorrect login entry (username (Login), password (Password) or session code). To enter the session code, its processing and transferring data to the system to the system is given one minute. If the time limit is exceeded for entering the session code, the system determines this attempt as unsuccessful.

To unlock an account, you can contact the contact center operator by phone 147 (on weekdays from 8: 30-20: 00, on the output C 09: 00-16: 00) or use the "Unlock SMS" service.

When accessing the contact center operator, the client must inform the name of the name, name, patronymic, username (login), the code word (maiden's mother's name) specified when registering in an account application. When unlocking a CMS account, you must follow the link placed under the form of an authorization data entry, to the "Unlock by SMS" section and in the dialog box that opens all fields ("Login", "Password", "code from codes card", " SMS code ", sent to the phone) and click the" Unlock SMS "button.

In the case of a 3-fold user lock, provided that there is no successful input between the locks (2 times in a row unlocked the account from the Contact Center operator or using the Unlocking SMS service, but could not log in), unlock the account Recording can only be recorded in the Bank's institution. IN this case You need to come to any bank institution and fill out an application for unlocking a client account in the Internet banking system. With you, you need to have a document certifying the person.

How to connect the "Unlock by SMS" service?

To connect the SMS unlocking service, you must log in in the Internet banking system, select the menu item "My Profile" - "Personal Data" - "Change Contact Data". In the dialog that opens, specify the desired number mobile phone, COMMUNICATION OPERATOR (MTS, VELCOM, LIFE) and select the "Use Mobile Phone for Unlock" option. Press the "Save" button.

How to unlock an SMS account?

When you lock the "Internet banking" system of the user account, to the specified, when connecting the "Unlock via SMS" service, the mobile phone number will be sent to the SMS message.

To unlock an account, you must go through the link placed under the form of an authorization data entry into the "Unlock by SMS" section and in the dialog box that opens, fill all fields ("Login", "Password", "code from codes card", "code from SMS ", sent to the phone) and click the" Unlock SMS "button.

If the code, sent to your phone, was not received or lost, then you need to go to the "Unlock by SMS" section and in the dialog box that opens, fill in the "Login" field, "password", "code from codes card" and click the "Repeat SMS. You will be re-sent code to unlock SMS.

You can request an unlock code by SMS no more than 3 times in a row.

In the case of a 3-fold user blocking, provided that there is no successful input between the locks (2 times in a row unlocked the account using the "Unlock SMS" service, but could not log in), unlock an SMS account cannot be unlocked. In this case, you need to come to any bank institution and fill out an application for unlocking a client account in the Internet banking system. With you, you need to have a document certifying the person.

Is there an "Internet banking" system the opportunity to discover the contribution (deposit)?

The Internet Banking system allows users to open deposit accounts.

To open the deposit, you need to select the "Account" menu item - "Deposits" - "Opening Deposit", from the proposed list, choose the type of deposit account and click the "Open Deposit" button, then get acquainted with the public offer to enter into an urgent agreement bank deposit "Internet deposit", choose payment cardWith which cash will be written off to open a deposit and click the "Continue" button. In the dialog box that opens, check all the data and click the button "I confirm the opening of the account."

How to get a 3-D Secure password?

To register a password 3-D Secure, in order to make payments on the Internet (http://blarusbank.by/ru/fizicheskim_licam/cards/uslugi/26958), you need to select the "Account" menu item - "Card Accounts" - "Applications for registration of cards / Additional services" - "Password 3-D Secure / Internet Password Belkart". Next, select a payment card for which you want to register a 3-D Secure password and click "Continue."

In the "Password 3-D Secure" field, come up with yourself and enter the password (from 9 to 15 any characters).

In the "Personal Appeal" field, come up with yourself and enter a personal appeal (from 2 to 20 any characters), for example: "Good afternoon, Elena."

In the "Response to Question" field, come up and enter (from 9 to 15 any characters) The answer to the secret question (in the future, the answer to the secret question will be used to get a new 3-D Secure password in case you have forgotten and / or want to change Password 3-D Secure at the time of confirmation of the 3-D Secure password payment operation).

Click "Register", wait for the success of the operation, after which you created the 3-D Secure password you can use when confirming Internet payments.

If you forget the 3-D Secure password and / or the answer to the "secret question" you need to re-repeat the password of the 3-D Secure password in the Internet Banking system in the "Account" menu item - "Card Accounts" - "Applications on registration cards / additional services. "

If you do not want to more use the 3-D Secure password, you must cancel the password registration in the Internet Banking system in the account menu item - "Card Accounts" - "Applications for Cards / Additional Services" - "Password 3 -D Secure / Internet Password Belkart. "

As in the Internet Banking system, connect / disable the ability to receive an email account statement (e-mail)?

Is it possible to replace the current login of the client to another without passing a new registration?

The Internet Banking system does not provide a change in the name of the user (Login).

Mobile phone number has changed.

To edit personal data, you need to select the menu item "My Profile" - "Personal Data" - "Change Contact Data". In the dialog box that opens, you can edit the following data:

Contact details.

If all session codes are used from the codes issued when registering in Internet banking, how to get a new one and how much will it cost?

The Internet Banking system involves working with one codes, which is tied to the client account. That is, there is no need to acquire another codes card.

How can I restore the login / password to log in?

To restore the name of the user (Login), as well as the register of its introduction (large / small letters), you need to call 147 (on weekdays from 8: 30-20: 00, on the weekend C 09: 00-16: 00) and report Your identification data: last name, first name, patronymic, codeword, personal number The passports specified in the questionnaire or contact the nearest bank institution. With you, you need to have a document certifying the person.

If you forget the password (password), then you need to contact any establishment of a bank in which the system is connected, and write an application for generating a new password. With you, you need to have a document certifying the person.

What makes the cost of connecting to the Internet banking system?

from July 16, 2018, OJSC ASB BelarusBank cancels the compensation for registration in the Internet banking system, incl. On-line registration, and issuing codes when registering in the system.

Why, when entering the Internet banking system, the following message issues: "The client has not passed all the registration stages. Not activated codes card "?

1. This means that the client submitted an application for on-line registration in the Internet banking system, but did not receive a codow card that is necessary for entry into the Internet banking system);

2. When registering the Internet banking service in the Bank's institution, the CODD card is not activated in the infociosk of OJSC ASB BelarusBank.

Current (calculated), charitable accounts in Belarusian rubles. Current (calculated), charitable accounts in foreign currency. Deposit (deposit) accounts in Belarusian rubles. Deposit (deposit) accounts in foreign currency. Operations on PL accounts using PC. CC operations accounts family capital.

Payment of Den CP-in on Internet deposits. Registration of powers of attorney and testamentaries. Completion of operations in Belarusian rubles on temporary accounts of individuals. Completing operations in foreign currency on temporary accounts of individuals. Support of participants in the system of construction savings. Cash service maintenance of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Reception of cash Belarusian rubles from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from the sale of goods, providing services, performing work, for other payments, followed by enrollment on their current.

Cash issuance to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency. Cash reception from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in foreign currency. Acceptance of payments in cash by Belarusian rubles from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to pay for goods, works, services, other payments, followed by enrollment on current (calculated) accounts of others. Reception of cash Belarusian rubles from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from the sale of goods, providing services, performing work, on other payments and other appointments of the contribution with enrollment on them. Reception of payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Reception of payments and contributions in foreign currency from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

In the event that you received new keys from the client - bank, 3), reinstall the program is not required 4) Run the client - the bank and go to.

Reception of payments in Belarusian rubles from individuals in the payment of reimbursement of funds spent by OJSC ASB BelarusBank and the Joint Trade Union Organization of OJSC ASB Belarusbank. Receiving payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of mobile operators.

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  • The client of the Internet Banking system, as a client of the bank, is unique, that is, at one client OJSC ASB BelarusBank is possible only one number using malicious programs (viruses, programs-hosts).

How to set up a client - Bank ASB BelarusBank after reinstalling how to install and configure the program for EDS Client - Bank.

Receiving payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of Internet providers. Reception of payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of mobile operators and Internet providers. Receiving payment for highways, PDD fines.

Receiving funds in Belarusian rubles from individuals for purchase valuable papers. Payments FL in BR for credit and bank services. Payments FL in Yves for credit and bank services. Receiving funds in foreign currency from individuals to buy securities.

Reception of payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using a bank payment card. Reception of payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of mobile operators using banking. Reception of payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of Internet providers, using banking. Receiving payments and contributions to Belarusian rubles from individuals in favor of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of payments in favor of mobile operators and Internet providers, p. Reception of payments from individuals in Belarusian rubles to repay credit debt, as well as in the payment of remuneration for the provision of OJSC ASB BelarusBank OJSC using bank payment. Insurance services For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Reception of insurance premiums from individuals in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and concluded agreements with insurance organizations.

Compulsory insurance civil responsibility Owners vehicle. Compulsory insurance of civil liability of resident vehicle owners traveling beyond the RB "Green Card". Voluntary insurance From diseases and accidents during a trip abroad. Voluntary insurance against the injury "Express". Voluntary insurance residential premises in multi-unit residential buildings. Voluntary comprehensive insurance Property and civil liability of his users. Mandatory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners of non-residents entering the Republic of Border Insurance to the Republic of Belarus.

Mandatory health insurance foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying or temporarily residing in the Republic of Belarus. Sale of foreign currency. Buying foreign currency. Conversion of foreign currency. Cash exchange of foreign currency. Replacement of foreign currency monetary signs. Reception for collection.

Payment of compensation for collection. Buying cash foreign currency for cash Belarusian rubles. Buying cash foreign currency for non-cash Belarusian rubles. Buying non-cash foreign currency for cash Belarusian rubles. Buying non-cash foreign currency for non-cash Belarusian rubles. Sales of cash foreign currency for cash Belarusian rubles. Sale of cash foreign currency for non-cash Belarusian rubles.

Sale of cashless foreign currency for cash Belarusian rubles. Sale of cashless foreign currency for non-cash Belarusian rubles. Conversion of cash foreign currency. Conversion of non-cash foreign currency.

Receiving documents for opening current (calculated) bank accountsAccess to which can be provided when using a debit bank payment card. Opening current (calculated) bank accounts, access to which can be provided when using a debit bank payment card. Accounts in Belarusian rubles using payment cards. Operations on accounts in non-trans currency using payment cards. Accounts in Belarusian rubles without the use of payment cards.

Operations on invoices in non-trans currency without the use of payment cards. Reception of applications for the extension of the term, about the loss and reissue, manufacturing a duplicate card. Issue bank payment cards. Payments using bank payment cards. Registration of documents and registration of clients in the Internet banking system. Issuance of codes for the Internet banking system.

Sale of prepaid cards. Receiving documents for closing current (calculated) bank accounts, access to which can be provided when using a debit bank payment card. Closing the current (settlement) bank accounts, access to which can be provided when using a debit bank payment card. Connect service M-banking. Issuance of debit PCs without inf. About the holder. Reception of docking on overdraft, CRED-E applications.

Registration of the testamental order on payment cards. Registration and issuance of applications on a client account using a card opened in this institution.

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Treaty for the provision of SMS banking Open joint-stock company "Savings bank BelarusBank, referred to in the future "bank", represented by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ilya Aleksandrovich Shalands, operating on the basis of a special power of attorney of Bank No. 171 of 12.03.2012, on the one hand, and an individual of the Maestro bank payment card holder, Visa Electron , Visa, MasterCard, Belkart-M, prepaid card issued by the Resident Bank of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Card), hereinafter referred to as the "Client", on the other hand, further under the joint mention of the referred to the "Parties", concluded this Agreement on the following: 1. The subject of the contract 1.1.Bank provides the client with the ability to conduct operations through the SMS banking system (hereinafter - the SMS-banking service). 2. The moment of the conclusion of the contract 2.1. The acceptance of this Agreement is the fact of registration by the client of the SMS-banking service in the payment and reference terminal of the Bank's self-service (hereinafter - the infokiosk). 2.2. The real agreement between the bank and the client is considered to be concluded from the moment of its acceptance by the client. 3. Registration and procedure for using SMS-banking services 3.1.registration Services SMS-banking is carried out by the client in the Bank's infociosk using a card and a mobile phone connected to the network of mobile operators IP "Velkom" (Velcom), SOOO "Mobile TeleSystems" (MTS ), CJSC "Belorussian telecommunications network" (Life :)). At the end of registration, the client receives an SMS-message on a mobile phone, as well as a password check with a password to access the SMS banking service (hereinafter referred to as the password). 3.2. Use SMS-banking service is carried out by the client using a mobile phone by sending SMS messages set for each format operation to a special number of SMS-banking service. 3.3. In case of loss by the password client, the password is not restored and the SMS-banking service is not provided. For further use of the SMS-banking service, the client needs to cancel the registration of SMS-banking services in the infocioscian and re-register the SMS banking service in accordance with clause 3.1. actual agreement. 3.4.The registration of the registration service SMS-banking is carried out by the client in the Bank's infociosk or by sending the SMS messages installed from the Mobile Phone to cancel the registration of the password. 3.5. In the case, if the client used the SMS banking service three times using an incorrect password, the registration of SMS banking services is automatically canceled. To further use the SMS-banking service, the client needs to re-register the SMS banking service in accordance with P. 3.1. actual agreement. 3.6. According to the expiration of the card, as well as in the case of blocking the card, using which the client conducted a registration service SMS-banking, the SMS banking service is not provided. In these cases, the client needs to cancel the registration of SMS banking services using a mobile phone in accordance with clause 3.4 of this Agreement. For further use, the SMS-banking service must be updated to register the SMS banking service in the Bank's infociosk in accordance with clause 3.1. actual agreement. 3.7. When sending an SMS-message client containing a password, within the framework of the SMS-banking service after the expiration of the card, using SMS-banking services was carried out, the SMS banking service registration is automatically canceled. 4. Rights and obligations of the parties 4.1.Bank has the right to: 4.1.1. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, as well as other conditions and rules defined by the Bank to use the SMS banking service, unilaterally . 4.1.2. Strong contract in accordance with paragraphp. 6.2. actual agreement. 4.2. Clement has the right to: 4.2.1. Use SMS-banking service in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and other conditions and rules determined by the Bank to use the SMS banking service. 4.2.2. Include this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 6.3. actual agreement. 4.3.Bank undertakes: 4.3.1. Complement and timely provide the client to the SMS-banking service subject to compliance with Clays. 4.4.1. actual agreement. 4.3.2. Do not disclose the password that provides the client access to the SMS banking service. 4.3.3. Inform the client about changes and / or additions to the terms of this Agreement within 15 business days after making such changes and / or additions by placing a contract with changes and / or additions to the corporate website of the bank www.belarusbank.by, as well as in infokioski bank. 4.4. Clength undertakes: 4.4.1. Fulfill the terms of this Agreement and other conditions and rules determined by the Bank to use the SMS banking service. 4.4.2. Follow the preservation and privacy of the password. 5. Responsibility of the parties 5.1. The remainers are responsible for improper performance of its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 5.2. The Bank is not responsible for all operations performed by the Client during the use of SMS banking services, as well as for client losses that may arise as a result of unauthorized password use. 5.3.Bank is not responsible for the poor-quality provision of SMS-banking services for reasons associated with a violation of the working capacity of the mobile network or the client's mobile phone, as well as the quality of services provided by mobile operators. 5.4.Bank is not responsible for malfunctions, errors and malfunctions in the work of software and / or hardware, ensuring the operation of SMS-banking services that have arisen for reasons that do not depend on the bank, as well as the losses of the client. 5.5. The Clyant is responsible for the safety and provision of confidentiality of its password. 5.6. The Clyant is responsible for all operations carried out on the client's account using the SMS banking service. 5.7. The tributes of this Agreement are not responsible for the damage caused to the other Party inadequate execution of obligations under this Agreement, if such improper fulfillment of obligations was caused by the action of force majeure, including failures in the work of telecommunications systems, solutions government agencies Republic of Belarus, floods, fire, earthquakes and other natural disasters, military actions, etc. 5.8.All questions and disagreements arising from the contract or in connection with it are subject to settlement by the parties through negotiations. If it is impossible to achieve the consent of the parties, the dispute is considered in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 6. Term and procedure for termination of the contract 6.1. The real agreement is concluded indefinitely and is valid until its termination by the parties. 6.2.Bank has the right at any time to terminate this Treaty unilaterally, placing the notice of termination of the contract on the corporate website of the bank www.belarusbank.by in 15 working days until the moment of such termination. Without prior notice to the Client, the Bank is terminated by the Treaty in the following cases: - 3-fold indication by the Client when using the SMS-banking service of an incorrect password; - in violation by the Customer of the Terms of this Agreement and other conditions and rules determined by the Bank to use the SMS-Banking service; - When exposing the duration of the card or blocking the card, using which the client has registered SMS-banking services. 6.3. Cleatent has the right to terminate this Treaty unilaterally, canceling the registration of SMS banking services in accordance with clause 3.4. actual agreement. From the moment of cancellation of registration, this Agreement is considered terminated. Bank details: Open Joint Stock Company "Savings Bank" ASB BelarusBank "Address: 220089, Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 18, Code 795, UNP 100325912

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