
Individual safes. Bank cell or individual bank safe (IBS). Our individual bank safes are

  • jewels, cash, securities, coins and precipitations of precious metals
  • documents (for property, on education, business paper and etc.)
  • family Values, State Awards, Personal Correspondence
  • much more *

* In individual banking safes, it is forbidden to store explosives, flammable, toxic, radioactive, narcotic and other substances that can adversely affect the person and environment, firearms, ammunition and property seized from civil turnover in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation.

Advantages of individual Sberbank safes


  • wide network of bank divisions providing a service for renting a safe;
  • ability to use the safe in the days of the bank's work. Access to safe is carried out 30 minutes after the start of the office and ends 30 minutes before the end of the office;
  • the possibility of providing the right to use the safe to a trusted person;
  • the possibility of providing admission to the safe of third parties together with you or with your trustee;
  • provision of equipment for recalculation and authentication of money;
  • the ability to choose a lease term: from 1 day to up to 3 years (with the possibility of extension);
  • the ability to choose a safe size: width from 31 to 62 cm, height from 4 to 60 cm.
  • the ability to use an internal container in which you will be convenient to store values \u200b\u200band documents (depends on the design of the safe).

Security and reliability:

  • the complete confidentiality of investments in the safe - information about the contents of the leased safe is only you;
  • the storages are equipped with modern banking equipment, security system and fire alarm means;
  • you make the opening of the safe together with a bank employee (a bank employee performs an unlocking of the safe using an electronic access control system or uses a mechanical key);
  • key from the rented individual bank safe you keep.


  • reduced tariffs when lease of safes for long terms;
  • lack of collateral for the key;
  • for owners of the Sberbank Premier service package, a special discount is provided 20%
  • For owners of the Sberbank First Service Package Special Discount - 30%

Muscovites and guests of the capital to rent individual bank safes are invited by more than 190 offices of the Bank of Moscow. You can also rent an individual safe at your place of stay on vacation or business trip. Get information about addresses of warehouses of customers and tariffs for the service in various regions of the Russian Federation can be on the sites of territorial banks PJSC Sberbank.

The service can take advantage of individuals. The provision of services is issued by the lease agreement, which stipulates the rental period, the size of the rent, the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a lease agreement for an individual safe, you will need a document certifying personality (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the general foreign passport (for persons permanently residing outside the Russian Federation), certificate of the personality of the Russian Federation (for officers, ensigns and Michmanov), a residence permit (for stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation), etc.). If there is no registration mark in the document, a document confirming your registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation.

If you are a citizen of another state, the submitted document should contain an entry visa (except for cases providing for visa-free entry into the Russian Federation). It is also necessary to have a migration card and a document confirming your registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation.

The term of renting a safe is installed at your request (from one day to three years). Extend the rental period of the safe you can, concluding an additional agreement with the bank.

Rental fees is calculated by installed by the Bank Tariffs. For you designed comfortable system tariffs that:

  • lease agreements;
  • cards for the right to use safe.

You also get a key from a rented safe for self-storage and use, a deposit for which Sberbank is not taken.

Becoming our tenant, you can visit the customer value repository during the repository hours, presenting the key, the card for the right to use the safe and document certifying the person (the details of which are specified in the rental contract of an individual safe).

You can make a fee for rent in cash, by writing off the funds from your contribution in this branch of the bank or by writing off the funds from the account bank cardEstimated by Sberbank, while the rent is made at a time for the entire lease.

The service is provided by the majority of territorial banks. The exception is Baikal, Far Eastern and Central Black Earth Banks.

The automated warehouse of customer values \u200b\u200bconsists of individual safes enclosed in the armored case and equipped with a mechanism for automatically feeding the safe to the client window to the client terminal window. The repository is installed in an isolated room, the access to which you get using an individual magnetic card. Calling a leased safe is carried out by entering your individual PIN code. The automated repository safe opens with the key.

Property storage safety in the automated customer value repository is provided by:

  • the device eliminates the access of the client or its confidant to the rest of the individual safes;
  • the call time of each safe and the caller code is registered electronic system Access control;
  • it is possible to change the PIN code according to your desire.

The provision of services is issued by the contract for the rental of an individual safe, which stipulates the rental period, the size of the rent, the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a lease agreement, you will need a document certifying the personality (a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a marking on registration or the general passport). If you are a citizen of another state, the submitted document should contain an entry visa (except for cases providing for visa-free entry into the Russian Federation). You must also have a migration card with you.

The term of renting the safe is installed at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. The rental fee is calculated on the tariffs established by the Bank. For you a convenient tariff system has been developed, which:

  • differentiated depending on the sizes of safes;
  • decrease depending on the increase in the lease term;
  • let me rent a safe at a time convenient for you.

Placing the rental of an individual safe, you get a package of documents consisting of:

  • lease agreements;

When making an acceptance act, you will receive a key and individual magnetic card for self-storage and use, a deposit for which Sberbank is not taken.

You can pay for rent in cash, by writing off the funds from your available contribution in this branch of the bank or by writing off the funds from the bank card account issued by Sberbank, while the rent is made at a time for the entire lease.

When granting an individual safe in a joint lease, all customers specified in the lease agreement (and they can be up to 4 persons), have equal rights in terms of using an individual safe.

During the entire period of lease, customers are allowed to safely be allowed in any composition at their discretion (1, 2, 3 or 4 people at the same time).

The collaborative lease agreement lies in the presence of all tenants. If necessary, a joint lease agreement can be enclosed by one or more clients on behalf of other clients on the basis of a notarial power of attorney issued for the right to conclude and / or prolong the contract.

Registration of attitudes for admission to an individual safe, leased under the joint lease agreement, is not provided for any other individuals.

You can extend the rental period of an individual safe, concluding a corresponding additional agreement with the bank.

Based on the wishes of customers who raised the convenience of settlements through an individual safe of sale transactions real EstatePJSC Sberbank has been developed for the provision of an individual safe to individuals for making calculations on other property purchase and sale transactions.

If you wish, to carry out calculations through the safe you make a contract for the lease of an individual safe with the bank, in which the rental period is negotiated, the conditions for access to the safe, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties. To conclude a lease agreement, you need to submit an identity document (with a marking on registration).

The term of renting the safe is installed at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. In accordance with the Tariffs of the Bank when renting a safe for settlements, you pay the cost of renting an individual safe (depending on the size of your chosen safe and lease term) and ensuring control over admission to an individual safe in accordance with the terms of the contract. If you desire, you will provide banking equipment for an additional fee to recalculate and verify the authenticity of monetary signs.

The fee is made at the same time by agreement by one of the participants of the cash transaction in cash bank, by writing off funds from the contribution open at the Bank's branch, in the warehouse of which you chose an individual safe or by writing off the funds from the bank card issued by Sberbank.

  • lease agreements;
  • act of acceptance and transfer to the use of an individual safe.

When making an act of acceptance and transfer, the customer - the buyer, who installed the calculation to the safe, will receive the key to the rented safe for self-storage. For each participant in the calculation, a separate card for the right to use the individual safe is drawn up.

  • clients - buyer and seller - can visit the safe together;
  • the seller is allowed to an individual safe in the presence of a key from the safe and upon presentation of documents specified in the lease agreement;
  • if the transaction did not take place, the buyer can pick up the calculation means for seven working days, starting from the day following the last day of rent, without additional payment of the specified period.

Get information about the service.

The service is provided to participants with real estate transaction - buyer (s) and seller (AM) (up to 2 persons on each side). At the same time, the participants of the transaction can be both physical and legal entities.

The provision of services is issued by the Rental Treaty of an individual safe, which negates the lease term, the size of the service fee, the conditions for the admission of customers to the safe, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.

To conclude a lease agreement each of the clients represents required documentsspecified in the section "Providing individual safes to individuals", "Providing for rent individual safes to legal entities", respectively.

The term of renting the safe is installed at your request (from one day to three years) and can be extended. In accordance with the Tariffs of the Bank, when renting a safe for settlements on real estate transactions, you pay for the cost of renting a safe (which depends on the size of your chosen safe and rental period) and the cost of providing services to ensure the admission of admission to the safe.

At your request, the technique can be provided to recalculate and verify the authenticity of money signs.

The fee for services is made by agreement by one of the participants of the transaction: an individual makes a fee in cash at the Bank's cash register, by writing off funds from the deposit in this branch of PJSC Sberbank or by writing off funds from a bank card issued by Sberbank; The legal entity pays for the service by non-cash, while the reservation of the safe is provided (with the terms of the reservation, you can find in the section "Providing for rent individual safes to legal entities").

Placing the rental of an individual safe, each participant of the transaction will receive a package of documents consisting of:

  • lease agreements;
  • act of acceptance and transfer to the use of an individual safe.

When making an act of acceptance and transmission, one of the buyers (by agreement) will receive the key to the leased safe for independent storage.

In order to ensure the reliability of settlements, the following procedure for visiting by customers of the leased safe is provided:

  • During the lease period, all customers specified in the rental agreement can attend the safe together.
  • The seller is allowed to safely after presenting them the original contract of sale on the alienation in favor of the buyer of the property with a mark of state registration Transition of ownership of this object (or upon presentation of the original contract of sale on the alienation in favor of the buyer of real estate and discharge from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN) on the object of real estate). At the same time, the bank checks the compliance of the information about the seller and the buyer specified in the lease agreement, the information set out in the submitted documents.
  • In the case of a failed deal, the buyer will be able to pick up the calculation means for seven working days, starting from the day following the last day of rent, without additional payment of the specified period.
  • If there are several sellers or customers of the property of the real estate, including the presence of all these sellers and / or buyers (depending on the tolerance phase), as well as their mention of the purchase and sale of real estate, is obligatory.

Any seller or buyer can allow the admission to the safe of a trusted person in the framework of the current lease agreement, as described in detail in the sections "Providing individual safes to individuals", "Providing for rent individual safes to legal entities", respectively.

We also draw your attention to the fact that Sberbank provides a rental service for individual safes for settlements for real estate transactions produced using credit funds bank.

As an alternative banking tool, without the use of cash, for calculations on any contractual transaction we offer to take advantage of the letter of credit.Get information about the service.

If you wish to visit the rented safe, accompanied by partners, customers, relatives (no more than 2 people), you can issue an additional agreement on admission to the individual safe of the expanded circle of persons. At the same time, any data on third parties are not specified in the Additional Agreement. Thus, you can change the persons accompanying you at your discretion.

The right to visit the rented safe accompanied by third parties you can provide your trusted person. To do this, you need an additional fee for an additional fee in an additional agreement, these trusted persons, as well as to issue a power of attorney in accordance with the requirements of the section "Providing individual safes to individuals".

During the period of the additional agreement, admission to the leased safe, together with you or your trustee, receive persons who submitted identity documents (no more than 2 people).

The service for the admission of an expanded circle of persons does not appear when concluding an agreement for lease of an individual safe in an automated repository, as well as at the conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of settlements between clients, incl. According to real estate transactions.

What must be in power of attorney for renting a safe?

Private clients I. individual entrepreneurs Can make power of attorney at the notary. Legal entities Make a power of attorney according to the rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

At the power of attorney, including the General, must be the name and address of the Bank's office, which is rented safe, the safe number, as well as the powers that the representative of the tenant is given. If the power of attorney is issued to conclude a contract, the name and address of the bank's office, the safe number may not be indicated.

What powers can be transmitted by proxy?

The tenant can transfer the authority to his representative:

Implementation of all rights and obligations arising from the contract;

One-time and repeated access to the safe;

Inspection of the safe, investment and seizure of items during the term of the contract;

Concluding a lease agreement and additional agreements, including the extension of the lease term, rental, to admit to the safe of an expanded circle of individuals, replacing the safe;

On the actions to restore the safety of the safe, for example: making fees for restoring the safety of the safe, submitting an application for damage or loss of the key, etc.;

Completion of the rental of the safe, including the return of the key from the safe, making the rent and other payments in the event of a late completion of the lease, as well as obtaining a part of the rent at early termination contracts;

Other powers.

In what cases can the bank refuse to access the safe?

The representative will not have access to the safe until the end of the testing of the power of attorney by Sberbank. Check takes up to 2 business days, not counting the day of the presentation of the power of attorney. Until the end of the power of attorney, the Bank may refuse access to the safe:

If the powers of the representative of the tenant are not issued in accordance with the requirements specified in the lease agreement;

If there is information on the termination of the power of attorney, or the signs of its fake, obstacles, non-revision corrections were found;

If the property of the representative when renting a safe is not specified at the disposal of the property.

How to make a power of attorney to those who live abroad?

Power of attorney of Russian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons living abroad may be certified authorized bodies Countries of residence (followed by legalization at the consular office of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties that abolish consular legalization), or consular agencies of the Russian Federation.

A power of attorney may be legalized at the consular office of the Russian Federation in the territory of the state where it is issued, or directly in the Russian Federation.

What countries do not need to legalize power of attorney at the consulate of the Russian Federation?

No need to legalize power of attorney at the consulate of the Russian Federation, if you have issued it in the countries participating in the Hague Convention or the Minsk Convention. For the countries participating in the Hague Convention, the power of attorney must contain a special certificate inscription (apostille).

Does the translation need for power of attorney in a foreign language?

For power of attorney in a foreign language, we need a translation into Russian, including names officialsSigning the document and print printing (if available). The translation should be located on one page with the text of the power of attorney, separated by a vertical feature, or on a separate sheet. The translation should be certified by the signature of the translator.

To get a tolerance of a safe in a bank, the tenant's heirs must bring a document from a notary document to the bank with confirmation of hereditary right (certificate of the right to inheritance by law or testament).

Before issuing such a document, the following procedure is provided:

  1. The notary sends a request for the opening of the safe to the bank to compile inventory property in its presence.
  2. The bank appoints the date of opening of the safe and collects the Commission. At the agreed date, the Bank's commission opens a safe in the presence of a notary and invited experts, appraisers, witnesses, heirs.
  3. According to the results of the discovery, the notary is made up inventions of objects in the safe. In the future, on the basis of this inventory, the heirs are issued a document confirming the hereditary law and the share of inheritance.
  4. The notary determines the procedure for further storage of investment items.


    Items can be transferred to storage of notary or other persons who will determine the notary;

    If the rental period of the safe has not ended, items can be placed back to the safe deposit. In this case, the renewal of the lease agreement for heirs is not produced, and the lease term is not extended. The bank warns the notary and stakeholders about the end of the rental.

  5. To obtain investment items, all heirs must simultaneously contact the bank and present a document from a notary confirming the hereditary right. If several heirs are specified in the document, access to the safe is provided simultaneously to all the heirs mentioned in the document, or their representatives.

Agree, keep values \u200b\u200bin a mattress, under a pillow or even in a cache hidden in the living room behind the scenery, is somewhat old-fashioned. Alpha Bank offers you a convenient, reliable and safe place to store values \u200b\u200b- an individual bank safe.

In an individual safe, you can store money, jewelry, documents, securities, works of art - in a word, everything you value, and that you may like to hide from prying eyes.

Any storage period

You can rent an individual safe for any time - from one week to several years. Small terms of rent are especially convenient when you are going on vacation or business trip.

My safe - my fortress

Individual safes are located in a specially equipped room of Alpha Bank - depository. The premises of the depositary is equipped with the most modern means of protection and is protected around the clock. Safes are cells of various sizes in an armored cabinet. The size of the cell you choose yourself, depending on your needs. Safe closes with two locks - electronic and mechanical. You can be calm: access to the values \u200b\u200bof third parties (including bank employees) is excluded. You have keys from the safe only you.

The service is provided in the alpha-bank departments with the identifier of the "Rent of individual bank safes".


Explaining you how to use the safe, the bank employee comes out of the depositary. No one besides you there at the time of the attachment of valuables in the cell - thus comply with complete confidentiality.

Alpha Bank highly appreciates your trust. If you put valuable things into an individual safe, we guarantee their complete preservation and absolute immunity.

Equipped storage of bank safes. Individual safe cells MTS Bank is:

  • Profitable. Rent at a low price and without collateral for a set of keys from the safe. 10% discount on tariff with 2 or more cells.
  • Conveniently. Cell rental is provided for a period of 1 day.
  • Actual. Choose a safe of needs: cells of different sizes are available for renting.
  • Safely. Individual safes MTS Bank is located in special depositors equipped with modern means of protection and under the clock guard.

Individual cells of bank safes

MTS Bank highly appreciates the confidence of its customers and guarantees:

Confidentiality. No one except the tenant is present in the depositary repository at the time of investment or seizure of values \u200b\u200bfrom the safe cell.

Reliable protection. Safe opens exclusively at the request of the tenant. Safes are closed with two locks - electronic and mechanical. The keys from the individual cell have only you. Access to your third-party values \u200b\u200bis completely excluded.

Storage of values \u200b\u200bin an individual safe

Individual safes MTS Bank are designed for storage:

  • cash I. valuable papers;
  • precious metals and stones;
  • jewelry;
  • business documentation and confidential materials;
  • relics and objects of antiques;
  • works of art;
  • other values \u200b\u200b(electronic information carriers, etc.).

Unacceptable subjects and substances include: weapons, narcotic and toxic substances, poisoning and flammable materials, explosive materials.

You can get acquainted with the full list of valid values \u200b\u200band other requirements in the section.

How to rent an individual safe MTS Bank?

For rental individual cells, you need to contact the nearest, equipped with storage of bank safes. At the conclusion, it is necessary to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document certifying.

You get a set of keys and access to an individual bank cell after renting a rent. You can get acquainted with the price list in the section.

Additional features

Confidant. If necessary, the tenant of an individual safe may make a power of attorney for a third party for the use of a bank cell. Free paper design is available in MTS Bank according to the approved form.

Rent for two. In MTS Bank it is possible to conclude a lease agreement with two tenants - individuals. At the same time, access to the individual bank cell is simultaneously provided both for one and for two tenants.

Director of the branch "SDM-Bank" in Voronezh


In 1997 he graduated from Voronezh State University in the specialty "Accounting and Audit". Freely owns English.

Career in the SDM Bank

The story of Alla Vladimirovna and SDM-Bank is more than just the story of a successful career top manager. According to Alla Vladimirovna, a branch in Voronezh is not just a job, service, career. This is part of life, part of the family, the second home. Moreover, it is already possible to talk with confidence about the Labor Dynasty: Alla Vladimirovna became the director of the branch after his father Vladimir Andreevich Voronov. It was he who was the first head of the branch that created him in 1995 and providing sustainable development Business until 2012.

By the time of appointment, the director Alla Vladimirovna worked in the SDM Bank for more than 15 years. Began how yesterday's student believes, from the post of economist.

Now Alla Vladimirovna remembers with a smile, what to do was almost everything, not limited to his direct responsibilities, "except that I didn't work as a driver or an IT specialist - and so was everywhere on pickup." The attitude to the branch was formed by the father's leadership: never approach the tasks formally, to live at work, refer to the branch as to his brainchild - here are the basic principles for which the work of Alla Vladimirovna has been built during all employment activities.

The list of posts of Alla Vladimirovna eloquently confirms that this is the attitude - the key to success and business, and a person in it.

  • 1997 - economist;
  • In 2000, was transferred to the post of inspector internal control;
  • In 2003, was appointed credit inspector;
  • In 2004, he was transferred to the position of head of the credit department;
  • In 2008, it was appointed deputy director of the Branch of SDM-Bank Voronezh;
  • In 2012 - became director of the branch.

Personal qualities

Even before, Alla Vladimirovna became the "right hand" of his father in the bank, her personal achievements were impressive. She graduated from a mathematical school, with a red diploma and without a single four finished the university, was one of the best student students. Alla Vladimirovna admits that mathematics and figures not only do not frighten her, on the contrary, in this area she "sings the soul." Therefore, work in the credit department recalls with special warmth. "Of all the departments, the credit is the most beloved - this is mine," Alla Vladimirovna is recognized.

Secret of a successful career

It is always worthy of admiration when it can be seen that a person is in his place and is engaged in what he likes and what he gets. Alla Vladimirovna admits that she was invited to work many times to work in other banks, but she would not be able to leave his native bank.

Now in the branch of the SDM Bank, 28 people work in Voronezh, and Alla Vladimirovna applies all efforts to ensure that all employees in the bank are interesting and that work, no matter how much of it, gives pleasure. "In our branch is a very small frame of frames. And we are very proud of it. I try to transfer my positive attitude and responsible attitude to the matter to all my employees, "Alla Vladimirovna notes.

The main team of the branch works together for more than 10 years. And to all, and employees, and that is very important, customers - very much like our microclimate and atmosphere. From here and a large number permanent customerswhich are serviced with us for about 19 years. Customers remain true to the bank, and the branch team is also very proud of.

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