
What is a metallic account in Sberbank. How to open an impersonal metallic account in Sberbank. The procedure for enrolling precious metals to accounts. Consumables for OMS

Associated Metal Account Agreement No. _________

"... who chooses a noble metal"

(Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium)

(in favor of a third party)

OJSC "AIKB" Tatfondbank ", referred to in the future" Bank "in the face of _______________________________, acting (s) on the basis of a power of attorney No. _____ from __________, and Mr. (s) ________________________, referred to as" Customer " The jointly referred to as the "Parties" concluded this Treaty on the following:


1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the opening of the Bank to the person specified in paragraph 1.2. of this contract and hereinafter referred to as the "beneficiary", an immense metal account in _____________________ (hereinafter

(Drag name. Metal)

by text - precious metal) No. _________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the text - account) for the accounting of precious metal without specifying individual signs and implementation on this account of operations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Tariffs of the Bank (in the future - tariffs), as well as conditions for an impersonal metallic account "... who chooses a noble metal" and this contract.

1.2. The beneficiary is ___________________________________________.

1.3. The beneficiary acquires the Rights of the Client under the contract from the moment of presenting it to the Bank of the first requirement based on these rights, or the expressions of the Bank to them in a different way of intenting with such rights.

1.4. The client brings the precious metal by acquiring the bank (at the rate of the Bank's sales rate) of the precious metal, and the bank takes the precious metal in the mass ____________ (numbers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (in words) gram (s).

1.5. This Agreement lies on the terms of issuing a precious metal from the account on the first requirement of the client (beneficiary).

1.6. Interest on the balance account is not accrued and not paid.

1.7. All account operations are carried out upon presentation by the client (beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Treaty) of a passport or other identity document.

1.8. The subject and conditions of this Agreement are confidential and are not subject to disclosure to third parties with the exception of the Agreement of the Parties on this and other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Bank must:

2.1.1. Open in the name of the beneficiary Score № ______________________;

2.1.2. to enroll the precious metal (additional contributions) in unlimited sizes to the billower account in non-cash order by selling a client (beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Treaty) of precious metals at the bank's course at the time of the operation;

2.1.3. Note the client (the beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. of the Agreement) the amount of precious metal taken into account in the ruble equivalent, in a fully or partially, at the rate of buying a bank at the time of the operation of his first requirement for a day, following the day of receipt of this requirement to the Bank , in accordance with Art. 849 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

2.1.4. Find out the beneficiary (in case of expressing intention to enter into the rights of the client) with the conditions for an impersonal metal account "... Who chooses the noble metal", and tariffs for the Bank's services related to the commission of account transactions operating in the bank on the day of entry into the beneficiary .

2.2. The bank has the right:

2.2.1. Suggest a change in the contract and tariffs of the bank associated with the commission of operations on dischanted metallic accounts by placing changes to information stands in the premises of the bank and on the site. The contract and tariffs are considered changed in the case of their coordination by the client (the beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Of the Agreement). At the same time, the changes are considered agreed if, within 30 (thirty) days from the moment of their placement, the client (beneficiary) will not be applied in writing in writing;

2.2.2. Use the precious metals of the client (beneficiary) precious metals, guaranteeing the client's right (the beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. of the Agreement) to unhindered to dispose of these precious metals in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

2.2.3. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues received by criminal and financing terrorism" Request documents confirming the basis of funds for funds to account (transfers from the account).

2.3. The bank guarantees the secret of the account. Help relating to the subject of this Agreement is provided by the Bank to third parties only in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.4. The client (beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Agreement) has the right:

2.4.1. Get the amount of precious metal taken into account in the ruble equivalent of a fully or partially on the first request no later than the day following the day of receipt of this requirement to the bank. At the same time, the return of precious metals from the account is carried out by making a client (beneficiary) transaction of the sale and purchase of precious metals, which listed on the account, the bank at the rate of the bank;

2.4.2. dispose of the score both personally and through the representative. A representative of the client (beneficiary) may be a person who is such in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or a person who has a properly decorated power of attorney;

2.4.3. to make funds on account to any person by committing a testamentary order, as well as otherwise provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.4.4. Transfer on the basis of the application of the established form funds from the account. Wherein estimated documentsnecessary for the specified operation, are compiled and subscribe to the bank;

2.4.5. Transfer the right to the Bank for the Bank under this Agreement only with the consent of the bank.

2.5. The client has the right to take advantage of the client's rights regarding the precious metal made by him before expressing the beneficiary of the intention to use the client's rights.

2. 6. Client (beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Treaty) must:

2.6.1. In case of changes in the information submitted by the Client at the conclusion of this Agreement, including in the event of a change in the Tax Status "Resident / non-resident", notify the Bank with the attachment of confirmation documents;

2.6.2. Notify the bank in writing about belonging to the status of a foreign public official, or his spouse, a close relative (parent or child, grandfather, grandparents, grandson, a full or indigence brother or sister, adopter or adopted);

2.6.3. Paying the Bank's services related to the commission of account operations, in accordance with the tariffs operating in the bank at the time of operations. Existing tariffs are placed on stands in the bank divisions carrying out customer service - individuals. In order to pay commissions under this Agreement (in the cases and sizes provided for by the Bank's Tariffs), the Client provides the Bank with the right to make orders (hereinafter referred to as the Bank's requirements) to the account and to write off (including partial) funds under the terms of this consent (acceptance Client) for five years since the conclusion of this Agreement. This right is maintained after the transfer of rights under the contract to the beneficiary;

2.6.4. at least once every 30 (thirty) days, as well as directly when carrying out operations, get acquainted with information on the current tariffs;

2.6.5. Do not carry out operations related to entrepreneurial activities.

3. Possible conditions

3.1. Reception, additional investments and the issuance of precious metals taken into account in the score, in the form of ingots (in physical form) is not produced.

3.2. The bank has the right to suspend the operations on account in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.Consect provisions

4.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment by the client to the account of the precious metal by purchasing an impersonal metal in accordance with paragraph 1.4. actual agreement.

4.2. The conclusion of this Agreement may verify the registered savings book.

The following information should be specified in the savings book and make the following information:

    name and location of the bank;

    FIO of the client and the beneficiary;

    name of precious metal;

    account number;

    all funds enrolled in the account, all funds written off from the account, and the balance of funds at the time of presentation of a savings book to the bank.

When closing the contract of an impersonal metallic account, the redeemed savings book is returned to the client (beneficiary), in the event of a client's refusal (beneficiary), the Bank reserves the right to delete its destruction.

4.3. Based on this contract, the client (beneficiary - under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Agreement) other bank accounts, deposit accounts (deposit) can be opened, on other conditions not provided for by this Agreement, by making a client (beneficiary - under compliance with paragraph 1.3 . contracts) of a separate order.

4.4. The relationships of the parties unresolved by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions for an impersonal metal account "... who chooses a noble metal" acting in the bank.

The client (the beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Treaty) is familiarized and agreed with the conditions for an impersonal metallic account "... who chooses the noble metal" and tariffs for the Bank's services related to the commission of account transactions operating in the Bank, which is confirmed by the signing of this Agreement .

The client (beneficiary under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Agreement) is informed and agrees that these tariffs can be changed by a bank unilaterally.

4.5. The client (beneficiary - under compliance with paragraph 1.3. Treaty) expresses JSC AIKB Tatfondbank, which is at the address: RT, Kazan, ul. Chernyshevsky, d. 43/2, consent to mixed processing using and without the use of automation tools for its personal data, which transferred under this Agreement or will be transferred to the Bank for the purposes of concluding agreements and the implementation of rights established in them. Consent is valid until the objective of personal data processing and can be withdrawn by sending a written notice at the address of the bank.

The Bank undertakes to comply with the confidentiality of customer personal data (beneficiary) and use them in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customer Agreement (beneficiary).

4.6. The client (beneficiary) provides the Bank with the right to draw up on its behalf of the settlement documents necessary for the purposes of executing this Agreement.

4.7. This Client provides its consent (in advance this acceptance) to write-off the bank of erroneously enrolled funds from the client's account.

4.8. All disputes and disagreements will be resolved by the parties through negotiations. In case of income agreement, disputes are subject to permission to be permitted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.8. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties. Both copies are equally legal.

Details of Party

Client: ______________________

Identification: _______

issued _______________________

registered at the address: index _________________________

postal address: index _________


Inn _________________________

telephone _______________________

__________ ___________

FULL NAME. signature

Beneficiary: ___________

Identification: _________

issued _________________________

registered at the address: index


postal address: index ___________


Inn ___________________________

telephone ________________________

__________ _____________

FULL NAME. signature

Depositor Rights Date:

"___" ____________ 20__.

OJSC "AIKB" Tatfondbank "



Beach _______________________

K / MF _______________________

Inn _______________________

Responsible performer:

____________ ____________
FULL NAME. signature

kazan "" 20 g.

Bar "Bank, referred to in the future" Bank ", in the face of ____________________________________________________________________________________________________, on the one hand, and ________________________________________________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the" Client ", on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement The following:


1.1. The present of this Agreement makes up the relationship between the Bank and the Client arising in connection with the conduct of operations to attract into deposits and the placement of precious metals in the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.2. In order to take into account and implement operations with the client with precious metals, without specifying their individual signs, the Bank opens an impersonal metallic account (or account) to the client (hereinafter referred to as the "account" or "account"). The Bank carries out the client's account maintenance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the requirements of the provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 1.11.96. No. 50 "On the credit institutions of operations with precious metals in the territory Russian Federation and the order of banking operations with precious metals ", instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of December 6, 1996 No. 52" On the procedure for conducting accounting of operations with precious metals in credit institutions ", instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001" On the procedure for determining the mass precious metals and precious stones and calculating their value in banks' institutions "and other regulatory acts.

1.3. The account opens separately for each type of precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, palladium.

1.4. Customer, open Bank In accordance with this Agreement, intended to account for precious metals without reflecting their individual signs, indicating quantitative characteristics Metal mass and value balance sheet.

1.5.The Conditions of this Agreement are confidential and not subject to disclosure to third parties with the exception of the agreement of the Parties about this and other cases provided for by the current legislation.

1.6. In the goals of this Treaty under precious metals, the dimensional bars of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, manufactured in accordance with the standards of the Russian Federation are understood.

2. Opening an account

To open an account, the client provides the following documents to the bank:

1) An application for opening an account indicating the type of precious metal signed by the head and chief accountant of the client.

2) Charter (position) legal entity With subsequent changes and additions (original or notarized copy), with marks on registration.

3) the decision of the authority on the establishment of a legal entity, a certified by the authority to adopt this decision.

4) certificate of state registration Client (copy certified by state registration or notarial).

5) Certificate of registration with the tax authority.

6) Insurance certificate.

7) Two instances of the card with samples of signatures and printing of the client printing (separately for each account), one instance of which should be notarized.

8) Order of the Client Head about appointing the position of the persons specified in the Card.

9) Two copies of this Agreement signed by the head and chief accountant of the client.

Note: if there is a settlement, currency or other account of the client to open an account (or accounts), the client submits to the bank only certified by the signature of the head and seal the photocopy of the relevant documents specified in P / P 2-4, 7-8 p.2.1 . actual agreement.

To confirm the credentials of the client to carry out operations with precious metals in physical form in the form of ingots, the client additionally submits the following documents to the bank:

10) a notarized copy of the license for the right to use subsoils with the targeted appointment and the type of work - the extraction of precious metals (for customers - subsoil users);

11) a notarized copy of the license issued in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 26.03.98 "On precious metals and precious stones";

12) a notarized copy of the registration certificate for the right to work with precious metals issued by the State Inspectorate of the Property Supervision of the Hochrane of the Russian Federation (for industrial and other consumers of precious metals).

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. The bank undertakes:

3.1.1. Open and maintain accounts in accordance with this Agreement and the current legislation.

3.1.2. Follow the instructions of the client, decorated in accordance with this Agreement.

3.1.3. Provide an account statement to the account in accordance with clause 3.4.2. actual agreement.

3.2. The client undertakes:

3.2.1. Independently and timely pay for the bank service (or accounts) services in accordance with the current tariffs of the bank in accordance with paragraph 5.5. actual agreement.

3.2.2. Notify the Bank in writing on the transfer of a deposit or other burden of precious metals taken into account in accounts, no later than 2 (two) working days after the conclusion of the relevant transaction.

3.2.3. Provide the Bank within 2 (two) working days after receiving the request from it the documents necessary to prepare the reporting of the Bank in front of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation and other authorized state bodies in accordance with applicable law.

3.2.4. Not later than 2 (two) working days, notify the Bank on the change of all its previously provided by the Bank of Requisites.

3.3. The bank has the right:

3.3.1. Attract and place precious metals in the order and on the conditions established by the current legislation and this Agreement.

3.3.2. Require from the client to provide documents necessary for the Bank's fulfillment of their duties in accordance with this Agreement, including the obligation to provide reports to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ward of the Russian Federation and other authorized state bodies in accordance with applicable law.

3.3.3. IN unilaterally Change the sizes of tariffs with a written notice of this client at least ten calendar days.

3.3.4. Refuse to execute customer assignments and other obligations under this Agreement for the period of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Client's conditions of this Agreement, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation.

3.4. The client has the right:

3.4.1. Exercise on accounts within the balance of precious metals, which are in accounts, with the exception of restrictions imposed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, tax, law enforcement and other authorized bodies, as well as by the Bank on the basis of this Agreement and other client agreements.

3.4.2. Receive certificates about the status of accounts bank statements According to accounts that are provided to the Plenipotentiary Customer's Plenipotentiary when His Jaws in the Bank. Upon receipt of the monthly discharge on the 1st day of each month, the Client confirms in writing an alto of accounts within five calendar days from the date of discharge. In case of non-receipt from the client at the specified confirmation period, the account balance is considered confirmed.

3.4.3. Unilaterally terminate this Agreement, notifying the bank in writing for 1 (one) month. In this case, the client within 10 (ten) working days from the date of notification is obliged to submit to the Bank a statement on the translation of precious metals onto its impersonal metallic account in another bank, or get precious metals in cash form In permitted cases.

4. The procedure for the implementation of accounts

4.1. The procedure for enrolling precious metals to accounts.

4.1.1. The enrollment of precious metals to the client's accounts is carried out by the Bank as follows:

a) in cashlessly no later than the next banking day after:

Receipt by the bank the properly decorated credit avizo from the Correspondent Bank;

4.2.3. The bank may refuse to accept assignment / statements if it is drawn up in improper form, contains insufficient, fuzzy or incomplete instructions or does not comply with the current legislation.

The Bank may also refuse to receive the documents specified in this paragraph and, accordingly, in conducting accounting operations in the event of a violation of the Customer's conditions of this Agreement, or violations by the client of the current legislation.

5. Special accounting conditions

5.1. When conducting transactions / write-off operations, the Bank acts as an agent of currency control in accordance with applicable law.

5.2. Accrual interest on client accounts is not made.

5.3. In case of the impossibility of execution of the Bank's previously adopted by the Bank / Statement of the Client in connection with the state of his account or if the tariff for the service of the account, or in case of identifying a violation of the current legislation, the Bank suspends the execution of this order / statement without liability for its part.

On the suspension of the execution of the order, the Bank indicating the reason for writing to the client within 3 (three) working days from the date of the suspension of its execution.

5.4. The client can cancel the previously given to the Bank / statement by returning to a bank of an instance of the instructions / statements with a mark on acceptance to execution and with the presentation of an additional application in arbitrary form, but only if the order / statement is not yet fulfilled.

5.5. Payment of the Bank's service (or accounts) services is carried out by the Client in accordance with the Bank's current tariffs in the RF rubles at the official rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment.

5.6. The bank carries out operations of admission and issuance of precious metals from accounts in physical form in an amount multiple of one ingot (taken from the client of dimension or otherwise) or one coin.

5.7. The bank takes into account the deviation of the mass of precious metals that are in accounts, on the mass of precious metals to be debited from these accounts in physical form, in accordance with the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for determining the mass of precious metals and precious stones and the calculation of their value in bank institutions" from 01.01.2001.

5.8. The bank guarantees returns to the customer of precious metals located in the accounts, the same or greater dimension that the client's precious metals were taken to accounts. If the client is desired and the availability of the bank, the precious metals can be issued by slight dimensiones.

5.9. When issuing the client of the ingots of smaller dimension than those taken to accounts, the client pays the bank difference in value according to the acting correctional coefficients on the ingots of various measures specified in the tariffs.

6. Responsibility of Party

6.1. The client is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Bank.

6.2. In cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the parties are responsible in the manner prescribed by the current legislation. At the same time, the guilty side reimburses the other side of the last losses incurred in accordance with applicable law.

7. Fors major circumstances

7.1. The parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement in the event of the circumstances of force majeure, namely: fire, natural disaster, a large production accident, military or hostilities, mass riots, strikes, unlawful actions of third parties, The adoption of regulations and amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, decision-making by state authorities and management, significantly worsening the situation of the Parties and affecting the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

7.2. The party for which the impossibility of fulfilling the obligations under the Agreement was created at the specified reasons, is obliged to write in writing within 3 (three) working days and with the provision of evidence to inform the other side of the occurrence and termination of these circumstances. Appropriate evidence of the presence of the above circumstances and their duration can be recognized as evidence issued by the relevant competent authorities.

7.3. Upon the circumstances of the force majeure, the fulfillment by the Parties of its obligations under this Agreement is shifted for the validity of these circumstances. If the circumstances of force majeure will continue for more than three months, each of the parties have the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement. In this case, none of the parties have the right to demand from the other side of the reimbursement of possible losses.

8. Final provisions

8.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by both parties and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.

8.2. All changes and additions to this Agreement are its an integral part And come into force from the date of their signing by both parties.

8.3. The relationships of the parties not regulated by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation.

8.4. All disputes and disagreements of the parties arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement and unresolved through negotiations are permitted in the procedure established by applicable law.

8.5. This contract is drawn up in two copies that have the same legal force, one for each of the parties.

9. Legal addresses and signatures of the Parties to the Treaty


Joint-stock company "Russian Agricultural Bank" (JSC "Rosselkhozbank"), referred to as the bank, in the face of ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,

in the future, hereinafter referred to as the client, on the other hand, followed by the following parties, concluded this Agreement on the following:

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the opening of the Client by the Bank of an Associated Metal Account in __________ ( gold / Silver / Platinum / Palladia) (hereinafter referred to as Metal) No. ________ (hereinafter referred to as the paper) for the accounting of the metal without specifying individual signs and implementation on this account of operations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Central Bank of the Russian Federation), and Also the terms of this Agreement.

1.2. The client opens an account on the basis of a statement in an arbitrary (oral) form and / or by acquiring a metal in an impersonal form, and the bank takes a metal in mass ________________________.

(figures) (in words)

1.3. Interest on the residue of metal on account is not charged.

1.4. The minimum metal residue is not installed on the account. The account operations are carried out with the amount of metal, a multiple of one gram.

1.5. All account operations are carried out upon presentation of a passport client or other identity document. individualrecognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this capacity.

1.6. The write-off of the metal from the account is carried out exclusively at the request / application of the client to the sale of metal with an impersonal metal account. The estimated documents required for the operation are drawn up and subscribe to the bank. The client provides the Bank the right to issue the settlement documents on its own behalf.

Write-off of the metal without an application / statement of the Client is carried out by the Bank by the Court decision, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation

1.7. Customer operations are carried out by the Bank within the metal residue on the account.

1.8. Customer service under this Agreement is carried out by the Bank during the time set by the Bank for Customer Service.

Information on the service time of customers installed by the Bank's operating day, the order of execution of settlement documents or applications / applications decorated in forms of the Bank's forms, their change is made to the attention of the client by placing on information stands in the bank offices, as well as on the official website of the bank on the Internet .

1.9. The opening of the account and the account operation is carried out in accordance with the Tariffs of the Bank, operating at the date of the account of the account.

5.2. This Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. Information about the Changes proposed by the Bank of this Agreement is brought to the attention of the client through information stands located in customer service, writing or otherwise in charge of the bank.

All changes and additions to this Agreement, except in the cases provided for by the Treaty, are issued in writing, signed by the two parties and are an integral part of this Agreement.

5.3. The client has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, providing the Bank an application for the closure of an impersonal metal account.

5.4. The bank has the right to terminate this Agreement in judicial order In case of violation by the Client, the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

5.5. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, the Bank returns the client to the metal residue on the client's account by transferring the money equivalent in Russian rubles on the Bank's purchase quotation at the time of the operation on the ruble account specified by the Client or in cash in Russian rubles.

5.6. All applications to this Agreement are an integral part.

6. Other conditions

6.1. All disputes under this Agreement or in connection with him are permitted by the parties through negotiations.

If the parties will not come to a mutually acceptable decision in the negotiation process, disputes are permitted in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

This item should not be interpreted as the establishment by the parties to the complaint procedure for the resolution of disputes under this Agreement.

6.2. This Agreement is drawn up on _____ (_________) Sheets in 2 copies - one for each side. Both copies are equally legal.

7. Addresses, bank details and location of the parties. Signatures of the parties

An excellent alternative to the standard contribution in dollars or in rubles is a metallic account in Sberbank. In some situations, it opens up great prospects for earnings. The most popular are the impersonal metallic accounts, also known as OMS. Their main advantage is that they do not require additional costs for service, and any manipulations with them are carried out very simply. OMS are offered in almost any financial institutionbut, despite the specific working conditions of the partnership in each of the banks, exist general standards and rules.

What does an impersonal metallic account implies?

The metallic account in Sberbank is one species of the client's accounts, on which the precious metal is listed. It is not characteristic of the presence of typical signs of signs, such as the amount and sample. You can remove from account as directly in the format of ingots, which will be accompanied by additional costs and in cash equivalent.

If at the expense it is planned to put gold, silver or platinum directly in physical format, you will have to carry out a metal examination, to order its assessment and ensure transportation. Moreover, you will have to pay off VAT in the amount of 18% of its cost. Simplification of the account replenishment procedure occurs if the impersonal precious metal is used. It will be reflected in his own deposit in grams. Metal can be put on the account in a volume of 0.1 grams, which makes an offer available to almost every person.

How about interest accruals?

The impersonal metallic account in Sberbank is not accompanied by interest accrual. In Russia, it is not customary to charge additional funds for the accounts of this category. If the financial institution offers a bid in the amount of from 1 to 2%, which will be calculated in the grams of metal, then it is incredible profitable propositionAnd it is worth agree to it immediately. In Western countries, the practice of accrual for interest is quite widespread. Profit for this category of deposits The depositor receives due to changes in quotations. If the cost of precious metal during the partnership with the bank will grow, the depositor will earn. If the value of the asset decreases, the deposit will give a drawdown. Specificity determines low liquidity in the wide masses of such a product as Sberbank's metal accounts. The course of the precious metal on the international market determines the yield and unprofitability of the asset, which is very risky and is not suitable for most investors.

Conditions of opening

The OMC service is available for each client of the Financial Institute, which is 18 years old at the time of signing. The metallic account in Sberbank can be opened on a child who has not yet turned 14 years old, but only subject to the presence of an official representative. Children aged 14 to 18 can independently open this category of accounts, but only subject to the official permission of parents or guardians.

The account management may be entrusted to a third party with a certain level of qualification. The main thing is that the power of attorney for the authority is officially certified and is notarized. The technical opportunity to open a metal account in Sberbank is far from all branches of the financial institution, so this question is worth asking in advance.

Important aspects of partnership

Metal accounts, the reviews of which are mainly positive, in most cases open for one year. The client is given the opportunity to conduct a prolongation of the contribution. The account can be opened in one of the four popular metals, such as gold, platinum, silver and palladium. Most often in gold, as it is considered the most liquid and demanded asset. The opening of the account in silver, platinum or palladium is the prerogative of professional investors. The markets of these metals are distinguished by high volatility and both provide good prospects for earnings and provide high risks. When Sberbank's metal accounts are drawn up, the asset sales course is a financial institution and is the price that the client pays. After the end of the deposit, the client receives funds in the course of metal purchases in the bank. The difference between the cost of buying and selling an asset is customary to be called spread. Quotes are determined by the Bank himself, but taking into account the actual value of the metal in the international market and the situation within the state.

Specific accounts

The impersonal metallic account in Sberbank is very specific, since it does not provide for the immediate contact of its owner with the metal. The client simply brings funds. And the equivalent in metals is accrued to the account. To see, and even more so hold your asset in your hands, no additional costs will not work. Assets are essentially virtual. Optionally, the account can be replenished or partially cashed. Even the possibility of temporary closing it is allowed if the market situation indicates the coming sharp drop in the metal. It is worth noting that, despite the excellent opportunities in managing their assets, for any manipulation, the Bank charges an additional commission.

Are there any ways to cash off a gold?

Metal accounts can be cash and replenished not only in the form of a cash asset. Cash out and quite really ordinary ingots. Here we note that this feature Available only in 500 branches of Sberbank from 8500 working across the country. If it is decided not to take money from the account, and the metal itself, it is worth warning the bank in advance. As a rule, in this situation on the client assigned certain financial expenses. It will be necessary to pay for the release of ingots and their transportation to the bank branch. Moreover, the VAT will have to pay off, which is not charged when the virtual metals are circulated. According to the law, gold, which did not leave the financial institution, is not subject to tax. If you look at the situation objectively, then mutual calculations with the bank for an impersonal metal accounts are much more profitable to carry out without directly manipulating the ingots.

It is necessary to know

Each client of such a financial institution, as Sberbank, discomposed metal accounts (the course under which is constantly changing) can open in any volume. The top limit does not exist.

Persons who are actively used online banking are provided by universal, more profitable terms Partnership. We draw your attention to the fact that the accounting operations can be carried out exclusively in the separation in which it was previously decorated. Transfer from one OMS to another is not possible.

Disadvantages of OMS, or how to make a decision

Metal accounts differ significantly from standard deposit programsThough even guarantee a stable increase in the deposit, but not protected from inflation. As for gold or any other precious metal, these are assets that belong to the category of exhausted natural resourcesTherefore, their cost in perspective will increase. Making a decision, it is important to pay attention to the fact that this category The contribution does not fall under the protection of the deposit insurance agency, and if something happens to the bank, the damage will not be reimbursed. It is very important to select and the opening time of the OMS, since the profitability of the asset will depend on how profitably the metal was bought. If we draw on a rollback schedule in such an institution as Sberbank, metal bills, a course (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) at that time will be the most profitable as possible, and this will allow you to earn great. The average annual profitability of this category of investment programs is at least 20%.

Nuances worthy of attention

OMS is more suitable for those who are well versed in international and metal market. Today, when the situation in the economy is unstable, it is better to stay from this type of investment. Opening an impersonal account is a lung matter, but the ability to remove profit from it is considered professional manipulation. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the purchase of precious metal in the bank will always be carried out on a speculative course, which will differ significantly from the exchange, which is already some of themselves certain extra spending.

Contract n ___
an impersonal metallic account

__________ "__" ___________ ____

Refer to the following "bank",

based on ________________________________________, on the one hand,
and _______________________________________, refer to the future "client",
(Name or Full name)
person __________________________________________________
(Position, Full name of the Commissioner)
based on _______________________________________, on the other hand,
(Document confirming authority)
conducted this Treaty on the following:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. ____________________________________________ Opens a client
(Name of the bank)
an impersonal metallic account in __________ (specify metal) (hereinafter
text - metal) N ________ (hereinafter referred to as the score) for metal accounting without
instructions of individual signs and implementation on this account of operations in
accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation,
regulatory acts Central Bank Of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia),
as well as the terms of this Agreement.
1.2. The basis for opening an account is a client's statement in the form established by the Bank.
1.3. Under this Agreement, the Client acquires a metal from a bank in the amount of _______________ no less minimum amount of metal for opening an impersonal metal account established by the Tariffs of the Bank acting on the opening date of the impersonal metallic account.
1.4. Interest on the residue of metal on account is not charged.
1.5. The minimum metal residue is not installed on the account. The account operations are carried out with the amount of metal, a multiple of one gram.
1.6. All accounting operations are carried out upon presentation of a passport client or other document certifying the personality of an individual recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this capacity.
1.7. To write off the metal from the account, a client application is necessary, transmitted to the bank by ____________________________.
The estimated documents required for the operation are drawn up and subscribe to the bank. The client provides the Bank the right to issue the settlement documents on its own behalf.
The writing-off of the metal without an application / statement of the client is carried out by the Bank by the court decision, as well as in other cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.8. As part of the Treaty, the Bank provides the Client following the following services:
- opening of an impersonal metal account;
- sale of an impersonal metal client with a metal enrollment on an impersonal metallic account;
- Purchase from the client of an impersonal metal with the write-off of metal from an impersonal metal account;
- Closing an impersonal metal account.
1.9. The Client is notified that in relation to some operations carried out by the Client, the restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation can be applied for its impersonal metallic account in the Bank; banking rules Bank.
1.10. Customer operations are carried out by the Bank within the metal residue on the account.
1.11. The opening of the account and the account operation is carried out in accordance with the Tariffs of the Bank, operating at the date of the account of the account.
1.12. Informing about the introduction / change in the Bank's tariffs, as well as the introduction of new paid services It occurs by placing relevant information on information stands in the bank offices in the direct service of customers, as well as on the official website of the bank on the Internet, no later than 5 working days before the introduction of such changes.
1.13. This Client provides the Bank with the right to write off the amounts of commissions due to him and other payments under this Agreement in accordance with the Bank's current tariffs from any bank accounts The client opened in the bank, without limiting the amount and number of orders, without its additional order with the design of the bank order.
1.14. In case of insufficiency money On the client's bank account, the Bank has the right to carry out its partial execution to fulfill the bank's bank account.
Conditions of this item are in advance the client's acceptance.
1.15. Customer service is carried out by the Bank in the Bank's division in accordance with the work regime of the Bank's division and the list of services provided in this unit and operations defined by the Bank.

2. Responsibilities of Party

2.1. The bank undertakes:
2.1.1. Conduct operations on the Client's account provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.1.2. Return to the client stored on the score of Metal, after paying all the bank's remuneration due to the Bank in accordance with the tariffs operating at the date of the relevant service, by transferring the Metal equivalent in Russian rubles on the Bank's purchase quotation at the time of the operation in cases established in paragraph. . 3.2.1 and 5.5 of this Agreement.
2.1.3. Metal record received at the expense of the client is no later than the working day following the day of receipt in the Bank of the relevant document.
2.1.4. Store the secret of accounts, account operations and customer information. Information that make up a bank secrecy may be provided only to the Customer or its representative in force on the basis of a power of attorney certified in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Government agencies and them officials Such information may be provided solely in cases and in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.1.5. Make accounting on account all account operations, as well as the amount of metal residue on the account and issue them to the client on its request, filed by ___________________________.
2.1.6. To notify the client about the estimated enactment and / or the change in current tariffs, including the inclusion of new paid banking services in the tariffs, as well as on the time of customer service, established by the Bank's operating day, the procedure for executing settlement documents or applications.
2.2. The client undertakes:
2.2.1. When carrying out account operations to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, as well as the conditions of this Agreement.
2.2.2. IN set time Representation of all the documents necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia and the Rules established in the Bank, to carry out account operations, as well as documents, required bank To perform control functions assigned to it by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.2.3. To submit to the bank properly executed settlement documents or application for compilation by the Bank of the Settlement Documents on behalf of the Client.
2.2.4. Pay a bank commission for carrying out account operations, reimburse the Bank's expenses incurred when servicing the client under this Agreement, on the day of the operation in the sizes established by the Tariffs of the Bank acting on the date of operation.
2.2.5. Control the adequacy of the volume of metal on the account required for account operations.
2.2.6. Within 10 days after receiving an extract in the account in writing, notify the bank on an erroneously enrolled in the account of the amount of metal and return this metal to the bank.
2.2.7. In the event of a change in information to be established when opening an account (address, telephone, etc.), including the replacement of a document certifying the identity of the client, to submit to the bank before performing the account operations required documents (copies of their) confirming the change in information data.
2.2.8. Inform the Bank for all other changes that can influence the execution of this Agreement by submitting a written application to the Bank, or through the established form on the Bank's website, or by e-mail within __________________________.
2.2.9. When performing account operations to make a document certifying the personality, and other documents necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia and the Rules established in the Bank to carry out account operations.

3. Rights of the Parties

3.1. The bank has the right:
3.1.2. Suspend the commission of account operations in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.1.3. Do not accept and / or do not fulfill the settlement documents of the client or the application for compilation by the Bank of the Settlement Documents on behalf of the Client (hereinafter referred to as the Point - Documents) / to refuse the operation in the following cases:
- if the amount of metal written off from the client's account exceeds the metal residue on the account;
- if a money amount On a ruble account of the client, from which the Bank's fee is written off, charged for the operation in accordance with the tariffs currently operating in the Bank, is not sufficient to cover all the costs of the bank or the client cannot pay for this fee of cash;
- if the application and / or operation does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the application is issued in violation established rules registration of these documents, including the rules established by the Bank;
- if, in the necessary cases, the client does not provide documents and information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Treaty;
- In other cases, for reasons independent of the bank.
3.1.4. Unilaterally, without agreement with the client, the current bank's tariffs in the direction of decreasing, as well as the formats of documents submitted to the Bank of the Documents.
3.1.5. To change the tariffs towards the increase, including the Bank's new paid banking services in the Bank's tariffs, subject to the procedure for prior notice to customers.
3.1.6. Cover from the account of the client the metal, which is on the account, without its disposal:
- erroneously enrolled at the account of the client, with an attachment to the statement of a correctional order;
- by the court decision, as well as in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Responsibility for the legitimacy of the writing off of the metal without order of the client from his account bears the recoverer. The Bank does not consider essentially the client's objection against such write-off.
3.1.7. Carry out the processing of client personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the requirements Federal Law from 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "On personal data".
3.2. The client has the right:
3.2.1. Within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement, to dispose of the metal on the account both personally and through a representative, which is valid on the basis of power of attorney (certified notarized), compiled in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation:
- to acquire a metal from the Bank with enrollment on account on the bank's quotes acting at the time of the operation;
- To implement a metal bank from the bank's quotation accounts acting at the time of the operation.
3.2.2. Receive account statements in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank.
3.2.3. Distribute the contract unilaterally in case of disagreement with a change in the bank's tariffs towards increasing, as well as with the introduction of new paid services by the Bank, providing an application to the Bank to close an immense metal account no later than the day of the introduction of such changes.
Not received by the Bank in the above procedure The application for the closure of an impersonal metal account will be considered the consent of the client with the introduced changes.

4. Responsibility of Party

4.1. The party guilty of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.
4.2. The Bank is not responsible for non-fulfillment / violation of the timing of the execution of settlement documents and applications / applications for compiling the banking documents on behalf of the Client, as well as other consequences that have come due to errors made by the Client when decomering them.
4.3. The Bank is not responsible for the client for the delay in the implementation of the Client's account operations in cases where this delay occurred not by the fault of the bank.
4.4. Upon receipt of a statement from the client (his authorized person), the Bank checks the powers of persons on the right of disposal of the metal that are on the account by checking on the external signs of compliance of the client's signatures (authorized persons) according to the submitted client (authorized person) to the bank documents.
The application received by the Bank from the Client (authorized person) is considered to be a signed client (its authorized persons), and the Bank's actions on its execution are legitimate, if the simple visual lines of signatures of persons to the application allows you to establish their similarity on external signs with the client signatures (its authorized persons).
The Bank is not responsible for the consequences of the execution of settlement documents / applications issued and / or signed by unsucessive individuals of the Client in cases where the Bank could not establish the fact of issuing and / or signing the disposal of the order provided for by the banking rules and this Agreement.
4.5. The Bank is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in cases of late metal enrollment at the expense of the Client or its unreasonable write-off by the Bank from the account.
4.6. The Client is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the use of mistakenly credited to the Metal and for late payment (non-payment) of the Bank's services.
4.7. The client is responsible for the accuracy of the documents submitted, for the timeliness of the provision of information on the introduction of changes and additions to these documents necessary for opening an account under this Agreement and / or the implementation of operations on it.

5. Term of the contract

5.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by the parties and is valid for one year. In case, none of the parties on the term for 15 calendar days notified the other side of the termination of the contract, this Agreement automatically will be automatically prolonged by each subsequent calendar year.
5.2. This Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. Information about the Changes proposed by the Bank of this Agreement is brought to the attention of the client through information stands located in customer service, writing or otherwise in charge of the bank.
All changes and additions to this Agreement, except for the cases provided for by the Treaty, are made in writing, signed by the two parties and are an integral part of this Agreement.
5.3. The client has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, providing the Bank an application for the closure of an impersonal metal account.
5.4. The Bank has the right to terminate this Agreement in court in the event of a violation by the Client's requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia and the terms of this Agreement.
5.5. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, the Bank returns the client to the Customer's balance on the client, by transferring a metal equivalent in Russian rubles on the Bank's purchase quotation at the time of the operation on the ruble account specified by the Client or in cash in Russian rubles.
5.6. All applications to this Agreement are an integral part.

6. Other conditions

6.1. All disputes under this Agreement or in connection with him are permitted by the parties through negotiations.
If the parties will not come to a mutually acceptable decision in the negotiation process, disputes are permitted in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
This item should not be interpreted as the establishment by the Parties of the Claimed Procedure for the Resolution of Disputes under this Agreement.
6.2. This Agreement is drawn up on _____ (_________) Sheets in 2 copies - one for each side. Both copies are equally legal.
6.3. To the contract attached:
- Bank tariffs for opening, maintenance and maintenance of an impersonal metal account, operating at the time of signing this Agreement;
- form of an application for the opening of an impersonal metal account.

7. Addresses and details of the parties

Bank: Client:

(name credit organization) (name of the legal entity)
Legal/ mailing address: ________ Legal / Postal Address: _________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
INN / KPP ____________________________ INN / CAT _____________________________
OGRN _______________________________ ogrn ________________________________
Phone: __________ Fax: __________ Phone: __________ Fax: ___________

Bank details: ______________ Bank details: _______________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
(Option: (Option:
____________________________________ _____________________________________
(Full name) (Full name)
Address: _____________________________ Address: ______________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Passport details: _________________ Passport details: __________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Phone: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Email Address: ___________ Email Address: ____________
Account ______________________________) account _______________________________)


Bank: Client:

_______________/______________ _______________/______________
(Full name) (signature) (Full name) (signature)

(M.P.) (M.P.)

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