
Taxes 22 personal account registration. What opportunities does the personal account of a legal entity provide

Each chief accountant can now open Personal Area company on the website (nalog.ru). Now the service has become available in absolutely all regions of Russia. The capabilities of a personal account are certainly useful for any company. After all, with the help of this service, you can quickly solve a number of small tasks, which usually take a lot of valuable accounting time. Let's say getting help with a budget. You no longer have to personally go to the inspection or send a courier there. The document can be requested in your personal account. You will find a list of the main features of the new service in the diagram below. Next, we will tell you what you need to do to start using your personal account.

What opportunities does the personal account of a legal entity provide

Decide with an electronic signature

Connect to the service "Personal legal entity"Can be found on the website (nalog.ru) in the section" Electronic services "(see below; highlighted by the number 1).

To do this, you will need to buy it from any of the special operators. Their list is available on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation minsvyaz.ru in the section "IT"> "Electronic signature".

The special operator will issue a qualified check (KSKPEP). You need it on your computer. Together with the certificate, you will receive an electronic signature medium - a USB flash drive (e-token), a floppy disk. It will need to be connected to the computer every time you enter your personal account.

If you have a qualified electronic signature for tax and accounting statements, then you can use it. Then it is not necessary to buy a separate signature to work in your personal account. This is directly stated in the user manual for the service provided on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Check if the computer is suitable

Next, you need to configure your computer. After going to the section of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia "Personal account of a legal entity" (lk3.nalog.ru) click on the button "Read the conditions and check their implementation." All of these conditions are listed in order. So, the operating system on the computer must be Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or higher. And the browser is Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher. You will need to download additional programs, links to which are given here in the list.

To find out if all the system requirements are met, run an automatic scan of your computer. First, connect the media with the electronic signature to your computer, then click on the "Start verification" button in the appropriate section. And then the system itself will detect which conditions for connection are met and which are not (see below; highlighted by number 2). If the check is successful, then you can proceed to registration.

Register in the system

The first time to get into the "Personal account of a legal entity" is possible only with the help of an electronic signature key, which was issued to the company. That is, an employee entitled to act without a power of attorney. He must go through a simple registration with the service. On the registration page, enter the OGRN, sign the Agreement on the opening of access with an electronic signature, enter the email address and the code from the picture.

Activate your personal account

A link to activate your personal account will be sent to the email address that was specified during registration within three days. Just follow it.

Now any company that has an electronic signature will be able to work in the system. For example, the chief accountant. The number of such users is not limited. Thus, he can include other employees in the list of users of his personal account. Also, the manager has the right to establish access rights for each of them: full or limited. All this can be done in the "Administration" service (see below; highlighted by number 3).

In the same service, you need to enter information about other separate divisions, if any. This can be done only with the electronic signature of the head of the company.

Then it will be possible to work as in the mode a separate subdivision, and in the mode of the company as a whole. To do this, you must enter the PPC of the company or separate subdivision at the top of the page. In fact, it is an information filter. If the checkpoint is not specified, then the information will be displayed for the organization as a whole.

The main menu consists of tabs: "Information about the taxpayer", "Information about settlements with the budget", "Preparing and sending applications", "Request for documents".

Also on home page you can see information about the number of sent applications, a list of events and information about the main indicators (see below; highlighted by numbers 4, 5, 6). Such as arrears, overpayments and outstanding payments.

At the moment, Russian taxpayers have the opportunity to exercise their rights and obligations through a personal account (LC) of the FTS (Federal Tax Service). The use of a personal account or account is carried out for the purpose of sending data and documents to the Federal Tax Service, as well as receiving them from the tax authority.

Receipt will be possible only after sending to the Federal Tax Service notifications about the use of your personal account.

If you already have registration on the FTS website, you can enter the taxpayer's personal account individuals by direct link:

The FTS system provides for two other options for entering your personal account:

Registration of a personal account of the Federal Tax Service for individuals

Registration on the web resource of the tax service lasts a few minutes (to fully use all the capabilities of your personal account, you will have to visit the tax service to verify your identity).

To connect online opportunities, go to the registration page for a new user of the official website of the Federal Tax Service and fill out the form.

Other options for gaining access to the taxpayer's personal account

There are two ways to get access to your account on the nalog.ru portal:

1. By means of a universal electronic card... The issuance of electronic signatures is carried out by the Certification Center, which was accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Russian Federation... The resulting signature can be written to a flash or smart card, hard drive, Universal electronic card.

2. By means of the login and password specified in the registration card... Having visited the branch of the Federal Tax Service, there is an opportunity to get this card. It can be issued in any inspectorate operating on the territory of the state, both in its own city and in a neighboring one.

Registration card in tax authority at the place of residence is issued only with a passport. The use of other identity documents is allowed. Their list should be clarified with the Federal Tax Service. It is possible to get this card in any other inspection of the country by providing not only a passport, but also a TIN certificate. Moreover, it is necessary to have both the original and a copy of the certificate of the Identification Number.

Opportunities of the personal account (LC) of the taxpayer

1. Monitor settlements with the budget:

  • for land, car, house or apartment tax. Having opened the office, you can see the current information about the taxation objects on the balance sheet, as well as about the amounts accrued, fines and penalties. Thanks to this information, in a short time you can identify inaccuracies and report it to the Federal Tax Service;

  • on personal income tax. Perhaps what the last year the employees of the Federal Tax Service did not withhold the calculated amounts of personal income tax from the income of an individual. Information about this must be transmitted by March 1, following the reporting tax period to the Federal Tax Service. The presence of a personal account makes it possible to see whether an individual has a personal income tax debt. The amount of this debt and penalties for late payment are also indicated.

2. Use the program to fill out the 3-NDFL declaration

Each owner of the office has the opportunity to receive a 3-NDFL declaration by downloading it into the computer memory. It is also proposed to fill it out directly on the computer and certify it using an electronic card. The signed documents can be immediately sent to the Federal Tax Service.

3. Status control office check tax returns 3-NDFL

If the 3-NDFL tax has been overpaid, you can contact the Federal Tax Service for a recalculation.

4. Contacting the tax authorities without visiting the Federal Tax Service

Each appeal to the tax authority is located in the "Taxpayer documents" menu. This place also stores the answers sent by the Federal Tax Service.

5. Formation of payment documents and payment of taxes

Personal account is synchronized with electronic service"Pay your taxes." Thanks to him, as well as the service "Payment of taxes for individuals", it is possible:

  • create documents for the payment of various taxes in advance. That is, until the moment when an envelope with a receipt for the payment of taxes is sent;
  • create documents for payment of personal income tax, as well as other documents for payment of the fine, if the tax return was submitted out of time;
  • print receipts for payment at the nearest branch of the bank. It is also possible to pay taxes online;
  • formation of documents for the payment of debts to the Federal Tax Service.

Login to the personal account (FTS) of a taxpayer - a legal entity

The personal account system also provides all the necessary tools for legal entities, through which the organization exchanges documents with the Federal Tax Service, sending them via the Internet. In addition, it keeps track of tax calculations.

How to register in a personal account for legal entities

Login to the FTS personal account for legal entities is possible if:

  • acquire a qualified electronic signature (EDS);
  • register on the FTS website;
  • sign an EDS Agreement on the creation of a personal account.

For more details about all the details and technical issues, visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

With access to your personal account, you can send to the tax service:

  • application for the refund of the amount that was paid in excess of the required amount of tax;
  • certificates on the status of settlements with the budget;
  • requests for the issuance of a reconciliation report;
  • certificates of absence of debts to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;
  • messages about the beginning of work or liquidation of separate subdivisions.

The IFTS, in turn, can send various documents directly to your personal account. Also submit requests for payment tax debt.

Documents sent to your personal account have the same legal force as well as paper documents.

If the company has received a claim for payment of tax arrears, then it must be executed within the deadlines strictly established by law.

The date of receipt of the document in the personal account is the day after the day when it was sent to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate.

Each organization has the right to decide for itself about the need for a personal account. Its presence is optional.

Internet technologies are getting better every day. Moreover, these technologies make the life of an ordinary person more and more pleasant. Taxpayer's office is a popular service today. It is used by many people who have truly appreciated its capabilities. It is worth saying that many people do not know how to open a taxpayer's personal account for individuals. And therefore, in this article, we decided to talk about how to do it correctly.

How to register in the taxpayer's personal account - detailed instructions for legal entities and individuals

To create a personal taxpayer account for individuals in the fnc, you need to use our instructions. It will definitely come in handy during this process. But before offering you actionable advice, pay attention to the following information. So, thanks to the rapid development of the latest Internet technologies, all kinds of services began to be created that help to significantly facilitate the access of Russians to public services. A taxpayer's personal account is a special online service of the Federal Tax Service, which was specially created for direct and quick interaction of legal entities and individuals with tax inspectorates in all cities and regions of Russia. The process of registration in your personal account itself is carried out in two main ways:

  1. With the help of a special registration card. In order to obtain it, a citizen should contact the tax office at his place of residence, presenting following documents: personal passport, and a certificate of tax registration of an individual (TIN). If this citizen cannot personally visit the tax authority, then his authorized representative can teach this document, for which a power of attorney certified by a notary must be drawn up. The registration card must contain a password and login. They are required to be entered in a special form posted on the registration page at the following Internet address -: //lk2.service.nalog.ru/lk/.
  2. With the help of a special Internet portal of government services. To do this, you will need to open the corresponding authorization page in the system, which is located at the following link - https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/idp/rlogin?cc=bp. Access to the personal account will become possible only if a person has made a request to get the details for entering the service from the operator Unified system identification earlier, under a personal account.
  3. By using a special electronic digital signature, or an electronic universal card. To get this signature, you need to visit any certification center that has passed the accreditation of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. After contacting this institution, the citizen will become the owner of a special physical medium on which an electronic file will be recorded, designed to encrypt information that is transmitted through telecommunication channels. The service for creating an electronic signature is paid. Electronic universal card Is a material medium that contains information about a citizen: the number of his policy, Snils, OMS, etc. This card also contains a digital electronic signature, which the citizen received at the Certification Center. These cards are issued completely free of charge.

Pay attention to the article on the site:
Probably, it became clear to you how to register in the personal account of the tax inspectorate. Be sure to remember all of the above methods. They can help you register.

The registration process in the personal account of the taxpayer for the legal entity persons

As you can see, it is quite simple to create a personal taxpayer account for individuals via the Internet. In this case, you will need to perform a minimum of actions. But legal entities are also registered in the taxpayer's office. Therefore, it is important to mention that this registration procedure for legal entities in a personal account is more complicated, in contrast to the registration procedure for individuals. To be able to use all the services of a personal account, legal entities will need to perform the following actions:

Execute all technical requirements... Their main list should include: operating system Windows XP SP3, or Mac OS X 10.9; a crypto provider that supports a special encryption algorithm (according to GOST 34.10-2001 and GOST 28147-89), special software that can work with an electronic digital signature (for example, software- Crypto-PRO), special additional utilities necessary for working with electronic signature keys - Yandex Direct, eToken.

In addition to all of the above, you will need to install the key certificates that are needed to verify the electronic signature.

Registration process.

As a rule, registration is carried out as follows:

  • The OGRN of a legal entity is being entered.
  • The agreement is signed for the ability to open access to your personal account using an electronic signature.
  • An email address is being entered.
  • The activation of the personal account is carried out using the one sent to email the corresponding link.

If the registration is carried out by a citizen who has the appropriate power of attorney to perform this procedure on behalf of the organization, he will need to download the information only once - then, the user will be authorized automatically.


We hope that you were able to find out how to register in your taxpayer's personal account. In conclusion of the article, it should be said that the taxpayer's personal account is a service provided by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation to both individuals and legal entities, in order to simplify the process of obtaining the necessary information about the presence of debts to banking organizations and other credit companies, as well as for the creation and filing of applications for the provision of all kinds of services using telecommunication channels. In order to exercise the right of access to this information, you will need to register on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider the procedure for connecting a taxpayer's personal account, what documents must be filled out to connect, the terms of connection and the possibilities that the taxpayer's personal account gives.

- download programs for filling;

- to track the status of a desk audit of tax declarations in the form of 3-NDFL;

- to monitor the state of settlements with the budget;

- receive up-to-date information about objects of property and vehicles, on the amounts accrued and paid, on the presence of overpayments, on tax arrears to the budget;

- get advice from tax authorities without a personal visit to the tax office.

The procedure for connecting a personal account

The most optimal and fastest option.

1. We go to the website of the tax inspection https://lk2.service.nalog.ru/lk/

2. We fill out an online application (https://lk2.service.nalog.ru/lk/lkn-reg.pdf) for connecting a personal account. Fields with an asterisk are required.

After filling out the application, click on apply.

A window will appear Your application has been successfully registered... Push print the statement.

We sign the application, set the current date. The head of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service does not need to fill out.

If it is not possible to print the application, then it can be filled out at the tax office.

3. Select the nearest tax office. The list and addresses can be found on the website of the tax inspectorate (https://nalog.ru/rn77/apply_fts/#t1).

If you apply to the tax office at the place of registration, then you only need an identity document, for example, a passport.

When contacting other inspectorates, you must have an identity document and an original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual.

4. Based on your application, the tax office will generate a registration card on two sheets. Marvelous! The process of forming and issuing a registration card took about 5 minutes.

5. The registration card contains identification data for entering the Service at https://lk2.service.nalog.ru/lk/

- username;

- the primary user password, which must be changed at the first login.

6. Account is activated the next day after receiving the registration card.

This completes the connection to the taxpayer's personal account. Now you can imagine.

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To facilitate control over the state of payments for tax liabilities the official portal of the tax inspectorate was created. In the FTS, the taxpayer's personal account for individuals and legal entities contains many useful functions that allow you to save time on visiting the offices of the organization.

The main page of the service with a description of all the possibilities

The service is a portal that contains complete information about the taxpayer... The top menu includes sections:

  • Start page. Contains general information about sections of your personal account;
  • Objects of taxation. Information about all objects, their features, as well as the presence of tax incentives from the taxpayer. At the first entry, you must confirm the correctness of the existing data or correct them;
  • Accruals and payments. Information is generated for the current year;
  • Debt / overpayment;
  • Column for delivery tax return 3-NDFL, viewing information about the received certificates 2-NDFL, as well as viewing the amounts of taxes transferred by the employer in Pension Fund and the social insurance fund;
  • Electronic document flow of the payer. Here you can also apply in writing to the tax authorities on emerging issues. You can choose a typical appeal on the most frequently asked questions, apply in a free form, or leave a complaint about the work of the tax authorities.

V last section at the very bottom there is a button for making an appointment with the tax authorities for a specific time and date, which significantly reduces the time for resolving various issues.

Opposite the logo of the tax office is located personal information taxpayer:

  • TIN number;
  • Date of the last visit to your personal account;
  • Information about the tax authority that controls payments;
  • Typical questions;
  • Feedback;
  • History of actions;
  • Link to exit.

The service provides users with the following features:

  • Viewing the accrued taxes;
  • Adding and removing objects of taxation;
  • Payment of existing debts;
  • Viewing the accrued penalties;
  • Downloading and printing receipts for subsequent payment in banks;
  • Fill in the 3-NDFL declaration and send it to the tax office remotely;
  • Resolve controversial issues through feedback without a personal visit to the tax office.

Feedback allows you to contact the tax office on controversial issues of calculating taxes, adding or removing objects of taxation or payments made that for some reason were not displayed in your personal account (remember that payments are displayed within ten working days). In this case, you can attach scans of documents to confirm the information provided.

Registration of a personal account for individuals

Registration is carried out directly at the offices of the tax inspectorate during a personal visit... To obtain a username and password, you will need a passport. In some cases, the taxpayer's TIN is requested. The data is provided on the registration card, which consists of the following information:

  • Title of the document;
  • Registration date;
  • Tax authority code;
  • Full name of the user;
  • Login and password;
  • Additional information for the taxpayer.

The last item contains the website address for entering your personal account, the period for activating identification data (within one hour), a reminder of the need to change the primary password within one month from the date of opening your personal account, the procedure for losing your password. This item informs about a three-day period for the formation of a personal account.

How to enter your personal account

The taxpayer's personal account can be accessed from a personal desktop device

To enter the taxpayer's personal account, you can use one of three ways:

  • Use the data obtained from the tax office during registration. You can get them at any inspection, regardless of the place of registration by registration, from the age of 14. If the password has not been changed within the first month after receipt, or has been lost, you should contact the FTS department for new data;
  • Enter the password and login from your personal account on the "Gosuslugi" website. This method is available to registered users of the ESIA system who have passed identification;
  • Login using digital signature... The electronic signature key can be located on a hard disk, removable media, or smart key. This requires the availability of special software CryptoPRO CSP.

When using the latter option, the user can send completed declarations to tax deductions or reports on value added tax remotely, signing documents with an electronic key.

Debt check

To view all existing debts, you should go to the fifth from the left tab "Overpayment / Debts". When clicking on it, the user enters the window, which indicates:

  • Type of tax (transport, land, property, income);
  • The amount of charges (tax and penalties are separately allocated);
  • Date of formation (the next working day of the Federal Tax Service);
  • Name of the Federal Tax Service.

At the top of the menu, you can set a filter by:

  • Regions;
  • Types of taxes;
  • Arrears or overpayments.

Above the filter is the documentation for paying taxes: claims for payment, judicial acts on collection, certificates on the status of settlements with tax office... The latter are formed only in the presence of an electronic signature key.

Requirements and judicial acts can be viewed and printed for further payment, or calculations can be made using the personal account service directly. In the latter case, payment is made through partner banks of the Federal Tax Service, the user chooses from a list of more than 30 items.

The taxpayer's personal account on the FTS portal provides users with the opportunity to constantly monitor the state of settlements with the budget. At the same time, all emerging issues can be resolved without leaving home, by using feedback. The employee's response comes within a certain period (maximum one month) to his personal account on the FTS website, by e-mail or by regular letter. The user chooses the method of receiving the answer independently when filling out the appeal.

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